Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 9

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Carranza Mininter Says Punitive
Force Miut Not Consists of Over
One Thousand Cavalry.
MEXICO CITY, April 15. The
Mexican government will itiRlst with
Inflexible determination that any
arnittd t'xpndttlon of llo. Tnltwd
States which enters Mexican territory
In the gulae of a punitive expedition
must be limited to 1,000 men of one
acrvlcc alone, cavalry, according to
ii statement marto to the Aaeoclutcd
Vrm yesterday by Juan Neftall Ama
dor, subHtltutc aecrctary of foreign
Outing the ahonc of General Candldu
Auiiilar, minister of foreign relatione, I"
Queretiiioi Buh-riecriitary Amadur 1 In
.dmi-go of (he foreign office and I con
ducting 1U couro In international af-
(Mil It Illogical.
"The Mexican government baa con
tended In nil of Itatnute to tho Wash
ington -HI'ito department," ld Him uh-
i'i tui "tlmt thi) vending of heavy
artillery and slow marching Infimtry oil
a punitive expedition In Illogical mi 'I
tlmt the work of the jirnscnt so-called
punitive expedition h" mora than dem
onstrated this, fop they hav accom
pUshed absolutely jothlng.
"Mexico will and haa In all of It com
munication In Washington insisted that
II punltlv expedition must ti-limited
to certain restricted iru. Tho request
of th l.'nlted Blato Hint the prevent
xpedlllon be oonaldored exemption!
cannot bit agreed te by the Mexican
government for the very good reason
that each dy of II a present o far
Inland doc nothing but excite our peo
ple. Hi In la bring taken advantage of
by encmlee of the conatltutlohallst who
era cndaavorlne to tage Incident that
will eauae grave international compll'-'a-tlona,
l,aa Drop In (be Haekrt.
"The I'arral Incident la a cuan In
point, I consider thla happening the laal
drop In the bu.ket, and believe that
when the American people and tha Amer
ican government realize It full lgnlfl
eance they will gladly aweda to Mexico'
re'iuext, and. In the interest of peace
and In line with tha traditional friand
ahlp which xtt between the two coun
tries, will withdraw tha troope,
"No on ever baa questioned the bon
tty of the purpose of tha United Mate
In limiting the prent military move
ment to a punitive nature, but It la hard
to convince the population that a force
of thouaanda of men of three tranche
of the aervlce do not have the aemhlance
of Invader. The Mexican government
believe In the friendship of the ynllad
Htnte and believe that the prent
-Hula wfU paa. leaving relation more
Mrdial tban ever." ;' ,,
I errvnsa Won't Tall. ,
ijunernl Carronxa asked to be excused
from discussing International question
and referred the i.wreepowl'ft M the
foreign office, who In authorised to pre
sent the, vlewa of hlmsolt and hi gov
ernment Sub-Secretary 'Amador .then
explained Mexico jioaltlon. ' '"
The aub-aecretary wag nutted a f the
orrcK-tnea of the report that the mv
t i nor of the etate of Han 'jut retort and
certain high army officer had ervd
notice on General Carranza that, unlca
the American troopa were withdrawn
within a certain epeclfled time, they
xoiild Joi In opposing Ihelr further movt
nent aouthword. '
V Declare It Cotroe.
"Thla la abaolutely untrue," -replied
Seiir Amador, "It la trua enernte t,t the
i'ttrrnnza government have been workliis
it.rrnuoiiKly with the people ot the norh
lo perxuadfl them thut, the preaent move
ment la tnvaelve and not punitive in It
nature. - . ', . '
"At first they met with itm mifeesn,
but we are convinced fiat live p6pt now
understand the eltuatlOn. The attack-im
the American tit J'arrnl was due to. the
Influence of tlieee enemle of Uie govern
ment. One of them fired point bUok at
an American oldl-r, killing him. Cen
tral shooting then bemm. Although the
oidlcr had order not to enter town,
Iheee nn were forced Into Pur ret becaue
they could get nothing to ent In tha aur
roundlng country and were so far from
the border that It was Impossible to nd
them provision, without alvlng thle ex
pedition the aprearanoe of boltig aonrv
thing more than lu name auifgeai.
Must Vut llo Hver l,i0.
