Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
VOL. A' I A -NO. 2.9.
On Trains, at Slot.
If ws Stand, ate., ft.
IIMITFIl WATR Nebraska's "Big Four"
bera of a French hospital corps at Verdun waiting for a lull in the heavy bombardment
to remove their wounded to a base hospital in the rear.
pssi'V ...wt r"!" ','! 'fTWTT --.wwiff'wwwTi mir pm,fmV"m pija sswwywirit mmwijui! t .mmm .jMiiataisiriiuy-
-" vv J i a amma ipwt V ,',4,Jf i rl"nT'r"T1 tit httffmffaiinK.jj.j
r iKii i fin-tro fir--'"?1""-' '-
Communication Will Be Sent to Ger
J many Requeuing; Assurances
Against Attacki on Shipi
Bearing Americani,
Cabinet Decides to Demand Evi
dence of Germany's Good Faith
in Tt finhmarin Promiiei.
WASHINGTON, I. C, April 14,
'After a prolonged cabinet mating
fdy It wax announced that a com
munication to Germany would go
f rward planned probably wltbln
the next forty-eight hours. It wa.
'Rid th cane wag complete without,
the affidavit, trbleh arrived today
cn the. steamer Ht. Paul.
The pln to pieaeht tha American re
rrne with th accumulation of evidence
(hnl not Mia flusaex alone, but other
ahlp as well hav been destroyed In vio
lation of Germany's promise lo Mi
I nlted flat, rcmiltM unchanged. With
lh statement of fact will b a demand
for evidence of Germany's good fih
10 wk good It asauiance. Nothing
in Mm iindiio of a time limit will be at
tached, l( wh understood.
Tli evldrri rolli'i-tftd by Xrcrelory
Lansing Kim ( 1 f f d befor tli cabinet
today, ASfldavlla on Mia ftusseg case
which aritved on th steamer Ht, Paul
wi not It for lb cabinet, but It wa
a !) other evidene w ao complete they
wi-im not entirely necessary lo lh prep
aiatlori tit tlia ( of th United Ml a tag,
Th administration consider th Ger
man noli practically show that a ub
inarln attacked th Huxaex,
TrsllmoHy of Americas.
KKW VOIlK, April H.-Ouarded by
eur Charles A Horn of Ilia Hrltlah foreign
office, h evidence In Mia Hum rai
v til h ling I,- n galhuad fnrtl American
Unit I-.u i t iim M , arrived hero on the
steamer Ht. Paul, It Included affidavit
of tho survivors gathered by attaehea of
tlii AmeiVaii embassies In J 'aria and
Among the Ut, Paul' i1 passenger
wa Ldward W, Huxley of F.nghtwood,
N. .., president of th (.'nlted rtlata Ituli
her F,tpoil company of Mila city, who
va s passenger on Mia duwi, eaeaplng
nlii)ur"d. Mr. Huxley ataled positively
111 from lliri lionr that tha vanol lft
lh UiVlrh abore until tha moment alia
a M.ttK;kd and (or rilna houra thar
ft.T not another Vfie waa alglitid ax
tlio dalio)r which tain to th
' u.
Sir. Ilnxl'-y made thl aaaertlori In
tionnei'tlnn lh tho text of Germany a
nolo of April l to tlio htate department,
rllliiK mi m ark hy a Herman aiibma
tln" on n unnamed veae n th vlrln
lly of Hie yiiKnex t th hour when th
InMer nut wltri railabap.
Mr, llimly Kino rii, he wax poalilv
Hie Miecex rari'bd no Ammunition. The
'ierman note declared that a "violent
( Continued on 1'age Two, i"olumn Two.)
Navy League Asks
for General Staff
tVAHIU.V'iTON.Tpril H-lelelea to
th ami iim I conventloti of tli Navy
I,KUO of the T'nlled Ktatna, whirl con-
lodi'd Ha Mirae-dny a-alon her lal
jeler!y, lift for Annapolla, Md.,
today, to wIlneM a demonatratlon of th
work of the navul academy.
The'a final aeaelon waa featured
by the adopllon of reaolutlon demand
tn that ronuree eniirt lfllatloti
rreatlng a nutlonal defima commlmilon,
a navy general ataff and providing for
an liiinif dlnie Increaae In thu navy.
United States Has
New Sussex Evidence
WANIUSOTON, April U. Secretary
I.Hiirlnw ai'kiiow h'daed Inte t.ihiy thitt
tlli I 'liHril Hind i Ib In prHiiin of v.
ii i' Mil uifil by llic I'li'ii'ii niiwil fmvt
front a i l in r)t lii rniHli a'll'iiiitrliie crew,
t.'lrlliig In nhow Hie blciillly of Mi auli
Inm Ine whli li ilioliuyi'd the HiiiM'. The
Mm, ih piii I mi nl a id t i Ii.iIiik It and
IllflillW till.' It Will iml U' ilU. -limed
Tlio Weather
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Tor tlrleaatea-at-laraei
Howard Hi llalilrlge, Omaha,
I'ranb M. Cnrrle, Naraeut,
V,. II. (arner, Kremont.
