Bringing Up Father ( IT bM& HERE THAT ZZZZ f ( W?ZS THI-V "i , , fVERX THIRD CHILD f WHAT DO WE'VE 0NL.T minTI L VArr . HERE'b an we rewinTI READ.T 1 BORN IN THE WORLD OT OLLV - YOU MEAN? jJV D,0T- WKT ARTICLE .MTHt tome" H S 15 CHINESE f J WE ARE V J I COT TWO. I I ; ) t prV iAiE? j ,LUC v; J I r SEMI-PROS LOSE TO ROURKE CREW Battery Errors by Olion and Lyck Enable Itourkes to Capture the Combat from Brandeu. FORSYTHE DOES FANCY WORK )(. him Moriln Olaon and rf'ln l.yik got tangled up and rontr United lavlahly to tli battery error column l' Itourke'a I rid unpaged lo make away with tb flit ball gam of th year on the born lot, A Wild (.llcli, a ped bftll, two ie on build, and two bit batsmen, COMplfl! Willi !'H) l;f bit, gav the Koork I brc runt in tli fourth frame wl'fe lli raault that th pro raptured th combat, t to i, If Morrle and fit" hadn't bn aon grnrrou thU yarn might havo had different ending. About MO bug and women bug ahivered brfor the gentl April cephyred tr Jay In order lo lump th llourklct In thalr Drat exhibition of the an, It wa Int tn.m tomrortbl In th aland nerdny. but lb fa and ftiile aturk II cut and enjoyed tin maelve Irnmenaely by watching Cyrua Pnigythe, th reln brt"d Tango Kid try to make gurker out of Ty Cobb. r"oraM In Form. Korayth waj Jn prim form yralerday and played about two-fifths of th ftay for lb flourkovlnlarn. t'yru buud Into the Mt column with a noupl of blow, ona a two-barer. mad seven ptitouia on hard hit drive Into hla garden ami coDtrlbutad ona alat which cut down a run at th plate, Harry Krau, our of tha Athletic, ii tba flrat hurler Marty KruK placed on display. Harry did a food job. If twilled flv round and didn't allow iun. Four hit war garnered off hi alant. Krau took It ay arid didn't j ut anything on tba ball, rotting content to outsit th flrandela. Kraune looked vowr nuch llba th ood yaattrday and it fhouldn't b tiiuih of a surprla if bo ahould th i llit oulh)'w ppr formar of lb loop thla year. lilt Aim worth Hard. Alnirth wa offered aa a auoceiuior to Kraute. Tli lirandel bta aaemcd to bev an affinity for th oltrjnm of I HI aorii l topped youriKater and all th run wr mad off him. II w nicked for ven nfo awat and h wax hit pretty aolldly throuithout th four round h laiord. Tha Itourkea atarted tb eountlni In tho fourth Inning. Kid Foryth. hn limitt h'i (ettlnit younaer vry year and tlirfor that the term Kl'l I apropoa, larted th feHtlvltlea by reefing; a pippin of a two-ply knock to right renter. The bull went a mile, a mlnul and If anybody bad got In tha way thera would hav been a rait for th coroner. Ray Miller whllfed on Olann'a de't-pllva curve, but Krlti Hrhlli-bner, th ciiiwrnuinnry centar flelrtcr, poled on to left which counted tli tanolt. Hatlerr Krror Tatal. At thl Interval nlon and l.yik atm'trd llnlr fatal work. OInoii rut loonc wlih a wild I'll' li and tlien l.yik h i ti nbp Ihiotigli lillil. Thin put Hulillebncr on third Kllduff wa grant. -I a walk. Tlerney ktd lo Woodruff, krueger w then hit In th !!, filling lb runway ill. i. ii paaid KtnuwA In th arm, for in. i fchllrbnor over th plate. Hnilth niaiel n walk out of Ol.i.n, f.iirin Kll.lnff over lb plat. Marty Knit anded tb mltery I r rlimilmg f.ill.