Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    Till; liEK: OMAHA, MO.VIIAV. AI'HII. IT. lull',
Men Who Watch the Trend Say They
Are Convinced Hnghet Senti
ment Grows.
The more one mingles with the
voters along the highways and by
way, the more le he convinced of the
Rrowfnn sentiment for Charles K
Hughes, whoiie name will be written
Into the presidential preferential bal
lot by thousands on Tuesday. The
HiiRhen situation In this state has
been unfolding Itself Into a logical
ronclUHlon. Leading In the Hughes
movement are representative repub
licans of Nebraska, men whose Judg
ment and prescience have been tried
In the crucible of politics.
nor Cemprn, republican rsndl
dale for the Mrtrnjwilltan Water board,
vers thsl thin U a newepsrier ram.
Milan. "With few esceptloris," he seys
"the meetings I have attended did not
mount to much from a vote-aettln
standpoint. I have eoma to the con-
cl'iNlon, and t am firm In that opinion
tlist the beet results ntsy be obtained
tbrouah a wise use of newspaper spare
t flanrert out the cost of cards per thou
sand snd the rnat of newspaper apace,
nml the lafter Is by far th" better In
canient. !t Is convenient to have a
few cards bandy, hut ss a sjrnersl prop
oeltlon the voters are reading the news
Iers for I Mr political InformsJIon."
'leorae At. Heymour of Eljln, Neb,,
probsbly never thnughl last summer that
be would this year be running for re
lent of the t'nherslly of Nebraska. But
If he had thought, of It, Dinahs fommer.
(ImI club men are convinced ha could
not have hen more cordial to them than
he was when the crowd of good ronda
and good fellowship boostera In automo
biles rolled Info Klgln at high noon the
titter dnyg of last, June. It was Mr.
feymour who met them and took them
In hand. It ass Mr, Hcymour who led
toe multitude of dusty Omahsns Into
the rear of one of bis banks and fur
nished them with towels, soap and hot
water to clean up. It was Mr. Heymour
who led the way to his elegant country
home, Just at the edge of town, where
the women of the churches hsd spread a
reinnrknbly fine luncheon on the lawn
of the Heymour home. Yes, and It wsa
Mr. Heymour who moved shout among
Hie boys all the time In hla white tennis
shoes and In his shirt sleeves, shsklng
h4ids snd helping everyone to have a
jtood time. It was Mr. Heymour who
stood on the Iswn snd waved a friendly
goodbye when the twenty.two automo
biles again rolled out of town after
And during sll this time he was not a
candidate at sll,
"T believe that cards bearing the
names of a group of candidates should
have evidence of who Is responsible for
such appeals to the voters," remarked a
voter yesterday afternoon. "I have re
ceived a postcard 'slate,' apparently
emanating from the office of the gen
eral manager of the municipal water
plant and yet there la no positive evi
dence of such fact. At a voter I would
like to know who la asking me to vote
for the men named, t don't Intend to
vote for Mr. Howell, but will vote for
some of the candldatee In the I'glalatlva
ticket, r don't believe It Is fair to the
voters to send out statementa and
tickets of thjs nature without Indicating
who Is responsible for the appeal. I
think there should be a law covering
this point, namely, to require the namea
of all aenders of political literature
through the mall."
Franklin A. Bholwell filed for state
senior, was urged to consent to heve
his namo placed on the Lincoln league
slate which Is being circulated. These
tickets bear a picture of Abraham Lin
coln and the caption, "A Clean, Patriotic
"I positively refused to become Identi
fied with ait movement which has a re
Unions basis. 1 n m against mixing poll
lies ami relijilon," said Mr. Rhotwcll,
The Lincoln league represents what
whs formerly known as the Knights of
Luther. It Is reported that each member
i.f 1 1 10 alate wan ssacsHrd $10.
The officers of tho Abraham Lincoln
I icpulillian club have Issued a call for
, workers to report Monday evening
.it the of the National Hecurlty
I he Insurance rompiiny, I40I Fa mam
-i reel. IhHini! limn will be given for
wink si the pulling plitees on Tuesday.
