TUB BEE, OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL IS, J91C. FOR RENT-ROOMS Hooraa Vaca fOL PEOPLE WHO BENT ROOMS, CALL THIi BKK WANT AD DEPT unit find out, all about the FI'RNIKIiKP FtOOM GUIDE, lt'i plan that I helping many people ren (heir home. in iii. una inning room; nam nou i HOTELS Tii T Kb BAN KURD, HOTEL""!! ARR?; loth mill Karnam. 2bth and Farnam, hpeetal Hun to Permanent Ouet. BAVOY HOTEL, Tith" and Jackan St Clean, modern, comfortable ruonia ai lerata price. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment anil Houaa ADarttnenle. ITtooifil and batb'furrilahed apt, lnfti Hollywood, near af.ll Harney; oulh '''f,n,.rydea1rable.D, J472. (-KOOM fiirnlalied flat, I'.i per mown, lArpt. Leavenworth ht Tel. trie a S7, FOR RENT-HOUSES Weel. l AND tt MNf.'OW BDVD.U-room each, houa trlctly modern, with hot wtar heat, r nL -WEMT FARNAM), 13 74, Wth, -r 1 bath, garage, I. Hurt). 7SrIWi,l". Two t-ft cottage, Kd and Franklin, fit. W. 11. OATEh, MTOmeha Nat. Hun Plug D, 12M. liu MJAIni ill-, room inoiiftirri iivupi, wa- rent heat; nh-g lawn and good garden; 120 par month. Call Dougiaa W7 or lioMjfiisu taiJ. IWiOffiJpl., modein, iWlMapJi; Key at Ji Mnpi. J. A. ABBOTT, 4 Patteraon Blk. I-fWiTWroodcrii except heat, ready to move into, New paper inrougnoui, Webeter 7. j nYjoto" FiiiiaiTl Tula for rent or aal. Wish. wo, Froom, partly modern, ) Dc"c.a7ur Ht:, Mr. BryaiiColfaii tli, ii'A NORTH i?,l Ai'iuum rn'Mlernmgav low; crcric Jiorch Web. am. Uio UHAN''' BT.-l-r, torn., ManCf'iw ?1 1 'h iu Kamaa Jilif,Doug.J44i 7 L ', t-WH)ilamiMt with l.atliT coineraM aniJ Leavenworth; In excellent repair; lar't vrd; nwiil neighborhood. Cn renl room enough to pay rent. Walking die tetic. Open toiler and every day, Rent free to May i, tim leaven worth hi. i room. liy water, kUims to :hoof ai'l nar, a ana p. VV) Ho, 14t h, Tcl'benn, h tnriai.a ,V"t. Hk. if 1112 A rl? MtJ" I-Vwlm, !lty water, $lj i'7 Ho, ifith. S-rooin mud,, 2d floor, . ', Jt?''.lVi'.',i'.?,'?''J?.;!,'.,. Jttjf'EitS i room hiitiae, aleeplug piiruli, hot water heat, M . th Ave, Harney u. rooma wh to rant, $l. 1'h. l;.77, Toland AJTrumbull. !jOu:Nt Way 1, 1-rJoin, all Woden houee, .th.Mrnay2!t 4. ROOM "eottairaV a'aa 'and water. JJ Arbor, 1otiylaa 7:4. WiPrUAv.-i-r, mndern brlrli. Wl M79 i-ii6itilJioi"iae,l'in'r'm park; lliTjItZ MlacellMiieMO. a vf; "w mat votj'w a nt7 iIQf'HKB AND ('OTTAdKH, WK'fl.r MOOKRN. -.-lIJ Tartar I,k Ulvd -Jt,-W,l K, 2Mt) hi 1J.W VODKRN KX'K'T HEAT. -R ati haratoaa Bt ) DO Vll.-HU Martha lit 12 Ti -H.-JBH Ohio HI.., U.Vi t-R,- M N. 17th Ht . -K,-IKI X, Hi ht ....., loWi t-KU-t Uo. th ht ,,. W.0O I-H.-l No. tftb Ht ,,,, JoOtt BTRICTI.r MODERN, -R.Ml Wo, 17th St,..,.., Sflfl S-K.-.;),'.! No, ,th hi JSHW K-R.-KSBO, mat Ht. , 21. m H H.-.w N, Viet ht , 2W (Ml.-45 No, ith Bt -W,--2i';i Hurt ht.,.,. W R.-!B ho. 30th Av , 7-R-4ft Hadford A v. . 7- K,- So, aoth Ava . 2 V) "K,-77 ho, 'ith Bt 5') m, Mon ht.-., ..,. -R.-414 N, ll t. .,,, 26 04 -R. MO Dewey Ava , 22 W -R. 'holca Waat Famam dwell In ).) 12.K.-JU1 Harney Ht. fbrfrk dwell In, very cloae In, Well arranrxl to keep rootnerai,,. n.10 F1MTB, PARTI-Y MODERN. 4-R. liouataa tit ,.. . HTRICTI'Y MODERN, 4-BU-20W Howard ht..,,, M.. HI.- KIK Bo. JWd Bt 2i 7-R.-li3 ho. 2t!i Bt , J4.00 1) h.ATF.1) AI'AFtTMKJNTB, rLVDH-W OHIO BT, 4-R. Apt. No. 1 , ,...IIfln J-R, Apt. No, 1.00 - OTOF.CKER!1 ho, 24th ht. 4B.-Apt. A (lat floor).. 2J.i) WIS HAVE OTHKRH SEE OUR OOMI'I.ETB f'KINTED UT BE CORK RENT'NO. PORTER & 8UOTVVELL, Offlcea With American Security C., mm 8.J7th8t. Doua-laa lll Must Rent at Once ' l N. yH ht,-7 rtna,, all mod.tWX) W N, 29th ht.7 rma.. all modiuirt Rent haa been reduced from J3, Nothing better In the city at thla low rental. A. P. Tukey & Son, FOR HARDEN IN 'I ANU HOULTRT." 4-r.. downtown, colored, lit. Alio ! and a t fllka bungalow) and ACRK UROl'Nr, t and tf, A Mo l-r., Call firnla tvmanlow and acie, 14. Tel, D. 7107, m Paxton Hlk, " 137.56' J75i DAVENI'ORT, 1 etiriiiit rnm,; hath: every conven lonc; Karime; larga lawn. Open, hea M lodnj . IIOf'BKB Knit RRNT, 'ii,'u:if utxKtt . i't snx h e'k ' nf,iwi.' i 1 1 : '. Ii ift-SHia" V lOl.Wi i!(TI I, ' fomnT, niodr llte-li h, 2lh, 6 rnotna, water paid, i 30,7 Dai'enpm't. innmi, mod, f tiw fcf.a 0. 'iA, i I'ootna, mod. -4-3tl Cht';o, n rooma, mod., yard, i4-MH Bewatd, i roouia, barn. R1NSVAIT, flrand.ila Theatar. "t n" Viitii K, in.i'itr,..,.r.."j7r5 HI houiti 7. mod.., T fot", ) itoiiih. 41; mod. ? rooma Jft.M InitN' V. 1(KS,KH roi'il.AN M FOR RENT-AP'TS AND FLATS " H ea " , , vt , " 1 morna. UKAI TIM I, TrRArrs, t'aitnn I'ourl, )nl roiiiplrta; between nH Ava and ? th Av fainam and imuilaa, ! In, welkin ilnl i a f.iiao. refilu. fator IihUiw hadva, .'iirtstn r.la ell turnlahed. itcly da rttd. NHW AN' I' i t. I AN. no ' r 1' ia ' all !'' apt.,. int muni ami we Mill abow tea tbfti,iah oinelin a 1 fe( i. . al atita, II H t (s. ja Ml l-r v 4 4 , l rr M ; , I U 4. Nk.W, ! and clean, taadf fur i-.'upatt Ii Hit lt At bat biitllm t'l a (ai.ee, fefrteor. ' ,i ni i ! on,. t1, n ii tie ii ami ,.Ui . time in, n.i rf, (. ,i,ki ie.i l '. t.T Onini'a !