Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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American Commander Reporti to
, Funton Upon Battle at
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 16. It
was an "unprovoked attack' on un
armed American soldiers who had
entered Parral merclr to purchase
supplies that precipitated an action
between Mexicans tnd Anierlcanii
there Wednesdsy, according to an
official report received tonlaht from
General Pershing.
Hi report was the first official
newa that hss been received of tbs
Incident which drew from Carranza
Inn urgent recommendation that tha
American troop be withdrawn, and,
though brief, It confirmed tha report
Bent by Consul Letcher from Chi
huahua Wednesday,
CJcneraf Feralilng sent hi report In
duplicate from ftvn, ninety mile
nnrthweat (if Parral. It appeared that
ha did not receive a report from tha
fioope yet In tha vicinity of Parral until
today and that upon Ita receipt ha for
warded hi report to General Funaton
Kiilrr in Her Kernel.
'He fall that a part of tha soldiers,
lea vln their arm at tha camp outeld
tha town, entered to bujr food. They
r fired upon and retreated in tha dl
reel Ion of tha camp. Tha troop there
moved forward to meet tha Mexican.
who were pursuing the retreating troop,
and he n a hrp flra, killing forty
Mexican, ,
'II reported tha American dead a two.
No montlon of wounded, cither of tha
imerlcan or tha Mexican, mad.
,Th American were a detachment of
tli Tenth cavalry and It waa Indicated
that they were commanded by Colonel
W. C. Ilrown.
iOnerai Peralilng laid ha had , dis
patched additional troopa In tb direc
tion of Parral, but General Funaton with
held for military reason that part of
the Information relating- to what unit
were being moved and tha exact dleposl'
tlnn, although ha Intimated that ha re
garded a setlafnut.ory tha order Uan
eral Pershing had Issued.
Iti-purl la Too fthnrl.
General f'unstnn did not regard Gen
eel I'erehlng's report a wholly sails
factory, however, bcaue of It hrevlty,
tla ent hltn a messsg tonight asking
hi in to amplify it a quickly a possible.
Whether tha attack on tha men who
went to Parral waa made by resident
or by soldier, or whether by both, we
not elated and no mention waa mad of
any assistance given ty tha Mexican
troop In the suppression of rioter or In1
the restoration of order. '
One copy of tha report wa sent through
:.'on'il Urlrher at Chihuahua to the KtaW
Jrpartrftcnt In code. This n eent from
Chihuahua' over the 'tommcrclnl wire In
control Of the Mexl' n .government. Tit
American" military not .hen perinlttel
o use git at wliea for transmission tff ended
ineeMgca.'.Tlie duplicate report waa talien
o Nemlqiilpa ly aeroplane' and from her
iY1 vf ,h ""' "'' ."eneral
I'erahlng ha et up from ther to hi
aae; (. Columbus. Pint the report
ad over that wire lata Oil afternoon,
t WM Cut. " . . '
tienoiat Prhlni did not hull ale In hli
iport that any fieah nawa ai to the
whereabouts of Villa had been received,
allhnuglit It l understood he tuhl of the
continued advance of cavalry dctc:i
menla who are yet forcing tlvtr way
along mountain trail In tha neighborhood
of Parral. .
. Krw More. Troopa fl.
' A few additional troopa have been ant
Into Mexico from Columbua, but their
addition to thus In Mexico wa nut dim
directly to the Parral Incident. It wai
occaetoned by tha report of unexplained
movement by the de facto government
Hoops, especially those troop commanded
by fienrral Arnulfo Oomea, who waa re
ported to be moving Into position from
which he might menace tha line of com
munication. Hi-opting operation along
the Una war continued today and pr
iautlnnary measure to guard agalnat at
tack war taken. Urdera to.Uk all pre
caution were aent to General lvl at
Douglas, opposite from which place a
.vmaldcrabl Mexican force la atattoned.
