Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 8

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Republicans Aipirin; to Nomina
; tioni Appear Before South
Side Crowd. , , ,
"Rally round the etandard!" wa
the keynote expreeaed by a majority
of randldatea for national, elate,
louniy and municipal offb'ca at a
weetlng of 600 republican at the
1td Men ball, Houth B'de. Friday
erenlng, T. J. McOulre, city proae
rutor, who waa chairman of the
meeting, carefully evaded any fac
tional ronlroveray, Bleeding for a
united nuppnrt for 'the republican
lirty over and above all pergonal
belief fif pollcle.
Former Governor t'heeter A. Aid
rich, Judge h'-n H. Maker, Cbarie
Y, McGrw, N. H, lminl and a num
ber of other membere of the old
Ifuard followed enthualaatlrally In
the path of th (htlrman and lauded
the rpu blli itn party and Ita virtue
above all other.
On f'nrpne for all.
(hailc J', Mciiew luk chord (it
V'Mlf fvr l'n raid with erophaal.
" ltv fine lint of r-andMefre, l"-y
lin lhm up nd win give Die Jio
irat tha aural HfWina they have'liud
in tmy year," II, nlmig with ,Mer.
Pnfcrr, Vale aiid'ntticr, demanded fiat
frty I wki a pirty l put In p w.r
It touat 4ntjllj li,
"j 0i trave!,l niM In a foreign
lihie," he remarked In hi iioft tprtrh,
All I li 4 a ion u email of t'r In (ii wirix-r f whMi m
fnrtyelght !, ret th! plec bf Ptr
. til that wa neeM In any part nt
lit world ta emuim any human feeing
Uit I met Hint I tri'ixt b reaprctad. Hut
that wa during republican admlnla
frallon. Tou that hind of prnuw-tior
l n I given n'. t wouldn't travd ln
mil" it of ttil rnuntrr en a ,.ayirt
tihw. Why, our iitina are ' lit
(isn by Invader In our own American
ctlc. Tlilnk f It, men, Hit It"1' t
time ("jnilng." Tim piliii i
I.nnml far fluabrn,
N, If. liniU finijm.t Ihul b too't
tut tb m Iron rriin ' tt h
(rp-lut(l tti r'imt'll'n prty Hh
hut km addition. V,tirn hd lvr for
lli natloiml vunvtntUm If fl''td, li
Hi h wnuld hv on Ihliif uprm
in mind and tht w vot for fhrl
K, Iliiitii for prlJnt, tl nn who In
lit mind tli bt In thn fitlr r
pnbin prty. Hf, lo 4nni1lilti
for national committeeman, runij true
Hh a nitldtntlon for a rmpulill an vol.
ll Mid h l'od by what tti rpuMIan
party thought bfnt, and that inuat bt
ft, n. Howell drlftad allKtilly from rt
ii!r Pry talk with a alatlatlral report
t.f how many thouarwda it dollara ho an I
Ida Omaha Wi'r board bad aavd alma
th atr plant had twan taken ovfr by
tha (ttf. Ha alo talk d tt car r enmrxh
dMira nvmoy If alvan th rWna of mwr,
i h amount of wlihh would -ovar Ilia
fpria of tulldina another Kontmll
tmlal. ,
Utort and Aldrlrb.
Walter A, fJeor, randldat for gov
tttwr, rrmaikd that on otia di'al In car
in fiVbraaka atata hond lai'a ho had
.rt Oa lt U,', whlla te aa draw
in lh maanlflranl aolary of pr
j t'haatar A, Aldrlcli waa thi-ra with a
immary of Ma lopqrd aa a atata kirta
uior and governor, atylng Inat ha atool
in hla record alone aa a eand'dala for
Ji.dga A, 1-. Hut ton pleadad for irci
imlty in lha. party and aptly r-nwkl
that Ma voice had bm aa rottn aa
ih dainocratla platform with an rmiob
)f guiar ramrialariliig Ida lat few dta
H R. MKlvla, former nontenant gov-
rnor, running for nomination for gov
ernor, argued that tha peopla wanted ft
man who aa eperl.-med In public llfi)
and who bad a rWp lucliflit In Imw th
ffalra of tha atata ahould la managad.
Many Loral aadldataa.
