Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Want-Ad Rates
f r word acii insertion
BpOOiel Jtttt!
Farm and Ranch I.aivli.
fe pr line...., each Inaertion
(Count tlx words to the line,;
2c per word one limn
lttjo per word. ..three. conacutlv times
o pr Una .on tlm
7c par line. . . . . . three rnneeoutlve timua
(Count aix word to tho lint.)
A TOTAL Or SOfl OB llll
10c par lino. each Inaertion
(Minimum charge (9 rent,)
Monthly Hat for atgndlng aria fn
change of copy) II, III per Una
(Count fix word to tha Una.)
Contract ratag oa gppllcgtloa.
TrTK BEE will not ha rpnnlhla for
mora (ban on incorrect Inaartlnn of an
Advertisement ordered for mora than
one time,
AnVTCRTIgpRS abmiM retain receipts
given fry The Bee In payment, for Want
Ada, aa no miatak can bn rectified
without 111 Kill,
rP! TIW TW.RPTTON'R if von rannot
conveniently bring nr nd In your ad.
Ask for a Want-Ad Takar, and you will
receive th am Bond rvlo aa vh'D
delivering your ad at tha office.
PHONR TTI KIt 1nfl(l,
WANT-An mt,t'MN fr,OBI!
WVFVTVa nmTlflNK... 1;A If.
MonwNr KniTtovn :no p m
Antwun th quosUon
"Wbr to co tonlgbt."
EMPRE88. l&Ttl u'VOVQLM.
Tha lova of a ecral ervlre man and
tha orphan charmingly told In thi
drama of thrtlla.
Thirteenth. Upland
"Tiik rntANOK cabk or mary
But ona mora picture to unfold th
myatery of Ihla wonderful drama.
Fun, Laughter, vvlt,
TUB FA UNA M, 14 16 'f AtlNAM.'
Tha llnuae of Feature, Pipe Organ
and Orchaalra Music,
Today preaenta
tifKlJAJtnEN, 131KAnNAM
"Tha lmtrurtln of Carthage," 6-rel;
"Tha Uhampagna Dclticllve," J-rcel
princess. in-llouuLAa;
" " Worth.
till A Nil lttTII AND illNNEY
"Tha Theater Beautiful."
Jane limy
In 1h apaclal feature
In five part.
Alan flood Comadv,
WHIard JIacli, alar of "Aloliu Ok," In
"Tha fonriuptor." Aluo Fatly and Mullu
Initio lild and lla inin'i.''
Monlh. " "
"t'ndar Ilnyal r"alronai," Kan. "Ham
and the llarnill a liaiiBhtcr," Knlatu.
"In tha Ulna," vim ( o.
Mini Jm-kln launder
Th (Sold Idtoatrr I'lay,
' Tha (IHI Who Won,''
KODLlSVARD. 3H b Lenvuuwortb.
Monday T'arainomit,
1 "ThaJrRtty Hllar of .lona,"
ladr OUhmt, Up tl Tnokar lit
and a romadv.
, , " "
Ataiandcr Oadin In "The Iirlffr ' a
drunu of I ha iiumUIi t n,
Cooliliij Ula Oooar." Huty Com.
iiK8SK; 24TliAND"N,
Flva ria of ood plcturca.
orpheum. urn & m
Rplaoda No, I of "Tha Straus ( aaa of
.Mary ra," -Tlia IVda of Honor," S
ral drama. "Tha Unn-llt-nrtnd I'hlrf."
tar Features
Thaa ra ftpaelal Kltra-Baal
italurta now appaarlnc at tb
following Thaalara;
t titlft Hoval I'airoiiaai"
tlori.KVARK. 1 AM' I.K-VVKNW'TIl
"Th I'n-ily Hmr f ! "
t.MI'IU . ' " ItTII AS'I I'OI OI.Ad
' T ItHB." tha of a aoi'iat aarv
l man ami orphan, vhariulnaly tultl
In drama jiflhrllia.
I.OTHHol- U I It A Nl LoTUHUi'"
' ! i VO'i'iirrr '
U'6'N ' K. Hii fk ft N A "VV.
Aliatidr la.(n In "Th lrifitr, ' a
drama Oia amtIU' nil
wHIMIKl'M. UtirAVii i
i ...! Nil. I ot "Tha iiltaof itw tt
!' "
rTtirr-1 Mi; ! ii
H.,tiini?a and Hl,(,' faaiuilna na
r em Vr9W. . .a-Ktv-VAMuh -is-.:.
I'i xt'ijf AMtV O T H OW t un hi
.saia. Art t'omi'Siia1 !!. all'w( r,
hara V irun r h a In mir r .
I I aat )'! ! nlDlllc Ml KM
aollitli li I mum hi 1
t A H Vt.,t A"RrMSr Iraalt
fli .-i.iit.l i-( ,-d aok a !ia
I, l f I f . . IN lilt I nin i
A. !' 'A'.HVr. M IUa I v..., !,
m fit i . fct (.),..., a 1'
MHMIt(,; HOltt,
H.a ) h ; ! '
i , u . , '-.. a
Hrwv t h
in I K h !.. -i v a .t,.,i S w
i r ii-1 wv, - f.a
i' !, itmatt
. t -..( t-. (-. ,,
t(.-4-. ...
ft I - .
vl t pi "-H . I t ' . i
t.ct .,a V J l.,ia
J , W t ,K.t. ,
m v. t AtaH W ta
i !, i 'I S" ' It .''
ma)roi,ki;m. "
Vi II V hury your dead In the fold ground
!ii atnrmy wthr whn you can huy a
lomh In a marblo hulldliiK at rcatonnltle
nrl. a Tal. M A I Wni.KI 'Ml CO., D. 2175.
litiiiiiHlUcr Monument Worm, maimo
wuma. llklola inrkra JSih A- ( 'hnrlfta.
i.ii'iiii ..iiin noil Alum TIioiiihh, ti
Booth Thlity-lhlrd, hov; Wndij and Mrla
I'l'tsrxcn, Kit Houth Klfllflh, hoy: An
I lion ami Mario Ohal, Houth Thlrly
alRhth, hoy; Joaa C. and Mtirxarft Ma
xltmo, SSJi HiikkIph, girl; Tom and Mary
Mimak, tm Koulh Thlrtv-lhlrd, lrl;
Jnni'l'li and Victoria Kojdci'kt, Houth
Thlrty-aoventh, girl; Arthur and Alma
Kianilrctk, Klorem-o. hoy; Tony arid
Ilofir. Onrmlllo, 617 ropdoton, hoy;
liporao and l-aiiiilft Ooiild, I'loriMn-c, girl;
1'l.wle and Nollio liplohoy, (illl North Thlr-Ih-th.
girl; T, J. and Kuwirt lypr, 'J
Notili Thirty-ninth, girl; JoHt'iih anil
,Innl Hurt, hoapltol. girl; Wlllliim and
i;iora llrodln, "110 North Korly-aavanlh,
gli l; Thomaa and lna Aylgaworth, Ilala
lon, girl,
lipntha-WIIHam WIIon. M, l JO Houth
Twenty-fifth; M J rile Oalhli-r, at, hoil
lal; Augiiat W. Hwanaon, 72. If Houth
Hetnt-f nth; .li-Knlij 'aa. IIH, Mil KnmfK,
Carolina I'ataraon, a, ai'2 Witt; ChtaH-r
If. Ilurkland, (I, Twonly-flrat and I'fwy
aven'io; Iliiohafl tioldf-nlX'ig, 1 month,
I(C, North Twi-lfth: Hoy Klltw, 32, 1iohiI
(Ml; A, J, Mlllff, H, IMI Howard, hnnlol
fi. Caiy, (W. hoapltiil: Kdgnr O. Blmpaon,
61, Wl North I'nrllclh; Imv. Imnhd K.
Tlndall. l, i',l I'odgn, Hnrnuid H, f'uinii
111, fill, DIM North Fortieth; Kmiiia V.