-r at Wowtruff. Tli liramlel grueled Mr Alnwrth lit th aittn with rnuih 'Ut and put over innple i f iiiAikere, lrlim opemd th liK wtitk with a two I kmxk to rrntir ltd b liMig thud hn Tteeney ir..M. the tt.rin In ll niiig! ount.J tlrhm. A aaerifira hit by Wtwdiuff n l" l.yrti'a Infield hit whii n tMUiito t f Alnaworth bln toward I! li 1, n.l 'pd Marty Ktug egr pa - -red I aw! r Th (Sour It let mail It tw r n k In tb bom l'f f I'm tilth. A lt ly Aliw..rth n'i . , ' ; i eftr,. nilrh MngU rul ..(ft ni" n-imtrd the r in Witfutiwlf !.', d'.x.rit . 1 t r ii. t t'-i'-l r . r..r tiu. i i..t n te lt'ii th l'ni!.i I ad l w una p l. Iteult. ! f1 U.lid l4 lt I II. It !. u-l J .i. llmin 1 u is M . wt I i'.;' t t. 1 n at p. k i t"Vt Ml Ul II tt t t t h -',. tf . . i ; m ...( 4. i -i i! . ' f I i ttlu'. It. ,1 I . r t I I A . I .If M ,, I ' I - . i , . , ; I I i t r. y I t Y"il t II I f ) ! f . I' ' .... ... , , '... I I it i. H . I .i , i, .u.t .,,. t ; ... i ! w, r ... t l , . I. J i t I Iftl I M ! I I I M-"'ia llMim 0 0 ft ft 0 2 0 1 0- 3 HUM 7. I 0 I I 2 o -ll Two. I a bll: Koraylhe, Vnou, Wool ruff, I, i ii in. in iilHcii Hm rifli' mi Alnawoith, Woodruff, rttrden lae' Krug 'oinn!, Miller izi. H lillibn r ! in bail; Off Alimwoilli, 'I; off olou, fi Htruik out; iy Krmioe, 1, bv Alnaworlli, 3; by lilw.n, (i. J 1 1 1 h - Off KiHUoe, 4 In f!v Itiiiliige; off Alnrworth, I In four I'l (ilngn. Wild 1 1Kb: OInoii. I'"l bull l.yik. illl by pllchKl ball, Kfileor Hraiinn, I)yg"rf, Hobn, l"ft on bga O'linha, It; Mrandi i, It. Tlirio; .'), I'm llrea. North nnd lay, This Press Agent Was Even Too Fast For His Employers Tommy Kulllvan of (he Fulura flty idub of rtt, Ioul la iiauully not willing lo admit that any rard h ran put on at hi athllhmnt will full down In drawing qualltlra, fiut a year or ao ago ha had a program of the "fill-In" order and thought that It nerded a lltll boom ing At thl time a friend of hla waa atroll- log about bl. Loul on hi upper, thank ful for anything he rould get. Kullivan ilicldrd ba would lv him a rhanca to enrn a bit of money, "'lo out and boont till hor," b told htm, "and mak yourrwlf tho pre agent. Von wnt lo tell th pulrlln how very body a arixlou to attend thla dinplay," Tha friend, with vlalon of a meal ticket looming In front of him, rhaaed downtown and prepared aorn ropy, Hulllvan forgot th eplnod until a "port ing editor of on of th morning paper railed him up and demanded what aort of atuff th club waa trying to aprlng on th paper. Hulllvan aaked what had hern aent and found out, that th amateur pre agant, In hi determination to attract attention, had written aomethlng Ilk thlii "All eye ar centered on th Futur City Alhlello rlub and every ticket ha been gold for tlx pending event. Jo arnlou ar th member of th puhlla to get eat that an InManv will auf flra: "Mr. Jon, a well-known (porting man of Fprln field. Ill,, waa alnwly