The Omaha Bee PART ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO FOURTEEN. THE WEATHER. Unsettled VOL -LY-XO. 44. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKN1XU, APUM; Hi, IHHi SIX SKCTIQXS-I'OUTV-EinilT I'AdKS. SrXGLK COrY FIVK CENTS ORAH ACCUSES NATIONAL GUARD HEADS OF GRAFT Idaho Senator Startles Congress with Charge that Eight Millions Set Aside Yearly Wasted and Embezzled. ASSERTS OFFICERS GET IT ALL Speaker Declares He Brings In dictment Without Qualifi cations. LODGE DEFENDS THE ARMY WASHINGTON, April 16. Sena tor Horah, republican, attacking fed eral pay for the National Guard, aroused the eenatp today with a charge that the $8,000,000 a year now appropriated by the government for the National Guard wag "ghame- fully wasted" and some of It "embez- rled." "Tout's a pretty serious, charge," said Benator I'omerene, democrat, In terrupting. . "WeJI, I rnska It without any qoallfl cation," Kcnator Horah replied, and he trad from War department rcporta to show that most ftf tli fund had liwn utilized by officers of th National Guard for themselves, and that enlisted men had practically no benefit of It. They Will Hrsllatei. "If senators her will examine tha rec ord of then appropriation!," Senator Borah continued, "they will heeltat about appropriating l&O.OOO.OOO for the National Guard, aa It l now proponed to do. Th way tha officer of tha Na tional Guard bava been utilizing tha fed oral fund to themselves to tha exclusion of enlisted mnn I perfectly ahameful wd cannot be dofended except for po litical exigencies." flenatnre I'omerene and Heed ataunchly defended tha National Guard, declaring that If there had been lrregularltlea there were rernedlra at law. tnator lxxlxe defended ie regular army and declared It waa time to atop canting aspersion upon It The regular army haa fought and won all our battlea and la fighting for ti In Mexico today," ha aald, "and I am sick and tired of hearing It attacked.". On a vote Senator Sutherland' amend ment waa defeated. Benator Cummlna, republican, aald ha was (hocked at Senator Borah' a tatv ment. "I do not believe tha charge a that Na tional Guard offloera hava misappro priated tha natlon'a money atolen It for there la no moral difference," sola ha. "I think consideration of thla bill Should be halted while tha aenata ascertains whether offlrere of the guard ara gu"tf r.f such chargea." I The Amonnt "pens. Senator Borah In aupport of hla charga tola: "I find, according to the report or. tne War department, that In tha Ohio na tion h I rifle match In 1011, tlMM sus pended on the atata rifle team, all of whom were officer. In the period from July 2. 1IW1, 'to September 28, 191J an of ficer, a colonel, drew pay to the amwtnt of H.411. In tha period from July I. 1911. to September 1. 1312. another officer, also In tha iame atate, a colonel, draw pay to the ansount of fl.etL "in the period from July JO. IMt to Bep temhsir 1. WU. a thlrff colonel In the atate drew pay to the amount of $1,599. So theientlre appropriation or apportionment to tfi state of Ohio for this year practi cally went to the offlcera and there la no report that any portion of It la going to tho enllaed men." Henator Borah atood by hla statement In eplha of a ruah of aenatora to defend the guard of their own atatea. i do not know that there are any of ficer of the National Guard whom 1 would dlatrust personally," he aald. "I call the attention of aenatora that 1 have not made a general charae. 