Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 4

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I'npct Swamp Serve i at Effectual
Check to German Advance
and Eusiian Attacki.
(' 'nrrapotldr1V!4 of Ih Aaeocltd J'rrM I
J'lNKK, Ituaela, March 81,-Th thirty
tilil kilometer of Hi arc aroun'1 flnak
lute Ihu forUflvf emc "eiman
army took it portion lure "4liic
k.r tut probably M'. oilier action on
fuml, (, wet er o,illi"t. Tint
, I'tln'l awnmp, which, on a count f Hi
u.ilil winter, ha formed natural bmrltr
U I turn lint i.iiiuin end llunebtn Hue,
I ii the' kid both th Ocmum aihani
end iiv Jiuil(i munier H"t
Hit. fjermana have r-i lljwrt (hut lnghi
ib'i iip might wake th gwanip pia
ItU. and Ui trlll etc h thing,
lnv reort4 lo evct y known ouprouml
(v make evity fan! of their pu'HH'ii '"
H-g liable.
J'Jiick, in and ghoul ahirh fiat man
inrr i ling, i en oveigrawa MinwWo
.illug if tV' Inl.aWtwiie, lM!id n
tong'i of l lit projui ting w 1 4 Into
dm awamp. An Aaao'laied I'rce "r
r ixpoti'l'-m , th flint iK' man (
lil 1'luak atnet tli ti.rnnii occupied
'if, h i'( returned from a t'ir of the
) mult lOllf, and allWHIgll ll llM pre VI-
.tunly t tailed MtvftnJ putMuLt In l "tli Ihe
(i-Bti'in urn) wceicin ( nf war, the
op nar hi H.niiiHii if lit "enluula
it flunk" ltiiir e4 Mill riiirklly,
.'Tie city I. flunked mi I In- oitlh hy Hi"
'eftfl, running river I'm. Jteyond Hn
c.r lie luilf m mil" nt aeamp. Tin-n
mine Hot river atnimeti, wlikh. In (he
, wlwiwil, turn gradually and Join tin
I'ti. Mill furtber Peyon4 lit mere
rwamii 1a d1h, which enlend fur ntvl
in I'd lu the mrtlnhind and lb Itnaaian
pnlllou. To th northward run lb
. ilvr flunkau) on twtli ty
in l. nf awHinii LiirnU, nil lllir rilvn of
, w if if l li (ins dtrnin mirt Himilin tuntn.
j i.imI Ip-iI front,
j I'oiMrnil'lj fr lli tiwipf wdHi Mil
! II f tiorf l4 n tlnli, H. ulily fil'u t wlim
mi ffftriDlv cri rilil)' MW'lfl.
il. inMitnp innij lirifiliittnii In il'm,
'wlilrii ri Rlly mlnplM for iWnmlv
: finri oar-ii. AlotiK I li: tiorthorri 'i ll'n
iHiinril of rmvalrr hv liilirl(Ul'
'iJi'lt llii-nu'elvig Into Hib nrnund and Iivb
f'Tl'iJ nn'iini to mtkr It mioiillil
tnr llm ll'iHamna li lrrk lliiowth.
'the iIi'Ii-iimi ai hum la a arrlr of
i ' ilxptJiikie" r Miipf xurt Ifitt p'tliiU. At
nil tlin aiiiiriifm l'l"i HI"-
Minitlit'l)y airroiin'l'l t ifw l''a, aiml
,(ra nl ntnirt"m'rii. At ano'lir It la
'.i ton ut tori liullt into Ilia r(h,
!nblfjrriit'ii piia)iM, lvii"i't'd ljr aanrt
jl.ata, arlh and wood, and rlncd alx'it
' wlih hundred of lind of ninnlrm
,lit f barhed lra, Kach aujipnrilita;
li'ilnl la n'( over IVA yard dlalitrit frmn
iiiimt uthei, and lliey r nnt-d by
vir" tnianilr-iii'iila from l'O to ll ti In
w 1(11)1.