going ovr th Rd bridge lartt night, after falling to obtain a ticket for the fight, when h aaw th dead body of Mr. Brown, a well known f.aat "t. fjoula man, floating down lha river, lie recalled that thla F.aat Klder had reaerved cat for th fight. " 'Inntnntly h darted hark to th club. "'Quick I' h cgclulmnd, 'give m tho ticket that Mr. Jirown had rerved for th fight. II I dad and no on know It hut myaeif, I hla body floating down th MImUhIppI.' "Th ticket cllcr bowed apologetically, " 't am orry, air,' h auld, 'but thou ticket have already been taken by th gentlrnmn who piinbed Mr. Ilrown In.' "It I needles to aay," added Hulllvan, "that w didn't rontlnu him pre ageiil." Reds Trim Pirates In One-Sided Mix CIMM.WATt. April U.-Clnrinnatl took Hid flint mi ill of the m rir (rran I'ltta biirnh lure loilitv. to 1. I'lttn'mruli wa fiiirr.l to ue Hut pin hura, while Tne'a uiIiIii.kk ki'ld th Imi h 'riiM. In iloul.t ninnv lluie. a to what lb fliuil Iraull would a Clm Ha put In th ami when O ny i. ni MmiiwIDi for itiapulln a trlH. . TP vlallura' iri waia rpninll'l for aiwri. I run Mir, p i r t x in i in 1 1 nimwMri h ii ii b an n o a t MmlM Ik. a II KillHr, rt I I If I t iu.f...a alalia 11 IWiliiama, It I I a Mm. i.o-a rtl I I M.iliii. it I I I I I Wan.r Mill! ft ,1 I I I I ti i Ik . I t ito,... h I j I I .....ii. :b I I iM .niit la I t I a l,l.t f ii I u I I ii. iM, i a I I a a in ii .. ifw i a i w-f a t a i a a.i.... I a I I li I ...i. i i ii i lun.-d fnr Hill In ffih I 'utahiir h a a I a a iv. i l In. n.r.atl . . li Two la blla llnllmltl fhaa Thr- hil rlaik (!'" bea II. r I. W a.wi (! ."i i U'kn I -a ,. iiiii luiabunii I rin.'lni.all I I a. on Lai n I"' Villi. r I f Mill i.i l.mrv Itiia and aro- l I nn i ti t Mill. t hit ! fi in t. ant Ian , l .il l. Il.ttbia f H-M k I'.n I n " ! , i.t H. I'. I Ini.lna ! I'.pl I to! K )ria l ihiva , . i ii it ..m.v. t Iti'a i ... a In i "i i " m i t v ltt, I I n i iva i' i a I. I I a -..It tUtlCVUE TO HAVE TENNIS TOURNEY FOR MEN ONLY . ;.. f .1 ta bla i f f ai..".o rt a ' " .!..!. t i li ' !" ... I'a ,!!. b ! I'M IMUS ' I t I aa ! a -" a'. ' di- 4 '.'. ii, - 'h.f tini la i.ii.h. a m . ii h..i.( il ii a- : ,vP,r ' ' ivs a'.i, ii ia I I v. tat lit al a .-( It . ' 1 ''. I'l n. .a i -a4 a- 4 hMiMet1 kl . ! a. . i. . . n . t' I w. .t I a IH H.n.a ! fw Uat I ... . 'l i, -.! .-.( 'i !., . ,.i,i I- ..iiii,...' Via. I.' an I. tu.ii,. Ml'.hait, W. ii Hi I a at a 4 - a i nw. ri . '.. ..i4 f ..tiai. ti'-lr l.'"..' K. a TIIF, I 'KM: Copyright, 19H. mtern'l CLEVELAND GIVES TIGERS AWHIPPING Scnnational Support of Pitchen Pulli Winning: Team Out ot the Hole, SPEAKER GETS THREE HITS CI.KVl;l,AM), (., April HS.-Wlth two out hi tb tenth Inning, lirnwy Of (.'lev, land tripled, aroilng O'Neill and winning the gm torlity for Cleveland over )) Iroit by th arm of 4 to a. IMrolt out batted Cleveland nearly two to one, thnlr thirteen bit Including ';ven double, but tb apeitacular support given th Cleveland pliiher held the eror down, Heoi: ii,Kvm,ANf) nrrnniT All II ' A t AH II OAK r.ranav, K.J I 0 lilin-li aa 4 Illl ii.. i.inaii alt I t nviir. 