Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 18

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Good Things for the Table Offerings of the Market Household Hints
Home Grown Vegetables Are .
Now on the Market Tables
Vfbl (hit com lo Omaha after
Inns, Journeye In rfriratr ear from
ih aunny Muth and the Palflo ooeet
have lmoat rn Jhir da for thla -
, Hptln. fivn(.lna to 'wirka la tha
reaon and lh horn n article
are already t--jnnlu( la appear on (ha market and will appear In araeUr
and greater varletr and volum.
llomi (trown little onion and railiahe
lha flntt to appr. The ftw to
td open air eacept that thf hav a
rover put over them when tha weather
ia hilt or hn front threaten.
Home grown rhubarb la alas nearly
!' to make I'a orbut for tha aaaon,
though th Imported artlcla from tha
( la vrrr cheap alan.
TomaUMM ara ait f flna
flavor now and tba prtca la 4own to
krra lha "lova applM" ara within tha
rranh of a I moat any pnr.
Xaw hoata, turnlpa, rarrota, atrtnf
tn. g iwrn pnaa m4 rtia Ilka ara plant
fill, all from tha south, nl of raon-
able prtre.
Htrawb nea ara here In rear, plenty
and at bottom prlcea. They ara all com
ing from tha flrlda of Mississippi and
Louisiana now, aa they hers been for
tha laat two or three week. But within
a vary few flare now tha rrl from
Arksnaas and Mlaeourl will ba hare, and
thaee are of much finer flavor than thoaa
oomlnf from farther aouth. Tha crop In
Mlaeourl and Arkansas U aaJd to ba aa
plentiful aa that farther aouth and tha
berrtea will ba cheap.
In tha Una of fruit there la atlll some
thing fa ba emirad, although thla la tha
slack season, Nerel oranf ara of flna
flavor, sweet and Juicy, Orapefnjlt la
also liuvlouoiy good, though advancing
a llftla In price.
Apples ara atlll to ba found, though
moat of tha fancy fruit that cornea from
tha north Part fin coast la aahanated.
Vim very good Ren Darlae ara atill
on hand.
Flneapptee from Cuba ara plentiful, big
and of flna, foloy quality.
Tested Recipes.
U'NCMfcON AIAI-Twa tabWpoon
fule gelatin, one cupful raid water, one
and a half eupfuia boiling water, half
ciful lemon Julca, half cupful auaar,
one cupful roUaey, mt In email pteona;
helf a cupful pecan But meats, three
lert apples.
Heak gelatin hi cold water ftva min
ute, and dleeolve In brallng water. Add
lemon Julca and augar. Whan mlitura
legtna to atlffer), add aptrtee, lici in
mall pieoea, rhnppod eelarr, and broken
nut meat. Turn Into a mold, flrat dipped
In rold water, and chill, Berv with
mayonnalaa dreaelng. Thla mlkttira may
ba earved la raaaa mafia from bright red
rupful rnmetarrb, four cupful milk, one
i upfui ehredded coooanut, half a cupful
Mil tha rometarch atlta half cupful
of the milk. Heat tba remainder of tha
milk, add augar and gradnially tha molet
enad cometarrh, stirring- all tha time,
when ihleke add tha coooanut, a Jul
rook !n a double holler one) hour. Flavoy
with vanilla If deelred. Vim Into rupa,
flrat dipped In cold water, and got In Ice
.o to oool. Whon ready ta aerva, un
mold and aprtnkla with ghredded cocoa
nut. Put a amaJI plec of currant Jelly
on top of each.
rrt'rTrn owmMi awd TUM-Thrwa
lerge kpanleh onlona, one egg, flour, but
ter, three-fourtha oupful chopped ham.
cream, milk, crumb, ana teaspoonful
i hopped pereley.
Roll onion whole m aalted water until
tenner, but not broken. Oool and remove
CeBtora carefully. Chop aentare with
ham, add paraley, tba egg wall boa ten,
and sufficient cream ta moleten. Mis
thoroughly and fill onion ahella. Plana
In a eaaaerola aide by aVte, aprtnkla with
flmir and dot with bit of butter. Pour
a little milk Into tha bottom of the dub
and baka twenty mlnutca covarwd.
prlnkle with crumba and hrown, lm
aovered, ten mlnutaa longer. larva frern
tha eaaaerola.