Tim ravalry t((lmnl (hat ar guaid
in ti nm-iharn aactiim ao arnmi Ida
iinl In Hi Oirmn army. 'rii"lr nf
fl'r lnrluda aoiria of tti graaleat iwiblra
In thn pifilr, whoa iianica ar knuwii
nil vr tli world. Vnr almoat nit
month tb'X bvi In In In Ihclr wt
IkiTi, IMnjf Mlt'Timlal)' In uiMlsrar'ivnd
rlirllufa and In th Ifrt-at villa) that atanda
cm an lva(lou plainly til vl-w of tt
flupalaii poalllona.
"I low a II," caked Ih eotiapondent
of Count coualu of a famuli Oar.
man naval comma ruHr and chief nf the
l.ilauila. "lhat th Ruaalan So not ahonl
f ilm1 vlllii lo pleeea? The i ma rent Una
rlaii artillery poalilon lan't mora than l
kilometft away,"
' llolaal, I napnkra tirl,
Tlio count lautiheil, '"I here acaina la
' ha an unwrllteln and nnapokan agr
nieiil that ' won't touch Kuaalan liaad
iiiiarteia If they lvo our alnno. Tliay
luiv a anipl tvlilini'a nf tha a''i urary nf
our (mi and know that w would da
niollah Ihelr villa If wa wanted tn."
1'hank tn th fart lhat thai la an
; filrnoftt unllmllfd iiuantlly of wood an
hand, fur I'lnak In peara tlmea I one
of tha llmlirr center of lluaaU, Hie
lermana have irn al-l to build qh
ai'roa tha awampa and in thl way lo
enlnlillih fnr-flting oulpnat un evary
li'iiniimclt nf Riound lhat la I u i gj fnougll
lo lieai' a hloi khoua.
rill'llna the htriiinen half nilla to
Hi einiili a a narrow, muddy dlka or dam
Hat built onio Uni ago by tha
lliianlana, partly to check the awamp
lota, nml prtly a a. proaiwctlv rail,
mad heil Thia dam eilamla to within
H ti w kllometeia or lha Kuaalan oulpoat
Inieitliiiia at hjybanakawo anil iimwi.
till (he lielp of vto'ideii atalna that'i'oaa Hi amp In almoat avary dl
levliiMi, the tii'iiiiana have free and eaay
amaa io thia fUke, and hat-a ere. teil on
II a aeilea i,f tilnckhuuaea or am itrtlriM
iK.eitlnua- wlili h ate veritable amnnl.
I ai'h l 't'iul.n. wlili machlna guna, nml
linni urli etie,d, agitln on I he atnvtnila,
mrnAMia to "Mali hpoaten" liateiiing am
ity I'l'KiHllll, ,
Mi nrur to(i (H. r ar the l.. kliufrt
Hit ear haa t . h aaarclefit pel In
r. p one Willi the artillery of lha ollmr
To ln'vei.l em h an (,curram girat
Imiiui.l nn hare liean era ted tn fiont
f eai li l.l... kl,ul Indli'ktlng how far
la il't,t or left the nmi-lilh guna of miy
on fort mm aniiig ii.niit hrinaing a
in llliiinii fuel iin.l-r ili riuan fire.
hiiiit ilue .ii. (,f ih u h
' " '. km, whs.'h iui,) ,,,
teal.ilv i..MI,.u tthli'N the ( latntitii
ii'l'l eia th llganlon l.neHtt.iia, at
tllitv.i l.f a'K.lll .) 1,1,1,,, IIhIhmi,
hn ln he a 'l f l.a .lla or aiaeaa,
I ,! ( Ii,l lung ..t li
Mar I'll inurlaal.
lid if H amii i tt, I,
'"-k 'f niir i.tvii, and be.
.a 4. vr li.-ii on l...ih (w nt,
I , li.tinn, tl.e.e l,r 1(1,,
" ''' l lla an ..l. illi f i,,um.
t ...nam in llw wrli at I'lnak
I n t. lm M, at f ,,lg,)( irrv,,,
i. t. awaifp a tilt, Itnaatan ant
un-".!! a.ntitea p4k( ff (h, e(
lf In an ., it,iry ,f tni
" ha one ran ...4 4 tk M
' "h Miliar n H, mMr ,
I I liUM thua far l n tS ,,f
! at ! kay la cun. (.! r4
l . i-.ti at krr ia.m, lii tha CW.