IxnaJ randldateg for county and elty of
ficaa oama In for a abort halt of tha
i art of the meeting. Henry Murphy,
former rtty attorney and randidata for
i-otiaty attornej', pulled a n at one by t
'iialug hlmrelf, leaving tha remainder of
hia ten mlmitea' lime to lila opponent.
jl'almer. who aa preacnt,
A. If. Murdnt k, twenty jera an attorney
i f tha Mouth Hide, pfradtd for auppurt for
nomination to tha offk of muiili'lpal
tudgerMp. Waahy Artklna. t', J. Tralnor,
inhn La i en, W. n, Wall. K. i:ri kaim, J,
W. ne, Carl Jiihnaoii, lleiv her llltihy
ind Kala A. lani'lgrrn wer preaantej aa
i-n'IIUiea drill ilnla li-gl. atura. tllyhy
nd J. Moirlxnn talked fur nominal io.i
ii tha off lie of atata aenntor.
S Judgta Heed and l-'oaler of North and
Until h I-Ida inl.a roi.rta aUad for r
lei-iUm, whlla Jnln M lul.lwin and W.
J. Mappli h ak I fny nomlnatmn f'r tha
o offua, iSaiifh rnundly ai
I miitlrd.
I Kel Mnrg4n aonoiim ed h'a rndltaey
j i tha office of uMI iti"f-ndrr and lht
nlud'd tta I'iniirm,
Urge Some Form of
War Draft in Canada
OTTAWA. Ont i)lll l Sail'intl
ttalrailr.n. llh ! I in f.'im
I ustien ftiil. and ii' i.f h at
I -iet tadar ,;y a sVirf rei-iaaant'ita
, ,Hf ta t i inii.' i .'a ft mirii.
he mar tlma i't.lna and tha !
.r t"td lha ftr thai lha rrHt
:. M'ary if' .( gviuiig ta-ih
t t"r t OJplJ. rt 4 !! -,iilni
, i e t , !.m,i ( mnf ft(ii(..w
; a t t" iHtt u i.f .ii
j .Un-n ih tiitia r a but
i i.i4t tha ,i.iii. h I., -i
j if l. f a' II
'" I l Hi ) ,.t
j I't'lttV I ihr t
, ! V ?',. Mlt. . I i
1 .. ,, l.v.,., l , l II, ,..
' a , a t.. Ik !,
! ' I ' (,( k iumii iftl ti,,t ti
I I th ! i , '
lr ut , r . ,i ,1, i . ( i f lit
',.fi i-itf -.. t oif' 'V it,
j ' I r I,- -i. .! 4 'iwlil
' i h.iii iua 'f i'' -i
ll t I '
Leading Players in Swedish Play
to Be Presented Here Wednesday
Harold Axidtfton
Nr.( eat among tha thing whir h hava
mada Hwed-n known tha world over la Ita
beautifully charateriatlu folkaong and
folklora, muh t( whlh haa found Ita
way to tha a'aga. Among tha vary beat
nl produ tlona of thla kind to ba found
In Hweden la "Vrrmlannlngama," writ
tan ly lha elhrtd author, rrdrlk
Aiiguat fahlgren, Thla play It ona of tha
f!fit comhlnatlona of ang and folklora
of any rountry, ft wa flrat produced
In rlwodeti In IM and ba alnea boeri pra
tented thoiiMnda of time, not only on
tha Mwedlih ataga, but alao by anatauri
among lha Mwadlah population of th
I nlted Htata. In New Vork, Hoaton,
Worreater, fhleago, Mlnneapolla and
other cltlra with larg Mwedlab ("ipula-
Ta aa4'g fog aportlag Oooa."
0. It Syiaadar, for atata Henala,
I-lgbtlag rialnraa Hurgeaa-iJrandan,
Diamoaa Bngagamant Blag, Kdholm,
Kara Sooi rrtat It Now Jtearon t'raa.
Oardaa Teola-Ja Morton Hon C'a
Ooodrlob Oardaa Soaw Morton tt o&
CharUg A, Ooag la tha only Omaha
candldata for auprem judg.
ta Oragf for rounty romnilaaloner,
Xalao A. Morgaa Ilepuhlhaii vota
for blm for public defauder.
