THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, .APRIL IS, 1916. 2 Start Tomorrow and Keep It Up Every Morning Oft In tht habit of drinking a glat of hot water befort brcakfeit. We're tint hera long, o let' make our lay agreeable. Let u live well, eat ell, dlk-nt well, work well, aleep well, end look wall. What a glnrloue condition to attain, and yet, how very eaay It I if one will only adopt tha morning inalil bath. I'olka who are aeeuetnmail to f'-'l dull and heavy when they arlae, apllttliiii lieadach. atuffy from a cold, foul tonine, Mftnty lireath, aHd tomarh, tan, Inetaad, feel aa freah a a daley by opening the eluli-et of the ayetem each morning and flushing out tha whole of tha Internal poiajnoi tatinant matter. Kveryone. whellier ailing-, alck or well, ehould, each morning, before breakfaat, 'irlnk a glaae of reel hot water with a 1a.apoonful of llmeaton pho'l'hata In It waah from the atomach, liver and bowel the Prevloua day'a Indltceetllile ate, amir bile and polabnoue tonlna; tin, tlanliiK, aweelenlng and purifying the entire alimentary cantil befora putting more food Into the atnmaih. The action lit hot waler and llrneaton plirwphal on ti empty alomarti la wonderfully In vlgoratlng. It clean out all tha aour fermentation, gear, weate and acidity and lve one a eplnndld appetite tor breakfeat. M'hlla you ara enjoying your break faal tha water and ptioephata la lulctly eatra'ting a lnra volume of wafer from tha blood and gelling ready for a thorough fluehltig of all the Indite ur tana. The million of paopla who ara bothered with conatlpetlon, bllloua apella, atomafh trouble; other who have aallow aklna, blood dleordera and akkly emplelona are lirg d to get a quarter pound of lime el one phoaphate from tha -drug atoro. Thie will coat very little, but la uMclent to make anyone a pronounced crank on the iwbject of Inelde bathing bifora break feat. AdverlleemenL HOW IT HTAMwTAT HOMKi On April 1, TltJS Mll'WBHT UFB bad In forre i pollclea on tha Uvea of l.lnrnlrt people, agicregatlng ll,71,7W of Inauranre. All thla baa been written lure May, and repreaerita a net In ffreeea of nearly tl30,i00 a year after de luding all poll' If a terminated for any laiiee death, aurrender or lapae, Tha total Ineuranre In force on April lat waa I7.M,4M. One pollry out of every aeven waa held by a rltl-n of Lincoln, Thara are few companlea, If any, doing huelneea In thla atate which ran ahow auelt atrong aupport from Ita home city. Tha premium on pollclea laeiied by TUB MIUWKHT lAFK are low. The polMce aro fair In their termt. Some provide for ihe payment of double the fare amount of the policy In eea of c ridenlal death, for other Itifurmatlon, all or wilt TiieMidwestLife N. Z. HNKI.1, PBBSIDKMT A MURASXA STOCK COMFAMY lEums ao.rAncirT!o tin muma otii FIRST MT10MAI UHt lUILDIWO, UNCOW. OMAHA AalNCV CITY NATIONAL. BANK UIL.OIN flRiiat actum citiei eaaegg4 l a.ri"t aro i.j, naicif t iim B ELL-ASMS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Let The Milwaukee' Serve You To Chicago ir .,vw rzm nr" r Rcwiny bertha the famed "longer, higher, wider" kind. comlt stable loung ing chain and other ap pointment a, immaculate cleanliness throughout, delicious meals, ctnirteoua company employed at tendant ancf company, owned iteel emiipmetit, dHiMe track and