' t.i4 ra'fla ip(
"t ir t.aMir4
ti i f Ota I tha f al(luM l h
" i aa.tir 0m atewit U a I'.ar !,..,
'it ! iMtaal HCMiay, ax4 tha
t'uat tit . k gtimu gr ram
4tt Willi f4 H4 tarika.t
14 aii . ( aa r-a .n. ii u firailwt a4 It w..Mi4 ka am,
-wall r ( aniMMicaj tn ta aa, at. k
lha mhnk ! i wwlj latini
N !"
1hni ! rn-tuwa f 4raa li tM
t.ili ar4 af ptaMk, 4 k twir
t nait f y imhi li'i, ii, mv. kii,a ia
a'l IH"'itnl ('alt tlll.l
Here is a Bird Who Refuses to
Work Except in the Forenoons
Manry Copley la atudying bird llf.
W hen Copley t not aelllng )welry avar
tha uounler ha U at linnet, 131 North
Thirty li,'till) utret t. No, ha la not a
menihir of tha Audubon aotlety, Hthar,
Mayla bn doea not even know of tha
Hut tie flora know how a robin bullda
It neat, what kind of at raw ami ellf kg
It tine and canttly how It wove them
A jooin !, mail m buld a to bulltl
It neat on the leliga of Ibm wlndttw of
air, ' op ley iVn, 'Thl blamed robin
la no mora afiald of ma than It I of
a liahworin," aaya (Vipley. "II build
Hint Ii fat while I all dlrattly Inalda the
window and amnke and wali h II, Why,
1 alt o tlpM) that I ran fount tha Wood
One Detach meat of Soldicn May
Occupy Gallery!, While the
Enemy May Be Beneath.
(Cortaxpoo'lenia ot lha Aaaoclatad Pre )
liAK-UIX't", 1'ranca, Mareh It.-Th
mining operation on aom awetlona of the
JOanth front reaemhlo vaat railroad tun
im ling nlrif laea, All along lha atop of
hill where the aumtrHta alnna aaparata
th ri.fiihiilfliita, Ml' r Ml BJiouth of luti
n. la frm'l with liinlmr, aui:h a up
port lha ynllerlea of f oal tnlow All day
him! all night aol'ller wheal earth aut it
fhoao lunnela lo philforrna, where dunrip
' r on a stralegl': narrow-gaugi'd rail
tad r walling to rarry It off 1 b"
ud In lb grad ng of new atralegli
A aludy of th offh lil ronnniinl'iue
alvaa only alight Indhatlon of tha ob
ject of all llil activity, Wluat II mean
d pend up"n tha lay of tl.e land, In nnt
He amount lo nothing lea than Ih
blowing off of tha lop of hill. Ther
ar plaea wber tha liVrmai,a bold that
amnmlt aid tha franeh ar dug In on tha
lopa; Ihrr ara other whera nelllier th
Kit itch nor 'lermana Mv tteen gbla 10
e,iupy Hi aiwnmlt, oxtiaptlng In am II,
laolaleil .Ivanc poat Ihaf ara' annl
I, Ibiied at Intarvala, and her It I naiea.
anry 10 blow tha lop off Him height bn
for an leant cn b rnaehH.. t,
Worli tint Nlgbt Oal,
Thla tunneling I aa beoti going on for
more limit a year In aom pli' ea, but
public avldener of lh oatenl of It dafe
only from II1 beginning of tha year,
III mine ar aplode vry day In
alda I Iui"" tioneyeomlM'd lillla, where It
I not tare for lha Frrnehman'a tunnol
to run lulu Herman underground gal
lery. Jf they tnrat befora the tnlna I
roady, It I "cammiflet" or amall
hluat, that 1 t off by lha adveranry
lhat locale thn other fellow fllat. It I
'litltkly ilmia with an Amnrltan ptieii
i mi id' tool thai bore a hoi In Ih dir.Mv
Ibin from with h cotneg (h tall 11 ijunl
of th pick. A charga of dynamlta, lyd
dite, or mailnli I atuffed In and tha
liol Ut plugged, ao Hint, tha mine I aafe
and Ihe for nf lha nploelon all turned
toward Ih atlvaiaaiy gallory.