"That la the reason the Mexican gov
ernment haa Inflated In Its notea to
VsliliiKton to the limit of the tone
which insy Vie traversi-d by any punitive
pcdtitonn, extend i"t farther than forty
mllea, nor, In our opinion should punitive
expedition be allowed In (he turritnry of
ellher eountry for an unlimited time. Our
nuts of Munh 1", artlelu X. SNcifies the
nuniher of troopa which inny pail the
tio igdury luio nmst nvei ateed l,'u n l
th..B must not rnriain hi the X"tie'fr
nmre than five day, except In ty mi
nimal ii,"
'Jim entire eorreaniinden-e whl-h b
,h, in pHs. up to date heiwien thii two
giirinih ma aa the rault if the t'ulum
la In. I I' nl km hri-. (hi eorre
ri" U l' nl f 'he An. Hid Ci a tn-lny
I r nut ' ( Hi" luilra a- ritin M H "
' itud H u I lull ,
n--Ii-' 1 1 i 4ii ii' a aaent at n, -
. i. H'.i.', Vhnl aii I' at V,ihli
In tli"tl I'relwewl.
n,e (i it i i.i. f I, i, . . l.-n-1 mi . ,1. .
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ferred to in Article t will be made only
in the unpopulated and desert region be
tween the point mentioned. Unpopulated
or daei t roslona will be all those reglone
ut least ten kllometera distant from any
military ramp or town from the boundary
line of either country.
"Article 4. Only In exceptional cases
can the pursuits be carried to point
nearer to camp or town, aa referred
to In the prevloua article, and for the
purpose of thla -artlole, exceptional case
will he those campe'or towna altuated In
mrxmiiilns or whose access la made dif
ficult by accidental or even ordinary
Mnat f.lre Warning;.
"Article 6, The commander of force
which cros the line In the persecution
of evil doer must, on crossing the line,
or before, )f possible, Immediately notify
the military commandant or the nearest
civil official of the country entered. Also,
the military commander of the force
pursuing must advise Ms government
that It may give notice to the government
whose terr'tory h been entered.
"Article . A xon sixty kilometer
wide will be established, on either !!
of Hi boundary line or extension, re
ferred to In Article 1, within which the
pursuit must be llmlfed. Aa a conse
quence the pureulng force must not pas
outside thl aone nor establish military
camps (herein,' nor remain there longer
than Is absolutely necessary for the pur
pose of persecution of the party followed,
returning immediately to their own coun
try at the expiration of the time atlpu
Inted In the foregoing article, but that
the pursuing force will Immediately re
tire to their own country when the Joint
expedition ha terminated the ease re
olted. , . respective commander are
obliged to notify their reapectlve govern
ments of the moment of contact, aa well
u when (he pursuit aea, -
(Article T,.la missing.)
, Fire, rier ih Mnilf.
"Article I. Troop crossing the boun
dary line must never exceed 1,000 men
nor remain In the xone, except In unusual
rase, for more than flv day.
'Article A-Poree other than cavalry
will not be permitted, but thla force may
carry In their equipment machine 'gune
In addition to their own arme.
'Artlclt 10-.'ornmandrr of the force
of th rcapectlv countrle will agree upon
code algnal twit they may know each
other nd avoid confusion,
'Artlel It Under no condition will the
force, bo allowed to-occupy town or
camp altuated In tha country they may
have entered In accordance ' with the
tonne of thl agreement. ,
'Article 127 f confusion occura and
damage I done to one of the. partle by
the other commander, the party causing
the damage ahall be held physically re
sponsible without Implying responsibility
for either of the contracting parties, nor
shsll uch act be considered aufflclent
to cause a rupture of the relation be
tween the aoiinlrle. Both of th con
tracting government obligate themselve
to punlah severely act of the nature
peoified In thla article, and for thl pur
pose Inveatlgatlon, will be net on foot by
the country of the commander respon
'Absolutely Forbldde.a, .
"Article IS The - dispossession of pri
vate property of person living In terri
tory croawed by 'the pursuing forces I
abaolutely forbidden, as Is the occupation
of houec without th consent of owner
an4 the payment of a property Indemnity.
Th use of f ht nature ahall be punished
according, to the gravity of the offense.
under tha, law of th eountry to which
toe force Ijulong-a ' If committed In
tliely own cotinrry. T-Ji government to
which th offender belong la obligated
to remove auch person or person to the
frontier and to Indemnify trio Injured. '
(Article H la missing.)