1 have auld that the money appropriated uti'ler tho I 'li k law haa been ahamalessly used nl not need as It would have been If the offlcera drawing It had oeen pay ing the taxes creating It. tt them disprove the figures and If they do I am not too proud to apologise, bul I will aay now that the more they are dUpoard to delve Into the record of the Inet eight years the li nn they will he liiclltavd to expose I in Ir findings ott the floor ii Hie sinaie." Another MrHeJtle tilth, fl,Y i hXTHI, Nh., April IWHpa. riu T"h simn, I - A iminkn-r of M.-Kelvle ailiol.en I "it brre h'tul.iy evening and i-ikani'"'! a Wukrhie i lob. with I. V, I itnr i r ill, ami II. A. Ityrkit a Tho Weather tor i mi i i ni.iu il H.(f( al V , i.i' .. .1N -t I' tl fll-l ,! tH'iW.-H. 1 )iHiaii t eiUi . i-. (Wi : r n , i 4 1 ..... ( .t, 1. 1 t ' Ol ' I 1.1 ' v-. i f ,11' .'. ft ,. I ., . - ... .1. .1 -. -1 I ' , 1 , ) , ., 1 f . 1 I ... t I., . M . I, . , I I , , 11, t H t - 11., , f I ' I I' I 1 ', i M I o I , V ' ' .1 I n I 1, .4 I ' I V I '.,,1 v, I ' ....... 4 ... tt , . I , t, I Id., k I Still Unanswered When you asked for the votes of republicans for national committee, man four years ago, Mr. Howell, you made this declaration over your own signature: "While I am a great admirer of Senator La Follettc, I am a warm supporter of Colonel Roosevelt. However, I am fir' a republican and whoev nominated will receive r . A support if I am chosen committeeman." v . '"' In spite of this solemn pledge of yours, Mr. Howell, you Insisted on staying on the committee while fighting the party's standard bear ers whom you were in honor bound to support; you contributed money to the' campaign fund of another hostile party; you tried strenuously to prevent republicans from having even a chance to vote for their presidential ticket. Forgetting the past, except as a guide to the future, where do you stand today, Mr. Howell? And what will you do in the next campaign, if again commissioned as general manager of the republican party campaign in Nebraska? GERMANS. TELL OF ATTACK m SUSSEX Teutons Taken on Subsea Boat De scribe Torpedoing of British Liner, ST0BY IS GIVEN OUT AT PARIS PAMS, April 15, Inquiries of tbo ministry of marine concerning the elrcumstanccs of tho attack oa the steamship Sussex have developed precise Information, which bag been given to the Associated Press from authentic sources as follows: "Thla Information 1m not baaed upon suppositions or probabilities, and In that it differs from the statement of llerr von Jagow, (Oerman foreign minister). The farts have been established by a great number of witnesses whose names are known, Including the captain of the Hussex. ' , "They establish that the commander of the submarine could not have been Ignorant that he was. attacking a chan nel gteamnr making regular service be tween Franca and Knaland. The route Of these steamer? differs from that of other merchantmen and Is perfectly known to all Sellers. Moreover, the rout between Dieppe and Folkston Is essentially tha route of channel steam era, which make the Journey at a fixed time, and tha Sussex was paxting by tha regular route at tha regular time. The commander of the submarine there fore knew he was dealing with a regular channel steamer and It was clearly a premeditated attack against an unarmed channel befet without the least warn big to permit passenger to escape. "The torpedoing of the Sussex Is con firmed by sailors of a Oerman subma rine which was destroyod a few days after tha Sussex attack. Four members of the crew of this submarine made prisoners April S have been Interrogated and all have confirmed, what waa already known, that tho Sussex was torpedoed and they have given the name of the commandant and the number of tho sub marine which attacked the Sussex. These witnesses seemed to think the entire affair waa known, so they had no hee ltatton In confirming all details of the torpedoing of tha ftuasox by their sister submarine, which was cruising in the same locality. "Summarising the Information oh. tamed by tha mlnlatry of marine makea eertaln, first, that tha captain and other wltneases saw tha track of a torpedo and the captain maneuvered his ship to avoid the danger, which establishes the moral conviction that the Sussex wis torpedoed; second, fragments of a tier man torpedo found on he Sussex ii!