Whether t'olonet Browne troupe ara
tut camped In the Immediate vicinity of
Parral or whether they have continued
on to th aoutb over some trail that
laaMi around the town waa unknown
here. General IMneton al. la without
Information regarding the development
at Parral on the day after the truuble
hetwen the Mexican and American
tlupS. (
llrllef Kv!4eu.
t'.ellrf evH lit at head'iuai lei a t.
I.i ht. however, fr even tti'i th rum 'N the entire detachment of troop h I
fen wiped , that tit Anierlcane hd
e. ct;pU-.t panel, that tt-ey bed ituartned
the entire ppuleHn. thai a Mexican
f, in wa rtiesUi the American InW
i h Mil and other rrrte eitalir wild.
we re.eld fmiH Utmtfti 11 eourcee. li
-i . eheenc of aif eoll - IT- rta. o(fM
e (M-tnln t btrf U'lt t
tlv A''' '. I 11. It ) e ,i'
j. t ehii t' le'eiimM la or b iw It
M t laicJ 0 'e W Ie "mml
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t ('.! efti.en hue I' al It he ! '.
i m' te l
T): rwi i'f e el VI" e
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(Continued from I'agn One.)
with considerable vigor, "The glid ofpai-
alon lead man down and down, he auld,
until in aom caee ha heroine lower
than th beat,
Though Ih god of drink wa pointed
to a one of tha wotat In the lot, Mr,
Hryen eald, T will paee him over and
leave him for thla evenlpg, when I ehall
have trior time to devote; to thl uh-
)ect." '-V'
Mr, flryan apoka of tha rltlva outlay
of money and effort to develop tha body,
in mini ann ina heart, He epok or the
large coat of rearing a child to manhood,
In aupplylng it phyalcal riealte alone.
Then b took up tha mind of that child.
It take mora than inO book," h eald,
"to bring the child from childhood
through tha grade and up to th univer
sity, tint when It come to training the
heart. It lake but on book. One hook
will take th child' heart and make It
mora ueeful than all tha book tha mind
can (tudy-and that hook I tha Dlhle.
Thl I th book on which the world
hall build for age yet to coma."
Home 3,n attended hi lecture and !) preceding In th celebration of
the centennial of tha organization of the
American ftlble aoclaty, I lev. Tltua Iwe
realded. Ilev, M. V. fflgue gava the
Invocation. Iter, (I, A. Mulbert lad In
the' reaponalv errtplure leaaon. ftev, H,
If. Klrklnlda reviewed aoma facia of the
work of the American Hlble oclety, Ir,
A, t). Ilrd gave a cornet aolo and flev.
Kdwtn Hart Jenka pronounced the bene
The death of Mia Florence OTonnor
or SDH Mlnml treet hat week wa a
great abock to her many frlCnda, ' fthe
hal been III with icarlet fever Juat a
wrek prior to ! her denth on Tueaday,
April II, and her illneae waa . not con
sidered alarming until Juat heforai alia
died. . .. V . J.
Phe wa a great worker for cherlty.
and waa are ay a reajly and agger to do
mora than her ghare In all thing, flhe
belonged to tha North Hide 4'hrtaUan
church and waa th leader of tha Omaha
View P.lble claaa. Bhe held a reaponalhla
poalilon at the 1'nlt'ti raolfio lieadquar
tera. The funeral wa Wedneaday, with In
terment at Tercet I.awn All of Mian
O'Connor' Hnnday chool cilia w prc
ent et fh funeral aervlcea, which wre
In the open air and were conducted by
th Rev. Mr, Potera of the North Bide
Chrlattan church.
Culls from the Wiro
A wage Increaae for 7.0JW cotton mill
operative we announced by the Pep
prrell Miimifacttirlng company of Hlililc
fonl, Me,, and the Vork corporation of
Waco, .Me, The amount of the Increaae,
effective April 1", wa not ataied.
A regular dividend of 10 per cent and
an extre "bonua" of lo iter cbjjI on out
ainnillng common atock nae been reoom
mended by the dlrectora nf the Cunerd
eleemehlp line. It waa announced at the
Now Vork offlcea of the line. The dlrec
tora elan have declared the regular 6 per
cent dividend on the U.lX.OiX) of cumu
lutive preferred atock.
