Tin; nr:r.: omaiia. sati'iii a v, apkii, u inn; rjRL.iY FOR THE A , I iV lbs. kl f J': , mi )0UO!.AS STREETS iccia!;; Saturday in 1 Secfon Gold Fil ed Mesh Bags and Van. 'I IW valine $1.50 -KUKM-iilui-H Jp.OO lioii chains, Mt 25 $ 50c Jewel Boxes, at 25t? iH 8p0jfjnfi, uaniiitci'il for ypuic Ash Trays and Smoking Sets, mdlU'M''larly at .V: mid 7.V; TJioi('' Saturday 25 Sheffield Fruit Bowls, regular 6.W vflluwij Kiwcittl, $.J.OO lo 50 Satisfying Clothes for Men of All Ages for All Occasions Father and Son Alike Find Supreme Satisfaction In Haydcn Clothes I 1 1 . A $1 Savings Bank Just one week more before Easter Sunday, and we would be pleased to see li alt .i L ' & I vou in our J oy,s' I'cpi. tomorrow. ,pe I fcial pains have been taken to give special values in the Hoys' Wear. Bovs' Norfolk Suits in hundreds of c,e mixtures. All the spring neat Norfolk styles; also Serges. Prices $3.95 to $10.00 We feature one line very jlO.IJ 111 1UII I1I1IVI l ll I' ivri 0mm V1 1MMB EIATS S 1 9 tractive Low Price j3 e-the from. Hats as distinctive in style aa those shown tht ir newtfat mui most desirable trimmings; shapes are fine Milan not a hat in the lot worth less than $7.50. $4,00 Trimmed Hats at ! lliuulmudi hata, rttin hat, Mucked ahftpra; ,'UMopi, V frvm, nil bciiutilully Children's Hats Spedl Turchase, '.' d.u dnidd intu tv t 99c and $1.49 lb iup! Rtid MiliMi .h)H , aUt hnndiitftdt brntd h.it. Tu i"u li;il4; nil prvlhty titn in.-d ith rillim, fluwr nud mv t'tV I'l !i.tlllrtl WittHl l !.'' COMVJWIENCE -Sale on EASTER RIBBONS '.tic Itililicitio hi Stir--Very ul.le atitln taffeta ribbon, very wide taffeta ribbon, fHiicy plaids mid atrlpi.t; wide moire ribbons, udc valum, at, per yard 21V I. (M' heavy, wide, bluett ribbon, t, per yard ',lUt V.e fiilllo inolre rlbhunfi, hi, per y n id fJ) II. Oii llyiirlcic ribbons, nl. per jrd UoC SPRING STETSONS ARE HERE Kirft -(.JonifiH the hatif-faction hacked hy llaytlen UroH,' guarantee. Second Mrnnder ahortmeiit coloririRs, for hoth young ami old would he hard to find any phic in the land. Third You'll find hero onlv clean, fresh, new merchandise; no liaw-hecnn allowed to accumulate here. A Complete Showing of Spring Lines ol Hart, Schaffner & liarx Cloth ft , including wonderfully wide range, of the umart "Va riety Fifty -Five" Suits for young men and more dignified, yet none the lews ntylinh models for the older men-let 'h hIiow you $20, $25, $30, Is $15 What You Want to Pay for a Suit? Thin iH the place to buy it. t'oriHervative modelw, also the helted hack and the quarter lined mitu for the young fellow may he found in thin lot, in neat, up-to-the-minute patterns also plain blue fcergcu. Suits for any rizo. and chape 1111 S Given Free With Each Boy's Suit Saturday. See 16th Street Windows If you only wish a pair of odd trous ers, either for work or dreRs, you will find hundreds of pairs here to chooso from in neat strijed effects; also plain Hliic Serges. A size for any chape and every pair guaranteed. I'riceH $1.95 to $7.50 A very strong showing at $3.95 Boys' Top Coats or Ileefers, in a large assortment of patterns. Mannish little coats, silk and velvet collar styles shades in plum I5lue strung.JVo $2.95 tO .