Ilh.illiig la aomailme don alao lo
liHilen Hi t ieavallng work, bill liioal of
Hi digging iwiulrlng Olarrellon la the
work of Ih A merit an pnouniatle drill
and pntiiiiiHlIf pit k woiking by air oom-prt-aaiita
broughl up to Ih foot of tli
Th foreala of Ih Argonu all along
tha front bava been raiad by ahetl and
ahrapn'l; and tha aapeet of tha hill I
Easter Footwear
BBN80.V Y TIIORNK alyla. bloom freith tvety
Baon, but th qukllly 1 ever ktaadfaat ami
true to th principle. that have eaUblltiucd our
rocord for reliability.
'Women klng KgMler (ootwtar. cither for
Ihelr children or for their own wear, ahnuld
think flrat of, thl ator fnr belli eitreuie or
ntiple ityle. '
A Special Value in Low Shoes
Trine pattern, mad from eitrg arlnrt final
ity pateat hid. with nent flntnh Millar, (luoilyear
welt nrwei), llghl-wtlgbt oak leather gnlc. Hind
flnlkhftl leather l.oul hi'la. rhainiagn roloretl
hid quarter lining grid inede "never ultp" heel
llnlBl, wlih elmit throat and high walkt line,
ahli'h give a clone flitlng top.
Stylish Silk Hose-
ftr Wuint ii
I Iffii imilmti, Jul airUrtl, In HI
el effeatai ne atitl waniei) ril'Hn,
attrh a bmwn, lleeh, in'jt, ty ami
In faet) ltie,l tnmt ailka that M
bit faihlnn' fut lea, at IM)4.
Do Your Children
ma threttita he tad khwa ault kar tk.a IU
your pff
Thl ta ifil i'tiibliin.i) ar rho,
w ha ititt.l it.
In uln4 rtf f ttier arle-t lH ' bl
liMihtaa" and at 0. tlm ialt on th
eat a waarltnl a, wall?. hlr h eiean
StnrtriKht Shoon
t ony
1319 18 20 rrt.&m Btrtft.
vaaaala In that thing a and It pay
no attention ti tn. It know a friend
when It ' oun
"I hfivo watt hed that bird bring lb k
and gtraw anil then,fttind tha brltk
wall for many minuiag In aerth of a
pl lo illfk tha ami of thl atraw, It
will poke and u'llti that alraw at Ht
wall fur an liMleflnlta time, until It find
llllla hole or weak pi' a In tha mortar
wliar It can tUruat tha and In and mak
It atlek. Than It rommento l wearing,
"And at norm thl bl'd pili work,
Tba.t 1 th lrngett thlnf about II H.
It toll hard all litrenonii and a aura a
tha noon whlatlf! blow that bird ','Ht
oparatiooa and I Dvrr aren atomtd Ihurt
la tli aftfruoou,
"it uro inual belott4 lo lit union."
balng attll lrthr modified by lh tun
neling end mining operation
leaerlhed by a Mloaf,
A prttll miner in prlvat life, pt
rlaMu.4 at lha front In thl kind of work,
4eerlrMM Ihe condition under which Hi
work I often udtleitly lotp4 and lha
anamr oporallon chockad l lha aeint
"Th aapper ar digging, ahovallng In
alloutw, when gipldrnly on of them topi
h baa liard hollow aonnd In tha att
under M pb k; two or Ihre mor lroke,
and Jtl Inailiift of an old mlnr fval
to hUa Dial thura I a hols undor tlm
gallery; h trlk again, tha point of
Hie pltk fienetrale; thr I no mor
doiibl but lhat a tltrtnan blaatlng kvda
aauM utidertieiith. fly amall trtik
lowly with Inflnll prefautlotl th P'
per enldrgi the opening, (h"n gldd by
hi comrade, lt blmaelf down into
Ih hoi wlih revolver In hi flat.
