Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 6

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Helprri at the Vtriout Public
Gathering; PUcei to Be Put
to Work Soon.
Th Recreation board decided on
Ilia folio Inj schedule of employee
lor h leaaon: Oolf course for
n,n, womio checker, man checker,
life guard, policeman and night
vitrh for Spring Lake park; two
women checkers two men checker,
iv.o life guard, one policeman, one
nlfbt watchman, one relief guard
and oue relief checker for Carler
l ake beach; 10 women checkers,
nift) checker, one life guard,
i ne policeman and one night watch
r.jin for lUvervlew park; golf atarter
frr Milter park; attendant at the
Pouglaa lret comfort atatlon, su
pervisor of dancing at IIancom
Mrk pavilion, eleven supervisors of
jlgyKround, two relief playground
n ipervUor, fiv social center dlrec
M, amateur ba ball auprvlor,
TI.e opi iiliiii of lit awlinmltig pool l
Khervle, Klmwuod end Spring I.ske
.rk siui tli Muny btH t Carter
la kg will rtKii(l on the weather; lo
ll pliomiil.
Tli pl)ioun1 upervlors will he en
for fnr month t per iiwnih.
Pur smsteur hate ball umpire the lioanl
wl H M.
Select Officers
for the Nebraska
Prosperity League
li I anneunced (hat th movement
mong property owner U) irt n edu
cational cmpln agalrwt prohibition ha
leeulted in a atrong organisation, ovr
M charter member having lgrid th
loll, Th lt conference w held t
the. Fontenell hotel, at which thl Mt
of offP era and vie prealdent w nomi
nated, end thr acceptance hv been
i on firmed:
I'leshlent-U, r. Crofoot, attorney t
lw. , .
Treeaurer- W, J, Oosd, trurer oad
Iteal company,
Heurelary jHmes M, Hsynes.
tVley l. Adldne, Transportation com
pany, Niiiith Hide,
(', , Alllmin, uron.
J. I,, Maker, maniifarturar.
herles Jl. flrown, real tat Invsst
ment W. J, Burgess, Investment,
Msrrv V, IMitkley, prlntwr.
W. M, Itnahman, storage.
Albert latin, manufacturer.
K. M. PalrfMd, rl eetat Investment
John N, fc'renaer, real eelate luveal
maul. , ,
Sit. H. fiUmorj, physician and ureon.
I'iT'llnaiid Ilrmann, manufacturer.
Krenk It, Johneon, Omaha Printing
i nmpany.
J. J, llanlKhen, contrcor
I', J. Kathaiih, Invaatmant.
Krank It. Kemiard, repHellet.
,1'ilin Lliiaer. architect.
V: to. K. ifllt, capttallat.
(!. W. Megeath, coal npnrator.
Hopltua K, Nable. publUW.
J j O'Connor, attorney
John . HoeP'ky, publish.
tV, If, (Mimoller, Jobber.
il. K. HlKikTt, manufacturer.
I'aul flklnrier, manufacturer.
A, K. Hnillh, Jobber.
N. A. HiilMherer, wholeealer,
Itobxrt r. IWrehlow, contractor.
A.J, Vlerllna, mantifaeturer.
tm motion th oraaniiation waa tyld
th Nebrtaka PropeHty leaxua. Aoeord
Inf to th offloer no liquor dealer nor
any mn lntrl4 In th liquor bialna
w prnt at any ef th conference,
and uch mn are not ellgtW te menv
brhlp. Th lau I tndlng It mem
bership throughout the atate and U
atriotly nonpartiian.
After dlnuton, th mtlnf tmant
mouely adopted th followtn rowilutlona:
Where, Th progrea and development
of Kebraaka during thelaat 'n'y-flv
tears haa been unparalleled Intl' f
i.ala of western tatef relng Omaha to
the dignity of a metropoll. and t ooii Ing
iitMin our tt and city th atuntlon
of th entire oounlry, and,
VVhereea. The taxpayers and reepon
athle ottlcenahlp l-k with dlafavor upon
attempt to folat fumpuiary lawa tipon
mir atat. believing that uch laws,
tr enacted, would b a eoetly eoowmilo
blunder; wo'Ud Impair Property valiiea,
nut bllaM upon otialneaa enter
! la, and be r-1 Incalculable Injury to
the morel and material welfars ot our
iicMile: therrfiire, be It
lleeolved, That It I th of thla
in...tmg or b.smeas men of tft lty f
imiaha and ate of Nebraaka
iellKVe the man m-ene. iw
the sale of apliituoue, vlnou and malt
beveieaea has yielded better re.ulle than
prohlbllloi would produre. and 'hat It
l our opinion that regulation will bs hej
ter In lt ultimate reault than law-mail
prohibition, which r prohibits.
