Vill nrorme eem Tito aily Bee Call Tyler 1000 THE WEATHER. Unsettled If Villi Willi! lit T.!L (.. Tl... or to toyonn Cniuitwf t-it U'hli Tho Iti-o. ii ii a 4 vol. MA' xo. 'J;o. OMAHA, M0NHAV MOKNIXU, AVHU. 17, 101 fi. -12 PAGES. Sl.i.'lt."0.1.'1 81X0LK COPY TWO CENTS. FRENCHMEN GAIN DEAD MAN'S HILL TO PERISH THERE SK.'fSJH. Cr0inza s Nephew Reported FINAL TOUCHES BY LEADERS IN PRIMARY RACE Bringing Body to Chihuahua SOUTH III MEXICO! ' Garcia 17 Has Killed it i5 Omaha D I L Republican Soldiers, in Furious Counter Storm, Penetrate Teu ton Fosition, but All Are 1 Tut to Bayonet, THEY DIE, LINE AFTER LINE Tl i 1 1 i n Announces Terrific: But. Vain Attack of Gauls in Face of German Cannon. PARIS DOES NOT MENTION THIS 'j'luit (ho French troops defending the fortress of Verdun hum launched a vigorous counter attack In th region of Deuij Man's hill, on ilm went bank of the .Metire, was (Un closed hy tho official report Issued tjalurday afternoon from tho German army headquarters, Tho attack fol lowed violent artillery preparation and wuh directed against tho German positions mo mh of Corbeaux wood In the, Gumlerew wood and on end Man's bill. Though lloo after lino of French troops were mowed down, tho Ger man statement suld, hy tho artillery and imicilno gun fire of the Ger mans, somo of tho Fieiich battalions succeeded In penetrating- tho Teuton position on Dead Man's hill. On gaining a footing in tho trenches there, however, Merlin declares, tlioy were alaln In bayonet fighting-, furl orrlilnlly Silcnl. 1'ail Offici i lly ! HI'Mlf. l'-jlll llllK halllo, I f afternoon sliitciuciit. iinmnirK!. lug Hint Ficiii li tcrli'M ih'I evidenced great activity ou tic. Hint, ljuiik of tlm Meim, particularly ti tlio went of Cor beau wood hihI foiKcii brook, mui that no Infiinlry i lunacim nu bad Itiltcii place. Tho Intent official ulatemetit Ixflucd ut Pari fall to mention any activity liy 1'rcncli Infantry, Hotli cant mill went of tho aft use, lliern Iimvii been Hitllltiiy himiharduK'iits only, j Uu tho eimteni front, sharp fighting I g"big oil between ,ttinlriuti and ftiia kIuii force for (Mwllionn on tin; lower Hi rip and tho Iml;itcr river In (lulhtu Kllil f'ir other liorlliiiiht of CzcmvwiU, In ISukowlna. It, Hi Italian theater, tho Juliana and Austrian nrmtejf havo respcc.iltely taken the effcnalvo ut various point along that front, Auatrlnn troop stormed hi, JtillHn poult ion nt Alrsllvrh, and claim to have IichI-ii liii'k several counter at tack In which ttm Hal. nun arc mild to havo (Offered li'ivy lofcMcn, lit ociinlp 1'iiallloit, Tlio Auslrlaits iiiliint. lin y were forceil to tfvaouHtO ft ill fi nnh'1! point Ion mnilli of Hpcrone, lint clulni to liava repnlttcit the J lull" n HUui'hii In other ncrtom. In tlio iipi'i'MllotiN on tho water four VH)eln flume in tho liewn, Tim Hrttn teunirr Hlii,iiir1(,ih of 3,Su', ton Kivkh, mill the (.ii limn him iiihi I r llliHiilri Iihmi hetii mink hy nilnex, The Juinluh cch'ioner I'roven Iihn he;n sunk hy n (lerinili Mtililimrlno lit point n'uih of Mm kliolni, mil) I he JIuiiIhIi lenlnlil lHiin hH been citiirei) In the Catleiiiit hy a lnriiu (lurmun mihiiiHilne. Temperature to Be Nearly Normal in All Parts of U, S. WAHMINUTON, April K..