aily Bee:1 Call Tyler 1000 If Vou Want to Talk to The lie or to Anyone Connected. With The He. VOL. .XlV'-XO. 201. OMAHA, TUKSDAY MOIIXINO, APMI, IS, lOlO-TWIKIAi: PAGKK. Ob Train, at Solai Mtmt Btaads, aton 60. 8IX0LK COI'Y TWO CENTS. TV Omaha D THE WEATHER. Showers .1 FIFTY KILLED IN CRASH OF TRAINS IN RHODE ISLAND Gilt Edge Express Running: from Boston to New York Smaihes Into Rear End of Local at Bradford, SOME OF CARS ARE BURNING Earlier Reports State Half a Hun dred People Have Met Death in Diiaitcr. HAPPENS EARLY" IN EVENING rituvjui'iM Jv, Jt. 1 , April 11.-" 'Ih (Jilt Kdg exprfl, Hoaton to New York, ran Into the rear end of train No. 623, a local running from lfmton to New London, at Bradford, It. I., ataflon early tonight. The lo cal had Ktopped at th Bradford ata tlon and the filer craahed into It. Karly report here my that fifty people Iirvo been killed. Homo of the (mm were burning. Senate Votes for Probe Into Climbing of Gasoline Prices WABHINOTON. April r7,nalor Mar tlnn'e pr-fimtl to x resolution directing Iri'iulty Into th rising price of gasoline, which cTinrrictcrUod ih) ftlandard Oil company a a "trust," w adopted to driy by the senate. TJie body of liter resolution calling upon the attorney general to Investigate, wa adopted two wcka ego, Tlia preamble wa held up on discussion of whether It, was proper for the annate to brand the company a a trust in the lliiht of the u,irerne court'a dissolution decrea. NI';W yoi(K, April 17,Tha propocd impivy ly the trtttud Hut attorney general Into tha Inoren of ina price of gasoline will not he opposed, It wa an nounced at (lie offices of tho Hiandard (HI company of Nw Jersey here today, Tim company, It was stated, "invite a full Invest 1 nut Ion," which tha company believe will show that the pel'' increase "l traceable only to natural causes," HT, IiCtH, April l7.laJtolln In fit, loula today sold at 111 cent a gallon, a drop of 1 cent, Tim dcr.llna waa e,Url bulcJ to tlio Importation of oil from Jiornco. PATIENT AT INGLESIOE TRIES TO-COMMIT SUICIDE MAHTINOH, Neb,. Aprl tt.fpnUI Telegram.)-.. A, oiunong, W yearn old, rnrninllted to Inglealde from Tork county three week ago, attempted aillcld by tumping In front of an automobile driven ty teorge U. Tyler, Falling In that ha next tried self-destruction hy butting hla head against a tree, Tha man' commit meit followed hla attempt to kill himself hy hanging at bla home, OlbWi waa walking with a number of other patlenta under tha guard of an at tenrfnnt when ha saw tha automobile ap proncli In the Institution grounda, 11 threw lilmaelf headlong on tha road, but Mr. Tyler quickly awerved hla machine and avoided wounding the man, though 0110 of tlio wheels touched hla clothe. WORK UPON NEW BRIDGE WILL BEGIN SHORTLY tl'roiu a fluff fonenponoent.) !.1NVM,N, April 17.-tp:clal.)-rartlea who have been waiting for work to ba vin on the new atato aid bridga at Ht. 1'aiil will be pleaaed to know that tha company contracting for the erection of the bridge, which la to coat In tha nolgh liorhooij of ISIW, la about to begin work, The Central Htatea Ilildgn company of IiidianaiKilU baa the contract. The AmocIiiIa Iirlaatlonlata of wentirn XchraHkn will hold their annual aeaalon at H'OilKbluff mi April !. tntfl Kngl neer Johnaon la on thn progiam for an a'Idia, PRESIDENT APPROVES SENTENCE OF G00DIER V.IIN,iiTO, 1 1. r Apill lT.-rrecl-dint W IUiiii today approved tha recom-im-inliilliiu of the nenctMiy of war impoi- mn n npiTen' or rcitnuiHua on i-muinn- j atit t'oloiul liomlli r of the aviation erv- I be. wbn irceiiltv a Ivied by fourt- I iniirt ril "n rnnuri'tinn with charge ever; the enhdii, t of the ran Ihega alallon. j The Weather tv.r him .'