Bhrwonr, fc'j, ;;:k North Thirty-fifth ava
nun; Manila la, 24, hoapltnl; WHllHtn I'
('lurk. 44 hoHpltuI; Cluirl'a Johimoo,
im H'irnoiia,
Hi ll
ChrU llcmitiliinfii,' aVBI North thirty
alutli avatiur, frmna dwnlllnit. $I,WI0; lom
aon Ay CurmlWiiiel, 437 H Maaon, fruiua
dwelling, HMt); Hanaon ' A i nrmh haal,
41175 Mnoon, Immn dwi'lllng, IS.WW.
IK VOII Iim anrlhlna ana will mrnM It dart.
VOtt lll turalr rx nvar It It fount lir aa ban
trion. turrnrtistiia navarlut art br(JBkt
imut arr liar ttirniiia in! iitrluma
1H I, w-r';i)l ofia riua loM urilnlM art
laWrtd In knowlnf taut IHo '' la It
mlri a raitulrmi thaai ta " Ik owM
tbroiiah ailvarilapaiant ao4 iiiharKiaa, n4 thai
a fatiai l 1 an. if eta da f'PT.i, la
vqlvna a aaTara panaltf
paraona having loal anmc grtlola would
do wall to Hll up (ha offla of tha
Omaha A Couni ll Hluffa HI rant Itnllwny
company to oarertaln whrlhor they left
It In tha alraaf cera.
Many grlldaa aaon day art turnad In
and tha company la atuloua to raatora
them to tha rightful owntsi. Call
I mug 4.
fHT-fna paiirl" all- k if n,iiii1 pained,
alth gold hoidar on rad Imrkaround,
I'lndar plaaaa ralurn lo Haa offh'a iind
raialva rawnrd; no iiicallona akd.
I.OhT A ."brown lihall ranno pin; flndar
raralva raward. I'hone Wl, I7T,2.
liiWT fjidy'a allvrr wati'h und chain,
'ni Walnut M tor raw a id,
j)HT- Kodak ph iuro and mirror;' ra
warrt. I'hono Walnut I4f.
urnltnra and lloiiaaholil (Jomla.
I'Oll luck of room In now icaldftito
a wry tints Vornln Martin (Hblnct
coHiInK )50, it a goo'l u new, wilt
bo gold at grtittt niicrlfice. Partle
intrrratail will pl'-aae nigka gppolnt
iiirnt by iihoiilng forenoon lIioy
i I'kcl A "C J l'l N W H It it ' I.H UV V K H . "
Wa hava upproin ltid )!) for ,luu
bildn praganla In thoao niHklng pur
i:hai' of ua during our Hiilr of Hi"
moat hanullful ami up-lo-dnta houaa
fumldhlnga. It na axplain, HtMii'
fur rill ura Co., lortiaf 14lh and lioilg".
HoUNI' lahla and laalhar" flmlra,
haautlful I'tlnnaa droaacr, $S; Vnrnla
Martin had, 14, Kollpaa gag atova, $U;
rafrlgaralor, J6; h-iilhir couih, 17, Weli
atar WW,
Mi'l.lll miihogitiiy living room furnltura;
hra had, hadroom furniture, 'lo,
Dmiiha Villi A Htorngn, Kith and I.aMV
anworlh Hla . 'iind I'hono Walnut ir.'t.
f lMt HAl ii: Ooldan oiik llhrary 4 tl;
hrnwn oak i hllfonlar, all'. 'J'al, Walnut
OMAHAriLUIW CO.- I'ult and hair
innttraaaaa mnd ovar In naw Ih'ka at
half tha prlra of naw onaa. f'hona ua
fur aiimphi of tlrklng. Mall ordoia filled,
I!i7 Cuming Ht. Imuglaa iW
"(i K K lioi & gs alovra, Jial ruga of
nil kltida, poultry lro and nailing,
rmon llll S P. m. I'M No. 21th Kl.
UAH langa'i liaap. KI H, Joth HI.
Jawalri, lllam4i. Walcnra.
tR I K.J A Allli'H ' luoky WBiiding rlna"
at Ifilh and Kiiiirrliia Hla.
' riaaoa and Mualcol la.tran.ania.
Good miikra. good pnndlllon. 13 M per
month' naw plating, 14 IM par month,
A. HOBl'li CO,, irdUfi tioughia HI.
l'l Alt'" for an In raaionahla; iloublo avutloii,
comlltlon. 0. I y rln I hl.
Trpawrlit-r ppHa.
NKW miiohlnua a-hl tha aama aa rent;
:i par monlh, Ha ua baforo you buy or
rant Hlilppad any plara on ten ilaya'
fr trial. Multa Tpawrltr Eauhanga.
IIH 8. Ikth, Oinaha. Noli,
tYI'FIwniTPItB aold. ranlail and r
palnd. Hint an Oliver typewriter S
montha for r,. tVntral Typewrllar Kt
i hanga, 1'' Karuavm.
RKMINOtoNB, Monari'ha and Bmllh
rramlara tor rani; anl anywhara. Itam-
Inglon Typawrltar t'ompany, l. I2K4.
RKI.IANCH llllihon and Carbon Co.,
typawrltar and office gnppllAa, whole
gale and ralnll. I. S'.i4il. 1M Howard Bt.
Dfflou aupplle. iougliu i't4(. IJi Ilea
llluJ. .,.
Btrt and IHm Wimwi.
I'iF.HKB, aafra a"i'. ahowcaai'a. ahalv
na etc. We buy, ll. Omaha Klntur &
hupply Co., 4IV.I4 I B, uih, Koug, :r;ji.
(Uthlwar. raw. tci.
Wl'l buy and "H tailor inailo nulla and
ovat' on'a r riaouisn, i ii in,uina cii,
Betalartt Mrtjaa.
How Mut'liincs
Wa mot, raptor, aall oudl and pant
of all auliil iiini'iilm a
NF'.lHUahA I'VCl.K CO,
1Mb, and llatoei Hta I'oug t-. m
wraar( ) 4 I'laatta.
TKl'-t'-B. "BtllO KM, MkUalK I'LXS I'B.
. ....... ,..i.u. ui t., I. li. i
1 Apple re old liv v
)i4,a aaiota ..moii4t,oi I'l.n o a
Miaa gmuii'l iiaal ( -r (lev, jtoih
(uiiah ! gtuoiiil M HI , Mil p l
,,.i, f i..ii,ni ii l 'in .""I I. ii. ,:
hla l,i II Hum niwlk l!rlli
Villi I II. M it;nv I W I '4i,
'..r I tin. s i n i hi .'.
ttiiliMiit and t-.. i n 'i and wl.
ed. ttiU HH.I Itlikimv tl N ,ivi'
rl . l'ii.i.. k'li H-iKl'.a .
t W I1.-
,.4 1 iti.xind 'l title py N-
.M at l.U ! a iaa '
( ll Mrw4ia. Ml J'.m i .it
4ll aAl l ' " ' l'anog ,,,
It I- " ' t ' " M 1 ' ! I". '''l
I Nl 4 "
Hi l - I I,- 1 S '' - 'II li'
. .. !. I'u ..,.. C.
- lit H S - 1 ' ''I "'' t l
li'rl , 1 li-1 Vit 4a'
4atitaat 4 Hilaal.
Ti Sl'K AM TUAi nnN
j;NtUM H
,. u f , J t 4 4-"'H' t': i
Wtv 4, )., V K, M' 4 HI I
(. t i il -', all I -i
Ar,.W'i ki,, W
kl xt-it'l (LI IK-Si ' K ' h " '""
t it
. I. 4 :,-." 4 '
.. . I I." I 4. .
j T ,.-4. in
v . et - Hi '
i.-. a
.. ;.4j t,ni. i V
- i . i
M la-ajlanan.