"Artlule Jfr-Thl agreement will remain
In fore for one year, counting from the
date of It signing by th representative
of both countrle, but It may lie term
inated at the will of either party by two
month' advance notice. If no notice ha
been glvtn, at the, end of tha year men
tioned It la tacitly agreed that the agree
ment continues without further notice for
another year. '.V '
(filgned.) , '- . ; ,,"A01JILAR." ,
J7, J. Proposition. "
In reply to thl note the' United Stateg
made the counter proposition: i
"ArtlcleWrlt la agreed that tha regular
force of tha two' republic may croa
What Sweetheart
Tried for Pimples
Stiuirt'a Calcium Wafer Proved
MmkIi: They're) tha Moat Infect
ive, Quick Wood Cleanser and
Beuiitlflor Known. .
The difference In tha appearance of the
skin, after a few days' use of Htusrt'a
Calcium Wafere, la atartllng. They are
adthout dm'bt the greatest beautlflera In
existence, and the mora, effective eradl
oator of blood lmpurltle known to ct-
I Tvll Yaa Ptuar' O Vol urn Wafare
Are Vna4aifal Haaatf Maker.1'
sura 1'i-n Win kii"s or ogbt tit know
that t.enrtij i ; In bl I faui moat
f ! p'i ii!. -tlii. h pliuplea, (Ue
io I l.i i. I'.i ui.illn n., th t I'a 4 t
'i i n',H! ii. lu, li. 1-;4 la purt
1 I. nl -f In avaMtr ilaitivt itiip
i i s'1, !.( . nr..rfti. n i. aut'-a wlilcti a
' it if ill mi i r trvi .1 ii a
t.ui i i -i.iin w idn r ..i lr
' i i' t-t-as 'a .. tkaii la
'-'a' 5 im a-ilb'.a. t In tianif
' ii !. ., I '"! e'fMtftft
" ' '' ka- ''i Ke
t a : i .m . ,lr ,;.! tur
m!''..r in a teat t mat
iMf . !-,, f ;)
I t,m ' It ' 'if, trie l I . nf if.6,4,
' v ie 4i. tl.t I U e ii,' If
(I let ,t f V ' U', t.ll
'i l a t i v a
rrco Trial Coupon
t a. ! ti, xs iivt, ativk.1 rfu.i.j ... 4i
' ' ' " I ,,a,
' ' ' -in a i a . a Vi af.ta
th boundary line In pursuit of psrtlea j
of bandlta or armed parttea that may 1
have entered one country or the other
after having commuted outrages on for-'
elgn soil and having escaped by way of '
the boundary line.
"Article J The reciprocal par sage a j
agreed upon In article 1 will only tuke '
place In comparatively uninhabited or
poorly protected Jerrllory. and at no ,
time at a les distance than (?) kilo-;
meters from any camp or town In the
territory In mhlch pursuit lakes place,
except In mountainous placea difficult
of access.
Meat I.I ft e otter. '
"Article -Th commander of troop
ttiat crosses the frontier In accordunce
with tho term of this agreement will
on th moment of slatting th march, or j
before If possible, advls tha nearest i
military or civil officer of the country j
entered of the number of troop and th
quantity of arm carried. j
"Artlel 4 Tim government of th ;
country entered promise to co-operata
In every way posalbl to th end of rap
turlng tho bandit nd summarily ex- j
cutlng them, i
"Artlel 6 The pursuing fore will liu-1
mediately return to Its own country,
afti.r punishing tha band It I pursuing, j
When It ha failed to do o, In no case i
will the pursuing party aatablleli Itself
or remain In the foreign country for
tint longer than necry to accom
plish lis mission,
"Article a-Under no pretext or eo
alderatlon will the pursuing forces of
one or the other of the countrle occupy
town or cltle situated In the country
which they have entered In accordance
to tha term of this agreement, .
Will Make Indeninirieatlon.
'Aril. In 7 All abuses committed by,
th pursuing force will be punished by j
the government to which they belimg j
a If they wer committed In th cnun- j
try of the guilty person and i of fonder
will b retired to the frontier and
prompt Indemnification will be mad te
the Injured partle.