Mra, Tornado, Automoblla, Ituglary
Inauraiir. J, , Uumcnl, Kacllno bhlg.
lohm l ITag-tay for Judga of municipal
court, iwiiipanlaan (leglalator In Wl.
"Work Ilk a aarar'Whaa. C,
Caaver. republican, for atata rprnU-tlva.-Advertlaemaiit,
"Today Morla Vrefram," claaalflad
aerilnn today. It atipaar In Tha Ila
KXCl.UHIVKl.T, Find out what tha va
rious moving plclura thaatara offer,
JTep Toar Miaf and vaiuatiltg in tha
American Maf I'epoalt VaulU, 214 Bouth
17th Bt., Dc Ilhlg. Ibner rent fl.09 for
t month. Open from t a, m. to P. m.
Flaatarar a akmpl Krnaat If. f-ar-en,
neward atrant, a plaatarar, filed
a petliinn In bankruptcy. Hahlllllnr,
n; aaaet, lMt, on which b claim
Aadlroa, Tlraaora, Hunderland'a.
Xw Commercial Club Membera 8.
It. Goldberg, r. W. Ilacon, Taul W.
Hoagland and If, R. Patrl'k ara Ih
Intent addition to tha mambarahlp roll
of tha Commercial rlub,
Bogr Brttt riB4 flf'u 3. Hum,
proprietor of a aaloon at Twelfth and
lm gla atrrata, nbjerlcd to Itnger Hrlfl a
Af'lloni, Itoger threw a brick through a
window of tha eolahllahment. Ha wa
arreated and fined M and coata,
P Taa-TUa" hlagla Hundar'anda
' Blbla Claaa leader Monday Mr. D.
A. foot, leader of tha l1 neighborhood
tllhl rlaaaaa of tha city of Omaha, will
conduct her claaa for leader on Monday
afternoon at 1 o'clock In tha auditorium
of tha I'oung Man Chrlatlan aaaorlallon,
BoUtleal M eating Bnaday A rolltkal
meptlng will he held Monday afternoon at
Wolfe hall, Twenly-aeeond and Cuming
alreela, under lha aueploea of tha Paetlui
At ellc club. A quartet and athletic
program will b offered between tha ad
dneera. Binploya Bay Bolaaa Tha mai-hln-eiy
and atork of tha Omaha Vafa and iron
work, whh lt reiently went out of huiil
neea, haa hrn bought by a company
fnrimd hy four of tha former amphijea,
all of ahom l.nd hern In Ih employ of
tha old company for from twenty llv to
Ihlrty-flv ara.
raaerat of W. T. Clark Funeral ar
vbea f,.r William T. rlaik, ad n )era,
who dud at ft. Jtw-h hoapltat, frtday,
from itiinklng womt alrnhnl, will ba held
frm t. Wary Magdalene a iburi'h fun
day afternoon at 1 clock, Ha la tirvtt
hy hla widow and five children, IIMng
al h uth l.ltieiith atn-et
HaUrr Vlleada arrvlrr,
I I "IIS A mil l . H iMi.irii m
( i III I - l'tnitinr W'ltliein t.i U v
tr i, a iiiIi,i r ,., cm infixt
al in lieiiuaii n m eriuir h. 'l.p,i i ,
lv ( rtiuwl till von lltnmmin ainli
t.iehop ft I ione.
Culls from tho Wire
It-.a Niandaid itl enmpanr t htm Jrs
n i. ,m.,i ., kl Sea tmk thai hum
HIU4 'it II I I l.ilf III ll l
rvtutvMi will t - r..d lri, V 1,1 4
pt cl II ut4 t it th lit
' ! ,i ii ,
.I..i., illi.n (I aH I
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1 ...ii..i .ii.,,n, ) 1 t j,,,,,,,,!
