THE BKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 15. 1016. OFFICERS TO EXHUME BODY OF YOUNG BABE Minneapolis Authoritiei Ask Dei Moines Detectivei to Send Man to Be Present. DUDIS DENY MUEDEB CHA1GE (From a Htaft CtiiTMpniMlnl- UK MOINKH, April ).Hwcll Tain-Kitm,)-CHtff of Detective M:Lma4 will a rrrtitatlvi to Mlnneapoll to nltfnrt exluimln th t.o1y nf tht bby which Mr. nt Mm. Hfn lwll oiaJro i tl.Hr Child. Tho flilaf k"1 t fl fpriliiv by John P. mi William I. NuN of Minneapolis, Horn)'. Mr. n1 Mr Vt6 ar hld b-r on li'R of munW. Thcf r .uid of uiuritrr of an Infant found on a flump a ti-vr flav o. Th-y lalm that thy imow nothing whatever of I be baby found hrrr, hid that thnlr own "hlll fli'd ''! was burled In Mlnnnapoli. Ormiar Koona has orttrtH th hx)y of the lUr liuinl. rtilf.f Mrlwiatfl hs not 1" i tiled Whom to -tl lo Minneapolis. Pwfti'l" MmU noose IUI4. Two a'itmiioblln load of whisky 1:01c (kliilhg Mnt wrro wIk4 by a auad f poili on the Mahway Jul al of (! Wolnrg Wdn-tHiay iilahl. Thl I aid 10 b tho largest. iUvr aver mad lint? ennpt In raid on ttptmu com (.anlo and diiot. It. bad Iwi-n ahtjniH fy xir to t.larkaon and It wa tll'M off to the imllia that th hi uonalgn mint wa tor l"s Moltm partita. I'o lie offhr-r went to r.lKriteon, watched the turn load the whisky Into thlr ma 'h!n, and arreeted Ibom Just before Hoy reafbed the city limit with (heir hiK f onxlymiient. Mmr tountlce Oraeel lined. Nine couiitlca will gravol ril tlil iwssort, according to plan md thus lar, working out a ooinpribnlv y i'i In each count. Tby are ' lay, Hardin, Marshall, Cairo UmA, Craw fold. Ktnmet, Tama, Huena Vlnta and Jlla'k Hawk. Honda will be Issusrl to l'y tir th road, New brti of Pr fimticnt type will be put In by many of three courillr. Atlantis aoalbrr . Anothnr hearing on the animal of the as of X. K. Hnilth and other agaltiat the Aileollo Southern Hallway company from the railway commission of Jowa wa held lata yettterdey afternoon b for Judge W, H. Ayr-, The rotmnla ln ordered the railway to r-ihllh th operation of the railway between l,ynin and Villi', The railway com tfiide that It cannot niaka exp"' hV opcratltig and I making an effort 10 'llMimnlln I he road. I)r, HUe llefenda Mrandrle. Ilabbl irilctilieii K. Uleo of New Voik, who naa hire yealerday with the peace Party pekcr, enverrly arraigned Sena tor Ciimniln for lila opposition to tli confirmation of IsrandH' aptiolnlmnt to th eciprcni court bench. He eald: "Any men who voice for th rejection f tnle l, llrandela prove hlmeclf an enemy of that hlnh and dlltiierete,d iy( of trlbiineehlp unbiily embodied 'luring the tuet ten year In ervl e of Mrandela to the nation," rtlee fur llellrnail t me tnlnetnner, ft, K. Kulp of Kmmelebiirg, candidate for lb republican nomination for railroad omtnleeloncr, filed hla nomination pa tier with the fTe!iry of elate t'tdny. He I ihe flrt cendldele for railroad commla eloner to file. Other candidate who filed today were Congrceemait William It, Ureen of Council Itluff. candidate for relertlon; J. Q. Lauer of Waverly, (lem octatlo candidate for nomination a 4te repreeentatlve; J, B, Wb hman of Oarner, republican candidate for tate rcprcaent. live In Hancock county, end II. Uuy Hub ert of Mount Ayr, republican candidate fur nomlnHtlun a etate repreaontatlve.. t.rte Liberty After K"abl. finldle rlteele of Moim City, lle M, V. Illikham, whuin the prleun auth'irltlca at Anamuea refuaed to releane on March 'th, when hi time wa out, be. alien It aa charged be took part In Hie riot at Ana inoea taet winter, waa granted hi liberty yesterday on habea corpu