"Article In ceaa of abuse committed
by Inhabitant of th country against the
pursuing forces, the gvernmcnt of the
country In which the abu' hav been
committed will be solely responsible In
ess of a miscarriage of JualP or fail
ure to punish the guilty,
"Article -Thl agreement will take
effect upon It being signed by (th con
tracting partle and will remain In fore
until terminated by the two month' an
ticipatory nottc by cither party."
On March lb, th Mexican government
ent a cond note which contained cer
tain modification. , Jn It co-operation
between th force wa (greed upon If
a request of on of the partle wa mad
to that effect.
Additional Artlel.
It contained the additional artlclei
"No pumult tan be begun after' thru
day have elapsed from the time of thu
commission .of ,i the crime utile th of
fender hav remained for that length
of tlm In the territory where the crime
wa committed." ' '
It wa also Indited upon In the new
draft that olaahe between th two con
tracting partle through error or th
Indiscretion of commanders were not to
be- considered aufflclent to hold the gov
ernment of th offender responsible nor
could attack of inhabitant on th pur
suing force be consldeed aa aitrb., ,
, With thl note, Minister Arredondo wm
handed the following written , Instruc
tional "Explain to the secretary ot tte tlmt
OODYEAR Cord Tires ride
WlljU UllUUOk VUU1IUI li
a "TT. great oversize com
vJ bines the added cushion
of an iricreased air-volume
with the natural liveliness of Good
year cord construction.
- They are, 'protected from etone
bruise and , blow-out because they
are built of flexible cords without
cross-weave, so that they yield to
impact with road obstructions.
Goodyear Cord users find these
advantages, and the long mileage
due to the character of the tire, worth
far more than the difference in price.
Ooodyear No-Hook Cord
Tire are fortified
Rlm-cuttlng By our No-
Klin-Cut feature.
Blow-out -By our On-air
Looea Trearl Dy our
RubUr Kivet.
Puncture and Skidding
By our Duuble-Thlck
All Wrether and Klbh
ed Treadi.
Jnaeciirlty- By mir Multi
ple Braided llano WUe
4 at W wawet 0m4y aW gaeXUn rWe Ma fTim,
C ii W O. I Hktnt awiiM 4 Mint e'i
; rVw'ir.niriiiBo $cpp ;i
i Li-YW iejWK - I '
the Mexican government inilms on hav
ing inrluded In Hi agreement stipula
tions relative to the limitation of '.he
xone through whhh t!ie pirnilng fortes
are to opeiale. aa to tho time they
Should remain In that mi; the arms
to be carried, and 'be maximum number
of troops, The reason the Mexican gov
ernment haa for Insisting on thl ate
aa follows; In the first plsce the gov
ernment does not In llrve tdst the terri
tory east "f Plcdraa N'egras need be
taken into consideration for the reason
that Villa and his party alwaya hav
operated In the ststes of Xonnra and f'hl
litiahiia and we riiiisld"r the necessity
for extending the agreement lo the whole
limit e In Distance..
"In tha second plc thla govurnmen
cnnslder It. m lit In I to f'lac a limit on
1h dlstanca which pursuing force may
penetrate and believe thai sixty kilo
meter I ample for Hie pursuing army, to
eome In contact with (he bnndda or tha
forcea of Ihe country they have entered.
The latter foreea are to continue the pur
suit, In Ihe third place pursuing parlies
In such Instance ran have Utile uae for
artillery and Infantry aa action must Im
rapid and can only be carried out by
cavalry. Infiintry and artillery cannot be
considered useful (o a puraiitt of thl
nature by Ilia Mexican govemmenl, aa
their use may give rise lo twisted versions
and might hi the cause of serlou en
counters bet w.en reside nla of one or th
othr eountry,
"furthermore. Impress upon Ihe secre
tary that Ihe Mexican government be
lieves thai for the purposes of purwilt
ovj-r the ( a miiXlm inl of rich!
day' lluis Is sii'fl lent fur ellher cap
turing Hie offender or agreeing with Hi
force of the Injured country lo do so.
lastly, the limitation reliitlve lo the
number of troops Is lmv,rttit, ns it Is
fair lo aupp'ise that th number of
bandit I not great nd tht t,H vlry
tnen wo ild atifflc fur th work. If a
greater number of troop i rose, It en
danger lha good relation between th
t wo countries."
genii 4 eolhr ,.
On April I tho .Washington government
aent another not agreeing to ih prupol
Uon that only sixty kilometer of th
border line b con aide red In Ilia agree
ment and that Ihe pntaulng fore would
not remain In foreign territory more than
fifteen day without a special agreement.