4 I 0 1 A ll. .ih rf I (i 1 i)''.ii.r. i t 4 I 1 I 0 anoakar. it . 4 8 I tva.h. If.,.. I 4 4 4 l.aiiHI, II. ,. 4 1 II II I" r.wr.irrt, rf I I I II 0 fur-riai, Jl.,.. 4 4 4 7 Ull.iliinn 1U 4 4 It U I V.tHiK ll, ... lt rirmiiia Hli ... I I 1 n rr'NriH, it ,, 4 I 4 o... I Mil liaai.r ... 4 4 4 nl mi ii, p ,,,, 1421) I i.nriitia, p ., I 4 I 0 Himih I r Tniala IT I.V24 II 1 lliraaM ,,,, 1400 Tniala 21 I lo 17 Hatred for llrighy In third. Halted for I 'irilliilie In tenth. Two out, when winning run nored, I l u 0 0 ft 0 I ft-i Cleveland 0 0 0 2 0 0 o 0 I 1-4 Two h hlta; Hirkfr, Coumbe, Veach r.ll, eilanage, Vllt, Cobb, Voiing, Three he bll: Oranry. Stolen baeea; Chap man, rirker. Iiriulile play: Turner to Kvan. I'lrat bne on error: Clevnlan'l, t, llaae on bulla: Orf llaghy, S; off Counib, I; off liauei, 1. lilt and earned run; Off Heghy, 4 blla, il run In thre Inning; off Couiiibe, It hU. 1 run In avon Inntiiga, Wtiiick mil.; lay ".'iiuiiiImh, !; by iJauaa, 7. I'mplrea; Chill nd Kvnn. Hronna Trim kua. ClllfAflrl. Aorll 10-Tbe ft, I.OUi Mrown drfeatmi the local Annl Icnua, 1 to todriy. In a raggeil, wim arm errnm1 Kint, Jf wh the flraf aipraiiir. of Fielder Jour lu-arl of no American leun club here lnie be rinlt tli leafl viiln In r"' of the club, which wa hi opponent today, Fcore: nr. iir AM Hhftlle. If,. I TnWn. rf ... 4 Miliar. Ik ... I Maraari. uf. 4 Pralt, tb ... I traal, Sb 4 Human, c, I f.aran. aa,,,, I Wallman, a I tiannpurt p 0 Plank, a,,,, I IK. l O A 'UK "A 00, r, ah ii Falarh. ft ,, I O A 10 0 4 0 I II IWaavr, Ih., 4 1 Oi'i.llliia. Jl . I li V .in-mar. tli. 4 Oti'iMirnlar, Ih. 4 1 Olii. k..m. If , I I til a.iiina, rf t 1 l.M, liit iv,,, I t in II 0 4 I 4 0 flTarry, aa.... I I I flM'.nK. p . OlMuetl. l.ynil .... OWnlruanl. Mi Miiilan Ui.n Mhiiull ., a ..ii, p ., Mnrlailr .. t ,,. 1 ... t 4 .. .. ...On ... 0 0 ,.. t Totala .. 14 ( 17 l 4 a t T rtala... U I 27 10 i HI. l,olli,,., 1 fl ft It S ft 0 ft ft-tl Chicago 0 1 0 ll 0 9 0 1-4 United for IturaKcl In the fifth. Catted for nlfumiK In llin geventh. HhIIciI for Mi'Mulloii III Die acveiith. Han for lilin In the arvcnlh. HmMciI for Kent l In llm ninth. Two-hilar hlta: Hartley, I'l att. liouhh" jrlav: lnvan lo 1'ratt to Hlelor. Flrat haee on error' Ht l.nnln, Itnaca on ImllH Wellnmnn (.'.I, linig ("), HiiskcII. Iraveniinrt. I'lank i.M. , Itlla mid rarncd rune: off Heng. hit. 3: ruii. 0. In four anil onr-tlilrd Inning; off Hua aell, hit, t; run, none, In two-thlrdi In nlnua; off Wolfgang, hit, tioiie: run, nonr. In two lnnli'K nlf ftcnlt tilt. 1, run, none. In two Innlnga; off Wellnmnn. hliM, S; rune, 4, In l)l mid ime lhlnl In nliiaa; off Pavi-mmr!, hlla, 1. run, lioim, In our-third Iiiuiiik, off I'lank, bit. I. run. I. In two ninl one third lulling. Si t in h out: 1 1 v Wrlhimn, 4: bv Wnlgnnu, 1; bv Orienport, I; by I'lank, I, I'm pire; o'l.oimbMn nnd lllhlnbrand. Haw in rrwi Crop. When (he child I uhtect to attnok of croup, a to It that h eat a light even ing meal, a an overloaded ttomach may hrlng