hit. bki;: o.maiia, s.viti:iay. atkii, i;ir. ,1 Nebraska LINCOLN WILSON CLUB HASMNQUET Hitchcock and Neville Star Perform en at Meeting Held in Lincoln. MAYOR BEYAN ABSENTS SELF il'min a Waff fmieerioinleiit ) I, M'ii(,.N, Null., April H -(Hper-lal Tel i strain ) -Much eiitlniilaam marked Dm ImtiiiU't put on hy Ihn Womlrnw Wllaon "lull r evening at Hie Mndrll holol. Ttin altfiidaiire waa rmt up lo enpiwta. tlona, ulllioiidti mnri than pi) were aaateil f Hie talilp, ttliilo hy tli time thn apeakrr hi uii u Id hi l.arniuet room waa rnwiterl to overflowing. Tin- lani'icl in reality given In liiiimr of Senator llllchiock nnrl very few Mi- iin rum were itreginit. t'liarle llryaii inlneil will) Difl rro'vd In the hotel lolihy luforo Ihn lnii'iiet liegan, but left to fill apiakliig data In another art of Ilia illy. Noley ftreellna !, Jovei nor Moieheait wa (ho flrat of tlm eiiraker If) arilva and wa greeie, with a In-arty round of harM -('lapping. Me n follower! a riiliiiila Pr hy M'-nalor Dili liowk aii'l Keith Neville, ami l,,,i, iin greeted In a rinlny (winner, Olli'ra v. Ill ti"-Kvi-( "apnclal npplanan" wm Arthur Mullen anil Tom Nolan of Omaha, who rama In a Wile. Infer Willi other Oiiirtlm men. JuH before, tin) annaklh th crowd eariii Inaflly thn oh ileinoi rniln aotig, "How lry J Am," ami repents U anveral time under (ho Inflmnea of roffea only, I'renlijeni , J, Campbell of h Huh tnagtmaalnr and Introduced Ooveinor Mori -head a tlm flint ejiaaHer. Th kov ernnr confined liln remark to a ahort inlk on tho conrtlrlloii of tlm atale, elllr, and HHeheoek, II, . II- . .t .. ... ..... i-.yiiif, (i,.rrH nip HIT UII I Kill ai'lllK about thn aarne line a In pravloita apeeehea, confining hi remark to prom le to enforce the law ( thn aluto if "l. i led governor, "Irl'tly and Impartially. 'I lia principal apeeih wn made by Hen ntor Hitchcock, who apod a along imtlorinl nffiilM and proceeded to glv Mir, Hiynn aevnnil round of ahot from the llllcli cor k gun. Nebraska NEWS NOTES OF WEST POINT AND OF CUMING COUNTY WKHT POINT, Neb., j pell M. -fHpe. Inl,;-Jnlliia (. Hull, proprietor of the National bakery at flit iitiwe, returned home Thuiailny evening from lllnlr, hrlngliijr Willi him a brblu. Oil Wednea 'lay moriilng he nun married to Mia Kdllli HclniielliiK, librarian of Ihn public library at itlalr, Tho turning county fraternal Union held a aiicceaaful meeting at Went J'olnt on Tueaday. Htata Hrgnnlner Wood of Lincoln wa preaent. Tha Nebraaku Tclnphona company wn well rapreaented it th meotlng, J", W, Unit of Omaha. . V, ,an and (i, T. Hpreoher of Nor folk weto piOHent and inarlfi brief talk, Thn County Hoard of Hupervlaor met on Tueaday and appointed John Nkala of Ornnt townahlp a county treaatiror to fill thn tinenplrnd term of tha lata A, McDonald, whnaa body wa burled Ihn mim day, Mr. Bkala I a dnmoerat nd a member of tha county board. (', Jullii Wentorberg, a prominent fanner of the cuat aide, ie,j at tho family home of anaeinlti, He mnn 4t year of age. Walter I,. Hmllli of Oil ell) ha n noiineed hi criiidldacy for Iho ti publican nomination for county Ireaaurer. No i iinilldfit had been named by tha re publican to emitrat lh lata W. A, .Vfl' Honald, ibninernt, but alnca hi itnalh aniillnunl lia clungod and Ilia