, How Physiologists
Regard Coffee
In a riH'tuit article, Dr. W, A. Kvhih, ftlitor of I ht "How to Keep Well" rolunin
uf t Ito (liicuso Tribuiio, mivi:
"In order that no misunderttanding should arise, 1 should
says that physiologists regard Coffee, Tea, Tobacco and
Whiskey as drugs in the same sens as Opium and Cocaine
are. From coffee at one end of the line to cocaine at the
other, no pot has the right to call the kettle black."
Tho avernjgv cup f rof.V coutnum about 2' . Rrniti of ntftViiu', n hnhit-fontiinu
tlnip ritt enough in om cup to M-iiotuIy hann. Hut, whn u-m1 rvirularly, it for
many tho caueo of bltvplisne!, ntirviutnea. Iitiut trouMo, mental aiuj phyaionl
futijTu, n. n host of other complaint.
on th othrr, i a pure foo tlritik ma f ronitol what an.t a little mola'..
tt tnaic mui'h UV t'oftVe, tm contain no pat'JtMtto nor other injurious druir,
Pcsium come in two form: Thotitrnul Pottunx Certal, hioh nml W
l oi.''ti l.V ar-l VW pa knv;t , atnifinf Pottum, u eo!u l form thnt pnlinv
the t . v rrre instantly n hvel tiijnftu! to a enp of he( wati-r; nV ntnl 'V tins
H' tli firm r equally ! I iioi, nmt t!'" t i (i!m tin njioev-vn h.ilf tt-nt jvr
a trn l.v w til p'.iie tl.e icriii:c prfnon fur rnongU w ,y Iri'iii t'iffr
hvi' '.i fi I n e
"There's i Reason" for POSTUM
Amateur Detective Get Tip on
Union Pacific Robber and
Officer! Delayed.
CHKVENNK. Wyo., April H.-tHpecUI.)
It waa revealed today that the only
definite r.hanc which police office an1
1,'nlon P';lflc detective might hav had
lo cptur the bandit who held up paa-
aengera on tli t.'nlon Pacific Overland
limited, No, 1, April 4, wa, denied be
rauae of the Interference of an amateur
datectiva who happened to be at tha
Colorado Kotithem office when a tip
on tha whereabout of a men whom de
tective are certain we the outlaw waa
telephoned In by a ranchman of the ChUf
water dlatrlct, forty mile north of
Cheyenne and the c.en of the hold-up.
Th ranchmen, no orber Una being con
venient, uacd the Colonido A Houthern
telephone lino to convey a nieaeng that
a mnn answering the description of the
fugitive had Juet bed trcakfuet at hi
pine aed wa handing north. Thl mea
eage he deaircd to give to Kherlff frnn
H, Jloach or a deputy,
AniHlrur l.rla Tip, - ,
Tha amateur detective, who he-d ans
wered hla call, tnUrepreaen'ed hliiuelf
a deputy iherlff and took the meanngn,
preaumahly Inleinllng lo ue the Infor
mation tlwreln In an attempt to aecura
for hlinaelf the of reward offered
for tb bandit.
That waa Thursday morning, April .
Not until laat Tueaday morning, five day
Inter, did Kherlff Iloaoh learn thnt the
ranchman bad attempted to aid lib lit
running down the robber, On Tuesday
the ranchman called up tha aher)lf'a of
fice and Inquired why hla tip bad beer,
dlaregarded and the cniiaiuent Inveatl
g a t Ion r veil led w hat bad been done by
the amateur dctecjlve, wlioan identity I
known to (he officer working In the ceao,
but la withheld, pending a dei lalon re
garding whethor any legal proceedlnga
aaalnxt the meddbr are pnaa.ble.