-TI1 wenlher Vinifaii fnrecw for the week britlnnjug to'tny H; "A itlturhnnee thnt over the Rmky nnninluln reulmi Suturdiiy timin lug will iiiuve ciihiwiikI ii 1 1 1 1 ho n l ic by iidiieiHl rnlntt thn tint (not of tlio wnek over tliu union Citut of the Mis l-lpit river. Aliulher (llntm hiini o w ilt III h! prole hllity f irm tuer the MUHhttext ttm mhl (Ho of tlio tvei k, 1 t .11110 I'.nlttiit'l mui IMTMIll over lh lillihtli" went ut tlni i tul of the wei.k, hi' inli .1 by tniM'tilnl wenllur noil t"inl riilim, Tim itlier will h fir Hi fii t hnlf of l'i . k iern!lv e-t of tlm (;- .i-i.. ilM-r, (ha inhblin ilHy of h link PI l' fulr lit lh mf.litl t'ni tti.U iiiitii The Weather I'm ef lh v.nli.'i l-.r .(ll.l 1 .in. in V I , r ,Ninii I'nii'i, . .. 1 f.,,,( h (.-!, t. !. I rlr '" t'MMhit etli riJn). V ' Wilson Williiijr to Agree that Tcrsh ing; Will, Not Penetrate Much Greater Distance Iuto Interior, WILL WITHDRAW AS REQUESTED Washington Roady to Recall Puni tive Expedition Within "Rea sonable Time." FULL REPORT ON PARRAL FRAY W'AHIIINtJTO.V, April J 0.- I'iomI detit. Wllaoti hiia decided to Inform ficitcnil 'iirriiti.u, In reKponao to hla iti(Uet for wllhilrawtil of the Amerl fiin troop from Mexico, that the t'nlled Htatea will neaollalfl for an agreement along theae. linear Tha t'nlled Slate government la wlHInK to aareo to fix a limit, on tha dlatancn Anterlciin troop now In p'tr Htilt of Villa ahull proceed )nlotMex Iro ami to make that limit not much farther nonth than the Iroopa already havo proeeedeil, Tho I'nKed Hlale government I willing to ;lve iirKiirmircM that the Amerlcun troopa will he withdrawn within "a rciiaonahlfl time" or aa aoon It )h definitely fatahllahwl that Villa liaa reached a point where ho can be dealt willi better hy tha Carran.a force. Ilenljr In I 001 iileleil, Ttieno point, It bfteriine known t'inulit, wero (llti'Mimieil fully at ) inleribi)' cabi net llieelllia, ThO preielit' B'Jvlti'H ri wild to have nareeit on in h a courae In the belief that It tvoubl iniikc alroiiacr the chiuiee of ciilehliia Villa, A rCiy to flMii'ial ('nnnri. I culil to be virtually (oniph teil unit la eiei teil In go forward In ft very abort tlm, Ateiiiitlimi the iiuranlt of Villa by thn American troop will eonllinie, Kecre liny linker nharply oiitllnei) tliU today In a formal ataiement, The line of eoiiiimmlnitbin of the American troop following Villa havo Irenily been leimiheneil in thn point where neinlliisr mipplle ha beeomo fllffl e'tlt and It l reallzeil here that. It would he extremely huznnbni for them to go much further. The flint offblnl ruport on tlm claali Veneai1ny t far ml, reaching tha VVur department Into lonlghl from (ieneral FnnMnn, anld two American trooper and forty Mexican were killed, Hwrelary linker iiailu thl announce inent; ' "A telegram from tlerieial runnlon ntiofe a telearam from Oencral 1'erahlng to tho effect that he ha Jut received Information of an unprovoked attack upon American aobller who had entered I'arral to buy nppllit. Ml information la that two American aohller and forty Mexican wcro killed, but 110 further de tail had been reported at tho time, "Oencral I'erxlilng bIho report that h has given full Information to (ieneral Iterient a to the potiition, direction and irciieinl dealliiatlon of onr troop purmi big Villa, lie baa sent by aeroplann for full particular" (ieiietal I'rrahliiK'a IIIckmuko giving itrtually Hie ;.anin Information regarding the fight an previously had coma from unofficial aoiiria wa regarded at thn War department a dlppoolng of aiiia tlonal border rumor magnifying tha