"jil V TiTiiTi" "atandard "of ' "riuallly will tm
rnnliitiilnad ; 4 qiinrla of Old Fontanella
whlaky, hottlad In bond. Henry
1'ollock innll order house, X-oug, 7162.
l.'2-i:'t N, IDth Ht
Thlrtaanth and iJougla.
Hottlad lii bond whlaky, h., ll.lioO,
full u t.
I'OK "Al.k-il'and ri'iiiatii. hi oik ma
chine, alngle or double i-ore, end, cor
ner or anglii hloaka. 17 I'allatea, Ad
ilresa O im;2. Ka,
i' '(("" tioldan VVaaT "VV hUky, 4 full
' iiuHiu bottled In bond, prepaid,
f'lli'klav I'.ron fimflhd.
O'NK H-II l: anil ona 3-lf . PrWi-voit m"
lor for a.ih- aheap. 7'i3 H'' Hhlg.
1'OH BALfc-1'ralrlc hay. Write Wgtaon
Hay Co., Iriman, Neb.
I OM buy. V rlt Walaiin
Hay Co., Inman. Nah
MAHN fnr iii, Call Wabaii..r' W.
New daaka, uaad dftk. bought, aold
and traded. ,J c, Heed. 1W7 Farnnm.
fiAf'HMAN will pv you mora for fur'
nllure, clolhaa ami alioea Web .,1411,
Wa pay beat on in foe old "hillii a, I, !,'
Ileal prlrea paid for old cloiheg. I), 4714
hKolU'OAAIlOH ' l,ui-kv Wedding
Hlnga" at 1Mb and Doughi Hla.
i;IV'Koiildoor V, M. C, A, Oj' I'ark
Motor llepulfa,
CAIIIM. KI.KC. CO.. Ilea Hld(f D, 378,
Nearly all people in a arim"lltn
troubled Willi aneeilng feel Tldi In
aholuley and nnalltvelv atopped III
ry , If my grfviea ia liiki ir wh e'i
la iimpe mtnlOti y lin thoil, I ivlll ti M
you why your fi et aweni, rhnfe. Hi'h
unit iii hi' In bol wi-Htber; you eiut fcvold
all trouble for g lenaonablo fia, and vou
will bo thank fid lo me, ( Vi II or writ",
llil'i ''hlrago Hi, finuih'ij. Neb.
4 oiii'relw ( orilraeliir.
f'KMKNT wulka and drlvewaya. H. ?J1.
4 Hritnilara and 4 iinlrnrlara,
laaard A Hon )) Capitol Ave, T. I4U
Young, rep'g ,, jobbing, Ksrecne Web, mi.
C. W, Hokauaori, 2Vjfj J.vnwlh. Tyl, ilM-J,
eeorrtlon, Utile Knlfn, Ho Pleating,
Cov, HuttOMH, llmlli'hliig Neb, I'lent.
trig A llutton Co, (.11 Z I'lini.m H It, HM't.
'ia A Klei her, htdiea' tiillori-d gHi'ftienta
for rill t raalona, fix lte lllilg, Ty.
iri'animikmg and plain aewlng: reugou
ahe: aaimfn "Hon guariinteed, Web, III,
ANNA MI.ATKH, ilrenniniiker, ladlea' el k
aulla a apei inlty. Houth lw;.1, VM H, 'i'lt.
CMJRK'H DieHKiitHklng ailiool; gulta,
draaaea. ate. ;T,M fallrnrnla. Hong. 7(UU.
HY day, work guaranteed. Web, M'H.
I ireaamak'g ol home. 1 1, 7,n:. tM Harney,
Ketater'a lireaamaklng Col, I'M Oily Nat,
Terry t'reaamuk'i oollpg. Will k Kiirinira
WOIIK giKirnnteed I bono Walnut Hot.
Conii, dreaarnakr wantg day work, l, TA'M,
Oaleopadl I'l.yaliilHna.
Mia, J. It, aliMb k. 4'C Hiwe Hldg. Ty, T.Wl
IDKAI, Hair pnrlora--ail Hulrd Hldg.
MHtili'urlng, gealp, fni'hil and violet iy
tremmenla. Toilet artlrlea, r, i()k;,.
Towel Nappllea.
OMAHA Towel Bupply, W . 11th, D. 111.
Ilullolia and I'lrnlliig.
, II. ' VAN "A UN AM,
Preiia Moating and Huiton Co,
Phone Dotialaa SUM. KB 7 fanton Hlk.
Northenat I orin-r Idlb and Karnam Hta,
Aei'onllon, knlle, able, apaca, box aad
gun-rav rileatlog
Combination bog and aldo pleat aklrta
In all IhIomI ill alalia,
llemalili'blng. pliol edging, pinking,
ril' hlug and Inn tuna mode lo order.
Mall ordure given prompt and a net lal
gttontloir, All work guaranteed.
Mala 4 trnneil and llloi'bed.
STRAW, I'nnamH, all klnda huta, ileanod
and rehlorked l.ilH li,2o IIiii ik v Hi,
4 leaarr an,! flyi-ra,
HTATR pry Cln. Co. 120 N, 12th. D. IS071
K praaa ( iiuuiHolaa.
TWIN CITY Ktprraa 'r. V'ti 4aa HI.
Hmigtaa 1717. Ifeiivy bftullng a apei'lnlly,
aC4rritbli,lt lur vtuuien,
ACCORDION, utile, knife, aunburat, box
pleating, eovered huttona, all alueii and
atylea, lifiiiHt Itililni;, pbut edging, em
broidery, handing, braiding, rordlng,
eyelet rut work liultonholea, iiannania,
Jfl Douglaa itbwg. Dunging ItlSO
t t'ltoiiulnnla.
E. A. UWOKAK, C. V. A.
m 4:i7 lUmge Hldg. Tel. Douglaa 7m,
A. KTZKNMPICKOIiR.T'ouni'U lllufla, la.
Tel. Hliwk IIMi. Ainlltlng, Acoouutlng,
lni'orporittloii, Inveattgallun.
DR. PKNDA-Snip, mi. Hleam, Modera
Turklah, Kleetrlo BATHS and MAS
HAilhl for tired nervea and rheumallam.
Private apartment for laillea with lady
aueuilatua. un Karnam. 1'hoiie U. S4.I7.
4 'oal aruri,
THKATRTC'AL gnwua, full dreaa aulla, for
rent, 09 N, 17th Ht. John r'. ldiimn.
Piano Iwalruoiioa.
liagtlme planu pliiymg poaitlvily tauuht
In 20 leaooue, Cuininu. Wal. tilt,
4'nlropraelora, ftploal Adjaetmante,
I 'H, HI It Hi iR N, 414 Hnao Hldg, D, M4I.
I'almer i-iohool ynul Coiiaultatlon fra
Ira. Hillln,;hniii, i: Creighti n Hlk. D, 7 it
t II, larael. llran. The. Hldg. 1), MM,
lr. J. C. I.MWreiu'H. t I ,u li ,1 Mlilg, L. Ml
Kt.KCTHH hoiiae cleaning, our work and
prh-a will pieaae you. lt ua remove
niir ntniin win, I, m and put 111 your
eireena Tyler Ml J
I'll 11 WINCKI, Dewey Ave, Kvl-
denee avi'iireil, rrnl niiinulm tnieil II .',7"ta.
JAWK. AI. I.A.N, it: Nrxllle tuh. Cvt-
ilnme i, niiil iii all ,,. Tyler DSii.
lNO Nat l IVitX'tlve Ag , Inc., 4:4 iue
lllilg Tlr ! Milniv niuil i,l..itll
4 h lenpmllaia.
Carrie ), llufoid t.ii Cat Hlk Red 4J.SI,
Jaailera ol (he t'aaee.
II 11 Cl-AlHtHM; i,l.' t'attxn Hlk ; Red
lt Notary p ibli'; ili-p. 4lli.nt e'eno.
