TITE BEE: OMAHA, SATTTRDAV, APRIL 1016. BRIEF CITY NEWS "Tomnd'i fox Bportlnf Goods." k C. M. ftylandar, for Htnte Senate. 1 Lighting ruturee .rturgeas-GraiKlen. Diamond Xngafament Blnfa. I'Mholm. Have Boot rrtnt It Now Beacon Praaa. fterdan Tooli Jan Morton & Bon Co. Ooodrloh Oard.o Hot Morton A Sua Char A. Oosa la the only Omaha Candidate fur atiprcine judgn. Dtun I. Oragg for county commie i"iicr. roi' lale-5'i mil 6 City and 1'arm MirtiMma, ,. , ijunioiu. Kivlllic lildd Jobs i. Wegley tor judtte of municipal "urt, nonpartisan (legislator In 1915). Advertmemant, losaa Hl( lfla William Hnyr, 2127 Pratt etrort, In iiilnim a rifle wlilih was atoli'ii from lila pUco Tlmrndny. "Today's Mori Program," rlanalfled action toilay. It appeaxe in Tha Bea hXC Lt'KI V'KIY. f ind out what tha va rUme moving picture theaters offar. Jacka Will Adjourn The Jarkaontan Ct ill will ii'tt hold ltd uaiiul meeting tills evening, but will adjourn o that all members rimy attend the Bryan meeting '.unlglil. Old Carey Iodii taaeed M. Rellcow Inx li.-ancrl Ilia old Curry home at W7 Park avenue, wlili-li has been remodeled. Tha deal was handled by the real estate firm of Porter & Khotwoll. To Addraaa tha Barrlstars Wymor Hi fanhir of tlio Northwestern will ad dress the HurrlHti'ia' club Saturday noon at the, Commercial I'luh on "Home Spe cial Favors of Hiillroad Ijiw." Auto Stolas W. ('. Sample: of Hie Ponl Motor loinjiany Informs the pollen that a niaelilne whli'h lie was driving Thiirs l y hh stolen from Thirteenth and Km n. el. utieetH. Una "Tes-Tlle" Bblnglee Sunderlande. Aodirona, riraaoraana. bumlei land's. Indiana With Wild Waat ihow Thir ty .five Sioux Indiana from the I'lne indue iffi i vatlon, hooked for tlio season with the 101 JIhiicIi show, will b In Omiha. Sunday, eiiroute to Oklahoma I'lty, They conin in over the. North western and o out over the Jlurlliigton. McDonald (lets Vardlot D. A. MePon n manager iif the American Press ssaoelat ion, has been given a Judginant of f J , m i mid coHx In bin ult against ,1'ff W. Bedford A Hon and Kdwlii Bedford, Tho litigation urew out of the purchase, of a resilience, aoon after M Horiuld arrived in Onitiha from lietrolt. To Addraaa Tbaoaophloa) Sjoclety tt. V. Ilium, a lecturer for the Theoaophlcal aortal y, who la a well known lawyer of Kansas City, will lecture at Thcosophlcal hall, 701 Ilea building, on Butiirday and Sunday evenings. Tho subject of tho Saturday evening lecture will be "floclal Itegeneratloti." llo will leeturo Sunday morning at It o'clock on "The Coming Christ," and Sunday evening at 8'o'cloclc ' on "The ItldUla of Death." Sloan Leads Fight Against Brain Trust Omitting the West (From a Waff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Apr! H.-(Speclal Tela gram.)-An American academy of arts and letter seems Imminent. While the boya In "khaki" ara trying .o meet up with Villa on the aun-parehed plalna of ..Mexico, scant of food and ammunition, and general conditions netting worse In Mexico, the house of representatlvea dc veted WfdneHday to tha dlscuaaloii of a Mil creating an American academy of aits and letters. Tha bill cama up again jasterday and was defeated. This bill names forty-two Ineorporatori with William lean llowells, Theodore ltooHeelt, John Burroughs, Henry Cabot I,oilne, Horatio William l'arker, Daniel French, J. F, iSargant and other dis tinguished men vesting In this dlstln Hulahed company tho right to fill the academy to fifty and forever hold It to that number. itepieaentatlve Bloan, who fought the Idea of a close corporation In arts and letters in the last congress, distinguished himself today In a speech which breathes the blancss of the west. After pointing out the reasonable niiieinliiieiits tiiat should ba made to a bill of such sweeping character, Mr. Sloan said that placing in the hands of a body of very distinguished men, not only the power to standardize literary and r llHtlc achievements and say yea and nuy to the ambition of all aspirants outside Hit pale gave jjavn the membership the poncr to perpetuate itself through com ing .neratlons. After most complimentary allusions ' Mime of thorie iiiiiiied as Incorporators of (ill "iiiideiny of the fifty Immortals." .Mi-. Moan found that barring one, James U hitcomh Itih y. eveiy Incorporator liiimil In the hill came from one of tin" ihiiliin niiiiUial NtHti'S without so much m a ii "en ii to the men of the mlnhiy m. I. Then le spoke of I'.lxbv, the poet pluloM'pher of I. lii' ln. ol I' dtiiir V. Hon.