"I Niu bunhtcr fur Omaha snd for the
niiiu kiilluu of Benson nml I'lurencc. ' Is
h Hjiietiunl on the cunts being hnnited
cut ,t Janus Walsh, republican canrtl
u.iic for the li sislature.
song nunibeis. Kuur young women In
the tliorue The Four Xela Slstera have
evolved a pretty dance soclalty.
flaw o oet ptajarla.
When you see a cheerful and happy eld
lady you may know that ah haa good
digestion. If your digestion la impaired
or If you do not relish your meals take
a dose ef Chamberlain' Tablet. They
strengthen the stomach, improve the di
gestion and reuse a gentle movement ef
the bowels. Obtainable everywhere.
State University
Plenty of Pep
And Good Fun
In Gayety Show
'I he hui Iea.pi shew now In p.n tsaalwi
t ti,. i.attty marks out a pM' I n IK
et, mil frein l,p nihei alme on Ills
' el li'tu wheel lrim a ''tiil.iir nf
. i. ..! pr. , ii. u, a, ihrt slinw das nuT
ami limit tell-Ill, i,t "I'll
1 1 1 n mid l ilnmnl ti ait sin
i.,. siit.w the itay'y nee l.atl ltt a
. . H
)," l (i4 1 1 win, a ii. iaa
t-u a-ii I t'mh ae'tite, tu t i,a
. . . I! 1. f t -11 . ltl I ,1,1 .vi I
' .- lltat if l ..! iue oitii U.nmaiit
I a t h aleome
, .ne I, I'eul I i'lilii tw t.
1 .l l, ',nl ill the lusv a,. ,11.1a, III Ih
1. i ii.ttu''t tt en lit'aHiaanl -i .
'-.ten l,-l P'llt ' litis'. I III n ll.t'lt
tn ui'.si!ti a iMclive
'; ,.i, e Is sua) hie , "!i ui
kt.i-K s,a ttii l-tn f . feusr M't
!' it . ' ; . a' ' I
' Hi i' "'tm- t H af IS
- ,u...t.,i a-t ltllBl g .,,.,,..
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l i t ' t it t a I ' i w vw ett t
.),,,,..,.,,c, , ; . e,: t h mala
ii i n iml l sl ew fi
t a .i . ii. -, - 4 e '
. 11 i,.i ma,, t h I'll aum
It M k f I r w
" ' i ' I h - t I l I Vi l'.t
tl .tl,ifil .t !, Inlu
-! vf i.-tiM an-l
- '- ' ''-! la t'- i.K f I'm i--a
Vti, . :.! X lne M
-'. t I ,-,.,, it. , ., , -n ,.
" -' ' 'I' ' Kit s I. r.f I.!
i .;! t II tt t ,. . III
A men' vocational conference, with
especial reference to the opportunities In
the foreign missionary field, was held.
at the nnlveni y Young Men' Christian
association Saturday, when Dr. Paul
Harrison, Nebraska graduate, and I'rof
B. A. Ilayner of Wealeyan university dis
cussed the opportunities In foreign lands
from every angle. Dr. liarHsun has but
recently returned from Arabia, and he
spoke from the knowledge born of ei
pcrlcme. No place, he declare I, Is there
greater opportunity for service tlini
among the peoples he apoke for. The
business man snd the profeselnnal ins-i
can find opportunities In the field. Sev
ers! hundred university men attended the
sessions of the conference, which lasted
sll day,
Military drill at Nebraska university Is
on a high plane of efficiency. Ma lor
Monroe MrFarland of the genersl s'sff
declared Isst week, after reviewing the
cadet regiment, nd watching them
maneuver In a shsm battle north of Lin
i ulu. Major Mcfarlsnd asserted that the
unlets were esceled by none In any sla'e
university he haa visited.