On receipt of the delayed Information
regarding the Chugwater auipact sheriff
rtnanb and t'hb f W. J. tcClerncnt of th
I'nlon Pacific rpninl agenta employed
on tha Wyoming divlalnn went to Chug,
water by automobile and apent two day
tracing the courae of the upct, ,
,oae Track of Man,
They loat Uiu k of him near Diamond,
almy-flve milea north, wher, In th ligiit
of aiibiequent development, be la be
lieved to have boarded a train and gone
to Caaper, IJe la believed to be I lie man
who mailed at reaper a letter to a Denve r
paper, aaaertlng that be wa the Over
land Ilnilted bandit, , gud encloang t
watch clmln taken from a paaaenger dur
ing the robbery of the I'nlon ParifU
Porllnnd filer licer lock ffirlinji, Feb
ruary i. ' '
A tardy warning to central an J nor. hern
Wyoming aherlffa to tie on tha watch for
tha fugitive baa benn eent out, but had
produced no reiuli. )' ' '' ;
Panama Canal Open; ;
- Sixteen Ships Pasa
PANAMA, April IS.-The Panama canal
wa reopened to trafflo thl afternoon
with th peaeege or glxteen ship, aeven
northbound and nine aouthbound, includ
ing th tranaport Huford. Tha channel
through the cut wa In excellent condi
tion and the paaaaga of the veiaal wa
without Incident. ,
lllalreaalna ongh t erel,
Pr, King' Now Iliu:overy not only
top your cough, but harden your ey
tem agalnat cnlila; kllla the gaima, All
drugglet. Advertlaomenl.
Charlea M. Ftlbbeck, poatmaater at aor
don, Neb., etoiped off In Omaha en rout
homo from Hillsdale, Mich. He railed on
Poatmaater Wharton and they talked
over (tamp concelllng. parcel post and
other Interesting things. Mr. Rlbbeck
any tha second annual Indian congreaa
to be held at Oordon, May 34 to M, will
be a great event.
The flee Want Ada are the beet bual
neaa booster.
Colonel Brown Sendi for Aeroplane
to Bear Mewagei of En
SAN ANTONIO, -Tex., April 16.
General Furigton baa received a re
port In detail of the encounter of
Mexicans and American trop at
Parral Wednesday, which it wag said
at his headquarters. Indicated that
the affair was more serious than
former reports have made It apear.
In a meaaege to Conaul I 'char at
Chihuahua filed from Kanla 'Jrui, about
twenty mile north of Parra", Colonel W,
C, Drown of tha Tenth etvelry, akd
that an aeroplane be dlapatclted Immedl
ately to bring In a report nf an owur
renee Thursday night. This advlc wa
received by General Kunaton this after
noon, ,
Colonel Urown'i command wa engaged
In a fight with Menlcana at Parral Jaet
Wedneadsy. HI urgent renneat for en
aeroplane la taken at headquarter to
mean that be ha (mportabt new of a
aecond engagement Thurdy.
(leneral Perahlng reported to IieeJllUr
er today that a motor truck train carry
log aeroplanea, waa attacked by forty
bandit Friday plant, fifteen mile north
of Ktalevo. The Mealcan were driven oU
and on of their number waa killed, Gen
eral Pershing wa with the motor truck
train at the time of the attack, There
were no American loaeea,
fOintlnued from Page One.)
Q'Unhy, On the republican aide the sena
torehlp la practically , conceded to John
1,. Kennedy of Omaha over e-oovemor
A Id rich of Lincoln.
The center of the flra radiate around
the contest for th governorship where
wet and dry line have been drawn. Klve
candidates are listed among the entries,
four of them claiming to be dry, yet the
organised anti-saloon force hav been
endeavoring to center behind former
Judge A, It. gntton In disregard of th
claim nf Mayor Madgett of Hastings,
ax-Treaanrer Walt rfanrge and former
Metileritit Oovernor 8, R. McKelvle,
while tha liberals, or wets, are favoring
Clarence J, Mile of Hastings. McKelvIo,
who publisher of a farm raper has a
following a more stock raiser and farm
ers, ha been speeding up potleably dur
ing the laat week, ao that be, along with
Mile and Bui Inn, la counted a really In
the rce, with George and Madgett trail
ing. f.earned In the Lead,
Another lively crtmmag is over the
district delegates to the Chicago conven
tion, for which eight candidate are
chasing ,wo places. One of these plane
I practically conceded to Myron V
Itemed and th other la the prlr.e for
which N, II. lAomla, O. W, Wattle. W.