Tho new not also agreed that no pur
cult would comment until after a period
of (lire day had elapsed alma (tie com
mission of th raid. To thl waa added
a special reiual that the expedition
now In Mexico be considered a apectal
oaa. Th Mexican government refuaed
to glv In convent to thl request and
In turn demanded th recall of th Ameri
can troop.
Itubseerelary Amador In hi statement
aid Ih American troops had 1,iken heavy
artillery Into Mexico, Install he from
lb American expedition staled that only
machin gum and light mountain artillery
are being used lu Mexico.
MUHCATINE. la, April 14,-Vvater
pouring through a Vfoot. break In the
firury township levee near here threatena
the Inundation of 5,'jflO gere of cultivated
farm land In Illinois, There haa been
om loa of live atork and repldeiila
have hastened from the flooded district
The break la beyond rolmlr at thl lime
and a further rls In the river la pre
dicted. ,
Plans Under Way or Another Big
Meeting of Republican. After
- .j
I'lan for noiher big rally tieifwefk
wer practically completed by l'riii nl
V. J. Martin of Hie FoiUh Hide Ttepuk
Inaa club at Hie elms of the great meet
ng Inst rten ug at Ii n4 Men hall. Th"
meeting waa In eveiy way a ireiucndoua
aiiiceas, both In Hi Inrxa n miller of Im
portant rn ii'l i-ln ii-a brought to th front
to plead fr Mouth Hide vnt'S, but In tli
mnoih manner In which opposing Inlar
lata weie handled
Hi wurk of Han nker, T. J. McCluIro
nd other In quieting om supposed
belligerent Is thought to bv thin
wonder for republican support through
out th liyal organizations.
A big nueting will b held Immediately
after tl primaries. The republican lliket
will le taken l.p and aemrdlng to the
aeiittnient exfiressed by candidate and
Voter last, evening (here will not b oni
hitch among rank and file repclilican In
backing the list of republican candidate
for offba regardless of feeling before the
primaries. Th date of the mealing will
l e announced later,
XI rs, tcerea l'ea,
Mia. lllancbe hryes, aged u0 years,
well known resident of the ftouHi rilde,
died at a local hospital yeslridsy after
iionn t 4 : o'clork Thrr r no local
The tiody I l th f.sikln morgue
awaiting funeral rrangeinrii. Mra.
Keyea lived at 4'" rtouth Twenty fourth
( h arete )e ,
Ht, I.nke' liibrn tliurch. Twenty
fifth and K rlrea, llev, H If Yaiisii,
f'aslnr-guilds v school at a m ; con
firmation eervlc at 11 o'clock, l.uUier
league at 1 p. nu
West lde interdenominational Church,
Will Save You
jm mm m w mr MWttr&riw aw wr lmt aw m r v a i i i v -i
The dining roomwell appointed -ienda character
and refinement to every other nook and corner of tha
TIOMK. A rorrertly deeijrned Period Suite in Mahogany,
Walnut or Onk, at MODERATE rRIf'ES, to auit tha
cottage or meet the requirem:ntg of the moat elabo
rate dwelling, ia eaay to aeleet from our varied aiwort
ment, of Dining Room finite and aMofiated pleeea on our
Some of Our Prices
(In 014 Engilah Oak.)
Sideboard -mirrored," 60 lnr.hee, William and Mary .
dealgn, eloeefad ellrerware ce ,;...,, ..,,.$50. 00
Table to maU-h, 48-lnch top, 6 ft. extewvlon. ..,,,...(. f0
M-lrwh top, I ft. extension $ l.'t.OO
Chair to match, beet leather allp seat... ...,..$ 3.25
Chin f aldnet, two ilgea and Hide Table te melrb.
A DeatuMful Table, 4s-!ncb t)p, correct dealgn, 6 lepi,
and eet of 6 Chair to match, In beat leather goaf;
our price $11,25
In Old-Time Genuine Black Walnut,
William and Mary Style
BMaboartJ, HMrmh length $00.00
Table, 64-Inch, I ft. extenelon, "bow gtrerbem," beaded
edge and deep apron , $.".0.00
Chalra to match, upbolatered Beat $0.50 to $8.75
China Cabinet and Herri n Table to Match,
In Selected Mahogany, "Antique Finish"
Queen Ann Style
Sideboard, 6J-lnch length, unlQue Interior equipment, ,9-15. 7Jt
China Cabinet, 46-lnrh width $.',8.75
Herring Table, 42-lnr.h width $22.75
Arm Chair, In beat leather npholatered goat 1.75
Hide Chalra, in beet leather, upholstered eat, each. , , .$ 5.75
Thla Suit la notably true to the graceful character of the
period It Interpret, having no etretrher underneath any of
the piece.
