THE REE: OMAITA, MONDAY, APK1I, 17, 10lfi. i BRIEF CITY NEWS Toarnaead' Jot Bportlng Ooci:" C. X. KylantWr, for Btat Senate. Xilfbtlaf ru tnre a u 1 8 r-0 randan. Diamond Xncafaniaut Kin-, Edholtn. Moot rrlnt ItNow Beacon rraea. Ouodrleh Obrdaa Hoi Morton 8op Ckarl A. Uon la th only Omaha candidate for auprem Judao. Baas Orarf for tounty eomnitesloner, Xalao- A. If art an Itepulillcana vuta for him for public defender, Tor laia S'i and 6 my and farm mortgaae. J. ll, Jiumnnt, Kecllii BMg, John X. Warier Mi' Judge of municipal ourt, nontartian tlcaSalatur in dvrtimnt. , Bnllatt la Wary Howard l.uca traml.aard, , WI2 North. Korty-ecind street, enllaU-d yeateirtuy in the navy. "Work Like a aa" Oiaa. 0. T'.cavera, republican, for etatu ieiiriiti)ta tlva. Advertiao merit, la order to avoid Imltatlona of our genuine Metzgar' bread that thla label appear on every loaf you buy; "A. MtSTZUAR HAKINO CO," AJpba Fro Clnb Dance The Alpha Pro club will glv an Intm-mul dimclng party thla evening at Cliatnher' academy, Twetity-flfth and Karnam trct. Today' Movie jTrogrem," rlaaalfled aatllon today. It appear In The H jA'-lLfllVhl,!. 1'irilJ OUT- Wlli i"i iloua moving plitur theater offer. ep Tour Mney and valuable in toe A me r Iran ' Dcpoalt Vault, 211 B-Mh nth m., tiee Uldg. Jloxe rnt II.W fr I month. Open from a. in, to t p. m, riaaterer a Bankrupt Knieat II. Ier r'lfl, 47,:', reward Uet, a pld,.trer, filed a petition In hiinkrtiilcy, J,linl;llltlea jt'4SiV; Hum-In, $lu), on whkh ha claim oemptlnn. Aadlrona, rireaoreeai, Hunderland'. Mw Commercial Club Mem bar a M, 11. Uoldherg, V. W. Jtiicnii, I'aul W. Iloagland and 11. ll, 'alrltlt era Oik lateat addition to the mnirmrhlp roll of th Conifnnr 11 club, Oueet of Honor fir, and Mr Timothy J. liwynr fV'irt I tin arrival of a 1ahy daughter, who wjll ,n the gut of honor at their horn, vn North Thirty-ninth. Jlot and hoatea are d"lng H. Addreaa Saciiatere Wyinan fr1r, attorney for the Chhago A Northwcatern railway, ddreexei th liarrlalera' Hub at the Commercial Huh room Hafurday noon on "Home Kpeclal Mia of Hall road law." ' ogr rltt ned Dei-Hue J nunie, Koprlntor of a aalnon n 'IwHrtti rid I'ODMtA trata, ob.teet4 to Hnr Hrltt'e 'tion, toMr thrww a hrlck through a window of th eafalillahnwrit. Jl wia rrtd and flril and coat, Ce "Tea-Tlle" tUlnclee dunderland Bible Claa Za4ere Monday Mr, 0. A, Foot, lender of the W) nlhhorUond Hthla tlnaae of the clly of Omaha, will conduct her cl for Inalnra on Monday afternoon at o'clock In the auditorium of the Tounf Man' Chrltlan aaaodatlon, mploye Say alnee The mahlo ry and etof k of the Omaha Hut and Iron wvka, whlrh reintly wont out of bul ncaa, ha bfn fcouttht by a comptuiy formed by four of the former employe, nit of whom had been In the employ of the old company for from tweuiy-flve to thirty-fir year. See Koine at lalvatto Amy Ad jutant and Mr, Kllwood, off-T In charge of the BalvaMon Army announce that Adjutant Kwanaon nf Dea Molne baduartr will b In char of all moeu Ing Kunday at the Htalet, 17)1 iJayati port etret, commnnclnr at ll a. m. and rndlng with the I p. m. mooting. A heart l&vVatlon le eatendod to all. Leopold Godowsky, Panist, to Play at ' The Auditorium lopoM Oodowaky, who enjoy an enviable reputation a an authority in matter of axmpolt!on, harmony and counterpoint, a wall a world-wide re nown a a pUnlatlo vlrtiioan, will hi proaanted In .'oncert in Omaha for tha flrat tlma at tha