CI lCX;OI,ATt? pt'DDmo-Ona rxtpfnl
rullk, one-fourth oupful nutter, thre
furtha cupful flour, one-fourth cupful
augar, four egaa, helf tsaapoonful TaJiUla,
two equaree chooolals.
Heat milk and butter together. Whan
boiling, attr In tha tlfted flour and work
vlgoroualy over tha flra tut a gnaoath
pasta la obtained, tt It cool a mtla
and then work In tha malted enocolata.
Add tha sugar, vanilla, and ina allghtly
heat en agg yolk a. Last of alt, fold In
tha gtlffly-heatan agg whttaa. Pear tha
mlitura Into a buttered puddlah dish and
bake about forty-five mlnutee In a mod
erale even. Whan dona, turn out an a
hot dlah and aerva with a custard or
vanilla sauea.
Cut away tha anda of tha beans and
hall In aalted water. When tender drain
and rme with cold water. Mis with
French dreasbng. to which soma ehoppd
i hives have been added- Arrange In
little cluetara. held together by a rtng
nf lemon peel, Oarnlah with parsley or
letluoe leavea.
Two pounda round eteak, cut one-lni-h or
mote In thlckneu; one cupful flour, one
onion, chopiHid fine; an It and pepper.
Place aleak on meat board, trim and
eaaon with ealt and pepper, ftprlnkle
part of a cupful of flour over ona eMe
nf the ateak and pound It thoroughly with
a mrnt pounder or other pointed In
strument. Turn over and repeat this
operation on tha oppoalte aids. Cut into
Individual pWee, sever bottom of eaa
aerola with hot water, add meat and
otiopped on tone, cover with more water,
closely cover dlah and bake from two to
three hours. Add water occasionally, If
noeeeaery. Tender meat with delirious
gravy results. Hand to tha table In tha
eaeeerole, or on hot platter, garnished
with cjtuu-ee of. toaat and paraley.
PIKKAPPI-K P O N a m-Two-thlrda
cupful grnled fanned pineapple, one
lehleenootiful gelatin, three egg yolks,
grated rind of on lemon, half cupful
auger, two lehleepoon fula lemon Julca.
few gretne elt, one-third cupful oold
water, half a cupful heavy cream, three
egg whites.
Beat egg yolks slightly, and add
grated rind, lemon Juice, sugar, and salt,
Cook In double boiler, stirring constantly,
until mlitura thickens, itemova from
flra and add gelatin (which has bean
soaked In cold water for five mlnutee)
and pineapple, When mixture begins to
thicken, add cream, beaten until at Iff, and
whitee of egga, beaten stiff. Turn Into
a mold, flrat dipped In old water, and
ohltl, Remove from mold to a serving
dlah and garnish with whipped cream
and elloea of canned pineapple. Mothera'
Megs elne.
Two tahlespoonfula gelatin, two an4
one-heifcupMIe milk or cream, scalded;
one-half cupful water, three-fourtha cup-
rul augar, one tenapoonrui vannta, a raw
gralna of salt.
Moftn tha gelatin In tha cold water
five minutes and dissolve In lha hot milk;
add the sugar and flavoring.
Wash a doten targe eggs, make a pin
hole In one and of each shell, larger
opening In tba other and, than ahaka mit
the contents from tha shell; rtnas tha
ahella clean and drain; pour tha rhllhvt
but liquid pudding through a funnel Into
tha ahella and sot them in an upright
position In a pan of broken loa and salt.
Whan ready to aerva, remove the shells
and aranga tha contonts in a nest of
orange or lemon Jelly or spun augar.
Verve with whipped cream.
A Ballon-wide movement was Inaugur
ated March 17 In Washington for the
erection of a fitting memorial In tha na
tional capital In memory of Clara Bar
ten. Miss Mary Katharine Wolfe of New
Terk, serving with tha volunteer nurses
of the American Ambulance company In
rranoa, kaa been decorated with tha
liver medal for devotion, whlrh la rarely
Chicago baa woman's political clubs
wbioh take up lha matter of Inquiring)
Into tha efficiency of tha candidates for
office, and they have no hesitancy In
letting all women who have a vote know
what they find out, whether good or
Republican woman of New Tork elate
ara planning to organise and take an ao
ttvg part In tha rampnlgn thla fall, giving
especial attention to getting out the vole.
