Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 19

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    T1IK r.KK: (IMAIIA, KK1DAV. Al'IIH, 14, 1 flirt.
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Council niuff Of fir of
Th Ilea at It North
Main St. Telephone 43.
Davis, Drugs.
Vletrotla. 116. A. Moan Co.
Wooiirtng Undertaking Co., Tel. W.
olentlfloally fitted glasses. Lefrert't
Oardner frees, printing. 801 Klrst Avt.
Btookart Mill rug. 206 W. Hy. Tel. m,
Lawta Cutler, funeral director. Phone 77.
Welan and block hata. Cook Cln-
icf worm. I'tione 17.
rroouuury. arnilal, Baun block.
BKB HOKWICK for new designs ll
wwwr snq an aee,oraiing.
Mutual Ulrlg. and Luan Ass n,. 12.1 I'earl,
Ifornlture and chattel Inans. tiausl
rata. ICatab. yuan. A. A. Clark Co.
Alfred Huntod. lr . Inn nt llr A ll A.
Buiton, U vlrlllng In Harlan. Ia., this
LAWN ORAM -White rlovsi, blu
graa or mir( lawn, extra fine, younner
man Heed Co. I'lione arr?7,
BPRlNtJ BULBH-Tuli roses, eallrlurns,
gladiolus, ronmm, dahlia and Illy of in
vaiiay. rounsennau eil Co, I'lione Wu.
J. C Da Havens arrived home last night
from ! Angeles, f el., where lie has
been aolciurn na the laat winter, enloyliiu
tlia balmy air of thnt delightful land of
gunsiun and riowers.
Hawkey lodge No. 1M, Independent
Order Of Odd Fellow, will meet In resu-
lar Ion Friday evening. Th Inlilstnrv
degree will be conferred. The degree
iiarr ia re'jueeieij to ii iraaut. Vlelllng
nrmner ara welcome.
Muimw Wilson Morris of the Bluff
' My mat mass and Mirror works con
cluded a flve-yesr lease for the room
n7 and w West Uroadwav. w i rh w
lie uaad hereafter for the maniifa'Mijrtng
bualnea of (ha company. Tha fatory
liiillfllna; on Myntir mm at ail kilning trio
Mrttger Hakrry company a big iilatu has
proven too small for tha installation of
II tn ninf hlnerv and larcar fltiaitera
war damandi'd. Tha new aila is forty
rent wide and eighty feet long and l 1-
isieo, in one or me new KvrreU hul fl
ings. Tha new lo atlnn la only a Mock
from tha Northwestern railroad trseknga,
which gives ad'llllonMl advantn.(v fhr
mai'hlnory will ht niovrd to tha now In
(atlon at onca, and tha plant, will h
(Miliar eiuijpyi man avar to nandla II
Pormar Aldarman Kllaworth la aiiffor
In; from painful !n)urla rlvd In an
odd antomolill acidont, arid hi car, a
ni-w ala-ryllndar Mtudrhakir, la In th
nop rvrivin worth or rapalr. Mr.
I.'llaworth. In lit vlcltiltv of tha Union
l''lfic roiindhouai) on Foiinrnth vinua
i rid Twantlath tract, collided with a
'iy wire that had barn airun to aivp
port a Waatem Union Tlniph rom
l'ny pol. Tha wlra hal not bran
lioxnd arid waa ntlrclv lnvll)il In Inn
rJarknraa. It truck tha wlndahleld of
iha iiar, cut awny Jiint half of tha tnr
Iriar whfml and tora off tha ton of Iha
Mr. Kllaworth railved oina had cut
rrom fha ahattarad (lit, but mlaand
'ornlnr Into dlrart ronta t with tha wlra,
Mra. Kllaworth, who waa In thn car, alo
raianad without Injury. Tha car waa
rnovina aiowiy or tha accldrnt would
have bean mora aeiioua.
The fourth iilt of tha rar-ant aerla to
'ollnrt llp(ffd delinquent la from
mine corporation waa lnatltdfed yntar
dV In the dlatrlrt court. It wnt l-roiidhf
In the name of the county trr.'iurer by
Attorney A. O. Kltle, formnr imrliKr of
Hen MrCoy, tax fnrret who opeiatra ell
ovnr the atala, and employed until r
'enfly by the I'ottwattamle rntinly hoard.
