.4 Tim OMIA SUNDAY BEE: ATOIL IH, 101(1, 4-A BRYAN WILL SPEAK City a7 FofesSee flea Bo HERE TWICE TODAY Afternoon Celebration in Audito rium Marki Centennial of the American Bible Society. for the First Time, Apparently ON EVEIflUG PROGRAM OF 'MY William J. Bryan will be the ora tor at two meetings in the Aurltor tum today, the first at 4 o'clock in (he afternoon, being the celebration of the centennial of the American Bible society, and the second, at 8 o'clock thia evening, in tna intereata ot the Douglas county "dry" caw pa'gn. . The celebration of the Bible ao cicty centennial is being obaerved throughout the country. Mont of the t'hurchea of the city are co-ojwratlng In the celebration here. Mr. Bryan's afternoon topic will be, "The Bible at Work in the World." This society In its hundred years of life and activity has circulated 115,000,000 copies of the scriptures. During mi 3 the society distributed 400,000 scriptures among the sol dlere in lCuropo. At the II l'li hoi. In New York It prim the llbi i forty-five language. In lbs trilled States It Isswea tho riv lure In ninety langMMti", and abroad In ninety iim- Ihiikuukc. It first gave the Mible to the American Indiana In flv of their language, and to the Philippine llndr In eight of their languages. It also toaties Wbles for thn blind, 1'iurlna the hundred years, as almoner for the American neonta. It feus received and spent over JSMuu.imj, - The work la carried on throughout five continent ami the Inlands of tha sea. It la dune through twelve agencies abroad with !, welters, and nln agent-lea in America, with two worketa. The work la dons through Individual, rhurehee, Hun- ilay gehool. societies, hospitals, minis tcrs, evangelists and missionaries. The evening nuu meeting In thn An d torlum will I participated In by many of th churches of the city, which Will omit their regular evening services In or dor to give opportunity for the metnler . attend the rnerilng In Ilia Interests of the "dry" ranipalgit. Mr, Itryen will deliver hli famous teiri- pe ar.ee addrcaa at this meeting. A raargedy youngster of 1 was prac ticing with soma "mlsa" in the entrance of the city hall. Ha waa ao taken up with his occupation that ha was entirely oblivious to hla eurroundlnga. Asutatant rira Chief Simpson, leaving tha building, paused to amlla and watch. Building Superintendent Lea Hridgea aww tha chief grinning, and ha, too, paused. A coupla of city hall vlsltora. a sta nographer or two and a few pasaemby Joined the group. "Isn't ha a dear." Iha girls gurgled. Tha little boy praetJred on, shooting with deadly precision and muttering to himself. Tha Daya of Beat Sport, ah, chief?" chuckled f'rldgea to Chief Simpson. "Yep," whlapered tha chief. "That aid la sure happy and contented." The other men In tha group looked on with approving smiles. "There la a real hoy-real all tha way through," whis pered one man, as though tha lad was the only "real" boy In the world, hTa little fellow played on. not even knowing ha waa tha object of so much comment. Pretty soon eome one threw a mVkel with tha remark, "Hero, aonny. go get some, more mlga." The tittle fellow loosed. .'up for the flrat time and analched tha coin gratefully. "Thank," ha ahouted. and waa off. "By golly, there'a tha kind of lad that makes the real men of thle world," ona of the watchers eanlalmed, aa the audi ence broke up. "Yep, you're right," anawered tha man ha was talking to. "If I had any kids, I'd want my boy at tha age of 9 to be a anufflynose little monkey tike that one, too, I'd want him to wear tha knees out of hla stockings and never want hi face washed. Ha d have to play 'mlga' for keeps, too, and read Teck'S Had Boy, or I wouldn't like him. No namby pamhy kid for mine." "Thnsa right, John Me, , too," hla friend answered. GERMANS REPULSE ASSAULTOF BRITON Berlin Tells or Defeat of Attempt of Angles to Take Position South of St. Eloi. BATTLE NEAR DEADMAN'S HILL r i MANY CHOSEN OFFICERS High Meat Prices Booms Stock Eaising in North Australia K'm reApundenca of tha Associated Press! , MBI.HOUft.VK, Auatralla. March 20 The acarcltv of meat and thn