9llJ Weamles Velvet Hug, (tn all tha beat d
lti and rolorinisi $2t.75
x 310 4, In liim line ef pattern (exrelloit for
malt llrltig fiMiui) $10.75
I Silo Wilton, beet wool eoralel $30.75
tlj WIHon. beat wm. aotated . $ tl ,50
"ill Itnysl tVHiun (mm btlr), In aofi
hiue ami Una and mixture-,,,, $10,75
let l lattire Your
Mmde U;il
ftSmnll Mfill Tables
Thirtj I 'Khlh and i Mrect. llev. rhall
lU'ona, I'lielurnuiidav h i.imiI el & V, a.
m ; mnriihig eervire at 11. Junior ( lirls
tlan Liulfiftvnr sm leiy at '.' u p. in.;
Yiiiins I'enolo'a niei-tmg at and even
ing worship, at X ncliiik; ladles' HllilB
is 'Ihuiaitay at 10 a. in, wlHi ,Mll.
I'arkhutst, at Thlrly-eliiluh and 11
all sets.
First Christian Church. Twenty-third
and 1 Ml rrei Morning service at II;
Kutulsv school, 1 11. Junior Kndmivur at
t p. m; Ht nt'ir 'liriu'l in Kudeavor at
a :! e'clw ii; tn'irnlng S'-riimii tor)c 'The
lioml haiiiarltan," no evening efrvlcc
will be held.
Wei Mreet Prehytfrtnii I'liureh,
Forty-lilnHl Slid It Ulr.ele lu Wheeler
will preach at 1 i I'alm r-undiiv en n
log ri'ii'lvi ineiiiiii-rs inl'i ihurili and
baptise adiilta nrnl ehtir,n, A conliul
linl'Mlliili een(1ed. t
Hiiiith Widn I'mied f'reslivtei'len t'liunh,
Teenlv llilid and II aureeta, Albert N.
I'orler. I'aalor. I'rehlng at II nd 7.80
by liev, J. A Itenwlek, I'. Ii, of 'lopeka,
k'an , svnodlcfll siiperliitendeiit. t lr.
Kennlrk will picmli every el lining' dur
ing (he week at X o'clock.
tlince Methodlef Church. Twenty-fifth
and i; htrecta, It. v. J. V , Munis, I'sa-
l,.r-Huli'lsy schonl al 4, At the regu-
Inr aervlio the eiioir
III Slllg
'low a of
Aftea,' ,v Imdley link, and Mr, liintKer
will slua "The I'a line In toe evening
al 7 i I ir. Morris will speak mi ' I'rla
mier of Hope,"
t'enlrnl I nl ei vlen, ,int i m I !n t I t'hifch,
Tweniv-flftti and l Mi reels. Itev, 1 1 K
I'. Cornish. 1'nainr- At l'i 4ft Calm Mun
dav, sii I'll ohihI' , mule s lioid t incu;
X m. "Illahlanil I v" at the new llish
land Mlssimi i hapel, 1 ei-uU eevcnlli nml
M'liiroA slreei, t. (',. Vn ins I'liple'a
servli'e. 1 1. M Heeies, lender; 1 4.i, jna
pel aervde. I'hskIiiii week aeivpea be
ginning at s.
Xlnule I llr liuaslai.
Vb trolaa and iceonla. .Sntlniial Music
Mniiply Co,, t4caiii pluck. I("i Hula dully.
The 1 1 lull liirnl Mill lnl reii,imliiiil Imml
church pn,ilc Hill (He n l,l mipper H
the i much nl Tvei.l v-seventh end Mon
roe sllerta Hits nvenhlg a It li'i liieg.
