Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 12

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Maura f llil'eltle I ,i,l l. a t Ion.
inllril from Hir iirld (
It ou want fln M. ni!." rr flna
weather alKna. Here urn anme of 1 the
moot reliable, for thry are baaed upon
cclentlflc facta:
When tha un ct In a aea of glory,
thut In, hfn the mmnr-t any la n-d, you
mny epct clear weather on tha follow
ing (1i.
At nlKht, when the moon la clear awl
ahown cin edaoa, with no halo or rln
of Mint aurrounrltng It, there I little dan
ger of rain.
When tha wind Mowi atfadlly from the
weat, the weather will continue fair; It
very rarely rain In our aaDtern atatea
with tha wind in the writ.
Watch the amoke from a chimney or
from your eampflre It la a good barome
ter. If the amoke rlaea hlah It meana
clear weather. The amoko will alo ahow
you from which, direction the wind la
blowing: will a flag on an upright
A gray early morning, not a heavy,,
cloudy one, promlaea a fair day.
A heavy dew at night la aeldom fol
lowed by rain the next day. Think of It
thin way and you will remember: Wet
feet, dry head.
If there are no clouda at the weatern
horUon, you need not worry about other.
Anlmala are Mid often to dhow by
their act ion what the weather will be.
and there la reaaon In thia. Boine of them
'certainly have a knowledge of coining
jatorma. Wo are told that apldera are
eHpwI'iUy aeneltlve to weather change,
and when they make new weba, the
.weather will be fulr; If they continue
laptnlng during a ahower, la will aoon
clear off. Ht. Nleh'ilaa,
Jnniea I Fitzgerald, preeldent of the
Canadian league, him realgned that office
and enllnled In a Toronto tmtullon for
aervlce In the war In Kurope.
Greatest Easter Display
We Have Ever Made
in order to have thin prove the (lrcatest Pre-Kanter
Si-Hen of SiilcN ever inaugurated,
kvkuytiiinu voir S'KKD von kastkii is iikkk
Saturday Begins
A Wonderful Apparel Week
Kvery on of ovir 22 Know Window will din
piny ilim'KHf.tfr merchandise. The Main Floor will
lie Kivfii out in larpe part to the exposition mid
Mile, mid ejx'riiil displays will take pluce 1 1 over
the More,
V y T
, '.I.' ' i 'y Lwai iiiiiiniimi'ii iiiii iimi iiiiiiiiiiii in niimit
Splendid Styles
Many iirw style of shoe
are on diwplny and sale here
Saturday, Never he fore have
our line hceil no complete in
llif! latest, most up to (lute
style. All colors in the finest
kidakiim, mid nil sizes, Ht m
riiK of jirii'c that, in n-Hlly
rciimrkaldi', JIhtp jg u'h
a liortR? of thig fine foot
wear nftirly fvi-rywlit-r,
Amofijc many of Hip htylcg that
mc urn rnrryiiijf are the la
tiioiig Vil Sho'N, in dark mid
li(lit (riayi !"'(' ht.vlf, iniitii
lion tip, Th('H ghorg urn
iimdfj from Htrictly imfort.d
etln'r, hand moldfd innX-p
rhat give, thfi iiionI wonderful
fit. Then wliocg nil hftvfl that
iudcfinahl htvlc thut in the
true art in nhoHiiak
i it nr. All h'm pair, .
Wright It IWia' Famotia Hhooa,
In an exclualva pattern lo t fouiut
only tier, l'c-ail (ray, Ivory hid,
cliampne, He, All al,eg and
wldtha; all Imported leaihtr; wlili
hlh wlneglmil dQ C 1 fl
hreli, I'alr..... Pa7 and P1U
Fin Colored Kldtklng In ignit,
Ivory, dark and light ry and
while waahablfl kid, lni:u lop,
hand lurned aoleg, covered to-ela.