priH'eedlng by JudKe Mllo I. Hnilih, at a hearing held at Marlon. Kteele'e good Hill wae tiiken aay from blm folhiwlng the riot and .dulse r'mltli ruled that the ptinUhmrnt wa too evere, lie allowed ten day for Hteele'a part In th uprlelng and two day for minor offeneea, Inaamuch aa Btwle hnd aerved thai amount of time he wa relraeed. Ileahand Mart, Wife t'eJIe Read. O. P. Millard, manager of th telephone compeny at Montour, la., fell from a telephone pol Wedtieaday When 83,001) volt of electricity paeeed through hie body. Ill wife, who waa (tending near watching blm work, etarted to run to him and fell over dead, Mr. Millard waa believed to be dead, but later regained lonai loueneea. exploelon" on lb hlp which wa tor pedoed warranted th "certain com lu- elon that great amount of munition were aboard," Mr. Huxley liowed a letter whb h he eld hed been written by Captain Thorn Carroll, French mbrkatlon officer at Houlogne, Kratice, In which Captain Car roll eald, I have luet helped take from the poor Huaeag, beached nearby, the body of a woman with a piece of g rjerman tor pedo Imbedded In her Ha lie Name ad Semher. PA ftm, April 14-Th American gov ernment la now In poeeeeelon f the tn formation obtained by the Krertoh gov ernment which led to Ihe aoeertlon that the ateamahlp Hoeee wa torpedoed by a tjerrnan aubmarln. Kull detail, even to the name of th commander and num ber of the eubmarln. bav been com municated privately to the American government. The mlritetry of marln wa not pre. pared today to make Ihla Information public, but It baa been given not only to lb l ulled Hiate. but lo all other govemrnerife Interacted, One reaaon the authority refrain irom giving out detail la that It I their un derstanding that they are acting In con formity with lb wlalie of th American government. It le aleo Ihe denlr of Kren''h official to give Oerrneny an or portunlty to reply to the ttenient that the name of the commander and number of th aubmarln ar known. ft la understood that oma of th frg. menl of th lntumnt which rauJ the eploelon found oil th ffuaee have Im printed Oerman letter and word, In dicating th town wber It wa made. Bond Issue Plans Arc Made Clear by County Board To A pe dnutita a to whet will be dona If the l,7m,0t gid road bond Utile rerrlee. the Prd of ''emit Com- lilltelnner h d'i'ted III f 'lll'Wlllg rraolitthmt 'To the Voter of tVuigla County: 'll.e rliy of Omnh and alao iNiuale . fiint y have a alandard elfli'tlnn lent fur lcg brti k. The pr.n Umetlnii Ittr that 'brti M lint lee then .'1 per tent tret' eba'l be UHtl, Any bit k bhh i.urr, r a greater b In the eiauderd nalliy tret then II per cent ! be theit I Hrr lent andeid, and tbtfi ttnuM t .,!,,-) , I l-r ti k Whl. h autfer .,,,,!irr l,- titan tl r cent In the .i ,,..i,h I ir.i a mild l e lwiir than t iUH'UN t'l, and eoly ih biuk culd r .jII ..i.i.i. td ui tit 1,1,1 lie i.uniiti a MOly the twt i,u!tUt ut , i(iiri.. Wf f :)Mue Mb k fa meet the It 1 . t 1, lit elan I i I eel, at ini til a "u',t l ,n,hl lht-avie thef '".(d In te Ui mia'MH tret hw a ,i4u t in.i.-i, 1 1, a It r eot tin i-ir i,,in.iuiii,ii (,f 1 t -t u.i ( '"tl 'ii ,0 tl a d I, I I bai )lin 11 '.,( a eil tit, M ail ci-( ! Hillnii III iv n u I I 1, 1 1 i lrta "til.n, lll . A !,'' t ... , ,,:..( !, ,..t. t'.. I H'tAll r'e !- ! t .i-ii , .1 HL 4 I 1 IV, ' Y V: ' ' e I , '1 i i-.i .... i"l H" ,mni.,ii,l,i 1 11 st i 1. ,,,. ...-. I ...I, I VI I I -J Ci l . i i . t , t. n ,,.,,.!, -1 i 1 ' . - ei - I ,ii , 1 . I 1 i 1. ' 1 I I --, ,4 t , . , , I W.i, t !;,..,., j ... I 1 1 1 . , . t i ? . 