There la no reason why they ahouldn't;
nor why tha democratic, prngreealva, ao
rUllat and prohibition women ahould not
da likewise.
Turn old furniture, household goorla and
clothing into cash with a Pec Want Ad.
Thc.ofee Mary Page
Dy Frederick Lewis, Author of
"What Happened to Mary"
s: Pictures by
:: Essanay
Tka Oast of Oharaetert fat
Ta tbabtsi cabb or mast
f AOB.
fail's l4tS'!. ttlM9 (f afM,
sua Wan lUnri WtKkell
Mart rcft, tKeeti u a star. at4 e
aiiii( .... . im Mare
le r .ll.- Mm if ib mi
w e 4 af -twi,a ,
a,4M 4tuea
U 11 !, ueii'l l
r' wI.hs ilfaf . .. .jut-m M l ar
I r- t,i ... rtea in4
rs w e-ikx ... ...
....... riM fuii
f- h 4 ... a .! I iv,a
t- . r n itMt'i-e
ht. . . fw'iwb t ve1 tMi'i
S 4 v4 Ha . Witiie ieAK
a rt. '
, r-e awa4
A k ... .. , ., B-tfttt
a. ... , n.M.4.
,f HtUk fit.Di t)irita) i
l'i a .g t.f iiaiaflttini) Ik rre
i jiu. tliui H-l 1 k m hi eeai, anl
I an i- i ,n..' a:n i M ilun eh
! ( ! I. .( ( 4 . ) h tHiHI ttf IHe
I "i n ttnel i Mi i
wee. aeg . a.,ha tuake
IKil, lml Mr JV ...
a I "
kI (tve I ie II ii Oinui ei at ft
1 e- i..t, t alf ll ...,,
tlMit H a'tti ) -eeiki-a )u wtel
. r the ! vt l a -t
ear iiimii
1l eei a Ma bea aa
1n t ' g' I M'Mlt.a., ,
fha imM !: a hue
W k.i.
I,. u,a t.. fin mtt u4
tg ih ) t h I (1.11 tike t.e
If ! ' " He t-le4 em a I
i a4 I tkexgM mat aeua
I when ona of 'am waa full of wblaky he d
probably rarry out tha threat."
"Itd uu wara Mr. rolluokf
'.hat did ha serf
"Oh, I'aie Juel laufhed and Said he
t knee of (uur pvnpla who would like to
e him get lil, ami be n I eivtuillng
Ilia fair set "
A wIiImi nf rti'Uaiiietil ran thruugh
Id i.m.iii ami Mary ehtitltiered 1Ih he
meant lit M'liely Hut the waril
.r..iihl a fro it la I jmk ton I fere and
a iMiii autlla l that of the roe't(nr
I'ld he.' ihe ueata reyped aarplr,
Dial he iMk prerautlona alrul
'Ve lie l 4 hte ht ga'ke4 a anuria
at giHe that auii make any (hI a hit
I H ati.r Im m I, i a i.p I" wrong tree"
tie ant. lea iiinlmr'
I'M i'U er a lham
"Kl aa I lameinVer l aaia that
era We He an4 that u ii4m I la
4"ili-'4 aa IMa ai-1e at itia Alianll '
etiiMaal Ihe ' leaned fmea'4
alaiiii II a lit an IxataM el aia It'1
ii un. .r ttiiif a4 i-t
tiil, f ll,a l. Iraki a)'ieilva Ow-i'4 t :!'
tt lllnH lf.i rit
kia' ia ii tti l t. a ii- tf
thai l -4 Ni il'
I somMh I ear fr Mia H w l
a I m ihe tl. v l ! Me
' Teat la ail in.. ie all M ui.iv
4 lal.a. '.! eel We I'l
.tlll Whll lha ) lhltlg I'll
'4 'i4 .-ea at lha ilf nm
a, thai lit th kal l4
l'll ii.wk ba4 "l a yait
i ak teJt Mir ifei '( i'a ri.uu aa r I !
llal Ui'i lag k4 l I
l at ike .!
1 t v ,'l i.a.t
To Drive a Nail
in a Brick Wall
Did you aver try to drive a nail Into a
brick wall? If you have, one of two
thlnga must, have happened; either the
nail entered tha mortar between the
bricks snd as soon as a weight was hung
from It promptly pulled out, leaving an
ugly hole In the wallpaper, or If the
nail struck a brick It curled up and re
fused to enter any further, hard as you
tried. A wooden plug set into tha brick
work Is the best solution of ths problem.