- of Atchison and of WPllam Jen 1 1 1 1 1 u -i tli ) an and of Walt .Muson "tempo- trily ioaiMil to Kansas." These names, hi Mid. had been f'Ugotirn In the let of Hi oi Puiat rs ami inilex the Mil wax niii.te f.iiilv epteeiittwe "it slMi'dl ill uiil'l the liirr.tr and rt!Hie nun ii o I wuineii of tint mniTy d moiisiiat i.'.eir i '""i'iun and ira"!' of tri im nr s ol ili- i Union of Anir'i an and llleian HIM.'' NONPARTISAN MEETING ADDRESSED BY CANDIDATES j l,..,,il t I, pt.illl i Ii, (i!!, ,.f h" .. "milii I'i'lli.sl !'..(. a I.. I I I.. (I ii ii. a .ii I 'i . I I, '' I 1 1 j f i id i. i . i - V -I.-- i O.t-KiK it.-i l.'. '. '. V . l.iMl. KlllitOf .., I : ,, I' H. I H l tit ! . ( .) t ! Ii .i ',' . ,, I IUh I ' I h 1 :.. I I I.I, ) I.. I, t i . i . . . ' h ... n i n a t ; 1 4 a t. I , I I It "' I... . I , , i . k .i .a :i,.,i ; is .t I ; , i R . i ii 1 1 4 c . a : .. i i, .., , ! t I ,ii II . I I -l . f , 1 , I . .1 ;- I. , .: S ) ' . I., f -II. 1 . ! ,1 l I M . j OR OWN A0 StPPALA ARt UADiNQ IN THC DOG RACE Nil'. , , , t K v. I Is i i t I . i H S lv 4 I ' , i . a h e t . I I .,., - i j - I .! i I.. ' ' . I I I I ,1' f ,1 H, li.i.t ' I ' . . ( f i :,i is t iff. I i l I , nl Jinn I lli I I, la V ' . I ; "K 1 . i ... ', , , REGISTRATIONS ARE OVER ESTIMATES Figurei of Election Commissioner Show a Net Total of 40,013 Voters in City. REPUBLICANS IN THE MAJORITY FlgurcH Issued by llarley O. Moor head, election commissioner of Doug las county, show a total net regla tratlon of 40,013 votera In Greater Omaha. This exceed by approxi mately 2,000 reglBtratloni the num ber estimated before the final count was made. Ily parties the registrations show a total of 21,610 republicans and 1 6,564 democrats. ReglKtratlons classified as miscellaneous Include all other parties and those who gave no party affiliations. About 3,om) old challenges standing on the books, together with 4,671 removals, were deducted to get the net registra tion, Tha total grosa registration wa 47,i.M HraUtrallon lir Ward. KIU.T WAKI'. Jteouh- Demo- .Mlscel llcsn cist, laneous nid .,, l.fVi ik r,a New IU ! (1 Tolali 2,I.'S l.m 1T9 HKCUND WAIID. Old l.W I.W 214 New B.TD :,', ; Totals 2,,.1 l,'U W tiu nn ward. Old 1,22 lt! 110 New "iM 447 34 Totals I.!K,4 1 ,'Hfi 144 For RTH WABD. Old 1.317 iM?A VP New : 72f, ;ki 7A Totals 2.;2 2,127 H5 FIFTH WAKD. Old l.Wi 1 221 New 71S 4l 47 Totala 2.:l 1.4WI 271 H1XTH WAflD. Old 1,37 fl72 IM New tA Vm K Totals l.MR Kd 21 HKVKNTH W A HI '. Old 1,422 Ml IM New 437 :::;-! 27 Totals VM hill 220 F-KIHTH WAnn. Old 2.22t i.4r,r rt New 1.409 1.119 m Totala 3.W 2.o 41 NINTH WABD, Old J,. ",10 fi? 2 New IM 3'U 41 Totala 2,1"4 1,021 24!l TENTH WAttD. Old 71 1.0M 7S New 340 m . 36 Totals 1.011 I.Ms 110 F.LEVF.NTH WABD. Old 1,1112 70 l'S New K.7 411 4.1 Total 1J449 1,147 1! TWEUTII WAHD. Old 2,101 1,21 33 New 787 473 4 Totals 2,93 1,7M 429 Grand totals. .30. hit 1K.MM I.S39 Improvement Clubs Endorse Proposed Lighting Contract Endorsement of tho proposed contract by the city with the Electric IJght com pany for Increased street lighting to ex tend over a period of three years was made In a resolution passed by tha Fed eration Of Improvement Clubs at a meet ing In the city hall yesterday evening. The federation went on record aa be ing opposed to the bond Issue for new county paving. Several candidates for the legislature were present to give their views on mu nicipal ownership of eloctrlc light and power and gas utilities. FUNST0N ASKS PERSHING TO REPORT ON ATTACK SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 14.