Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 16

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
--.-.. 0
... FOR Mil
c;4 S FEfl
of latest styles the
market offers
They are exquisitely trim'
med in the most fash'
ionable way.
Come in early and get
your Easter Hat while
our assortment is best.
Ca.h or Credit,
Open a Charge
J to
I Mrs. William RoOiichild. Here
Thirty-one Yean, Will B 94
Years Old Saturday,
My Mri l.lFM ?. AHI M.
IV are lwva WrMId 1(1 Wn
lh rtbutnta liutt lajinihed tipn )rr
world of (ayety and th trrtgrnd
mother rfMng ion"rtiilJlfin rvi u
four gntMona, W lov to read rtbout
wddlng, (wi; bet atlll moe aborb!ri
eie th golflan and diamond llirilotn
rf merrtg, even in eilver miivMviiy
I n ociaion of graat K'y-
Paturday aftarnooti Mfit. William troth
ehlld will kp opn houa to nil ir fam
ily nd friend, receiving uotigratulatlon
upon th completion of t,ha hlntytblrd
yr of very iieeful and leiiialflah Ufa,
Children, gren1 hlldrn And grant grand-
MM ran will r-t hlr anorte. who
I will mak fr from a faobl prwiwnc at
j Hi gathering, In plte of li'Kl flv
aoora yra Mr. Jtotbachlld read Hi
' paper earli day without ale and man
'go Into Iter kllchfn and mke a,' rake or
Special Ico Cream This Sunday
Grape Nut
There are Ooo,J, fcfllbl Reaaon flack of Oar
Have II riry Monday ia HpM 11 Urtrk. during tht
wee day ymi ran have fee. Cream aerred moat any
way mil In i great rarlety of flavor,
Phone Tyler 1000
tnd you wilt main tht time
courteous servica is though
you won mmm your win!-
Alti THE lEEORlct la Person
Only an expnt wruft-
jure ran fit your coriwt
porrrctljr. At thin nhip an
fxpriflnrfd expert give
you lier fntir attention.
Vour figure ia idnAM,
and from raxf fully vhniw.n
modrla you are fitted in
th coraft thnt givnn you niyU, perfect
eomfort, unuatiat rwauty
and utility.
Tlii efficient ervie
eot no mor than th
ordinary aerviee and eor
aeta obtained elaewhere.
Latent xprinj? modela
$100, $3.50, $5.00
$6.50, $8.00, $10.00
' and higher.
ltti tnf frnm at.
attend Floor Rot Bldg.
)(NM"rt. fh In lnly llv to (II tln
rneloni lit th Any atid Mw.ii.rr th'ni
In 'lull" prfsriBlv plrl(,
Mr. Wlllldin rtifhK lilld l. th mot'li'r
ill Mr, Al I'oll'x H ktil Mi . Sntnual
Kalz, '
I Mr. r."thm -hlM Km 111 r) (n Otnh
tlilrtwmfl am, funlun lirre f om llnr
j rfil,ihii((, ly, 'I'tii' tl'ln v lil nw
j All. pnl Mm. It'iltmrlill'l ivli luafri
In I' In IhHr hom l Twi-nt ; 1.11 1
ati'l rrn)n filrtrm.
Among lh out ;f lnn if.t nl Hii
i,nlv( r?i j (Hohrntlon '" .M l-'ny
Mi-Flto wii'l Mr ,. P. )l.r.u of i(iih
I' Hy, Mm. hmanuH KlnHli mt'l MMI"
(Jul,lr, JijIU Af)-, of Chlr-ifto. t'o lit".
i.r r-t (rmi'ldiniiihtfr of Mi'. Koilm
0. E, S. Keniington.
.'.Ull If chapter of lh iinti.t f.f i.
KItii H' ji r will tlv a kTili w.on f it.
unlay fl'iiiOon m U. h"in of li,
Mm, Joil I', I,wiih. ,vl ti -I'-.! ! n in.
(! will h" Kiwn l,y lo; !o ;;l,
1. r. ..Infield H'Kiuni, Mi, Nrtti" AIUii,
Mi ( Hrx Pi hlii-M.v, Mr lrl 1 Ir iiiil
hler, ni) fxn'liiigii hy Mm. J H'. Ji'l.i-
For Mri, Kemper,
A vrry prdiy lufoimnl la w
(hi flrri(fm for Mir. Hrrnm-'l llrn,v
Kmp'r of Chlrft.) hj Mi-., -trihur I.