Inci dent. Tho nferema tntieneral llerrerii, Otrranza. coiiimindcr at ChlhiiHliua, wa accepted a further dcmonKtrating the extent to which the American and do facto forcea were cq-tipiatlng. Although lha iiicKB.ign did not an upeciricnlly mate, official took It for granted that 1he at tack on tho American wit made by elvillaiiN, nines any hoalll move by Cur riiniEii linnpa would have called fur a ilefiitile alaleiiii ut by ij neral Perilling to that cffnt. American Women -i Soldiers Vote for Trousers Uniforms i M -W 1 'lth. Ann i !; American ! "iinnin .-.lilli i. ivill tiuuitei ax jui of thiir i.iiiunin if tip f,.iii, i,f r. ii'l'tn e i hy tin' ."i tin mhei . nf t., Ami ii ait , ,. f,,,. hi it - t.itc. "1 In ,t wiutu-ii bvQ .(ri-o utti nd iti weekly Utltl Ibiaugotoit tlm wnrn ii-e IU- n( iinit.Mtii mnt up f.if ' (ut.. ink " id (!, ., .,, ni 'I c l ili.i i.-aliti pi ,, ii Vtm I Mi.l i rf,t.l .V'ulbdiia. hd ef IH or-. g uiuatl. II. u. .,1 ! (ii. il ti. a ula ncto j I'V I n -.n.- IH.J net I.. I, I. j Hlilt-.l !.i fc- o' fi t.' I In tt i oil It H ' J." I I It 1 C -. ,l rt 1 - 11- .1,. (i..-. tt II (. .! I, 't.'.i.-a J ini'iie . 4,t i -til l ti ml li 1. 1 n-n.iHi ..ii. a t. li ll: ..Ut d.'li... I -. , I tl-i i-.f tilt Hi U hi I. i., ti.nlt,.M t-i Cn l-i.i.l ll CHi- Ut , . VM.I , I it 1 ' cf I i -4 . -tie 1 it i. It I I II i .41.-1 t X- I. ! Ul .1 t I li . . ft ' I t I ( . I i i . I I I I ... ... ...(, Hi-, I " II . j iTiiiksKiiUMilliiiii i Aniii'iiiaiis to I),t! ! . : ., 1 . t , ' I . H- , ic (. - I i I - ' ' - t - I j '..-.. -It ... .t I , ! . t; .f... i - 1 -ii i - - ' iiit t .- , ,- i -, , . Telegraph Operators at Madera and Cusihuriachie News that Notorious Outlaw's Life of Murder and Rapine is Ended (My Associnlotl Press.) EL PASO, April 16. Mexican Commander Garcia announced today that messages have been received from military headquarters at Juarez from telegraph opera tors at Madera and Cusihuriachie, stating that the body of Francisco Villa was being brought into Cusihuriachie and that it will later be taken to Chihuahua City. ' Garcia said he had wired military commander at Madera for confirmation. Neither telegraph operators stated in messages where body of Villa was found. Garcia announced he had received a message from San Antonio that a special train, was being made upw at that point to take the body of Villa to Chihuahua City. Garcia says the body is being brought to San Antonio by Carlos Carranza, nephew of General Carranza. EL PASO, Tex., April 16. Francisco VilJa is dead and his body, disintered some days after his burial, is in possession of the Carranza troops, according to a series of telegraphic messages received in Juarez today by the Mexican officials. For more than a week reports that Villa had died from wounds have been current both here and in Juarez. Today's "accounts were;the most circumstantial and apparently reliable yet received. They were accepted with reserve by American officials including General Bell, but the Mexican officials expressed confidence in their reliability. ' The messages, in the order in which they were received, were as follows: "The dispatcher of the Mexican Northwestern railroad at Juarez reported to General Gabriel Gavira, Carranza commander at Juarez, that he had heard a conversation over the telegraph wires to the effect that Villa's body was in the hands of he Carranza troops. "General Gavira notified Consul Andres Garcia here, who rushed messages to the tele graph operators at Madera and Cusihuiriachic asking for confirmation. "The Madera and Cusihuiriachic operators answered confirming the report and stating that the body was being taken to Chihuahua City. MOVE FOR STRIKE OF OCEAN SAILORS Liner Brazos Halted When Men Demand Raise, Including "War Risk Bonus." MAY MEAN GENERAL WALKOUT NKW YORK, April 16.