electric block aignali, these tharacterue the trrvke brtween Omaha and Chicago oi the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. fWN4 4 cl) l M.nttiiwa TH aal tUtl, a i Ulf ttivAm l . Ohm lwgggggfjgaMMgggfcjggfMgaw r I MM M tliUKI GEORGE A. ECKLES Will hio bccauie ha Hi not in tntmy in Ihe world o pan ih tier filfnd to reward -In r BOSTON LECTURER AT SCIENTIST CHURCH John W. Doorly, from the Mother Church, Telli of the Ktmgt of Christian Science. IS ON BOARD OF LECTUEESHIP "The keynote of f.'hrlatlan 8'lence teaching ia Ita demonatrabla eaplanatlona about Ood, alnce all that can ever U ai'compllehed for tha good of mankind muet ta aa a r-eeult of knowing tha one Infinite Ood, good," aaaerted John W. Ioorly, a member of tha board of lec tureehlp of tha mother church, Klrat t'hurc. of f.'hrlat. Hrlenllat. lloeton, In a leetura at tha Klraf Church of Chrtet, Hcientlat, In Omaha, on tha au,ect, "The I'rayer of t'nderatandlng tha Meaeage of (.'hrtallan llclenne," "An Important revelation of Chrtatlan H' lenr.a," Mr. Doorly ontlnue4, "la that Ood la Mind, or, aa Jeaua declared, Hplrtt, and when an inquirer beglna to perceive thla vital fart even In tha allfhteet de gree, ha at that moment beglna to under tnd aomewhat of fhrtatiajj Heienca. Ood ang Mlaa. ' Co m liitelllg;tit, lod muet be Mind, for If he Vitrx not Mind he would be non-lntelilKent or mlndleee, and alnc.e there la but one Orel, there can be In reality but ona Mind, "Aa (here )a but oi,e Ood or .:aiim, thla (ante muet neieeearlly le omtilpreaence, that la all preaence; omnlpoteni, that la all power; and omnlacence, that la all ulU)'a or true knowledge, for If the ona and only cauea wrre not ointilprea enca, omnipotence, an'l omnlaclence. Fa there would be a time when being would fce without preeenee, power or know edge, and would be non-exiateiit. . "Thua f.'hrlatlan Hclenca declarea that Ood, or cauae, la omnlpreaenoe, nmnlpo tenca, and omnlaclence, and la aleo Infln He Mind: hence we arrive at tha ron clualon that Infinite Mind la omnlprea ance, omnipotence, and omnlaclence. I tint Mind that which thlnka, or aipreaaea ll (ml f 7 And aa there la but ona Mind, all true thought muet be tha anpreaalon or creation of thla Mind; and what la equally vital la tha fact that all true thought lnut eipretg the quality or eaaence of thla Mind, ao all true thought muet ex preaa preeenee, power and, eclrnca and muet anpreea It Infinitely. Hence, right thinking, or godlike thinking, la al waya with preaence, power gnd aclence, or knowledge, ia4 tha (realnr, "Having underatood Oo4 tha creator aright, wa ara naturally In a poeltlon to declare what Hie creation muet ncea earlly be, for alnca Ood ia Infinite cauae there can be no other creator and all cieatlon moat be the effect or eaprea alon of thla ona and only I auae, "Chrlatian Kdenre, In aplta of Ihe evl of material acnae, accept a unra aervedly tha fa t that Ood'e creation la In reality wholly good, la now and for aver haa been mental or apiritual, and alwaya expreaeea the preeene, power and knlwledga of Ita creator." STORY OF FINDING OF BODY OF VILLA IS NOT CONFIRMED (Continued from Taga One.) rM oirf"auppIleaaiii a TcwnRiTraea. '.Vo caauaitlca were reported. Uanta Barbara, a town of about lA.Ono, la aome fifteen tnllea from J'arral. (lev oral large