It la the purpose of th ortnler of
the !"" to treat brnches In every
county In '. and through these
agetK'lea to dlslrlbut llteratur nd to
eproin'. meetinr plMs for ntl-prohlbl-U..n
aoeakei during th pmgrea of th
Hummel Sets Trees
Ahead of Arbor Day
rM fi.mmlMUiner Hummel d.ea not
Intend t wi "' Pf ""eve
Aiii day, Nebrs'k day. II ha
i,,t., tttte carload ot elm and
iiut'lee, whl'h ire tl planted In Car
ler I ak i. Tt men t dllng
1-t.ire fit I ' trees
Net k the puiili- tchittd rMlilrea
i. i, ,1.1 ef th value of Irees and ef
lie hlr nf Artmr day, tohuh aa
(la'ltalieit It Ihs at i. Mtetltng Uurtnn
i.f rtw I "'e, Nelraaka t'lty.
Mo Vl..i II t'eaiea wu ef IH
it t,.iet4 lete, 1 aeitfc 4 lwl
rt, led U fwni l lh !
t i4 )ea , U ting I Men
,...'! t aeua'tt ri,tM te !
II v en rIU i afcHH t
t ,...
Tti tre.a .aiiie Mil vp tee
tela lil Hetiea t,..ui!tJ a .1-1
attii l !i'll eiteP il) i.
t ... i.l lew a- l'tal a,ea
jg wa
te lt re tkat Jear W, e4-r-ak
wti) nM-t la r4rl eaid
wilt iat f li aiuw M
' Mat-It, MMeg eite. ataiHg
li'.j.W) fr p'Wl Uiurleg gUe4 l
ae m reMw4 M b ,.
teg at T eeetieth 4 lrtsw etta
Gilleipie and Ruiiura Land Placei
at Internet on Staff of Big;
P. B. flllleapl and B. C. Ruum, mem
ber of th senior claaa at th John A.
Crsighton Medlcsl college, have received
nolle of their appointment a members
of th Interne slaff at the Metropolitan
hospital, Blckwell Island, New York
city. Th two young men competed in
th examinations held two month ago
for appointment, and th reault have
Jut been announced from Nw York,
The examinations were open to graduates
of 102 medical colleges In the United
Bttes. Twenty men war to b selected.
Depending upon th showing mad In
the examination, servlc begin flther in
July (hi year or next January. Both
of the Crelghton men war appointed for
July as they were among th ten to !
given their choice,
Mr. rtuesum Is an Omaha hoy, gradu
ating In 1112 from the art department
of ( relnnton university, while Olileaple
hall from Mitchell. . It, Hoth have
ranked high in their ileus work. Hoth
nr member of I'M Hho lgiii fratern
ity. The MnlropollUn hosplUI I the largeat
sencral hospital In the I'nlled Htates,
having a capacity of i.MO bed, It I one
of th hoapltal conducted by the de
partment Of public charities of New
York fit y. Thirty Intortie ere on duty
conalantty, while an extensive ambulance
service bring accident ense to th hos
pital from the heart of th world great
eat city, Th gervlc I for eighteen
Th following men in th senior claaa
have been appointed a Internes at Ht.
Joseph' hospital In this city, th ervce
to be for on yr: f'hsrl Hwab, (1sr
enr lhlril, lxitlir Ken, Hsrry Jen
kin, Chsrle l.'lrlch, Arthur Brown and
". Maxwell. It I said thst a hospital
resident chief of staff from th et I
being considered,
Other men who hsve secured their In
terneshlpa are; Kohler and Mbert, ft.
Paul. Mlnn.i Taaey and lyshy, ft.
Joseph's, Oenver, t'oto. ; Offermsn and
ffomlmch, at. Margaret's, Ksnsas rity,
Ksn,; Akow Ting, fit. Vincent', OskUnd,
Closing Days of
Art Exhibit are
Drawing Crowds
l-rg nd apprer.letlv crowd sr
dally attending th closing day of th
exhibit of Northwestsrn rtlat Ixlng
held In tli museum of th public library
tinder th apsplce of trie Omaha Fin
Art society,
Hcores of Omaha art lovers hav paid
visit to th exhibit on an avarags of
vary other day, many of them voting
each Mm on their favorite painting.