-'i" i !'""' n'a II 1 .. III I I't.V, ' . t )ln," ' I" ( " I M'Ma i lu, In ' t ' ' 1 1 ii, i i" o i i.t it itii.ma i,l,n. ..liu!' llelwl., Iimeu, . '.I .(1..I I H Ui ' ' I 'l ., t, I no. )l i I e bw ,i"i uiAi"i''M'tr. -f h-n tu u.vra Ii i i n a it i t n IU''" ' (' i Ul H At'UIUlNf M M lirT !, i r--'i'. 4. i i i ai Miiiit ' )' I I . .-. e'a t'it ale t !. ! Ileal a4 4 n .f ,it,, e t r, . a r na - t4 l.iaeia Si i t l I K.a i k, ft . a It H I' . tt.,. IK ! eielf . t i ivt.(, p.-I I - ' n I I II a k 5 f ' T' t t- 1 ', 14 I S 1 . 4 i 1 I ' I 'ei t ,i s ti mi m ., i in i i 1 I liiiNO : FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS 10 DANDY ROOMS MOD K1-AT ADAtTEDTO ROOMERS. (116 N 2oTH hT. CAN T ftE MEAT FINE ateam-heated apartment, alther I or S rooma, on Weal Karnam atreel. JO 1 1 NW it (tBRlNB. iwa KARNAM BT. ClV)8E IN APARTMENT. 1 rooma and bath, 12.M and US, beat location, near aotiooi. e ii 1 K, BMK.tlOMKHAJ)ATlD:ja MODERN room apartment, Including latplnf por'li, well locate. Jlarnejr 1. BT. OLA KK, 24th" and Harnvy, room apartment. Harney 47, r S18 NO. 18TII ST. -room modern flat oppoalta Ford Motor plant. Oood for roomere, $.15 par month. H. A. WOLF, 5)4 War Rlk, Doug, 11 MODERN", et"aiii-tiaii.td" apartment near i ' 4ipward. ..or 'twji'll";. l"R)OMB Tlia Trbana. 1317 l'ark Ava., beautiful apt.; all outalde roonia, well llahted, tlla bath, aooi location, large porchea, wall ventilated; rooma nicely decorated, l.'all our office for appointment and w mill atiow yon through any lima. Omaha 'a Iraeat lt-ntal Agenta, HABTINOB HBTDKN, 1HI4 Jfarne Bt, Tyler . ih M "tf.'"f'iiciuaa iiirnli-'ly"d-co-tated; yry choice; no i-ar fara. tZIVt urn. Omaha a ijirgeat Rental Agent HABTIN i'i A IIEi DEN , , 114 Harney hti Tyler fA FIVE-ROOM a team iaate'1 apaniimni; very dealrabla. Ilia chula Vlata, Wah and Poppletnn, Conrad Toung, u Bran dle Theater. Dong. 1671, hKVEN rooma, near poaetof floa. "&. u. r. HieT.iiina, rntcego n, i'4iitwiiiawBfai ewunwi Mw awaaaa MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE fttorea, movaa, packa, ablna; horaa van and f man, ll.lt per hourt atorage, 12 per month, ha'uranilon guarantaad. Dougiaa U and Tyler W. GORDON VAN CO. Taeklrig, aloraga and mov ing. 71 N, 11th Bi. Hiona Douglaa m or W hater IMit. HRKPttOOr WAUKHOUSE! BaparaM, locked rooma, for houeehoM good and plaiu.a, moving, packing and abhiplrig, OMAHA VAN A NO ITORAOB CO, 4 B. Itth Bt. Ooiia'ea 4HJ. FIDELITY vrw7irir HiEE I'hona l)oual Hut tor complete) Hat of vacant houaea and apartmenta; alao for toraga, moving. 14th and Jackaon Sta. M KTROFOUTAN VAN ft BTOKAUE CO. Careful attention given Ui order for moving parking or atorage. office at Raymona Furniture Co, Hit and l&H Howard Bi I'bona D. tm. Maggard Van and Btoraga Co, Moving, peeking, atoraga and ahlpplng, I'hona Doug lag 14W FI3RRIN VAN & STORAGE Racking atoraga '. IIS Can Ava, Tyler IMP. f (' ""(''li'n Fpre Co, Moving, iiirtiM taking n4 gtflraga, W Fa mam ht. Dougiaa (1144, FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR'PTY BTOKEROOMB. Three dandy fin etoreroo ma at 24m and Iavanworthi ona of the beat loca tion In city; rent varv reaeonabla. Calking & Co., nongla im. city .Nf n.!!d KTOREB. Modern atora room and baaament. 2J Bo. lMh ht.; flna location for grocerlea and meata. CONRAD TOUNO, 1IJ2 Brandwla Theater, Doia;JItI EOlOUsST-Jatier aT'atora room, (nodei n! brick, beat In town; In rich Irrigated dUtrlot, A. Oauvain, Mlnalara, bootH fluff Co.. Nab, DKWRXisDK ' grhall atora room U'Ci bt., $20 rent, Conrad Toung, ta ran JSrJttJl!KJ0.ySH-iflh. MTORE, modernT low rentf'near poat- 0fflce,O. P, Btebblna, l1l0Chlcego. BTORB ItWlitTrt ixvili" Karnam'hiT Thoa. FHalljJM Ramga Wdg. D.J4, I f 0kl!i "building. l(vfng rooma ioraar, 2ui N. 2(ttb. Dougiaa ! WANTED TO RENT tnforalahed Houaea and Flaia, NICE modern t-room houaa with garaga. Hernia park dlatrtct; Mate rant, location. Addreaa J 1121 Bee, Farnlehed llonaea and Flat. WXNtF.D At once,! or Woom furnlhe3 apartment; muat be atrlntly moitem ann within 10 Mock of city halli not over ITS per month, Addreaa F 10i, Bea, REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED "Weio REDUCED FROM $4,5)0 TO $3,500 Ntea Walking Diet mice, Nice Bhad. Dandy food t-room home. Bight two caah, bal. I a month; will rant for IX; all nek floor, up and down; bultt-ln affecta; one large bed" room flret floor with toilet end lavatory; I nba bed rooma and large bath 2d floor. Don,1 Jt Thla Blip. Oh BORNE, Ml OMAHA NAT. UK D 1474, New 4-Room Housa With Oth? or Two AcrMi Only on block to Jltny Una and raved road, located In Renenrt Garden lou )ut ronipleted. Haa aoina of the rtcht ol lo tie foundtln for fruit, chicken and vegetable Ona or two acre can ba had now, Tarma, M0 ceeh, balana monthly. Bea ua at one about t. Now la a good time la plant and eat fruit, IIABTINOB HETDEN, ' 1) I Hmy Bt. Tyler CATHEDRAL DISTRICT ?.0U WEHSTER 8T. An I room nicdern home, tn (irei riM i " i i.O i tm i with t biraniii, tu, ln(, hand to atiiedral and paving all paid, no taiaM, otfard fur Hie r" f .1 I . fu el lime, Ii .! w HI bait. It e Arrnngs wnti ti ( ! tinie- (.. (iM)VKIt I SPAIN", I'oilgla .. : ! til NtliiHt I'l-ll A I ! fin l m. .Uiu f umm )im Pi 1 1' 1 tHik iliitiUi, I - eati o I. ! I l'i t II -I , ! umi f - M t, I-, , i i f .i.w i. ain , k-ii l-w g it.J I da Mol Im.ii i i.i, ! in i,,h ;,,i it J a eml-i I u ..! I'iiiiii, l'eie.m lli F Ir-.ltlager. W, U Mk-tUV HONS, INBtlt ANCkt. " " " " Sn, 5 -ROOM REAL M'UALOV( I i i I I - ,4 ! 