Auditorium, Friday even ing, April a. The conwrt will bo given under municipal aueplcea, and at popular price. Inning th rreee.nt aeaaon In New Tork iodowky wa one of the great mimical drawing carrl. HI reltala and concert at the Metropolian, Aeolian hull and I'arnegla hall ware attended by large ant fipprodatlv audience. ' He alo proved ory popular at the Illlmore hotel, Friday inornliig niUHlcalea. Romance Ends in Wedding to Man of Same Name-No Kin leorge I,, Oodfrey and Mln Bdlth Ond fiey, both of thla city, were united In marriage at the home of Rev. Mr. Churl en W. ftavada at noon yenterday. The air iin't aci'ldiuitally laat Jiinuary, the groom minlnf ti the rcectia of Mien Godfrey aa ,t hliiliyuian aa about tu tub her of her puma at tha Interna thui of two of i lie doHiitoHn atc. Tbe couple elate to tha bret of lntr kiuiv lejj,- th.-ie in HO family roniie.lliiin heinern tl .in. rn thougli the liutnc It hh III bill ruinrnri i a onure t MiuLiitLun uumto tu OMAHA TO SEE LITTLE FOLKS Hi1etl rama to town !l hf.d turl ,i, llm Hun V,, intilun iy i , fiur- i fmm n , t? n, S io I Mi n in i (iet liille p.liii-,e llnl i,y ,. ,,., i Mia iima Ii Ilia 'riiil.i '.,. in i li hil Urn i ,. i.h ji tula t.f ,tf ti.l mile iiii. ti r , I tun nf n,uf IIM.. h ,v M till ' It-1 I III trl pVh a 4 I .ll Ihfr y dl I n't ! thlli Ibtt the '4 lit (l.a ,ict ! ( lli. t:H(t U,U il ,! tll!l. U,i y ii, 1'iiiilit the " "f t'l't t.-tll 4 I ' ! f.. lite Ht fot liy I'a'.lme I , ui , ih i a fo i n f I it 1. 1. tii' t'n'iif it.llti.ii I mi. i,t t HI " - 1 M 4 l ' I I i ftil I . n '',: l I'M .l''i ' n A4 4 it fir I I "II t , . l l lt1lU f .. I t, 1H 1 1 ' , r ' ; j,f w - If . I , , I ii ffi t I 'i . ' I i i .i u Famous Baritone Will Give Concerts In Omaha This Week Hodolo Fornarl, a well-known grand opera baritone, and altlng artlat will give a aerlea of two concerta at th Young Women' Chrlatlan aaaodatlon, under the auaplcr of Garfield circle No, II, J,adle of the Grand Anny of the Ite pulillc, next Wedneaday and Thureday evi-nln. The Fornorl concert will be given In two part, with an evening devoted to each. The lrt part will constitute the introduction end the aecond part the coni:ulon of the theme of the concert. JUlKtior KornaiT repertoire embrace praitlcally evory baritone role of Im Pirlttiire, He toured the t'nlted rttale end Canada with the Han Carlo Opera compAiiy, leaving that organisation In !! to alng for the Itoaton Grand Opera company. In which he wn a familiar figure. He waa born In Italy and com pleted hie vocal atudle there, Wnor Furnml will be ably aupported by aiaoi late artlat, Including Karel llnvluek, vloliiilut; Mulvlna Khrllch, plunUt and Caniti'lHa Wtlkea, aoprano. Winners Not Yet Picked in George Company Contest The JuiIki working on the deorge ami comply content, In whb Ii Wi wurin nf eiitlea In liundee lot are to be given In five prise for the five heal letinr on why one would like to live In Dundee, Ilmipy Hollow or Kalracrea, have not a yet come to a definite con Cluelon, It waa at fht hoped that the winner could he announced today, but a there Were llti )ett,-r of MO word eorh, niny of them written with pen and ink and other Willi pencil, the proiee of red Ing &t,0iO word and Judging the morlt of th article w found to be a alow tank, The Judge d"lr to do each and every letter entire Juatlce, nd for Oil reaaon all thai, how any merit worth conldcr lug are helmf gone over with a view to tabulating Ihelr varloua good point and finally aelcctlng the five that are really th beat. PRIZES OFFERED FOR DANDELIONS Incentive to Boys to Help Bid the City of the PeiU Which Destroy Lawns. CIVIC COMMITTEES NAMED The garden commute of the Omaha Clvlo league, continue It uivrt.fu dandelion caiiitwhii) with the ohtect of ending the ilnuili llon fx-t wtlhtti the limit of (linnhu. 