If you send for the carpenter ha will do
tha Job mora or leaa quickly, according
to his nature, nut nine times out of ten
at the expense of ths wallpaper, Tou
can do It yourself Just as wall and better,
if you fake a Utile rare to save tha pa
per. Pick out tha place on tha wall where
tha nail la (o bo driven and mark out a
four or five-Inch square. With a sharp
knlf cut through tha paper on this line
and carefully remove tha place. If tha
paper sticks, aanrlflca tha plaster by
chipping It away with an oM knife,
Tha hole can now be out In tha wall
with a cold chisel. An old file ran be
used, but tha ohlael costs so little W or
It eents-that tha extra labor involved
In using a makeshift Is not worth while,
Mtrlke tha chisel gently with a hammer
and at ths same time tha blow ta struck
give tha chisel a twist In ths hand. If
ths chisel sticks, work It free by a slight
rotary movement without using much
force. Continue einevatlng the halo un
til It is about an Inch In diameter and
three Inches deep.
When tha hole Is mads, whtttJa out a
plug either of plno or spruce that wOl
fit very snugly Into tha hole. It nan ba
made a trifle larger than tha hole and
the end slightly pointed off to permit
tha plug to enter and then ba driven
homa with a hammer,
Removing tha paper anil cutting tha
hols will have damaged the plaster to
soma extent; thla Is to ba repaired by
mixing up plaster of perls with water
and ths holes filled with this mlitura,
using a putty knife or an old easeknlfs
to level off the plaster. A a soon as tha
plaster Is dry and hard, pasta tha wall
papsr hark from ths place where It waa
Things Seen in
the Fashion Shop
Many of tha spring suits have lining
and pipings of taffeta.
A plxlri taffeta gait may be effectively
touched up by plain pipings.
Jersey weaves ara prominent among tha
new fahrice for spring.
Lavs and floundngs of ail kinds will
!e used on tha summer frooks.
Many dreaaoa are finished at the throat
with a square nock.
A very pretty style for tailored suit
Is ths bolero with the short skirl
There will ba a great deal of colored
stitching used for trimming this sum
mer. There la tittle doubt about tha presence
of dlHtcnned hips in tha new fashions.
For summer wear, ths frock of oyster
white pongee, piped with black, la sene-
There Is much variety in the spring
fashions and ona may adopt a becoming
style and be smart.
Wlds velvet ribbon Is ths trlmrntng used
on miuiy afternoon and evening wrapa.
Home Jackets ara faatened at tha throat
and again with a single button at tha
walat Una,
Thais la no definite faahlon aa to the
I eight of crown and tha widths of brims
In millinery.
1 lather narrow saahea are tied at tha
left of the front In two small loops and
two long ends.
New silks ara designed with sven
stripe, four Inches wklc, in white and
red. In black and white and in blue and
Practical Hints on Care of
the Plumbing and Fixtures
The plumbing and plumbing futures
mut be constantly watched that all de
fects may ba promptly repaired and
clennlltiex axercleed to the utmost. All
the Joints should he tight at all dim
and no laakags allowed.
When one consider that wg-ta water
not only glveg off diMgr?nlile ooora anl
gases, but very likely carries dangerou
germs ss well, ona realUes ths necessity
of Its Immediate snd complete removal
The water left In Ihe trap, after it has
been sufficiently flushed, la clean and
prevent any of the cdora and gerina
penetrating thiough It. Dreat cure ahould
he eierrl In fluahlng the pl(s thor
oughly that only clean water ho left in
all lha different flxtuiea In the houee.
Tha plpea must he kept doe from
grea, soapy deposits and slime, which
may lie dona by flushing the plpea gen
erously with hot water and aorta, Ona-
fourth cupful soda should he ii I lowed to
one quart boiling water for this purpose
For cleaning the clone!, a long-
handled brush, used for this purpose
only, la needed, Plenty of hot. sospy
water and hot sal soda lined frequently
will kenp It clean, The soda solution
ahould ha used at leaat one n. week.