Moot Iteautlful ahou, (ff
In all !. f'atf. . - P JJ
The Ntw Comblnatloni In Colored
Kid Shoea, ureen legilmr vampa and
white topn, bltifl leaihrr vant and
while top; or combination of light
and dark gray. KLre nm hol. TIim
neweat paiiern ahown for thla eg
gnn in vamp and bvl foxing;
moat glrtklng iboea. I"T Cf
Pair P I J3
Itautlful Bhoeg for Chlldran, while,
gray grid champagne lopg, pglent
vampa, buMnn atyln. I'erfect filling,
eplendld dregg Rhora. All alzeg:
, 10 11 12.05
II lo 2 $2.08
Crowing Clrl't Slice.
2 lo 7 $3.48
Hats Arrive
Together With the Dainty
Little Princess Herself
Seated on Her Throne from 10 to 12 and 2 to 4
IMUXCKKK CINDKUKLLA win no proud of tlie JIats nh li.-ul itiadc;.
Hint .slit; aiinouncfMl that she would tunua to the store on haturd.iy to wu
all th Jittlt! tfirls who would oinc to sec lior pretty fiats.
Kltel'tt lit 1 of
ihi' IU'
The introduction of thr-he chiirminj tor
children raiMcg even our higU tttaudard, We have
never offered more exquiHile hit of Millinery,
They nre of foundations of fluent ntraw, trimmed
In excellent Ualo and will prove g fin framing for gny
pretty lllllw face,
W liavn inadM a uniform prlcg for Ihem, which will
prevail nil through the year, geaaon gfter geaaon $2.00.
Of eouw, all the "little women" will want
to meet Cinderella, and he i (piite mixioua to
meet everyone, too, and ihe will prcBont to all
little ?irla who visit her on Saturday a big, white
Theac (Cinderella Ilatg are made for Itruitdeim
Stores excliiaively,
i'Mm'j mWW
Women's Untrimmed Hats In a Wonderful Saturday Sale
More Than 2,000 From Several Well Known New York Makers
f.F I he lifht sflilDCH SVC ll!lV(! rvfr HCCU
nOJIIC )l UK in ni minjirn i, nun; n u(
and wrtainlv of tlif bent nt.rawn wo Jiavc ever
riliown to wll at any tiling like tlx; jiHees we quote,
frilly nd gllractlve Veiling, gcroll, motif and border dealgna. All
becoming nieahca, I'rlced hi ROc. 75c nd 080
A coinplcts allowing of Circular and Tea Vella, with fancy bordt-ra.
Illack and eolora ftOo " t2.W
Waahahle Hllk Chiffon Vella, with heniat Itched border, Ulack, whim
and color ,., - 91.50
These Hats Are
Worth Up to $5 Each
We Say
$1, $1.23, $1.79
See the Jfith Street Window for
the npeeial showing.
Second Floor Millinery Store.
In the lot are Keal Milium, Lizcre, Milun lleiiip, China
Split, and more than half the entire lot are the extremely
popular Mlavk Hat and large and medium alze Bailor. Some, White,
and all lbs ncaaon' beat eolora.
Bap; Specials
Ijtille' Fine Hand Hag, all tlin neweat almpe and atylca, In all eolora.
teal Heal. Real I'ln Heal, Keal Morocco, etc.; Hllk and leather lined;
two to five fitting. Then are exceptional bargain, worth from fU.OO
to $5.00, Saturday 8108
j jui i nanu toiga, real teainer, neauiinii tttyiea, f i.uo value, at, (;)c
French Ivory i'tct urw Frame. Worth f 1.00, at , 5Qc
With the Perfect Assurance of Greatest Satisfaction
STYLl'MMAJH hIiowr on every ganncnt w offer in thin wonderful Apparel Ktore
iii tici'Htinal repreHentativeH have neoured the Kastem style (tentcj'H, and at' this
hauler wanori we ar able to ofter the best .stock of JOaster wear ever shown
I'or nil UHe, from narrow,
fnney lint hand to the wide
millinery bow. lold Htid nil -ver
effect for drrm an avcII aa
millinery ptirpohea.