1'be coiiii'Rt biuliia April 30 and contin ue in Mini through May 20. Knr thm juirpoae th city hn been dlvldeij Into four dletrlcts by Karnam and Tweniy-fwirth tret. A prize of III) tin been provided for eiitli nf tlin four dlatrh-t and will be tiK'rii to the boy, girl, man or woman who illu the large! quantity of dande lion in tlie dintih t In which he or ahe live. The linili'llon mini he taken, aa gath ered, to the nearet city fir engine hoime, where the reptaln In charge will keep iin Hi curute leeord. The iliiiu,l,,r, will be rneaaured In oidluury market baeknta. I'mi Ii ilamlellon iiiuat be dug deep, with plenty of root and no adhering earth, Mr. Arthur Crittenden Hmlth 1 chair Innn of miln'oriHiiltie on dandellona. The follow Intf bnv been appointed to ei v on I be garden t ommlttee for th cumin u( :ilii: Meediimea 'hiirle Jf f utt CM. Wllhelin All mill llll p 'leoite 11 I'aliiifr Artlmr i 'rltteudeii ,-mltn tieuige A (llnl III y V. Mikeudiill 1,. V. Ci ofnot I. iilln l I,. Ixiunlze ileorae It 1'i.ny. K. W. Naeh Mer -Joaeph Idirker Jtandall K. Urown I mil VV. Kiilin Itoy N. Towl II M. Koaeia 11 T Welier .ilgHr II H( oil A VV, Jefferl i 'hnrlea '. Ornrge ,'oliri N. HuUlwIn Milton T. ilerlow W alien M Mm kwrll William I'-, llRxler I-owrle Clillil Menr i) VV. Wattle .loeepb lliildrlvia c. f. Ivnilleh C Will MhiiiIIIoii Henry K, Wyinan 11. C, I'etei T It. KlmUll 'J'he flrat meeting of tha gurden com Senator SOCIETY OF WIDOWS ELECTS ITS OFFICERS Th board of director of the Hoclety of American Widow made It flnul election of offlier Katurdny. The Incorporation paper will be filed Monday. 'The only change In the Hat of offlcera I that Mia, Vernetl V, Paxton I aecrn- tary-treaaurer In place of Mr. I'oaat, who waa only aitlng la tbt capacity during the organising, SMALL PIMPLES BABY S And Feet. Grew Larger and Spread Rapidly to Limbs. Itched and Burned, Caused Disfigurement. HEALED BYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT Jf It wan left, to th North Platte country to decide who nliould b th next llpnfnant Oovcrnor, the Hon. H, P. Mlitimway, of Wakcflolrt, would certainly fill tho poaltlon. Ho ha had ahundunt 'XiiP,rlenc Jn atatn li'Klalutlon grid he in the kind fit a man who put whut he knowg Into practice. There In no cloaocr character nor manlier man tbau Herbert P. Khtimway. H by any chance, he nhould be railed on to he Governor of the great utate of Ne branka, he would fill tho place with credit. It la a foregone conclualon that the Norih Platte country will be very atrong for bint at tbe pri mary. Bloorafleld Monitor, "When my fcahy wu about on year old, mall pimple appeared oa br band and feet. They grew larger and apread rapidly to her limb until It eamed that bar whole body would be covered, Th pimple were hard and red, and ' A i3 aeemed to have clear water bead which ooaed out water that hardened, and formed wale. They Itched and burned and were very nueta aggravated by her clothing. Wher ever the eruption appeared, It cauaed great disfigurement. "W began uiing Ctltlcnr Soap and