naiim of Mr. ftmlth will m written on tha bal lot. Mother of Eight Children Files Suit for a Divorce MAMMON, Neb., April 14 -(Mpei lalj -Mary Miummiiud of Norfolk hua begun action In thn tllatrlet '-our! for dlvorue from her huahmid, 1'inil Hi iiiiuiiuiid, al leging In her petition ground thera for entreme cruelty and lack of upart. Tby wer married In Itftl and had nine ihllrtren, eight of whom are living, tha yotmgeai hclnj a babe of 14 month, Mr. Hrummiind wnla the cunio.lt' of lo i minor children, temporary and pecma tient alimony, and an order restraining and enjoining tier Imabnnd from dlapoa Irig of hi personal property ani from eiieiiiiiberlng or dlpoalng of elKhty acre of real ealnla valued at l,, Catherine Coj, employrd In lh Houlli Norfolk lallrond dining room, ha filed her petition In I he district court again! the Northweatern llallioad company to recover $!fl,OW for Injurlea whb h aha al leged aha auafaliicd Auguat 7, WW, by falling down a cellar-way wbll In tha employment of (h company, Myrel loafer purdy, aott of Cnmmi- aloner I'tiidy, died Wedneday, aged JO year. Iealli raaulted from complica tion brought on by tha meaale. Tha Jialtlo Creek High grthool ha ball team defeated tha local Mgli gi-houl team hera VtMiy afternoon, Ul 8. REGENTS HAVE LEEWAY IN DECIDINGON CONTRACT (From a Ktaff Correaponilent ) M,VCOI,N, April 14, i.lta-cnl,) lie genl of tho t'nlverally of Nebraak muat decldn tha beat thing to be rtonn In con. alderlng bid for cnnalruetbui of building under thn apec levy mud", accmdlng to Attorney (leneral Iteed in an opinion given Itegent Hull, follow: In reaponao to your oral InuulfV, whether the lloind of llegenla of Ihn Htate unlveralty, tinder tlm cormllluflon and exlallng law, am warranted, at Hit time, In enterlnrt Into a emtio' I, or con Iructa, for the entenalon or conalriic.tlon of any building or bulblliiga upon fh grnunii of the Mlale iiulveially, within tha ell V of Lincoln, Will aay thn leglaln. turn muat tieceaaarllv have linen awaia of the fucf. I bul building of thla kind and character which you are required to canan to b conatructed. Cannot t completed Inataiitly; In fact, It muat neeeaaarlly rcMch over a long period of time. "Tha making of tha levy, from whloh fund you am required to uao, doe not alwaya mean tbnt It will bn collected In full, and ynt you era aulhoi land, m powareil and rcipilred tg aci .ompllah the puipoan for which levy, that la, for tint conef ruction of building, wa lieceaaarlly made, and thn appropriation certainly contemplated aoiiin unceilttliit y In dollar and cent of the amount which will illtt matnly reach (ha treaaury, and tha pay incut on Iho contract rondo. With refnrencn to accepting a bhf whl'di ha recently been made, If, fn your Judg meiil It I the beat which can bn ob tained, you alioulil accept It, you might h derelict In your duty If you d"ly i uri ner, Nebraska IS THE JIGHT MAN Railway Comraimioner Sayi He Hh long Been for the Juitice for Pretident, WILL PROTECT PEOPLE S RIGHTS il'rom m Mtff I'n n -a; onleiil I I.INi'iil,.,', A pill 14,-iHpei-lal I liull -iv t'limmlaaloncr Tliomaa I,, Hull claim to be tha original Hughe booster In Ne blU and ' HI Inalal that r'harlea I. Hughe la tha man who can bilng lo tha republican ticket