The 'Mlon I ajrilnat the Iowa Hhorl
l.lne railroad, better known aa the Trv
nor IntonirhHn. Tfie claim la for $.!,2m of
unpaid tttl'ia for the year 1 fil A. and an
Mh1 la rriH1 to have the tax Halm alven
priority aa a ll-n nirulnat thn total nmoitnt
of tlio W, M. lna hid of $21,0 0 for all
of the property owned by the corporation.
Judlf Wheeler had provloualy held that
lax claJrna were prior llnna. hla rnlln
aovrrlna; the, ycam of 1911, l!H2, 1113 and
1914. Tha lna bid ha been approved by
Judite Wheeler and the amount mual be
paid In full before the end of the pr
ant month.
Dan Weir Returns
To See Old Friends
Dan Weir, former member of I he foun
cll Rluff police force and now a really
proaperoua farmer In the Rnanbud coun
try, I In the city attending- to aom hual
neaa In connection with tha purchase of
n adjoining farm of WO acre. Kor
twenty year Weir waa a member of the
llluffa police force, the (tronler part of
Iha time aaalirned to plain clolhn work,
t'urlng hi many weary month and
year of grinding duly Dan did omn
pretty good detective work, hut the bin
geat thing he detected wa the fai t that
there ara greater opportunities In thn
world than can he found on any police
force. lie w inh en opportunity In
one of tha Roaehud land drawlnga and
ent after It When thn atruggle of the
aurvlval of the fllteat waa over he found
IriO acre of claim land In hla pnaaeaalon.
He aoon bade adieu to hla comeeia and
department head and went hack to the
aol with confident enthtiataam, When he
got ready to prove up ha aa ahle to
buy an adjoining quarter aectlon and
now ha haa added tha aecond and la
fter the third.
Dan knew Just enough about farming
to know that It Improper to waaln
time driving tha durka to water and to
be able to clearly duitlnguiah between
full wheat and aprlng uata. laat year
hla wheat prop exceeded .! buahela
and It netted lilm IH4 a buahrl, He
hauled It all tn maiket hlmai If ulth one
fotir-horae team. The market point
taenty tittle aay and be waa able to
make in round trip every other d.y,
but hla average load aa I'M buahela. and
It took him juat laanty-elaht tUa to
rinlah the )uh, In addition t hla oheat
he harvrated and -4d IM huahala of
rya, Dan K yaatenlay that he ba.l
acre of the fluent hwklug tall b
bad vf amin When one ff hla tr. nl.
aakl hint If tbtra waa anytHlng lia
hard tune" In the ItiMwbud rvaioit, l,
Had tu hunt i a dictionary ta find i'it
hat tha wortla Mtit
Heal I elate lefrr.
TS f.,aiiia r.l rataie ii.l.i.h fiiot
1lnrly tMl i i Tie Ilea
tta Iviuat1')",it A-.iut i ,!.
t4'"ti I. 1 -huaiHi I. ti( 1
!l t el a W. iia'At Tuu uf
I . I I t
lii l.f..i lat I1.ti i .mii.if t . M
k. iahy. v II (! "I i.'i :
to a fa, v ' i 4 i
limaii ' VI t,
1iiy, t..i . a'--. .. S..i, I
a. . I
A r unir h-i aft ' It t
it '.! . i t ; a tiai
' a nl
I A ! a t !
VI Im, M't ' t ' ; I
-t . Sf -V i. , 'i I 'M-
n .. a1 i t iu '-,
y-' r 1111 a Hi
Ht.iim i hit ,). i i i,. i. Wir,
f , . 't I', J I
I- M a I ' Vi.i ,r
t '. , s i I i
la 4 ',, 1 S i. 4 I-
Tl .. I i
A rtaiM U tent r-yi aa lai . I i
kJfe&A.eA m.m. 4 k.l , jtt.a II. M lt.a.,tfal a. I
k t Mi t a ' h u 1 1 1 1 - a
Vt tt t. i ii . ' .. a
'a f ii i... (... i ii
Wa fmt i H -4, w ,at
hi . ikatae it lei itte,
Hl la A4eiVnet
Council Bluffs
Ninth District Suffragette! Will Be
Here in Force to Hear
Mrt. Catt.