,4 i war
. 4
a. i
iHis3 ,5vca. Holmgren
Hon "Vermlamilriga'ne" ha been pro
duc4 avery e'n and bna alwaya Ix'eii
graetad with lha grraleal enlhuelnam b
avarybily. On Wertnenrtny, April It, at
p, m, thla ftunmia piny will ha given for
tha flrat tlma In thla i(ty In tha Hwadiah
auditorium, Wi fhhaKO trf. Tli
eompany preaming the play la mu4n up
of loral Nwadlali talent, tha lending part,
Krlk and Anna, whoa beautiful love
atory la tha foundation of tho flay, be
ing taken by Harold Anderaon and Mla
Hvaa Holmgren, both well known and
popular among tha aedlnh peopla of
flAfyr.'MOnK, Md Apnl 15.-A forty
mil an -hour gal aweeplng over Halli
mora and C'heaapeak bay f It la afternoon
and tonight did conalderahla daman,
ttophlo Hiiver, aged 10, and her younger
nUlrr, Idlllan, whlla roller akatlng on
Croa frt war blown Into an auto
moblla, Mfplil'i neck wa hroken and
her alaler badly hurt, Nevaral other per
ona wer Injured. A alee) 100-foot
amokeatack at Ilia flaltlmor I'ry Hoi k
company wa blown down, breaking
through the roof of a dwelling and In
juring William I'ecnu and aeveral other
peraona, Tha ateamer Kll Wood broke
drift and amaiihed Inlo tha i'ennaylva
nla railroad pleia, caualiig dMiring of
tl 1,009.
MWDO.V, April M.-Evldenr that
heavy fighting ha been going on along
tha Hrllleh front In franco rienlly la
given In th cnauatty Hat of tha laat two
day. Today' Hat contain tha name
of twenty-four officer killed and 107
wounded. Included In lha Hat of wounded
ara a number of Canadian,
Thar la a good deal of comment on
tlx brevity of lha ofrii-lal report of lha
recent fliihtlng, Th ctlon. aay a
nawapaper, "ona I continually learning
from talk with men on h-ava have been
of great Importance, but hava boon 'ile
acrlbed' In curt, two-Una report,"
ATTf.B. Waah., April r,.-TwUa
thnuaHtid quarta of beer liad hy th
police, who found It alored on a acow
moored In the bay laat Tuesday, were
dumped Into the bay today by police
men and firemen, Mayor Hiram ('. (till
principally aupervlaed lha work of dla
poalng of the conlrahand, the largrat
aeliur made alnca lha prohibition law
went Into effect, January 1.
Th brer waa biaded onto a fire hoat
and carried to tha middle of lha harbor,
where It aaa dumped overboard. Tha
beer waa valued at ll.iwO.
Turn oK' furniture, hmiarhuld gnoda and
clothing Into caah wllh a Ilea Want Ad.
Kicked Thru'
i i
ping tho largest und finest
j WNcvvcstX
Easter Week Values
While Making Alteration,
Velvet Boots, $100 -Velvet At $150 to
$3 0V-Ch,unp.Hn-ruU line of novelty
pump, very ipemlly priced.
Please to Shop Early
I loor,
The Mu. Man Who ii
ri)j Yon
I,,,,! , t -
Local Club Preparing; to Startle the
World with Act at the Na
tional Convention,
Omaha ltotarlana ara planning a
urprla of auch a novnl natura for
lha convention of tha Intnrnational
Awaoclatlon of Rotary Cltiba, which
will be bold in Cincinnati from
July 1 to 20, Inclualve, that It will
inaka ddegutrg from all parta of
tha United Bute 'git up and taka
notlca," according; to Dan A. John
aon, aerrctary of tba local organiza
tion. Tim fcMinat of "watchful waiting"
Ik being played by local member of
the KoUry club, who plan to attend
the big International .meeting, Ru
mor ha it Ihiit the Oaiaha delegate
will i-t a line on the atunt planned
by Itoigrlana from other cltiei and
(hen attempt to work up tba "alar
act." rf the convention,
Will He Honeymoon (amp,
Ti, ,i.iiilve rommllte ha advlaad
'llio local Hotaiy club that It ha l
! ... a ,..ii,d ivii a.ieiO reaefvatlon for
! hotel nceommodntloti In Cincinnati dur
ing llio week of the convention, Al
though convent Ion ara not eonaldered tha
Ml pilgrimage for newly married
couple, It la known that the Cincinnati
affiilr will ha th honeymoon camp of
at leaat to bridal couple from th weat
-and although nona of tha loftalg will
admit it, there la a rumor that tha No
brka delegation ba lntrUton to tun
up lb wedding bell.
