Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 9

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    TITi: I1KR: OMATTA. SATI'liPAY, APKTL 1.', Win.
Fifty-four Indictment. Including
One Againit Dr. Alexander
C. Sabin, Returned.
Fifty-four indictment trero re
turned by the federal grand Jury,
which Jutrt complete! lu work here.
I'orty-tao of these were in tho
f'maha division, three in Norfolk,
to in (irand inland, five in North
Matte and two in Cbadron.
lir. Alexander C. Hnbln of Omaba,
a Indicted (or devlalng a schema to
('cfraud. Sabin was arreated Jan
uary 18 aa the reault of a decoy lot
to aent to him by aceret aervlro men,
1 it purporting to come from "George
W, Lemon, Princeton, Kan."
It i charged that he traveled about
Cue country, elating that he repre
sented the "Mlaaoiirl Valley Medical
Institute," stating that thl wa
crtabllnbed in Omaha and employed
a large Uff of alUllcd phylclana and
eonld and would cure, practical! all
The Indictment rtiarai-a litm with im
;i)rlng a lara number nf fierami, who
ere or rntht npix llietrieva in b
uf fednff from nm ailment, le levm
nutlent n1 filar Iheniaotvea tinder Ih
iar fit the "Mlaaiirl Valley MMIral Jn
etltut,M and that he enniired tnnney or
(irope.rty for th treatment protnined.
Part of the aliened hem to defraud,
y tha Indictment, wa that ha would
renreaent to peraona without reaard to
their atata of health, and particularly
to thnaa whoa report ahowed them to
he In a normal tt of health and not
In need of any medical treatment what
rvr-4hat they wera iifferinr from aoma
dana-armi llitee, and that ha aessurad
money or property for tha treatment to
l given.
AO nurh Inalllatlon,
Thar la no aucb lnatltution a the
"Mlaaoiirl Valley M1l;al lnatltut" in
Omaba, aaya tha Indictment,
Jtoy A. I-araon i chanted with mailing
andy containing arwenlc to HUiel Nlch
lon, K4 Oak, la... and to Agne Ny
l.otit, Oflkliivl, Neb.
OouaUa fJrlMly Bear, lfenr. Prteet,
Tom Har, Julia t. Fyr, KellX Whit,
ruea rstackdt-ar, Jam Prieat and Louie
I'ranch are charged with IntroInning
liquor on tha Winnebago Indian read-ration.
George W. Milliard 1 ehTKd with tail
ing g letter addreaead to J. I Milliard
frem th Oolumhu poatofflca with intent
to obstruct delivery ut th malla.
Little Bobbie's Pa
When Ta calm home )at nit h had a
hlg plrtcr with him, he ahowed it to Ma
i he inlnnlt that ha calm in th hotiaa. t
wi Pa wii anxiou to ahow Ma some
thin be an ha calm ho.m Inlt
Thla wunderful painting, aed Pa, I
bought for a mr aoiiK. it in railed Th
'hoire of Part. 1'arl ia th nalm of a
oi. iik genl, aed Ta, that uaed to liv In
I dident know anybody by that helm
hen I Jived in Troy, aed Ma.
That la a different Troy, aed Pa. You
. lived in Troy, New York, M later Jri
lived In a other Troy. That wa a Ions
tnie a so, aed Pa. How, do you tike th
It la vary beautiful, aed Ma, but w
have no place to Imriic It. Th next
lime ynu cum Imam lalt, aed Ma, you
mite brine umthlng like a new bat for
me, or aum fruit or umthlnr, Von have
been brlnalng hoam H'teri for nearly
twenty yeara, el Ma.
I newer Ihouaht of that, ed Pa.
Yn, aod Ma, plater, ptctera, plotar.
They eem Ilk mlleatone on our long
married Jiimay, ad Ma. tfumtlmea 1
Ifiok at them ptctera think of all the
nlic you calm hoam lull. Them plcter
haunta mo like ahoata, el Ma. I call
them my Tardy Plctere.
.lent then Mlaaua KlucfNce i mm In to
call on Ma. How are you thla evening,
my deer, th aed to Ma.