Continued favorable report are te
nelved from ail parta of Iha Ninth ron
greaalonal dlatrlct that the women In
charge of the equal auffrage movement
In all of th rountte have planned to
bring delegation to Council Bluffa to
attend the dlatrlct maa meeting that
Hill he held In the Auditorium building
on Sunday evening, whuti Mr. Carrie
Chapman Catt, preeldent of the National
Kqual fluffraitc eaanclatlon, will be tha
chief apeaker.
There la an erroneoua Impreaalnn t broad
which the women are particularly dealr
on of correcting. There ate no mlll'ant
tnctlr tolerated and no militant thought
entertained by Ihn lcrtera, and they ilo
not want th Impreaalon to prevail that
Ihey are going to uae their power to pun
lah any politician or aaplrant to office
who may oppoae them In the preaenl
campaign for votaa at the coming pri
mary election. They want to h under-
food a conducting a purely educational
movement without In ny manner an.
tngunlxlng anybody, Many abautd
atorle have been put In circulation and
harmlea llttla Incident have been mag
r'fled. A few day ago wide circulation waa
given to an a mixing Jok perpetrated by
lot of high achool itudent In Ixgan.
A well known Jeweler had permitted the
ant-uffragtt to fill the ahow window
of hla tore with antl-auffrg altiff,
when a lot of high achool girl filed Into
hla tor armed with hatchet, and with
mock erlouneaa ordered him to remov
the nhjaotlonable thing on penalty of
oma window mahlng. The moat of th
hatchet were mad of paatcboard and
It I aald the Jeweler' own daughter wa
one of tha "militant." It wa a harm
lea i:hool Joka, but th matter got Into
th new In a clrr.timatantlal account of
a real act of wlndow-amaahlng militancy.
Tha woman are keeping th movement
on a high level and will glv no offeni
to any claa of opponent.
Th women have planned a norel
method of providing money tp carry for
ward Iha local campaign. They have
laad th vacant ator room at 11 I'ear)
treet In tha Kverett block, and on April
will have a doll aale. Dub and o-
Ctety women are alat.lng In th work
and will provide about 1M doll hand
omely gowned, be.alde a large lot of
fanny art Idea. It will he a May day
event, All of the money derived will be
uaed for the equal auffrage movement.
Musical Services
For St, Paul's Church
Rev. Dr. A, O, A, Buxton yeaterday an
nounced the aervlce that will be held at
ft. Da nl Kplacopal church In observance
of Faater Sunday and Enater week, Fol
IowIiik la the program:
Celebration of the holy communion and
bleaelng of the palma. t a. m.
Simony gchnnl, 9 a, tn.
Celebration of the holy communion and
ermon, 10:46 a. m.
trg;i.n prelude by Mra. F. K. I'ltla.
I rocnMional from "The II ily City," by
I'roceaalonal hymn. All Olorv lAud
nd Honor," No. M).
Introlt, "The ralma," by retire, V. K.
Mtt and choir.
Kyrle, from tha communion in H, read.
Olorl TIM.
Mvmn. "fh 'acred Head Snr-
tonivlcd," No. 101.
No. K 3.
Holo, Mia Kthol-Marift Huxton.
Henilua. Kenedictu.
Awnua Del, Mla Jeaalo FVrguaon nd
choir. '
Nunc Dlmlttla.
Rereaalonnl hymn. "Ride On, Ride On
In Maleaty," No. 01.
organ, grand march from Plaoifla, Mr.
K. K. IMtta.
Service at St, I'aul' for holy week
will be:
Olehrallon of the holv commnnlon
every day except Friday and Saturday at
in a. m.
I.llany and addreaa at 4 p. m., evening
prayer end rermon at 8 p. m.
tiood rrlday rarvlcra:
Meditation and praver at 10 a. m.
Three hour commemoration aervlo
from 12 nnon till t p. m.
There will re no aervlce Friday even'ng
or on Saturday.
No Hlble claHa Tueaday evening on ac
count of aervici g In tha church.
Palm S'inday will he appropriately ob
served at the Flrat Congregational
church. Beautiful deooratlona. aultahle
miiflc and timely aennnn will ha fea
turea of the Sunday morning aervlce-
ITrrgan F'ralude-f Kaure) Ibla
,MI Mnrcnierlte I.. Morehonae.
roceanlonal-Chlldren of the Heavenly
King Pevel
Openlrm Seniencea - loaanna to the
Hon of Javld.,
Dnxologv, Invocation and tord'a prayer
Itaaponaua reaqiiiK auq (llnrta lalrl..
tlyiuri Hiiaiiiiiia, louil I liwnnna llartla
Scilpture haa. n and prayer
AWhem-1 lie I 'a I iu. .raiire
The aolo by Mr. kudu Prvor
Offertory- Melody Wely
Nolo - I lunamin . tlraulei'
Mr Walter I,. Jenkln.