A few cltle hava revealed their
"atunt" plan for th convontlon. '
Waterloo, la., Jlotarlan will Invade the
Ohio city wtlh their Ord-r of Hie 1!"W
Hawk and endeavor to Initial every
viator to th convention into th "my
lerle" of I hla fun maker' "Indian" ar
gaulisaiioii. They will erect a Wa; Indian
wigwam on Fountain aquareth center
of lha bualnea dletilct Of f.'lnclnnatl.
Tba notary club of Terr Haute, lnd
Kilt furrilrb quartet to enliven the con
venilon. Membora of the quartet have
written local Hotarlana that they bve
ft "iilg Nol and Hong Committee' which
ref Jae to hellev there I anothor bunch
of ginger Ilk It In the wotld. . . .
'trophy foe t bainp fiolfer,
A ailver pitcher a a trophy for th
Itolary golf tournament la to b of'
fered by th Kanaa City deleggtlon.
l,ttl devotee of the "nineteenth hot'
and th other eighteen aver that they will
win th pitcher if th Omaha cham
,,! of Ih lUitary club make the trip
to Cincinnati,
Ilotarlnfia from Atlanta, fla,, ar going
-..I,. . t,id for fame by "kldmplng
. t r.mou outhrn debutante
gnd taking tbem to to convention.
Tha Hoaton party will qmouy ...
convention featlvltle in th rot of Pur
itan. Omaha notarlan have no Infor
mation whether th delegate from the
"pork and haan" capital Will carry out
th l'urltan rola In drta or action.
UsmX A PHI l.ird Perby, dl
........ ,.t r.rr-niilna. nrcilded today at
,t h Aaenelatlon of Munklpal
Corporal lona.-- Heplylng to a demand that
all alngle men be enilated neiore mrni
men are called up, he aald, he did not
bcllev anything could 6 mor too.ian.
t.. n ,. be added, would hav aavel
blm trouble and would have brought hi
leak to a epredler end, but ucn a tp
would hva been abaolutaly rulnou to
lha Induatrlea of th country.
One of the Omaha Taxlcab rompany
automobile, which hd been left tnd
Ititr In front of a drug ator at Twenty
fouilb atreet and 1'opplelon venu.
alarle-i down-grade on Twenty-fourth
direct hen the brake llppd. It went
over lha embankment t I'lerc trct,
wrecking the car.
Tlie driver, who waa In the drug to"
gnxlhg out of the window and believing
the car to have been atolen. ruhd td
th atreet In time to e th m.-h'r
rapidly gaining apeed on It Joy tld
llrllalo t Keep H atari.
I iiNliriN, Anrll 1S.-Th Hrltlah govern
nient thla ivenlng prrwHaltrnd an ahciul
pniliihuuiii of tin- epnrt to any detlna
tli.n of nil Mini of pig Iron and nenrly
all kltnla of atcel,
the Wall
and I Am Glad!
Forttd in Irion 30
day to incra$t my
ulrtady hrft floor ipact
I will reward tho splendid con
fidence Omaha is allowing to
me and my cut price sho iyi
tern by enlarging nd equip.
thoe itore in Omaha,
Making a iUal Notit
Bryan Scores
Hitchcock in His
Fremont Speech
rP.KMONT, Neb., April 16.-Bpeclal
Telegram,) W, J. Hryap for over two
hour held the cloet attention of 4,-VjO
people who crowded Into the tabernacle
building-her laat evening to hear him
dleeua th liquor queailon. Mr, Br.n
devoted th flrat part of Ma adder aa l
n tt'k upon llenator Hitchcock, whom
he charged with being the repreaenlatlve
of lha big intrrea'. Ha told of the llal
llmor convention when Hitchcock aup
ported Judge Harmon for tlie nomln.i
tlon of prealdnt and of the at ami 1
lie a taken In national affair when
me'jre affecting thn o-eallcd Inte--at
war being eonaldered.
ftegardlng hla aland on th oi.llch
over ahlch he and J'rea'dent W'llaon dla
agreed Mr, Pryan eald he wa not cm
tent to reineln In th cabinet wbi-li li
waa unable to get In hearty acorl with
th prealdent and for that rutin .Jl'lt
drew, He wanted th prealdent to have
fre relcn, He referred fe tii vmie out
treatlee he negotiated during hi ttm
a crelry of atate, He ttill believe
that to he th beat wy to pra.'it'it wara,
Nearly every hand wa ralaed lieu liu
akad for a vol on the ijueatlod a n ier
the government ahould warn Am'-r ;,..
to atay off of armd nierfliantmon.