Uplendld, red Ma, how do you like thla
picter my 'leer huabnd hrniiht. hoam
it me?
I ee, a pea- offering, tad Miami
Klueface. My fmnr ilcer hnahand had
Hie Mill i trick liefoar he nd. Orlnk
klllcil hlni, lm aeil. IIh.wh one of N.
I lire a nohlemeo, lik a lt of Naliire'a
nohlernen hit hal a imhla thliat Yea In
.le, d, aed Mlua IHiicfHi e, he hrouKlit rue
lioain pruhahty a tlmiiiwinl pl. tnia In hki
hort life, te ay nmblog of the cut
rloia .1 candy
Pttaeeii hartamlera A the fine thinla
i f life he a the et man ynu i-vv-,
Pmir tlenrae, I aimttm liiink that
in prvrvua In raniaahun he wa
. iinrl, ali M.
I merly purchaet ttita pl.-tet ,eel,.i
ita hiiiy. att l"a, I liait nn ttiinmht nf
iiri myelf. I newel to
Hut, I' 1.
I , ed illii liire Veil mr nn
f (ham t avmo ttal il,tta mul.t Ik
yiilh4 frtiiit tli erll-, nih r
lit thutl h iiliiclnal, li'il wMel m r r
t ., 1 'a mi Ulc ttit h m
1 4i)ilt ils'id M oiie1eni, pfce M)iti
: iit.oli ((. 'l Miat .if.u.
u l,n iiii.i.r tiling l wai half
I ... l. i. tl I . l " '
, tmni iii' u & -i
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Just One Question.
That reminds us, Mr. Howell, that
you are ag-ain running for repub
lican national committeeman, but
hafe not yet publicly stated what
you will do if elected.
When you asked for the votes of
republicans for this same place on
the eve of the last presidential
campaign, you made this declara
tion over your own signature:
"While I am a (rreat admirer
of Senator La Follette, I am a
warm supporter of Colonel
Roosevelt. However, I am first
a republican and whoever is
nominated will receive my hearty
support if I am chosen national
In spite of this solemn pledge of
yours, Mr, Howell, you insisted on
staying on the committee while
fighting the party's standard bear
ers whom you were in honor bound
to support; you contributed money
to the campaign fund of another
hostile party; you in open court
sought to prevent republicans from
having even a chance to vote in
Nebraska for their presidential
Forgetting the past except as a
guide to the future, where do you
stand today, Mr. Howell f And what
will you do in the next campaign
if again commissioned as general
manager of the republican party
campaign in Nebraska?
Republicans whose votes you are
soliciting have a right to know,
Wbll on carload or Ko. hard wheat
aold at 11. 14 pel buahel, generally th
Omaha market, wa iinchasined to 2 cent
lower than Thuraday, The bulk f tha
aalea were made around 91.04 and 11,11
per ttuahet. Kacelpta for th day wr
lllty-alx carload.
Com wa unchanged to ' cent higher,
acllln at 12 and HiVk cent per buehel,
The receipt were txty two carload,
Thar wre ten car of oat on th
market and price were cent off to '4
cent higher thun Thuradny. Mule wr
at 41 and 42 cent per buhl.
Th body of Andrew r1nn, itlnerent,
ard W y en, waa found in a aha'k at
Heventh ai1 ltvnwortii afreeta thli
morning. The man had ended hi llf
with a bullet from email caliber re
volver, Hat bad gnawed a eonaldor
abta portion of tha feature of th ded
"ttrewlag With Orowlsg Oataka."
: f f
ST' '' ' if
-' r ' " , A I' , '
i -
ri J
' V ' i i v
in ii -t n C;"" -""" '' i ft.
nl thn price In tho big alute
and then coin para tny price
and you will wonder why you
did not WY VOI R PI'HINU
Rl IT linitB.