on an attack, alo watch f.r th flrat aymploiii-hoarcne, and glv Cbaniberlaln Cough llemeily aa oon a th child become hnarao, irbtalngbl vryv her -Alvertiai-nirnt Lamr 'faitlav. ' i(..i,al I tg r- Cht' ago at "I I i Mttbnrll l I'llo lolirtll. lUtatnit t I'liilitdelpliia Sew tmk l Itra.thiyn I .VniPtt.nll I a"e Cl l.itill t l hl. av, jrvmrott t Cleveland. I'lniadelphla al N' jlun, W hlnKleii at tioalon ll I nail Hewed l. I i Hrli l"m I at II 'liet l I . I ..or, loci I. tli raw it t h i In. .a t ing ailinanl i VII n,,la'. A . r( al.lit Si . ii n : iirtffejt"c..-Junr ..JL rvi4ka- mmrni mm I J' i j;? ?i. -,.k i -- . V 1-V ft uvhmM? t: 4ft '", f MM ' " ' JJ CROTTR imOTIIFRS W I t4HMt tl I. . OMAHA, MONDAY, APIML N'iw Hervie PEOPLE ALL WANT HUGHES AS LEADER 4 Ncbrankam Visiting Lincoln Seem of One Mind in Favoring Supreme Justice. SPECIAL APPEAL BY WRITING IN (From a Staff CoireKponilcnl.) UNCOI.N, April l.-(Hircl(il,)-Aa the llm draw rloeo when lb voter will be cnllnd upon to expire III prcfi rencp for th repuhllran nominal ion for iho pr..! (lency, II become apparent llm I llieio would h lltll doubt what Hi remit In Ncbrankii would h If tb name of Cluirlca K. Hughe bad been printed on the tu l rnary ballot. That tb effort to hav votei writ In tb mini ha met with favor I fti.por ent by tha large number of voter In Uncolu, from out In the aluto who pro tiounc th Hughe cntlment aliong In Ihrlr part of th country grid Iholr bcll-r that ther will he a general rei.oiH to th call for th lead pencil brlK.nlc. He I Uvea He I Itlabl. "I think tb gtm-.d taken by .Mi'. Hugh ahould tnak him all Ih atronger wit i th peopl," an Id a prominent cltlr.en from out In tha tnte. "He baa mlhered lrongly to the principle tht p' lltlr; an I Judl'lal matter ahould not mix. I he lirv that he la right, Hnd t In. Judg accepted tha petition filed for him or even allowed it to aland it would h,v irfadn It very embaiHroiIng for tilin and 3 really tltli k I (Id rlnctly wl at any real true iltlen in hi poglilon hIiouI.J h.iv; done ; n (leiiignrllng that hi mnne be withdrawn from th Nobranka primary ballot A apontaneou dernnnd marl by Ih votr of the country througli the writing in of Mr, Hughe' nn me would aur-'ly appeal to hltn much atronger than th filing of a petition by a few politi cian, "Judge Hughe la the logical randldiito, Ih man who ran draw to hi upport th undivided republican vol nnd the fact that democrat and democratic paper ar trying to throw cold water on tha 'writ it In' campaign goea to ahnw thdt they fear the candidacy of Judg Hughe nd recognise In him tin. man who can defeat FroHldont Wllmin In th next election. Mud lualaut liupreaaloa. "Htfore I heard Judg liujihc alien k hero In Nehrnaka a few yeara ago, 1 rather admired him In a mild fanhion, but when 1 heard him In ll.tiroUi the time tin apok here, 1 becHme eiithuNiaa tic. There waa onieihlng about th.. man Uidlcatlug thut every word apoken mm from a mnccie heart Hud I heard ihmiiv men y tht they felt atioiiger for the man than ever befure, Mm. Id Judge Hughe be