7 Itirh Moire Klbbon, In black andv
all the popular uprlng col- 1 Q
orlng. Vard JLasC
S and 6 Inch Warp Print for gar
niahlng, alao pretty for nr
rainlaolea. Yard faOC
Hair How llibbon in brocadoa,
pretty bow knot, roan and other d
algn. In while, pink, light blue, old
toae and Alice, ng
Vard OC
In Our Bsement
5lnch Warp Print; mi-
uaual value, yard ,
Inch Plain Tarrela
M.ilre Taffeta. Vard
You Can
M a A
Cut Flowers
For Palm Sunday
Tine Home (it'uM ti Knsea, luti
Mcma; nil eoloiH, IteKular
11(H) jM'Hde. Hatut- QQ
diiy, diicn OvC
I ii-im 1 1 fi 1 Sweet 1Vh in rti'n
liUluhca; hoij Hteiua. All cn
ora. SmIui'iIhv, QA
I'Uiich , . . LiKJC
Potted loiter t.ilu, mi fine
fun-lit inn, r..i'h i
h!i..,iu ,,,,,,,,,,, 1 uC
Omaha. I 'rices are right.
Women's Top Coats
The ever popular garment for all the many oc
raaloii are Top Coat. For motor, port, travel or
drea wear, the top coat I alway an eaentlal gar
ment. Our recent purchaae havr put u In control of
nmny new and original effect In top oeata, and w
can ahow you the, very laat touch of the coat An
nigner. Huch wonderful fabric at the Velour Check,
Birlpe and Plain, Worated Check, Hcotch Mlture.
Covert, (tabardliiea, Poplin, Vicuna, IJollvta
Cloth, Taffeta, Halln, Hhantunga, Jemey Hllk, etc,
$15, $19, $22.50 and $25
Top Coats at $10.00
A apeclal for Saturday will bo one lot. of fine
coat that are grouped for thia occaalon, and tneluda
many that were marked higher and ome that w
bought to ell for more, but are Included for the
kn of quick aelllng.
Hllk lined Herge, Poplin, etc., Smart Oabar
illne. Velour Check, Covert Cloth, Plaid, Plain
Velour, etc.
Suit Selling Event
A purcbaee tit 300 Tailor-Made Hull by our buy
er while In New York the pat week ha arrived,
and we have them all marked and ready for aale,
and will offer you mine of the beat ault value of
the eRon.
Wa have divided tbe entire lot Into group for
eay elllng, and you will find wonderful opportuni
ty for aelectlrig your new Kaater milt, at a very
nominal price. The atyle Include all the einart
and effective model nhown In the higher priced
garmenta-amart boxy flared, Norfolk, aport effects,
ml fitted flared, etc., with aklrt that are cut. over
the new wide flared modela, with the wide girdle,
big pocket and fitted yoke.
The very popular eolora are ahown In Gabar
dine, Poplin, Serge, Check. Mixture, etc. Kvery
garment, ha an extra valu, and wa made lo ell
for more than the rlce we aak
$15.00, $17.50, $19.00
New Easter
Frocks, $15.00
A apeclal feature for Saturday
gelling will be a group i( won
derfully clever frock for afler
limin, dinner d -inl drey f
flr. The fabric are the ott
tliapv clepe. d chine, taffclait,
crepe meteor, fharmeuae, ele,
coiiihlned Hh auft pretty gtoig
rite, i hitfnit and lace.
Kery g'M'd piai'tli-al ft ro
or, tuch PiltsUn, Ctipeiihitgeit
and N) lilm , Tan, ir.
WlUlU, IU) Leaf. Urrrn,
lllacka, etc
The Newest
Suits for Easter, $25
The iiiMiiiifactiiretH t)f the fiiNhioiinble and famotiH FuwIiiniiNcnl Suitn have copied miiny of
the recent French timdeln nnd hronirht them down to the popular price, and you will he aa
tiiiinded at the chic amnttnoKH to he fmind in thin wonderful line. Kvery good color and mate
rial is represented.