The annual competitive drill between
the two crack companies, the Pershing
ilfles of the city campus snd the Worn I er
rifles of the aisle farm resulted In
victory fir the Istler by a i'oi of l,2;'
The election of offliers fur the lints'
elub, the most linpoitsnt undi rgrsd ist
Fire' aoclety, rea'ilterf In the choice of
Uiiilss f'uc of N'rnrastta City, In Hi
Home Kconoinlca' dull elicUon, Alav
Voungaon was made president.
Ilaailnea olleee.
flli'ii Kennedy was teeently chosen as
secielaiy of the Htste Oratorlcsl associa
tion, which holds Its contest next iar
at l, 'oiner university.
1. Hcenea from the 'f'omedy of Krrors'
will be given by college e'udriits, scent-s
iiiiii An ion Like It hy alumni, wiuu
the fsciiliy will give portions from the
' laming or the Hhrew.
Miss llusel I'arks repreaenied lbs cul
lege at the prohibition oratorical contest
at Hcllei'ua on frlday. Miss i'arks, who
is a senior stuuent. in Hie culiege, won
rust place.
(leorgs Hnwen repiesented the college
at I lie peacr contest at t relghton, t
last week, wlnnlna third place. Me wss
markeii nisi ay una or the Mag's, ru
coming year he will serve aa arcrelary
or the reace uretort' al aaeooisllon or the
the coiiaervatory Is Soon to have tin1
use of a fine pipe) organ, as the 1'iosjy
lerlan chunh of the city baa Just mailt
uifuiiKcuieriia for the placing of a flue
instrument In the local cliun Ii. It will
serve well, not onlv for the onllnarv
Inireh services, but Is parliculHily de
signed for concert work.
The filee club bed a splendid recaption
First Impressions, Which Last,
Are Given by "Greeters,
Who Say the Word
That Counts.
Greeters" ta the name of s society ot
hotel clerks, and It describes them In onu
of their moat Important anil difficult
For the way the hotel clerk greets the
Incoming grueet t Pt t fi for ever In
their minds the Impreaalon of what kind
of hotel they hav come to.
Omaha "fine fireproof hotel, The tfil
ward, has a chief clerk that makes hold
buslneaa fslrly hum with activity-liar-
old Randolph. Ills policy Is thst s man
muet not be a "grouch." And to keep
from being a grouch, keeping fit Is a
good start.
Teniae got Mr. Randolph Into fit con
dition, he says, and he relsted his e-
perieneea thus;
lying hours and many reeponat bl lit I "i
had used up my strength to the breaking
point. Instead of being cool and col-
lectrd SS I used to tie, every little un
pleasant thing nettled me. I could nut
think clearly I was nothing hut a bundle
of nerves.
".My stomsrti went back on me an I
every time I at I felt' terrible, eepednlly
after taking my noon lunch 1 would feel
like a dead man-no life at all. .My
eli.inac h Wealed with ass, spot filiated
befure mv eves. I would gt dlsay, snd
have a anil headache, and niv hsart a led
atr.iiigr ainiiellmea
"I fett aa though I ,in si istign and
live in the cpen as I was sue that In
ilitet life sal making im worthiest
phveicelly I'll tit that I have taken
twenty different remnlle i. mrrcid
in m by traveling ton h.i niiiw ef
I hem a-emd In relieve mv n Km s
reel wise one riit, st U hmrl
fan dais ss le Tan'a-, and
Mie nisi
' I'p l d t I ii Usui a It.tiilc anl
bat' e' 'fan ar aicl ihe iirfi it hat
din ,,,e la 'iiiti' 'M ell i. a I tiAve
In heeit-st ai-issne I ' i ba t ami I
ftl an ii, as an M v e t In
pfa-l tenttiiitii iti-w aw-l ihing fieit
it a- ttgl. uf in neat
a it uavlee. t t -'S-1 l I 'It
ssrUer lr I van em tl i ail I
he I'd - l.'l I Hi p n it -t l I
aiiiiHi-g lii t . i"--ii.iig iB'1 f' i ' .-ii tl
ll. !. t l,a ,1a .