Mr, Pryan urged democrata find iejni'.
Mean to gat together on the Ho, mr ;neil
Hon and vote to oul Ih iirjuor Im -r -t,
flnfrh Meciinie i nrlnaa,
UKRM.V (Hy Wlrel to Hayvlllej,
Anrll 1.-ltapatrhe from Hotterdam to
tlie Ovrrn Nxw xnwy pyt the
L'Utch government will ak the collabo
ration of th Herman government In aa
rertalnlng I lie origin of the hrona frria
mnla of torpedo found on the Holland
Moyd temr Tuhhlla aunk off th
North Hinder IIkI, telilp.
?lhie New Spring
A HeualnK illapliiy of th heat, In quality, lateat In dealun and flnjah awaita your approval at thU atore.
1 on rait eociire what you want here at a aavlnn owinx to our location out of tlie high rent dlatrict,
and low ofieralinK t-nm nd you can make your own term.
vJ l:',i.n rTTL smlil!
! &fir III if. -W ill
in mm ihiiiiiiim iWifn ti rn- i " ' igwaa
Mahogany lied room Suit in one of
and dreanlng table. Our price.
Golden or Turned Oak Buffet,
Id lateat design and alze like
r..0:,.r.pH.c: $18.50
Our Four-Room Outfit Com
plete, parlor, dining room, bed
room and kit- d OP AA
then, only....$lOJeUl
thir llrii' (Ins Stovo with
the famttus gas Mtvtr
burners (like
out) .f I
m Family
II f.u- ( Clothes
J 75c
ii o I ,,
r- m ,
Some People
Are Born
Lucky and Boinc people havo
is very easily applied to the teeth.
Some people are fortunate in having Bound teeth,
and tliey are lucky. Nine out of ten with good teeth en
joy good health, and enjoy prosperity and are succensful
in their undertakings, with a happy future beforo them.
If your teeth are bad, let us brighten your future by
fixing them up. It's not as expensive as you think. Most
modern Painless Methods.
And We Guarantee All Our Work for Ten Years.
AA Best
'Ko Mori White
Na Lan
Best Plates, $5.00, $8.00 and $10.00
Treatments, $1.00 Silver TilUngs, 50
We Mllenite for (V) .Mlleg ou Out-of-Tovm ontra ta '
or $10,00 or Mora.
Office Hour! f:80 in flj Wealneatlayg and ftordaya to p. m,
Not Opn on Hundaj Afl-r April Id.
McKENNEY, Dentist
The) Man Who Tut T EET In TEETIT.
1 llh & ) amain Hi. IS2I Famam
tba beat dealgna, conalatinK of dreaaer, bed, chiffonier fcQO CA
Several hundred odd lace curtalna.
golled aamplea, but good val- 1 A '
lira. at. aarh 1 UC
Spam less Brusaela Rug, Q (JA
9x12 aize J7.0U
Keamleea Velvet Rug,
Oxll alze
Many choice pieces of furni
ture from the Rubel stock are
shown in each department at
sale prices.
, Tllll.t.lll.t)l ,1, ,1, ,, mm .. f
uined Oak Davrnpoil, neatly
th'.xigniMl, strong and ffOyl cn
foiiil'ortal.h' (like rut lT.OU
Uur .'I-rooin Outfit t?ninnli'f
oouifortahly fur- (Q1 nn
: )a i'UU
Hcrr,8 Metal
let Crsam In
5 Minutes
Tm r r"
This 1
bad luck all tho time.
22 - k Gold $ .
Crowns V
Crowns fj0 Morl
t Omaha, Neb. Phone Doug. 273
Vtai e UV
I Highly finished, completely equip-
ped Kitchen Cab
inet (like cut) . .. .
i aa 4 j-- Mmj
r I Tlzsxsr
WMi tnamal tn4, mineral n, In,
aiilid Me b-lBg ant i.. fan
tnemear .-..,. t,M pB Jin
d'r itiaii cut, 1 1 1 . w "
;!c(i. lri,
fotliplet , , ,
Ml - II
MT 1.'"' 'V.
i ' 'mil i. m rnriTii,.i.iinn -m ii ii 1 "'" Wfi 'I n'"l'.-