Hydrochloric acid la good to ue aa a
!leirifeoant and also for the removal of
tains caused from hard water. It doe
not Injure earthenware and therefor run
ha used without any danger of lea. Ing
any trace from Its ue,
Helps for the
When Ironing It. Is a very good plnn
to get a dean brick, a white one If pon
slhle, a stand. Tha Iron will retain
heat much longer than If an open iron
stand ba used.
When boiled and unboiled egg get
mixed, spin them, and the boiled one will
spin round quits fst, whll those which
have not tot cooked will hardly spin
round once.
Tar may he removed from the hamln
by rutihlng with th outalde of freeh or
anga or lemon peal and drying Imroedl
ately. Tha volatile oil dtaaolv tar ao
that It an ne rubbed off,
When button are taken from an old
dress they should b strung on a string
before putting them Into th button box.
A little lomon Julca added to tha water
In which th hair Is washed will keep
It light and at the aume Urn act a a
tonic to tha scalp.
It is said that the hand may be speed
lly whitened by rutMng them well for
three nAyhta ucieealvaly with sweet al
mond oil and then dusting over them a.
much fins chalk as they will retain.
Keep a smalt ptoe of paraffin in
your darning hag; after darning a sock,
rub th paraffin over th outald of the
haul and tor, where th greateat wear
come. Do thla after each washing and
eliminate darning; no Inconvenience to
The easiest cot to dinner I to get it
In tha morning. As soon a possible
after hmakfast plan the dinner even to
th dessert. Prepare and conk the
vegetables whll busy about other work,
drain them when dona, then et aside
In a cool place. When needed, aeaaon
and reheat over hot water. Two haalna
containing food can he fitted together
and warmed over tha same boiler of
water, Almoat any vegetable can be
heated again without lose of delicacy or
kept warm a long tlm ovr hot water.
Spinach or tiean are tietter at second
cooking. Bufflclnnt vegetables for two
meals may be prepnmd at tha same time.
Herve In different ways with a day be
tween. Th time saved and relief full
by the hoiiaekoeper when thla forehanded
nera become a habit Is exceedingly great.
When cleaning the bathtub, th hole
In the overflow pip ahould receive cupc
elal attention, aa much lint, grease, etc.,
may gather there and caune an lnnluirv
condition. A llttlo kroen or turpen
tin on a cloth will remove atslni from a
porcelain or enameled bathtub or otlur
fixtures when rubbed on the epota.
f'athtuba, nka arid waali basins h jul l
b thoroughly cleaned after each ua ,
with hot, soapy water nd, when ncce
ary, followed hy a hot anl soia solution.
Ortan ia likely to settle In th pipe
from tlm klt'hen sink. It la a good plan
lo fluah the kitchen sink and pip with
a I soda dally to keep It aweet, clean
end free from greac. II always should
he thoroughly rlnned after aul aoda water
line been poured Info II, no that nop
may b left stainllng In the pipe. If eal
nods aolutlon 1 allowed to remain 1n
the pipe, It 1 apt to ait hole Into it,
,rd If there Is any grene which may b
washed down later on, the greaae. will
combine with It anil form soap. Th'
soap, on cooling, forma a hard cak
which la difficult to remove,
If obliged to iia an Iron alnk. It ahould
ba washed with soupy water, wiped dry
and rubbed all over with a little kcroaeno
after each Urn to prevent t. from rust
ing. To clean rnetal faucet and other melal
fixture, waeh cloan with hot, opy
water, Then rub over with pulverized
chalk whl'h ha bien mixed to a pislo
with alcohol or a weak solution of am
monia, lytt stand until dry, then wipe
rff nnd poUch with a dry flannel cloth,
J. D. Crew's
Quality Store
Cnrnaiinri P.rrwd
rpll KpHnnch
I'rieih TomabM
,N'W lolat
Firah ArHKii
Max llcuis V.ftg, Plant
Freeh Hi rawln'iTlna
linked llntvipplc
A U ml to II men to
(1uwo, Of pkn,
Advo Whit flicrry
Advo Mlcnd I1iuprle
Advo Jwuilnlt Pears
Advo A'M-imt
.$() and Arbor Hte.
I lamer M7.
17 Pound for $100
Ileal lrnulat'l Hugar. Sugar is vl
vamrlng every day; buy now before It
goe higher. Moyiine best coffee, I lb,
for 11.00 our special coffee, hs. for
gl.OO; :.) a lb. Hun toe Blend coffee, 4
lb, for 91-00. W alo rajry a fancy tine
new crop teas. BOo, 600, 700, BOo per lb.