Altraciive and Extreme Novelties
In Misses11 nnd Women's Neckwear
f Tu.trd
A hcrtiiltful
I . p iUr.
A lr,.' it-.i-ne n.f fi I'.Uti,?. Mi wl.ite ao, I
i H" t' iiiuii irf in ptam,
I U i .''. .1 . itj t' it
Nnimr, which
ln t Mai, i it !!
lie. W and '
A at
l' 1 1 ! le ! ' .11 (vf
tn l(ii k aiiil ki k ai4 bM . . . .
i'P-t.ll t lief i tiUaf In iil' i'-l -nc
U' liiiii::iI aim '..! itlitiei4 I f (m-hi
II. ! lirauUSul vf tlv! J I ii.Ik nl.i.-K -I IhUi
I ft . . . ,
i i.e.r ! t it'f u, tniiii4 i4 h I ibiwijr.
h'(. flH 4 l"e V rli 4isiH, uu f'in . . , . .
! I l lf (i't.U I U't t ! t'l Ilk )r
t'.-. t ahnw..
ft. mi , . UUW It
Ik . f i HA t S . . k 4 'ft All I i 1 1 V il H j
25 c mi 50 c
50c Sl,50
Girls' Wear in the Sale
Girls' Raincoats
Girls' Top Coats
Thi eo lh girl are muiw
thuii niirn'iHit in the mart girl
inh tiuili' that are ad.tpied for
llietii, an the anll tftecU and
I li ircltv itre)' uiiiilc! mm
,ictler and aiiiarlrr than Hfl,
Hoiv ule fiaied tlmlt tiit,
il or ihut Ui(rt
f iiic ! kda. ld turn !
cuM. full ill llir colUta, etc
hv!) i. iiltr and luA'erlal
t.n i tei to It, J jii i . It
$5.00, $6.98, $8.98
$10 Ami $12.50
Girls' Coats, $3.93
W hate (i ,,mim4 ti(ethr
iit) il fiiv. I., vt !'' n.
-t. ' l (' 'I. Ml
litAirttAl A4 dt, !' Ail
li tt ii i( IH h k'..r
iin'i H,-'d i. rtU-i in
fniiu t In It
M.m c-f ik m..t ttr ar fii, it i .!
Ii.mi1 lb '" la m g'll M 4ii4, ti ll i (
n t k e u.t trr t'Al mar A ' it la
' ! Itt r -t '0 a
i ,.!! I' . : ' 'f'r i Vi
tiul v'tw i ' t x i-i, A lit
II.MH. f J tlH a.. ! IH.tlS
i ' -, i . ,
1 i
Hnipy ii. I uicticl atiiimy
r,nlir i i4i f -r achiKil glrU
and tr pmitller lata I'Um
ttieik and 'llU. tua'e ltti
l;lic caia In Itia'i h
$2.98 and $3.98
Girls' Wool Skirts
1 lie (i .ii.'ii t the -(r
' )ii f.-r gnu and i hiha
in ,- ii (.mi nt( iiimh' and ni"t
tn il n 1 h i'ii'H (Iii-v,
itiii'a, unit utm. .n.'i, .. (i
I in, n.i4inn r'' I ai n'
lei. i.le irt . hl'4
)"lv4. ?!. l
$3.50. $3.98 aiuI
Girla Wash Dresses, $1.00
I (" lnl ef (!(!' fil.i(v4 .'ia')AM !!
0 .. i. II i talu, .ii A iieM)
I-' 4 ""i-' ! " l aH i-,!ii!-f 4 foi el
c l'iHi iiim ii U'A e I
III. "'
New Sport and
Walking Skirts, $6.93
Kvery dny the klti prnve ihelr
effect IvetieM and their poiuilnrtty
over other garment, a nothing
la i practical a eeparute aklrt.