--Actlon which wa believed to tin thn fore runner of an effort to rauao a gen eral htrlke among seamen of all chiKhoH on oceao going Hteatuwhlpa re anlted here today In one veaael, the American liner Mongolia, being de layed (several day In Halting , and an other, tho New York and I'ortu ltico liner Iiriiis'iK, heing forced to anchor down the hay after leaving It pier. The Mongolia, laden th Iii.Oimi tun of mined t at go for Liverpool, wan to rail early in thn day, hut did imt S'l a ay until p. in. Tim ere, it waa nald, atrut k after a de mand lor higher wage had In en re fused .y aeeiitu of tht- line I'rrx'Ul I -BtHil. 'I 1.41 I'l ,- Il4 I lmlo t l 11 , l ., rtl " I H ".l!t of l.t'.illv tui t!i I it. il waii t. M a H'Vll l uf i lU''l I'l fwrnieit .,.1 ft. I l.M.. Jit.j J .l,. vii.,i.i .f,i t .':h II ,V l.,lli iv.i i.ipii ittfd it. I. t.i tlt... In I t.i. .it ti,. M-ti t mu. ii I' ' .tiM.i. I ! , .tii. i.i.t I ,; ..'-i, I. I - .tlti'll .1 p Hit I ,. ii. 4 I .... t : .- it Mexico City Rojoieti To Hoar Washinulon Will Recall Soldim i, i it ' i . : . t ,.i t . - i - ti- , i . - I t ul . it f ii -i t - t ,i . . t , t ? , i i - , One Year Ago Today in the War Hrltlah atthinarliiA E-15 ran aabore tn tlm I 'tirdiiiicllt'ii. Stititiicaat of Yprea the Hrltlah took Mill No. 0. Allien tittiu knl (iallliiotl pnlnHiila and llnrdiiiipllt-K forts. ! licrniiina rt-ported eaptnra ef Fmich piiHlllniia In 1 1 in 'i.i"ti" mui )ib in p nm nc I'rt'nclt crul(r fired on Tnrkliili foitlfl cHlnns at Kl Arluli In Kypt. Here's Martyr Story Like from Book, U. S, Man Burned at Stake , At h i:-H A, Hli, Aptil h. -Hi. i Jc.-i .li ehtiiiiMiti, t.ti no r ftiidi iil of i'r. j tell iitllta.', WmiRfeiin. and a itieinlirf j i.f ihe CU'I i lni uf the Jclfi lum ciilleae, I'hlladi InlilH. l.tnned al Hi ll tiit ItIh i. it Kl I nltilli, 'etl, n I til. ilea tt lul l'' te.etlr.l lte fltilll , I I;IH . il-l.l.t Imt t V, i. inline lit tlic.n .lvi.e Toka tHnl I in i I'l t.i . Irda j islam I i "ii hi i lmi and iti-miii that !.. Ii tc r4iu," ha atil, tntif,.i ant t'tnild. l t 'il'l "lha I I. ..i tt.e ..'. it s mi ', 1 ImiI kli.n BANK ATTACHES PROPERTY CF MISSING AURORA FARMER - - I It v- . t. !. I' ! i T. -t ft- t..i t tn. mi .ti .I i i-il tn'u I 'tii .11-t .ti tie et it- Jinnl i l .tl'n I . if i, .I,-., 1. 1 1 .!!. 'I I mi, . .y lt I Ac of Iii..iif.i4 l,t, l...i, I ! HI t,. IttW t.f It' ! ( '' ' 1,. 1 ti. . .... . t I ' . I ll. 1 I4M1 t. . t -I-.-, i . I lit. ti t. I - . . I' l l t ' l t- ( .'! I .1 t I . I, ... I " I ' 1 1 I l .. CI -l lt , n - I . I tt I 1 1, i i - ... I t 1M tl- .'.....- i . 1 I '. ' mi . ,". t... i - e , ... ul Ic- 41. I l.i I I 1 .. ' - ! Li" t, i ! . i ,-- t - .