I Indead a ri a bltltig bol that
h h f1ltMvred wlih a gtllery at tha
"Tl.a iineilin la whather It fa occupied
Impoaalbla to tell; Ih anemy perbap will
appear and rnah mpoii tha Intruder; no
on come, th ntln I mpy. lvlng
a watchman, lha ppr and inlner -rend
Into tha francli gallery, and go and
report tltelr dl"ovary to th rpln, wh
decide lo profit by lha oct aaion lo plif
a aaod gam upon th fMrmana, "Whll
continuing lo work In th fialghlmrlng
mine to amlv'..llia advraary, aapiwr
and aunmnrlea of lha Infantry ar put
allentiy lo work Muffing with plolv
tha old Herman hlaallng hole which com.
mimical wild lb gallery leading lo
lb Oerrnan taribwork imd to a lull
nci upted poat.
"Wveryone work iin'lnly, 'What
a good )nk w ara going lo piny upon
them,' vry aaya. Tb (lennan (t
th othar and of tha gallery are on tha
waich, and w bava kaen on th watch
for thro to thgt they did not ur
prla our plan, for th aimhtaai llp or
wkwrdn, a Imngllng mnvemenl wlih
th toot might gtv th Mltirm, finally,
at dawn th work 1 don, Th enllte
rierman gallery at lh and whera It com
itiinili ate wtttl our t'ttvllftll I noth
ing but a raat iwnnon luff"4 with died
dtt: all tha man ara at tholr poat, a alg
nal I glvau, th fu lighted, and In an
Inetunl th earth rruk, It I anf t
ml a a head abova tha aurfara now, for
th nmy I too much occupied la fira.
Tho I rent h la entirely unheavd, and th
(larrnn fly In th air, om of thrm
whole nd aniii of them In par! "
Hlltrn by liall H.
neotaa I'tirna. tna Tlaer' ftrl h
man. I th lat member of fh Jungl
guad t ta bitten ny tn goinng mtg,
taaa with wrU.
rb,iftil,tja. Xlmtnarnuiii alanetl
wlih tha Nawark club of lha inlli'iiia-
llonal league .
Britikh and Twki Alike Uiinif It
for Communication Main
MKMOI'OTA MIA, March -I lf
filial P,-Wllitaa i-'l h Tlgre river
aerva aa Ih Un f onmi'inn allon f'r
bftth Turk nd firltlah gllk In Mo
polambu, Tb flrltlah bav a carlaiit ad
vaolag In thla reaped, for they, with
eea t th a, can nra and r
plenlall their river tfntott furillile
Indefinitely, wheiea Hie Turba l"l be
tlafled with Ibelr ptaaent flrat,
Tt carrying rapacity of In Tlgrl
Willi Ha preaetit Hrlllah fleet I no 'Pil
to lhat of a ahtgle line of railway with
an avfiaga aupply of rolling iock, but
It la Iticieaalpg In proportion to th flu
velnpiiient of llm i MiitpalkU. Hi Mtillah
Una of comtiinttl' iiil'in I about V tulle
Th fh el of Hanaporla, moally paddla
atcamei fiftiwing about four f'' of
waier, aat-h wlih a lighter u' bed alar
board and port, keep pae wlih Hie erttiy
on lha bank; and each btd ha H
parent ahlp, from which It draw ttp
plle. Tb !'rn! hlp I. In l'o. op
plled hy "nhallaa" Tha local river
craft make a ph lnreaiue fliet wl'lt (heir
high forward aloplng maaia, lingo fid
dor, lantaan . an4 cutaway prow,
pointed and barbed Tiny are painted
Ilk th fhlrieaa Jutika, bul, wit Ii Aib
dealgn and ehraceia, the tr and
fireacenl, and figure Mae the algti nf
lha isodlnc, getnicitlly whll, oil a bgck
ground of f rt-rti or red and yullow,
Arab Nam I HellHiii,
Th ArnH tiamo fur the long, ttarrow,