1 i-,. k 1 i . I 1 I bi lii I" tt sl-.ii, I 1 4 I ' . f UNITED STAES TO ASK KAISER FOR GUARANTEES (Continued from Page On.) Baldrige Strong for Hughes as Guaranty Of Party Harmony 'Continued front Page One ) lmng bed nd ateady bend, We want peaee, but a muat hv n honorable peace. Thl I no tlma for war lord or mere politician. Thl I no time for lb mollynoddl In politic, or th ro. pbyln In elaleemanehlp, There era other time for th opportunist nd rxporl- meniiiet, Tb nation need an able lender who will be trualed at horn and respected abroad, We want man who bun proved hla mettle a Hughe did a governor of Ilia great Iftnplr alula, one wllh dlHcrlmliiatlon enough to know the right and couragn enough to do It, "I bav known Charlea K, lluiihe for nun lhn twenty-flv years -seeing trior of blm a a lawyer In th pracllc In former year than In th recent one, but f know that ho I a. man of Inde fatigable Industry and painstaking re search, with great breadth of vision. loftlncea of Ideals, tenacious In th ad herence to hi convictions and unswerv ingly devoted to Ihe duly In lis ml, 11 atanda for a high type of clean cut, etialghtnut national Ameriranlarn In In ternal a well ee International affair. Tha voter of thl elate cannot vote, for blm unless they writ thl name Into the ballot, I do not believe (hat the voter of thl tal should be confined In their choice to Ford, Fatahrook, floe and dimming, I deeir to say plainly that If I ant elected delecato-at-largn from thl slat and hav th opportunity to vole for Hughe, I (hall do so, believing that t am rendering thereby th greatest posxlble aervk to th party and to th nation." Th Star of Th Town 77 tore Spi u it- Channel! fa Captain. ller Channel! fc.a ).... .... plain of th Buffalo team. look first ( th shopry Many. trouble. SPKING STEJTS ARE HERE JfsAinty shape 'modrfsflbat Ijbok tmit ftndbriikViUfwt becoming cohipttuqili, AVtll made (ifomfamoai Slelion materials that inkumfood wear ai will as twxjoks. In Ihig tfoti Vtvtttll (ndrrompt, rourtiKMi ieric, la f your $3.50 to $15 Browning, King &. Company 1. 10. f. HflJiUV, ,W., ! if iiMMfl,lllrmiir,iii'iit,j Wiwiftiiiiwtiir n OPTICAL CO. l n I team rWNM At 1 rvt Ml 1 t SAINTS ARE CHOSEN ; TO TAKE OFFICES Conference at Independence Hears Close with the Choice of Men for Position. 'Continued from Pag On) NEXT TIME TO GO TO LAM0NI IN ti (CI'K N l KNC E, Mc April ll.-tHp- cal Telegram.) Klder e-arnuid Twombly of Kansa wa th (peakcr at th Latter Day Halrit' roiife,ren thl wonting, Charlea Hawkins of Han Jo, Cab, we (boien to th office of MkIi priest John VV, Wight, John V, Oarver and 'Joorg K. Jtrlgge, ll of l4imoril, Ia were chosen on Uraelend college board of trustee. Myron Mcfonley of Denver wa chosen to ucced Oeorge W. Plalr on th a'idlt log board, arid panlel M'Oregor of Al berta, Caned, wa chosen to succeed himself oil the Seine board, to which aleo Albert II. Knowlton of Independence wa added for thl year. I.amonl, la,, w tb place chosen for tb general conference; rtext April, Thl place la located In southern Iowa, and I at th present tlm the headquarter f th rlorgnlzed letter f)y Halnta' chuich. There the official publishing plant of the church la located, frorn which weekly paper, ffunday school lea son, ri;arterlle, magaalnea, pamphlet, etc, ar ent to all quarter of the world, John V. Oarver wa eleeted to aueceed himself as member of tha nodal purity board, The other member I ftalph W, Kerrel of Roston, Klder Prank A, nuaaell of Colorado prlng w the vrnlng peker. Muelc wa furnlnlied by th fWndy school orchestra. govemrnant In MYioo and igrewT to send an expedltlonery fofe Into Mexico for a eertaln purpoee. How