- lin.e a. a' i ' ' g p ii n
liwt 111' sail. a hi fcitit i !- Mm
Ii le tstt'' an 'I tua'aa mil I, t
i tniae i Sam . ts t I"
1 ''le at tsa hh.mtao
' at . .eta, a I l i i. a
Ti- mat W eliiaiuil In
iKa in " it ta 1 1 a 1 1
tU- l IWaaU nw
v.. I - .1 Is
U-t ,.i,i.ail
V, .... l
t at"- -i-'ita
vta,l'.t -ia.
'ee l' g in, Vniil i im. )'
e. awaae i .., t i -,,.
S ae4 II It . Vi'ma l II
I '-I treiw-el tn.nwa ', I tat-i
l't g iai, i'ta as4 at n i ,.,
' t itnea t M It , at ',.,,,! .
I I ' ai..e VI ast -a una t i i
M S 1 M ' V ,,,
$ a U I t'ia i''"'i
-San li.t S In I . i ,a..
a I . . t II i ii t.a ,tt
In that week Just is-ii. ,m.l will be out
ad next week glvinit cciesrta, i'n tile
fnllowlna; Monduv. April IT, ttiev will give
their home concert at the ken. Ho fin
they have had the lust recxpiinn ever
slven to the orgiitiiuitlon and hnv had
Inruer audiences.
Thla year the Hustlnts culies" stu. li nts,
under the direction of I'rof Uogstloii, ace
making prei'HriiiiniiB Im ,lsv day alurnt
Mhakeaiw.nreiiii llnea They will have sev
eral trou pa of Nluikesnenrt'iin actors, pre
eenllng acelies from different eihakespear
ean plays The static selling and cosv
tumlng of Klixahelhs day will be ful
lowed and Ihe noted cheractere of that
aa will nreseuit then lselvea MS llelntf reltL
Itle on the liiislliiKs college cenipiie May I
Much Is being done llieso days to beau-1
tlfy our already beautiful ciuupus. Hume
treea heve lieen st out to repine those,
which have died the Inst rew years. I'.f- j
forts are made by the different orgnnlso-i
tlone to place flower beila In conspicuous j
places, etc. The Kappa T an Phi Utriai v
society, one of the similar men a orasnias-
tiiins oi iue college, nae just niiti out ai
flower bed. deslaili'd after Ihe elnhlelll nf
the organltnllun it her org.i Inns will
rm low tn same plan.
Hrlleewe I llee, j
Joseph K, Miller wss Hie eneat of hi"'
daughter, i llei nice Miller, Mittutds.v anil
Most of the delegate In llir Intercut
I'Ulnte pruhililt inn cniiv nil Ion leiuslncil
at Lowrlit and Hamilton Inula Thuisdiy
and Krldsy.
Ravntond illlmore, fnrnieil 'f the
aophomnre clas, vlslled on the hill from
Hi Kin y to eiunilHi, lie waa the guest of
Welter liacel).
John lhiiMVill. it iircseiilal h e of the
Omaha TIicoIukIcsI acuilnary In tlit orti -
tiilhsl riintesl, wss the uiicsl of Mult
(Jsnirier at Hninlllnn hall Pi-Piny.
Mlsa Merv Tickle, dcleunle from hoane
tollego to the priihllillliiii convent Ion no
Thnisdav and rrlrtsv, i chih I n-d nl Fun-
tenelle 1 1 i I as Hie guest of Ihe colleue
Keveral swimming Patties have been
held b lllllHhil yiiung Wiiulen Ihe nm
week In Hie swlnunliig pool of I In- kvui
naslurn under the dlittlin uf the plus,.
ej dliector for women.