Si-nimn The KIiikIv i hrit
Ilnm All (dory. I.aml mid Honor ...
J'lwtlialo- l'ri'ceialiHial Mari h ., Uulrand
Time to Plant Trees
hruha ete, la at hand I;. Menrra,
h nureerinian, la realy tn fill yuir or
dara Call at am Ptutioian atrt, v'uun-
ill llluffa. la, or phone im, and hav
Mm call and take yur otdr K.rte-
Uig traaberrVa a ape-laity
tt ! ! i fh4 in th
d atuci .i,tii imlri'Ur ld itut ini
l iK-eme lea ed T) l"n.tiff
aia Mr Nan-i ! rant aaalnal
iini I H ia ram nu . ui. li . f
.lfiu TMu nvartUd i bed
ek e e. (.'!. I i l; Hto an t hiii I un
J ' y Hit taia . a. (.
It RM f M Mmt 'l & It
M A'r Ni.rt fy ..uHins, act ikti
ha ttrn I ail th t Ma ..'
I tf. ' t. i a ' i.i
'! I ' ait Mite f
It. a i I'.'tatamil (o ut n.
i ,ei t i. I at t .. t i, Mrv
I. 11 t i Ml, f ikii , i
la !
t iitatMi ! nat i-h K
I i . '-4 ka'il !
4 a ttf .'4,. M , J .i tk iii t
iti-i .ii-if i. aa if iltna,
4i, i.g m fim 1 . t !
'' I ln4 r i,i aiaikit I e
me t . . i I i,uil4 t
laeoary :
V ., ' -, 4 !' .1 til , . t -
I aa it'- I ' ! f ... ,
al a - ivMi.g ai't"- aea f ik
l.i. e Vwtnta at A II me v , a v
Keaevtaaiy, A4flkaat
! . 4 I
Premier Count Ok urn, who reanaetia
that th Japaneae alliance la aa at rung
a aver and tell tha alllea they iiiuat
tick together agnlnat their common foe,
Man and Wife Accuoed of Its
Murder Deny Charge in
Dei Moinei.
(From a Staff Correapondcnt
DF.8 MOINF.8, I April 1,1. -(HiecHl
Telegram.) Coroner Claude M. Koona will
ak that tha body of th baby Mr. end
Mr. Ben Dudl lay they hurled In Min
neapolis be exhumed, he aald today. The
Dudla, who ara held In municipal court
on a charge of murder, claim they but led
their baby in Mtnneapoll, and the liody
of th baby at tha dumphlll at South
eaat Wth at reed doe not belong lo ihem
a charged, Tha huahand and wife
pleaded not guilty In court today.
lrote Tnaliranre. Hollna.
Hall Inauranc comtanle are proteat.
Itig against th ruling of the aiate In
surance department forbidding their
charging 4 par cent In countle In north
weatern Jowa and 3 per cent in the real
of the (tat. The eompanlc d win re that
there la mora hail In the north weal em
count le than elacwhere In the alnli and
for that reaaon th rlak I greater. "Tim
lneuranne department ha dlnnpprovrd the
hall Inaurnnco rate filed by the loa
rating bureau on account of dlacritnltia
tion ahown between the counllca of tho
atate," the department declare In i
atalement Jual leaned. "The filing miul'i
ly the bureau fixed a 4 pr cent rnto
for tho following countlea: lluenn V'lutii,
Chorokee, Cly, Dlcklnaon, F.mmet, Ida,
Lyon, O'Brien, )cola, Palo Alio, Porlm
hnnlaa, Bac, Sloin, Plymouth and Wood
hory. The rate fined for the rema'ndrr
of the elate wa S per cent.
Ililttor Ont Fur t oncreaa.