--) t ,-tni 4 1 -.1 1- il,.. ... , ,.. , f I ! M ia ptlaiall t ,4i I .Ha e. a a a m la a I' a Uttll.t iHtnakl I . , laa. . l.a4i . BRYAN TELLS OF THE FALSE GODS Lectures at the Centennial Celebra tion of the American Bible Society. BUT ONE BOOK FOR THE HEART Nino principal false gods beckon today to claim the worship of man Instead of the true God, according to j William Jennings Hryan, who spoke ! on "The lllble at Work in the World" al the Auditorium yesterday after noon, Thn occasion was tha renten iilal celebration of the American lllble society. j "IIae we no need today for the . commandment, 'Thou Miatt have no other god before me?"' aaketl Mr. i Hryan. "Trun wn do nt worship Idols today, but we have other gods, j so iiiiinrrmia that It would take all I afternoon lo recount them, 1 will f Iheiefore only lake tunm of the pi In- ones, and wilt limit mitflf to nine," I'llrf) 11. tine l.'.i ,..l INti H t nniiii.iiirr iit"t mil mil. 'I i'l tiul'l 't d ef t it-ill.. tt li t i.f ama, i .d f I itr, i,l i.f,,, til uf Ttt, t, ti ..1 t i 'im t t ui f I imt ! t . J ef I r I,1,, HI e.4 Tt rakf r f..i,-d h ami a wn t lie it ti iii.ia t I-aeMtit 1?.., "n.. a man ..!.. (. i u- ef tj-.i !" U llwll ehfltala," 1. M-. " tin inxl ef lama oi t.it4l. I l.-iiij. aaaiar, tr ia .i-,. t :!! It illlH . ,.... 'ill -,r r,,... ( i a t. -1- a ' I it lua "i "i a l a a, 1 1-. 1 ti. t .J f t - a- ei it tk a jtat-' n twin- . tt ... t, . j ' .it I !-! II f.f at . I ' " '-a ' t . i .( ai. j .-. I He . . , ,. : f i at. I e I . I a-- i -.i i t I t i . 1 1 .11 t, ,1 , I .1. jl I t I. I I ... i I a , ,.. i a I ' 1 . Wire DEAD BANDIT WHOSE BODY BEING BROUGHT IN. IS SUFFRAGISTS WANT U. S. CONGRESS TO ACT AT ONCE I)BNVt:n. Colo.j April IS.-ImmrdtHta action hy romrren upon tha Huan H. Anthony amendment way itrtiiEwiK.ait h're tonight aa tho ptirpoiia i'f tha tranacon tlncntnl totlr of twenty-five member of tha (r'oiiginaonal 1'nlon for Woman Suffrtiac which Ir-ft Wanhlngton April 9. Tin tour eontemplatca a vlalt to all thn ciiuhI nlfnian atatea, ending May 11 and IS, In HK Lake City. J0f v "' fjri9 "s t"0 ; ' F . f I . .. i '! ' kj ?: ,..... -.'J VlUA. But Why Don't You Give a Direct Answer, Mr. Howell? The question is this: "Will you, if elected committeeman, support the nom inee of the republican convention for president this year? "And would your promise, if given, be worth any mora this year than the same promise which you gave and then violated last time?" The Side-Step The Question Conforming with our regular pol icy of "fair play" wa glre spaoa to this gentlemanly outbursts. OMAHA. April J S.-To tho KdHor of Thf line: Here la my answer to 5 our question In today's Hee Naturally deold of all notions of; fair pla, shortly after I defeated you ' for national committeeman In 1912,' you hKiin " t'h't ' overthrow the reaitlt or that atatn-widn primary, and j to this end, jou anil your friends d- j tiiandctl that the republican national; t'ommlttee declare my place vat ant and seat f, K. Mctirew of Omaha a. Nebraska's rept'eaentatlve, Tha d tuatiit for my removal was band upon fhaigca filed with tha nailotul repub lican rommltuti, an. Ub'h charge. Ihe I oittlulUee fcfn m In consider You now rrittrate ihene charges at th tetiitiu hour, hoping that the repiii.lii an of ,Vbraka tn be more rnl dud than the republican n llnl.Jtl rnlitliilltise. And why he )tu adapted nmk ta to a ? I l,au,w ke, r 1 lav lit a i ear tit inuut Iriag )uur pMt.ld 4icn lu the lire h uiht b ft.ra- lit.- pii.ii lt 111 I h I h,id nJi.tate f..r t. a i h tie u m I't ' ' ' j(..v t i H- r Au. I..