The Reason
I can underbill lha mher fel
low I braua I atii nut nf lh
high rent dmtrlct a mt run
aava ynu from 16 to 110 nn a
ault. t'oma in, look around,
and you IU wonder bow a lit
tle at rue )k tnltie in tarry
nch a wonderful line nf mer.
rtiandla ftont the larger hnuac
In the t and style thni ran
he rnmpare nhly with the beat
in) finent bue In ttinh,
MV III 1'IT fUn I plum nd
Iniple, ) pl k nut what t
want and it ni a Inn e ti
arek ahll" yt are aurklng
t aiilea Hun r It" t Mo,
i .mo from M H t I!!
iirm f ritn M I J j
Mm i'ulU front 11' In :V
I ,t 1 i .I mtn ' hi). Men d.ilh
:. . h l t'li'Ki '! t ii ,
ruaia a (i t,, in null (( u . ti
hiuI aninen
$1.00 Per Week
lfcr mil I ' i inir. ijafci ,t , , I Mi
Vkl. 4 I u -4 l- tl na la J
ii a iiawi .,. t o
S'lttlltell I lnllf rii'lhirj f.
Leading Republicans of State Flock
to Metropolis to Catch the
John I Kennedy, Hcnator Shunt
wuy, Vac Hurwh, Hob pruoedow
and a few other republican were
hcldlng a Bldewalk levee In front of
of th city ball, hn John Paul
Hreen happened along. Mr. Hieen
was on hi way to get aome Informa
tion at the city bull, but be could
not relnt tho temptation to tarry a
few minute and browao in the green
paaturoM of politic.
"I want to toll you Juat one thing,"
began John I'nul, "I don't cn how
any republic n ciui oo be I making
u mlatake hy votlpg for llughn, I'll
lut It another way and nay. repub
Henri will miike no mlHtake when
lbiy vota for Hughe, Mr, Hugbe
rprnenta tho safe and ane iniddl
giound of all ihnt I dear to the
heart of a republican. '
TalklHK alioul ilugliea, he Jual aeem
to he In th" poiithiii ntmoaphi-rc, W. '1
Hhrlver cm alnng afier Mr. Hreen left
and he, too, mentioned thn nam of
Hughe. II did It voluntarily, 1'iat a
thought unhidden. "We r going to
noinlnala Hughe (n thla atate," reinrkei
Mr. Hhrlver, Juat to rpn; hi mind,
l'rofeeaor 0. A, Thomua, atate mtierln
tendent ef Inetruotlon, and V, M, f'urrla
have arrived anil called at th head
0 uar (era of ftnfor Mhurnway, Mr. '.'ur
ri I from lirewater and I oandulaU for
delega'n-el"lr to th republican na
tion id convention,
An juallfled votr In Knbraka com
pelled to be away from horn on primary
day may vote by mall by appearing at
th election poll anywhere In lha lt
and making un affidavit of o,uillflca
tlon. Thn ballot mut he handed to th
Judgeg of election, who will eticlim It
In an envelop and aend it by mall to th
voter' own voting place, Th vote muat
le cam upon tho hnllot furulabod at
th (Mill, and the voter munt writ In
the nmr. of ail local candidate for
whom he dclre to vote. Where regie
IraUon la required, th voter muat ae
cur a eertlflcat ef reglatraflon from
th official In charge in th city In which I
h It vwn, and preernt It with the af
fldavlt hefure lie Vole?,
Victor Hevmour, cmnpalau manager f"r
John U Kennedy, hna ilmwd up hi mall
lug Cfliiiimlgn. "We rent out load of
mall mutter and feel have covered
the field thoroughly. W alun feel that
vh tiry la oura. In Mr. Kennedy w
hate a candldaie ho In aa dean aa a
hound a tooth," at a ted Mr. heymour,
Mr. Kennedy will makct a trlt Into
W aelilnglim ciiiintv before the week In
!A re,iilillin iiici i In,; lll he held ihl
veiling In Hlch'i hull, Twenty.fourth
irert. between N n t etrecta, Houtii
Clde. I'. ). Martin Vlll prenlilc. AriHilig
the upeglieia will hr J'diu I., Kennedy,
it. M, I'akrr, N. il. Loninia and Ii. i'.
H in li y.