(1 material proof to the moral conviction, third, tha testimony of prisoners froiti the German submarine rorrrolioralna completely both the moral conviction end the material proof, and this proves the ruse, so fur as Frame la concerned, beyond any doubt." CAPTAIN J. M. FULTON DISMISSSEO FROM ARMY! "Twlres haa been tna.le. The nuiiiliiir of WAIIINGWN. Aprtl IS. -rp(laj,.Mra,lilt ,,.0,,,,, , ,utrthrnt ,, . Jan.ea M. Fulton of the roast .rtllkrv u gr,.tt,,.r ,, f ulWli , at fori Grant. Tanama. Was diamUwd j M,ttI., fl,rt., , Mrk,, ,,, rmv ,,,. front the army ti-tay for violating an llPfM ,h,ii,i,i ,,t Vtlla has nn sp. , aWtlnemo ple.lga. rrealdrnt Wilson SP- ,,srrnl tlfrii-iill y In ...lo thr.,.,t their ,r,f,l tt.e court n.aritrtt srmen,, t hp- j talit Fnlion Is a native i.f Virgin! end , was pp..oied to lb rny la lti I Former Omaha Rector Makes Cross Country Trip in an Automobile Ida , Jehu Nll'U'ii n. w U , i me n b 'n, 'i I I't " , ,i,,.n ft..m l'w,if iS) t,t aa i U, i,UI,(i in fl m t M nil ! ,!,.' I emiin -I '' -'-l-o (i t,ia if w a;i ,,.,i, f, ,..,.(. i. 1-' 1 fill' t'-'t .! I e 111,11.1 It,., tn,i ii id t I 1. irti'.'l. l l r-o-! an i Is 14 t'O'i jinl I .. . ,...! 1. , .! Il t.ltl t. I ' I t.'l II 1 I I lt !,,! I.I t. l, i f, V, I M I, ' I , .. I .-. I .. i ' ! C I I t .1 . ... l' ( 1 1 v ii it - i. j I'I'l l. hI , Ml (., t- e fc,,. 1 . i.t, t .'- I' It.. l, I".. i , .. ti. t .f. 1. 1 1 J ' '" ' ! " a e I- " . ! w utt .I K ,- "! I''- '!'. ' t -l . i , t, 1. (! i t ' ' imwt (.MMi . 4 I .tia'iia ,i t I.-. 1. i't 1 ( a - l"a ' ; - ' wti ir " nt . .!..!, t,f CMil I i .h.'M ".-h Jl. -I-Uu i II.. . f., t .... ,f I ,. ,.,,..... ,.,. if..,s I'l. fit 11,1 t.f k 1 t I 1 t la l! . .f I "' ' ' " -'" I 111.1,1 H t.r. 1,.,, :, i l , i.lil l'" Il ' I II C . I t...t ;! t ., ',. '1 tut - 1 ' " t ' ' '.! ... It t It If V r- - l' !-.'. M.jM . ,1 '.. , ,,1 I a ' . I .if k-,..i , , , ...... I . t tt - , , i 1 i. i 'i . 1 , .. h u.( 1 (.a t- i , ... I ) . H 1 .ii,., ,.,(.,.-..), . . 1 I . n , i v I - ft . i n. . . ,, , , ( , . . . - ' ' ' - ' II I ." I, I . m I I .:- , I ,,j l.fcM''' W '. 4 ! .'.('" '! SITUATION BELOW BORDER THE SAME, SAYS WAR CHIEF Baker Asserts Co-operation with -a Forces and Expedition Vf- 'St VI I IS Still fnntinnlnir """""""'IS' CHANGE IS CONTEMPLATED . J State Department Inclined to Think Clash at Farral Overstated by Mexicans. AWAITS WORD FROM PERSUING! WASHINGTON, April lC-8erre-tary Lansing pronounced tho Mexican situation unchanged today In any as pect. ' Unlfss official reports to General Funston disclose a more grave situa tion at Parral, Vhere American troops were fired upon, than la now belluved to exist thorn was nothing to Indicate that a change might be oxpoclod in the near future. Secretary Hukcr said General Funston Imd not heard from Gnnrral Pershing directly for three days. That caused no uneasiness at the War department, however, as Gen eral Pershing haa reported only when he bad deflnlto and Important Infor mation to communicate. ( luh .Not Mvrlnae, As time passes without offlnjal Infor mation of tho rarral fighting from Ameri can sources, officials are Inclined to doubt that thn ilesh was as serious as waa In