-. una! l. .t ta it Id etfmt ii Itit.uttat tviiotui'ln ii, ail uf ytoti.lf , n i tt let it.iue.l lit t'n, t.n -h it. ,1 1 t thi&a tor wu, satofit, ih 1 t.f t r VI . "r I t . f V i a tu J ! ka ti'i a i t i i. in t c I j tr't, lit a 't' ' o-' i.? a i , a i ii, i hif i' M . it fc h.i n 1 1. . I n if In. faille la t !.. a l.t In t . Sit (Ut e One of the Most Hotly Contested Preliminary Campaigns in His tory of Nebraska Politics 1 Draws to Close. FIREWORKS HOT AND FAST On the Democratic Side the Fnsilads of Missiles Sizzle Between Bryan and Hitchcock. KENNEDY LEADS FOR SENATE After on of the moat hotly eon- heated preliminary campaign In the hlalory of Ncliraaka, the final toe,ha for tomorrow'a atate-wldo primary were put on at meeting; of worker for tho different candidate, and alatea galore are ready for circula tion, with tha Urgent reglatratlon and the largeat number of candidates ever entered, more offlreg than ever to fill and correspondingly whetted popular Intereat, It la expeeted that with pood weather the biggest vote ever polled In & primary will be recorded. On the democratic aide the fire works and fuallade of missiles has been going on hot and heavy between two elements headed by William Jen nings Aryan and Benator Hitchcock, respectively, Senator Hitchcock has accused Mr. Hryan with trying to "hamstring" the party and the dopo aters figure that Is what he has done with reference lo the senator, who la sure tq outrun Dunn In the race, but to finish so lame that ho will never get his speed again. (,niprnnrhlp Hare. . Tho flalit for the governorship nomina tion between Mayor Oiarlos W. Hryan (ftrothar Charley of Lincoln) and Keith Neville, tho young unknown from North 1'lallf, la rxpneti'd to flgura close, though I lie odda hcpiii lo favor .Nrvlllii, although pnaalhly Influenced by the. well known preponderance of tho wets In Douglaa county. The effort to keep William Jennings riryan from going to Ut, oui as on of the Nebraska hlg-four dnlegntea-at-larga ! of doubtful suoceaa, and tha rliancea are placed .even aa between Mayor Imlilmnn and Art Mullen for the democratic national committee Job, Another Intaresllng democratic fight Is that for the nomination for rongreea, which brought Congrcaaman Loheck home from Washington tn defend his till against Harry H, Fleharty and Laurie 1. (('untlnuedon'rago" Two,Coiuinn'oury When you asked for the votes of republicans for national committee man four vears atro. Mr. Howell. j declarlUion your ow ligature! "While I am a great admirer of Senator La Follette, I am a warm supporter of Colonel Roosevelt. However, I am first a republican and whoever is nominated will receive my hearty support if I am chosen national committeeman." In spite of this solemn n led ire ef Mr How(t on staying on the commutes whiis fighting the party's standaj bear ers whom you wers in honor bound to support; yon contributed money ' campaign funa or anothtr hoitilt patty; you tried strenuously to prei cut republicans from having even a chanct to tots for then presidential ticket. ForgeUm, tha pait, except as a guide ta thi future. hrra ti.a ,Un, today, Mr. JbwtU I Aa4hat itl vol 44 tn tha nest campaign, if again ommutiate4 a ftnerat f o lPuMlCtt paitf lt, thai t frrl n bitteittcaa t t a4 tf fc.iMhal j,ii4 ii!rf 4 tna aa tha au. .Ul wf h la-Hbtii an 1'j.ttf f r a"liatr ta IU ''. 4i -- thai h ,,.in t.f vi Htt'iftdl.! r1 ol as'.t-.-!. ), l'.lai, f itantii iia n,.t jii,..i ,tr.-,.i ul I Si'-I 111 ' ... i v .1 i i i. t )i. ft!m tn , in .a a ii ' S, " !,; I I