W, O, Payne, publleher of the Nevndn
rteprraentatlva, candidate for tho repub
lican nomination for congrea In tho sev
enth dlatrlct, filed hi nominal Ion paper
with tho aecretary of elate toilay. Hi
called on a number of official et Dm
atate hotiae, Mr. Payne any a he will get
a much larger vote in Story county and
Polk county than he did two ycara ngo,
when ha waa competing with both J. I.
Myerly and C. C. Powell for the nomina
tion. He believe he will get 2. Ml vutna
In hi home county.
Denounce Hard Road.
About 200 men, moat of them fartr."ra,
rcpreaentlng twenty-two countlea, at
tended an antl-hard-urfaced road meet
ing at the Ha very hotol here yeatenlny.
The meeting waa held under the aauplcea
of th United Taxpayer' league and Sen
ator Doraa of Uoona oounly prealded.
Tha resolutions passed, among other
things, declared that tha member of the
organisation "will not support any can
didate, either for governor or lcglalalure,
who is tn favor of the hard surfacing oi
paving of our pub llo highway.
City (a laaoe Ron da.
Hond laaue for friiaj.nno. one a refund
ing lasue for I'tuO.OOA, and the other a
funding lasua for latm.OnO, will te aold by
tha olty council. The bonds sre to take
care of the city's indebtedness. 1 ,i In
debtedness in aeven working funda a
mora than t?TS,0uo. Other Indebtedneaa
rniaee the amount to more than "."'.
When tha two new Iminl lnuca are sold
the city's bonded debt will be over -',,-ooo.
Ta Knfnree Fire I'.aeape Lena.
A. t t rick, Mule Ijilior coiniiitialo,or,
Ih luatrui'liiig In Inspector to npr, t
the thraiera In the ai(e and report oo
tha condition of fire eacapoa, rlt and;
their diatom aa to keeping lla tire
and earrctalng care aa to fire. The com !
tnlkstoiier Kill enfone atrlct ni(ultoii
rieada lllahl tu Itrfrnd Hume.
V.. I- Town of Jatn,u.i, a inn, Imnt
ho fouli.l gilll f tinaliihbi i !
'or klliiiiit ii li. uie iniiii named iVillimi.
Hen i. Im (ilr, ,, r, ;
pieinr .. .rt Ci.iaiif IU.ea f r killing
aa ii i t, ri, and a Jn!lfil l
II drtitaita In Hie m iiiiim, f ' ! I w.
tetl (l,t , lnm ,,,,
aa li.Mni berri loi. Ja-cuc
ai.-t f. .ltod the l- teat l. .U. . , , t
I '' I her li.tltir l ie II . o an., i,. , taiil t..., a n. . ,-i I ,in ,
!' of tl I! u , .!, I, , 4 'V. H 4 , I '
ie- t-- IMol I;,, II, ,,
ll'l Ht IN. l4M, ... (, ,,,
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..i .1 4lMneV
Rcpublicani Will Hold Big- Mam
Meeting; in Ritchie Hall This
A mnaa meeting that will he a maa
meeting will lake place In th Ritchie
hall, over tho Vnaek atnre at Twenty
fourth and (I streets, this evening at I
o'clock, A republican rally of th blg
neaa and caliber of the one held laat year
In Huahlng hall I carded and every
republican and nonpartisan In tho South
9lila la expected to hear th candidates.
Republican force In lh South Side
te nell organised and the Internal In
tin" coming primaries la Intenae, Th
numerous flUnsa of a host of South Hide
democrat for county and city offices la
bciecd to hove queered the chance
"f political opposite In till part of the
city and a greater Internet than ever ia
inaiilfpt in the meeting thl svwnlng
President r. J. Martin of the South Side
Heiuhllcan dub. under the aupto of
which I lie meeting I being held, will
preaide. He announced laat evening that
each and every candidate on Iha repub
llcsn ticket who appeared at tha meeting
would I" given a chance to talk.
Secret Move Aaatnat rirabani.
A secret movement on tha part of mem
bers of the teachers' ooromlttea of th
tlosrd of I'liicntlon to do away with the
office of assistant superintendent of
chimin imil with It Us prnsont incumbent,
former aupcrlncndent of schools of South
(iniiiliii, N M. Oraham, Is much dla
ctiaacd by South Slders. It is said by
well-informed persons that at a meeting
aom week go the hoard committee
took iictinrt In the matter and nnanl'
nioiioly decided lo puah tha matter b'
fore l he board unexpectedly soon.