ranoa-ahaped boat ef th country, th
gondola of Mum, la thn helium. It 1
poled or paddled, Tit affb ll dlPt h
hav ftet aalonnlly referred lo "war hel
ium" which gra ordinary halluni ar
mored wlih Iron pint and ttaed for eon
veylrig Infantry lo th aaul of Ihe
naniy'a poaltloit,
To anpplernenf tb lf reap' ling pad
41 ataamer of th Tig' la thr lot bean
gathered Ih moat helrogeneno cnlU't ilnii
of at rap Iron and rmtinl 'if liver
traffic, taxing tha reaourcca of India'
Inland navignipm from hhamo lo Hi ml
How Iheaa craft ever fntind Ihelr way
over lha ocean only provhlehi know,
Th moat renmrk ii hie boat on th river
I on known It Ihe "Aefpil," half hmiae
tftat and half aeroplimn. Thn bull I from
Ifrihmapuii' ntid II I fltld Willi n all
propeller and a flfly hora power nglii
It make mar mil than a tnodorn
ball I, It one plied In Ain, but It
owner and pnvlanliir had a bap,y In
I'OI ITK 41, 4 II V I U I 11 SO.
Senator Shumway
Will Receive Dig Vote in
Northeast Nebraska.
Of a'l th name lhat will appear an
th primary ballot of any party, with
th polbl ftrepllnn of l'r-l'l'-iil Wit
on, wha I unxppod, not on In U
probability will rcolv heartier en
4ormnt In northet Nehrnka than
I 1. ....... U. L, ,1. . ,. ., ,1 1 .1 .. , - t !
a. ur r-i.ur,,wir, n iii iir ,,,
(Aautanant (lavernor,
aenator nhutnway' candidacy ba re
olvr a cordial welcoto throughuitt Hit
ctlon Of til Htt Wller h I heat
known and nwppr, regardlea of
Party ffllatloti, htv commented mnt
favorably on hi entrant's Into Hto ra,
Thl la due In larg maur lo lha Hen
alnr' wall known reputation of being a
elaan-cut man ef nlleiit prlnclplea and
ldla and hi cordial affability with all
men on all nnaalon. Hut ther la more
is Manainr rtlmrnway than thl, II ha
dmnntrld that b I a man of
achievement, of Idea well Ideal,
and ha ptwaeaa a faculty of tarrying
out hi Id with tact and praliemv
Kenator Mhumway I peeullarly fltietl
for th tlUHngulahed fifflra which hn
aeek. HI Hire farm In th fttal rleii-
(, In which ha ranked among Ilia lead
rt of that body, bav given hint a whin
and thorough anperlence in legialativo
procedur and (tuallflc hliu wltbuiii
qutlon for Ih poaltltin a I'realdenl of
th int, Moreover hi kindly and g -n
ru polltleal lolerallnii, which haa en
abled blm to work with raae, and uii
out frti'llnn, with hi aewoi it of a !if
farent pnll'leal faith, well a Ihnae of
hi own, Inaur that he would preach'
with ahanliil Jtiath'e and fnlrunaa In all,
And yet in ttiattera airn ily inim, i
Senator hhiitnway I a inuin h Ut hiI.
can and hi party ncd have no inei-
talnly a to hla remaining Hue tn hi
political ronvdlliitia aa wll aa In hi.
ctincne W althlll Time
John B Barnes
Cntuii'Utc For
Justice of the
Supreme Court
II a a mivkf t Ih aoer"'
it, il a tHtt et tla
tit , ki f. i i n
k ha , kcl H ! I" ' 1 h
..tta wii- il l . I l.i i i.. Mm
aplratlon and thl ml rat I of private lm
provlaatlon I now th officially rotog
nlMd hoanltal frry, Hying ItclwiHin Hi
field bopltl aiatlon and Hit mnln ho
plial cainp.
tnclenl Type of Oafl I a4.