V, (Jurley, Charles t Paunder,, flould
Diets, W, O-Ur and John. T-Yates are
All kind of "legislative tf"knts are' be
ing worked under various labels. The
IIowell-Hmlth bunch he one, riding the
municipal ownership horse; and another
repreaenta the orsanlsed liberal alerpente.
Locally, Pen Haker 1 th only one
talked of for congress, although two
others hav riled.
Smith on the Ron.
Tee-Grabber llob Smith Is visibly on
the run, with Harry 0. Counsmnn aa the
favored candidate for clerk of the dla
trlct court. Voter who want to stop
the fee graft are admonished to center
on Counsman end not waste their vote
on also-ran.
For other court house place K. O. Holo
mnn lead for 'county treasurer, M. V.
Clark for sheriff and Henry C. Murphy of
South Omaha for county attorney, al
though the latter has a real fonr-cor-neicd
race with Kidney Kinllh, James C.
Klnsler and .lea P. Palmer,
The primary la th Initial experiment
with the nonpartisan Judiciary ballot ap
plying to alt of the Judgeehlpa. For chief
Juallce of the eupreme court, for dlatrlct
and county ludgea no more namea are
filed than are to go on tha final ballot,
o there are no serious contests, but for
the three associate Judgeship of the mi
preme court and the three" municipal
court Judgeships, the woods are full of
candidates, giving each other a lively
Da I In! le Loss.
Kor supreme Judges tho present Incum
bents, Judge) Ilarrn a and .Sedgwick, ate
picked as winners, as Is also I'lstrht
Judge A. J, Cornleh of Lincoln, The Antl
Saloon league ha endorsed for these
plscrs Candidates 1" an, Martin anil Oust,
leaving the ollwr entries, I., ii. Hustings,
Ivd Klloon, U'lorgo J. Hunt, II. K. Pal
mer, In a go-s-you-pleaso Jog,
The ballot Is the longest ever, and, as
the polla do not dose, until A o'clock, tlic
count is uro to be tedious and th e
turns lata.
fiCFERIOfl, Neb,, April B.-fHpeclal
Telegram. )-The manager of tho local pic
ture show baa been circulating a petition
calling for submitting the ordinance for
bidding the do (llnif of Hundxy night
showa recently passed by the city coun
cil to a vote of the people at the next
regular election, thereby holding the
ordinance In aheymco until such a tlmi.
Thl has started finite a hit of dissatis
faction among aome of tho p Tuple and
promisee a merry statu of affairs If the
petition is filed.
Mrs. Carolina Peterson, S. years, of
Kddysvllle, Neb., died yesterday evening
as the result of n operation at one of
the local hospital, ,
Ifer body will be taken to Hed Oak,
fa., for burlaj this morning from the
N. P. Hwanaon undertaking- parlor. Ithe
Is survived by her husband, Charles J,,
Her Home No
Longer Childless
Operation not Necessary after
Taking the Great Medicine
for Women.
Miller's Falls, Mass. - "Doctors saM
I had displacement very badly ami I
would nave to rmva
an operation. I had
a soreness in both
sides and a pulling
sensation In my
riht sido. I could
not do much work
tha pnin was so bad.
I was also troubled
with Irregularity and
other wnakneeses.
My Mood wag poor.
Wa had been mar
ried four years and
had no children.
After usInflrLydla ). Plnkham's Vejf
etabla Compound ami Ulood Purifier I
became well and strortp: and waa saved
from tha operation, Wa are now tho
parents of a blir baby trlrl and 1 praisa
your remedies to others and give you
nermisnion in publish my lttr." Mrs.