Load of Fish to Bo
Planted in Carter
Lake by the State
Here' aotn Joyful net for angler
who puraue Ihe flunv till"' at t'Mrlif
W, 3. O'lti lcn of tho e'tnle 1'ieh one
nilidoii will arrne In ilui nl I't o clock
car with plant of temy rmin fih
thl morning with the elate flah
fur I nrtcr hike, Tine h'l will coimlni
of crappl", perch, (due gill, aunflah, yel
low tmllhaada and i Imnnel cut flah. All
of the flah tar til In one mid Iwo-vettr old
Mr 'rllilcii v.111 l.e intt at the itepnt
hy the I'artcr hike i onioill leu, conalllug
of Albert Pdhotin, Al llluom, Han
I'hurchlll. (', .lolinami and t'hiia ulami
Thl coniiiilil.i' will tultn Ihe foil to tin
lak lor the pl.inlliig
O'Hrleti Hlti bring lod nr baa to
I 'oriel Ink little later.
Muse Theater at
24th and Farnam is
to Open Up Today
The nw Mux theater at Twenty fourtu
lid l'riini will open for It Ural per
femiance Kmturday aftarnoon t I o'clock
preeenllng Mellg Ian act maatcrpleee,
"Th Na'erDo Vtall," with Kathlyn Will
lama and th am al that inade "The
Kpollar'' neh a reinnrkahle production.
Th new tinnier I beautiful struc
ture, both Inirtde and out. It la fitted
with liver nine hundred ctialiloned opera
itiiitr on th main floor and balcony. In
building thla theater the owner hay In
corporated every feature conaldered valu
able In the modern phoiopluy houee, wli'i
Prtlnulnr attention alven to aeetlng i.
tatigeiiienf, lighting iid veiitlhitioo.
Tho opeiiltig play wn fllnmd In Tan
am, th cen of lte Iteach' novel hy
th nme nam and I proclaimed a
Puts You in the
Class on Easter Morn.
Union Outfitting Company
Clothes are MADE Right FIT Right
and are Sold at VERY LOW Prices.
in I'll ran-, in
iSalunky wt ol'IVr another lot of
LatlieN' SpririK Suitu on alo, in
Shf-phcnl fhef-ka,
and HfTRP,
Lmlit's' Spring I)rfso, in hi lk,
fombiiiHiion, horo, in the newpst
stvlo, frotn
$7.50 to $27.50
lidilit's' Spring (Vtats, in all
MylfH anil ffilnrH, from
$6.75 to $25.00
A hcaiilifiil lino to look at.
I, at I it-f' Kkirl"', in tnffotn, pop
I in, mtk's t'ht'fka. Ma'li in the
niftv htvlfh; frtnn
$4.50 to $14.75
" Special for Saturday-l.n.lirV
Lw-' lu'ttlltlflll nials, fta ff
g r.h $1.00
Uuy jour l)nlt r lint imn , .lnt
l "! t- ii hint In!, Salt' prii't'
T $1.95 to $12.50
x I'll t . nt
; S12.50, 515, SI8, $22.50
' jl Miappv ptiHtMi , fit'tit
Wii I $3.50 to $7.50
LVl i No Ch.irtf for Altrratloni
Opfn BtturiUv Niaht Till Nine
All Clooili M.ukf.1 In Plain
Sititi !nf ittf
- r
union a
' ' Trptii ' Utotf " Oi'puattc Jlott l Romp,
V U yii
wonderful plctnrliatton of that Wiry.
I'our peiformnnCM will be given every
afternoon and evening at t, J, T and
o clock
For nmatc the management will offer
olneon' Symphony oreheetr and th
only photopla,ver In Omaha. Th photo
player la a new Instrument deelgned for
mo lion picture ahow and la a remarkable
The deeoratlon are worthy or apeclal
mention and in to worn or ftoPert Nnl
nn I'lace of IVeW Tork, no with Iteaton
Laler. Th vntranc 1 reproduction
of four pneta entttled "Tho Nymph ano
th Kun." Th foyer la a tpetry
panel repaidiced from a fauaou picta
now hartgiKf In th Ismvr In Pari tn,r
Uohtdln loniiia. The auilltoi lion I laid
Out In modem panel effect of feetoona
end floral run of mulberry tiohelln blue
ami rVench gray and black.
ftead Hee Want Ada for preflt.
thorn for reault.
rstore Houn: 8 :30 A. M, to 8 P. M. Saturday Till 0 P. M.'
urgess-Nash Gompamy.