the full republican vote throughout Hi nation Comndealotier Hall boorted for- llugliea for tb repnlilban noniliiailoii for th piealdency In wg when f'rolib-nl To ft Waa nominated lb fir at time and baa continued to remain loyal In hi flint love. He la ao enfhtialaa b." for lluahe that he I going to write hla inline In on tha ballot and propoaea l i ace In li Huii the alliiallou I filly cuplnllo-il lo I boac of hi friend who ahould voin Hulil i ViiiiinlMalnner HH lielteea thai with Hughe hdirg Ihn ticket It will l.e pine. Il'ally lmpoalba to prevent a reputdhan victory In November III NebiaaUa all long the line, nn matter who I nom luted for govmnor. ''There la aome thing about Jiidg" 11 igbea," aald .Mr. Hall, "which convince one ha I b -lulely on the a'piare and a man who will ha for tha peopla all the lime. Ha can not ba (on I r "I led In lh corporation nd hi record a Judgn and aa govcrnni of New York ahow that b In a fn man lo ba entr iaied with lb ffalr of tha government, Ther I nothing wlahy wahy nleiut him and ba will aland firm for recognition of Amt rU'nn rlgiii on x-n and land " APPEALS TO HIGH COURT FROM JUDGMENT IN HALL ffrom a Hlaff Correapondent t LINCOLN, April H -fMpeelal )- Joa'-pi, V, U'llavin of Hall county baa appealed to th auprein court from a JiidKiiient ee cured In the dlatrlct court of Unit county In favor of Michael Hnlllvan for I.,"" Mnlllvan waa ahot by WHeori whllo n' work In III field laal year ciiltlvallng corn. According lo the evidence, Wllaou and another tunri were tiding along Hi road pent lo tlm Hulllviiri cornfield nn I Juat hefora reaching the place where the latter w at work Wllaou diew a re Volver and ahot. at a inlilill wlil'h inn along tha lde of the road, Mlaalng tin flrat ahot ba fired again and Ihe bulb I bll Niilllvnn, enlftilng hi body ri'-iu tiic hip and pnaalng thioiiKli, lodgltig In lb" other hip, Mulllvan claimed to b able to enrn l,.Vl a a farmer each year and ue,j for i Vonng Man Conod aiiol. HAVKNNA, Neb,, April 14 .-(Kpeclnl ) Irvln lloblfcld, a young man about 1 year of ng, Waa found dead at the home of lila tuiienla early Idle morning, tha am rounding pointing to aulclde by hooting. N) reMor ran be given foi th a t, and no won! waa left by lilin, The lloblfcld fnmlly live about five mile northweat of Kavenna In tin- edge of Khnriuaii county, and tha father, final. Holilfeld, I a prominent and well to-du Uerinnn farmer, ifpEBgliaWE'RE HERE TO "GROW WITH GROWING OMAHA" mg li E mi u 415-17 So.l6'St. AIERIX Phone D-335XL y Omaha Housofurnishing Headquarters Refrigerator Time, and This Store is Ready! t Saturday Drapery Specials There in not a rofriirorntor need from n finmln ,V)- loun(l clifHt to the finest porcelain rofriaTcntlor Unit this Klorc cannot supply and give fullest possible value at the ririra And wc carry no rofriorntorK that wh cannot Hiifcly o hack with full warranty that they will jfivo Hatisfactory O .MTV IOC. Our Cold Storage Refrigerators liavo alwilVH boon noted for oooiiomv of ioc ciinHiiniiilinii. O ttciontifie coiiKtriictioii and convenient HrntDKenieiit. g Over .ViO of them now in iiho in Omaha. Como in nml 3 let us prove their Mipt'riority. t 1 C f tCn I'rii'fM I'nnirn frnm li) 1 tJ 10 tl)aJvJ H - YJf Many other styles in