JOHHril fit'II-BAt'IT, Jrt., lilicjgej Stroct,'
miner s rails, Mass. "
Lydla E. I'inkham's Veiretabla Com
pound is famous for reatonng women to
normal health and strength. When this
Is done wives no lontrer despair of havmcr
A woman MiouM bn reluctant
to submit to a surgical operation'
until eiio lias given Lydla IC.l'ltik
liam's Vecrctttlilo Comnourxl a
fair trial. If you Imveacnsetliat
nwdH eiifi'litl Ad vice, write fho
l.yflliv II. I'inkhani Metdlclun Co.
(iinllili ntlal), Lynn, Mum. It la
free aud always helpful.
to its Natural Color
In g faw applications to Ita original dark, gloaay
shaiia. no aiattsr hn long It naa bean gray or
failed, and dandrufl remof td by
Tl It ntl m Jrt tin en will know ton ara nalna
h, e. Oo,SI. all dealer or Olreitupnnreclil
of prlra. Kend for booklet "haaulllul Hair."
Pbllo Har Hoeelallles (lompanr. Nowark N. J.
Th Vtrlt, GrasfMf
IxUrmti JtmMly,
Ooughs aad Colds
VMMa aliMil4at toa)
Any Looal
;ii m
I. T i In I1
Roaa TVe ea4aKJ "SunJay Martlnf
c.l 1 MIPAl, in nil "! '
tfc.M fr.lNf H HI fl 4 l,i. " ' '
llil a. r,.l . ,;t, s"l f .i -a l.'
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"Tiz" for Tired
and Sore Feet
lae "TU" for pufrfed-up, biiniing
nihltig, ihJIoiimhI feci
and corns.
Why go limping around with arhlnf
nurred.iiD feet feet so tired, chafed
sore end swollen you can hardly get
your shoe on or off 7 why don t you
get . lu-cent hog of "Tit ' from trn
drug store now and gladdden your tor
turad feet?
"TIs" makea your feet glow with com
fort; take down swellings and drawi
the gorenea and misery right out M that chafn. smart and burn. "Tlx'
Iruttantlv atona naln in com, callonacs
and bunloiia. "Tl" la glorloua for
tired, aching, sore feat. No mora ahoe
tlghtnaas no mora foot torture,
Mnelerole Works KaaieT, Quicker
and Without (he) tlleter,
Thereg no sense In mlilng up a mess
of muatard, flour and water whm you
can o eaally relleva pain, snrones or
stlffnesa wllh a little clean, white M(.:-
MUHTKftOf.H ia msda of pur ntl of
mustard and other helpful Ingredient
combined In th form nt a (drsaant white
ointment It take, the plane of th out
of-date mux lard plaster, and will not
MUHTfcROf.E gives prompt relief
from Hon Throat, JJroncnltls, Tonallltls,
Croup, Stiff Keck, Asthma, Neuralgia,
Hesda'h. Congestion, Pleurisy, Flheu
matlsm, Ijimbaaro, Palna and Achea of
the Back or Joints, Hpralne, lor Mua-
cles, lrti, Chilblains, Trosted Feet,
Colds of tho Chest (It often nreventa
At your druggist's, In Tc and 60c )ar,
and a special large hospital for I2.M.
Pe sura you get tha genuine MI'S-
Tt'.IVrliK, JUfuiiei ioltallona-get what
you aak for. The Musterol Coiitany
Clcvelind, Ohio,
Weak Stomachs llesd i
So Do Inactive Bowels
First Thinf EkH Morninf
Effort) Breikfut
IS DirnsiNT from physic, pills, mineral wstar ofl
no anamaa, aay is rrtm niaui. Birrieiai in
last, acllon. ratult. DlFFCtlttr bacausa wilh It
uacotitiipa"on snd kindred ellmmits pass away
Ilk miat brfor h sun. OiFUfUHT becaus It
Invlgoratn ami 'ipbulldaandStOAUtlll la a natu
ral way to bner i.oalih, a stronger stumacb, mora
regular bowel, clearer skin, greater irgy.
SY first class druggist or grocer can get Prult.