I. Inner prices resulting have already stimulated the work of developing the northern tor- lltory cf A i s' rails, according to ti e latest repuit of the official adTilrditra'or of tha. district. Tha want of water, which baa he n a serious handicap to stock raising, Is giadually being overcome by the tap ping of Inexhaustible supplies (if under ground watara through sub-arleln bores. Ptalement that tMa seet'on ef Aus tralia la climatically unauitahle for white ftottlrra are denied In tha report whl 'h nie that. Investigation by expert show that the climate offer absolutely no bur to proper development hy white labor, (liven freedam from tropical an1 other Infxtlous diseases by Importation the evidence available, la that the terri tory la nulla aa healthy for white people a any other part of the world. Indeed, It I probably tha only part of the Ana trallan continent where men may ha aeen at any time and all times of the year rnssgeii n hard physlclal labor in the open air, undreeoed from tha waist up wrd, but for an ordinary felt hal roverlng. The fear of suaatroke does not exist. "Soup Plate" Hats Protect Britishers from Shrapnel (Corrpondence-of the Associated Frees.) I.ONDON. March M.-"Houp plates" la whU tha British soldiers at the front call the helmet with which they are now equipped aa a protection against shrapnel. They are ot steal and painted gray. In appearance they rusembl an Inverted bowl and are far from orna, mental. They afford protection to the neck and ears aa wet) a the head,' A British, correspondent testifies to thijr efficiency In reducing casualties a ptoven In the recent tlff fighting for ttie recovery of the "International trench north of tha Tprea Nominee canal. "I saw tight denied or pierced helmcta today," ba wrltee, "the wsarere of which utfered no worj Injury than slight aU wounds, and some escaped entirely, Ml on Ut bav killed had they worn an eidinary khskl can. One helmet bed ben dented eight times by falling shrapnai. while a Jagged two-inch hots mailed the entry ef a a hell, fragment ivl csu4 a flesh wound. ' Another bere a deep fissure made iwift ef Uerman rule during the 1 Ml tn.hicd ftgJittei In the raptured t,'. h. Tt wearer -f tha helmet tut (irn lunn4 n I ha able o kill ti nUiieil, fiiU anether bad iS.iU(t t-y hninl unknown t tha in- fial h4 Seaj rut through hf Sim f t!, b..t the nt effort -. 'r ! a sniatt biew a tha 'I with a ci ' Latter Say Eainti Fill Vacancies on the Boards of the Church. INSTRUCTION FOR Y0UNO FOLKS INWSI'iCNDKNa?, Mo., April H.-fKpe- elal Telegram. Klder Thomas of Hcran- ton, fa., preached this morning to the congregation of tha letter tay Halnla' conferenca at this place. liesolutlona of regiird and af preclstbin for the long and dovoted aervlca of the retiring blnhop, K. I.. Kelley, ware adopted by unanimous vote, Bishop Kel ley haa been In the blaboprle ,for thirty four years, twenty flva of those aa pre siding bishop. Additional reports from tha credential committee ahow that cards have b"n Issued to W) member of the conference, though the visitor treble that number. The dining hall In the rear of the church la taxed to He capacity, an Idea of the number of meals aerved being Indicated by the ona item of M loava of bread being used daily. To Prepare ( oncordawre. Rider Imncan Campbell of Amaa, la., waa chosen to aucceed Charles r;. U. ilumley, or California aa member ot a committee to prepare a book of Mormon concordance. The other member a are Church Historian Herman C, Hmlth and 1'atrlsrrh llyrum O. Hmlth. J. August Keohler of Kail Ftlvar, Maa., was called to tha office of high priest. A budset from the Oraccland trustees wss granted by the conference. It provides for an appropriation large enough to meet the running expenses of the college, and the payment of one-flflb of the debt each year, aiming to wipe out the entire obll gallon In five years. A vote of thanks and appreciation was extended to George H. Harrlnlon for bis faithful service ot ten years as president of the Independence atake. ('bale at Oraeelaad. The woman's auxiliary reported to the conference Its approval of the