American mining propertlee are located there, but today'a Information doea not Indicate theaa have aufterrd In any way, M Iree aileat Farlr In Day. Oabrlrl Oavlra, ennunander of the Jim rea garrleon, awaited Information from official eoiircea that would dlepel any utieatlon of doubt over the reporta of tha finding of the bandlt'a body, but the Mexican telegraph lliwa were ellent throughout tha early houra of the day. Not a meaeage regarding Villa waa re ceived at tha Juarex headquartera dur ing the night. "I atlll feel reaaonthly certain that the meeeagra received Hundity over the Mexl can Und linea that Vllla'a body had been found la correct," aald Andreaa Oarrla, Mexican conaul, here today. I ehall make every effort to have the body brought to Juai-ea, where acorea of Amer icana who knew him may make an Iden tification that wilt be completely aatla faitory to the American people. We ehould have aomo' official Information iilmut the villa reporta today." Meaiean nianelphee ( nnfllrt. te facto government officiate were not able to give any Information regarding an unofficial dlnpntch from Mexico City elating that Minlater of War Obregon had announced that Vllla'a body waa burled at Kin Freneleeo Borla and waa not enmute to rblliuahua City. It waa believed here lhat there waa Home error In the cable and telegraphic tranemleelon of the Mexico I'M r dlepatch. fnnnul Oarcla'a infurmetion waa that the body nf Villa had been exhumed at "an Fran rinni porla and wat being hrn unlit Into Ciiathiilrachlc, whence It waa to he aent on a aiwelal train to t'hlhuahua City. Official word from Wawhlngton lhat the t'nlted filatea triMipa would be Im mediately withdrawn frnm Mexico If Villa la dead will undmiMe.tty reaull III tip rilling ihe efforta of the de facto invemmew! In awertaln the verity of Ihe twrta of Ihe locating of Villa a and to make a full an. Mtlefylng htrnllfltwtlnn. If the auppoard txxly i.f ihe bandit la attil Interred at Han r'ran. t a K'tle, aa eall In laleet Mriha rny ad te. It l! daely be many ilax lfi.f an Mni ifuaun ran be male, tinleaa ihe Mexican gnvemntent .u aa final 0e I lnnfl. Uc ntte lr t at iah dfttceea ! In Ihe t. lull y uf Ma I iti ik Hr. whb ii K ihiriy milea f Itail e-with ef lal I hmtlfl. aiiuai ef Ihe h-vlv at tia lime la a' llteot ta yen ba'fliitg A .t ig la the tiwra M V " t it He ef B. ati-l I I ( - i ei. bih.ea May be a la ! i' an j.euie prmt ih li e lal i'.i Mitkaa nftttia-a bie mi I Itvml lle t'Blll alalia gut amines i I . ! i'.i ll a ! ! the I b nun. a IIh If H4 la fcf ar-nMbi WfH, tm t)4 lM in a"! l i. a vttu Letcher Didn't Hear of New Villa Story ti. iAh, t .. ! ii I - ia tu (.. lt il k I toiltv lk( II l el J Ka i an ' A e..,l I t, Utt el l Hi m-a M l-l t-a S ( tkU at (l ,iiir be 1 ! I 1. . DUrUtll !. at ' !! !! v I nl Ik I ...a Four Reminders, and dont foict the A t: tenl rgal Feputlicans to aPt, a. j V Chicago -iJaJdnQurney, Cuwie, niJpafncK, MUre. 3. Swat jiit FceGrallcr.