! m,. I I liinliy-t'nsetllrd and l..0?lllt (.Ji.trtiiH, ftii"t', If lloilK I 'if . , ,. it ... M ... ... . ...i r )U t . ... t a m ,; in t. in '! ii in II a in 1 1 i 1 1 t A t. I t ! C in n in ! ii in Ut I -a I l. I I . I i,ll l Imi, 4 f I ' I t. I II I tl l.l( l.i ,t .1 I lll4, ,,, l ll I 111,. 14.1 ) ,1 Iv 1 '- I II .!.. , I I I ,1 . .,, . . , II... , ( - fl , , in. .- . , , , I (,, tl,,., ,i i i.i a I" I- H ' " ! I . (., II in - VI,.. I . I . ' - l i- ... t .i l (- 'it I'I i.. -its ' " I i i' ,f I I "' i in h I I i. .hi, , I , , .. ' , I H I.g 'a". -i aiata T.-iiij. ii i,. (,, l u . 1 . ,i l l I. I I t SI. . I , ' an.- , t i. - la,, -ii, .... t- . .lie, i H M who's jiughes? Charles Evans Hughes, born at Glen Falls, New York, April 11, 1862, only son of Re?. David Charles Hughes, then pastor of the Baptist church there. Graduated from Brown university in 1881 and from Columbia univer sity law school in 1884. Achieved national prominence by expos ing- life insurance abuses in 1005. Elected governor of New York in ISO'S, making- great reform record, and re-elected by increased major ity in 1908. Associate justice of the United States supreme court since October, 1910. "Write it in and don't forget the crossmark." MAl5iiilir SERYICEORDERED Baker Directs Changes in Depart mcntA Officers Being Censured. REBER RELIEVED OF HIS POST WASHINGTON, April 1 7. I'rent dent Wilson today approved tho recommendation of the secretary of war Imposing- a sentence of repri mand on Lieutenant Colonel Ooodler cf tha aviation nervier,, who recently waa tried by court-martial In con nection with chargeg over tha con duct of Hie Han Diego Million, flecrolary linker announced that ha bad eemnired Itrlaadler Oanral Wcrlven, chlttf of tha algnal coipa, and Meutennnt! Colonel Hamuel luber, chief of the avia tion t'orpa, for Improprletlea In cotinac tlon with the aviation aervlce, Hecretary Hakur alio annnunced that Colonel libr bad been relieved from duty aa chief of the aviation auction and that thn whole queatlon of thn manage ment of tli army aviation would ha re viewed by a committee of the general ataff. Captain Mitchell of the general ataff Willi guccerd Colonel Iteber until tha gen eral ataff committe make Ita recom mendation, neneral Kcrlven waa cenaur'd "for hla fallura personally to aupervlae the dla clpllnary featurea of tho aviation corpa ao'nilnlatratlon." Colonel nler wa cenaured for "dla rcgard to ft coordinate branch of tha gov i mrient, failure to ohaerva the reatralnta imposed by law with regard to tho pt' aonnel and pay of momixra of tha avia tion aeclJoo. or tavk oC bualneaa metlt oda with regard to tha property of tha government In discarded machine and for falling In that dogreo of loyalty to hla auperlor officer which would have aaved both Qeneral Bcrlven and hlmxelf from the eenaur now involved and Ihla branch of the aervlre from the public doubt and crftlelm which haa affected It unfavorably,'' In hi atatcinent regarding the cenaure of General thriven and tha other offl cera ftacrMary Uaker declared: "Jt la cfear that at leaat a part of tho cii(tcliii which baa attached to army gvlatti la dua to a failure to realize tho experimental atala of to art of flying heavier than air machine adapted to military uae. The auppoaed failure of aome of our army machine are not greater than failure experienced by In veritoii, manufacturer and pilot In civil life." EXPENSE OF REMODELING CITY HALL TO BE SHARED The city council, Board of education and Water board have a aired lo aluc,! tha expenao of remodeling trio city ball Another conference will be held next Monday morning. The eatimatod cost I ia.090, which amount will Include new elevator, placing tho main floor on the present haaement level and making aii otia change in connection with the gen eral plan. A comfort tatlon la Included In tha plurm. Wilson Says Nation Will Enter War Only in Behalf of Humanity WAHItlMITuN. April IT. - PrMldant , WIUuii, iraklng In-fine the fiaughlii of the Arni'ilcan Hevolutloej here loly, ; derUrrd that the only aeu ot lhi t nited Htale to ever flbl would be Ini, hr rhw,,t (r ,-b,,,,,.,,,, , r imu, ih i ii.mi nf humanliy, Ilia word were enlhunlaiillcally M 'll url. t by drlegalr from all pit of the rountry. Anuri a ll h fnrgnlun Ii tr-' ,li U. 