dependable, well con. fo r a WV MVIVM VM AV VV4 (J iVViMU i A VV14 (rtl iVn (VO , w w o o 3 J e- o ci Vllrk ur llit.v doiihle (Im-itd O T UIIv. (ii.', 40 iiifht'H idt', iiH'iit' l'iiiih, pt'i Mini, 19c P hravy tpmlily, ,V inches bfi H uCnill ainl fiiiioy oru lit'tnj nU Qkj A o He, tip in ri p r aitl, r?A vt II ouc 2J S,tttlid.l M n M n moq i ucttc Couch Covers j Ti in' i-f I'hiiii'ii' Mini (himtHl iiir, H $13 and $18 CrelonncUothcsBags IF i . itr i t tii nipriran ivninni iir inn inhi i Willi lripl ndrror, t ttt lly O'ltfl 7C r i 0 1 1 k . cut. i rii'ii , yis I u tj lviiiipp.-d wiiti il liHiifc.it mid iiu.th hiv-M-r in imiMi ,,,, Siill.i'O J hull lu.M. is ht util'tiliy mad.' uud dut Ud l tuati li fA i"f. iriH'liciil fi-r t..itirf lh,' un- i lil I Hi) f c in luuhl, , vi III ,iliil ill IiIilI'is . i v Shi Ml .1, iP" t'" '' d.-k in Hiut-ii, . , , , S-U.ri0 i iovk,., s,",'. hi d js!,oo n Nebraska Haskell Offers Prize For Music for Poem itVirii a Mtaff l 'iirieapiinilciit i I.INflU.V, Mull It iHiicrlal, -Tha t 'lrniiiltlnc h.ttlna III i liurne Ilia il- I'll ci leliral inn nf Die amiil i ciilcuninl I'lifehrallon of the S'liiiMnlnii of St lrek Into Hie union of elated, A. n Tlmnma, Itnaa I,. Ilainriioinl ami I'aul Jeaacii, la aulliiii ixril to uimoiiica lliat I nhn I', lliiahell at iVaaelietil hna of fririil . ,rl,! tit ll for ttin deal mualc ciiihn,.i)',i cnltiil i, Ida Nehraaha fiorirt recently adacleil. The miiale alimilil (, fur liilO'l vni'ia All audi ciiii,,',ii..i aiiliiiilllcl In lh, cmiiest alinnlil li ant In Mlaltt Hniiarliileinleiil A. I). Thxtiiaa, MiKiiln, id Im I r liia.ii July I, i''.y of (iixin ttlll ,w acnt on aiillcailiin A com liillfce of coniii'tciil J'Mlx-a will liave liari of tha e I" tloii. Ilirce lieneaaw Irarhrri llealaai, ....NKKAW, Ncli, Afi'll U -(H(iccliil t -The iwiirw linaril of l',,iiciitloti lia rlctcl I ha flali,( ), r ,. I.lilcl, a'i,iliiliiilciit, l.ilil Hill, priiM'l il; l.rfla V, .lohiiaon, matliematlca, I lota lto)lea, il,nii")lc a'lcice, Mary flu I'lon, iiiaiiiinai , Alia llcnu, a,,-,,!,,) h I' nncliaie, halili-in Hmllli, flrat Inter liieillHla; Lena lloaman, Jirlmary, All tha (iiaite tciciei, almeit coiiiracia Noi,a of tlm Mali achonl I'm hnra acccptfut anl the lioiii,) la conahlerlnv ai'l'lh atloha for thcaa I'lii'ttlona. Nebraska WAY NOT LUCK THE UUUKS Secretary Pool Telia North Loup Man Somrthinif of Election Law. COUNT MUST BE IN TUBUC j lion for K'lllcr nml auln lnvl nl tumor. The hoily waa Wrought lioina Tucailay and aertlcea era lieli) In the Mellifallat church Wt "Ineailiiy aflertiooii. Mlaa Toimaciiil aa Ihn ilniiKhler of Mr, ami Mca. II. ,V. Tnnaen of iilar. The hwly of Mra. Iliitlln fialmrne, who iticil at her li'imn In Ayre at mlanlalit Hiimtay, aaa luoiiaht to I'Mnxr for IhiiIiiI iylric.iiy. Itr-v, A. I,. (iacn of Hih ciny offlflaterl at thn nerviYea In Ilia I'hrtatlHti clnirili at 1 SO Wflncailay aft-' I-union ! Loss ofAppetite Moat urcaaafi.il Traataa f Taitnr Mood 'a Saraaparllla, 'from a Htaff firreaiiniiliil ; MNl'tll.N, Atoll H - (fpecliil.) He re tary of Mlnte I'ool liaa all klrnla of Ironhln rmt nri to lilm over the law aa It iiii.IJii In Ihe fulmaty, lint tlm Inlcat lomea frnrn a man at North Ikmi who I ha a Hriiicn m an,,w If It la Halit In llnch Hi.' itooia