Coco, 300 per in. Heklng Powder, goo
and BOo. Hplcea, Extracts, Toilet Hoepa, Hugar aold with 11 order of other
D, Sea.
406 IT. lth It.
Sunday Dinner
From the Offerings
From Generation to Generation
Quality Firit
Made ia America
m Uma af a
l,l tf t la far la
la UK IK la I 1'Fi.u, l
I. ' a. Id ' KID-lla A"
lai'l . il al ,1
i wt , ! att t fir,
Wllk t'aol
llli ' mf '
anl ! a '- I i i
W It v u ff gi.taj
aaue aiMiiwM 'g
kail' a uul4 I'a'-i
I win married about 23 yean ago, and I read an
article In tome paper, it&tin. that there was a fac
tory that waa making- Aluminum Ware. My wife
bothered the life out of me became ihe wanted
Aluminum Ware In her home. Well, you know how
it ia with young- married people: a man wiu do any
thing for hla wife, ao I gent down to the Illinois
Pure Aluminum Company, Lemon t, and got ail
piecea of "1692" Aluminum Ware for my own home.
Among thoia ail piecea I had a little Sauce Fan. My
baby waa ail montha old then, and my wife uied
that little Sauce Pan to warm milk for the baby.
Thai bmbf is marritd toJay ami Aa a baby at hr
own and A A sum iff 5uc Pan.
J n. TIlOVAft, Iron. Neo.
May athar pier bv ba la daily uaa (hroughotit th coua
try fut mora Ums Iwanty year.
You want to ftop continually liuying jxjtH ami pain
that must Im rrplacttl every year or two. Invest your
money Ju the "iH'U" ALUM I MM WARIC Mr. Tliuiius til!
aUmt the liiul ou can haml down ti ctaiiKhtrra nd Kranil
lUiiKhtpri, like olil fatuity ailvt r. I here i nnlv tne Aluminum
Ware on ihp market proen by actual test to hit mora thin
twenty years, Insist iipm gttiiu it. IKm't le ImU-4 wnti
the "jiiitt gtxxi" aulistilutta. Ask for
"18-92" Pure Spun
Original - 0!tlet - Most Durable
V O.W V. Nm lMaJ f.a It r
Ow aW) . m . . Ni . JUt a ea IV r
la in .,. . .. i i , ity ii.i r'. l.'i tui. l..i
' "'' AiiiiHiKum e , ' ) . a t
It i ' I la . .. .fc rjji( t h s . ll.
' ' 'aaa'a kail a Kt $ ,ni .,. ,
f. Ii, aU .. Ihiia
l' Irf . .r. ,1 t. "hp mh ar, l ta.t Maa
.. . .!. . "l4 1 rn t.aa tlaldlili
I al a. . i . . i i . i. .i la t i. ai 11 , . ,
! . I lali.ix ami a . a Hu, ai a
' u i, I-! uiH, av r U!..
sven aaaai ei
"ta atiVHiavM tn le iiin iJ am a
nil m wiLaawia ea
It i jdi tvw iw'1 ft "l!ir Wsti, an! i rl M n lit itai vi t i!t mti ti u;' it auti
IMArUMit:) i'l
l.emont, Cook Co. III.
"National Prepar
edness" It does not
come irom guns and dread
naughts alone, but from
men who are fit for the day's
work. The making of men
Is a question of food and
rational exercise. You can't
build stalwart men out of
unbalanced foods. Shredded
Wheat Biscuit contains
all the material needed for
building the perfect human
body. It is the whole wheat
grain made digestible by
steam -cooking, shredding
and baking. One or more
, Shredded Wheat Biscuits
for breakfast with milk or
cream makes a man fit for
work or play. It Is ready
cooked and ready-to-serve.
Made at Niagara Falls, N.Y,
A Few oi the Reasons
Why They Always
Come Back to This
"Quality Store." The
Prices Tell The Story.
old ovra-
(And Many
Bono vrurn.
79a to ll.a
A ia for Fre Chin Coupon.
Take home a
Prill Quart, R to
10 Tera Olrl
Any of The
rainoii WliU-
atl;Y Full Quart
CaekleV Fainoua Mom
Orap Vlne, pr gallon
acklev Bros.
isth awn carTTOtv,
Wa Kollclt Mall Orrtera.