'ni, raid to pr, blent, If It frahta I. ii u fur II' If tie Ii-.1 tbsl ll.e I nlied eiair ient in( fiM umb r en- , tltKin a weiild mliow tl iii foianttan tlniilli in lie it Anxfli iia t I-" minlM.h lo alii. It lil nam t In. Animus ! The prcniilret ib-iUird Ilia esib.ii fortnvil fur II1.1 porHoiA vt ivoig tit IH ul nniiUml aa nun 'i a l'-if, n I alfi'id a)l m l' i li ' 1 lr f am in ii . I (iiot 1 1 I j .n i lneiJ' io. Mi l in li . ,.,(,, 1,,,,, 1 1 I) t n- ',11 In 1 ,i. itit I lo , sllenl I'. I ' m ul k-i.i ui bi" it at l iii ii lei II. .ll f l,l H.l.i'l (' tfll ' , .'-u i 4 I'-'a i " .' t..v ' . 4f .' . . I m -. . .rt i, V, ' eKKL-i-' 1 I . rr - i. ' s k (SAFETY APPLIANCE ACT APPLIES TO ALL; United States Supreme Court Takes Broad View of Act to Protect Railroad Employes. TEXAS JUDGMENT AFHRX v WASHINGTON, April 17.- Tho rreme, court today no count rued tho vnrloua federal aafely applluneo acts that all eniployeo no matter whether engaged at tho tlmn la IntriiHtttto or Interatate conmierce may recover danuiaea for Injurlea oc curring tlirotiah failuro of intcratat commerce railroad to comply with the aufety appliance lawn, It wua regarded as a precedent making do clnlon, giving aafety appliance lawa a aeopo fur greater (bun the federal employer' liablllly law. Tint firat craployera' liability law waa even an nulled yeura ago becauae It applied i employea rngaged In Intraatato commerce an well h thoao In inter Mate commerce, ' The decllon waa Miinoinned In the ault of A, It. rtlfiittiy, a tiMkenuin of tha Texa ft I'aclfie railroad, Ittlnred hy a defective ladder on a car iniirk'-d "had ordera" and left atandlng In the Marshall tTcx..) yard for re pa Ira, JiiKtiin ritney, apeaklna for tho entire couil, held that (inaiea had taken to Itflfir exelualvo Jurladlcllon over aafely appllan'ea for luteintalfl rallroiida and that the alatea would not bavo autlioilly to muke hiwa reuardlng thorn for the benefit of Ktote einployra, The rourt held all that wn neeeaaary waa that the railroad be engaaed In Inteintate eoiiuneree for the feleral taw to apply to all their acta rewarding nafnty, ' The Judgment nf the Tettaa courta In favor of Itlgahy for 111,'! waa affirmed. j-, , . htlOrtS tO ATHCnCl Array Bill Beaten in Upper Chamber WAHMINfJTON, April lT.-Kfforta to amend the army reorganisation bill were defeated In rapid micceiilrin In the acnuta today on tha eve of the mcuaure'a ! pane. Henalor Jteed'a amendment lo create from lx to twelve training aclioola for Went Point and Annapoli hi varlotia part of the country waa defeated , to 31. t'nder an agreement reached Inat week, voting on Ilia bill pending amend ment will lieln at & o'clock tomorrow afternoon, other amendmenl rejected Included one 1... , l .a i . . I ny ponaiur ib in Maryland 10 moreuan the numuer of National Guard enllated men from i to 'M tor each repreaenla- j tiva and awnator Itr congre and aenntnr Work1 propoaal for an lielimtiial mill lary force of 2"fl,(V)0 men to aervo a month ! eruii jear In the army In time of peace, and eleven month In foreatry nd re ('animation aervlce m the J'aclflc coaat uiiil adjacent atale. Two Americans on Latest Shelled Ship' W A HI 1 v, April IV.