i the election voting I'lace while ihn hallnla are helna coiintcil Mr. I'ool haa r-aionlcfl liy aaylnif that Ihn elntlon law etatca plainly Ihaf Ilia ranvaa nf Hie vol moat l,e iiihle. The election lioanl , an dh Me off anf ficlcrii aiaca to keep tha crow! away from the hoard i,,na tha cminllna, hut the I'ni. lie liaa a riaht lo oliaere Ihe coiiniina of tlm halhita Three Meatha al t iliar fAIKKII-.M', Nen, April M - tr-pei lal ) - Mra, llefirjr Mlauahler ill'-il at her homn I In 1,'laur yeatenlay iii'iinlna. aa"! 47 j yenia, of luheri'uloaia Tha Innly waa i i taken to Moweaipia, III , f"r lntrineiil. I Mra. ."laiialilrr leave a hilahanil (ll'l a llltla lrl ;caia ol'l. , Mlaa yna I'ramea Tnwnaerul illcl at j th aanalortutn In Haatlnaa laal Monday' iavenlna, avert 14 yeara, after an opeia-i SOLDIERS' HOME NOTES William II I'eirv, who line l.nen In the nim ala' ent lioapllal for aorna time, waa taken lo the W eat lioapllal on Monday mnrnlna Mr Mlllei, of thn Weat lioapllal. haa leipieaied n I a dav fiiilouali and will go to I'i'oila, III, wheie he will attend a famllv le.iiilon The twelve children, eight atria and fn.ir )oa, will he In at tendant The yoiina men all eiillaled when yoiina lo aerve llirea veaia In Ihe aunt. Ihre of thent ircehed woiiinla while in line of duty, and the olhera did not learn of (hem unlit they wera dla. chaia'd after their term of aervPe waa liver T. II fth'irnan. of 'owe, Nell., on Mon day mm ulna drought hla aged mother to lie h"ina for rara and medical treatment. 1 lie ti.iing man la a Hpnnlah Ainii I' an war veteran. ICnglneer l 'niton haa etaln reported fur wink, after an llltieaa of two "i He la nol foiceil lo Hi"' a criili h and cane t'( aailnt Ihm. Monilav wn Hie regular pay day for the emiil'itce of the home for Ilia month of March I'herka l Ilia ahiount of U.WW were laanad lo eevrrily aeven einplnyea, t,oaa nf appetite la accompanied by loaa of vitality, whl'h la (erlotit. II ta coiiimon In tha alilng lieegiiaa at thla tlmn the lilood la impiira and Impov erlaheil and falla to lva tha (llg-aatlva organa what la ahaolntely tieceaaarV for th piopar perfoimama of thalr funi tlmn, , I led a Aaraaparllla, lh old rHalila all' the year found medicine, l aapaclallr uaefnl In lh aprlng. fief If, from yotr drngglat tiday, lly piriryln and an." rl'hlng tha hlood and giving vitality, vigor and lon, It la wonderfully ncaa ful In tha treatment nf loaa of appatlfa and Ilia other allinenfn prevalent at thlaj time. It )a nt almply aprln inedlrln, It la mm li mora than thai-tint It I tha heat el'flh medicine. Hood a fereeparllla make th rleh red hlond Ihe tllgeatlv organ peed, Adver-tlaement B Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Oncpacka proves it 25c at all druggists. THE OMAHA BEE -THE HOME PAPraB( tXiaWHFKK QUALITY AND VALUE 00 HANI) IN HANDrrrfj L .JOHN' A.KWANKONJW- This Greater Store Presents for Easter The World's Best Clothes for Men - The most authentic spring styles from Rochester, New York, famous designers. - The most comprehensive all-new assortments to be found in any western store. The most notable values the result of our efficient organization's preparedness. From every standpoint a showing that demonstrates this greater store's supremacy. Here's a Decree