nominated at the Chicago con vention, Hnd i he I love, he will. If Ne bi HHka voter nnd thou of other at Men do their duty In allowing their prcfermice, he will be greeted with aucli an ovation ahould h tour the country, itn ha nover hcn accorded to any prceldentlal can illihita for year. "Ho la a highly educated man and hue been brought up In high circle of o clety and hualnra life, but hi heart hrata warmly for the common every day Individual and what i ripially trim, he ba a mind of hla own and no corpor ation or other Influence ran away him from what ha believe hla duty. "I hop to ht a ready rapmiut to the campaign being waged by Th He to have the voter of thl ntate write the nam of Cbarl C Hughe on tl.e tuefei ufll ballot aa ihrh choi.i. dent " WILSON HAS PLACE FOR "FORWARD LOOKING" MEN ; rV Vf'HK April I. - I'rcat.lein Wtl- on tt;rclertr, t'i ilrimi.-rtk- l arly at i the pari; "foi a!l the fortv rd h kli.0 l.o . itf the country In n Ii tti ! it. iiniil illnner lit V.i tng l n a l..o,u. Iriatic club here LUilgHl 1 i i r.i.lmi w a I. 1-. i-eu iti. pun. ii.l .enV- i, : but III pfttl r,.i,i 1 1 1 1 . al the . . gvn.'iil bv pi.. ire of I.Mttt altfi " "' -l-nh I II ' IWak. f 44 " 1 V I I 17. 1!MC. Drawn for French Take Ground From the Germans HI M.KTI V rARIS, April 16. A French In fantry attack In the Verdun region goutb of Douaumont ycBterday re giilted In the capture of portion of Homo German trenchea, the war of fice announced thla afternoon. Two hundred German were taken prln onorg, , BKUUN, April 16. After exten sive bomljardnient large French forcei on tho Verdun front attacked German portion near Fort Douau mont yegtcrdgy. The German war office KtHtement of today gay the French were repulsed with heavy lOflKC. "t .Nr".t - ' . . J 7 r 'l r J dead of -4CA In 11 wax FS5 Maltless I A BRANNEW BEVERAGE Making aa entirely new anil novel beverage, from th choice! American ranaala, WITMOIT MUT, without fermanuilon. without rugar, not trwd. containing SO AICIIIOl, being ! free, not a ' beer.' "nastr kuaa, '. j. Vm a,..a i j I -l. -'IT. VklWkak.- J I'Sito Spta OaM iTiiiriTa M - N 1 jge M wa tacaaf The Bee by George McManus Murderers Respited For the Sixth Time I.ITTI.K HOCK, Ark,, April lTh death entence of Joa Ktrong, 'ii, of Heilgman, Arl., and Clrnc Hewln, tl, of frellevllle, III., who wer to dl In tb electric rblr next Ttiedy, wer rom mutcd to llf term In prlon by Governor (I. W. Hye today, Th men hav been reapllrd from th chair lx time lnc they were ronvlcted for tha murder In November 1913. of I If. Thompaon, aged merchant at Henton, Ark, GR0SVEN0R TAKES CHARGE OF AURORA POSTOFFICE AUrtORA, Neb,, April l iHpeclal Tele. gram,)-Aflr twelve year' aervlce of Aurora, J. O, Alden yeter day checked out and 1. H. (Iroaevnor gumed control of the poaloffli. During Alden incumbency th poaial receipt of thl office hat neatly don X r3ir.