dicated in early Mexican dlapatuhcx. Publication in Mexico City of the terms tho Carranx government .seeks to tin poso, limiting any reciprocal troops move ments across the International boundary, shed much light on tho diplomatic (an gle which preceded General Carranza's suggeatlon that the fmerlran troops be walled from loxh o, Secretary Lansing declined to discuss the matter. At I lie time the ds facto government suggested that no expedi tionary force should exceed LOW oavalry nion and not cross a doaijllne, there were sovcral thousand American troopa of all arms In Mexico and they were 'M miles or more south of the border. Secretary linker said he still waa wait ing for a report on the conferences be tween General Pershing and Generals lierrera and Gutierrez. Ellseo Arrendondo, General Carranza's ambassador here, said today he had no further Information of the fighting at I'll r ml nor of reports of a later clash. A battle at cuernavaca, the Zapata stronghold, was reported tmmlnent. The advance guard of the CarraniA forces was said to be In sight of the fortress, Raker's Statement, Secretary Baker of the War department this afternoon gave out the following statement; "The status of tha expedition Is as It was at the beginning In cordial co-operation with the de facto government of Mexico. That co-operation continues and tha expedition continues. There has been no chanao either in purpose or in the orders, No change has been made and none Is In contemplation." Iteaaaurlng advices from Amerlran con suls in touch with interior Mexican points led officials to hope that there is now little danger that news of the re cent fight at l'nrral would arouse resent ment among the Mexican people which might lead to further complications. " General Fnnslon I'ncHay. SA.V ANTONIO, Tex.. April U.-Un-caalneas was manifest at General Fun ston's headquarters today over General Perahlng's unbroken ellenoo concerning the fight at Parral. It became known today that General Funston directed to General Pershing Inat night a communi cation sharply urging him to expedite a report, General Funston received from the War department a rather long communication, but he refused to discuas its character. There waa reason to delleve the sub stance of his late reports to AVaahlngtou dealt luridly with the poult Ions and ac tlvitlca of ('erratics troops In northern Mexico and the failure of them and other t'liiruniH authorities to ro-operate more effectually with tho Americans. Army officers here and hi Mexico have reaentii) (be repealed statements that co- nperatlon wus being given when, as they Indignantly aaaert, continue, I refuaal to' u tho rallrnsila and lo pernui the' traiiainlaiilun of eoiln menaugea over latut i ,, wht pr,.rJ frM! hr Am((r, .' i r. i ! .a ifc i ., ' , I tMotieit u t In n.,t,,(iinil. (, aitl t) at, lit it,. ,.,.t i , ,1,11,1,.,,, I il. U, piii, ri; Tot v r . l'-dl.. I fit liu , 111 I, I, , eaiaial u, t-n. 1 1 ,1 u i,,.i.,, t, .1 V X , A l I I I I I tV fiU MAfMff l A WOMAN fl.fTSl I iWii -afttVA U nT Uti we've GOT I I ( V 67 MAMl$ J I Ir VLIISi. Come on in. Prize Puzzle answers will be received up to April 20 and tho awards announced in The Bee next Sunday. BEMIS PARK SWEPT BY PLAYGROUND ROW Residents of Select Neighborhood Divided Over Question of Hav ing Spot for Kiddies. PARK MAY HAVE AN ELECTION The worst etorm since the J'blg wind" of 1913 hag swept over tho select Dcnls park neighborhood, the disturbance this time being a differ ence of opinion over the desirability of a public supervised playground within tbo park. One set of residents petitioned the Recreation board to abandon the playground, on account of alleged