-! . . tJU .Mwm trimmcil. , , . , , 8149 OF EASTER SHOPPERS A Rival array of (lie wason s ju'wect nii"l colorH, The "Pacemaker," "U('Ntilt,""Slrallioc,""riaviri1oii,"ctc., in llio Intent hluiflcs of pearl, ntone, Mnok, marine, Kreen ami tan. Your rlmiee, $ ur Spffhil Hat is a wowler. Unlo tlie iniiiiite htylen ami color. lHi'Kect a. Mirtiwnt in the city from which to M-lect your KpriiiK hat. It will he well worth your while to look thcue over. A hpceial purchase of MeiiV ami Hoys' CapH, in the new jockey ami tfolf hhapea; nil eolorn; worth 50c ami l"n' on wile Sat unlay, at .') in knowing whatever you select i, for selection in hIvIok. natteniM ainl $35 and $40 $6.50 What About Your Easter Shoes? hVturday e placo on sale Suo pulra women While Nubuok lare and button Khoe. regular 13. no value, ull iUi-a $1.00 Tl) "Ilayden Hpwclal" for women, kid or patent leather, new, nifty atyle. worth at leat a dollar more, at pair S3.R0 Women Kid ltlucher or Mutton, medium heel, A hn that will irtva Htttlafartlon , 81. OH Men' Plioe In lt and MrKa, button or him-her. Kvery pair worth a 11.00 more. a..iO, 3.ft0 ! t.UH Shoe f,.r the growing girl that fit and wear, N.uur hhape, JH3,r0, a.75 "' i.5 HhfH- for lh big or llttl I1") who n hnN thut piwltlvety l atlfartl..n . "d ,50 i'hlld ard Inftnt'a Turn Suln Sliom (n ulira ; in ,', und t.i , ttt, r t'-'if and ii'tf Drugs and Toilet Goods For Saturday IK'lt I a l-i t It,. Hai lifis.i,., . t.W in t-u. i . U a. '(.-, i V,--. . '' ,. i, Ml Miia , , It Tl Una It. in. , ii.(u , . , . i t ..'!. ill , l .... a rti , I i ,,. ) I !. t t ( i i . . c- .i ; II..KU I ...,!, . W . , 4 ' ' , ' ' M..ui . t ., ! II -H t . . I i 9l m Ih.i.i Ui f-'i t4 U" ' ' . ... -...r (.-,.,. ,. il r. 'it..,.. . ! lata ' i.t . 1 ,.. i .,.,, , tm Nt I'laf kla r!ao I I I1..MU tl .i,'...i I IH t kltfti l'l ' - ' ' '' ' IKM Jr lfat t m I li .!.'. . ! it '..i ..... 1'.,... a l"" " I ' t t. :'.. (..,, ., tV. Tv I".- T.-..I. 1 . . ,,,,, M . aa el " ). j ki. I it . ir i-ii "!' ia ": ( ; i i . .. t)M III t lUl, lii I I I i t . 4, , 4 Smart Styles in Spring Furnishings At Surprising Bargain Prices Saturday Dependable Quality Always an Assured Fact In Buying Here HimtTM, tii;h am ciivi-m. Men II.no White plaited HhlrtM. at l than rot. We offer you a rare bargain In thin lot, Hundred of donen of the high grede "Urlffon" make of thlrte, la narrow and medium plait, cuff al tiiilicd, negligee ntyl; all ! to 19. Hunter Imperial aiOt" Men' $5,011 Bilk Shirt, it a low price, fine (UKlliy or antln etrlped tub allk. noft French turn bark cuffa; all aire, at, end) Men' IKealer Nm'kwfar, large open end pure allk f ! ; new and nobby pattern; big nap for little money; Kaater Rpo- ciiii 50 rim- WbhIi Tin In liber HllKn, 4 In-hand Htylen; big variety to rhonan from, Kiiater Fpoclal 25 Men' II .! and 12.00 Heal Kid (Novo, the Olobrated I'errln' make, none, bel li r thnn "I'rtrln'a" tan nbadea; enibrold i.ied bnrka; nil alxea; Kaater Hpeclul, per pclr Sl.lfi Mr-n'i Fiber Hllk Bfli'ki, In blink, wbH and color. Kaatur Hpnclal, palr.-.ST Kxtra long Hupendera 4" lioHioit or I'arl Pad Oartera rprit(kt Bart ScUHan k Um Boys' full lined, full peg Blue Sergo Knickers; cut good and full and a Fuujiidid quality of serge and fancy mix tures $1.00 to $1.50 A complete line of Boys' Blouses wining in different styles and made of fabrics that the colors are all guaranteed. 