- 3e sure to voie Fop Harry' G.CounJman 4, ?emewl)cr (Jeo.L.Campen on NEW MEXICAN YIEW OF PARRAL AFFAIR Eeport to Camnza Bays American Colonel Admitted Blame for Fighting- in City, HARMONY AGAIN KESTOEED MEXICO CITY, April 16. The war o'flce received a diapatcb tonight In which further detaila'ara given of the Parral affair. It waa awerttd aa American officer admittel hl culpability for entering the town. The dlepatch alao aaya American Icoopa ha coaaed their movement r uthward until ancb time aa the negotlatlona between the United Haifa and Mexican goverumeou are t. rmlnatcd, The full text of the dlepatch fol li.wa; -' ' ' "Cenerala lamael totAno, accompanied by Oenerala (iarela and Hemandea, put an end to tha trouble at Parrel and per auaded tha American troopa to retlro to lha ontaklrta of that city, where they were followed by tha hoetlle populaca At thla point tho American colonel In charge of tha llret rrglinent aaked for a conference, which waa held at tha vhV Inga of Hanta frux Vlllegaa between the Amorican colonel and the municipal prea Ident The American army officer ad mitted ha had entered the city without pcrmlaalnn, but claimed ho had aent an orderly from tha town of Zeragoaa, re qileetlng permlaalon to enter, and that, receiving no anewer and the orderly not returning, he went to Inveatlgate. "Tha American officer eapreaeed re gret at what had happened and the American troopa and the conatltutlonal lata are working In complete harmony. "Ths Americana will not move further eouth until the reeiilt of tha Interchange of notea between Mexico and M'aehlngton beeomea known." Turn old furniture, household gooda end Clothing Into caeh with a Hea Want Ad- Tho National Capital. Mneday, April IT. into. The neaale. Met at nom. Ju1U'ary committee failed to reaeh any mndualon on nomination nf l.outa l. lratiilila ihe auiiremv oilrt. Henalor New land eulmille, the d mltrtairallnn plan for continuing api'ru pileiion aa an aiiicinlnn nt i i imn and harbor bill, (irhala reauuieil on the annv bll;, AarnMillural cmiinilttee dei idnl to aak Ihe federal Trail" i-omntlaeloii In auper v. e dieintiiill'in f aal held In Vucaian. Ileceeeetl at t 30 P in. to noou TueUy, The Meaae. Mel al noon, lUeixwd by uitanluinU mnaent ral'ii-d'-r liiilnea l'aed a m nate bMI Increaalng Ihe num. her of cedeie at Weal point academy, after trlKIng onl a prmlvlxn whh h wonl tiava tnrrewanl tiie pi rMiU'tita arillillv a "irr ..... ...... I mi unaticeeaanii rrroria mane nvi naie man l ailaelt. i f naval i nm.lii, in '.) re amen cn ine bill to empoaee naval and it ik i In,' off'wia lo aie under Ihe IUMi.m a.iv rmim nl In train the tUm.ii i onaiatiiiiary Miilil Ha have Ue heU,Hl . I rrJ rriijje Miia A ii.,.inif t at 6 i p in in II a m ; 1 ie ia j PROVEN SWAMP-ROOT : AIDS WEAK KIDNEYS t 1 l tit kidi.o i l ail i. r u.'.,t-iie are tt-n i, tttitvina ai- t Uate Ida iit la a i ,1 u ..i I lla Tn fciiiii e l iffr inml, aa air,,.ii n. ii . l.m i , i i f lain a i4 i.it4i tii'iii ai,'ii h l al la nf ( . . t at liieaa di.. i iKali fia a t ilii i' ) 4' . n.i .'! 1 f hilmut aa i I ' H i a ! i ki I l'laii4) l kulitei. I I lii ll I ivtll , 't. l'l t..('al i.wl..l. a at, I a baanna '!.-( vi, i-. k.d' a au a Va iltiiHtl im- ui ' y ii'tbat hi I' Wi 11 A ii l I v.i... i. iii . a n h'lji k la 4 v l'lur -t a ut , y Mini) 4- ". '-! ia(Mhl l " ieatet, II w ' I i" i rl ivtki.a'l.ia a '.t l'ii .tiiU M l;f iKiw A . p..t iMl-n, V lf tt'' I W im '! 1 ; meaium T Oawak I'ai'i IV a . M-ft i ll.