long can w let tht. army etay In a foreign country where friction already exist nd where mor friction I bound to develop? If w gdher to our policy toward Mexico, w cannot keep th army ther. To my mind th only alterna tive I withdrawing th troop aooner or later 1 intervention" Mcl.emor, llae Reeolatloa, Reprentattv Mrlemor of Tex, who resolution to warn American off belligerent ship railed on of th liveliest row of th prent congrees, Intro dijesd today g reavdutlon declaring that "th American military force muat not for any raon be withdrawn from Max Pa until Franc'.s'-o Villa ha been killed, captured or forced Into xlle." Tti rewilutlon w referred to th for eign fflr committee. system, and alo expect to !) Arbor fltate park and have It platted Into city lota. LANSING AGREES Til pabtpv nvvv prnAT.TJua apmv zuelow imas iiugnes is Most ropuiar Man Wymore Electrician Wins His Long Fight ftKATftirT!, Neb., April 14,-'pelal.)-damuel , th city lectr1clan at Wy more, who w dlchred last winter by Adam Mi Mullen, who w ' then mayor, but who refuaed lo turn over the key to hi office, baa bad all hi war rant lgnd by M. U. I'tawllng, th new mayor, and ha recelvnd hi par In full, although hi warrant wer held up by Mr, McMullen after h w handed no lle of bl dismissal, II had been ap pointed temporarily a hd of th light and water department of Wyruor by Mayor flawllng. Tb new council now ha th plan under way for a ewge FREMONT, Neb , April 14.palaU Otto Zuelow, republican candidal for oongrea from ftcluylcr, while In fremont on a r,amialgn tour eald that everywhere h h been th entment for Hugh for president ha boon almost unanimous. Republican ar almost, united In their demand that tha New fork governor mak th race thl fall, Mr, Zuelow aald. MEXICAN AT BEATRICE FATALLY SHOOTS ANOTHER PBATftlfW, Net)., April 14 -tHpe' lal Tl,r.rn the res jit of drunken Muarrel In a bunk car on the Koclt leleud track her this morning Tony Oarcla, a Mexican, ehot and fatally wounded John Mesa, another Mexican. Mesa died at a local hospital thl afternoon, Two shot wer fired, one of which entered Mesa arm and tb other hi abdomen, Mesa cam here laat night from Plue gprlngs and w given A bunk In th car. The shooting occurred flcr th two bad quarreled, Oarcla reeaped after the shooting, but gave hlmaelf up thl after noon, II ha worked here six year. He I about W year of ag tid Mesa V) FOURTH DISTRICT CLUB FEDERATION AT SEWARD .KWAftD, Neb., April 14,-(Hpclal Tel-egrm.)-Th Kederetlon of Woman' llub of tb fourth district I In acsslon here with fifty-three delegnte. Mr. Myrtle Atideron of Hewrd W eleiied presldmit, Mr. Vsnwlnkl of York, vice president, and Mr. Hlshop of t'llca, treasurer. YILLISTAS ATTACK AUTO SUPPLY TRAIN (Continued from Paga One ) truck, during which bullet flew agalnat th automobiles and poured through th brush which covered th mesa. The bandit ecamed to think th cut ting off of th rer tr tck would b easy I because some of them got wllhln a fee feet of it before th Amerlcanx. who were ' wltbholdlna their fir, cut lo. The American eoldlor thought they bit om of th bandit, Harry Oosnear of the auto truck train, a resident of Phil adelphia, got a bullet through hi hat. Three Hendll Killed. At th constitutionalist camp, within a few mile of the ac.ene of th fight, It w reported that three landlt were killed during the flrat part of th wank. Lieutenant A, II, Christie of th aero siua4 commanded th men In th fight. Captain T. V. OooiJ of th aero u.uad, who ba th command of tb truck in front, forrnod hi men to aMark the bandlU, but th fight wa over too oulckly for hi men to get Into action. Th first car attacMd carried th per sonal effect and food for Oenetal Persh ing and bl staff- llovlnat Ha ode Wear l ine. COM;M!it.'