50c to $1.50 (Msoofi'l Kl'xir.) Hoys' Kton and .Junior Norfolk Suits; neat gray and brown mixtures; also plain Blue Serges; sizes L' 1 ' to H venrs $2.50 to $6.50 in Hoft white Collar, vrry latet Htylfn, nil Nl7.cn for boy and tiun, Men'a Hunnner I'lidnr wenr, fllia rjimllty, ecruii ItnliniKKii, In union aulla or two piiMo gur tnent, each 'ln Ladies' New Neckwear A hljt aperlal purrhiitH of KaMi r Ner-kweur will b! pliiieil on mil.) Halurday, The latent mivrltlea of thn eaon, 50c Easter Neckwear at 25c Kmbroldered Or(tndl Veatce. Krlllod KdK fapa Collar, rn Kdito Hallor Collar. Pleated Net Fl'huea. Kmbroldcred Ornandla Hallor Collar. Herntltc.hed follar and cuff Hula. And a beautiful linn of fin. m.t nd nriandl. ruffllna; all on nl Hatiirday, at 2Tn $1.00 Easter Neckwear at 50c Embroidered Nat Flchue. trimmed Org.indle Cellar. Iax. Vetoe. Embroidered Cap. Collar. GftorgettA rollara with frill, Kin. Not Collar and Cuff B. l. Kin. Hllk Hallor Collar. All on aalo Haturdy, uar.h, Ot A bl lot of fanry llurhlna and I'leatlna on al at, yard. . Easter Veilings A rnot complete line of novelty mado veil and dainty bordered yard gooda; on alu Haturda), 50c Veilings, Yard 25c Tuxedo Meh Velllnx. Chonoll. Dot Veiling. Lace Dordered Veiling. And Plain Meih Veiling. Ileirular 50o VICTLINUK, )d., iUfe Th New Tea Veil, In plain and fancy mwh, eaxh, 50tf nl 75? Mo VKIMXGS, VAIU, AT I Or. A bit; line of plain and fanry Mean Velllnta, In all color; on xalo Baturday, at yard, only. . , .10 Easter Hand Bags The flneat line of high isrado Hand Dan In the city. On P pur I til ul Saturday 92.00 HAM HAtiH at All Leather Hag, leather lined, with pur ma All Leather Hug, llk lined, with purin and mirror All Leather Ha., aiik lined, with I n a I d n piMiketa All lwither I'at. Irea den poplin lining, Innldn pirkta All leather, leather lined Vanity l'uraua , 08r. All at 90 Each ) 25 Hand Bag at... 13.50 Hand at... f.VOO Hand lint at.. . 1150 Hand Itiua at. . . M.7I Hand Hat at, . . xi.r.o ji.tio ui.a ta - ?w.., Udlea' raney Helta, eai h. Easter Handkerchiefs h't llwUI at mt lU.Mlkff .-Met Katunlajr r tUndk.rrhlef at JJ te Htt tef. hif at . . , . , . i, I lUudkenhl.f at. ...... .figa U lla)ai. bjf at,. .,.7 5lM ktl l.tu fl Hall U" M. fa (a S ' intiii.!.tii I It ., ti 1 1. it at -' e an, I . ( ..rr t 1 1 u U I ti It t u: im line lit I ett.fH H-e. l, I a!i lint U' I. til 1 . . . I. New Books TUB WI,IK,V WOMAN. Hy KMirwell I'lilluni. 1'tilk. lien. W. Jamha . I'o, A romani-a of lh Mnnuna hill, In which woman of tron aFfeetlnn, a nmn of riiit rtclertnlnatlnn, iid nn atiutmphere of th unuual r tha thief fllOI TIIH IiIAVUNTi KIIUM TIIK SKV 'H Hnv I. Mi I'urilcll. Sew York. O. W. I'llliiifham Coni.iiK. ll.'V.. Ttir nloi v I on of atnrMlig Intereat and la fold with iiiln( nnl lrHi- lia mpldllv. A rommttld novnl con- t.iinln iiiImii lllualmlliitia A UIIll.'M 1,1 rK! IN OKIIMANTOWN Hy KlKiOioih W. Coffin lloaloii Ulirr iiuiri, Kienrh i'o. II no A llvnly lrlliiMit It iIkvH H Quaker netllni. Th Krienrt fullfil to provht iixUnai rolling (town bill In barral or evading n nnwrlitom lodilni" l.y the Imiio tnellioil of rllliihlng out a third itory window and minimi down via Ilia tiilnda! In Oil r'ord of tiiiimt uau prank nd (luring e-p.l, ,I"H)' loml tlinua and inrrowa llmt liiriid aa