- W 1 AMERICAN NOTE TO GERMANY IS POSITIVE IN TONE (t'oiitliiued from Page On.) Plata department of flclala dwiaredtha ambaaaador had not yet aubmltted a re port of converaationa ha waa reported In preaa dlepatchea luat week to have had with official of the foreign office. Comment nl l.endoa Preaa, !j.VIOV, Apfll 17,-Th relation be tween tha United Ktatea and Germany for tha flrat time In aeveral month, again occupy a leading place In the day'a new here, Th newepapera thla morning puhlleh prominently lha latent lldlnga from Waahlngton regarding the probability of a new note t Oermany amounUng virtually to an ultimatum. Heveral of th newapapere declare that the end of the patience of the t'nlted Hatre haa at laat been rea hed and that a rupture of diplomatic relation la vir tually certain. A column la devoted In moat of Ihe newapapere to reproducing "an addree to th people of the allied natlona," juat received from New York. It beara the algnaturea of, V) Americana, Including College profeaeor, public men and other notaMea. SIX CLEVELAND FIREMEN ARE OVERCOME BY SMOKE CMr.VKf.AND, O., April !7."ll firemll were overcome by amok and Itno.ooO dam age waa cauaed to a acore of email firm a by a flra In the Wllahlra building on Weet "upcrlor atreet here today. DEATH RECORD Mra. Charlea Fas. Mr. C'harle Fox, for torty yeara a realdent of Omaha, died Hnnday at a local hoepltal at the age of 71 year. Hha lived at 1304 Korth Twenty-fourth atreet and la aurvlved by two nlecea. low ta f are ( old. Avoid expiieur and draft. Eat right. Take Dr. Klng'a New Wacovery. It kllla and dealroya the cold germa. All dnig K lute, Advertisement, lleparlmewt Ordera, WAKIITNOTOV, April 17.-Hp(Clat Tele (rim I -Nebraska nenalona arantil: Ki neel Hcchof, Thedfurd, h; lntay J, Hean, Lincoln, $1J, Mr urta Orlean Ttrooka. appointed roetmealer, Wewela, Trllp county, Mouth leknia, vice M. M. Kenaaton, realfned. The eccrclary of the irneaury awurwl the elie for the public building t.i lm erected at rli field, la., located at the eiiuthweaiern corner of llrnadaay and He.-und atreet Owner aro II, C, Hniltli and rharlea IV t.laaett. Kural letter camera appointed: Inwa Hoone, Henry Krlndlcy; I'nrilova, Jamea U, .Mr'lraw; Panhury. Janiea . lrrl, nan; lrond, Harry IV. I'offln, Uravltv, Oar M liuehner; Itnnwlek, Fred W Walkner; ltllKeay, iirvllle Allen. h-mlll liakola- IVntlec, Harry M llacen: Orul.m Ouv O, lilngliam, Web. ater, i:inr s Ikkieaim, lol.inrtb AIIVKnTlalMU, A Vote for G URLEY Is a Vote for HUGHES Delegate National Convention MCOND 0 WILLIAM F, (iUKLHV President Makes Welcome Address to D, A. R. Congress WAHHINOTON, I). C, April 17Dee gatea from throughout the country at tended tha opening aealon hera today of tha twenty-fifth continental congreaa of tha Uaughtera of tha American Itavolu tlon, Addreaae of welcome by Preatdent W1' on nd Mr. William Cummlng Btory of New York, prealdent general, were th outatandlng evenla nn today' program, Other apeakera Included John Haya Hammond. Newell fl. Woodworth, preal dent general Of the National Society of etona of the American Revolution, and W. . Adama, preeldent of the New Jeraey Society of IMona of the American Revolution, ' . There will be a diafMiaalon f tialional preparadnea Wedneaday . . vtiln by Hudaon Maxim and other noted authnrl tle. Tli "aplrit of patrlotlum," Imper anna ted by Mia Katharine Ijrlenton, will aak queatlon on preperednea and mo tion picture on "America I'nprepared" will be preaetited, Ten vie prealdent generala and one honorary vie prealdent general ax to be elected tomorrow. Tli delegate will attend a reception by Prealdent and Mr. Wllnon Thura dty afternoon at th Whit Ifoua. I.eefle tVeelera (iraln. rjCDAK HA no, la April 17.. W, Wilder of thla city w ele fed prealdent of th Weaiern Oraln Oealora' aaaoola tlon at the aeaelon today. Oivirga A, Well of Ilea Molnee wa retained aa aecr e l ar y-t re aa ii rr, HATMANN Wardfobe Tfunki 820. 