Write fur Jrree Cataiofu.
I f rr)
an a
. IK W
Already tut
Drnn in lha kettle dire. t from th package.
Skinner's Cut Macaroni or Spai(helti save lima and work. It i evenly
cut and look nica when served,
"r Cut Macaroni
OflMNERfr or Spaghetti
i 1 1 1 Cooka In Iwel va minute
For Sale it All Croceri r KLL
SKINNER Mrr,. f 0.
llltt Wrri
I Amtru
l4t a '
Oaak. H.
Trier IbdS
Kmii--.- ' J ''"til-- ail j , ,ii ij i i ,.
Extra Fancy Strawberries, Ft. Boxes 10c
White Ixhik ItiulMirrt, tit; huin lira, B liunrlina for. ............. .
Fri'Hh (iii'i-n Onions, lie luini lu-i, H hum lie for. f
Hoft Wicll Knafllah Walnuts, Nuts, lltittir Nut or Mixed Nut
Iim nut are) ffuiiraJitMMl, 9 ihiuikU for .25t
10 liars Irfuiii'lry ij'iwn, a whit Innriilrjr snap, tnr ..,,.,(
""army Cookies, regular 30rt -value, at,
per Hi. 10
be tUg, Hiaimii, at i tor 10
Fancy Drlwl Iwhrs, lb..THo, HHo
Olnser Him, frmri and rrlap, lb,, So
t i'mii Hoda (,'rarkera, 2 Ilia, ISo
Ktrli lly h'truh Raaa, dns 80o
l'l l'"rk HhouMer Knast, lh.,,,)a,a
I'lk- I'oik Hhriulrlnr Unite, lb.,.,140
(liolre Cot Itoimt, II) lOO, UKiO
Lean HollliK Uef, lb. .t,0
1 lia,r rcii-iitrlt? Hpark na,n fi...38o
liars Htib-No-M'ira Niipth Hoap, UOo
k iikk". Kub-Nr)-Mre 'ow1er for 80
2',! pkka. iib-ii-Mor I'owder, ,180
Klc ran Kaa-le hyn for ,.. Bo
Hin cane 'liikri, Kamo, I
1'ur Hnriey, l-lb rotnli at .16
2P'0 ran Table J'enlics for Ho
10a rans I'l t'eav-lies at.,,,, aVi
Hi -on. cana Don a"llr Itnaptierriaa, ISO
JOo pkit. l'lnnat Mar;aron or f?ri
abettl, at , ,, 7o
mtsat tniCiaXal.
Rlrlola, Forterbon or Konnd ateak, per 111
Prima Bib Kot, rollsd, no bon or waste, pr IB
No. I Wiisht I'lin-il .'iillfornla Miima, pr lb.......
Hmokert Hull, 3 to 4-llt, chunk, jmr lb
We Di-livor Yren Anf whre Mull Order Hlled at Above IVIce,
gStf The Peoples Market
Just a taste will convince you.
Ask for "Omaha Maid" Macaroni
at All Grocers.
Douglas 3711
1005 Farnam
Ptff Pork Loins-fresh, not frozen, lb M!i
Fore-Quarter Lambs, lb tl'iC
Pure Lf;if Lard, 9 lbs,, for 08
l ilt I'i'ilt II. ma ,
I I (.. .. II . ,
rli.r I', it lt"al ,
nun ; It. ..ii
tin wi i.ii.
m ." n i 'I 'M . . .
I' I 10 -r Cfcap
I'.mi-ri i.i,a nina iaa
!: , it
.l. ll'IIIK IT
rnr t'u.l lii ll,
Hit l-n i h laa
Auaar 'ir. ..,n I,
tiiria ta all ?- f lk lt , Mall ,, fili4 at ,
0l. VXiK'U.nih fw nl k Hiurr, pkum), nih t. Tel. It, 80T,
Yig Pork I.olns-fresh, not froicn, lb t Vtt
Ynm Uftf Lanl, 0 lba. for. , .
a i '
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t '
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V ...i i: a .1
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taeliveit It il al ii tlit Ma ,:. tuiM at 4e
t "T I 4 A ft A nl t ea a..
rnone Tyler lOOO r.;-:-;.-rrt.r.n
ll B eliau4 Ball4 I