At in cents a vot th fund derived from
lb popularity contest haa mounted to
a good figure. Th exact amount, which
ir It 1 of sufficient le will be used to
ptircha th canva r reiving th moat
votea, will not b known until a final
checking up I mads after th exhibit
Th work purrhaaed will he added to
th permanent collection of th Fin
Art ociety, Heavy voting today and
Saturday may chang th position of th
cinvaif In th oonteat.
At present th work, "Th Cabin
Mother," by Ada Wallar Hhul, ha a
comfortable lead over th other two
moat popular paintings, "Hi Deflsnce,"
from th brush of U. B, Paxson, and
"Fonlea," by Gertrude J. Barne.
Many out-of-town visitor hsve at
tended the exhibit In th laat few day.
Hascall Says That
Suit is Simply in
Political Game
Declaring that Juatlce or th rears Vin
cent Haacall xtortd i before he would
laaua a warrant for th arreat of a man
who had assaulted him, and that after
tha accused had been found guilty, costs
of 17 were placed on th defendant, lllcr
onymous Kleele, In a petition tiled In dis
trict court, ks that th Judge be ouated
from office.
Judge naacall when asked about the
rase declared It waa filed ptimarly to
Injur him t th polls next Tuenlay.
"A for aeaeaalng th coal a of th law
nlt agatnat hla neighbor of course I did.
In my Judgment they wer both guilty
of wrongful action. Everything u
legal, and, moreover, Justice waa properly
admlnletered to both principal In the
ca. Mr. r.laele Is simply a disgruntled
lltlgsnt who file th cult. It appear, in
an attempt to harm ma In my candidacy
for municipal Judgeship. Th fees he
rlalma war extorted from him r simply
the fees provided for by law In such
cases "
dKiM conroHis
lUtke w ilt tVtewr Jtnaji aikt Wl
te. W n aily t uu.'na tHut-
Hett ttt a! h te4 sl Sihli-a tiff
l.g. Witlilii( a t he;i(
5mpl t'ath ! by Mall
It I IH H w 4t
Ki.ftMa " ab4vteie
f.1uslin and Knit
That Combine Hobby
njr J to Saturday, at 1.U
! i-rLadiea' Oowtih and Knvdupe Clierniwt,
in rlainty creo, riainnook and mull, in
pink, white; worth to $1.00, at.. 09
W i
Fine lisle union suits, crocheted yokes, silk taped; several
different makes, worth $1.00, at 49
Ladies' silk lisle vests, crocheted yokes, 35 and 12l2
Saturday Specials in
Domestic Room
(Jf)ATH, 5.e Fine aerge.
check, novelty gtripe and plain
color, In belted and new full back
gtylea, plain and fancy collar; aU
color, an elegant assortment,
value up to $8. 60,
Special Saturday. . .
HI 1TH, I a. 7ft Poaltlvely the
greatest ault valuea ever ahown in
Omaha, fine aergee, shepherd
cbecki and granite cloth, In
black, navy, Copenhagen, blue
and dark green; latest gprtng
style; gfxea It to 44; actually
worth to $17.60. ff O eye
Special Saturday.. vleGeO
() If 1 1 I) II K N ' H $ 1 ..10 WAWII
DIIIOHHKH, Hc Fine gingham
and chambray dresses, In plain
color, plalda and stripe, doten
of pretty gtyleg, Id middy and color
combination effect, elegant
d reuse that are regular f 1,60 val-
Speclal , . . . 89c
(HirjmK.V S MID D I B S Agfg
0, 8 and 10 year, with navy or
light blue trimming! and plain
white. Special AQf
Saturday tC
Liquor Department
0)4 Crow, 10 y ear-old, full j QQ
GUI Tayifir, i-yiur-old, " " 0t ff
full quart 9 I lUU
Cellar brook, l-year-old, 4 I A ft
rull quart 9
Uuckenheltnar, l-year-old, f I rtfl
rull quart 9 I lUU
Hiuing Hill, 1-year-old, I (f
full quart I lUU
Clreen Hirer, l-y eej-tiJd, I f(
full quart llUU
C'larkes Furs Rye, I jresr- 1 fin
old, full quart 9 I WU
Maryliuul Ity, l-year-old, TKn
full quart wW
TeiiueneM Corn, -yee-r-uld, "I Ret
fill quart ' ''
Monogram, l-year-old, MX 7Rfl
quart "
I Tlnta Wine. IB year-old, IE.
bottle IUU
Dunklat Wlnea, -yer-oM. Kftfl
full bottle WVU
California I'ort Win, f I C
gallon iJllta
Ilorneniade Orapa Win. 1 )C
gallon li;0
Heiineaay Brandy, 10- I (1(1
year-oM. bottle '
Mall or noae Ordera Promptly
rilled. Aak for Oalalorue.