Klfrhln l hr )ioino. Thi' loom n0
(a ll)c wr rtfioim.'i) in jellow, rr
Hd on) In Joii'iiiII. Ainon Ih'i pr
(. worn;
Jlcrnnril II. Kmr"r, H, Anhton,
KHi' rlii'' K"iii l ofl im c l),uinlnf of
r,uii.'ii Miiff.
' Ill KlUlllllll.':
Celebrates Ninety-fourth Birthday
'onnHi it) .f r.
ii'innr m. inir iiic,
Ml tiiU llii)f;lt
For April Bride,
MlM Mbi!lf CliHK li, lti I. lo runny
Mr, John Sfofunn nnm Tuoxday, w
aHvett a llnn ahnwi-r Tlniii'lay iviiilo
hy hr ltr, Ml ,llk riiiiir'h, Th
purty w iiroiid f) Mr. Mophls
Htina, Hffor th puckmi wiro o(wnei i
tiy th brtdn lo br, n huffi-t mpiwr j
wrved, and th n iilh mrn In unmet
and a'ory tlllnx, Thiw pwn( wr?, I
,Mi'iiiiiii'- !
I'arl Allttr i . ,
Mopliln Ki,
My Smllli,
MliHI ( 'hni'i'li,
f'arrla l"ii"ll.,
V i n I 'oullliard,
Eleanor Kulworth,
WIIm I 'linn h,
Hliifh I'll',
A'l'lald lliik,
I. HII, II CP h.
l Iit hoina liint Krlday rvcnloK. Th
font urn nf tin" fvnilng wua aoveial -I,-,
Hon vn Hi harp, lo a paper on
t!i ,"llltnry of tli Jlarp," by Ml
Cwiinnn, Ml Vr and Kthnl ftrnll
dv 'Vrl inaiidolln di)l. Kollow
hie Mi aromani rfr'lniiMiil wi
'HiJ, 'J'lio praacnt war;
t'W!-l Z! Jm. -:.M- aeM .tMttm
iyuU nwn. Prlxf wer won hy M-
iliuna OltO M. Mcyrf and J. W, Hood.
Tliom present wrr:
Betrothal Announcement,
Jlr. and Mia, m A. H-tt aiinniin'i
tha enuaKonii-nt of thli diihii r I ai' la
and Mr. Carl Ktnyr Vdoith, on
of Mn, a, fl. Wadworth of r'o mil
Ultiffa, Th wd'llnn will b a law
Imma fftr, to ha rllrtd the tnlddl"
of Ma;-.
j Ml Prod. I an allrailfVf nir and
rriot popular In Hili aihonl and Hi
ala unlvnrally, hi alio b"inn a
fimmbar of I'l fltii i'M aoroiliy, Mr,
Wadaworth Hndd (h Annapoll
Naval aiadmy, but did not ftnlali from
!nmpllniantary to hr daiithlT, Mr,
Hcott antartaln at lunrhaon Haturdny.
Mlaa Mary Kid h, prliu:lpl of lik
f hool, whara Ml J'nolt h bwij t'-h'
In, iitrtlnd Ilia taachnra at hr
aparlmant In Tha Hamilton taat wk
rompllmantary to Mia Wi'ott and on
Saturday TI ilit 'hl anrorlty alrl n
(rlalned for Ml ott at tha bom of
Mr, Blndar In Council Ultiffa.
Muifcal aub Meeti,
Th mamrwr of th T'lplihorla rl'ih
war antertalhfd by Ml Mnrle Kwanaon'
i iara iln,
Hiiim TaiJ'lvn,
("n Tnrhn,
Klala Kramar, Hln-IlK,
Kllablh Krln,
Vara Hlralld,
I'lara Krinir,
Mrl Hlion.
Jaln llutlon,
Mm, K. J. rtrallJ.
At the Grand Opera,
Mr. Arthur f'rltlaiidan Pmlth l'i
takan a box for lb thn parformane.