disturbances during late evening hours last season, while an other group la equally insistent that the playground activities be resumed this bphkou. . The members of tha board are In a quandary. They want to do what they believe Is best for thov com munity. Tho situation Is an aggra vating one, to suy tfie leant. One of tho dramatic features of the situation Is the fact tlmt this is the first time the rcaldenls of this pretty dletilct have dlnaented upon a public propoaltlott. Hernia park neighborhood has been held tip ss a model of neighborly amity. KatalilUbrd by llequeat. The playaround in operation season was eatubllKhed upon intent requeat of the ltemls Turk Dlalrlrt Improvement club, which will hold 11 meeting this week to illaciias the sKiiutloti. Al a mi-dlng of the club a year ago Hie nn tnlM ia were unanimously In favor of the playground iiiol extended a 'le of lliiiuka to i.'ntii mlaaloiirr Hummel when lie asreeil to locate this fee reutlon tinier In I'.einla park, A( a tic tit mertlng of the llecreat jon boaid a Binned prutrnt frmil tealdenls around and tu-nr the parh aa rend Superintend! rit llngllxh of Dm plm moiiinl syaleitt eiplalned i tha Imitrd that the irolel had bfeii .tiirt'd by (Hie woman, and )m tii'l"'l that a., inn of tlie algneia realdn ai vrral ,!i,ik fiopi lh. paik He tlerlaieil Hint Hie union ancea bPh were ,iiiiipintiiil of C'oiiiiiiiti.l not hy 4ll. l,,t,.i,t-i of thn pin) SKoiod. hot t.y mnng 11, en h,i gutluiid sftir Ihe pUy, Ki.nn.d limns sod rpiiied llielr en tliiiiiii of fotilli In 'ilg t uu.plalHla, t h.i' liil l i 1 omplsliil i'f SH i.. an it . m, Hi" ii solnr ilainnuiil ll.illl ' ll flpri ili.U'l.l I' oU S 110 to I m 1 . 1 , it !! tjll in i.r ii, li . . r.i 1 1 (., i . 1 . f.. o ..1 .1. ' 1 1 1 sol 1 1 dm I- ,! m-i.i , IH, ' ' ,,ii if (tin nltett . .. ." ... 1 1 ,.,0 ,-.i: d . H.,:,0 1 II ll I.., ,11.1 i- Sjl'lll Mo ,..( I,. 1 ! t III 1- , IOk 1 M I I . tl, I' , tie Mrlol as a ,'ii, ui I inii tl I ' I !( .1 Il 'lt 1 i.-M I'll. l k,f It I VVVIIKOM AKIS! lake this vaiiMiig fint vtri CHir MIOUHtHniHIHtt irtf t a.lvise against ".iit itvg U" () f (. herUs I . llsiHa dr italiisiit It ia kti tliat tlie ( tM kj ll .wt II .iitliit at figuttitf tut 'srtHinf " ' tUttiith liuur alUgeil tltant (unit N aaltiitftiiH. He (in stain!.) elist sitilt tt kety , The Eecrudesccnco: of Shakespeare 1 Y C IFNAKl m mm w w " tJjLy f iOX I S 1 lj J . ,.,;NA ?!) Nebraska's "Big Four" REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET For Deli-aatea-at-Larsei Howard II, Raldrlge, Omaha. Frank M. 4'nrrle, Raraeat, V.. R, Onrneri Fremosl. 11, J. Hllpatrleb., Heatrli-r. Far Altrnata-t-l,aral , F. I. Heeeh, Mneola. Vaelar Rarrah, tlaiaba. A, (Palilalia, Mct'ook. O. O. gnyder, O'Welll. For National (nmailllrraiaai ( barlra F. Mriirrm, Omaha, Republicans should know that they will find the above names printed on the primary ballot, names of republicans not only de voted to a reunion of the party, but also of tried loyalty and proved zeal for party success. ion v.mTrnmwrmn'mi m m mm Bwaw3 the proteatants are either rhlldleas or live several blocks from the psrk. The proteatants, however, are equally Ipslatent that tho playground Shall not he resumed this season. Moth sides srs culling at the park nfrlcs snd thn dif ference of opinion seems to be growing more acute. May Take a Vote. It Is poasible that a vote will he taken of the people of the neighborhood to de termine Just what public sentiment Is on the subject, t'onunlaaloner Hummel and membera of tha Recreation board will be Invited to attend the forthcoming meeting of the Improvement club of this park diet rli t, The Hi creation board notes that aev- eral signers of the protest are prominent t'Unlneaa men. "If e could stop the rowdyism during tin- lute evening bonis I helluva all ob jections would be removed, slated Superintendent Fugliali, The proposed dmihlv-ehlft plan of playground super. llama for this season may placate toe pro! i'hIhiiIs, Truck Driver. Hurt When Autos Crash ftm eipman. t.! Mrant sueet. suffeied MHoia si nip Wniimls Slid probably Miter -pal Inlutlis alien an automobile delivery Innk that h bad bean tlilvlng rullldiHl llh aniithir tuns, driven by Art Toiif S"n. !"