Wall Paper Sale
Ton Mil easily do It tf yoo. glee the
aeJeotlag of your Wall raver proper
oonatderettoB, for tbat 1 by far ne
mml Important part of tn home
beautiful. Otir aeeortmeat of apUelt
.teelgne I almost It bout UaUt. waa.
lag it eitreiuely easy for yon to
tastily decorate. The a, too, yon will
be surprised to know how amaU the
oot will be. eelevt your paper her
aad your homo will reflect credit oa
your rooa teste.
tHiiineil,- I'lalit ft Meala. all col
ore. Itegular pil.e it", at thla eale,
per sliigl roll, Cut out bonier a
to niati'li.
lD.oO rlls cf rrlor Papere with
II Irvti Hurileia. Itegular rlo I I,,
at thla ewle. a per aingi roil
lioported I i Intel "el Meale. Tif
fanlre em I 1 , ka. Keaular prl.e
now per elugle ril,
Ktt.hen KliH'ka. all I'ntots Hegu
lar ill,', go at per atngle roll.
We have the fturat aaertnent of,m falterite All l ty Ul
et ilaigne lugolar ptt, e ! at
US per elugl lull.
We tut out border frev tf
rliarge till work.
Specials In House
hold Dascmcnt
kiw Meauaaia aWtlgeewtuea 4r
te Beet a rMiitee line f I
a, e a t titles la n e-ir fl
.-r tuu' t. e, e. ll., X ie4 Itetiia- ti un
iw ..... , t e
Sulea IwiM ttUtt t e
aie4 eon a" l. I i
IN rri f tie
ih! Ct. ieHl b.t ie.pi,.f ,i
alumleHie4 ee
High te Hae ilrtel gut s4
w tM rl,gea l !",.. I tlVM
T Met rtv l
a . .
We rae e leva rUkfcea
Ma . ..... gl
ft. S, whla hlaeaaa ,,,,,, HH
tebttafl tetat , , -
fUl ttetae lutMt-la ai
V. ) . . reei , ae
Hleea4 rba , , K
a-,. ,
watU4 WH etletn. V. t II I
1 f1
It I
Underwear Items
Style and High Quality
With Surprisingly LOW SALE PRICES
Every Item a Real Bargain
Toadies' erfjie de chine envelofxi
chemirw, satin rornot oovprH, thRt sold
i e r t Tk-aal A f
Indies' muslin drawrtrs and corfict cov
ers, worth to 50c; Saturday at. ,
Children's spring und umni(!r weiglit
union suits, worth to 75c; all styles,
Saturday, at 45
(.liildren's muslin drawers and skirts,
dainty trimmed, worth to 50c, sample
and odd lots; at 19
'Italian silk vewls, hand embroidered
samples; worth to $2.50, Saturday
at ....SI. 75
A Host of Artistic Qeiv Fashion Thoughts
greet the Easter shopper in our Outer Apparel Depart
Silk Dresses $25
A biff assortrnont of
styles for street, after
noon and evening wear;
the. values are truly ex
traordinary, at
A Lot of Blouses
for Saturday in Laces,
OeorgetteH, (Vein do
Chines, fancy strifes,
including samples and
odd blouses; worth to
$.'. Saturday
Read the Big Grocery
Specials for Saturday
Quality Goods and a Saving of 25 to 50
Per Cent on the
PI em nil H rinur la a Bread Winner I
II I Quality rinur el a eivlng of
aaTUHOAY, rum i.
aacx n.4a
l Ilia, heel WliUe ir VelU tVni
in, al I Jo
I na pkg iSiit.Uneeri Mlnee Meat. I
kg Kill IHHk (.Ira, ,kg .. 0
!l he I'tiitU'e Inraii Ul.'e t V
I l,e Vnm v Jrri Itict g
I ! t,eal II. ill,'. I VM.Ite Itl h e,.al
t tiuri , sie
Haunter 1t. rl I VeH.elt( 01
ni'aaeiil. i-ag. Tg
ti,,l..i r- 4 aui.l. ) at Vi,.lie
r Hj.aghetli ,aa . . .