of Perfection Heretofore Unknown in Men's and Young Men's Clothes at $15, $20, $25 Extra Value Ik Tr extra vaiue $15, $20, $25 Compare $20 to $35 values elsewhere. We urge it! Young iik'M of Hit rnost 'Xnft iiiK ificloH will find wry favh-joii-fiivorctl iiioilcl, dtylo feat? ii ro, fabric, jatt(ni and color tono l)?re in JjmHI-HH variety. New 1, 2, or H button htylcf, now jtockct and lapol treat, jiiciit and rffrcHliitiff iipw Pinr-h back wationw. Vftltifo that Maud alone at $15, $20, $25. ff h i V ''i'kk w Si I Ilird-fi fit Jiifii ;iifn wlio never dreamed a clothing 8tore was built for tliein,' get. a thrill of naUnfaction here. All Mze in every proportion, Stout, long Hiiils, hhort wtoiitw, in-betwe!ii xizes and i,ei for nhort men, tall men, extra heavy men. Amazing variety arid value at $15, $20, $25, Smart Spring Overcoats, Silk Lined, $15, $20, $25 Kieli, distinctive looking Vicuna Chesterfields, Velvet collar coverts; patch poekets; Pinch back inodclM, Nov elty loone fitting, nwagger eoatu in fancy mixtnrfn, Suntex knittetl weaveH, Knin or liino coats, aito coats. (!omplete HelectittiiH, $10, $15,'$20, $25. f World's Finest Clothes For Men and Young Men You'll ehoohe fabrics in tlice suits from tha finent weavern in the world. Luxurious mi Ik mixtiircH, tailored to the acme of pnrfeciion v Hochenter, X. V.'m moHt famous craftsmen. See the!' magnificent examples of journey, men tailored Spring Suit, at $30, $35, $40. oik WIN IHIWH 1'iti: HI'. ST A Vtt lil II H I i:lillHT (IK 1 (lt KKt'r SI'HIMI H I VI I. S HKK I II KM ItU'W One Minute Store Talk, i.iteliiiii.t it mm n-rtt iit Mtiiiien ul nn.h In (I) tin ii ami thing fut g (, mil) Hie Vil ntrtMr ue (. atr in) nr tl ti it ' r t! wll l' lilUim t as.ililt luiiili f .. r 'Mi. ituna i r inn imtii (Kit. at gi mi jui.i. h mil llniialiii gl.ui t.i.lm iuiansM Hm ' N t-irt-ka i,!,i ,,f odj , ii ,. g I, .n. .t hi i hr i it vii.g . 4 ami. , thai all tan .iiit. nii't iriti In, t'liintiiii. Sir, Your Easter Hat It means mure than jtint a hat when pur cluiM'd licrn-- it means a correctly Ktyh-d hat in which you will take a particular pridf, and w hich will reflect to your advantage in its bo. coiiiingnes. llxpcrts to merve ytu, Iwirgert M'li cliin, Mil't nr derby idyles - ' 1 John B. Stetson Hats $3.50 to $10 Nebra$ka De Luxe Hats f0 Nebraska Special Hati (fo Hi ail ami alimiKli'ia l.in. all, at yJ 1(,ily Die leuiliT In It I Value, gl, y Men'i Ntw Spring 'Cap, $1, $1.50, $2 -Hats, Main Floor, East. Men's New Spring Shirts Yit ami ni ifil M'li'ctiuiix tliat jutifv evi l v man in t'uiiting tlirect t.. "SlllliT IIKAInjIWIM i;i!S"ai,. a policy ..f Kivater ..nr for dullar value an added iin'i iitive. s.'tt Hie Nan M.nili.itl tin, luii a Mm i ainl ! uhlitt, IU W ti.itl Ito i,iltrtM Hlhl lull. la. I.l.rttr.l taltira ahtiitli, at $1.50 to $5.00 Men's Underwear Mfit'a 0ifrtN $3 to $5 Mam I Itmr . Ntiitli vwNMaNiOM.n.i ff ),'7'l' VyCT'"l i'aw -'irif t & --"rtfifi T,f iff ff I i ii, i r tiiu.i i M'M vt i s m .t v i tvti s Kiel I i inn I'll IU I'll n i I'tiiitil a" I nt.it i tin It t a .'nf a-"l ' ix'Mt, I Im! l licn I ii ltd, II V.M uiili'ii "Ml alt wrigl'l all l g glut all fiw It ligl li. l .rli , fliti tt, 1, oiiainavi l-argeat ghun In li ritjr, l.tHt, l..v. tt IHI, $10.50