C. W. Hi In, ,ii 1 lUrker Hi.., k
Vkk I Irtaara,
( I. FAN gt li ivi.V and lUilHtH llllt.f
Willi K'1,!1 ifc ki.KCTKir, UK NT II
AND i to I tli ha V lnCV!I.Aa I.'bm,
Hlrr4 a ad Wlrlaa.
1 II " UK 1 11 lc ating it iiuiaa,
ll.4r,. ,,,,,, ,,, ,,
lanii t. ja Cunuii ail l ,ua
I'alwllaa and l'vilia.
.oi ,i. I - i . T' 4 i' t I , a !
1 all.K ta
II MAPJi't'f) t ,.. mnl i-'nar, ra'B4
i. t ii'iog ;( Wilt si n a a
Wlm wai .k ma a a, , . .,.t l..n
. -,it 'l I " ti:
f AttM. I'"n "l l"r ..av w,ti
t. I- -l. I I , , , I" I tn,l ... l4lil,
n-vt .' ' 1 '- I ' ' S 111 V4 f.
"f a 4 'llawait,
I . 4 i- 1 k- 1 - , I k '' 1 'i 4 . a
A i , 1 'n ai ..
ItAVI In tHiiil, 4-W Ii'.ii.:i ilt '"'
lAall I'aaer 1 Iewli4a
4.,. a i' -t , -te,... u ..-rj"
i W t t.'M' ?a . ! I. ' 4
J jl ,
.ilrlll Nollia
u r
il'l I. i. 4,,
V taMiwe
,il 4,- 4 a
U44 4.
t.4 I
( T 1: !..
1 4a, a a I a 4 4. 4 aw taa
14 HI 1 t ,4. I ' ' ,
1 1
'4t 4
la A
M lttija
, ae.
r t. I
I I- t
I ... 1,
Uloa A (lander, fi.'4 Wee Hldg. Rd!'i3
llraaa unrl Iruii Futatrlaa,
l'xton-.VIilcliellCo., rtth and Martha Ut.
AVI nra and Mqaora,
BI.'Y your family liquor at Kleln'a
Uuuor Houae, U2Z N. Ifltli. Douglaa l9.
LATK Utile iiilvir tinioiB ijpewriler, In
perfei t eondillon, to awap for W hite
l.eahnrn I hlekena or any other paranoial
pronerty owner ran uafl. What have
. V"" 'H '' H'tS. Hee
II.VVK very good coi,l ranga and one
giiaollno range to awap for good type-
writer, rollnoi deak or what buve you?
Addraaa rf. (, linj. Ilea
f'TLMB DKVKI'I'Kn rRI' K when pr I'ti
are ordeixd, Knlargmenta from any
tieKfiiln Kaae Btuilin. Piin and Hi. may,
V ClHrllKD lltiiographii", lag 23, to awap
for pH Int. or bonne painting, or what
hnve you?H, C. 17.
bSK t-ir II f. Ar c." motor, riew,biiVgiln
prlee. m Jlrn Hldg. Douglaa JM7.
DoN'T you'wanf tlila 220-aira fiirm,T.ioa
ln7Toland A: Trumbull, Imuglaa ?",
COT and miigaluei lo trade for
liana, or what hava you? Addreaa 8. C,
117. Ilea.
J-A T K mode! T. ( '. Hmlt h" tVrTradii "for
lidding; nmehlna, Addren , (!, 1177, pee,
Wild, trade jewelry for Ford Koailater
or any otbor make, Aildreaa H. C, 11777,
OOWD Remliigiiin No.'ii for Maater'i:r"
huietor, IV, Ineh, Aildreaa 1171, Hee.
IIAVK new dreaaer lo p for" jiehox;
muat he while rmm1 Itiatdo, f4, C. Ilw,
AI T'i Urea or aei eorle for adding mg-
ehliieL Aildreaa H, C, li0, liea,
(iOt)D, gentle horaa to trudo for good
milk row, H. C. 1174, Hee,
WORK home for trade, for g Koid tar
H C, ago, Hea
Hll'VCI.K, good aa "new, lll.fO caahTcol"
fin- I7!l
Keen biiHiniiaa man or galeaman inav
gaeure ona-liiiif inleraat In eatnbllabed
auio aneaaory huwliieaa, eontrolllng a
ilimiva diatrlhiillva rlghta lo faateat
aelllng Hoe on market, Denlrabla thai
ililli out mniiege hualneaa or a(!t aa
aaleainan, r.( rerpilred and aevaral
t ioiiaanil dealrghle to atock gooda mora
liegvllv, liefernni't'g em hangad. Phone
or nil Room loio, Kontenella loiel,
Mondtiy rill day and evening.
t'AFK and rooming hong for gle. double
room rtife-ellriliig room and counter. Re
modeled four monlha ago, everything In
flrat-elnae ahapa, Mnluree, llglrta nd
furnltura are all good. Heat cafa In
aialn exrept aome of tho hotel eafea,
Hood lepiitiillori, beat cinaa of trade Id
tdly. Guarantee IIOtMoialueee, and over
ilally. Over l,oo aio-k now on hand.
Hint, aevenly (liOr monthly. Rooming
hoiiae of ten (In) rooma oppoalie eafa,
Moiiitn exeopt heal, Oood furniture
and llghla and everything o, K. Rent
twenly dolbiia (y monthly. Oppor
tunity for a live man, rteaaon for aall
log la ah kne Addraga Y 3112, Pee.
HI.AOKHMITII ahop and realdenee; would
onililei' Curd ear aa part payment on
either, D, K, Klledge, Hiilaloil, Nab,
iti,U atoik dry gooda.; naw and up to
(l,i In; nnmt have uulok mnnay; will aell
for fifty t'enta on the dollar. Addrean
M 1071,
III 'BIN KBB iiriporl unity, ageip y open In
onuiha for live wire with aome capllnl
rotiipetent to aell aulo Urea and Mi-oea-gnrlea,
Aildreaa Tlreg and Aeriaaorlea,
eure of Hee,
WANTKD The maiiufMP.turer of a gtan
dard NUlomoblla la deairoiia of making
a aultehle Omaha irnnnerlloii. (iood
propoaitloii to reaponalbln partlea. Ad
dreaa Auto Manufacturer, care pee,
ONIil drug and jewelry glare? n i
lug north Nebrnaku town for an In at a
eiii'Hflca, (iwnar retiring. Will V, ii.
K neater, liruriwl' k. Neb,
ON gi'i'ounl of III health I have to aell
my reataurant in Waco, Neh,, go id hua
lneaa. running 7,'am a y,r, only ri
laurant In town Kl at urea at Moo will
Invoice aim k, rimiie or cull at once,
CAM!. D. D, Tinker, l.
HOVINO Picture Theater, reai bargain!
nun hlnea, repalra. auppllea, acceeaorlea,
pew and acc.ind-lie.nd. Be ua.
Balrd Hlrtg Ooug, MM,
((lit BAt.1'7 Crrtor poiroin" ma -ofiie, o
i li.d In a good i it v , douis good
pen.; leiiaon for aollh g. hove othiir
htialnega. ). I!, I'olk, Hln'tiHiidorih, In,
I'OR ' HA I, '14- iinly rfgjly" morning "newa
pnHr, cllv Itl.'aai ; well rilli.el loo
libiilt; "Hind every ilitenllgHtlon, Ail
(It-eea Y :ii,'i, Hee,
Poor. 11 A I.I-One b llnrd " table" "nod
four pool to Idea for anln. Town of l,;'0i
Motiev rnakt r, niual anil on account
poor In all b. W ill take t.) raah If a dd
at once, Aflrtrrag Y i.'7, Hee,
FOH H A I. K- -Oood, clean atock of Hard
ware; live town central Nabraaka,
Oood reaaon for aelllng. He quick. Ad
dreta, Y ?M. Hee
I.IHT your hualneaa or Incomer for aule
or trade with tne. I know how.