-Jv i. 1 v.I'Hitto.r"'": TT Tr?i7'r7?'rrnT77 Masters the Mountain Barriers One of the most atupendotii obstacles of weitern railroading has been the mountain. To lift the tremendoua tonnage oi the transcontinental trains over the mile-in-air crests of the continent is a herculean task under the most favorable con dition. And when snow fills '.he passes and cold beleaguers the fire boxes of the steam locomotive, the difficulties of mountain operation become well-nigh insuperable. Remarkable, therefore, waa the recent record of one of "77ie Mlltvauktt's" new Electric Locomotives pulling the all-steel Olympian" over the Rockies receiving the train Lodge, Montana, forty-five minutes late, and having to traverse the mile-high pass of the Great Continental Divide in the winter, It made up the lost time in i run of and arrived Three Forks, Montana, on scheduled This astounding record showa that the Electric Locomotive haa proved itself "Master of the Mountain Barriers." Fed with the tremendous energy of tha mountain streams making an ally of the cold weather, which aide in keeping the motors cool -it penetrates the anow drifta with com parative ease hauls heavier loada with greater dispatch, and with a pronounced aaving In cost, and makes mountain travel clean and mountain views clear. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY On your next trip to the Pacific Northwest take either of the superb all-steel train "Trie Olympian" or "77s Columbian" and enjoy the advantages of electric travel combined with unsurpassed scenery and service. An tnltrutlng book living full particular if "Milwaukt Lltcliifitatton Jm an rtquut. Ticket Office: 1117 Farnsm Street, Omaha ElCtrsE DUVAL Ceaersl Ajcot bwr" or ' t!itpranr br. wttn a flator sad laat of Its own and being la a rlaa of Its own. rvir a. at all drug atorea, hot), rwalsaraats, and fountain and nf( driak MtahUhmnU. Omaha Beverage Company Caavllr T4 aefU4 y wllJAM jYftft. a4 si av rW K.4JV 44l, sm iaB rt n S2S f " t.Uf a.... bled. (Iroavenor will ell or ea hla law offbe and will give M cnUi llm lo tho fioatorflee, .nrrk on th new federal building I now progrexalng rupldly and the office will b pennsnenlly inatallrd there before many month BEATRICE MAN IS KILLED BY OFFICERJN GUN DUEL nBATflICK, Neb,, April H.-(perlul Telegram.) - In a, gun duel which lid aeveral minulea (ittlwr l.on Trud of th local police fore abut nd fnilly wounded Nel Kiullh on Bouth Klftrt treet lat nlghl, Hmllh had been arreled earlier In Hi evening for being dUorderly and had been releaaed on promlan of good be havior. A oon a he gained Ida free dom, however, he obtained a gun and began threatening Ih police, who gent, a iiid of men to capture Mm. II" opened fire on the police and after eight, ahola had been exchnnged Officer Trud hot him through the right aide. He died Kome minute afterward. j - H3M4aiMl . llltj a .4" -,vjp- Hmmmma !r T. r "-'war-- - ( mm - "... ,..a- - 1 pn at Deer 1 15 miles, time. flirt -"' Alcoholfree 4 erwva to AiUrt at. vu K !tNli nire. 44)1111 MUK eriTIN tiMUl.t, sn. Itwrn Matvitb 1I7. a? &m W&9 f? II Ui. i..'. , I i. a. !l ma iitfiwni(i'"nrii urn v. nnn, i. svisyn, fis I . a. a- I I i . riW!t4W" a . i at .ti.ii mi I h I I' (i ..'ll H.