Mr, firnham hss served under flouth
Omaha school bosrds for twelve years,
beginning MS principal of the South High
The work of smalgsmaltng th two
school systems of Omaha and South
Omaha since annexation haa been largely
In his charge.
Two Taees Ferer,
Health Keprasentatrv Henry ftchmel-
lug rejiorts two cases of contagious dls
eases, nno of scarlet fever at tha homa
of Jsmes Orsnt, Sit 4 V street, whloh
broke out yesterday afternoon, and an
other of diphtheria In tha horn of T. B.
Scott, ?:i23 South Twenty-fourth gtreet.
The latter case was reported Wednesday
T. H. Hedges, assistant to Rchmellng,
ha hern esnlgned to duty Inspecting
sewers end alleys.
Illableiid Park Peeper.
Realdenls of the uptown Highland park
district have become acutely nervous
over the repeated reports of a "peeper"
In their neighborhood, Kor a period of
alx months psst a prowler, whose whole
Intentions seem to be to wslk through
the residential goctlnn, perking In win
dows, crossing lswn snd climbing
porches, has lieen seen several times,
Sunday evening Hred I.lghlfoot, M'J
Fouth Twenty-third street, saw tha man
peeking In on of the windows of his
Inline and after a hasty etiasa serosa the
awn filed a couple of shots from a re
volver st the figure. J, E. lyush, JTiW
South Twenty-sixth slreet, snd Charles
Krug, 2612 E street, have both given
chnnn to the strange men within the lost
few weeks, others have met hltn on th
strai t, One of his pet hobbles, it Is said.
Is to follow young girls of tho neighbor
hood s Ihey get off street cars or re
turn home after sn evening parly or
other entertainment.
Police lisve been unahle to obtain an
acciirato description of tho man and ha
haa nlwaya been able lo elude officers
who are sent In pursuit.
Tear Old Hnildlngr Down.
A corps of wreckers wa at work all
day yesterday and the day before tear
ing down the big vacant building neit
the high school annex at Twenty-fourth I
and J streets, which I the property of 1
Jap Rose
tnr IVlcea A in lrt, IMtn tn tur
Face Powders
Mk- l iirincn Niwlir
four alludes, at
10 29c
5o. lni.rtiHl Java Rlre ) A
im ili't Wree-n hog, at , eW iC
l.'liltsy Iviwii
l'iiler S shades , . . , ,
rsifc rrsr Taaaatoa
axi mtt
rvtu qv THtksiot
.., r-r 1. 1 a
. feeaaawaet tali4.y u
- '.. C .'
jv i ,
Yonr mm SHE SHIS are Best
Supplied hy f lie lxa!! Drug Stores
joc r.'...,:
a a-l -i Vi
85c ,' I i,'..
the Honiil of lMucatmn. The etilur
quarter block on the southeast corner of
Twenty-fourth snd J streets Is tho prop
erty of th hoard. It la the plan to erect
a new modern combination gymnasium,
domeatlo anlanc and manual training
building on tha vaoant ground. At pres
ent this span la halng uaed as tennla
Th old building haa been uaed a a a
storage plana for old second-hand furni
ture snd up to th present time was
packed with this clsss of goods.
John Plyna Write The Her
I have aomethlng for yviu, snd I want
you tn wait my return not long. I'll be
hntiMi Saturday with th flnoat lot of
merchandise It ha ever been my good
luck to pick up at bargain prices. Ioia
of novrltles for the ladles. A nice hunch
of If. fl. ft M. suits and th grandest
Una of boys' suits to sell at Ifi.OO and
IK 60 that ever cam to Nebrsska. You
may reat assured that tha prices will b
the lowest. JOHN FI.YNN.
Mister Hewiberll Head.
News of the desth end mirial of Slater
Ven San Hembertl sf Columbus yester
dsy was reortved with sorrow by her
many friends tn South Omaha. Solemn
requiem mass was hold yeeterday morn
ing at St. Hons vent urla church of Co
luinbita snd bnrtoj was madn at the
Cslhollo cemetery of that city. Just a
week ago th brother of tha slater was
burled In South Omaha at HI, Mary"
cemetery, Th parents sre Mr. snd Mrs.
John Kochelok of this city.