Jiowd Bnle and Auction Co.. 'imaha, have
cloaed out moro mdae, atorka than any
other firm In V. H Write for term.
THKATFIKH' -Hoy, leaae or aell "your the
ater, machine and auppllea through
Thealar F.k Co., IdW 1'ariiHrn, D. H87,
W II.MAMH. iHiiibilKhed J yaari7 To" buy
or aell hualneaa aea him. 411 McCague
Bid. Reference V. 8. Nat. Rank.
New and rebuilt bargain, auppllea.
Omaha film Khangain 8. 141 h Ht.
OFKICK for ' rrrii Uu or maurance;
wimo floor aa Hea office; 13n21 feet; ao,
Tlie Hee Hldg. office Room 103.
TO HI'71'L or hov a hualneaa call on
tluacl) tbirghoff, frenner Hlk; I. Klt.
PAKKHY with inimpleta eiiulpmenta, ee
tulil abed trail 3M IaVenworlh Ht.
TO oi-'T In or nut of buaineaa call on
OA NO CUT AD, 4T! Hee Hldg, Doug, S4T7.
rinv work or hualneaa ad regular rate.
2 iloea one week ,,.aj
3 linca one 4g ,4,,,.,47a
e ti runt Una ltu wr week.
HTl'ATloN - H Japaiiiee, Wantt )mi
Inn- aa yhaurfeiii, ifc or gn. Ml
iiiiii4wirk m ob" pti (ainiU At
a, Harry W art!, p Ht, Mncdii,
WAS I I'D Job aa tiuoakrept-r ui aaaUt
ant 111 uit inunir bank. 4 yam eg.
PiIik' in liaiik ami 4 yaata aa dainty
i,v3tit a tieitaniar, gud rafarrutat, Alt'
l,.n W .Iff Waal point. Neb
A lwo i - 1 I r . whit iiaa had 1 ara .
peilrmw W l" Inn" lltl, Waull
p. allien at 101 Will work lr a,u,
ail . 4 it. Ittwalrr. : N. th
at . iii4la Sal
i t Ml men or tuinan aim want 4
i,i,ii h.niM e.l rliae in lea Ma
It ia in t ai-at tig buaineaa man read.
t,anaia. Itttan and Kh-on
i.i" a, l.iua
V 4 I 1 1 I. -1 ' . '.I a aae.4, .,! li.nater
vi 4 lit I.' a f II u l'l 1,14 l Willi
i.,i, . ,. , i. ... . !!- wt la iid.i,
.,i ,' . . I . Hi
it tl ll Iml ' 1 ' (i.".l ill
.1.. a n f i w-.ia I 4 a 4 . t aa
SH a I I . !'". ' 4 VI 4 .
I ltI,!lt li 4 .. 1 4a 4tll at
'lii,. I ' V fi-aial a.t, wr k.t
v :y
I 1' 4iiM I'f :"n. t a at . -la
I a -. I .ii'ii i4 la.,
fi i , l a
i ItH 4 '' ll44 ( .UI..4
tly'i. ,'.tl4W 1111.. . . ...', Ii.. ,
ill,.'. I'.f
t , 41 . (, 41,., 4 -. a l e will
, t , V O ' I a 4. J A
( I,,. l-...-l I4
I , I' 1 , I ! , I B.l 4 V- . " ' ' J
...fc. , ... 44.")i ..s..4 ,...I4
.1. .. . 'I I
i t 't If) 4N"si .el--J It at
. wa4 e.,K. i oat 1 eat il .' f I
I a. 4 ' .
u i V I . 4 -4 I I jl l'.'. ' I i4l
; i, i. -4 't 4 i 4u, , ,
. H a.-l ' I . . .- . 4 a. I ca-'al
j 'j i.ii I l" H
i - 4, t I S - I .- I-.. , Ittn
j ,. ' '.i .,11 '
4 At 1 ( a - A 4 i vr
f amalf.
RT'FINKD, capalale womnii want poal
tlon, In good home more than waget,
tia companion or to ealat In home;
handy at aewlng. buying or overaeelng;
Jovea cblhlren.Hoom 2,Hanford Hotel.
HKMAHI.K houaekier e.anlJ fnnlJliti;
ran do pialn cooking, v n-iwlnw of
care for Invalid Addreaa ;'" Ave. C,
Council pluff. la. Phone lied 4 .',
' , - , . ,,l,lllbH II' ...I;-... .,
fa lower than any ol!ir form of a.Ucr-tiKlng--not
enough io cover c"1-'. of
i" lining, '
OIHI, with" experience on aw Itchboard
would like poaltlon on P. fl, X, board;
feel confident could operate, ilurney
MIDDI.K-AOKD laiTy want ponillon tit
lioiiackeeper for a prleat or nice genua
mnn. Mia, R. Hhulterg, 4,Vi4 H. U.tli Hi.
VocNO lady bookkeeper and alenogra
pher wanla position; aeveml ynara' n
perlenca. Addren H h)77r lice.
kXPKHlKNi":! alenogrnphei rlealieg
poaltlon; can do clerical office, work.
Walnut if?M.
TWO colored aiaterg, a cook an' aeuiiiil
gill, would tike plea.Tyler1tB.
'.VANTKD-Poaltion by young lady gto-
nograpber. Plume Colfax 9 IK
l.asnar tit Day Varat.
!IOIfllKCLKA NINfJ,4 lndowclennriii,
rug beaiitn, fint cltiaa clly reference,
H t'1,1 A 111 .1'. colored" woman wanig iaun.
dry wiraliing, day work, cleaning. Dou(
lea ii'i;. .,
H'AN'l KD'.'D'gy or mglit" nuraing "hy
colored gradual nurae, Cgll, Web, Wl.
Hl'NIil.K wahlng,""pleca"work, 'lr "cur
tain; work guaranteed. 1K21 N. ?4th Ht.
LI'. K Y K l I .A I ,'N D It V, V0 Ca II foriila,
H-iiid work culled for and delivered,
(.(IMPKTMN'T "colored woman wantg (lay
work, W' abater 4i'i(7,
I'.'M'KHilO.VCl'.D luundrea wanla day
work. Weir, ii74n.
hXVKHiKNvi.n " laun'dreVa men'
alilrl". Par. i',4i.',
Cooking or day workTlsif Igarii," Tyler Pint?
KIIIHT eiaaa laiiiKtreaariliiv work'," If, Vt.
Kxperleneed laundry; cleaning. Web. 9)W,
W'ggiiing and lac curtain don. Ty. 1144.
HI.A S li KTH rir bunilla waahlng." V. 11741.
('leaning, iauinliy and day work, P.
Laundreaa, day work, A. Jgckaon, W. Ifi7,
Clennlrttr. laundry nd day work. D. 7409,
l Al'NDP.T, lemlni, day work. W."7o3l.
f'OMI', woman want day work, Web, IWiS.
Woman want ateudy waah placea, H0.2MI
Practical nurae, Tyler Wtt-W 17U Hurt.
LAUNDRT find dy work, Web. at'il
Btorea anil (if flee.
IrT you do not amok gt all; chew or
drink, are lietweon I and 3(1 year old
and have, ability to loam to manage,
you might call In per aon and leave your
name at the Punnet Hloiea office, 611
Kranoel Theater Hldg., between 7 and
Id n, m
traveling galeaman, experience unnfcea-
aary, : bktir, and ledger clerk, Pft;
hktir., fni; bkpr,, out of town, lumber
office, 4Si bkpr,, out of town, bank, 4.
Wealern Reference Hond A'n Inc.
Originator of the Reference Jlnalneia.
7.72 Omaha NatlonaMtank Hldg.
HTKN'0.7 7;""ilTE.NO ;" HILLING
clerk, R. H,. I'K),
HINLIN'I clerk, beginner, W.
of rice fli.rk, good iienman, 40, Many
other. No filing fee.