1 t' Ia 1 i . t I ,4 I ' 1 1 l I .ni.t l fi'.l,'. a Iri ft, (a I. I - ,.i lihliiig (Htum, II a iaik i t Ni.ftet ! an 4 la a IM, an t;l Atiiitai, iiV. iw,a,.-v r )l t ei'i lit '' Ii "H. ! al' ! a i law I an tb w ,it a, l I, ;'.., men "nb iImm1 I i ,.ii k i: ..r tw f,.., i,.i ,, Kaa Ae tt ! i ili'iii I n i I- bii V' . . I , gi iti . ,..,.. u t i i , . i e i-, n .. i , . . . -g n , irt . I ,i n; t ,-l. , ;.,,.Ml l lk, l,. M . REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED North. REAJj ESTATE AUCTION 7-room modern rehiclenee and lot, located at Routhweat corner of 20th and Maplo Sta. To be sold at public auction on the premie, Saturday, April 22, at 2 p. in, sharp. Iot ha CO foot frontage on Maple and 117-foot frontiie on Florence Itlvd. The owner, who haa made thla prop arty hi home alnre the day It wa built, I leaving town and will aell It Ui the nlgheat bidder regardlea of prlre. Term; Oiie-hnlf of purchea price cjh when warrantee derd and abtrat la furnUhed allowing merchantable till; bitance eaay terina. I,'i to be paid i earneal money to auctioneer on day of aala to lie held in e'iew till paper are furnlehed. Thla la a beautiful hoin and muat ha aeen to ba e;,prerlated, tio look at It today, and If you can't attend the aale, make your offer In writing to Hie auc tioneer, . M. GROSS, Owner, JAMES L.JDOWD, Ajttlonr. . (j0oi Uoriie Very Little Cash Five room oottaga with bath; large lot; fine ahrubbery and fruit tree, I'llca, l.A located 4IW North ZDlh ht Norris & Norm, 400 Hee Htdg. I'hon Dougiaa 4270 " RKlWB'i'AHIC"" A beautiful a-room aird'tly modern bouae, hi the heart of limnl Park, can be bought t your own price Etii large lot, m; all kind of fruit and ahrubbery. Miint be -en lo b ap pra'lated. Hhown any lima. The men that buy thl plai tan eaelly maia fl'i. It not aatinfled, on a rAle. PAVNK 1NVEBTMENT COMFANV, OmaliaNat Rank Hlrtg. D'ugJ7l MIDf.ER PARK: " Botnethlng entlrelv different, In tdainl fi' W -ro,m bungalow, all on ona floor; oak rinlah throughout; newly decorateil; leige floored attic and fin. lahed atairway; full cement baaeinenl, auulpped with laundry; gouth front, lot 4.al?4. paved at i et, Raoaonablt. 'pA VNK IN VEhTMKNT COMPANT. Omaha Nat, lietik HKig, Doug, 171. Brand new hi:noAiW, five room and bath, atrlctly modern; two front rooma fliillid In oak, with oak floor ing throughout; furnace heat; enmented haaement; lighting fixture; window ebadea; nice lot; bloi k lo car, 1 block eoiith of Mill"!' park. Price for quick gale, ll.itW; cuaii, 127. W per month. RAM' HKOh. Oougl " " CHOICE ""MODERN "" cntlaae, 2l( Ruggle HI,, out of towg owner. Will aell cheap. Kay term. R. H, LANDkJRlfoN. 202Ney!lle Klk Doug. 7K. T'H'XiSi motfrn"Tiouaa, Ti"7r"water fieat, garage; block from achool and 24th ht, r; fin locution, Renta for ,1b, Weh, 111, Addrea I, 112. Pee. GREAT BARGAIN Wall equipped modem cottage, full eav ment baaemeiit, beautiful yard, hpa eial induceuHiiia fur aah, a owner la laaeliig" clty 11. Wabnter Ml. EACTJFCi, i;RAl7tiE PARK IIUNOA 1jVf, 472 N, 27th; t room and bath: all oak flnlah; dining room paneled; t room additional n b flnlhrd on aec ond 'ory. Feat front, liteutlful ahad and hedge. Ii, . huannell. Doug. M ir Coif a a 2f.il. hl'r IAI, UAROAlN, Lnwim entlaee. toilet, aaa. water. So ft lot, ft,; tarma, ev caab or Ford tar for euuity. B P, BOBTWf '?.', MO HEW BI,nr. J-R'hM, ail modern bungalow In Houla vard Park Addition. located at 4124 North lt Ii, Prlca cut to W.WA Eaay term for quick gale. Clog 10 two r line, ' JEFF W BEfiFORD A BON, Doug, ami, WflSfzW pfAt'K-Two -gtorVr i room, all modorn, at bargain price. C, A. Orlmmel, M9Om. Nat l Rk, Rldf FolFhAfK" lly owner, a-room" "houaa, ona , floor, garage, on paved atraat; leaving city. Wcbater T7. 212 JImllonht, PItSlM'1)iiiiglow',''itrlctiy modern, Dai Chatham addition, b422. " goat b. " ' DISTHICT, PRICK ONLY 16,760 neautifully decoratad glx-room new home; Urge living room, 14x28 with dandy brick fireplace; panelled dlnlna room, cava ceiling; kitchen wtfn all built-in eonvenlencea; aeparata lea boa room; nice hall on aecond floor with frenerou aUed linen cloeet; three larg icd room and bath; plenty of win dow; oak floor throughout; oak fln lah flrat floor; while enamel woodwork and mahogany flnUhed door, glaa door knob; full brick foundation; eight feet In tb clear; laundry tub, ooal bin, floor drain etc.; Milton Roger giiaranfjed furnace; chop aouth front lot, et'xlW, graded; front lawn aoiVled; beautiful maple hde treea. For a real home on the prettlel atraat In thla rholce dlatrtct let ua ahow you till bargain OHIIOKNF. REALTY CO., 70I-7O2 Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. Dougiaa 1474. OFFER WANTED On a flue et and aouth front corner lot. MKl.a feet. iirrounded by fine ahadn treee, lo'allon .'Hih and Martha at recta, only two abort block from car line, convenient to a good achool, with n It-room modern houae on 11; rented to good tenanta Price, only W.oh", Owner very analoii to aell and wa.nta offer for Immediate aale, Room to build three bungalow If dlrd he u aliout that at once, If you are looking for a bargain, GEORGE & CO., !12 Cliv Nat. Rank Hldg. I'hona D. 7: A JiJ'ST FINISHED Ona of thoe large room bungalow that you have bean looking for, dining room, living room, kltiben, two bed room ami bath, all on flrat floor; laiga attic; oak flnlah and oak flooia throughout; full liaaement; guaranteed furnace, Urge rent front lot; looated .i4 hoiith 3.'ud Ave, l'rlc U.", eaay lenn S(X)TT AND IULL CO., Don I Uround Fir MCgu llldg, NB W A 1,1. M D E RN IIOM l'.B, 1 and t-rooni linuee and bungaluw at lath and Dear Fare, HouUvanl front II.7M la M. all A No, I material painting with pure lead and oil, ell i a t furmc, a. fluh awltniiea In all lMn. Pliitiil.lng all Wolf a f1tiirea, ?baee will N raady to iiiiiv. into m a w week. It you want a b tu" . Ii on new, tba at pi bal lar tin mellai ! TMAVF.R BRtiB, Dotif M ii Cmi a Nai l t k. Ild " NEW HUN(IAU)W ii II- mmlnn iit.int ,i, li- aa fUitftii tlHug io oi i,in eiiiii ft'int of '. Ii,itt In . a. . ) lilo lug rini wHH inina at, iUi Kil and panel iui- i ! to . i, a bol Ad ali i" ' ! l-e I 1. it , tM prira I' ii, i'i mm Mar. tn hi SU)TTANDIltLLC'0 I ..... t ak il..nH.t ta, LI t - - . . . ti. l.t . 1 1,1. U, I,' I ail i,,. I H Ay f(D- tHl It, 4i I l, .lt K 44)t in n 4--4ii iifit ItFNit'N r?MU (UK!,, t I ' ! ' ' I'"tl Milt htl t tii.ua fr.t .1 4 -i . t I .,,( ft, , ..! Huii b -t, i i i a ia i.( ; ii 1 1 .ii- at .ft itu . , D . n I ' ta i 1 1 aau i I ).-- Hertiftf D ijti a l 'ii i;a) r B t t e . . ii, I , ft i I nd . I a Vft, i1 i g; . ('-.', -I ,. I- ! alio -th ! l"i rta aiiig t(a ... a in ft i, lulftl n I ultl ,J )i,,l ' i ' -i. .ui, a, I ?, t f.o f It , , A1- 4 h , . , I t . l I M S l-t U, k I . l i i i,ii,"l Sti ( U I I.. ' l ...! m 'n !, I I .,., i ft ft i i a t I. i t . U i .) i ii , p.. imi REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED "-""" M I ft,' 1 1 a n o it a . 56"o " $500 PRETTY COTTAGE HOME Dandy 8-rooin hnuae, hnvlng liirec living room arrow the Ironl, iIimiuk room, kltuhcn, pantry, l-ebog ronui im flret floor; two good-elxed beilrooma with lerun cloaet and belli on .,r..ii l floor; full liaaemciit with liunlrv aloW' aplaiiilld furnace; oulaldc nclliir en tranca, lot I MitlZO haa a few ftiiij Ireaa and giapi. face anulli on i mlahtv pretty treet. which I pawn!. Thla little place I tual what V"i b.,v been looking for. Price $",,,, down bnlatice like rent, onnrr I l,.ai,u city t'oma In and lit ua hnw thb little .io. PAYNE tc SLATER CO.. Hole Agent, ijlt Oomli Not I Hull. I.'ioo $500 T( ) ( ;Ll A N U 1 ' "ESTA T E THE FODDoWINil ARK OFFERED at wav-down Fan :m KCT 1K)K AT 'I'll EM AND MAKE Ch A HtopohlTION. 27 Hamilton ht., 7 room, city water, . end ga. Wnl:', It. llnue in fair condition. DNIVY ll.wA 20 H.iuiilton 11., adlolnliig above, am atvle. abape and !. 9'iiI27l ft. ONLY II,) 2i;t4 Hamilton ht., a good, wll-bii!!f, well arranged, Hi-room boune, mod, e. heat, new plumbing: barn 12l ft, M' ir;4 ft, only u.m. D, V, SllOLES CO., ?."? 'iiLj"- ""k. I!'!- -49: WB have bityet end renter for Home ofallalnea. We etiow with autoi, Wa get reaulta. Call u up. YOCNOMAN, m Dm, Na.flk. D. 147 "VOCNO DOH EllTV, Real Ketete. Urandela Theater Doug liijl, V a ran cell your property, IJat with ue. If you want lo buy u. f OI II choice of five new lioina,"al mod ern and oak flnlahed; t to t room. Price. u.lu to ..V,h, ev term, Wal nut wm. WiC COLP'AX HKAt, KHTATB." REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED Weef, BICE T'OPPLETON PA UK ADDI TION II Improvement lit and realy for building modern home: f lota aold laat year; ,W new houaea l.ullt and oc cupied for hotnra; cloan-ln and aerved by Waet Farnam car line; 'M, tit ..; raay term while they leal fmt'USltf A CAKY, D 4?HH 24 hcclllie Mldg M AK IS AS OFF 12 It ON THIS DOT, Dandy lot d"l!lo on llt Ave, . between Dndg and Davenport; all aprclala paid, up to gredo, Owner muat aell, THOH, D, M'OAMRV, Keeltne llldg. Red 4144, Aortb. If RARG"AIN KOUXTZE PLACT, $1,000. On hpencer ht,, between Sid and 34th, a fine lot, MX124, paving all paid, uap for aomaona, Charles W, Martin & Co,, Tler !. 74S Omaha NatI Rank, Mldg. TWO corner lot, toth and Hamilton, pert ciiah, bltii term, Thatcher, l)oug. nil. 1217 CH Nat. Wank llldg. BotjIB, KiTX'pi -mi juwrr r H flrat rholcg lota In f Have H flrat choice lota In laven worth Helghta Add,; ay term. Doug, JUKI, Carl I E, Rolen, I4 Canton Hldy. 20 Aereg Near Fairacreh. MUST BK SOLD BY MAY 1ST, High and (Ightly, wllh good Improvg menU, For prlca and term, call, Hialt-Fairficld Co., 24fe.7-(l Omaha Ni l Rk. Tyler AO Mleellwca. YciK "fi ErTT I acre for artnlng, CaTi IioiikIh 4117. plVONE I). 