Ihay ran hut onra, youth .all tn yotal 1) TIIK lllcrTK.il MAN Hy lloherl V i'iainler. Nnw York. I Aiilplnn A i 'o. i m. In tlil villoma, Mr liaintiT pranta fifteen talaa of the A'llroiida'k wiimlt ami Ih fornala of Klorlda. Tlir I dulnty lova rmnniira runnlii IIiiuukIi M' li, but alway the rlilef ld' la that "lli Ixttlnr man" with jnatl behind lilin will win nut, wlmOi.r li baip.n to have power or lha law wnii him, or not. I'NKAHV MONEY. Uy I'altiam Orn villa Woilalionaa, New Vork, It. Ai.i.Ju. Ion I o. A book full of ihurkla. A h'mior oua i-l. for a fort una, rfnilllng In n lintrjiy aruila In avoid II, A atory that l i.lrvi-r and rlan and brimful of ganu In wit and hiiinor from Ilia vary flrat png. AliAM'KI riAllTiKN. Hy Nina Wlli-n rit iimii riilladnlitila j, It, Uppiivott i iim pn ny, ll JJi, lima I ait iliaolutaly freah ilory ulioiii Kr Murk i lly. ilnd and houb li-i a It atainla aliov tha nthar A marl. .1111 novel you have tin reading- oninrehKiialva lov and undaralaiullng of all fyiiea and nondltlon of th human family, faiitaatte nharaotarliallon, real hiunaii pathoa, xmrj, humor and a thor oiikIi Inilmnry with th airana and ba wlii tilnar undrrcurrant of lha graat dty, abera lha plot I laid, are attrtbuta that mark "Adam' Oardan" a a rnfraahlng yarn to b read by both man and woman, Wy.n OF WF.EU Hy Cycia T'wnaid liiady. rieinlii ff, Itvll I'oititiajiy, Nw Vork, u illi Ava t Tbla I a big gripping dory. It tall of the ruin of a dreilaa and th nwu nf a dam, Ji plrturea 'ene In which only the atronc find plae and the weak Una baa no ahara. It drm-rlb hap panlnga In which brave man how w lha color nf Ihalr lunula and win out over a boat of advera clreumitanraa to honor nd hlavament. THK I'llANTuM JIKTUI, llr B. M. Iiowar, lloalon, I.lltla, llrown A Co. It :. Th happy family bacoma "miyrla" ao tor. Jfow they fnimhf. through tha hard w-iiaon, how their dlfflciiltlri and falliira broiiaht nut Nil lha human nature In "the company," and how luck dn4 will carried Ihem thrnuah nlr)t apparently overwhelming odda, makt a thrilling atory. HHIirilJ) TlfK W'OMAV! fly T Fvarelt Hun. I'hlladelthl. J. II. Llptllinntt Comiiuny, f 1 . 1'. . No rotiianca of anll'iulty ha avar been written In Ih Knullali languag (iirpaaa- Ing "Jtehold tlm Woman!" In Hi Vlvld nea and renllly of lla praaanlallon of an epoi'h barliailc In t liicirlou mgnlfl c anr-n, till book baur a mm-xnan lo every mm and woman living In tha world to day. It la a novel of powerful rellgtuii and spiritual algtilfloArit. Mft. ANH MIlA. I'lKtH K, H Camaron MarkeriTl. Nw Voik. luidit, M.i A To. l.iUt. Mr, linn, young, attractive, ardent, Syrup of Figs for Cross, Sick, Feverish Child Look, Mother I Is tongne coat ed, breath hot and stomach sour? Harmless "fruit laxative" best to clean tender liver and bowels. Moihera ran real iHy ftr tilvina "ial Ifornla ftyrup nf Kim"," liecaiiaa In a few hour all the clniiK"d-iip waain, aour lilla and (ermantlii f'"l aciillv iunv nut of tha hownla, and you hitve a v. ell, pliiy fiil child bh1ii. t'lilldieu almply v. Ill imt lake tha time from play In emly Ihi-lr tiowela, and the I.khiho tUhlly in. kiit, Iivit grim aliinalali and aioumi-li ilU.ir dered, lie is cri.aa, r.vi.rtHi, rvatUaM, ai.a tf tiuiaua la roatad, llirn aha tlila ilrlli iou "fruit Uiattva" i'MLIipii love V. mil It ran hot ua Injury. Nn dirfarnut what alia your lltH on If f ill of cold, r a "' throat, dti'ihxea, ait .inn v h -acha, t.. .iatli, riiiiiil"r. n "iitl "Inald claai.aUia" aUinild al-aay ! iUr that lr.ilM,.