-(Jeneral Funston has sent a message to Cleneral Pershing urging him to expedite a re port on the I'arral Incident, but late tonight had received no reply. Up in Front in the rterSrParad; rpHEUE you'll find Frat Clothes hob-nobbing with the most expensive "made to measure" garments from the "exclusive" tailors. Why pay n tailor or nny HutliiiT $40 or $.'iO fur Matfr ("luting? Without ili-lay without fu wi ran Tit nn fjmll 11 y in R Frat suit mnl ou ran rub ilows mi liasti-r l lio mn-i tif-titliou.sly-iln's-i'i jiiiiiiii-iiuilt r in town. Our Prices $15.00 to $22.50 Yl Al I Inline , t' lial 'I titil.'H i in liM'ttv lll -illslil otittp- I'ln lllllll l' illlllitlHll illl llllf '. il.' HI III-Ml UuL, Ml,. K t'it'nt ititii (In -t KiU itn'iit" ; mm it. u I. tn ui in l' I. ill', III aiil fituoN. Buy a Frat Suit for Easter and Save Money , LITTLE DOWN ami $1 IHl l - )'l ism atvu li .li U l'r I I I lisuk a I Until lae Peace at Can't Work for Firm Because He Is Over Forty-Five, Sues for $50,000 ' CHfi'A'IO, April If - A. K. Hunt of Dallas, Tex , a railway conductor, filed suit In the I nlled Wales dbilrl' t court here today against J. W. Illnglns and the Oeneral Malingers' association In which he aska M.Oim damages and declares thu association Is a trust n insiralnt of trad . Hlgglus Is the principal officer of tha association, an Illinois corpoiallun, which the bill snys Is composed of maiiageia of j many large corporation and railroad companies In his ill! Hunt s Is forth that be Is 4A years old and in excellent physical and mental condition, but Is uniibla to get work because of a rule of the nssoc'atlon making employes' age limit 4f years. Tills rule, the bill recites, Is unconstitu tional and a vlola'lon of laws against re attaint of trade. A bureau Is maintained by the associa tion, according to the bill, In which rec ords of each peiann employed by rail roads In the country Is kept-largely the opinions of petty official on which mem bers of the organization act It Is alleged, Further Mr. Hunt nsjirts, If any employe of the corporation exercises the right of LINCOLN VISITORS AT EXHIBIT RETURN flOME MUCH PLEASED Bevaral Lincoln women, representing the art department of the Lincoln Woman's club, were visitors In Omaha yesterday at the exhibit of northwestern artlats, which is being held In the museum at the public library under the auspices of the Omaha line Arts society. Tho Lincoln visitors, who expressed themselves as being exceedingly well pleased with the exhibit, were: Mrs. Fred Green, Mrs. O. D. Corey, Mrs. V. H. Westcott, Mrs. 1 , Habcock. Mrs. 3. 7.. Smith, Mrs. F. M. F.aslerday, Mm. It, H, Wilkinson and Mrs. K. Hradshaw. a Week mm ost: or THESE SUITS F)) T) mm M . -Tnmawi.iiiiiw l,ar J '--mtw ' jf Unn'iiiMP si jsMiisWiiiiias. .iw-igajsj Itiit tiiWiililWisi aiMii isawsnWf Any Price, f i fi; speech regarding Die methods of the corporation employing him he In listed ss undesliahle and refused employ, mint by other members of the associa tion. These ads are a con. ;,!racy to control the labor market of the country Ihe bill chuiges and because of l hem many em ployes are held virtually In voluntary servitude. I'lll.lTII II, 4IM f il l IKIMi. The Supreme Issue in 1916 NEBARSKA'S GOING DRY W. J. BRYAN AUDITORIUM, Sunday Evening, t 8:00 O'clock A Monster Mass Meeting EVERYBODY INVITED & 11 j iji i S -tsc v v;;. v s-Vi v " i I Vint Our LuliK1 Drpt IWforr ll.wter ZZ3 f f I " 1 ry O'CIOCK SAT MRS. WILL B.TAGG IS BADLY BURNED Soot in Furnace Catches Fire and Ignites Woman's Clothing and Hair. CALLS THE DOCTOR AND FAINTS Heroic Mf-pnn:iciHifin in a tu r.cni's buttle with rushing flames f i tun n open furnace in oil thftt H.ied Mrs. . II. Thkk, wife of Will TiiKfi, vice president of the South OhihIui Stock cvchitnge and well