823.25. 827.00 With all th pat--nted feature poeltlvely the beet wardrobe trunk oi a1. May We ahow Toat FRELING & STEINLE, "Omaha' Beat aagratr Builder." mm vnsy wt. ATTENTION! Special Sale on Spectacles and Eye-Glasses For This Week Only Wti nlll examine) ynur cyca aviiil fit you in Kold-fllli'd uaran teiexl framo or nnitintlji filled wlfb IV. Cr)l4l Ia iihtm. Ile(ii lr price fl.Wl, gQ Hinall oln charyn for coin. lctitel lenaea, i;vi-r' Pair fiuwaniwd. REESE JEWELRY and OPTICAL CO. 403 So. 16th St. (Iff National Hank 1Mg. Combing Won't Rid Hair of Dandruff Tho only aura way to get rid of dmulrurf la to dlaaolv it, then you deafrny It en tirely. To do thla, gt about four ounce of ordinary liquid ervon; apply It nt night when retiring; ue enough to molaten the icalp and rub It in gently with the finger tlpa. lo thla tonight, and by morning, moat If not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four mora application will completely dlaaoive and entirely dealroy every alngla algn and tiaca of It, no mat ter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too. that all itching and digging of tha acalp will alop at once, and your hair will b fluffy, luetroua, gloeay, allky and aoft, and look and fuel a hundred timea better. You can get lluuhl anon at any drug alore. It la Inexpenalve and never full to do tho work. Advcrtleemeril, Clears Away Pimples There la one remedy that edom fall lo clear away all plmplea, black head ami akin eruptlona and lhat make th aklr. aoft, cltar and healthy. AnydniKulHt can eupply you with aemo, which generally ovrrcomea all akin die eaee. Acne, ecaema. Itch, plmplea, n,hea, black heada In moat cee give )- to aetno. Frequently, minor bleni irhea dlaapcar nvernlaht. Itching Uau. tllv atnpa InHtantly. 7.nm a eafe, clean, raay In uae and dependable. It coeta only re; an entra large boltle, ft OA, It will not ataln, la pot greaay or attcky and la (x.eMkrly afe fur lender, aeimltlv aklna. Zeiuo, l'locaiiil I'lU.I ri l. U r:HTItM. i DISTRICT THOPIPSON-BELDEN 8CO, Tlo Fashion C)n!er oflLe HlddieWesle Esbblished I886.f The Very Latest Suit Fashions POPULAR PRICINGS DIRECT FROM NEW YORK $25-$29.50-$35 Attractive styles which in clude in addition to navy blues and other colors, a complete showinsf of popu lar checks. Our alteration service is free of charge, so that the original price gives you the suit correctly tailored and fitted at a decidedly rea sonable price. The Store for Shirtwaists Has some dainty new Georgette crepe Dlouses for dress wear. $6.50-$7.75-$10.50 AutomoblU Tires and Tubes Colombia Tlrea With a Oeaulne 4.0O0 Mil (enaraato. TBKNB rmiCHB KBOTB WB KAVX YOU HOHilt, rrlcaa rial Tread Kua-aaid HhtH .... $ aia iioa. , ,, , .a g.7 'itx,,. . . . 10.M ! , , , U.a n...,,. i4 rt.,,, ig.ti ,iii.,.. mil ?,;: jg.67 S2H i7.sia nn ja.oa Hn.,..,. H,4.,.. B.41 ,'!I4 171 8i . 