-l.l alvait. full dlra.tti.iia rr t-atila. rl.t'dran of alt a and n.iaii i ra am rln(d In each l.oit'a liewar of e.(intrrf ull fijg avnia Aaa df ilt f .ratocaiil (...111. f ta. id.nila s4iu(i f tlaa " tt.rn ,N i, , fir ami .o 1'ial II la in. U l I',,. i ilnftiia t" (iiri iii n ' . iMnta i. , n-il.-i M.tfl I., ti i-ii f ,n- fawtt nv i.lhar fl. t C3BIIMWHHilMMllBlHi Rheumatism! 3 JJ Acuta Muitular M Chrvniic ScIaIUa 2 nKUM.li t-ain t tl Hahiia g il a'.l ua.Ut lha ..ilna4 (n JJ wai.Ui ludiaaa.e l ,Hin M I lul,.l Anula ll lljl.ll. a. l.t ru tl l - II wt m M aad k'lln.i talivt al iin.a. Liniment happily mrr1.-4, made up her mind on fin clay ttlltvat har huaband. Mr. , I'lorca experiment make an abaorU Inaly Intereatlng tory of Amerlcn mai rted Ufa, TIIK KICEi'tfr" rif" THK Tft.il'. Be .loneiih A. Aluhelar. Nw Tork. D. Alt plclon A Co, tl .3i. An adventure atory of the Leather tocklrna nf Kentucky. An aafount of how th young trailer utilized tha m cretu of tha wlldeaiea to baffle the In dian hravn and tha Krlllah and tu ac the nattlement of Ih frontier, Tl ( K HiriMKV HfltlN'O p.v Charle : Kelland, New Vork. Harper A Mro ti a".. With hi dog and tuttcaae and nl much el-the young mn tpped off tli train and Into a alluattoii holli liumoroua and thrilling with a blue eyed Irl at lha nthar end of It. Th youim innn found out bow to fight and to love. TUT IVORY lHH.n. My Hit- H. Hldar llBard New York I,nnmn Oreen A I o. tl .. U have to oonttralulai th mtliir nu th apieaiiic of nul'e on of th heal of Om rle wlilch hcun thirty yai ao with Kln Hnlnmon' Mine, nd In wtilcil our old friend Allan Qotrmln once mnr figure proliigonlt well e narrator, TDK MTI.I-: t.ADY Of TIIK HHI IKit KK. Hv Jck lindon New VnrK. Tlio MacMillnn company. l .V, A ti.ry of n woman whoea life ! aliased by a gnat lova. Thfa I a proh lain atory ami to hoth It pra. -illation and li itulutlnn Mr. Iswdon bring U of hi power of rcnalruclion, nf vlaonll lailon and of lminion. TOPI rplMKi'iV HAKfiKNIA Hy Ret liearh. New York. Harper A Broa. tl M Komantlo advnnlurea tl flood (Ida, f mo th Iropht to th big, llent place ol th Alankan north. fl'.KY AN I' IHM Wltl't;. I!v Mmirt.e Hewlett New Vork. Ilolrl McHild i (Jo, li.'O It i In a tale Ilka (hi that Hewlett i at Ma r(l No one can tell -i well be a tory of old time, when nn-u lived miahtly-fliihtlna, loving and dolus ataantlo dead with no thought of leaner thing. II I'M! TIPB. Kdltad hy Mr Wal.tr Hl.-harrla lloalon. lloilghloll, Mlfflll Co. II a. It lak a hook Ilk "High Tide" lr mak nn fully pprcla.t tha Jnyouineat and vitality nf lha greatr prt of pre ent day poetry and tha lnptrthm of Hi meaaag for pnantday raadnr Thoaa who are already familiar wlit oonlmporry vr will find betwaen In attractive cover juat. th poem worth ke;tn; to all nthar It will com a revelation tit the rtchne of modern poetry and aa a moat convenient form of olrUlnlng nearly of th cholrrit poarne. AW AMIAFir.K rHAKLATAW. By Fl PhllMl- 'ipiianbelm. lloalon. tattla, llrown A Cn, tl 10. Joeeph If. Ilurutormmb, an Intreterat reader of dateotlv aioiiaa, find amuaa meat in going about under an aaautnae name, making u of dUguJ, conort Ing with criminal and getting hlmlf watohed by Hoot land Yard. Bundarcomb I one of Mr, Oppewhelm' maatarly char, actar oraaUoni, and hut adventure will appeal to all lovwr of th Oppenheim tyl of fiction. 