Hlsler Hembertl was horn In IRM and
was confirmed a sister of St. FYsnoea'
church of Lafayette, Jnd., In IM7. I.sler
beraua of declining health She was
transferred to lrfiulevllle, Ky., snd to
Denver, Colo. She has been 111 for sev
eral year and beyond medical aid Her
death waa tint sudden.
Maalfl Illy fioaalp.
Office spam for rent In ftee office, i'lll
N street. Terms reasonable Well kn mn
Inflation. Tel. South J7,
The Soclsl Pirates, Intermingled with
comedies niid ilriinin, makes an ail Ma
ture program nt the Hesse tonight,
Th women of Hi. Hridsel's church will
give g home linking aalo st the I'tlcl
grocery store at Twent v-fourl h mid .1
streets Saturday morning,
Kor hale 3 Iota, o room linii.'r with
furnace beat, fruit and grapes; n good
roMTif ai, iDvrtt tisik.
' - .
f jflfi.wM I '-
- ? 1
roaaswgDTi; iWsia It mn, ifm 1 1 fT'HlrttlWi iid Itas idhUlis sM'llin n:Ti(t ftWi ifLi.f ss-ttlMiliMjJlUlj.iu.X-'u
! -Kitrifxrwx- tn 1
Vote for Howard H. Baldridge
For Delegate at Large lo Republican National Convention
Sherman & IMonnell Orug Go.
Corner 16th and Dodge Streets
OWL DRUG CO., 16th and Harney HARVARD, 24th and Farnam
New Store Soon at Nineteenth and Farnam
Tniiiilnu INiri liaslnif 'iiwrr. 'Ynu
ansa iiar Salar4ay livg !.
it will v t ya
Sonn Standard Midicinei
t rmahaiu't Vegetat-le
l i'tiniuu,l t't . ,
lllrt Htuait'l tya,H i U llf.
tatUlt. far.., U'ii.
I 'e l' I'lia Hem J 4
at. rr. C
II l eialt SM in, fj
w taf P
" tl It
a aji i )
fit ; t. i I ,.t i'.l ;
V. SliJS --i
home; on pawd street: cheap at tJ.WO.
J. II, Kophiti. i;; South ilth street.
Tne Uarfield school bsso ball team de
feated St. llrtilgnt a nine yeaterday after
noon by a gcor of U to T. Home ruas
wete nmde by Hunter, Hubln and Mu
ni an.
A meeting of tit P. K. O. society will ,
no held tomorrow artemoon at th home
of Mrs. tlxorga French, .'iHM South Twen-ty-tlmh
strvut. All momhrre uro urged
to at tend.
All primary candldatea are Invited to
attend the prlntarv bull to lie given Sat
urday evening si Die Kndnien hall at
Twenty-fourth and O streets. The dance
will start st (i o'clock.
A pie social will he given Saturday
evening at thn Went hide Interdenomina
tional church bullilliiii at Thirty-eighth
end Q atn-ela by thn women of thai
church. A pln-ratlng contest will be
The glrla of the domestic science
eliiaees of (he South High achool made
Hie trip through ttie Armour packing
plant Wednesday afternoon. Kmiilnyes
of the plant allowed llimii a very pleasant
A church dinner will be given tills
evening between the houra of tt and k
o'clock at the I'tilted Preebytertan
rhnrch st Twenty-third and I alreeta.
Women of the church will have charge
of the program,
The t'orrlgan school base ball team
waa defeated twice bv the crack High
land grndn school nine, (lames were
played yeaterday afternoon, Canlalnr
Hellene of lIlKhland and Vnuksl of Cor
rlgan leading the fray.
We wlah to thank our frlenda and
neighbors slid th Kagles' Indue No. MA
fur thn kindness snd sympathy ehnwn
us during the death of our son, and also
for the floral offrrlnga. Mr. and Mra,
John Kochelok.
The Herman-American Oemocratlc 1
club will hold Its meeting al the club
rooma at I4 Mouth Twmitv-f mirth street
Sunday afternoon. April In. Ilusliiess of
gmat ImiKirtiinee la lip for passage snd
h II member ere reflocslcd to be present.
The meeting will oa n at S o'clock.
An evangellatlo campaign will start I
April m snd contlnus ever three Sunrisys I
si th first Swedish fiaptlat church, l
North Eighteenth street. The llev. P I
(I, Nelson of St. Paul, Minn., will con
duct the nieetlnga. Mr. Nelson la one I
of the foremost evangelists In ihs Swed
ish Hnpllsl denomination of America,
Turn old furniture, household goods and
rlolhliig Into cash with s Pee Wan! Ad
im ti, Anvr.iiTanftt)
"Vn Katei limn ami Miincy by Trmllnic at lh Knnr Hcxall htorea.'