'Ml for pilntinrt of "') lot V7f ,TJiiicha"ig thla "beau lliil Via autre adjoining Wellafleet, Nobraaka, with tm aaTnt It running a year and half; legal No., the aaat half of the north urtr, taction 11. townehlp , north, range M. weal of tha 4(h P, M eacept the aouth flva actea; 1 want two Ford touring car, ml model, or ona Iffllk Btudebaker, 40 hora power; thea rar muat be hi a No, 1 hapa; till perfect. Don't write without von mean bulne. Hoa 4. HralnardjMInn, Volt' BALE. A good lot on lth U. about 2rt) feet north of Iihw etraet. well worth 1,M; will aell for II.tM); will take a flva-paa-aeuger automohlla end balnnca caan. J. B. ROfilNBON, 44! Bee Bldg. Dougiaa VV1 rAOTfcb-TXUffEIl H0UBK. Bouth Bide, Bancroft lo K Big,, I or 7 rooma, worth about 2,W. Will turn In 4 room houaa worth ll.00 aa pare pay, fiEDR' H1. JiW A y 'AfUi-fl'-LJ wilAT HAVB YOU ORleO YOtl WANT 7 Urm ua flrat. We may hava Jual what you want. W wilt or trade everything, anywhere. C, J. hinlth. Ty'.er 10)1, 612 ho inh, WXK'f atock gene7XTnde,WflTrd"i my 1,120-ac.ra ranch In Thomaa Co., clear. Price lit por ar. Win carry back If dealred, Addreaa P1W. Bee. ItOONf 1iou aiirf Hot, clear of all Incumbranc. Frio 4.0"0, Will lral for clean atock general mdaa, Addrea o prrfi, Rae, WITX trada for merchftn"nBa, two nTa In Otnaha. Rent for i per month, Prloa 12i.fiOO. Knulty l2,fti), Would ba willing to glVR goint caali dlfforenno Addreaa U W. Bee. OR "BXCftANIB-Feiiliy Tri" two'fory brl'k at 2Wlt and Pierce Bt. for new Inuring car. Una M, Lynch, Nebraska, M ACftKh fine Inlgateil Colorado bind, ctenr, Wanteil clr timaha. iintuoved, Mr Hnxvar. 'U Urand Ave, t'ni. 71." For "BMHAN'iiK." iNm ruNCF, and It ENTAIL. Bee John AOI'. ! Bid. l 17M. ?Ac7 "Ti"oreiicliiige anyihlng "yoii "bava to effer C, i ( anan Mrt'ag'ie H'dg REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS RUH'K I'li-Vl'S, CliSE IN I room up, 1 fiotn-t below, ol Cy modern, Income ) 1'rb Han, rinly bliH k from Famam ff Hue J. II. DUMONT k CO,, 414 in Keettn Btdg Phone Deug'a Wt. f Nrf liitefttutenl, i gpanmeiila. two. aiory blli. nrar ?ltt and tawnttuith Ht 1'hnllrt I ' I' REA.L ESTATE WANTED" wanted acbeaok I will buy ttmii i to I a of land With a good l..4fti .'ii It. on ! li,.fie I M .at Im ii1 I'U !" ft'lau.ift. I (..! Will wy !. iali K.l.t. i ii.ftli ti.e AAr D. a l' a '! Ii MeH IT'H n t ) b gte, i ' I A atid t Milling l'Nt D"IIHITt, i Pii l. t " ln.lg leg I' I I A y; lotveta f-i, i inln l.ii . ii (, i.- ,,11 I ' i J I, '"REAL tSTAU-SUOfROAN " . ilAftt' H iMikil. I-,' i?.naj"i III If Til i '4 I'M' I - ' 4" a '"l ti cm itwintb int. a ait,, 'i.;4 i , i . I ... '. a ti .; e i '.(iibaio. i t lo 4 i o, I t ft ...o- mm, ti i ,1 ( t . a , It . i .' tlMM.Ir N i . i ... 1 1, e W' It.. ui' !., I a .! II '' f i w I if .i 1 Ii-.i4 iLftili i Vt 4 . .f s li lt-. ,, lf I ,i III I ' I T't Hi 1 t t A. in. ft i'l 1 Ail in r i . i i ft i , tlwraaea. a. a k i I,, t -. II i i, t UIm'I llweiftMee I ,.i , I , I I i 4. I r it', -ft . - ... ft. i 1 1 e t i. -I i . i ..... Ic,., !.,. ,i. ft t , .,- I l ft, ue , ft' I f , I (I ( REAL STATEBUS' PROP'TT 'vf.Wr. Ith MtTTTK. 7rom'Tduct" c trti Mi'i ft'ilnv 'o Mcft'aaue )ili1g FINANCIAL Real f.atale, tiaaiggftirlaagjiea. VV r ready at all tuuag to iiiakn loam on flrat-cUag clt property otl raatero HebrggkB farina. Rale oa requeat, LN1TKI) 8TATKS TRUST CO., 2i: South 17th fit. MOS'F.Y TO l7ANON Apaitniftiil bouac. doubl brbk houe uial houaea, butlne properly and faun land at '. li'V'v and ,. W, II THuilAej, Kee!lne llldg Ixnigla 1, O.'IAMA In liift-e. Kital Ni bihaha farm OKcefe HEAD IChTATC CO c: Omulia Nat, Phone Imiigia CV ilia' ITT DoANB it, O, CanlM-ig th " 17 llrandci Theater llldg i T'l 1i for tonne on be lae clt reld(fiire In aiiiuunt IJ.uuti up, alao faun bull Itiufti.imlile cooiuilaaion PhTFIIH Till hT CI.' , lil Faioam . M'tM'.V to loan uti Improved faiuin anil raticbe. Wa alao buy good farm mort gage Kink Inv. Co , Omaha. "' " " NO DELAY." W, T (HIAIIAM, HFK HLTxl "MONI', to LOAN, for "rr, on Iniproved ptotierlt a BHDPEN A CO., Doug 4 24 MONEY on hand "for olty and " farm tonne H W, Ulridc.i, Cliy National P.nnk Bldg GARVIN RROa ' J't Ortar CITY and frm loan, , EVh. P" rein J. II Dumoht Co,, W O W, Bldg Knf MONEY 'HAHIOHON A M"ltT ).S " V m Omaha Nr Bank .ti.li.la iiuWfo jiS.iiw mad prompiTy. t'.'M Wad, Weed Bldg , Ith and Feroa- Bt hlocha and Huada. f,r "MoltTOAOIS heating 7' ' eu,l an final, aecured by properly vnlurd H,J, Talmaxa Iiottil Inv, Co , W, O, W, gbalreei f Tlll. Giinrnttfiftfl A'iliacl Co. Wa tail bring uitiuamm flown your abnliail mi abort nolle, R, T'etteraori Bldg It I'" I fit Till i Uuaiatitu and Abaltavi ij ,iitft,ft 4 modem glial i aa offn tftt B. 17lb hi, Tel, D, fd, REED AIIhniAC'? Cff, ol.U.ai l.brra'"l nffu e In rN'irkeT g lii-aiidel Thea FARM AND RANCH LANDS I oloredo Land, FonBAlt.. '''iood" "Taiid fn W gna! D4ba on crop nannenl plan, mll cli pnutinnl, One good crop of wheal or MenVtin been will pay out, Orren Ooinmill, Der Tall. Colo. loftve l.eml. IOWA RARGAINS tf you want to buy an Iowa