A boa! Indlreiiooa to th Tlgrl I th
cauldron Ilka "gofar" of Hagdml, prob
ably Ihe nldeal teeael In tli world. A
Kufar moored along eld the modern freak
"Arll" oflct a atrlklng plcl'jio In the
evolution nf hl,e. The gufnr la a reed
I . u . L - ( , , k. ... .....I . , .. u -i.,,b , , f
wlih plt.h from th bitumen well of
lHt lleroilotu d aerilifjd them a "aonnd
i.. Li,.. .. ,ith
inerthamllae front Nluct l, l Hiibylon.
I'hcIi tutor, he ., ittithd a Honkey
n w navigativd by wo Tnn, Arrlven
In llahvlnti anil the inerenendliwt oli),
il. gufar w flliiiiiemht red and the
parla tarried ba k oveilimd by donkey
NnWMdaya one firt nu, la thee craft at
Amara, wlille their' norlhernmoat limit
upatream ) Tckrlt
The Turk bv fu Inrgn alaamer
north of Kof el-Amur, hut thrae ran
only go wa far thn Turkhdi he at
Mhiimian, whence anpplla ate conveyed
lo tb troop hy camel i,r donkey. Aa
regard ration for fh Toik, the conn.
tr I nearly elf-upfmrl lig. Troop nn'l
equipment are tarrhd dowo elream to
Hag'lail fiiim Moaul on Kt llekit, th great
akin mfu of Hi Tigrta, Th" ate brok
uti up at lingdad and lb akin gold or
conveyed hack hy land
iCoireapniideiiia of fit Aaioclatad I 'r )
TirKI't, April .-Jpneen paper lhat
eninment on tb bill it-turn tho American
(illKiea granting e'entual Indeprlideiic
lo Hi I'ltlHpplrie lalurtrl generally e.
Iir-n th 0bil'ii that tlm beat Intereal
of lit flllphm would be aerve) hy re
maining under the rill nf tb C rilled
)il. Nvrfhleg tb American pro
lct ha Induced no vry wld dt'Mlui
In Japan,
Th Jill think that Independence fnr
Ih I'hlllppln might iiorv to remove
aiaplclnn of Japan held by om people
In th I'nlKd Mai, but doubt whether
Independence Would I' of real benefit
That Will
Faitorei Smite
You ooold pay 110.00 more for your Euter Salt, ind not
obtain any smarter style or bettor value than we offer Batur
day In flitT different modal of "Julius Orldin" Hallored
Suits at only
At thla pHe are Hmart Tailored Model and Swagger
Sport Modla, each reeallng aoroa new eharoi. Sergea, (jab
ardinfa, Poplina, 8frgo and Taffeta Combinationa, etc., in all
eoloraalao niftek and White Worated and Wlour Clierka,
(?hooi your auit from thia tirmendong aaaorlrnent.
Values to $19.50, Twenty Models to Choose From,
CI -1 - a.ln.Jan . tlAM
ft Mm
f f ! 1 1 II III IV
iMiil I t till
Sine, Gcorueite mid Crcpc 1c
Chine Hlouscs nt $ S lo $5.00
T'latlnrtlta atf law With heaiwlllrbleg tit'et,.,, gl(
lM lltr evtllara, fain or Unt iiibniMrt la alt
Ih h la .!' anil all men I tt4
Sl.ll fitifjr Vllf A llaacrle
ivri t et artivala ta faney Vhm,
fVidlaa) aa IJngail It'ou. In a Ml
and etiUira, arty aftx ta, ale -. mm m
ariit,t am, a.t rn4 alia kae trtia
ntf ktjw aine4 twW)a, rn
lar h vahtaa, en a,: Hattrlaf at II.IW.
lu th lalnnder. II point out that toe
Klllplno bv bn nJoylng progr
nd proeperlty to a conldcrbl degree
under Amerkfrn adrnlnltrallon, and I
Inclined to feel that It may n too early
tn gtv l hern Independetp. Th Jnnmi
eoneludeg wlih th opinion that It would
h of permanent benefit to Ih lalander
to remain under American nil.