Miss llmel I'arks. repicseiiliitlve of
Hustings i iilles In Ihe prohibition utn-
torlcsl I'ontesl nod winner of flrnt pluce.
was tint guest or the college giiia at 1 on-
telielle hall Kridav ew-nms nml t',r
A uuily of llellevue njiUiie Mlml
and faculty mrnthera attcmleil the
f'triiiftiices of Kianii oin-ni suit tf
t'Hvlowa dlvertiseni nls prew iitud at
Auilltiirettin Kiidat iificiiumii innl i
inn k
Karl ,. Kvereit, lepieat umiive of Hi
laian.l rollere In the pniMhitltin oratm
cimtent nt llellevue Krltlav pvciiiiig.
the gucat of IV V ykuf r i uiuiiiings uf
senior class rrldny sfteiiiimn niul
eltl s
t he
in I
ie ,1
e t tt
.mill,, r clues piesi-ntid the pliy "Hon" to
a Isn'e -iiiil n p re, is t iv e audience.
I The f'lltielns memheia nf tl ninr
cls linn- recent iv recclieil notice of
ettt.-iloii to p'laitimia In self nl work: V
V. Wilton, supeiimeiiileni, V iust'lc ilm
'I'UI II. Mrtiintli'rt, Silperiliteiiilent, Itnsiilie;
Hav e Mnln niriilieiiuitli s nml aihleil a
, Ml. I;ilsfi" Helen It. i:rhch. Kt-.gliH
ftlid 1.-1111. I yitcli l-:i!e Meyei' t.-ienre.
Ijl'liel Kul Hi l K-l s', clue ail I
inaHieii atlcs. Ho u-ei,
I'lialat I salsrtrlsa iiillene.
At the ciiniineiieeni' lil niti'Pr nf Hi
Flnlsy Kimlticet li.g colleae ef ltiini"it
I'ltv, 'Mo, the follow in piantiu ni
rendered In Ihe college autliiurium l-'itds.'
Mtltciinn orchesfia, ''aitoidai. f'nwiiu
and Mct'iirnili-k,
liivncstion Hr. I H l.iicaa.
Itenilliig, 'The ' Mmy )'. Itewis,
I'lniiii snlu, ciiinp'tr'i t liv i i tll VI i'n '
I tuie, "llrtcerstlnn nf Klectrli'ltt,''
I'rof. I, I', Winner
Kt iidlng ' Tins. W ill," J, N. I. in as
I'srewell poem, fvlsfir I,, fiiivis.
fliis ndilriss, In J, II I, in as. hsn
cellni. K ii nuns I 'II v itiinrsllv.
I'r esental Ion of dlph'iusn. I'mf. II I'm
It y.
Helectlnn, orchestra, '"asmliv, f'tiwan
anrl Md'ornilik.
'hnli man. I'rof Y.. I', V ' t all
The follneltig ersdi-iites retelved
i liilnmiis
I ha l ie a f I ruiL
P. l. Itlchardsiin
.1. S. I.Ut s
1'iliTier I, ( ilia
Hnv I'nrlsh
ecll K ('a
fir ley K. Mealier
(ernnel V, Ailalr
Isjuls A, Stout
t h nit . 1
I lie I I,. .Mil.
' Ii lieihel
Iv i'nl I I ui no
h i ed I ', k oelaer
.1 H, l-wla
'.hi ri ll A iei v In
f f Hllderhrniid
' Sf'HI III I-hel. r
Kali term begins hepiemhei t
Wars Normal aelinnl,
Thnlnss J. Miisseliiinii, a gmilHHle nf
the I lepnrl inf ill of ( iiiiiiiuii - e, hsa a
cepteil n pttsllloii li IkiiiI, kei'iicc fur He
Kurmeis' Co J ipnal He esncllloii if
V Inside
rlcpeiliilcideiit l i I 'link of the ahni'a
I Mv, la., schools was a vlliur I'Vidiv
end conferred vvllh himi,I r. nf ihe reicm
i bis who are ninlii im's fcr po'llltins I i
the .toioiii l ily si bonis.