00,83 7itH,,.. . X7irfi rmiuxe rot otnisk utztg m amb mopomrtom. WH lU TUI AMrw-VEHI), THE GENERAL MERCANTILE CO. Bradley, Merrtam Smith, Owner. rmm okxat maxi okocm movmk OMtr 7Q Wo ninth M.WKn IT? ke- -WE MAKE WW ...... X . . mm OPTICAL CO. I CORNER fARNAM AT it) fH AMI HKKHT, First Church of Chriit, Scientiit, Or OMilA, aTEBBAIXA, AaDonaca a FREE LECTURE OB CHRISTIAN SCIENCE T John W. Doorly, 0. S. B., Of LeeO, Sofland, AT CHURCH EDIFICE, t. Marjr'g Arena and S4tn atreet, Monday and Tuesday Erenings, April 17th and 18th, 1916 At O'Olook. The Puhllfl la cordially Jnrltad to he nrcaent. Where The Omaha Bee Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen FArtN'AM TIIH TK.IC CM.MFJUrilO.N'K CiKM WAL r.8TIMK LY RIO MAGI0 IIANHOOM IVY r A LACK M.MM mrrr A!.IO OMAHA TlKNHON IIIIKN(i1 FARHAM THEATER raatur riar Oalr, Wpa Off aa Itrvkaatta Blnaia, " TODAY TUratl AT KaUae a4 Bil far statUa-, Bnaeua Arkaokl aa Mahal MurautaA la A SCREAMING KEYSTONE COMEDY FEATURE Alea Br.lllaai art BIelM Ihihk BaUileA "RUPERT OF HENTZAU" Takea from ke k f laa aam TUMt H.D.WARNLn, In THC nAIDERS'1 iiitoat reaiat aria it ta it iaii.y Jirm iu t ill fh"" I"wl U, Tar. Wwleaar aa ka Mary Pickford Wt I ! ef ik la r )) Biai al iuiil Tht ttcrnal Grind" j& i SURURDAN ItB kf ABB aktl AfSBVS rr.AHL WIIITK in "THK IH0N CLAW" k f A B T tuiaf IttvtittT" " i 4ltl,MKH. pevoted to Brilliant Mualowl Burleaone TWICE DAILYw,MAT. TODAY riBBT TIMX BJEBB FRED IRWIN'S BIG SHOW Wltl VZStfr- FLORENCE BENNETT SPECIAL!"' arbblrlbl Whirlwind Dancer . At Every Performance, CHOP-US OP BOYS AMD OTBX.S. tlKAII IIKADr.K. ll.ia'i a low yiu aw h.fere. II nianiir hvr Willi vandnvllle, trie -thai' crMltir r hr rou'll liae ll. An4 ''.nl'jtly U'a mora eratea tloM, lha iitanr II f mueiri,) aho.i B. I j. JoIINkiin, Mar. ia.r. rjrenlnif and Snnflar Matloa, lflo, aoo, kOo and 7Co, yr,k MATS. 15c and 25c (Tiw i'lm If ro Ilk. ti i im'in rADirs' -f f-ifw at ajtt wbbv TICKETS DAT MATIBBB Baby Carriage Oaraca la tha Lobby if" BOVD Wednesday Evening 8:15 TUB I'lillharinonlfl OrchrwB of New York. Jreh HtraJikay, Contiurtior. FRAHCES NASH Soloist-Pianist frlfMi 50o2.00, MUSE "Brifhtaat Bpot In Omaha." Telephone Douglae 7870. TODAY ABB TUESDAY. "Ilc'er Do Well" rerforniancaa Start at 1 too 3:30 8:00 8i30. BEOIlfWrWO WEDNESDAY wltk MADAM PETROVA 'What Will People Say?" Terformanoe Will Start at 1;00 3:007 100 SiOO. BOYD Tonirht) All Weak Xaot Wed. aa4 rrl. Mlaht. C Mala., Wa4 Bat. A LMr" Edward Lynch "The Case of Becky" Zaatar Wk, "Bebecoa or Sunny- hrno Farm." One, Frl., April 21 Warmeat Wllar Oardea Bakr ef Hi aw all. The Passing Show,;,', Uo. W, Moaroe, Marllra Killer. EnB aa Willie Howard. Seal ao, 0o-3 OO. a ii i r: m r I . Th Beat ef auacvUI. Pho Puuta Pally Mailaaa, il leary Bll, Sill. 'iLttianili ta. tn ihi . Mil: T I luiia A H 4i'.i ti a w,.i. A.. . ti i 4 u- rt,.i,, 1 . r w i . ir.i i-w .aii .h aa .--., . A e.J,l. ' Ik o. 'Otitit i ru rrwT- !. Tie v.., r i- i niG SHOW ' i wins UU aiiviw B4ii ai isi i - - i '-.. r---w , , , i- i - i - r . . .m ''-' a.' t . . . . .... . I . ' ' tai.aa' tlwa Mauaa Weak Pal T0,TC KkuG NORTH IKOS. "k BOSOM IRIINO" luutl Tho Ofdco Girls Milttal Btra. 4 tlt f(a a-ia r ti at Ba ra.i run nSbS.;m $ aaarUaafiJ faar 'I eat aa ,-.! a, . i . '. t i i ra m.-al i . i Pi .' !' timt . till V J