The new Kpuri nklrt with their
wide cruahed glfdlea, large puck
it, large lull tun irinitultiga and
full flared cut. I he mure drey
nnd walking eff.-ct am aUu very
miiiii and it-Miittlilc.
Many vny aitraetlve fjhrlf.
u. h a t i riliirui a, 'J alfetttn, liulf
lin. HergeA, t'hecki rlulli.
M i Htlr. Iir.t a, eti,
Easter Toggery
For Boys
lie hiimrU'M, iionntest hikI
most MTviccnhle Two I'nir.
1'ant Siiitn yon have ever wen
are here for your Nclcction,
and a hitf flSMortmcnt of j;it.
tern nt every jiricc,
$5, $6.50, $7.50
$8.50 and $10
You will like the hrip;ht,
atylinh fahrieg, the ftyliNh,
new modclK, the guprrior con
atriietion and, above all, the
fibriolutc HHNiirtince of nh tin
fit dory wear that ffoeg with
every JJrnndcin Boy.' Knit, In
cluded are , many pleated
Mylea for the little fellow
5 to 10 yearg. I'ineh-bMck
modelg for older boyn-8 to 17
Boys' All-Wool Blue
Serge Suits, $4.15
Plenty of every gize, 6 to 17
years. They are made of a
fine weave, fast color aerge,
in a new, half-belt model. Very
new and stylish.
For Easter
Kastcr hhnppcr will find
our plove utocks complete in
every atyle, color and (piality
they dewre. Kor tomorrow wo
will offer the following hpe
Wotnen'a , (iuaranteed Waahatile
Kid tilovea, In pearl, Ivory, canary
and gray, 11.19, djf r
$1.S0 ami 41aUaJ
Wotnen'a One-Claap 1'io.ue, Kid
(iloveH, miiatly in white and i few
black a. A limited
quantity only ....
Perrln'i Adrlano Kid Cloven, In
black or while. Usually aold at
$2.00, for Stttur- d n C
day P1aOO
Perrln'a Very Hewt Quality Mnnoco
Kid Cilov 'A, beautifully embroid
ered; ell her mm or two-elaap atyle;
wllh or without, welt. Special for
ss;t: $2.00
Women' Two-Clasp Double Tipped
(iuaranteed Pure Silk (ilovea. In
white and black with eelf or beau
tifully embroidered contraat backa.
Special, pair, 59c, 1 1 Of
75c, $1.00 and Pl.tJ
Candy Store
Easter Offerings
Our home made Nut Briltlca -almond,
pecan, hickory nut,
filbert, walnut and OQ
I' nut, I'ound . . 0 C
Kreah Cocnumit Halln, dipped In
cream and rolled Hi pecan
It ut m . I'outld
Cream Peanut Siimrea, vanilla,
at raw berry and choenl.ite.
llcllcloiiA Cream Dipped Urajll
Nuia. I'l otic pound
biie, at
I r nh MAple Cunfeciliiiia.
PiHllid , , ,
1 hi'M Ih'llcinua I tliicnUtA Pom
p-i,iit lliitcr SAi-eia iid 8U
,mie Milk i imcoUte nn
"mind AaWv
van Ilia,
Beautiful New
Easter Blouses Ac
.i iu,.u A x-'
l . . i .'.n. " J
if i, SI',
$J.U to $lb.UU
l A AH I N- lt'"ll
I . e lti,i!r, V 4li4t,
htl- l it All t f'enh
i ! II, l't Ii) IS . 1 1 .1 t lit , t .
II en
, il ! r i ..
t M
II ic
a 1 4 1
'' k
I t
$5.00 to $10.98
S V.ll ! i t' t. t Cl.ii
t,r. - 'i ' l M ii. hu etui
id And uni" Ivt t '! , ' 'i, I I
11 I ' -I I I t l' t t f- . i.ll
$1.00 and $1.25