fttn, eg ua- ANNIS & ROIILING m I'ZAtth BT, TED, 104, COUNCJD fllftDFFB, IA, lw ACKEB. Lyman county, h. Dak.; flu land, for Omaha reldenc, Pric Ii, m. ser Improved farm near Mitchell, Bouth Dakota, AH under cultivation. Mortgage ,''. Pr4g fib per acre. Will cofiaidnr Omaha property, W. K, Clt A HI, 12l7J'lty Nnl'l Bank Bldg . ftmaha Mlaalaalpfil l,Hd,' " iF VOlTaant value "received "f"r yini) money, w" nn giva you lha boat all- around inveatnuinl that Diet a la In land; gbaoliitely aura. W. T. Smith (Jo City National Rank Dldf. IHlaaourl LaadaT ' f)ENT 4'0 "Ml BBOCllf, '"" "' M acre, Vk mile of halem, on (nod road, R, F. D. and talepbona; 4-r, houa; barn 24ifiO; loo houaft, corn crib and other outbuilding; 0 aura in cult.; 24 acre timber; funned bog tight, good orchard; near achool; flna little plaie. Price, UM. Thla la a dandy little home, In a flna country, I,et pi ahow you, W, B, FRANK, 2fl1Nevlll Blk. ..m"J,: " Moalana raad. " V infirX- 36,wi it cr- gmboib. ridb, lr rlguted farm bind at Valler. Montana: flue lo !a mile from good town and railroad; W to to bu. wheal; 40 lo (W bu, barley; iV) lo )' bu. oat par anra. Flna for gugar beeta and alfalfa, Good gohool god ainpl railroad faullltle. Term vaty liberal. Writ for our new lliug trafed booklet Imnlyrtttlun Dpt., Mott- tHiia weatern iiy., valler, Montana. Sew tori, l,and. f7lOiT"TreaIity,nori proiiiiaa; I powg. learn, bona, w acta, gomi punning, 2,Wi; 20 cow a, team, tool, elaborate bulldlnga, 2ol actea, I'M! par acre. Writ for photo. 1. Munaon, 2424 S. Baling ht hyrauu, N. Y. NrhrakT,nda FOtjND-fe-acr uncradmuT homeateadT good aoll; ampia ralnfalli aneilag water; near free timber. Price ail, filing fae and all, i. A. Tracy, Ft Mbirgan, Colo, tiM) ACRUH fin, alfalfa, grain ami tc6 farm, I ntlle from Broken Bow; muat ba aold during April; annd for duacrlp tlon. Hog NL Broken Boar Neb. ton BALaVPaat "large boly high grad medium priced land In Nehraeka; very lull money required. C. Brail ly. Wol bach, Neb H PER ArnB buyii "i""u'nOi)lrHira fnrm tulba from Omai.a Pel yea A tilfford, liii Ratnge Bldg, omaba Neb. Iiregoi, I, and, T'o'R hi,T" OR EXi'llAN'ti'lf-'Ira7ra, Wllleiuette valley, Oregon, near Eiireii. 77 acrca cherry, applea, pear and Engllah WHltiut. aouie bearing; 4) acre fine farm land; Improvement, hell all or part. Will Had" Price lilt, mm. Adltea Joe E llcaalrv. Linton, Ind. " feonlh Dakota l,ajla, " l.iT"Bf aell my farm and took ranrh ol Wi acre, aa good agriuuilurel land a found In thla lata; gieu) building, well and feiii. with running water fur etock; v ti"i went from 18 lo ti bit, lo Iti cr laat aenion in thla Mcinlly To aeeuie .irk eale take Bt J pr k. i" on iiiiv terina, Voder, Homer, H D Write r. W, Teeae l.anil foil aA I.K It V ml Nf , f " ' Flva llioitaaiid acre b'uek bottom land. Iiieiimuttlliie (-ii li, all mll from ratlroail, imti-il Hith lair ooal lly i. m anil limpet, on Tlliiltt rlkpr. ,ai I-.. Alao ion toMl ami i. ui ml of Bfty iitiClnn fi of nerd w Mid tuuii "i. Ii. a no W lln. kf, lit auiunnl, 'ria. All uliey for Owner Uti.ftMtna land IRON' ANIH 'UPPER CLAIMS t i. ii ail 1-4 1 'ftt'i't in IV p.inifti 1 1 ,! uifteftUg fttiua I;. i. I will i g '.. i to git t. full ll a a 1 1 M i i , ft ' , f ill t " ft I ft 'e,v ftt eale, ll ' it y, ii in ie t 1 IIUI, ft (..OI I . 1 i li : 4C'" ,...!, t, ti.ftii a. it '"'i.t tie , ,l ,a)ui .t.,ifti. .i..l a.ftMi.i, I i oi ft i l i ,m -,' a i st 1 .to ai l t". t- i . .' i i k i 'H I ., II !) M lac liawftfti. i'!j, IWiii.Hri' fftlCt AND (:l i I ii ( tt liiaa . 4 .!. w aw. "i e , I i , t-a Ii' .',t , .,, p 1 . ... o " lw. ft. i i I. , ft' 1 i.,ii. i ll' I ft a ft n f.iaio Mil 4 .t. am .i , .!.. 4 ftft'Dia a I imrftft lift . , ft.'v w. a oi I. mi' iD, v k . ,i. iti.ift tn I ir iJ fll H H I H t , . ft ft .,t. It I O't . - l.lftft !.. '!,. ft x'a k V ,"" k ' '' . l a et 1 ... . . 1 I I.M.it a l..u ; 1 t e , It , c . o ii I- ft i t 'uii't'H 1 1 - I V 1 1 H I a a .i !". in" i.i'llug iai, Mel ? I an . l- i ii, i .i -a a-, u.ii i ' . , . f i it V Niiii.iR i .itttiaiift. t.A Montil .'4g , I'a.t, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Mlacellaneone. ill' YE KB WITH THE MONEY TO 1NVEHT rrm land ad ntacad In thee col. uinna reach tha kind of people all over tb went who hava ample funda with which to Inveat in lenda. Quality and quantity are both found In THE HI'. K M country olreulation. Tha euhecrlpllnn rat for The lie I much higher than anv othnr Omaha nwpaier. Naiurallv The Bea 1 read by a i la of well-to-do farmer. Bend tn your d and reai h aom real buyer. ARE Vol' UoIXU T i B I ' V T . A N D 7 If ao. vef n eoov of our Journal flrat It hue lamia, cltv property and Horaa of good a her ua. if fimn nearly ver etnte, ao that you can find )uf what vii.j wln In It column E.tabllehcd l eare, reaching Tf.iini reader, Mend We for one year aubecrlpiloii or II lor five eara FARM AND REAL ESTATE JOCRNAL. I It A EH, IOWA, FAIf.VH, a. "' and city properly for ! and iiiriiig. C, R. i:tnb. ik Bramble Theater fildir !iu t AUTOMOBILESjFRJALE LOOK THIS LIST OVER lull Overland loillltig IH hiiM. never been run IM itou Caiiiltar, at your own prlca li'io Af . x ie H totiilna . its lai.'l .ud tonrlng, elec. egulp ,2") i im Kurd toiitiiig,.., t Mi) 4 (.