,l.t',n mi, let) T! e ! rup J
li I.,HV ,,,i,v I'tlie
I' (Ill i'.i l' l ...M I
ai,. i. ,,, h.. - : i. iiittt g- ,e
I .in t'.l, ii.o Mt k te
I en.,.:! t t. I. , .i Mtiti teu
i i , ,t,. i '..i t'ie "
I , i HI l 1 .. .'.in 10
I M , U. I 'Him Mtlui.,., !ki
, !..: ,!. ,! II M ..lg I H . , .
i e
a l..t I it X .ti.. I a U k ... .
I'.e I ... lie
Meat Department Specials
For Saturday in Our
S. t rre.h IV i a U! I I ' (
inr i .r
i a I7'if i
SV I Mr ll iui
Sit rUeer ll.'Uit.l Sie
Specials in Smoked
. I tl. Ui.U itsnii HHf
. I It it ., . . 1 I ' C
t lea He. oa , ... Nf
I lit Ml I'HI r M I lilt HI
S1' I Sheet Music I fl
a mtgel and Moat Complete f nfi
W htw k. Ilret 8crrlc. tLh gf
I Irfiwceit lrlce. I I
HATMIDAV RPKCIAl-ri Kier Hale f ICaatcr Music. A
big Hclecrinn of EnKte,r MuhIc, at lee than Half-Price,
it IWJ HON (J HKNHATIOXH "A Little Bit of Heaven," 1 Q
"Tench Me to 8mlle," "Araby" IOC
ilftiulnn Hawgllun Uktileleg SO.fiO to 812.00
Pleasingly Priced
Women'g Fancy Hoglerr, new glyleg
Hlchelleu ribbed, with conlrggtlnn colored top, roman
gtrlpeg, embroidered clock In all color and many other
new gtyleg In plain and d dl in l f"A
fancy color, at. '. D 1 P 1 1 P 1 ,aJU
Women'! $1.00 811k Hoae, In black and while,
with full flaro top, double gole and hl;
epeclal 70i
Women' Fibre Bilk Hoee, In black, white and
cblorg 25S .I.C ftn1 Mr4
Ml Phoonlx Bilk Hoee, In black and white,
at 7.V
Ml' and Boyg School Hoao, in light and
ttittdluin weight, He quullty
Duster Brown Hone for womon nnd chll-
rlrwn, 4 pair In box, guaranteed 4
month! 81.00
Infanta' Fibre Bilk and Mercerlzotl
LIhIa Hoe, all colon 2?
ment, Second Floor, Saturday, and special
offerings galore, coupling the maximum of
style beauty and quality with the minimum
U of price
Special Tailored Suits at $15.09
Nifty new styles in poplins; grenadines,
serges, etc. Plain colors, checks and
fancies. Suits made to sell to $25.00.
Superior Style,
Oil VtAvJ AM aOl1 A 1l4ff
Hy3Zi 01 u'"
dietictive doMiptiH, inclmling: a jilcnditl line of Rillc Taf
feta Huiln Sfo thorn Saturday.
Special Tailored
That were made to ell to $."),').(), an array of elegant designs in
the most wanted silks and wool fabrics, seldom jf ever before
shown at a price like this; a better opportunity to buy an elegant
suit at a bargain never offered,
ASplendid Hew Lot of Coatsat $19!P
Wo want you to mako it a special point to seo these coats Satur
day, both silk coats and wool fabrics, in a marvelous variety of
styles; plain collars and fancies; values you'll find $1050
matchless, at ............. a , .
Saturday in Our Children's Department
Hundreds of Beautiful White Dresses for little ones, at $1.50,
$1.95, $2.05, $3.05 and up to $12.50
Misses' and Juniors White Dresses, beautiful variety, Saturday,
at $5.00, $7.50, $10.00
Children's Nobby Spring Coats, in an endless variety of classy
styles; wonderful values, Saturday, at $3.05, $5 and $7.50
Cost of Living
i.ra I-tire Knill I'rejtervea . a5o
3l.iS. Jia I'uie JUralitetl Money. Wo
Mu-Urtin'' l'ntil llutler, lb. .laiO
-ii,y UoUoii Ham.'S f.tfr..e, U., W
DteOB, 1OaHM-
lull Nw Vurk While n-
Umn Amlm fl,e'e. lt
.l I'reaiti W lt ililn t'He-a, ,er II',
M a'
Neuf.'hatel "' eeete. e,'li
raw it ri.oiP oair rBurr,
C4CH, '. '' ' u IUu
tbb " or
omama rua tbb rnofus
lb it. il Hltr t'lit f-.t !..