ERYBOtyri TOnst:
Saturday in the Big
Saturday Will Be Children's Day in
Our Big Basement Millinery Section
AND a apnciul liovvin of new millinery creation for the little folk lies hern provided.
Dainty littln conception in Milan and hemp braid", alo band-tnada hata of lace, horse
hair and aattn braid. All prettily trimmed with
flower, htco and ribbon.
Price Range, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 to $2.60
Balloons Free
To vry llttl boy or girl undar 10 yr of agt who
vlilta our bamnt millinery taotlon Saturday accm
pnld by an adult vv will glv fro a largo toy balloon,
Women's New Trimmed Hats,
$2.00, $2.75, $3.75 and $4.75
Almnt every liunglnablo ahapn and color, largo aallom,
fialnaliorouab ah pea, Watteau and pok hape in tullan,
tienipa, llere and traniparvnt noraehair braid, Irlmmltici
ar atnart ribbon bowi, wlni, quilli and Krencb flower.
$1.98 Untrimmed Shapes, $1.00
Hood quality bnmp, largo and amull hape, black and
color; 1. It! valtina, ILOO.
Flowers, 15c to 35c (fl
An nonatial aaaortment of flower, fnilfi and follogo for'
trimming at 1o, 2So and I9e,
Trimming Service Free
flnrvaaa-Maall ITe Baeement
Women'g New Silk Petti
coats, $4.00 Values, at
UNUHUAL valuca
are thcuc new ailk
petticoat In rich lLdi
to hnrmnntze wilo lb new
aprlng ault. Made ot
cnllent quality taffuta wlih
deep corded flotinre.
Fifteen new ahadea, alao
tho much wanted channn
able effect.
They am eiceplionally
good value! at $4.00, but
for Saturday only, choir
for 12.19.
Wnry -li f'. Baeeieit.
Wirthmor Waists at $1.00
IlllKTTY, alfracilfo and practlral aro tbo model
In "Wlrtlitnor" walat Hint aro on al
flalurdny. Juat a llmlied quantity, and whnn tbe
are gono no mora of th aatn aiyle can aa
he obtained. You will never know how p I UU
good a walt. 11.00 will buy until yon I ES
nave worn a "winamor , , ,
"Wirthmor Walati'' ara aold hera exclusively.
Alwayi $1,00 At alwayi worth more. ( e-llaeement.
Children's Cotton Hose, 1 0c
FINK ribbed black cotton ho, full leumle, ex
treme value, Haturday, at I0o pair.
Boy a' Cotton Hone at 15c
Ribbed black cotton, In medium weight, full
eamlna. alz to 10; very apeclal for Saturday, at
I pair, 26c, or atngle pair, ISc t'e-ltMamenl.
Great Clearaway of SHOES
Women's High or Low Shoes,
to $4.00, at 59c
Another lot of wonderful valucawomen'a oi
ford, punapa and high hoeg r"
patent, (rnnmetal, tn and white. iMf
Formerly $3 and $3.50. Haturday. .. ,tl
Women's Oxfords and Pumps,
Were to $3.50, at 25c
Several hundred pairs of women'i oiforrU and
pump, including a wide range fl
of leather, aizen 2U, 3 and 3Vi iP
only. Were, to $3.60. Haturday V
Women's High or Low Shoes to $4.00, at 05o.
Women'i Hig-h Shoeg That Were $4.00 to $5.00, at $1.89
Women'i New Pumps, $3.00 to $5,00 Kind, at $2.29
Women'i Pumps and High Shoes, $5.00 Kind, $2.59.
Women's High Shoes, usual $5.00 grades, at $2.05.
Women'i Pumps that are usual $4.00 to $5.00, at $2.89,
Men's Oxfords that were $3.60 to $4.00, at $2.29.