Ointment, In week he wae entirely healed." (Signed) Mr. W. O, Carpenter, Atnnlla, Neb., July U, 1015. Sample Each Free by Mall With 33-p. Hkin Book on requeet.1Ad dreae pot-card "t'otlenra. Dt. T, Boa Ian." gold throughout the world. H. L. COOK LmroLif, Republican Candldat for Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings A taxpayer I n Nebreak for 30 year. (Iloaely Iden tined with the agricultural tntereita of the gtate for 80 years. Member of State Hoard of Agriculture 10 year. If elected my policy In conducting the dutle of the office will be !9Sf0 Business and 2 Politics" Vote for ROBT. W. PATRICK Non-PartlNHn Candidate fin MUNICIPAL JUDGE On of the TrowMit. .HhIkc. WESLEY P. ADKINS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENATOi? Born In Omaha Sec'y and Treat. Holmet-Adkins Co. VOTE FOR . SMITH Fon Secretary of State ON REPUBLICAN TICKET mlttc will be held at the t'nlverelly c!h member of the nenatlve team, which at 12:15 p. m. on Wednesday. April W to dlai'UM the work of the garden com-' mltte for the aeaann. Suhcommlttrra ' wl.I be formed and the ear"g priiKramJ derided upon. I Big Electric Sign On Weed Building! Maurice gwltzer, advertising manager of th Krllcy Bprlngflilil Tlrn 'company. ; and W. S. Verkea, vice prelilent of the j Thomaa Cueack company, epciit Katur- i day In Omaha arranging for a bug rice- ' trlu lgn, wlili n I to be pltfcil upon the J Weed building, , Till lgti v.111 be one of the largogt ; electric nIkii In Omaha, ll ineneuie ment being 3 feet lit height by W feit In ! width. There will be l") electric bulb j In the aign, outlining the Kclle) ; Bprlng field Tire. won unanlmouely from t'otner at Totner In the recent trlaiiKln drbate between Pnane, C'otner and Hellevue Tho content acbeduled with Wealeyan will be of grent lllteret to Itrilevue pen ixlo. becaure It I the flrat between tlieje two chont. The iieaiille team I ninl- pored of Seymour Smith, Jternlce Miller mid Gm wood lsiebardhon. FORMER OMAHA PEOPLE ARE NOW VISITING HERE Captiiln (borne K. Htcunenberg of tho Tenl fifth Infnntry, I nlted .itate army, and hi" wife, formerly Klorenie Alexander of thla city, are itopptng temporarily at the Itome hotel. Mr. Kteunenherg came to attend the funeral of her mother, Mra. Ada K. Alexandr, who waa hurled at Foreet Lawn. The captain' regiment la In the Hawaiian lelnnd. Ue u granted a leav of nbeence lent fall. 1411.1 I'M' ! tl IIITIIMI. IMII.ITK' 1 1. tltKRTI1lU. l-OI.ITIt A I, IIVKHTI. BELLEVUE WILL DEBATE WITH WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Jn ordur to add more llgbl I,, the pr parednea iinetitlon Iiellrvtie eolli-ge onil Ncbraeka Wmleyau debiiti'n u 111 iiikui;i in a pot-enm diml debute l'i,ln ni. Iilllg, April 21, l'rof, Allitlt Hilme, n.H.h Of the Itnlleviie team, aluiicd the eoiitni 'l with Wealeyan Friday morning, iiftur he had aaccrtulned tlmt It would be lm poMlftlo to hold the dual ilelmle p. vlouly echodulcd with Midltiiui, Sey mour Hmlth. Hellevu' orutm In the I, He atute praca und prohibition I'linteetn, l V'"-'" j h . , -A J .... V George Holmes CAWDIDAT8 TOM JUDGE of MUNICIPAL COURT WOV-VAKTIaAaT JUDICIAL BALLOT orn la Omaha. A VOTE FOR Wm. F. Chambers Republican Candidal for COUNTY ASSESSOR Meim a Just Asietsment For Tha Mawei Prlmarlet April 18, 1916 "Growing With Nebraska , ' . ' 4i, i ,1 ' ' , , ' f ' K. ' - l , Jr -, 4 , y w -iii i " ; ': I ' It' V' t ' 1 ... '--. w 1 i ", M ''"I "if" ti John