(itd louring...,.,.. 32fi-l) lM Maawi II roailaler ., I'i i'i Detroit tour, eler, alerter rn lull ItileriiuHoiial twurlng; 2 II2 I'aga Inutiiig , , 0 Caali or term lo rponllil par tie Come In and wa will talk It over, C, W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., S.'ig Fgrnam. Aak for II. W, Granger, Doug Hi!. TIIK Al TOiftlOHII E WONUEM tiake a ton iru. k out of your Ford nr Everybody la buying Ihl "Form- Truck." It jeiH'c your delivery prob. bin !!'! (ell ilea wild fir Aaanl wanted For lartlculmr call and oi write JOHNMON DANFORTH CO, UiM N 14th, WK will ode you a new Ford for your old one, IMil hTRIAI. OARAOE CO, JMh and Harney Doug l'l. AUTO CLEARING JIOUSE VM Farnam. Doug! Ml hphlnx lour , !". eiiilp,,,.. fefa) iuis Heael Tour , brand new, tins Hupmobll "Tour,, eacrlflee, I'lerc Arrow To(lr, aacrlftce linn AND mt Fotd louring car and rna.iir, a-paarigr Oakland, jual overhauled and repainted, A-l condi tion, Buiek truck, good a new; carry a Ion tmv New IKll model W Over land. 24.T Frriam MD-iuglMjini. THE AIJTO BH0l''hrce Firl," price right, uol 4 Jackaon. Trier m. Auto re pelrltig and gen. blackamlthlng. Uged Ford for al. ci.a b r "m ud.iik;r"rTr.Tirec?niT; overhauled; will e rhmp Doug t'lTED aula irnek for "gale, CaparllyT Vi tone; make, Bervba, good condition and can be bouttlit at bttyeln, hee hkip loo Motor i'ar Co., 27 Fourth htrent, Council Hliiffg. CIENEBAL Molor T'ompany truck "two ton capacllv, good condition, can bo boiiaM rlht, i 'ell Dougla lM HEAVY five paaaenger car; woulifTrada" for lighter car, mA Parker Al'fA WRECK fNO (),, '2)lTIo7Tth hi. All klnda of repairing and pari for an 1. Deed cara bought and aold, DjjMH. I'hEl) CAR BAROAlNH Af M t ltl'IIY O BBI EN AUTO CO,, 1114 1H Farnam Bt. Aala RBalrtaalaal ralaltaa. NEB. Auto Rdlior"Repair Bervlce and nrlerlghl. 2I I J'h ht, D. 7W0 fiM rewird Jvir 'magneto wa can't" repair. Coll rplrd:raBvdorfer. 710 N. lath. 35b SlT'BPH 'Y-AuioapaTrlng. ill lT"7tb ht. Tyler ''"iilght, Bd 474. OmeTia Radiator itepTCr ). D inor Aata Tare aaif aagpllee. Acrtefiory BunineBn. Keen bualnn intn or galeaman may ecura one half lntert In alabllhd uto (Cccaanry binlrie, contrulllng e rluftlv iliaii Ibutlve rlghtg lo ftet gelling Una on market. Deglrahl that applicant menage bulne or act aa sfrnn. iO.'i0 re'iulred and aeveral thouaend deatrabl to alock good mora heavily, KcfcreiKra aachenged Pbona, write or call Room loin Fontenaila Hotel, Monday all day and evening. TIRRH a3vanllig( liut w Iteep the prinee down. BnacleT pricea on atandard makea, Tlra repairing, One good tlra iriada from two old one. Duplaa Tlra COy 2f.U Frnm Hi. TJON'T Throw away oid tire vV'a make ona new tlra from t old onea and ava you M. I In 1 Vulcanltlng Co., Ull avenpnrt BI., Omaha, Neb. A vf T"iii m REPL'ILT, $2 no TO W 00. DTIO TIBE CO, nil I Chicago Bt. Kleelrln A aloeeotillae. ATiTOMOBftW iTft'oCftANCB. Fire, Theft, Iaahlllty and Proparty Damage at Lowest Bate, KILI.T, EDI.IB A THOMPHON. IIJ-14 Cliy Nat, Bank Bldg, Doug, mt. Walter Anderaon, p't ren'g elect rlo A betterl. hiorage. h'MFainain. D, 4,117. A?WJLAJ!D WANTED WANTEli lo"b"u dlVeit fiomovner a cbb'krn form, about lu lo iel acrea, wllh Improvement, rloae tn Omaha or good town, Price and deai-rtptlon In flrat lei- r F Welmer Hidneja. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES Far aala, GO CARI-OADS OF HAY FBuM ti TO ti PER TON. A, W. WAQNKK, I'llOVE itirnl.4 tt." fcH N 16TII r. Aa am lei.ii.g ll, a illy aid ll foiir yrar uliI mure, weigblng I aw, una pair i,l ,.ie. i and 4 year old cat II cue ir ago. aelgti I ni (lii i-f ibiul.ii luirrtefta, aimoal 'tea tug butt y good it. n tv waaon, u..ii aell at a-' (: e ftil h if lat4 a.i el oiii li.j'iU mal.lniit, ,il I " iit ei II A V i I. n "i W W.ai., i N i. tt I, VI ft.4 H 1 1 I t M AMt tr.l SKil IV a ibalt 11. i in eurela cl atl limit III,'. tn Iti ctitia.tloft Wbv pal laa i I'.n fur liilfttr goftnl ai-ait tti ran , I I'lftb !. a . l fuel t- al ' Ai l H I II niKSlail l XI . Iti'i ym i , itnuh POULTRY AND PET STOCK l III IMMI K'H gt IV O I U ft U t ! i it 1 1. in a I .i (!, U"iiMi aaa l"r '! I i i a , i i .1, It . ti , U'. i.t I .... . I , . . lh.liwi.lt Kali iii, i r.tt t 'i...t. N ('H'U.' ye, lar lftl, tnaa ftab'aaftia, i l t t. ft- I M. lU'tftl aya, HftftaJ ta I., ! ew a ri 4 lit Mareet., Hi i o I i I 4 1. 1 la I it l , . o al..' I. A ': t ' ii a i. - I. '. a I a i.i aa itn I ft I 4 ' I'O W, Uitt,., In I ' Itlft, l r iiviil i It . l. fc a lire W- . ! ' .' II I v, ftiul tl 4H.' l ' !)( ,11. UVil I. .', tag al WVllg till I M P ift t -. eft. -1 M I. J 44 X t, l. 1 ,( I'M ft. tftH l,4 UbU Tit' ,li . ., It i, ... . ft,- . -S It I ' ft. liirigtale.i. H ' i it .