Men's Work Shoes, the $3.00 kind, for $2.45.
Girls' 2-itrap Pumps, three groups, $1.59, '1.C9 and $1.79.
Children's, Misses and Oirls Pumps, $1.60, $1.75 and $1.90.
Children's and Misses' Pumps and High Shoes to $2.80, 79c.
Infants' one or two-strap Slippers, $1.00 kind, at 64c.
Boys' blaok or tan Oxfords at $1.29 and $1.89.
Barefoot Sandals, for boys and girls, $1.69 and $1.59.
Rarfeee-Maali : !lmnl.
1 "
WomeiVs House Dresses, Usually
$1.00 and $1.50, Saturday at
ATI'UDAY an otit of tbe or
ilinary collect inn of limine
ilrcHNi-K will he placed on nle
in the naaement at a tleculctl re
tlin tion in price.
Dreaaca that are reliably mail
of will kiuiittt material, with ev
ceitifuiH rare (fiven to the nit
tiniC, fittunf, fmiahiiitf atit every
detail, an thni they ri mail "jua't
i "
t'liilef Ihe (ii em ii I aUni' i, Itniket
ennlltiii tu el them their ree.i
lr ri'e f II mi ain f,i w ittl he
n itemlv In ure. but hli(.t4y
t the fil. m ,,f v Ihr, rie(l
IKHial lie
tt.nM Mh tm DW(I
Gold Medal
Jumbo Size
32c fPii
Olt SaturiUy we have e-
cured a lug khipment of
tjohl Medal Jumbo Hire Navel
Onini;)-, kueet and liucjom
fruit, whieh we will pUre nn
le in the U.iii'ment. at
A tin"!! The price for Fattir
(lnv t ay Mow that akei
arniiinl Iohii for irtigr nf
tnui h smaller ie AM ,. HwhihI
A i I, hat!e. f,.f
LocalGrownShrubbery, 10c
la.V?... )Xr '.t j. a ,.i
ti.i ill ii a
li.) It,'
killf4l Hwi.
Hiel I'le O'll k Ane f
turn fti ike t nt..
H t n II iM'tan n
iinl lr t !!
M. i, i ! k a H ik
t an n
11 1,1.1 W r h
ll I
4 ltl MV
fruit Troj, I0o fch
all 1n nM aaclr Mrerr T
tit 1 )' til t wt I in k Jul 4 N'ekak
rlr't In!.! I' .t t
t,, VllUtWC I VI Ctta 1 r
I Choice 5c
( nnimt4 lira,.. V1M
k'aii Ur4 V. lalr
I itfrtitl ha'i.
tturvMa Naah f. rv bwul
$19.50 Refrigerator, $15
It, - .
UhT i; i :
-"1 1 1 t
I,' S Un.t, i I !., ile
!' (tire il.m . intitai 11' b ir-l
illeit Ml f'Ml.k. iilM lit. at. l"NkV-4 ii'.i.. I'ltiniiiif. 51', tni-hfn
hie. It ln, k4 4 t, II liu liii ( N
I,', ftp.. ii H p.iin4 H-uif
DIM i. at t'
1 1W kfitratori, IUS5
te if fr':rr. i I. r,in
IJ . rk.mi.vr kr .l.ii.i. I .i!.u fl
e.k f'ti'.'l. tit. li'i in, liv. ),! m, Dv
., t tt k. kl m e r. 1 fc
N.i'v l-i ..ivtl l3i .:. I i
uw.l)fr 0rdn Uh
t'f1! Iei lair, ruiiiKtui tk .,
rimii. t r.mpiiti i't Ilia
I n.i l.-.'H f t, i4riiev, uik tSHipUii
i lui'l leh.i'i. t w . (tiar.niewl 'lk (,'111,1 t 14
Vl.i)4i f.Iii kii k.4 M I 1 r
' ini'k. per f n'l , 10.
ltk. ef I nil .
lurk fut..i,., ir f,,ii. If.
IU4i4 . ie;a WM ! f.vt tin. ie-iAk It.
' kk l !,
l wm-laHli ami Harney -