L. Kennedy Omaha Candidate for the Republican Nomination for United Slates Senator 3J j I f MEDIAL LOAN FOUNDERS MUT AT COMMERCIAL CLU8 j i . -i i.i t , . i j i-'.l.l "( '.f tffit'.ief ia ti j Mi 1 ''f't I ' ' ' tt t. U lH 4 t - ' i U- M. :' I ,' .t U f U., .. f . , i fii i.a- ' ' I w - 1 r. r 0 o i. - t' ' - i . t . i ft V i : t I ' I ! i : IW'i f li 1 ( , stt. For District Delegate to Republican National Convention r w '4 , A- : . I TV il)ltili li. CAMPEX. Vote at the Republican Primaries for GEORGE JLu CAM PEN (Member American Society Civil Engineers.) One of the Directors Biography City Engineer of Lincoln, I planned tbe roconetrui tlon of tha Municipal Water Syatem and ooa atructed tbe Municipal Lighting Plant. Ai Water Commlarioner and Superintendent of Publls Work of the Canal Zona, Iithmua of Panama, I made tha Interna tional water rate, which were adopted by the Republic of Panama and the United fltatet Government, and had charge of the maintenance and operation of the water works, newer and pav ing of the cltlea of Panama and Colon, Including the collection Of all water rents. Was Assistant City Engineer of Omaha three 1 PATH. V ; METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT Twenty years experience in construction! maintenance and operation of municipal utilities. PLATFORM: if i-i .-'nanral V.iai Jj First- If flfftoil, I will rnni(lfr timt lln Wittrr Mturks belongs to the people nl to run in tln-ir Second will t;iv' respectful ami courteous nt tt nlit'ii tti nil itiiiiil.iiiit- mill ovi't'v wiitor ronMimcr will l't lititti-tl witli I'niriit K.H iii with tint Miiiin tun MiltTitlii'!! Iltat a -lict'fsnful llltl fliitltt k'ivf tu liii I'Htulln -f. "Hiird I will u my fffni'tm fur tli lowest rate t hill tniiililinn-t jibtify, m-trdl t 'iliif ti UtllltHe- .iry surphi. Fourth I i"n t-r th. Immetluu redaction of water rate fM ititni li"ii -mi !-. 1 mil tm juttiiv III (he Jji-i'lit I'M It ttiii'l rliUtft pVT $.'.a) T iiivin.l tnli. iM fur witii r vt'ol in thn tnxt ruit urn uf I i titi", !niniai Mi- kn rn imr i tm iiH. Fifth I tmur il payment of wasrs t r ntpln ri nt ! .ii ';.i! In I ! - I'ui'l HI I'lhnli iiiiitii, h n t liilUU'i' r',ih lli !,ii In ttrtl ll'h tu ) . I " : ' i - . t t! flirt WttU $ I ii "i ut j i'i if t ll " hir t i t-f i Wnt-T I'liHtnl, n well as tin cmployos of thf Wnter Works, li-viitiiii ihfir tim to politics or any other btuinets except for which they are employed, Seventh I faun tin' plan to nsxriia tho cost of w-tT main i-xtfiiMiui now made, or to ba made, to iin al'iittitt;; I'lt'iH ity, iln muuo us linn hern dona in I he in t, lint w In ii tin wat r mtt from coiintvtinrn maili' tu I hi ii t''oi timi of tho wntt r iimin cttMiion t" t" f.'itt iiiiti tin ttiit tf hu rxti'iision ao ttitii, tlitfi tlu ttttiil ct r n-irosmfnt without in tuft will refunded to the property ownen, I ! imt fattr tlu 'irt'tti tf phuiiig unrtnlt't'intU I'ttnlt itt njwiu t h I'ltiM'Ti tf our City. Thi. i uh. htntiatUy the j'lnti tioj-ll l-y tin City tf llifitjco. F.lfihth If tli tdttrui tiitv Hiid ttjrttiii of th Municipal Lightinsr plant t plnl in th hand f tin' W rtl r luiirl, 1 would givt tlirnt tho tnrftt pf mi l. ihiMMij tiaimita; and tv,-nly ax Pnciinit ti ii'i-itth linn, tuati'ti it'tfi.'n and 'iH ration f Muni t j n ! t.tilitii-n. Ninth I f tvu, meter irn; f;jniUltd nnd in t d at cost If you favor my platform vote for mc ami have your (riemh do likewise. "vU m