Vigor for you si per lar. Or by parcel post from
us -On )ar ll-Four Jar $3.50-iix lata SS.OO.
p0tttn)n, MrH cr mnn, mall amrrir
antl all ntbara ho tm en tfctlr ft emuAsintif
wilt b lnttriMiM In ih mcetmitnl isprlment l
Cblmgo tollcmAii who he ovdA Ui gu-
tlon uf hiving oomfortabltj tmH. This poItcmtia
unrls at tha tnlrolion of two buay atrMM.
fllrwUni tmflfl alt dr. Br nlfht hla ft ua4
to tormnt htm. Ha eoul4n't ! tnr (ha paJna
unci avffa th aura him Thvii.ha hrl of
V.tsN lav aVittl now h auffart no mnra. Two or
thr at thM tbliji In ft N l nt hrt wfttttf,
faw mlniiiasr bftibln, and all th riranM tt
'(. hit fMt tHii, riHurrtf toi. ana ttmvpr.
Vorj ran nav Xa-N-Ta with VI1ahifi pttmrt ta
Tnur laity- tMih. Iafiava kln in ft and ftnttaptl-
i-allf ritan. timi ran gti Wa Na la. fivnt vmtr
rlfiisniat. It finir rf't i oania. If nur 4maatt
huii't it, a will ftj-llf fteiid F'u a aMinpla veva
it wii aoiiri ut h rwuta in tvar uost
J vl-fina arft maiilna ta your ftrMratM. TA C,
1 . i h1-n ft. , Huuth HeL In4 AtlvartlMimut.
Pefalsd o
flrllliaot Musical Burleeqne
rmaT timi gb
fh Colnsa.
l Ulrl
cprriAl i vvLi siaTs,
rbVlrtkl iskirlwliil tiaawer
At Baty rilaaex
retnava or aov awo piki.s
I n ataorh -
MMfs a ih., iaa !, m s4
II mtmx,t ttf II I .,,,' 1--
MlM' 9 ai.rth . -'t 'I I
I. swai r ii ''
11 IK ' l '
i I., let . . .t . a-.'
vealea Sis-lar Maitae,
tM, , So aaJ '
rr." MATS, 1S ml 2U v-
,m If rt !' "
l Mfa f (l,Utsi
tirun vav Hatiiaa
V, ! t ttli
ti.itr .. "U. ta.
t r I . . , ,, a
4 k ,. ' ymt I a 4
t.l I . tfm .4
, ), tt i
I J S t'aiia la lae l.f
TwpiM School tl DiMint
fit ' tv aie
,.mi ,. - e ke M Tt-
mtt t . I.mI I a
ie Msl
County Superintendent of
Public Instruction
'i'l Viet
, .'t .
5' tl
He Is both a Normal
School and a State Uni
versity graduate with spe
cial training in school ad
ministration and super
vision. HARRISON G.
Clay Center, Neb.
Candidate for
Madgett writs hla own platform.
conduct hla own campaign, don't rcpre
acnt any political machine. , Marfgot!
ropreent the common people. Mailgett
Is a thorough buslncaa man; saved M
own city ovrr HOO.000 In paving con
tracts. Saved hi city $5,000 In th sal
of paving boiKla. Havwi ih city light
plant from being deatroyed by prlvato
Interests. Had gaa reducad from IJ.en
per to 11.45 net. Result, tha
gaa promoter la suing hjrn for . 2n.O0 1
damages. What a triim to stand for
the peoples Internet.
Vcrte TueailaV for William Mart run.
nnuhllcan cimdlilaie for rnvrrnur. wlm
atanila fur the peoidca' lnicrsis and en
dorsed by (he cunimon people.
Vol for MiMlgett. I Its needa vou
and you need him.
s .....
i a
H aW "i
0. il. PAHSON
For Stale Representative
II It a tliamt'ton tf (Mt. n,(
Jait Iaw t r I ffrtNj,
wm si i " ti lite l.i ' I' s . tt ),
' i insane li a ! i , I,
ASK FOR " 18.92"
Pure Spun Aluminum
Cooking Utr r U
Gurntrrt for 2) Vrnri
frV.'V-e'W- J
yw .
lib ikdlsM
f ; . - - -
' " - )
f 't . ' s