suggeatlon of the joint council to establish a chair at Oraceland for tha purpose of training young people for work In the auxiliaries, and pledged their support In the raising of meana when such move shall be made. ' t ' Mamuel rertdleton Of Michigan was chosen lo tha office of aeveniy. This young man baptised seventy-alx laat year. Other ordlnnliona to the office of fev enly ordered were those of Hoy V. Fuika of Independence; Otto Kattlng of J'ort Huron, Mich.; John F. Hheehy of rail Itlver, Mass.; ton Ibirdlck ot Michigan, and Harry N. I'lerce of Omaha. I'realdrat of Seven. T. C. Kelley of Indepentwmre waa chosen president ot Seven I'realdenta ef Heventy, and Elmer M. Long of kamonl, la., president of the first Quorum of Seventy. Men are ordained In tha Halnta' church by the laying on ot the hands ot those holding a higher priesthood. The board of publication was re-elected aa at present constituted, Kdwln A. Ulnkeslee, Fred B. ftlalr. Albert Car- mlchael, Oscar Anderson and Thomae A. Hougaa. Bishop Joseph Hobert, Alvah J. Tar- rlngton and Mr. Minnie B. Nicholson were named aa trusteea of the f'hlldren'a Home, located at Lanionl. la. Tonight a second rendition of the "Messiah" waa given, speelal reaervatlona being made for seating Kansas City peoplo and the friend and mualc lovera In Independence other than Letter Oav rlainte. Serbia a Victim Of Soldiers Who Are Mere Brigands (Correxpotldence of The Associated Press.) lOHr'U, Oreece, March , A long atfttemunt Issued by tha official Herblan preaa bureau glvea aome alleged Instances of tha manner in which the Hulgarlans are naclfylng the portions of Serbia whl'-h they now occupy, "Ws sre sble, says tha atiilentant, "to give Information received from a reliable aocree reunrdlng the manner In which tha enemy, especially the Bulgarians are Ill-treating and attempting to exter minate the luhabltants of old and new Herbla. "Ilrlgandage la general, Oennana and Bulgarians rivalling ona another In loot trig, fioldlera are billeted on the Inhab Itanla without payment and In ajilre of alt protests. Heveral towns have been deso lated by looters, Bkoplje, for example, can no longer be reoognlzed. Houae have been destroyed or dismantled, all the woodwork having been aelxed and given to Uis troopa for fuel. 'In old Berbla tho Inhabitants have suffered In the moat inhuman manner. After having all their good looted by tho sniniors, mcir wives and dnughtere are violated. In a village near BkopIJa two soldiers who had violated a young glA were killed "by Iha Inhabitants. All tht Inhabitant were held responsible for th? aliened crlrna anil barf in ermn wounueii aoiincra who were found on the field of battle, or In hoa- pltai. and whoaa condition Indicated that long and careful treatment would necessary were killed. In aome dis tricts large number of the Inhabitant, particularly priest and gehool musters, were notified that they were to be sent to Hofla. It la generally believed tht not ona of them arrived at Sofia, but that they were all maaaacrad by tha way. It haa become a common aaylng whenever anyone auddenly disappear to say that ha haa 'gone to Bofla.' As tha hoapltale are all lacking In sanitary equipment, the Hulgarlans snnounced some time ago that the wounded would be aent to Bofla. It la bellavtd that they have all been killed." BERLIN, April' 15. (Via Lon don.) The text of the official state ment Issued at German army head quarters today said: Weatern front: A strong Rnglleh ad vance agalnat our crater position south of at. Klot (Belgium) waa completely re pulsed after a hand grenade engagement. In the Argonne and east of that re gion there were lively local artillery an1 mine duels. On the left hank of the Meuae enemy attacka against our poslthma on Head man's Hill, south of the Bols De Cor beaui and In the flols Js Cumleres. preparatlors for which were made by a great Increase In the violence of the ene my's srtlllery fire, could only be carried through by a few tatlallona against Teid- man's Hill, thanka to the deatructlve concentrated fire of the troopa which wa had put In readlnesa on both sides of the Meuse. 