Thnraday avanlnji Mrl, Smith' gnte
Mr. and Mr Ward Pur,
Ml Jni Millard
Wu Xarrlat iluiilltiton flmttti.
Mr. Mar.
Randall Hrown. Charh'a Hamilton,
Dr. W. U. HiMk.
At the mat Ina today Mri. Arthur C'rit
taiidacl Hinllh' gue"t wet;
M M !
,Vtnrv Miinrtihoff, Ilalan H''obl,
l.lrta VIInn, Urai Hinlth,
llHirlct Hinlth.
Mr, Jowph II, Whit of Dnaton,
Pat Feitivitiei.
Mr, f.'harla O. Flaron antartalnad at
lunf'haon and rard at hrr hom Wndn
day aftarnoon In honor of hr mother,
Mr. J. V, fun an, who I oon to re
turn to har horn In tialaabttr-, III, Tha
Ubla wi doratd In Kaatar favora In
At Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.'s Saturday!
Only a few dayi ago we overheard a woman remark en passant "Thii Is such a homey STORE." This pleased us very much, for it is just
what we desire and mean YOUR store to be. We like to gtt into personal touch with our customers; we want them to feel at home. We would
have everyone connect instinctively, the name "KILPATRICK with everything that is good in merchandising. People who KNOW this store give
us that DISTINCTION. Of this we are naturally proud. We don't like to blow our own horn and no reference would be made here were it not
that we hope the woman who made the remark referred to above MAY SEE THAT WE APPRECIATE HER COMMENT. Neither frills nor fol
derols for you to pay for, but a wholesome, clean, well lighted, convenient trading place. AND COURTESY AND CORDIALITY ALWAYS.
KvrrytUy new arrival a the rrwult of our buyer rr
iciil tlnit In Nrtr Vork.
Mnitrl Hli.ii. $1.08 SI 2.50 'wh.
Nm. I.ri.rgott nml lav. S..(M In SilS.OO.
Crron tl China and Tub Wik. apodal at fc.'l.DJi ih,
Kry popular color Jabot and ruffla effect Nw
plaid and alrlpcd tort(f.
( acr inuicilH. newKt of itiodil, plain and fancy
Utfala t now an ararrnl, Hiilrn Hlllta and Oro d Ixindra.
M-lour tlicik. i'iiirt Twill and lh mora prardral rri
and Himdulm-r.0 25.(M).
hll.K hlllH A hi: miiht hihi.ah
Not wltui lii defer buylna hvr, Dmaliabl ilk r
ry rn and lb dya aittutton I dully baiomln tnor
intiial. U at wrll aloikail at prfK.nt and tht ama
Niltiation iilii' lo Tftlft'la I'oal. Not In our . iprlnr
ha it liffti i Imporiant Hut I ha byr tuuld buy from a
iHinli ( Any olbrr iour ia t'ty litble to result in
iit t c t'otnt tin tit .
Kullv aiipplnul Himrt ( oat. Hllk Mult. Voll and HM!t
Ina.-o, Mo. 1 1 hktrta, Hat !r ll -tod, oh, turd it
tratlltr Miiidii' and N'obliy Hrati.
I n' HatuiiUt lidlr liiitaliatii IH , l
WtiMr A' I MH ItWMll
Nilaln-.0 Mini I !, Mlk Nu Villi kttnvt It a (at
iri flout I tie old faabititipit ic (Unni or lh rluunv, ir
!! rut mid ravar of lh ultlan tun V tan liuambr
hni lumw ptiii)a ian'i lniin (or hi iiii(i nath.
l.. tt lni ' " Ihti bud btar. If did nut, than II
it id i I iitaUtf 'loday lh rfini and pailirttlar fr lour
tor lUmly un.loi g r ihrnn ittati i"f uuiar waar, Maautlful,
liiliilluu duttbi, lor Ihn ptt'ttt tamiiiiil hlmmifr.
iti. tnlii' rtf.. ai (fall) tlurablii ri a dainty,
lino t popular pHird tMtilt I I'M tiin irt arlft(
HiM ii ttt. ilt r.Ofa ana . ..,
i . r m a inm itl ,, ,f r.U !
fib ii I'll' ,,, , IU i kit rl
lb pin I itip. f ,r dklrlt h4 ! Hat iugh .