Till'. MARTI CO., I.W W. O. W. Hldg.
jiii.A rrfM a n .rnv. .7,.. u
HOOK K KKPKR (beginner) 4i..'1
HAI.KHMAN. A-No, 1 pronogltlon; draw-
Ing account; Bteno,,
elteiio., $75,;
Hteno., Mil.
WATTB K BP. CO., 4o Brand, Thea.
Profraalo'na aad Trade.
WANTKD Coiipla of good mnchlnlata,
four mohler and a ymmi pailern
inn Re i , Mnke application In writing and
elate rxpetli.tiee, gulnii Wire At Iron
Work, Roone.
WANTWD -Mnn with fomlly to runTbv k
gntllli ahop on hla own account. Oood
p ace for a good man. Wrl e for Induce
ment, II, P. Willi, Wllke. la.
BK K l:H Vf It D 1 1 1 r(T J HH.
Katahllahed Tan Year.
iil5-il CHy National.
COM PETKN't broom maker. Riea'dy
work. Addiee Pen H, price Broom Co.,
Denver, Colo,
WANTKD Kirgt-tlaaH inachlnat7 610 H
16th. ,
tirug tiore jnnria.,toha, Knetar.. Hee Hhig.
aleamen and ollettor.
FIRHT-CLASH aiilenman or aollcltor, rb
aolulelv clean and a producer for I'nat
rat gelling auto aeveagnry line on mar
ket, by a atrong aataollaheit dealer.
Come prepared to atart work Immedi
ately, 9 o'clock Monday, 2028 Far nam Bt.
WANTKD-Highly n coinn ended, aub
atantlnl miiii to repreaent a large farm
tractor company In Nebraaku and west
ern Iowa. Not neceaaary to open an
Omiiha office, hut muat bo In poaitlon
to actually aell farm ttactora to dealer
In the territory. The right man will
be backed with plenty of rood farm
paper advertising. Give reference,
paat experience, etc, Addreaa K 10IH, Hee,
fAI.KNMKN for Nebraekg and Iowa, to
handle the faeteat aelllng patent on
the market; If you can earn ir.0 to IIUu
weekly, w want to hear from you.
1S01 W. O. w
W A NTI'D - Agiuiia for "nil upp-to-dnTe
health and aceldtnt tnanrance company.
Federal In. Co., Lincoln, Neh. Ira K.
Atkmmw. Hen, Mgr.
SALFflMEN to aell automoiille'""Bp..clo!ti7
In Nabraaka, Iowa, Houth Dakota ami
Kantua; good aide line. al pre Hldg.
IH" Vtil' have aelllng ability tee Stand
ard Hec. A Inv. CO.. I'lli W. tl, W,,
H.ilg . Omaha,
BOMKTH1NO extra good, big money for
tha aalrtmati who la a hualneaa getter.
1017 W. O, W
SAl.KBMAN 'tu'Tratei ItT Neh. Btantla'rd
Be.' and Jn. Co . lul? W', ( i, W, Hldg.
Ilatela aad Kealaaranta,
W A NTKl" Day t lark. mut hegoiHrali
around man. Ieat of reference re
quired. Addraa Mr J. Beverly, 0
itanl llolilt Notfulk, Neb
Ultl.tABl.k,' empliii emit aganfy. I4ul
Davenport Bt , bamlnuer'et a for hotel
help, tec atentlnti lo dlatanea onlara
RilV wanted Apply Peteiteit 14 ua., 114
I'arttatii. r
Trade aetataal.
bit Bltl f IUI4I i l,V4H1Uh II,
t4 '. 34 ' , '
Vita aan'aal t It- ta (.! A t
ll4 ,,t .44 A !' 4W ll 1.4 ft If
liu','4'4 '.t ' l';4 l.-no.a Ml
S , I - 1. la l I 'pa 11 '
w ie f4 'H'i-tH. I'll i t4,ftj
a. , i t
tl4.U Mt V W A S4 i
ta !- t- - '. ia fc teia
v.i. 4"'.a ttainii.g .aa vt a .it tag
t , It a i i t. fan.
AVtHHH 4 N At i v ill t ,i
, n omit S'aa
) t 4 I , V a,a, W Ha la la,eai lkM i
, I a I 1-44 -a ti .vf 1.. a
ia, 1 .i-4 'l''' 4 i''l an ti
f t i4)i'- a I! l'
n . . . 1 p .4 Mini - 'i 1 1 -. 4.
kl V. a a" -.1 -" l 4-w Hi (-( 44
I .. ' 1 - ei
. 4t i I 4 ta 4 ! ' i L t 1 1 1 I 4
4 tl aa
ARM Y'f'i"f'lllr7r-"Nl'rK BTATKHTm EN
WANTED. Able-bodied iin.n.irrled men
beiween age of 1 and li; cituon of
Vniletl Blrttca, of good chir.iclor and
temperate hablta, who can apeua. read,
and write the Ku71ah language. For iu
formallon apply to Recrultitig officer,
Army 14)dg 15th find uoilge Hi..
Om.'iha, Neb.: .'07 Hlxth Ave. Dcg
Molr,ia, la.; ;r? Kourlh Sioux Cpy.
Ia.; ITVN, Tenth Ht.. Lhiooln Neb
A .v,-, t..'i s, i'i appic tree wpo under
;i;ii:kU In)).' nr apnivn; mimt give refer
e;.',i. Houth fPh. C. J. Hyuhum. route
'. ftoi.-th OiiihIi.i.
I''lRKMKNT brakeniwi,"" I1V0 ""monthly. Kx-
peri'.ncti Ubnccenfiary. Roll -a ay, Y i'A.
" Pee. ,
WANTKD - Nainea of "iiiiifiitiotia men, 1
to 4"i, wlanlitaf to he"o:ri" omaha tnnll
cgtrlera. Commeiico fii ntorith. Addrea
V illS. Ilea.
W ANTKD-A aecoriil "t.iiu in lumber
jard; ti:ree-,rd to,ni; central Neb,
Addreaa M l -i, Ky:
HTARf 'leiiiiimiite", profilable btTiiTitvaa'af
home; pertpulara free, 8avsfe, (i
Drexel, ( lilcego.
.-....---t-,., ryir ""t-'!r.
Blore and (Ifllree.
lirPR7 aiid aieno , ii; aaa't bkpr. and
Hern)., Ho. Omaha, Ml; ateno, and elk.,
Mi; retail elk., ni; gtcno,. oi.t of town,
170; aaa't bkpr., :).
Weatern Reference A Bond Aaa'n, Inc.
7.72 Omaha National Hank Hldg.
HTKNO.. "rb, ali7rio.,""p; ateniiiT Hiid'clk
140; ateno. and bkpr., $4"; bkpr, attil
lyptet. I4&: dlclanborio operator. V".
Weatern Reference A pond A"'n, Jncs.
7.7; Ornalig NaHonnl Hank Hldg.
Why pay a Piling Fe? If you aro
erricient or experienced in commercial
work, aee ua t nnee, Rogera Befcrence
Co , iiMt I'u xi on Block
KFFK'i; "ierk. good pinman, .$(' Mi
HTi;,VO()HAPHKR "1 )
BTK,N(,, In,: gteno,, p.,; ateno., W, dicta
phone operator, ,io
Watta lief, Co., M0 Hrnnd, Then,
DfCTAPHONKdpKRATOn at. once,
THB MARTI CO., 1.727 V. O, W'. P-ldg.
OIHL for general iiouaework, Harney 741,
Ii4 H. run HI.
I'rofeaaloo anil 1rnde.