The I'nlted r"reliei(iiu y,iiiiig I'eo
(ile'a so'ielv pf (lie loi nl huii Ii will
serve a dinner llils evening at Ihe
church at Twenty-i bird and H street
at 4 o'vlmk,
A provram will be alven by members
of Ht, lirl'itfnt'e ehurcl eiuiiilny evening
at the church at X o'clm k The best In
strumental, oe nd historical lalent of
lha pariah will b on ttie prngiam,
The Woman' H"me Mlsslunsry eceiy
f lirsea Mellindisl ehuriJt will meet at
the biitne of Mrs, F, T. !, 317 rlouth
7 a-atV d-lt
! iU I.
I I I rf -jt .
Ak . Uf a f
Know Our Prict$ and the Quality of Our Stock Dtfort
167.50 I
do. at
Post and Scinl-Poster Beds
r"ull Ue Walnut Poaler Bed (like IllitatraMon) $20.50
Full lxe Mahogany I'oatar Red, (like llluatratlon) ..,.$21,2."
Full alite Mahogany Fairly Colonial roater lied, very
malve $30.00
Many Pattern of the Less Distinct
Poster" StyleIn Walnut, Ma.
hogany and Ivory I'namcl . . . ,
i i
Th H I (nmimM Ani Hn ker er I'treald
t hlr gli th liemled Imn h lit eii r lll mk.
p a
Hitai el lgf I'llces In I hi
Will a,
I ai Arm H"' ik, f x Uiox
Uatluit, n a liuiiiitel i f differ
ant , ...ii, , , , S'jS.t'O
I ft tlftei Ci"i .1 Otti'iit-ii. It
In. is aintna r!iM (,t
x IH.ftMl S57.5U
n l HliU.Mi
A lai in, no l,tt k
er, fill nitt?,,l,
tialiy enaaieil.
ti fi-iiifuiialiU a ii. I
fttn a 1 jr ronum, t
"I .... $t 1,50
Tweiily third street, friday evening. Itev.
f. A. ilu'h of irmli will re-ak on H
suhlcit of "Teinpei aii'e." .Miis, I.. T
llroiftii and Mis A I Hunter Will ucl an
asiildaiit IiO.iKksi c,
Pursued Suspect
Shoots Marshal and
Then Kills Himself
r.HARi.KA C1TT, !,, April 14.-f)eputy
H.ertff Kraali llergug wa shot nd prob
hly fatally wounded today by a. tramp.
Pursued for mile and finally brought (o
,y, the tramp exchimgad a number of
ghete with his pursuers and then turned
bin weapon on himself, sending a bullet
through his head.
Ilerzng was In aeareh of auapeete In
flnrineetlmi with Ih blowing mf a lumber
aafa at New Hampton, near here, nt,
night. In th rllrod yrd be em
aoroaa Ihe tramp and began to question
Mm when the atranger drew a pl't'd ant
shot lleixog tbroiifch the abdomen. I-aier
when trapred by a fiosse, 1h fugitive
killed bin.-If,
In one of the pockets of the (ramp
clothing wus a book with "Ooufrey, In
diana," wrllieit on one of Hi fly leave
CiiM'MMI'H, N. M, April l.,-Mounted
com and airmen watched today for Hi
fonia of 'lenersl Atnulfo Domex, re
ported weal, of Kspla, furty-slx mile
eoulh of Colunilins, moving senlheMst
with Cc iieieiinlble purpoae of joining In
the pnisiilt of Villa. However, according
lo reports tonight, they bud not appeared
near the motor annul v rout
Hurried efforla were mad lodv
alrengthen tha American guard on lli
Una between hrr and Casaa Orandea,
particularly at Ascenalun, alxty rnllen
aouth of Cdimibn, where Captain t;, H
flrant, a grandson of the former presi
dent, Is In charge ef a mail detachment.
Thefe'S A Reason
You Buy
fm"fVf I
l"J . 1
I Krvk I H " 1 4.iis-wi.i.iiiiPi.iiM
Tudor Style In Oak, Black Walnut,
Walnut and Antique Mahogany.
- ..i.joHi - ae wit j
i1 V , VV"V' 11 V V ' .- i ,
1 . I
- V. f ' -T
f " , v
S i I".
S '
h i'f i.'f.
' . . . i - s-. t
; t
V ' . xi V
r Vi
V,' f 'f'V'?
, 1
111 t'knge Ktsiae a4 il
la Vt.h,.r $5,'5
l 014 tngi alt t' $ l.ll.i
V XV"'