HnHill fulU. Ni ll I'flnt ) iiiiii rmatkii -1 v 1 1
rt t iiibtMitli tttl tMMilrta,
I bn rw A Mil ni'ti.t put. ..In in l,r III .f a Hlia
I 'i ' .' i lte Mil li. ..iia ti ii nKIU
"iM I " 1 vm In thn .nl( tt.i Iwll if
l ?a, bnp nl Ml. U iii. liil,tn t iltt
I. .if 1 1 i- i tikrlf 1st t ! g Mra
Tha drea and the appointment meaa much to th
young Ml at aufh a fiini-and properly no modest.
rflnd, rich, not gaudy, a I'ulonlua might ay here,
too. tba apparel biak good tai on tha part of maiden
a he .aid It did for the man.
Otir'our hn !( In Nw York, a week or o ago,
pitkad up onta ririarkably atlricttva draaatig guttabla
for llr-t CoiMiiiuiilon or Confirmation. You will flml
plraaui In I. Miking at Uh
The llltlrt drlatle aa we write gl promlM of
AHII I. Hliowi iw. Our alart tlnpartment tnanusar
plart'd a little ailp on our deik announcing
Tha (Ititb of which Ibey are made h ayt li doubl
t ri turn. Color, popular gray and tan
! Jt..00, 7.i.O, S10.0 912.00
linih kid and fabric. "Kaytar" la a glove pniciuda
any nuad for aiklng nuaatlon. Th largfat ur of
ilk for glove w tUia y in (h world -er In the
forefront for reliability and rorrctna. No maker give
bailer ht When add that "w bava Jut re
reived by fiprca th very lateat of Hayaor Xovtdtlim In
glr," fin t har iiuiiniatit would ba iiparriunua, Atk to
lh SKU' wiabable (Hot, r'll beautifully. ban a
littl aolliMl. I't fin you remove th glove from your
band, lurn on lb ia, gt hold of a piece of good ou
and Juat nl a If ou wei aaahlng your hand. Then
lake off and dry. "TlUrn AI U" rtcept pa mute
worry removad and a vlug glo
f Ilk lo wr nmihlng new nt frah
Al th li daparltuenl abow a .Mm mi ,, rrMm
Ootiiib ami Maltne, tjiiie (be proper . apit Many
tolot. fCl.MI each,
will ur.l vnur at yu tr Ni hp m fut
and rlllit rollat Veataa il m4 fim net. .u
H t trp. orgaaili, otl. I ri. ia iiU rt,tr )
2?f $AH
Jui f 4 ui'ti lAttw (tin ib 1111 i..i.U lo
n i llit
tl'lll , , . ,
rte, HI
HH titvtitie, it ,
I ii
Kltl tjr Mitt
ck of ..a f..r
i.ll Iti.U'
ii', tk , .
... Khi
'lw titit
fii!4 IHck Half tttuahr.
kgl I b i.
rbvilH 1 !.!, , , n
I lV
l lllt t, )! ( ..,
.," b , . . . im
ami rumor of war. ImpoKHlble, however. In this buni
c. Scarcely an article but httft burn affected wool,
llk, cotton, everything that etool enter into linen,
leather. ItraU all hint many Ihinic we have which feol
(ho limit. Ami the end I not el. (.ihhIm iHt'imtioi;
acari'ir. prlcra rlliiililnu lilylirr. Korttinatc'.y we haxe
Inrua) aim k of ilrraa kimiiIh it ml ailk. We ttdvlae yoil to
buy now- not only to rntvc money, but to bo eure of
Kfllinfmlor) il).
We alway like to laave a pUiiHunt tate at lb end
of our ad - an lt ti talk "nHIHV -Thera 1 a rune?,
a peculiar fiiues In t he mention of Iho ( oiu name at
thin time.
Ilundraila of poople, good worthy Individual, for
one rvaon or mint bar ilmy ihemachi' during the l.t'ntcu
teaaoti. The plaantit.( and moat agrHahle thing, am
uaiiMlly thoar which are given up wholly. Some won t
play, nor pi lo e olhr play, Other won't dance -ami
atone Mill nol ral ThVi' rcnl aelf di'ltiul to
give up COIHIS, but it a n ! aui rlfii-e after all nbli h
liHiliU op i Itarnrirr. Wnitiierlul how many order r
already hew plarrd for KaaliT ronfectlona.