-Two Ameri can, William Hmlth ami Nathan Till man, were on tlio llrlllnh steamer Koat em City when It wa attacked April t off Cardiff, Wab . and unk by ahell fire from a ubmniine n llv,, u,i loat, A report on tho attack wa for. j warden to tne Htate department today by American Conaul I.nlhrop at Cardiff. NO REPUBLICANS MAY BE MADE DEMO CANDIDATE il'"roin a Staff CoirexpoiKlcMt. LINCOLN, Aprtl 17. (Hpeclal. I A re puldican cannot be made the nominee of the democratic party and vice veraa by wilting In the name on the primary ballot, l the anawer which Hecrctury of Slate Cool ha given to linpilrlea com ing from Omaha, ll:iHt!ngn nml other place. Thla la baaeil on an opinion of thn nupieliie court In Slate v. Well, CM Nebraaka. the ni)tl wau the i ,rpoie r.f , rihiii I- at ll n I lilt . if i fiiill fnou ihe ti.ulillioi of the fiith"i e ba'a il'ahnnoi e i llii-m. If e foi set I he iidiiMon of th'i falli lnl an old lll'l'liln , we bsr Inn nine lih. 1 nliminii of Ibe lili Iplea III I . h thn life of Ibe bll"ll llmif Mit.', aod : Vlo'Oiieit. ', ' lntlcii will f,iiolteii pa 1r ilnion hiipti-i uiuiH nut? iicrsiluit It ftn'it t,.r tiif oiub r sic b rr . I hi ii luce as i ." tint ll . . for ..iieo l i H,ii for n! n M'.'l Ac I i-e' Hi i..p lbs .Utiei t n lite, rirr t'l fo Ilie v,.illi.n of lt I' Is that M i'iiii 11 In .,!i,.( ,f t'i lult 1 1.I4 f t b ,1, mini 1 j ' V 4 tt .i l-n I I It. 11 It I In bsv. 'i sii ii ln.lili. o, Ii4l '.bin e' 'Ht ' ' ' i V l,ii tn,it- 14 1 . tn 1. i,n,ill.i, ii 1 1.. i. , , " ll U lit I d. a ,.f .-ll-. I-. b Mt SO I', lit ... it , I 1 , 1 , tl -lll't . Si i" I i . ! ! f . ,11 I II li li.- L,(i 1 1 iti. ,lt,v, I , n n f.a I' Im' t I I GiisgE I AMERICAN NOTE 1 TO GERMANY IS :;eintone v ,-cnt Wilson is Putting Finish ing Touches on Document and It Will Start for Berlin in Short Time. j SUSSEX ONLY AN INCIDENT j It is Link in Chain of Evidence that Germany Has Not Kept Its ' Promises . ' BREAK IS NOT IMPROBABLE j III I I IM IN. WASHINGTON. April 1 7.--Treat-; !i-nt Wllhon today completed t ho j oimmiinlcutlou to Germany on aub- i.iarttin warfare and aent for t'hnir li Hit Rtnnc of tlio aeiiHtH foreign re- j lutiona commltleu for it conference, probably tonight. Tbl ucllon waa 1 in linn with the prealdcnt'a policy ot i keeping congrena liiforincd of the I progresa of the negotlatloiin. ; WASHINGTON. April 17, An- tioiinccini'nt waa made at I bo Whltu Houho todtty Ibat I'lealdcut Wilaon I ud practically completed conaldcra- Hon of tho forthcoming communica tion lo Germany, and It will go for ward to llcillt) lata today or tomor row. 1'realdcnt Wllaoti, H was aald, had bcon atcudlly engaged on the not for two day, He did not go to church yeatcrduy, but worked prac tically h11 day examining evidence mibmlttod by tho Btato dcpiirtmont. The doeumenl, offlcialn aald, will pr , the atibmurlne leiie to a dcclnlon. Jt i waa reiterated that the Milam X caia would j form only a link In the ctmln of evidence the I'nlted Hlalea will preaent to fer many to ahow that lia promlKea have not been fulfilled, Note Poalllve In Tone, The document wn charaetorlwd ly of richil today aa being very poaltlve In tone and they believe that only prompt gciulerenca by tlerir.any in thrt poaltlnn taken by tho Culled Htatea can prevent a break In diplomatic relation. Unol fbiul dlnpatclica frum Jlerlln In dicating that the (icriuan govei-nment la ready to meet the t'nllcd htatea mora than half way. It wa aald, will not ihangn tho conran of the American gov ernment decided on at Kiiday'a cabinet tl'.Mllritf ' " cfor the commmilcntloii to flnrmnny forward, the pr-ald-iil and Secre-. tary fanaing may confer again, but It1 wa aald early today that thla waa no! abaolutely neeeaaary The prenltient an I M cabinet have agreed on the atepa to he taken