N,-e t'al'ima I 't Ih
,S t nl. Hi '-' ,i ''-
lurt'lm t UH i'- Im J
I IU' T..iiii' l
I ,r't !' "I
i t . i, t 4' e I "
i u- ' 1 ' '
, N , ! ( ". Ill
I ' minh'. ' I, W i e
,,.,1 M
ei tliewi, -! t t
Sanitary Market
Vl ' '",v i'rs ID if
Sl 1 K,"h ' ' h ''" ''
s i M'.u ... ,:
Ih " I"' ' t ,',,
V-i I l'"1! i're Uit e
Meat Dcpaitment
V.t I 5 tV(n
i' "t vtitie mi
U W 1111 I ISM I
J 7 V"?
Jewel ?red s25
,c01 Suits.
Suits at $35.00
dally, In .J.i'ai
W I 4K
nmmmmi sale m i
Hundreds of Hew Hats At an At lr
The JIi'.s illu?truteil ttrc all ami hundred of o?i s to ch0..
wlure at much hiKhcr prict-s. all are artutir;lly trir -i in the i
Hemp, Liscre, Handm.ulo Horaehair and ryroxtlmc ? 4!d i, in
$5.00 Trimmed Hats at $0 fiO
Hiil- I" ,t llil ull t rutins. .1 n it !s
500 Shapes at 95c
r'.' ii'i'i t'oi'-i ", In r iiJir, i.!!r. I i unu.. t -I .jh--, i
iiii.t I' : 1 ill ,'itt'l, i.' I l w .( Ifi (
v i'" ; t ii
t ."" ! I ....
16 Dozen Drer.s
1 I Xa Tin ii A, In ii inn maiTaw
Several Rousing Spe
German Silver, Gun Metal and Gi
ity Oases; all at Just Half Price; h
values :...$2.50 if
Children's $1.00 Purser, with shor
$1.00 Jewel Boxes, at 50 j
Silver Plated Knives, Forks
on sale Saturday, at, each . . ,
$1.00 Picture Frames, all sizfl, i
guaranteed not to tarnish; o", L.
sale 50?
Sheffield Sandwitch Plates,
regular $i50; on sab-, $.50
$1.05 Sterling Liberty Rings on w
Special In
Ladies' Itid
Silk Gloves
for Saturday
Womnn'! Heal Krnnch. KM Olovei,
In on and two-button Innvth, all
th new spring shades, in world'
best make, pur pair, Ml .SO u
to 82.25 f
Women'! Waahabla Kid (iloveg,
the kind that waah perfectly, at,
pair 81. 8I.R0 JM 82
Women'! French lamb akin, In
overnam, In two-button length;
all color, at, pair 81.10
K fly nor Silk Glove, with guaran
teed flnRer tip, In two-button
length; ull aharin, with R!f and
beautifully embroldnrnd hack,
ut. pair ai.on
L. & I. fillk Olove, In Iwo-button
bark, also a 10-button length, in
block and white; worth $1.00
per pair, at 50
Ladle' and Men'i umbrella, with
pnrHKon frame In AmnrK'an
taffeta cover, at UH&
-Specie iii
Corset Aij
IS, 00 CorNci. Hliplnl oi ltd, all
size, plain unu fancy
$2.60 Coraets, front or back luce,
pink or white, medium hunt, extra
length skirt, madn of huHtlHtn,
coul.ll or treco matm - f A Q
lain: choice Saturday., L
"Co Corsets, made of baHtlHte,
medium but, extra lnnKlh akirt
make a good house cornel,
ack fa-
all sIzoh, special at
Toe llraHHiere, front or back faj
tenlnu, embroidery or lace
trimmed; Saturday at
We have a complete line of M1mmu8
and Children a Sweater, juat what
you want for spring wear for the
children, at
Children' Romper and Oliver
Twist Bull, 1 to 6 yenr; light and
ilnrk color;
!ttii, hI'Ihih-, 1
I It-
Shapes at $
1 1
J.ts Vrfr(i wui t ! la
4il l" Ike t nuu.
te ." rt AMtt K g4 lh e Wit!
g te I (Mil at I p. tav