I forrar,ndenc of The , Aaaocl.ld lr i
CAIRO, March ST.-When
! eoinea, the grave of the
J b'irb'd In 'lajllpoll ar to b marked with
wattlo tree hrougbt from th'lr natty
Reliable Laxative
Relieved This Baby
Child wa$ Badly Conttlpattd
Until Molhtr Tried
Sim pit Remedy
In epli of every cm a and atlantjon to
diet, children at very apt to heenme
tonatlpfiled, a condition reponalbl for
many III In after Hf unlea prompily
Mr, C. W. Wilrwi, of Hhelbyvlll,
T'..nn , hud (rouble Willi lief Imby boy,
Wiiodrow, tiilil h h..rd ef Ir. Cald
well' ytyrtip I'epaln, h writ, "f an
eafely nay In, Culdweir ftyrup f'filn
I Ih teat remedy of It kind on nh,
It acta ao gently and yet ao nrly tAU
He Wontlrow wa iy badly t'"ntlp.l'l
and wo could find nothing lhat gv a
iPf until w trld your Hynp fspaln,
which gov mmmllt tallef,"
I ir Cahlwell'i eyrup f'epaln la a om
potind of aimpl laaatlv herb, fr
from opiate or nareotle drug, mild In
action, poaltlv In eff"'t anl plenl to
Iho laale, Jt baa been pre rlhed by
Ir, Cablwall for mor than a uarlr of
a century and can now b had for fifty
Better Quality Better ShleBetter Values
1508-1510 Douglas St. (
Interest Fashionable Women
Hniart atlea fur trt or drea wr to flrrl,
Imlted and half helled effot'l. In rrtplln. Valour
Chrg, Haigea, Mltltireg, Citilflng, HC, etc., In all
fur women and liilaae.
Spring Top Coala are decidedly different thia year, and
last year 'a rout will by nr meiwa do, In thia sala wa ara
allowing; a ir iijedly nhaiiativa array of all tha nwet eat
frihliiiiiin at a price tliat ahtnild attract every proapetira
bT1- :
The aepargi Hhirt haa gi lnd
aaitn tytnii that tif prevlnHi year Th da- V1
rid minitiir. nf Un atnt beauly nf material mm
ntk lha modal auiar'er than r hfm.
tiifday offer tenl ty in t'eheka, tiah
at dine. I'npltna, Pargea, Aw mm atrlpea. Cjiriturecy,
He. In atl ciiltir, l'h pew brll effecU, rml MH kta,
butinn tiiiiiimngi tf , valur up tn ii mi, (m r
at niily , , .
New Silk Dresses, $13.75 and Up
Blioui .-i
land. Mean while lb American amba
aodor to Turkey baa hen aaked ta u
hi Influent' lo aec lbt Ih grv '
not dleturhed
Hefore lll)oll - va'tif4 fh
plnllng of wattl tree around tha burial
mound htd already bten d'lded on. and
a qiiantlty of young tree wr aont frm
Anal rail for thla purpoar. Th with
draw! of th rirlllali troop fopni th
Th wtM tree at now being; teandad
In l.yypt, pending the llm whn they
an b planted In their apimlnted pi
tfTiiklff lo Memphl.
rr Mldklff, who mngd th lyiul
vlll Colonel laat year, ba hen rleed
to lb Mmphla Kouthern leagua club,
' ( ' 1 a
j ! -y ' "
k I ' I v- J
V ; rw' ,''
"v,V. h j '
' ' ' 1
f V ' - ; 1
t, ,.-,". nSKi .
cent a botil In gey wlbfoeb'1 drug
tor A Irlal botfl ef fr, faldrH'
yrup I'epaln can b ohtaltiad, fre of
chrg, by writing to Ir. W, B, raid -wll,
4A4 Waahlngton ,, Monllr.l'i,
iau ni.ts &
a popillarliy Oil
l I ai J 1 I x aw w- a ... m
V i
. - VI
.jr- jmr r r-w w m- s f k