At th auditorium Tlnu-Jtiy et suing iiu
'' Vit' .'
r" A,
r '
A letekliinl leceltett f.,m .'.Mirtiice 11,
Monthly mm unit aiiitiuiiiccil ine 'p-alh tit
I'mf I'lvile I ki-.rilty, I'rif he lil.-f
vt;i eleclftl is:n nf lie depa I'l I1M III if
espresaiiin slid plitohiil tiiiliiiiu i i Sep
leniher. I'Ki I' ta 1 1 1 II u lietillh ciiliiiel-.
linn in auk for a leuva uf iihsmice fr mi
his Win I. mie vent nun (''iiilit lug Ihtt
It ii u. hi relief in a stutlts-liilii at II' I
KpiliiKs, Mo, mul In hiiun't" I'll? lui' i
he ieiuine-1 In his old h'une nt AHI'iiie"
O. vtheie the cml tame Huntlay evening
Apnl 'I .Mi Kei hli-v Icniea n mn'iivv anl
ii', child, a ilii'ighli-r Hi'iiut 4 mouths nhl
Nelirsaks calrati liiltrrslll. 1
I'-an Vliihs-i' l in ie, ns t'issi niHsiei at
the l 'ooiiiii-i Is I cluli ltnliiUcl lllfl l''l i !
tin V l-t ellil.s :
1 1 u mttiiil .liihnsnii, 'IH has fli refiled S
flttMill'HI Si I'l llicllllll nf tile hfutl scllUlll
el 'lilhi iihiiia Inr lies I yrnr
Mi x Mm. I Hillfi. h , e II leai h In
Ihe high s hnul l r"ln-ltun ltet tettr, I
Ttie U'eslrysii vviielets elilll"n tuts e-
ii-liil a, mil l It ta I lis kIkiiiiIs have been
1 1 i N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Si l'nlll. I'l".
I'lnf .I'-IISI 1 di-IIVelid i!eaea mi
I 'ItsillOMi lit It v ' sliti "the itenuiuiiliv oft
the I'.urnneriu War,'' tl I'etn Snrnuil !
eaiurday fvenlne, 1
In ilsiilsnn. ii tel:iiiieil iiilssiuiinry i
flittu Aishhi, whs m rhupel apenkerl
I'l Ids c j
Al Ihe regular niei-Hn i,f the WskIcvmii
litiiili-i nf the liuiiuisrv si li'thirship fis
leinllv, I'hl hiil'lm I 'Itl. lust Mnt ui day aft
ertlO'iu. Ihe fltlluHlIlM Itieluhefs uf Ihe
I'liici. nf I'iIS vvms elected to tneinhei slilti .
I mile I'.iilli.n l.ehi Ulllitli. Kiiiiuii Hilsael
lint II il-im, V A Keith nut) Flnt'd
W .... I lirini M, Tin i, and Ml llumiei
iteie i-lciftil finiii Ihe faculty, ami l-oren
Vlills finiii the alumni In fill vacancies
lliteiir I illt-atr uleai ,
Huperliileiiilmii I'lnieics McNeill, head
if si hiiols si Ijm rent e ,eli., and former j
aiufluatc uf limine, Imis piet rmelvcd a
fellowship In Vale uiiht ii.lty. The fcl
losahip k'K'S lute effect tiesl fall.
The Afleiplii.iii iiiiirtet. kuuvv ii alt over
the I'miM Stales aa one nf the leading
halau'iiia aitiavci'mts, will fuinlsh Ihe
entertHiriuieur at ihe next l'-liire ctultse
ii it nt liar nf the cellege All nieiiihera uf
Ihe ti'jsrl.'t are former Ihisiie stuilenia.
The gpleiidld showing nf Ihe Ole club
on ita reteiit nip haa t- imeit many lush
ai'h'iols ahniit the aisle io call on Man-st-r
Tvler fur eniiageinrats and Ihe i lull
will take another tup br-ai Hi n likaf the fust
week In Mm Two concerts In Ininthii
are Included In this I rip.
The inane colleire Men a tiles club re
turned .VhillilsV finiii Ihe l'HlS"St tup
Iftken hv anv t lnh In (he stale this year,
the slnaers sis'lnr on HiMir witv lr'iii
limim- mi .vlur- h . ami reiiiiuliia uil
II, The i lull ant t innpitsetl of iiaeniy
f'l'ii ningers ami inttruiiM nliil HilisU
phived tn psi U'-i ho,, sea hi eierv slop
on Hie Inn and His i-sporia from Hie
Mies Vlsled Indicate I Iml Ihe IHp
era. ( tiliWar.