- '1 Btteaelag a) y Ha lta k't N lug MOTORCTcllS'ANOBlCYCUS Yt4"R1f f YtVir. M'lT.Ml'. f.'i I. ft, .. la v Ht ". n-a V I p ii.Utftj. t Ma. lftnr BRYAN PREACHES SERMON TO DRYS Non-Political Talk to Church People Who Filled the Municipal Auditorium, MRS, BRYAN 13 ON PLATFORM William .1. Bryan rir'achnd a tem pergnra gormon Hunday night to a congregation that filled b Auditor ium and applaiidud and tbeprcd and Chatauoua-hgliitfd the I'frleag Pro hibition lL It wann't a polltlral addregg. Ha gav no Iffl huiided compllnihota to HIDhfOTk, Nevllla or otburg. Tb only roferr-nrr!, even remotely politi cal, ai ona h mad0 to a Hunday h "gpant In North I'lattn, gprakltw twice, and I don't bpgnidge tha tint 1 gpent Ihere," H made lil pla for a "dry" N l,rgkg on fionoiiili', aoclal and moral ground, "Tbt CliriHllnn," ha aald, "bag no right lo Impair by liquor tba gat vkg which h nhnuld give lo big God and Havlonr; tut baa no right to apand hi money for alcohol wbo charity, aduratlon and a hundred otbar good objacta rail for ; and ba bag ao right to get befora othera a bad mpla, CJod forbid that at th judg ment day any rulnad aoul aball ap pear and taatlfy agalntt ma and nay that I Jed blm ggtray," Ka held up befor atih cltifn a fer lhat prohibition will hurl them or Iheif hufflne, the ampl tt Daniel gnd Jnh, l nuoied from hcatlle and Blrmlnghm ataiitlca lo ahow thai, probltdtlon can b enforced and alao that It helpg bitglne, lata foal mt Ma. "There i mora Illicit aellln wher thet la na prohibition Ihen where Ihera 1," ha aald "If Ihey really bellaved, a Ihey nlalm lo, thai they ran U more, Ibjuor under prohlhlllnn than under llrjatua lha aloonkeeper would gll ola for prohibi tion and ava tha caat rf thg ItBan," A funny glory of hla maating with half-lipey Individual on train In T rouaed much laughter. Thl fallow t!ma through tha train and, elng Pryn, topped and Inquired who h wag. Be ing told, ha gald, "elide evr," Mr, Bryan did go and thg tlpty one gat down and proceeded to tall him of all fha men ha had hot and beaten In flat fight gnd ao on, Tha train atopped at a town and ba Invited Mr, Bryan lo noma out wllh him lo a aaloon, Mr, Bryan refuaed, Tha other Inalaied, Finally Bryan aald decidedly, "No, I'm a teetotaler," "Thatg gll right," gald lha tlpay man, " g long 'g you don't lototl loo mun, ' Mr, Bryan earn with bar huaband ant gat on tha platform wllh htm. Mlalalera oa Platform. Born of tha ehurcha had omitted their evening aervbag and tha ri'or war en tha reetmm. Bav, F H. Jenk made tha opening prayer and Rav, Tltug Dowe rod lha meeting with prayer, Elmer Wl Thomaa made tha appeal for financial gupport ef thg "dry" campaign and envelope war pn througn in udlrnc for pledga. Aoc.ordlng lo Mr, Thome' giglement th "wta" hava unllmltad money. Ha quoted "130,000 ach from ch of gtateen brwr galling bar In Omaha, not counl Ing what tha national aoc,tlon of brew r g apending In the gia," "The blg for the 'dry' fight," he gald, "lg not haired pf aaiooni, but rgrg for our fellow man end thalr welfare, Wa muat lova our nalghhoy gg ouraaiva." A guarlat gang "itg Br.wer. Big Horaea" and thg whole audience Joined In alnglng "Thg Battla Hymn of N. brg.kg," written by nav, Tltug Ltg. Central Debaters Were Well Eeoeived While in Lincoln Tha Central High achool debating team, whlnb won unanlmoun victory avor tha team representing the Uncoln High chool gt Lincoln laart Friday, haa noth ing but prala for the cordial way In which they war reoalvad by tha Lincoln audience. The debate waa held In tha high achool auditorium, the ant Ira in dent body attending. Ooach Mulligan, whs prealded fi ehalrman, raoalvwd a trantendou ovation from tha Lincoln enthuala!. The Judge were Bam JMmmerman, member of tha I'nlveraity of Nabraaka debating learn, O. D. Ctarl n A, I Rein, both IJncoln attorney Th Llnooln team wag oompna4 of France liiirgeaa, William Blatar and Frank Kalaa, The local high gqhool waa repreaented by Ivoatnblatt. Blrnay MHIrr and Elmnra Batlay, Aocnrdlng to lha mambara of tha loeat team, Mtaa Bnrgeaa proved dabatay of graal gbUMv. An Inleraatlng point waa broaght up whan lb reaull of lha debet waa an nounced Mr. Rain, who haa been ona ( the judge tn thirty debate, baa gjavar voted en th bing l I By Inning Ihia deba: Otnaba Illgl get ptiueaalon of lha Amheral gup. B, winning bg debate laat year Unralgj a rura-l nnanent paiaaeaaloai of g former cup, t lua cup ta put up far flva year, and the tram winning the majority of debetr keep th cup at the egftdrettet of Iba the eef . Dental Frat Has Many Honor Quests At Its Big Banquet An. ki. i battler, Ml al Phi f.a e.alie of I'teigi.t.m IftatiUil ei,. ri ' i Ka '() liatftftly bi beaii.al tiitt; tiiig at lha llwui tetyat I'te'e im i i I.., atiy Maa.1. I'fti ll.'Hi f I a ,etMeeitl4 ii N fan I. H Mi, K it Harl a--a it, l W li..av ft. M Ne.tit l' rti,- tnvn. iliult. H4al I 'tv i n4 Ai.ltnt. al .ami at Ha r g leieut raw f m tt le -ia 1-4 ata4V TAKEN FlColTiRlTifOor ABANOONMINT CHAROC H v i , t, .,t . , aha h - l ' m l' 4 Oil- l ivaj l'ftti.,gi.4 u,l a t t 14 aaate It, Cbve- l.i a l ii I 'il I a aa du i i,i, a ! a tliMag O ft ll .ant Dan te..i I ,- a he a at -ti I Datg ti ''tbt b H't ;., Hi i g4 I aa t iWftftl vft iit ii ,u.-,i,t ia ike tft ti e l-e 4 l ' I b a 14 ' !( t ft lit r W1m it 4i:ta hhH