! IHiln etrt. si tha liiletaecllnn .f Klsbtertith snd t barlea slirels, lata ft inUy attirnmiii. j Ivti-is.iii allhoh I'SosM under tlx 1 i. is of Jus tnai Line, rs. aped ui II ..!! noa, aiii. .1 l was nst. en :' 'bsrgti tf r. si-.s rtiUlog and la ln i . Hi- h.Ii, w 11,11 i g a lb..r,iiiii inriia4tioii at wlm i to loam. io. an t,t o t 1 i I l'i wttiii sn, iii a.s a 'i .i.i.lns at a Nir (nl hm t't'i i.-tastia-t ..t!iar 1b ! Mr li.en-i. 111. HI l Sip .nail Sir ' I r t !( 1 1 , twl l.v.i I, 11, . 1,1,1. Wrl l ti( .! ( 1 Currlo Peclartvs Ho FavorsS llm tin, u t in i'. . So a -. I.) ) . .!. I I I 1, it ft - a a "i , B t'Sl .1. t I 11'.' l't(-.. tl- I li'mt-l f''r. ,'.; to ii I In 1 u 1 . I 1 1 III It 1,1ft I t .1 mint .. ' ! I t ''! . iuii I''. I "; u l '.. I . t t t 1 li'l S I- t I " 1 a . ( I I a -1 1 . 1 1 i ... ,u at ti 1- f It' I s s- , I . I ' ' t i I lk til 1 4 ft! ' II !" I it t r I 1 n , 11 .1 t l,Ui..g ., i. ft ,m iktl 1 li saiilntl'si-a i -I , i.i , IMMt M t. Phlfc. v iii i rx jrsfi W. J. BRYAN AGAIN FLAYS JTCHCOCK Repeats at Benson that Senator Was Disloyal to President and Party, PAYS TRIBUTE TO HIMSELF While William J. Bryan, candi date for delegate to the democratic national convention at Bt, Louis, did not take the cuticle off Henator Gilbert M, Hitchcock, democrat and candidate for re-eloctlon, ho put the knife under ant! rained It In numerr our places during his short address at a meeting at Henson yesterduy afternoon, ' The meeting had been booked as an opon-ulr gathering, but owing to the Inclement weather, at the last moment Ihe Odd Fellows' hall was secured and pretty well filled with town people and fanners who had come In to do I heir woox-ed trading And In disposing of Henator Hitchcock, Mr. Hi) an gave him this parting shot after lie had laid cotulderaia stress upon the part that the Nebraska senstor hsd played In playing into the hands of the trusts and played "traitor" to President Wilson: "1 read In the Klble of the men who strained st the gnat and then swsllowed the camel, snd every time I read this Can it Be the Masonic Order Sanctions This Kind of Electioneering? mu a. Savanna, St, a, liniilMiiiiiu.HM M. Ml IH Ii I. . geklss, lea llsasia, I My Sssi kraiasr aoklear I beg tt at U ru taat r avtust frlsal, Srstkar Ahrahsa I, guttan, It a sanalaeU far Srnarnofaf laSraaka, ta tbt Jle subl lean tleatt, iM I a tell log te ay rsenl frltnle tareugbaut ths ststt sailing taste atlsatlsn t hi eanAHtay an easing tkea. st a sersaoat farr t mt satomlng ta ktl Irstker gMlten, If yen r a Mrsaaally tesjelntet alth jr Veatkar, I aa alUflat yj km bla rra rtsutttlen, as be Ss tarttl Ueg aa faltMjlIf an 1st Ptstrlsl a.i-a la (waat, a4 1 San an suiii-g tiniiU at allt s aa ial teiar. It alts sin'stit t as It anil S seaallMnt tt tie fi4r t be a as In lag tram tk aseaaraai af 1st Silt, eiil I fatl l It a Sily I Sirs. It. a ta stoat tr iMi atttstr lain 1st klgiatl tfflM f kt Slats, 1ra Susan tt ttwtkar vital tmil tajtirl elk.r till.s, tlnt . , rwllais, aea ,f th ttraeg rvilill.ii i,l!4u la tst flsll, kst H;4ia In sit faj.f, $ tf t llllsr t IS llfttl klt llllllll Jvt(t tt Us ltUtl , e . it tssa f irtt ytat 111 nli.t I t s itllll.g tfl.n .t Sti 4!