H.iIiikIm) AiI 1Mb, mtithl lie wrll In buy a hot
Cohh'a lempiMlloM. fulliiM
I W alinit T.fli i'. ,. f.uin l.i I.. t;t, ,i iu.
l.t.tir.ll. IhMK'it tilt M. il.H lll HI H I ,,,.;!!!' l'.l
t .i ..,.', ana hi lliv i 'W.l.'.t 'ill i'l ul. I ltu.l,V
1.1,.: i. Uh'i.ii l'Hi ltv t'r i. ml a. I ha.
lABCT HAMU CANPICa- I - '.t li- I'll. .
unit rmaw rut rurrtaa-1 ..i-. a t.v.n ,n
' .it . v s . .,,, w - ,-i . 4 i.' t . r t, ,1.4 ii .i i a I
!, In.i .... .1 I-, .. ,.'! I- I ' tt t. H,
lum ot ratiraacraea
watt uauuarioaa .. t .... f lu.
' kii', iiaim Into aal -. ,ta, !.. ii. Met
i i.-t I ri-i t..f .-.-..I. o. . f,i ai'.l i.-' '
I U. 'i II . i -i . ii'i . r .!.,. i at 4 l
' ata
i TMCiMBiTiBVAt. T ttya woaTAwt:er
TOOTH .ii ..i . i , ... , ,, " .f
t'vaai t'awBt . .. t t. .. .t .,, ,. t , .,.,,. .i
i i . . . tart,., . I a i ! 1 ,i,a Mii. t., if.
( . ,u. i,, I. t . m a. I , ' , 1 1. t i
i i..... - .v I
racv aoiaa. r i i I r. k.t i h.i.i
a !
lata l.MT xou roautit ,.-. v t i ...
I. . , ii . i x- m , . .. .
1..I..I . . V 1. ,.,, " . .1 . V .1 t '.-, l' , ' .
I -I V ... I! ,1 I . I ' S .' t 1 , 4 .
. I. I. t Ul M l.f tH llf ,14 I 5 , '
I .. . ' .. hr rll ! I )tl
I a a I IHmi iiih mi
vva eit t .... . l en
. . i . ,... .-.. i , - . " 1 a a.
! i I'. '-I't I. ai f. It m .
,. r.j . t I. . i - ' . . -i. fat tM m,
'il 1 II f... ,. S 'ar'f.vt f !.!', a ) i
. rv wrw i. M.a
i In . Ia. V
J, I', t'lirrnii.
Arthur lliiovar.
1-flle Thoinpaoii,
Kulo Raitiliirton.
I'. ) (ariinui,
C'barlr: (), i;ari:iu
.VJaxda in
ft, If. Mayar,
,1. W, Hood,
W. K, aJwIuliar,
.1. K. lilinl'U,
Cberla lniinm,
is, t Marti.
At the Opera.
Friday evnnlna .Mr. Arthur 'rlltandarv
Hinlth rntei'lalned In hf-r box:
Maaur. and Moailuni -l'"id
llanillton John A. MeHhnnc
Mr. Wiirran I(oKra.
Ml lliirrlat Hinlth,
Mr. Juan,: I'arpi. iiler, Jr.
Motor to Falli City.
Mr. nn1 Mra. John TV, Tovtl and
caugbtar, Mla Miirton Towla, laft thl
in.itnlnu by autotnoldl for Fall I'lly
-jwi . .irfi rji'r f I. ii ii nr w iiwiw w, im, , j
f l
I .'
. i A. ,,
JHH33 Ukrda Qcotb
Mrs. Carrie Catt
to Talk Sunday at
Council Bluffs
Omaii ufftrii, l etreng. will go
cro the river unrty vnlng wban
Mr. Chapman fait, intrntlonl
wIl a national, 'ifua pratInt, d
dr a larg nta mtlng at th Au
dltrlum la Council Hluff.
"Mra. Catt i th formot woman In
th country. Sh I a eontltutlonl
lawyer nd add to a moat logic! work
inar mind a powar f oratory rlvalrna
that of Dr, Anna Howard Shaw," I Mr.