and tho preNldnnt ia now iiilah Ing the pbrancolggy of the prop if ed otim munliatlon. He Intend to Include In thi indictment of ilcrmany'a auhmnrlne cam pahoi attack on neutral veaaela not car tying American. That will be done on the broad ground ot humanity and for the reaaon that many of tneao naiitral wc wara going to or from the I'nltel Htate. The Htate department today received n cable from Ambaaaador Oeraid at Hcr 1 1 ii which, it wa aid authoritatively, wa devoted entirely to editorial exprci lon from the tlerman newapaper. (Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) St, Louis Segregation Law Declared Void HT, I.lil lS, April 11.-An Injunction re straining the enforcement of the negro aegi'ogatUrn ordinance of Ht. Ixitit waa granted by the feleral dlatiict court here ; ,l"'nJr' ' Ono orillnanie prohibit white or , ii i t. .. ii i, i. ii l, i ,ii..i, - per cent of Ihe hnimca are occupied by persona of the oppoalle race. Tlio other j make eluiihir rcrtiictloua on a baala of j I0O Inatcnd of 1'i Jier cent, lodge liyer In aunouiiiinu the dei UInn, said tlio nrdliianii' x ceiled the iiollce power. "The negro," he aiilrt, "ia en- ! tilled In tho aiimv colii'hlcrallnii anil tho j same right aa a uhlie man." i Nebraska's "Big Four" REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET I nf lelrHf s-m-l mr 1 tloxaril M, lUlilrlae, iimaka. I rank M. I nrrlc, rfnl, I!. H. Iinrsn, 'rrmonl. It. J. Klli-alrli k. Ilralrli e, I ur tllrrsslrs-sbl smri I:. II, Hrarb, I IkchIh. tar-lot Hnrrsli, liHiaha, I. alu.ks, Mi l link. II. a.r, It rlll. I mc ailonal I iiwnlioraissi t kailis , It, l.rrti, liaiahs. Repubhcant nhoulit know that they will HnJ the above namri jnntfl on Ihe primary bUot. namn of not only dr. voted In a leunnui of the parly, but alij i'f ttird loyalty a i l piovcd iral tot parly ut tt If You Want ics for tfresiaen ALL EYES ON MEXICO-Map of northern Mexico show ing the territory in which American troops have been hunt ing Villa. The figures show the number of Carranza troops stationed at various points. The black star marks Parral, the point where American troops were attacked April 12. ISJSIILJLJI mUl mi I lBWaaMSJgrrJri f , Tk) r ' JrVX BPal IBa akl it" 1 't J 'oua.Nto loo ri FkiL( HMMt TUOO TO IOOOO ft ABOX ARTILLERY FIGHT AT DEADMAN'S HILL , . , . irench Official Report Says Three Positions Wept Of MeUSi Wtft Bntnh.rH. flnna " " ' ONE BATTLE EAST OF RIVER PARIS, April 17,-FrcncU poal Monti In Avocourt Wood and on tho front from Headman's Hill lo Cu ltiletea were bomburded yesterday. There wcro no Infantry attacks, the official report of tha afternoon tiny. To tho ciiHt, of tho Metiao the night V'bH calm except for arllllory activity ft Haudremont Wood. Tho text of the Matrment follow: "On the left bank of tha Meuea there baa been intense bombardment of the French poal lions In the Avocourt wood and on tho front from La Mort Homme to Cunilcrea. "tin tlie rUht bank of tha river tha nltsht paaaed In relative calm, except In the region south of Ilauorernenot wood, whcie there van cniitlnued artillery ac tlvily. There tin no Infantry attneka during the day and night. "There la nothing to report from the rn- , ... , ,, nialniler of the front, with the excep- (Ion of tho cuatomary cannonading. "Inn ing the night of April I-I7 a French air iu.idroii composed nl nine machine dining an Intense, fog executed certain Important bombarding operation in tho union of l oni Inns, pagny, Aruavlll and llointiai h. Protect lie cv dropped aa follows: i'weh,, shell on the railroad stal'on at ouflana, niMt'i-ii 101 Hie fac tory m( Itouilm. b. rial. I 011 tha railroad slalioit at Ainattlle and eleven on the 1 m 1 1 1 iii it line ,11 I'nisny nml A'. "iMirinn the nlaht of A pill M a ("remit s1111.1t aerni'lanii flying otr th North Ha nt 1111 alilluila of :mh fert ibrf-w Hleeii stnils at a ve.sel nf lbs enemy, l.leven of these nilM(le found Ihelr timtk, ' a a I it "English People Arc Fine and Good But They l.i'M' eiis t'.f Pr. teis Mf s, i f i ; " 'dr. oi li I i.i if i i i.iiin!,i, on ilroirting ln.4r i. ault I1., t,i.r t i-iii 't ntm (I - I' . H. -I ill tl i ll nt,l,a. ,14 nini iFi ' .oii-iii! i i I'lo, ,. t I.