1NSTWAD CUT THIfl THORN, By rir Ixiulee llurnham. lloalon. Houjrhton, Mlrflin tympany. 91.35. Th atory of a Chicago girl brouaht up In luxury, whoea father la ruined under clrcumatancea that mm to tier to In volve hi bualnee aaaorlat. How th girl I pruvld to go to New Ktigland for raat, and hoar the elmple quirt vlllat Ufa reatorea her P"l and happlne U told In Mr, liumham'a Inimitable way. "WE TIHt KB. By Oouverneur Morrl. New York, P. Appleton A Co. tl.. Th itory nf a huahand, hi wife and the other man th eternal triangle, with out ln, among th rnart ct. Th itnry plolure that part of aoclety that tke Ilia tnngo-cocktall pace a It own, and ound a convincing warning aaalnat th aclflahnee and dloontnt which are th etrongeat factor In many of th divorce today. Hi Him OK r AMIACIK. By Harah Taylor Hhatford. ikiatun. Blierman, French A Co. tl,. In the ons of lov and lite, th float ing, rliaotlo bit of protoplannic tar and amllea nd klaae re metabolled into conclou nd graceful form by tin Interpreter' peraonaJU y. It I therefore, perhapa, quit natural that tha large part of the collection which ha already appeared In print (notably In newapapera) ha mat and won a large public, and herald a wel come for uch of th vere her p peara for the first tlm. WHO! By Newbold Noyea, Hmtnn Hlinrin. French A Co. tl Mr, Noya I of th troubadour a honl, revelling In ong for aonga' ak nml rarely atopplng to point the moral an. I adorn th tale. Horn of tha line alinw a very fin dramatic, Inatlnct, however, and all of them alng clear and line Her w who IimiU will find marked facil ity, grac. tnula ind-yuulh. They ehouhl prove a goodly dower. WOI.FIC'H BANK. Ilv John 'ow per oay. O. Arnold Khaw. Uiand Cen tral lernilnul. New Vork, IIS. In the ramarkabl poem. Mr. Powy alilkra n.' and atai'lllngly linfamlUni iMte, their Intareat tie In Ih fat that. Itu-y !' tti iiliaffe. led outcrl m pn.lret t a eo'il III elite, and then urlalnallty I t i t f.'Un.l In that, tliev aweep aal.U all failo and coiiimiinp'ai'. r(,iiai.atlitia and tve i.reaaloii to ll.e natural and Incuisbla eatlnea of In. hrart nf man. H.intMt'U HiiNil AMI KNTIMKM' It. S, i n la.", nmn" a r- man. i-'rn. A 'i It Hunpaililalng wll'i end apireHm .' tl! ilia aagaila and th li nal ami-. r.f human tulwra and nf It.a laullee ant euhiiium of aaluia harae'.f, l a it in li .a p.Hxn aa a who! run a wi.te (aitiul of eaiHt ivt ati-. Citizens Complain of Irvingtou Hotel t'i a I ' i 'a'l tat - .U' t..nonliee " Ma 1,1 I. t ' l tlii laid will h euii. 'n l 1 lte ' i. i.l l eit h. UI at rluil..n, la ia I ii. l uunir AllariMt Maaeey t ..'.. utn pr..,w Una aalut tit It 1 .ti , tta Alkett U 'tta fuii.a l.-l t ta .. anta . C l 1 li . t. I.lt wot pt-a - .( lwa t ite t' I . t in. (' ! I' a 1 -!.. ia ii.itt(i t !, e fil4 tt.a t it . t..-M..r. w.i la 11. , I a i . ! Ih ,.i . e iT , , , 1 , H r 1. 1 . . I.-,-:, , I , . t .. J 1,. i,.. ,.f , , in,,, I,,, i,a, w ! y.''i .a kit i rAiN t "Kp l ni l- im. b.ia.t.1' M C.ua tw, la. i at EN'S FIRST IT PAYS! -U