Draper Smith' trlbut to Mr. Ctt.
Mn, TV, K. Barkley of Uncoln, N
break tt uffrg pratdnt, wM
come from IVncoln to attend th lunch
eon and worker' ronfarenc to b held
Monday at the Grand hntl for Mr
vrl woman who r ltlng In
th low campaign, Including Mdm
tnlih, Z, T, i-lndy, H, c. B-tmney
Uor TV, Covell, P. O. rrlttd and
. F, Coppar, will alao attend.
Mra Hrkly will remain In Omha to
prld t lh ata hoard mettng to
t. held In Omaha Monday evening .
7:W n'cloek at 1h Toting Mn' ChrttUn
aaamlatlon, Hh will be lh gut of
.Mr, Pmlth,
Mrs. Ahlquist Will
Provide Houses for
Homeless Old Women
Mr, O, TV, Ahlnult. J7W Meredith r.
nue, I planning to build two hou for
two old woman who are without relative
or friand apd who find It a vary difficult
trul lo mk both end meet. Mr
Ahl't'ilet. ha lad a lot at Forty-third
and Itadinan avtntie and plan to build
two hou, each WW, for her ebarga
to live In, and ia now trying to obtain
lumber and window and door for th
houae and I rsoelving any contrlbtitlnna
The laa on I ha lot will b paid by
riindny ai honl cla of girl of th t'ai
vaiy Haptlt church.
lo ha with Mr. Tol'a mother and
ather rettirilay, whan thy relahrat th r
noldrn waddlna onnlvrry. Thy ar
prtd horn Kunday evening.
Social Goiiip.
Mra, J, J, Iilky and M' Kathrln
Thumnial, who have bn rlltln In
Honolulu, at a part ad home thl evan
ln on a I o'clock train,
Mi, J, It Foraat Hlchrd, who h
bean vary ill with n attack of grippe,
I recovering.
To Observe May Day.
The flrat Monday In My tll ha
falleil Hundl dy, for which about ?0'
card have ben leaned Inviting mmhr
of the Chrlat Child aociaty to gather '
fact for th banaflt of th ch ldrn
Thl la a very hapyy lniprovmnt upon
May day, t
Personal Mention.
Mi. Janica !', Bngllah laft thl after
noon for liubiard to make a two weak'
vllt with har brother, Rv. John Eng
llh. Mr, rtichard Tvr and her mother.
Mr. C, Minrtlneon, lave tomorrow to
vlit for evral week with friend In
Mr. and Mr. C. IT, P!rn of Allt
Lake City are vlltlng tli.r daughter,
Mr. V. W. Olltlng. of TVrn Tark
and will remain In Omaha until Mr, nd
Mr, aiding av to make their future
home In Kanaaa City.
Dr. and Mr. H. H. learner and Mr.
H. C. (libann of Omaha are among th
naw arrival at Th Elm hotel, Etccel
alor Opting.
rueant arrival t th Hotel flnapp In
Kxcalalor Hprlng are Mr. and Mr, M.
C. Peter, Mir. and Mr. I. rtgnon nd
Ml Auauala Bowan.
Mlaa Fy Hrog of Slou Olty I th
fcoeet of hr grand mot har, Mr. William
llnthchlld. Mr. I,. P, Harm vlaltln
hr ttr, Mr. Hamual Kat, at th
Mr. W, K. Fracman ha returned lo
har home In I.axlngtnn, Ky.. after vt
Itlng liar parent for aome weak.
Mr. Jullu Roaanfrld of Covinotl Bluffa
ia rtitartaltilng Mla Oorrlna New ami
Mta Ixianthal of Chlcajto
HacUlna Maht I ink RJITg.
Ir, Holt Cina. Tar Money taken a
little at a time will atop your cough,
aonthea Irritation. Only Inc. All dmg
1,'tate. Adverttaamant.
'2 -KiML-k 'UaJvW vvKvvAJ N
tft 1 in
1 1 1 1
ii -Mr
ill l'
1 -fix.
lii 4
::ti Jkl 11
All the New Styles
for SPRING and
Are Shown F lrat In
roa woataa
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317 So. 16th St.
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