-1 fin I' ll ' ... till . til. bao II i it t(' . lot in. nt n ,i . ... f M , - -e li-i , H , f ii, I.. .1 , 'S.IJ..H I. t. t V I l i . "I ' h 1 ' , I t ' , ' nsTaMcit uMtu ajCMAa cuamttiu It MO fvSA'tVO II rv) t Trai oh- 450hh AMERICAN WOUNDED BY SUBSEA SHOT Giutav 01 (ton Injured When Rumian Ship Impera tor Was Attacked by a Submarine. 'v NO WARNING GIVEN . VESSEL WASHINGTON, April 17, One of two Americana aboard the Hiiaalan eleaniahlp Imperator from Utilfport, MIhs., for Maraoilloa, France, waa wounded when the vcasel was tor pedoed without warning by an Aus trian anbmarlne off the Culumbreda iBlanda, according to official advices lo tho State department today. The American Injured was Ouetav Ol son, whose father la bandmaeter at Kort Warren, lioetnn. Tha other American who waa aboard waa Aner fcweennsaon, whose brother Is foreman of a Min neapolis furnltura factory. The State deartment'a Information came from the American consul at Bar celona, Ppaln. Ho said the ahlp wa fired upon without warning an April U. Threa t-hol were fired, one taking effect. Tha vertcl w aa set a I Ire by the stibmatino. Olson wa reported to be m a hospital at Barcelona, suffering from shrapnel wounds. ' V.rrvrit'an ahlp uak. lAiM'iiV, April 17,-The sinking of a in ul nil ship and a Hrlilsh aleamsbip wa reported by t.loyd a today. The Nor- , wegion ship til. nil. .on waa sunk by gun 1 fire, ' The lost Httllnh ateanvhip was the ! Ilairovian. whl, h waa untrined. j Tha lilcmio'iii, wlibh wa ssillus from : biulipie, i'i He. for Calais, was bul't in I1' and In i hrlnllaiila It gios i toiinaae wa l.tita j Tha llsrrmliiu tsilsd I nun New Yark A mil S fur Hair", It was a -aantpara-I ttvpy nei vrs.i l, having been built In 1 '! for a Uoi lnn i.mipati) it was 3A I feet long so. I of 4 Ions net grusl Get Up Too Late not t ' i! 'i.. i. . -I of I hi if l.iriisa tay nl n" thslr in not a 'Lroita t"i . , 1 i oai'l erili. iam Is fit I,ii.ln4 h ni l I i Iia.i.11 In K f ibiii i,.it Hf l.'i's Ii in. t'"at i, ...- dii It I .s l a in.. - mora a,.,t ( t t Is ..i ,i, as wsot l. ii .,i-. a'" i, .mi ti"n, ,i. . s afiiii it, til., i. lo . a mi It ! ' I ' - - a ' I ,' lll l ',ii liiwl i , I'i. . Nil Ihtfj 4' t o(t l-.ii lain T Hs Co H .'i,l?i si. l anil a) ! i lo-oo, I'as ' n.i 'ii is -! .1 i V4 !'! Ihll !' aj el. . j STORY OF FINDING OF BODY OF VILLA IS NOT CONFIRMED As Hours Pass Without Definite News Report of Death of the Bandit, Washington Grows Doubtful. NO WORD "FR0M LETCHER Special Train with Body Should Have Reached Chihuahua Last Night or Early Today. BODY NOT AT CUSTHUIRACHIC - ni m.kti. WASHINGTON, April 17. Secra tttry flaker today received a dlapatch from Naro aaylng that Oeneral Villa va last aeon heading In tha direc tion of the place where reports yes terday aald ho was burled. Tha dls pitcb was talton by War department official to mean that tha reports of Villa's death might be true. The dlapatch wa Immediately sent to frealdent Wilson. WASHINdTON, .prll 17.