(l, N, M April 14,-Tom-mnder of American troop along th American line of communication ar be ing kept Informed to th progr of diplomatic relation between th Pnlted Mate and the Carrsnx government, It wa learned today, fnofflcial report reaching her Indi cated that tb number of roving band of Mexlcana hot ween her and I'gaaj 'Irande 1 ln'reaalng dally, However, (leneral (lomex, with 4,100 '"arranxUta. four piece of artillery nd twelve ma chine gun, reported todjr to b a few mile wet of the motor supply route tetwecu noca Orndes and Acenclon. Two army air scout left here today for an unannounced detlnatlon. Barbed wire entanglement have been thrown up at Colnnla Iniblan, Acencion n,ira firs nde. and additional en trendimehi and mall rlfl pit have been dug. SIDNEY BOARD OF EDUCATION ELECTS TEACHERS FOR YEAR SIDNKV, Nli April 14,9pclll Tele-gram.)-At a meeting of th Board of Education held lt evening th followinn teaohora were elted for th eomln vear! Principal of hlh achoul, H. O Dunlap; high chool tichr, Julia C Hcbul', Ruth Webb, Jeunett Johnon and Kthtr Pevlne: irlnclpal of Centel school, Mm J, Wbltei nvmh gTridc Itos I Hulllvnn; lxth, Martha tl, Oreen lee: fifth, Winifred Wood; fourth, Mr It. O, Dunlp; third. Ollv f Mann c ond, Orc McFadden; first, V1eks Nauhauer; North Hide school, Jtaeln A McCBnn, principal; manual training, Solo mon Willi. Th ntualo supervisor has not been secured. At a meeting held In Fehrmry fliipertn tendent W, J. P.rhm wis re-elected for period of Ihre year. Mis Cess Hodge, present seventh gradn teacher, w not n applicant for re election, HEAT SPREADsKaILS AND DELAYS PASSENGER TRAIN KRKMONT, Neb., April J4.-'"pecl1.) -An unueual Incident for so early In the season happened near Wahno Wadnes day, when tha rail on th Northwestern line spresd sufficiently In cans a delay of over two hour to th passenger train running from Mncoln to Fremont. railroad men do not recall when It wa hot enough by the middle of April to cause a widening of th rati. I . , , - 1 1 By far, the Most Attractive Easter Cards A large variety of beautiful new designs that are dainty and artistic, Art Department ThJrd floor. mOlffSON-BDDfN&CO, The Wnon Curler of MMJNei. Toilet Goods Specials Young's Victoria Cream, for tan and freckles, 60c. Whitft Bear Toot Powder, for tired, aching feet, 25c. Menncn'i Bath Powder, 25c. For the Many Who Rightfully Expect Much From Us Fashion never reflected or iginations more appropriate to express the flower and youth of springtime. And it is fitting that this store should present in a great spring garden the blooms (the choicest) of the prevailing mode, giving forth from all sides evidences of a discrimin ating appreciation of fashions that portray in original ways the styles of the moment. An Easter Sale of Silk Hose Values to $3.00 a pair Starting at 9 A. M. Saturday, $1.19 a pair We consider this the most extraordinary sale of , silk hosiery we have ever offered Omaha women, When one considers the high price of silk and the scarcity of dyes Prices Have Been Advancing Rapidly Notwithstanding, we will not deviate from our usual custom of a twice-a-year sale. All sizes in t colors and black. Values to $3 Saturday $ 1.19 apair The Store for Shirtwaists "The Shop of Offtfinality Nicety, Distinction, Refinement, arc ex pressed here as no where else. A Special Showing Saturday Three Hundred Exquisite New Trimmed Hats The Leghorn Hat is Here also All White Trimmed Hats New black