-ill ttstS girit, 1 I I IS ln 1st Ita has inlnl t ,tis tti.a.i U tar ksr fitStt A '" IN !n tt It e s-iiittltimt . .wt tf tlltt trt -! tl klttti f Isanhts k ltt t taltsa tltes tl ' Una af tktt !, It S.a tfl,,t tf ttssiatUk tsal tkia Mi tan f-r Iht Sett imi gt(a nt IIM iwiUt an t-e , t I k lt tlUa sVttktt Suttaa It tkt tH, I ta ltl.t . t ft 1.1 r.ii.1, b.jisw.... l.m. ftk. . , , ... - Ml ... I If. 'i I a,lga Mktrltl, t" lt I til srtta ts(t,t, aykfslp l 1 NOTE TO GERMANY WILL BE NEARLY AN ULTIMATUM Kaiser's Government Will Be In formed It Has not Fulfilled the Promises Made to the United i States. CASE SAID TO BE COMPLETE Note Will Leave Way Open for the Teutons to Avoid Severance of Diplomatic Relations. GERMAN OFFICIALS PERTURBED WASHINGTON, April In. The t'nlted Htatps government today was eonimunlcstlon lo he sent to Berlin designed to bring Ihe situation to an Insue, The roiiimunlcallon will go for- r, . .1 u.l, I.I n Ik. .. I t a ,1 IndHallona are, however, tlist 1 1 I nited Wales' eitiv agnlnnt (leimany 1 I riimpletii and Hint tii rinany will be In- formed that tlio Waalilngtmi government (.niiniijnra t nm tiol fulfilled prainlsrf made to thl country. It Is Itiad" clear (Imt the forthcoming I nomiiiiinl''slioii sllhonsli Intended ss the final tttird of the t'ultid Klsles will still leave (he way open for fieinmv to avoid n aeturaiii-a of diplomatic rriiiiions .eemna lirflilnla IVrlnrbeit, f.HMiiiN, Apr ! li. - loiiiapond tit St The Hague of the ICxchange I'ele. graph I'lOipany forwanla I tin folioalna' "CnniilrtcrNlile pei iiirtiailoti has bnoi canned at ihe lierlln foreign offl s by hess reiehed by tslr'lee of Aoicrlian dlssatlefsctlon Hh the recent German noli). The rhanenllor hsd several con fi'imiiea Mh Ihe A merlon anibssaailin' ul,'0 ijli:ow d poaallillluea ulili t.'nitnl von Moiliin. Autrol(tiiiKrlii foreign milliliter, who la now In Merlin, lengthy ; jiiatriii'tloiis Mere sent lo Ambnaaadoi' i i n. to, rr at u eai,i(,on, "German officialdom now ccm willing to stta'n eery ti'ive In order to avoid s rcptnie allh lh Ignited Males, while the press continues In a moat .flsiolioj Slit wy to give sdvlee lo PlraMent Wil son, publlahllig villous arlhlca and uo loons of Ihe preaident," American Women Soldiers Vote for Trousers Uniforms .SW r OHK. "April '"'! iV.'-Amei'iesn women soldier will wear trousers ss part of tlitlr uniform If they fullosr the . ample set by the V) members of the American Women's League for Pelf He fense. These women hsv been attend" lug weekly drill throughout tho wittier. The style of uniform fama up for a vote Inst night and wns the cause of so animated discussion. In which Mrs, ). Hurigiirfoid Mlllbsuk, head of the 01 Ifanl.uilon, saaerted that the suits worn by the women heed not necessarily be uniform. She ghjected to trousers on the ground that eii"'i a uniform would b op posed by husliHiirls, Other denounce,) dresses as "a run and burden" to women and advised th women soldiers to get rid ot them. "When your husbands go to the front, ' said one speaker, "you will have to guard your home against marauders. It will t a man's woik and you cannot do It In dresses, The olt tor 1 1 onset s was cat rled by an overwhelming majority, passage of scripture In It I see lite face of Mr, llltchconk," The tribute to the senator followed the remarks mads by Mr. hryan after he had dlscuaaed ftenalor Hitchcock's official record, asserting that when he waa (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) aaa, ,.... aCtll Mfc. ISll . . ittel..t tt .,.. . , re at t lvit t I astl U ai.4 t st.1 t'4 a I ttaala, a I i I I -l I ,