--A the luiiirs pna without conflruiatl'n of lb alory of the finding; of th body of Francisco Villa, Waahlnglon prow mora doubtful. Villa's body wa to have reached Chihuahua CHy by special train some tune last night, but American Conaut Uitcher has not nven forwarded tlm tumors g to Vllla'a desth which must be circulating there. Tit Mexican embassy here had no ad ditional Information. It laat report from Conaul Man! at l',t l'so said h was saakln ennf Irritation. flat and War department official re fused lo comment today on General per shlng' repoit of th t'arrl fighllnt.. which Is much different from the ver sion transmltled by llenersl Carrans lo support bis siiagesiluii that Aninl'tiu troop lie withdrawn. Tlie American re port show that Carranr.a troop noi only Joined In Hi attack upon the lilt -e, ditachinenl of Anierlrans, but folloeeii them several mile a they withdrew lu avoid a clash. It was liollcaleit at the fists ilepsr; inant that further detail Would b ought from American officer before n rply would b sent to Oeneral Csrrnr.a. Hacretary I.snalng planned originally lo 'lies I with the Parral Incident aa a aep- aiate question and not ill th reply to the note suggesting the recall of lh Amsr'.caa expedition. The reply to th" Carranaa proposal for withdrawal wa still In preparation today. J It was raaart4rrVtoU S that slnerbl U Aodjr iv ; Identified that of Villa the expedition would come out of Mex ico at once. No Instruction hsv ytl been sent In Consul ltchsr or Oeneral ferhlng, however, aa In the Identifica tion to be required. None will go for ward until thcae official transmit om report. Latest report ssylng tbst Ihe bandit s body had bean dug up from a two-week-old gfava by a nephew of Oeneral Car ranaa and waa being taken to Chihuahua City, foctiaed attention on American Con sul l,etcher at that place. Official loohed to him to , throw light upon Vllla'a reported death and alo to promptly Identify the body If polhl. Body Not at (nalhwrtairhlc. EI. PAHO. Tex,, April 17.-A tele graphic dlspat-.h was received by Oen eral Clavlra, commander of the Juarex garrison, from Custhulraehlo at 1:36 o'clock thla morning, stating that the body of Francisco Villa hsd not arrived there at this hour. (leneral Oavlra talked today with the telegraph operator at Ban Antonio and obtained further details of tha reported finding of Villa s body. According to the Han Antonio operslor, on last Saturday Oeneral Cavaxos and Colonel Carina Carrans, who were at fuel, received Information that a Villa band waa operating In th nelghhnrnood. Two Carransa offieera with a body of men Hurriedly left Cual and engaged the Vlllletaa In a combat In which many of Vllla'a followers were killed and wounded and aome were raptured. A Villa colonel waa among the cap tured. He begged for his llfo and prom- ' lad to lead hi raptor to tha grava of the if tbey would not kill him, The oMrator at Ran Antonio said that lienersl Calaana and Colonel Carranta were taken by the prisoner to Han aran claco liorja, where the body la reported to haie been unearthed. The erater wave no further Informa tion to Oeneral Oavlta other than that Villa waa wounded on March IT. He did not know tha date of lb batolit death (leneral llailra said that aa soon a he wa advised that the eo,ty r-f pi had been brought to Cul, h would, let graph Minister of War ('bra-fun rut. log thai Ibe body b eenughl In Jusrsi 'eneisl Haiti said Villa, wnubt, real he gtt an a mllPary f u.ersl but ll wool,! I buried a a bandit In th Juaias pot ter fiabl mining viituarn bsia Willi a tepraaae, tail' at nuts t'aiit r-x an aa a me stae l"Ut Ihst thsi loan bad . all. k. hr ban.lii Sal iris nlhl. Th taadiis, w'.e.e ,l nitr Is luiknnwn, ear- ii'iiHiiniM an 't Te, C..,,nn Ti The Difference lilwint kihwI rvsiilu nml Jir rvllll flTHU Wrtllt nil, in iiiiu'iti mt p' t nf t Ht ', i III i)ii fen-tii' IpImiph ii wrlj nltn, I ti'i ll'ty lli'ai'ril'isl offivf uiiil mil ilmt only jjivpi tin' Yn of !. t.o!(. s Write it in Like This: i V i t t -'I, It - . " . . . a . I f " it f '