known stockman of Hi South Side, l:oni serious burns lu the basement cf her home, 3715 South Tweniy fllth street, Friday morning at ! o'clock. Mrs. Thkk fared fl fiery fc.ast from burning aonl In the fur mire Imso long enough lo nliut the door, extinguish her burning hair and clothing and run upstairs nd cull Ihe doctor by telephone after the accident had happened, Then tlio fainted. Mr. Tagg wis iili.ne In lei hem', en gaged In cleaning mil the coot In lh furnace. The sunt suddenly caught fliv mid the st ddi n r.ish of flame that ft lowed caught Mrs. Tiigg f"ll 111 the fa -e, Uniting hei hair and upper clulhltu Where most women would lave fa'nlel (lend away, she threw the hesvv furnace rfnor abut and hastily smothered tier burning upper clothing and hair with n -r ores, hut not befnrr much of her hair had been burned away. Not stopping here, she rushed upstairs and phoned Dr. F. a. Heck, who lives next door, to eome over Immediately. Here she fainted and ws found neir the telephone by Mr. Heck and other neighbor women. Tb doctor happened to be downtown, but 'Vns soon sum mnnrd. He pronounced her Inlmles not serious, but slated that she had s veiy narrow escape. Mrs, Tagg will be confined to her h-d for several days. , Win Is a prominent Woman's club leader and church worker. PUBLICITY BUYERS' CLUB P0STP0NESDINNER A DAY The llelall Publicity lluycrs' club has ..,..,..,..,1 lis Illinium! for one day, It Flllfl ', was originally scheduled for Monday evening, April V, but has been post m Tuesday evening, April IS. at the Ixiyal hotel. Thla I Ihe new club which organlied and achieved me e of Wonderful Window." pilhlill Al. All F.IITISISiH. ) STOHCOPIN I'UI ITK AL AUVEHTISIMJ. '"" 'i"ii ''iyTO"ii:w" 'icin.if fa? ' -wy i;.r" nij, if ii.Mill,al,i,l,i,ljJ,lrtlillta4 it it If tt 11 u ft"! tt ley l i sromn i.nii,.iai ' , j 1 J U n m f . '''' A,. . ' i r Democratic Candidate for National Committeeman ' Higlit ycni-M' H'l-vicf on tin? National Committee i-lioiilil give im. a familiarity with the men and methods of the coiniiiiltoi' that would he of tfreat value to the party in (fie hlate during the eampaiffii, V- The fuel that I am chief executive of a city whern . a heavy vole ee'ntered ouht to hhow the political wij- ; (loin of chooHiiitf me. The fact that I am opposed to pro- gi hihitioii, hut am counted an ahnilutely fair hy lU friends, " and the fact that I am for W, J. Bryan m delegate to the M national coiiiniittee, and United States nenator, kIiouIiI show iny fieedoin from factionalism. My jmhlic 1 ill rt . 1 1 Hiiouni oe prooi poHiuve inai party's welfare, and will not permit personal feelings or consideration) to influence me. I lielieve I can he the committeeman of the party and not of any faction or individual, T hnve never nought or received the support of the hpecial interest f, hut always made my appeal to the plain people, I am asking the Mipport now of the rank and file of the party anil will know no interest but theirs if elected. lii,ll&l,llilll(Ulim I - -.- V f , ' y i- .... ; y v,0i WANTED One hundred men who will work for Judtfe Sutton for gov ernor on primary day, without pay, to eall at Sutton's headquar ters, 322 Bee Building. Jku ljiavlif jjDopiirlipori) Ne N'lltti' i Hreji't Vt'iii POLITIC 4 1, AllVF.HTISIMi. '': vri if :";piri!""NWi"!";!."i :;:r'i'T:ii"fi!!;i":"' l";'!Tl: ' ii J CStAJi.tllKllliiWiiiSWi "ii1" for (lilliert M. Hitehcock for d career and present attitude h ii j .. i . I 1.. 1. Jt.. i? . i am iniereMeu oniy in inc ej ; X ' ' 1 . t ' j I i Irs j p ' J Li v T..... SssSI f n f- i : James C, Dahlman. 'H.iK( VUTK FOR iarry G. Counsman Frrsrat County Aeaeasor 1 CainllilHto for Clerk of District Court HKITIIMOAX TH'KKT I'riinarli-s April 18th, mil. I pledgn that every dollar of fpps shove U;(ll HAhAltV will be turiioil Into Ihe rounty treasury. Myron L. Learned Candidate for DISTRICT DELEGATE To Republican National Convention unuetf niun i Ut? D0U01.A3 STfiEKT.