WANTK I )- Heverar "young " w omen, ff'iz
year of age, wtlh gt legal a grammar
gchool education, lo Itk un local and
long- dlatanea telephone work. Per
manent rnploymonl. Balarle ghov
Averaga are paid at atari ; gteady d
ygncement. Kvery attenllon paid to
welfare. Apply 9 to ll a, m. or i.Vt o
4 p. m. at IKI7 Dougln Bt,
C. V, LAMRKRT, Dlalrict Traffic Chief,
Nebraeka, Telephone Company,
WANTKD (Hi la for amait aoeaklng
pnrfa for Lange Block I'o, next
week; refieareula Ihla week. Apply to
John McCabe, gt Hoyd, or at. Bchlltx
hotel. j
MACHINe: glria wanted; good pay; ex"-
peilenced preferred. Hc.otl. Omaha
Tent and A wiring Co., IB Harney Ht,
TWKNTY girl experienced on cotton
flannel mitten, Payne Olove Factory,
l;i MJ4I.. Lincoln,
I.KARN' Bwedlah tnaaaagg, Dtpioina7
Write Prof, rimed!, 4oj N, lMh,
Lf.ARN hrtirdreaaina' ar Toe Oiipanhelm
gnleanoriirn and gollcllor.
"W A NTKD-Photo ollcllor. " Cgll Doug
lag 44,
llouarhold and lomeallc,
IXPF.niF.NOF.D girl for genoral Ihouaa
work In family of three grown paraona;
reference required. Call MM. H, If1.
Raker. Pr2 H. SMh Bt, Harney 317,
WANTICI-C'oiiiietontmald for general
.hocaework; 3 In family; no waahlng;
good wagea; reference required, liar-
bey 1737. i
WANTKD Mldiliej- aged bouaekeepar
five day each week; can gn home
nlghta, Keferencea required. Addreaa
J. IO'.A
WILL give board and room to refined
working lady, cumimnlonabip at night;
muat have refencea. Call Harney 4MN.
KXPF.Ill KNCKl'l win'te"" glri for generai
boueeviork; two In family; good wage.
W. H. Wheeler. Harney WKXi.
KXPKRIKNcni) girl" for nerrnmja"
work; no l&undiy work, 3;t Hurt HL
Telephone Harney iZt.
WANTKD- Oltl for geiieraPhnuaawTTrlt ;
nr waahlng; good wage. Harney 77231,
mtf S, th Ave,
HI7LP for general hounework on farm,
wngea B7, Mr. John B, Johnaon, l.n
dnrwoodIa. IVANtkn Rallabia" white " glrrforgerv
ernl houao work: one who can go home
night; no waahing, Wal. 2644. SO. No,
47(1 Ht.
kxi'l'.PTHiNAlTchanoe for gHI who 1
looking for a good home; nice room,
good aaiary. Call 120 Bo, Mth St., or
phone Harney MM.
WHITB girl wanted for generai hoiiae
work In amull family: good place for
good girl. We baler 22.70. a,15 N. lftth.
KLDKKLY lady to care for two children;
parent away during dny. Apply after
a p, m bm .-orm nn.
WANTKD- Experienced girl "for "general
housework; 7!i per month. Phone Har
ney 4.12..
WANTklk-W'hlte girl for'generaiTiouaiv
work, email family, 8022 Pacific, liar
ney ?A.
M It It I id lady to work for huahanii7
board and room In boarding hoiiae. 2112
Douglaa Ht,
WANTKIV-tllrl for ganerol houaework;
no waahing. C. (1. Bowel, Kill) Caaa Ht,
WANTF.D Experienced cook; while pre
ferred. Mr. Arthur Meti. llniney 44.
OIRl- For general houaework, Mra." W,
M. Tg, 37lf7 Ho. 2.71b. Taleplione Bo, KM.
WANTKD-Olrl for general houaework.
Apply morning, Phnne Harney t7t0,
VANTF;T A cook, nefereiira required.
Mr. A. I,. Red.Phona Hanaon 1,1.
W"IIITH girl for general hoiueworW;
email family. Hiirtiey J7.H, pflT Bn. 3d
I'liMI'l'.! FNT girl for gem-rni houae.
work: no w tailing Mil Jarkann Bt.
ft' ANTKD- t'olored wmuiiii for generaT
liMUaewnrg Phmi Walnut SKI
WANTKD -At once, Mimpeieiit maid for
gi-neial hiiiiatwoik 4f.t1 )iUe.
HlRL for grnami linuaaw.iik t.ailudrea
kept, It par waek itt.A I'aaa
WANTFD I'niiiiwieiii giil fm geqeriti
boiiaework Hal ney Ii
W A N T r. 1 4 - .4 cook Call Hamey ui!
Ilnlela aad Iteaiaaranla.
WANTIP'Igdv on k mlldi ae nra-farre-t
room f iiMil4,al, 1 ill a r ..laraajca
lank lv, 14, ' rraton. Nan
WANTFD - W eitian whh l 10 inv4 p
tinali It in HI and I 4 a eiilli I'naige at
, A g i 4,ihm4uIiiv. Tha V at;
limn l4...Hi4v 4ir 4'lly, la
BlBlM rvM 4.DU.k,US
rl IH .! IH.'iil. f ,r tajli,
ll.f a 4ill el .. in a a i ,,.,
p. !., a l.."-'l vn el in la t.ii- a I,.!,
.. 44 . ll--4 -f I i. kl. V .: : i- j
V,4 lata -til'-e 4,v I't ta i( , l
n ll V.i -anla :f l.a
in. atiati i.a at i-n.'a, ,. a
, li. t ' ' -4 1-. n, a ... t :i pi.'na
t ... 4 ' 4 I
PAi a'l.
P- k t vi! I 71,
,l,l I M 1 1 - I
pur 4. t ii'im 4 ay R-aaia. ,
k.a(-lin illM it- H i Tilt,
w t.ia 1 . ,. 4, i 1 itil a 44 i- 1 1
t .,,.i l i.-.4 4. talt ,. ,4 t ai-
a, a .a. Pa i
p.. lit i' 1 ol t i.,
11 t a 1 1 -i. 1 ai 4
4 -il i'u a.a I 'a ,
g is, v,it VI ill i.t - H h I t.ii Htl
1 . 1 a v, . 1 ti 4 . it .....
! I.' -.. a-WaMl I I 4 I..., jka ))
HA R P Hummer term offer to atudeni
beginning April IS. Harps furnlahed.
.y5 Lyric Bldg. Ijorettg Pelvm Studio
PAXTON Hik H1I100I of lettering and
teachea paying ttd privately. R.
DHnclng-4;enevleie Hatlfialre. V.'tib.
Tiles. Fistula
. Cured
Dr. B. R, Tarry cure pile, f latultB
and other rectal dUeaA a without gurgia
cal operation. Cur guiranteed and n
money paid until cured. Writ for booig
011 metal dlege with telimonlal,
DR. K. fi. TAIUir, 240 Bee Bldg,
Omaha, .b.
BIpmiHliPM Itoniovpd
Plmplea, Mole, Blrthmarkg, Red Note,
Oiltalaiidlng Va.i. Bagging t'heeka, 1
Buggy Kyetlda, Wai t, Blank Mead, !
Moth Patclje, Oily bltln. Dandruff,
Fulling Hair, Hcalp Diacaae, Fteckla
iind HKln Dlaei, wbeiber ilua lo dla
eaae, impiiro blood or unhygienic hablla,
can bo remedied. Home ranee can lol
cleared iiiln a week by an Immedlala
Method. A gradua'e and Il"enr:ei1 phy
ali'lan who baa made a aludy of tli
face In charge, Cornaultnlion frfla an't
corifioerillril. Phono Doughia ii.7(l, Hourg
9 to 5, Availing, 7 to I; Mundnyg, 10 to 1,
0ffl ( m J i eJ I d g, J 1 ti a ha, Ne .
RIIKtfMATIBM, glomaen, liver
and kidney trouble, goitre, nervoutv
Baa nd aathma ktifferer are auo
VM'tafully retlofed to health by tna,
Eiurnlnallori Frt.
CaU Bull Hi Bea Bldg,
ChiroprActor. Tyler lffM.