'The attacking enemjCe wavea broke down with the heaviest loesee before our line. A few men who penetrated our trenches were killed In the hand-to-hand fighting. "On the right bank of the Meuae and on the Woevre plain tha fighting aotiv Ity chiefly was limited to violent artil lery duel. Two weak enemy hand rran ade attacks southwaat ef Fort Douau mont were without result. "Knatern theater; Attampta made by the 'Russians yesterday to deliver local attacks northwest of Dvlnsk ware, like tltoae of the previous days, unauccaaaful. "On the Borvltche river, southeast of Clorodlcbtche, we al!y fruatrated an advance by a weak enemy force which had been prepared by strong artillery fire." An Elaborate Showing of Handsome Coats, Suits and Dresses For Women and Misses TTLXURKDS of beeintifnl new -LI car a . & 1 WW wlllll m rir mm m mm Silk Dresses at $25 IT 13 difficult to enumerate the many pleaaln style - features evolved for Spring Dresses. The grace of line and the dainty cblffon trims are simply beautiful. An excellent sniectlon of Bilk taffetas In new and staple colors is priced with great moderation for Monday, at 25 tarmenta have bes-n received duilnil the Itwt few !)'" r.trj Htyle tlmelopmeut ot consequence a repreaentcxl in Monday' offer inns. Women's Suits at 25 THESE suits aro featured tomorrow because of the wonderful amount of style and value we have bnen able to com bine In them at this popular price. Than will be a dozen new rnod- t$vN els, each bringing out aome dom LVit lnunt and different "gtyie note" that has been approved by lasn lon'g devotees. The fabrics favored are wool poplins and gabardines, also a splendid value in silk taffetas and poplins. A complete range of new and staple colors. Sizes SQC up to 46 Our wlUnt fitting erc biolutly without ixtra charge. Spring Coats r. Covfcrts, Gabardine, Bedford Cordi and hiack and white checks. You will admire the full and graceful drape of the long belted models and the smart tailored effects In the short butterfly styles. Pelerines or email capes are In favor, and the many little nov elty trims In leather or Bilk are rery clever 10, 15, '19.50 I Survivors of Ship Sunk by Torpedo Reach Philadelphia r hh.M'M irtiu, I', n- ths -:t'tt IRIM rtl vl Iha t'ttt i . t t H,- t . m I Vf i i -i t-i ! a e r in ,a..i 1 9 ...cviwf. ( ( I e ) t ,, Hl, wia AaseAa t a - t-i t i'l t', f i I i-t Swat a ' I t jji-t.,'! araee fc't frfesat a I"' I i' a 1 c I Hi i w.,( a i,r M) tm , (,.-1 IH f Sa .'ia '. Imut e 4 -J British Cruiser Removes Germans from American Ship (Correspondence of the Associated, pres ) I PKKIMJ, March Sl.-Oreal surprise was rauswd in Peking hy the announcement ; that a Hrlttwh. auxiliary cruiser atnnrd the American ati'Stner t'hlna, f1ti the Amertran f'n. eutshle of fihanshsl and reiiinvrd thlrty eliiht tlermsns front It on hrua.y II The China left Hhanshat boiind fr Nssssakt and waa dsailuiHl fi t Kn t'ranctsco by asy i t Honolulu. h'lftom of tha thirty eight tlwritisna lakea from t'is tmer ro litmmi ' from si, if iiitrro'd tat fhsxitixi. and all h iSih.im mm at recorted In h hn if tmutsrr . Tha I'hlna al tit,r4 aa It ininf Inta MttiilU iu Hit m trip, A ttrttuh miif r fu a. .i shut f a' -t r a I a vtr hun i .t.i ict l a ' h N en tskra ff at Ual ! Te Tnr Mr ef th TVn K n KiK a a' '! rl i ll ip w Uasiia and tri kr a M'li'ia am- IMary ruf I iM lwl-an tk 'f ika a-irv a't Ui( tet a rna nM la' a IUr l.i. t !it lnttti ( ,.,' , I t ! - , t.i i, i!k i'i ail'tl Iha titiiwh lnmil tit l4a W a tae tnasj ,r!y ' fcs-l iht Te MM l fiu, f '. Jci-' t. a -4 tr.i ik j ! f H t- . A ij tt4 a, it a4 ! ! M't. . I t..iH. I ml naH "w -i t I .,.i. .4 l i' a I v '( -'i ,. i V i ! V. W'.'-t i4 !) 14 i Jan Kubelik Pays Big Price for His Hungarian Estate (Corre;,ondenoe of the Associated Press.) ZritlCH, Bwltierland, Uarch Ho.