Pittf Mistier reud the play "liavtd (tur
rit k." at Tlnivei' on Thursdey evening.
ftev A. f". fliichfv, pttfttor of the
i 'hi n-Uitii chiiri h i,t Hi ni v, ailrlressnd
the ittuilt'iiis mi T'leaiiMV ni'irnlng on the
Mtiltiet-t, "tippm tunnies for rervi-e, '
I'r. L K -lohii of Ihe mllcae
will citndiii't ser I'-e all next week at, Ihe
I n:ttsl Hrethi'i-n chi i h in cuiinneinora of I'mssioii waek.
illnlfiinl fuiiiideis. Ihe new president
of the Vuiiis Mens I hil-iian associa
tion is taking holt! nf his off'ee with
viaor ami hsa outlined a most worthly
pittgram for the year
fiir Ihe lintel successful aver laken
a I inane i Inn
I ericas help Meaitked,
('IHCAH' i. Arntl li.--'lh civil servhe
rule pitivliluua Hint euiisit-g sohilt? a, nil
"ts :iiui Lues ma, nut IhS i i. civil
tt-etUa i. xsiiiiiioH-m wltntt't 'lie '-"nseut
i-f lie Ui iMtrtiuenl 'n .vnlcVi tliev are
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rtcxMeul V ilttov
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win d'-rf ul 'let h Ut-ceel bog now t.
any oius store M iih.-is can safely give
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liM.Veyy:ia o.-.-. ( v, iU-ilL l --s. HI
I lit '4 A ' V USWSri-aaVrU N. I I
' ' w - .i.'aj The
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5 m setsatiaai'k'is'Stei leieel e iiasefiiiiiti'isaVsif It a'Wjjaal jV ' f . 7
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'v ' , , - - vi. v- n-r
Tmn htirtHraai tene ef ahnr.tir.aT stsrs fall on the esrlh
hdy Why ts ncinxir Wtilsd?
Whre waa llrnry ll'iitsitn iyUtt to whvn Ive als-
ruvsrrvl Ihe lluilsnii lllvrr?
What la lh Isiar-sl snlmsl thai ear lisd
Will dianmiiila lui n f
What la the ttisrrnr lisivetfv a dieminiil, h. la ail ef
a ftent ll ami e luiiiii f ual '
Where d"'ra 1ha H'llf Mtrrasn s'''
Wh ilttt-a iitiiiini in .t ini'iiii mase a mnler run alee
Win la It ritnler e'lrr e snem
H,.ta lr still a e ems in ihe dssitssl jiaila tf Us
Ui an t
Ileal nnv hsa ll ea knawn lhal lh earlfc I rMid
Ho ran sd a ln t s a alrture wita a amrT
Why does nur nose get red la Ids roldt
Why Is ihe sun Iml
W'hv dre a r"r rtle et dull?
W hv dnaa Hvnamlte a i (tlode "
Uhv tin Viii- tut f-fl fi'isnr whan yen e lareurh a m, a railio-icl I' a'
Mhat la :ha ii rsirm kaieeen real and artiAcls! sils
l' ye i n '-.I a its-nils in make a (ihofma'eph reor talk
ei ame
Ita ilnat a ln li.sin (
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T l "HiMf f . Hnm V'--fr ravy ,H In i.f
4tf t k ii 1 f M'H l I 4 if", -w-i
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ft 4 M l4 laV
You Musi Act Quickly
T'ls ' la',v,M, Vaitn ' t vf i-l i-i a i a m
tasr Th evit l ai ti a e-i 'r v. lhal if n Iftf aia i - e ... i
et. ''"I aeitael ,l;f t e i lha .tani ( i - -.
T aia- I f t'e ' llii t -.luiiie l--i ., hi - i i a
Is r lst lite d i. i 4s 1 s . nt . iae ' mi't
S II I as it'L.' ( leuaat Mem l'i he .aai I nit la
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