3,000 TO I'KNBION IfiivALlDB. '
Tne I .edict' Horn Journal, ,,,.,,,,,4.a4)
The Bfituiday Bvenlng Pot
'1'ha Country (Pitillrman. ,, $l'aj
IH guhacrlptione by April 'th earrn I
that ,, for '111 Invalid' Penahoi i
Aaa'n, Your order or renowal contruj
btit 60c, Phone Douglng V.3, or Ala t
dr g j '
Omaha. Neo,
f(5UN(1 women coming to dmaTia att
Atranger are Invllcd to vialt the loung
Women'a Clirlatlan o(jtlon bullflnil
At I7ih Bt. and Ht. Mary Ay., whar
they will he tlliected to aultable board
ing plate or outer wi aaalntad, taog
for our traveler' guide) at In Union
I'FRHONAl4-.MI Btaple and Hhaf
tit, blh, electric, trealment. Open I g, ,
m, lo 9 p, m,; Hunday, 11 it. m, to a p. '
rn Doug. 713, 4dl Ware Blk, j
THB Balvatlon Army Induatrlarhoma aol
licit your old clothing, furnltura, maga
astln. We collect. We dutribut.
Phone Douglaa 41 end our wagon wljj
tall. Call and Inspect our w bom.
11101112-1114 Dodgo Kt. 1
fcVfcRV woman of t) "year and iriorafj
wlahc to retain and regain (ha facial I
contour arid complexion of youth, Con-tV
ult Alice Alexander, teecher of anion,'
tlflt beauty culture, V, Wn'i, Kegldnntlut
work done. I
PHirrffORAPHr iaughrin "ail bratvha 1
Pew Ums laaaooa In kodak work a '.
you money, Lmory Hr hool of 'hotog
raphy, I2 N. 14ih. Phon Tvler 241.
FIIIiTjF.V M : tl'lrik and drug treat- 1
y"""1 merit I beat known cur; 1
booklet free. THIS PPRLF.Y, mi JTar- '
nrn, Omaha, Phone Harney 1742. (
DHH. JOJIN8TONH,"Chlrnpra,ctor, ol j
Hheldon, la., wlah to announce their j
location at 2407 N Ht., H. (. ConaulUUoa ,
free and Invited. Phon outli4U.
II U P TIJIt E HuenoAof ulljf' treatad ,
operation, Call or writ Pre Witty it
Matheny. f He Bldg., Omaha. ;
chiropody, Mle Cray and Head, Ilft
2)4 Batrd Blk , 17lh and Dougla. D. Util. ,
I, J. V. MfLI.KRT will notlreapoii"aiMt '
for any debt contracted by my wifa or
.... ... .... .1,. ..ii, 1
HATH dyad and rehlnckad; feather hoag ;
cleaned, curled and made from plume,. ,
Dora Klele JlWJ'lty Nat. Bk. pM32, f
bi iF-NTIFK-' treatment for face and?
ecalp. hair jjood. I SUV KOHM KTi' j '
HHuP. 819-20 Roee Bldg, Tyler 12!i0. ;
SWKDIHIf maaagge"" taught "br I'rof"
Yliflell of Htinkholm, Hweden. Dtplomn,
Write for partlculara. 409 N lffth. ;
t'OCR floliie dry ulened7prd" "an if
returned the grime day. City I'reatlng
J.'luhi2 Neville Hlk, Red 4(7711, ,
"MA B BRLOMAff. ' '
Bteam and anower hath. Maatag. Rti .
r27. Room m Kartiach Blk,
MO-BONK CoreerBiroprurglcaT7oret
a apectalty, Welialer-ounderland Bldg.,
lftth and Howard. Red 42,
V A ge)A 6 B Mia "Webalerr li Pa'xtoa
Blk. D. 2227. Office houra 10 to I.
RHEUM ATlAii" treated auceeaafuiiy; ra
in!! 1 guarant'dBr. Bowter, 814 BeeBldg.
PRIVATK home for mauirnity case.
Cull Colfax 2042 441 N. Hath Bt,
BCIKNTiFIC mi'g9. 620 Baa gld'g!'
Phone Doiigle 6372.
Varalahad Itaoaae.
If you fall to find the rotJm
you dealro among then ada, call
at The Hee office for a Room
-give complete deialled deaorip
Hon of vacant rooma In all part
of the city. If more convenient
phone The He Want Ad Dept.
ml give your name and addreaa,
and a Hat will be malied In you
at uto-., New Data are laaued
every week
MoDKrtN front room, ilnnacoia Pari
dlairlct; reasonable; no othur roomer.
Harney 17K7,
Wfi.I, ftirnUlied f rout " room, "TtrTi fW
nioileru. Phuua Harney I'M, iv'.'l H.
ivifi Bt.
flf N. IkTII Kleitinlly fuiiiUhedT lf
convtnienctc, pihal family, reference
kMMt:r Blrwt, tt, modern room, hall"
block from car Td W eiiatr 4l7d
li5 PARK AVK- Lata aoulh ruom, mod
ern Private family Harney la3S
TWO iii.tiient rouiiit, fiitnlthml cuitplel.
1 'ailla a It1.'.! dflar II a tit
la l iH.AB M , l;nl. Bleeping "uniin,
rl,M lit rttt'iief 11. - V
MC4.1.Y f initialled ttituii, toa In, All
aud.'iti Ml at !i S4
!i ll',W K - Two bUely f ,tt nl inning
llaoteheegtag ataata.
I I V t V oilala attai'tmanla fiinilahatl
1 ill. plate ftir littitaakarinc.g I tni!il,
4 ' V- pat w eh 1 f.tttina, p. an I IT l,:i
.-.In Apia, 4"! .al t'l,n,. i 1 1. I ft:
S ! I coat 1. non with ki. bi.. u an (
1 iili in new 1 .n nil tr tn a, w a
lug r, la I tl , 4t'.ll "l I o 1 a,
I ta 7; . , .
I 11., 1 mi 14 CIN'l I .
t 1 4 tie 4 Ii. ,. 11. 1 tea ne a.i' ! A'a(.
li,' roi II i tf aee 4i , i tl a),
.Vt':LI f 4 an a it,,.in kai i-ii.g
.......a a i,i e'.-t a 'He ,'t . 'tt,
D t a '
t 4 ll .tlti. ... .! " fit i.t) ' na
l41"4i - I 'ita
S.t'tl.V " I''" l!t'll'i A f '!'.. 4
ttat. .,4. t. .. '! i4-ilB . S I'lH
I 1 1. I '
("ISHi l,ir!.l4l ail if. H4akill t ma,
" k-t . let) !-i A 'Wh A 1 '"- I I... .
-It, 44 $7 4. M 'w ..ti.$
1., 4. 4. a t I I.'"' ' k lal
fit,!! ,, ..i.t .-,..:. leg I .'4.1 (tM.,44,
41' 4 t . , A
HaA 4 Rattaaat 4
W4j -" ' ' vi 1
k , Vr '" ''a 4 I 44 '! iv ( ,
-t I
Un ,.'. 4 'l' 4" I , .''t'l.. , t I , ,
',.4(1-1 1 til a, ii 1 t, vt , ... i t
4 ultat talattal 44 -nana
fi' k Vi 4 .,.Mi ,11 , n , , . . a 4
n 4 th -7a 't. i ! w t . I , ,, it
t 41 t , t .
Maiea ear. latit
I fr,,.,,,,. . : i ' '1 i -Vi.
rt4ia t4 iitii.a .-
II 111 ll( IHI.MHM Ht I . .', 1H
j-a 4 1 1 a .' I '. ...
4 1 '
UllVtll 'l't a-,- .a-..-a t.1 ( 41 4
a . I 4! . i' If " 1 t ' ' 4
a..H ti fla!44 ., a ta Hitw.Hi4
1 a . 1'..; 4 ..j tii4i,
t a 4f a. 4 t
Hau l
, Mi at . 4
t .11 .' I VV
i x 4 t-'ia i I :. ,
V 4
t ".l