-Jan Kulwllk, the violinist, has bought an es tate In Hunsary, paying MO.Ook. The Property la altuated at Zlirmond-Haia, In the Blowaket. Daaldes a magnificent feu dot castle, the property Iniludca vast areas of land, chiefly foreala. n haa been the ancestral horn of a branch of tha treat llohenlohe family, one of whom, Prince f'hlodewlg llohenlohe, haa now sold u to Kubellk, 'fne caetlo la fa moua for the number of the windows, one for each day of the year. Jt la probable that aa an Investment merely. Kubellk haa made a good pur. rhaae, for forests in Austrla-Hnnsary bav gone up enormously in value since the outbreak of the war, ao nmny mil lions of treea havlnr been destroyed, not only through actual artillery fire aa In the principal war sonea In Oalioia. but also In clearing the ground for military reaaon. aa waa don round Cracow and Trieste. Recently Kubellk haa had an estate at llejchor, near Kolln. In Bohemia, but thla ha haa now eold. Iowa Will Try Out New Plan for Rural 1 Schools on Big Scale CKDAIt FA 1X8, la., April .-8peclal ) -At the meeting yesterday In this city of the ft ate Hoard of Education, a plan formulated by the Iowa State Tenchera' college faculty was endorsed and place. upon the records, It waa a progreaalve movement In the Interests of the rural schools and by'th'a action seven more township In I'tlurkhawk county come un der the aupervlslon of the Plate Teachers' college and the , county superintendent, H, C. MiiPller, was voted an affiliated member of the faculty on the rural school detriment. These demonstration schools will have one teacher, who will stand at the head and will be one who Is Indorsed by tho Iowa Htate Teachers' convention manage ment. In Orange and Hudson townahlp new consolidated school building are to be erected coating from $40,000 to M,QQ each. All the work and tha atudy cen ters will come under tha direction of the rural department and pay for tho extra work on Haturdaye will be in accordance with the salaries of the various teachers employed, Thla la the most comprehen sive movement ever made In the United States for the betterment of the rural schoola and to raise the standard to high grade work. The townships which have j been turned over to thla work are the ( I'nlon, Waterloo, Cedar rails, Orange, j Hudson, Bennington and Lincoln. The movement waa started by President Beerlcy and the rural school faculty and thoroughly approved by the Btate Hoard of Education. 1516-18-20 Farnam Street. I - - r ... - - r i-r.innrT l . ..nr i ijuiiju- i luuj i uunr t sjuir j t innjur i vjult i uuujt nm II III ssssssssssssssjsssss PROMINENT IDA GROVE BUSINESS MAM IS DEAD IDA d ROVE. Ia., April 14-iSpeclat Telegram.) Martin Bauer, ona of Ida Grove'a pioneer buslnrsa men, who has been In the hardware and Implement business here for the last Ihlrty'flve year, died late last nlKht at a local hospital at the age of years. He la survived by two son. Julius M. Saucr and Rsy M. Saucr, of Ida Orove, and one daughter. JDra, David Warford, of Hlg Htone City. 8. D. Ilia funeral will occur Monday afternoon. In charge of the Knlghta Templar. Shake Off That Grip When Spring comes, with its changeable weather and your exposure, it is best to clear away all the symptoms left after an attack of grip. That evil dis ease leaves you weakened, and when its victim attempts to "do his hit'! he exposes himself to tho risk of a second attack, for which he is less prepared, and which may liave graver consequences. There's Danger in Delay April and May are pneumonia months. In this time a weak ened syHtem Is a ronatant source of danger, for the pneumonia and grip infections are In the nir, and after a long winter the body Is so dogged with waste It cannot reslHt them. Fortify the health, remove the catarrh, and Improve the digestion. For Quick Relief PERUNA This reliable tonic is recommended to remove the waste from the body, counteract the catarrhal poisons and allay the Inflammation that Is catarrh, restore the regular appetite and tone up the entire system to resist disease. A well man Is safe. As a tonic after grip It has won many commendations, while its effectlvenens In catarrhal conditions Is unquestioned. Take no chances Take Peruna. Per una Tabltti art a I way rearfy to takt. You may carry a box with you and ward off colds and chill. Tha liquid medicint in your home is a freaf $alt guard. Protect your