Dainty Oulih Csltgtils, Iha Tery
Cli,ti Mad Cuateeltuaa.
a ii. ... uu . i in , . . .Ma
l-Ik""' t;' I I'touo'!. tavvry
),... ..n.iainiiiM a nut. fnni or
gal reel w .illal , , ...... aXfcl
!.i sit I run i i'tiil i'Iiik
I l .Mill. SW
i 1 1. no I, at , 1 1 AM
We i iia uiiti al iliarrai "mt
ii .1.4 i !,,!, 1 fi.a , every faturd.
l"'ti.l te
I i l Tilula Saa-ta tt . . i
Toilet Goods
U Itneally UtiifH 'i,,a
H m. t Uimitf gn.l Al nn
t.i..ii. (nam. (r,,,., . dwaC
i M. tiira i li.'uti, P4 f f) f
i.. i l'i4iii ..f , ,, tJaJC
ii-- 1'aii'iMii ti'iaral sindt. r
..ii ' i . f r a C
1e I 4 i i a Mil 'lt g
l'tl i. u I s. tin
5cf 10c, 15c, 25c & 30c
.,( I ,h I I'tii4rr,
.! Mill Ii , l ,
S. S. S. Removes the Cause.
Specialists have agreed thst Cstsrrh Is
sn Infection of the blood, fence, you st
your blood cleansed of the Catarrhal poi
sons you will be relieved of Catsrrh-tha
dripping In the throat, hawking and min
ting, sores In th nostrils, snd the dU
sgreeahle breath. It was caused, In Hi
first piece, hecsuae your Impoverished
blood wss easily Infected. Possibly a
alight cold or contact with anme one who
had s cold. Hut the point is don't suf
fer with Calarrh-lt Is not nn.-rsa.iry. . Th
remedy 8. S, S discovered oer fifty
years go. teled, true and tried, la al
wav obtainable st any drug store. If
has proven Us value In thotiasnrit of
rases. It. will do so In your cane. Oct
S. S, st once and begin treatment If
yours Is s long standing esse, he aiire to
write the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. H i.,
for free medical advice. They wl l irll
you how tills purely vegetable hlood torn"
cleaners the Impurities from the hlnud by
literally washing It clean.
Boys' Shoes
Your hny iiectls llii lest
quality khnes you ran buy,
Our reputation of i!u yenrt'
standing Is hark of cmy
palp of
When we say that KTKKI,
HHOO 8MOK8 will outwenr
two psln of ordlnsry shoe
you can depend on It. that
ihey will; w (ttiHrantre It.
ltoy I lo S2.50
Mtllo firnta', f In !;
an nm
farce Pott Paid
1419 Farnam
Greasy sslves and ointments aho tld mH
be applied If good clear skin It wanted,
Krm any druggist for o or H.ii for
extra large site, get a bottle of semo,
When applied s directed. It effective. f
remove ecsema, oulrkly stops Itrhlii,-,
snd heals skin troubles, also orr, hums,
wound or rhaflng. It penetrates,
cleanses and soothes. Zemo Is dependnh e
ami Inexpensive. Try It, as we bllva
nothing you have ever used I as uffecthe
and satisfying.
iicmn, Cleveland,
Th Warranted Kind
Fine Toilet Soaps
Medium site l aKhliier
ItiiU tuol 8osp, (nr. , .
Ttt Whlta Knat. 8.p.
hltk s Juicnilrt !op,
Fine Perfumes
II 10 r'raii'h. IJr Kit TnpU
1' itr.-, per
I . g f l.allvl Vl.ilrt
H'ai'l I'l-r ti, a , , , ,
I . iii ialu a rt. a Jukti
I it i a. I. t r i.
Ii :.', get .! tjtieen
I l I ' I, .'t l.'lll. , , , . ,
64 c
1 1 4J1I iiun- l. M',iti.-e , V 1 v)J
Tooth Preparations
... I.iih 1,1111,
.Mr .iii 1 ... I ti
r ....
What to Do for Eczenu j
m ii-Mi?"iiiir3