shapes trimmed with flow ers and imported novelties; new tail ored hats that are very chic; new dress hats in all the best colors. Millinery that is unapproachable for beauty of design, quality of the materials em ployed and colorings of artistic merit. The most remarkable values in trim mcd hat that we have ever shown. $8.75, $10, $12.50 and $15 Hats for Girls Hundreds of new dress and street hats on sale. Saturday, $2.95, $3.95. $5, $8.75, $10 and $12.50 Milllnorj linn HMiii I loor. A Busy Day on the Hascmcnt Balcony Trefousse French Kid Gloves Imported, ns in tho past, from the finfht glovo making miler in Franco, mid offered at practieally Hie namo prices as were effective before tlie prcH-nt scarcity of fine proven, It is well worth while to buy several pairs in stead of one, to guard afiuinst what neenis will he an assured shortage be fore fall. Select from the New Spring Models In Reilfcrn Cornets that will mould your form to the lines decreed by fashion. Kach model posHenseH a dis tinction, n grace, that is typi cal of Iledferu (W'try. Kach in wine cnbtle way accents the fine points of the wearer's fig ure. Our rntantlfrn will Rlailly al'l you In Urn ai'loiilim of Hi lyl beat ailati't l' )"r Imllvlilual Uurs, th ItHilfenv Ittal lv you t ti. "nirriH't llhouttti," $3.50 Up Ptr. wtlfi TUlr ri.or. Recent arrivals include Georgette Blouses in two tones $6.50, $8.50. $10.50 Other New Stylet more moderate in price will meet with your approval 12.95 and 13.50 Voo'll njoy aperullng few moment In till artlshi- DIoum Store. There is Every Advantage in giving Immediate Attention to Your Wardrobe Requirements for Easter A delightfully varied ensemble of Spring Fashions for Saturday: New Arrivals Direct From New York Will De Shown for the First Time. Women's Suits, $25 to $100 i.i i dm ,1 -,... I ifcto" t;:. (.,. i ' V i? " ''v,1',.;.iri'i W A large collection of dlstlno tive hand-tailore4 suits, includ ing Sport models la checks, rose, golf red and tennis blue, in addi. tlon to complete assortments of fine suits for street and dress wear. Very unusual values for $35.00 and $39.50. Dresses to the Fore Tills has been our most success ful dress season, greater number s having been sold than ever be fore; but by careful planning and alertness we have kept our show ing always complete. Saturday's offering is the best of the whole season, and we can help you solve the dress problem for less money. Priced, $18.73, $25, $20.50, $35. SOOT I Wash Blouses, 95c lnuuul Mtluc, l"irnbK Mb', ju t a few li down frtm I low nril Street Ui tiuMt ivimtrkithlc tlfoiins. AU Olt Ci !!. !.( rlnittHig t'f Middie 5ic and t5c A few itepi down from How, n,rvl Street to lowtr prices. Footwear for Spring i Knit Undcrwcarj Kayscr's Silk Gloves forSprinf One of the many hwd tome ncw itjlei Is Ulus tmtcd: It i a front lire, 0 inch boot in white ivory, gray, and hrowu kid with whito tops, for strtet snd dtTM wtJir; $10 A a ptiir. Sorou Tumps, in all of the Utet itylesi for Spring and Sam.urr wear art ready for your innptHtion Summer Weight, for Women unJChtlJren Mmin-H'i rl, (in rttil4 (un u.' uw itiV, ltd !., 'Me, W intuit intuit fculta, Ht rn. 4 u i a . lua k nn li'vt . fi-i.Ml I tr Hit. daii.M t Hum hunt r,l'tw.l( l" . tut ,! , f .tl I r i l V ii. . . hoi". ' Oiil, li.-it's l.iiM I'auts K . teilllli, alt Of, of the I'ndcrur-ir Section Min AiIC"M.(n 1 lotr j Now aorimaitt of hlla, Mk, !iitii-, tiM nt ir, 50. UrlmliTf I'ltiUh Mmr Itianuil. wt 1. 1, ,., tnta mil). fiOf alr, .'''ii Imtton IrBith, Jt li, Complete Varieties of th Neeit Wash Fabrics fur 5prin tind Summer Now Ready ll.iemciu A-