family. The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio. TODAY'S BEAUTY HINT It Is not necesxary to Shampoo quite so frequently if your hair I properly cleansed each time by use of a really good shampoo. The eaaleat to uaa and quickest drying; shampoo that we can recommend to our readers may be pre pared very cheaply by dissolving a tea spoonful of canthrox, obtained from your druggist. In a cup of hot water. This rubbed Into the scalp creates a thick lather, soothing and cooling In lt ac tion, as well as bencfldal to acalp and hair. After rinalng the acalp I fresh and clean, while the hair dries quickly and evenly, developing a bright lulcr anil a soft fluff Inesa that makea It aecm very I heavy, Advertisement, GET A BRUSH FREE With a Can of Paint, Varnish or Stain I at ft Hamilton Paint & Glass Co, 1917 Howard Street. Poom Dauglae S643. Distributor of Bridgeport Standard Palut aad Wood PiaiebiBg Products. CI.BAJT PP. IT Vr. Open Saturday evening nU o'clocx. liu: O.tlAiiA lifefc OOKS INTO THE HOME AND IS HEAD KY THE WHOLE FAMILY WANTED Pas Used Duffy's 20 Years Fnrmrr Marl I r lajnred. (JRiaWoU). la.. April l.-iHpclal.) -John lloltmeyer, a prominent farmer and stockman, living a few miles south east of tlrlswold, Is in a crltlcsl condi tion at hla home aa a result of being kicked by a .horse. Three ribs aro broken, hla heart Injured and other fu rious Internal Injuries are auspected. Orchestra for Manawa Park for season of 1916. Leader and 12 to 15 men. Dance and concert music. All applicants will re ceive consideration. CARL II. EDWARDS Council llluffs. a sons co. o r 1515 HARF4EY GAS RANGES . r a S 'if I It i-.fr Vlk v. fit :,, - S) if Ik i - I M H a a V? i I V 4 .V It i ll -,4 J e , I'-- e , i':3j K "' Ms) h 4 4 t.-t,' ta 1.1 GAS RANGES Thii cno cooki without gm tuul rou lv net tteA to I there to watch jour food. It cut your si bill one rulf ttinl It just the stove for summer, u It ctrt not h?A up your kitchen, Wtch tht pij'ri for our itftuon-Ur. tioa of thli wonderful itov, Tiicti wp from 9,00, THE 0A3 RANGE AWARDED Gold Medal at Funama Exposition, Cabinet Styles, up from (J.M) PilcCRAY AND PEERLESS REFRIGERATORS A Full Line of These Refrigerator on Display at Prices up from $t :,.ro Uwa Mowers, Garden Hose and Cvrdea TooU. CHI-NAMEL DEMONSTRATION, 1 1 AHIIL 13TO 22 Come iu and ie the Udy demonstrator work with thli won. tkrful Chineie Vavruiih. 1 Si U II It. KIMI An article must possess merit to warrant its continued use for 20 years. Mr. King has used Duffy's for 20 years because lie finds it a beneficial tonic-stimulant About three years ago he wrote: "Duffy'a Pure Malt Whiskey has dona ma a world of good and haa enabled ma to atsnd my work In the bolllnf hot un all summer. 1 am pt . yet have aj. perlntended my men all summer and lot a day only when It tormd too hard for them to com out. I am aura I could not have don ao had It not been for tha mrenfth luffy save ro. I never lot a day the paat two winters that a man could possibly work In the open,"-llarry It. Kin-, Bummer Ave, Newark, N. J, After M yeara ot Judlcloua uae, ha Is a firm a btleer In Imffy today a ever. f..r h reinily wrote; "t continue u"i Ouffy'S aa t hav bsn r tha paat JO yeara and I w;l always u It. leiffy'a Malt la worth, iniira to tn than a dlamont Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey i eh.fii H.s w. ,.r mo.t t la - tha atawaoh. h-tp tha Stoma.' h In ntln a 1 , .t ,t lit'n t.,t ,nd health tnarit.iy f .llcwa Tha Br'rit, advlca ef a :" , t.f iHiffr a In iual amount cf aatr ue nilih !'" mi and on rrttrtnS ,a Mt futiuwing The t.m In ' n HUmt I t'ir abia lo istai a'ta a ,tf (out'it. 4.lda. grli an-l pt.m.nt - wavt. "Cct Daily's and Keep Well" HoKl In KKAI.rn lUHll.Kil OM..Y. Ileware ef Imitation, f f MTE nnn dl Plf "! Sragite. frsM as ft oti at.i. ir a mwi'i eir wiive a l frs. ead fvi aselat kei't4 Wa ir, N. Y. MM litg lit ttl ..!' sa-t ft J'e ra if t "hi ft it l ea " Ik '.t 'ia ..f a I fcf'ish 4 l4 t ti. ' I ' : - i f i - , L r ,. , 1 1. i ir .1 . m i n :mi-.ii -lu. i n i iriT:i wt 1 V V r Ifct t ti.! ti.l, uiti4 Ki.H..titi.w, l il I i" ti.u ika a - pS m I 8cU en rjr'ciin if desirtvl