It. J. Itllpatrlek, llealrlce.
For A llernale.t-at-l.arae i
V.. I), lleacli, l.laenln.
Varlav nnrrah, Omaha.
A. I.alnaba. Mel h.
O, O, Nnyder, O'Neill.
l or National ominllireiin i
f ha rlea I'. SJj'l.revr, Omaha,
Thla llekrt la prlntril lo correct
Ibp. tale Imiireaalon created hy (he
riiiodlna of liraka nllh an un
fathered "alale" prrleiKllna lo pre
em a aet of "baruin " candidates,
lu fact, honevrr, masking thai men
itho tried lour yeara ago lo prevent
republican elector from having any
place on the official ballot.
Ilipiihllcaii aboulil know that
Ihr.y will find lb above tirnnra
printed on he prlmnry ballol,
naiuea of republican nut only de
voir,! lo it reunion of I he parly, Iml
alao of tried loyalty anil proved aeal
for parly anecraa.
ft-A -W" ..I
Lorimer Intimates
that Clearing House
Worked Against Him
OlU'AdO, April II. -William t.urlmer,
rexumlrig the aland lodny In hi Mini on
A dharga of rnnnplracy In connection
Willi the failure of tho l.a guile Hi met
Trut and Having hank, d-nld tei
mony given previously by Jame H. I'or
Kiin, praaldenl of the Flint National
bank and head of the rleurliig bullae.
11'Knrdlng taailmony by Mr, 1'orgnn that
he had told Air, Iorlmer that tli bank
waa going from bad lo worn, .Mr, Liirl
mer an Id ha did not believe Mr, !orgnn
bad told him about that.
Concerning another nonveiaatlon which
Mr, Kurgan (ratified to having had whh
Mr. lorimer, In whloh Mr, 1'organ aald
b had advlaed him (Iorlmer to lloul
dale th bank, Mr. firlmer aald h b
lleved Mir, Korgan had confuaed him
wlih Mr. Munday, vlcg prealdent of the
Mr, Iirlmer told of calling upon a
number of big bankera for aid in aecur
Ing clonraneo and of being refuaed,
"All of thla," ha aald, "and lh fart
(bat th newapaprr contained tha atory
almoat Immediately following Mr, For
gan'a telling Mr, Munday our bank
would not ha taken Into the Clearing
Moiia naxoclatlnn, led ma to lelev that
th banker of Chicago did not want any
on her who waa ghl to build up a
large hank, but they ar willing to tak
our e,tixtomer.
"Th printing of th riewapaper atory
about th Hearing hnnae action rauaed
a run on th bank, t1,i,0oo being with
drawn, but wa wr ahl to wtather the
Wyoming Stockmen
Meet at Thermopolis
TIfnnMOrOTJHJ, Wyo., April 14,-Bloek-men
from all part of Wyoming, Hloux
Ctty, Ta. Omaha and Penver, who are
attending her th forty-aeeond annual
eonventlon of th Wyoming Stockmen'a
aaaoelallnn, learned through report
mad piihlln today that lnpctora at the
Hoiith Omaha and Chicago atock yard
hava aaved the aaanrlntlon menibraji
$1.0fJ,000 through th recovery of mor
than t.fA aatraya. Officer will b
ele-rted today.
YORK, Nab., April H(Speclal.)Th
Tork County Agricultural society met
Wedneaday and elected a board of di
rector and adopted by-law. The prob
abla location for th fair wax dlacuaaed.
but no action waa taken. Th board a
elected follow:
Oeorge Kunk. Arlo Iilehl, rt. W. BHker,
Harry Harrington, .lame M. Carlisle, A.
A, Harr. K. J. Itaya. R V. Octty. Wil
liam Wltte, J. W. JieBner, Con McCar
thy, J. 'W. Tracy. Heorga Hlonlger, V.
M, Churchill, I-ealla T. Whit. W. V.
Harker, C, N'. Heaver, l.tilher Idehl. A.
,1. Martin, A. W. Thornpaon and W. U.
Th bnard wilt bold another meeting
next Wednesday.
jl'F,fiS'TiWN. Ireland. April H.-f n
trni nicnibei a of the rr of tha laoi
dun tranmhlp i1il , whhh wa't""t
and a iiik by a ih-rman aubniartne, m-re
tnii'lr) briv t.'day. A boat with eight
on ii l mlilig
Baldrigc Is Strong
as Guaranty
li. i tttoivl i'!iinn M rxi.di.
,1 1 ' .1- i. a ' l U I.i 1
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Unconfirmed Report Reaching
Funiton Says Troopers Entered
City Without Weapons to
Buy Supplies.
Two of Regulars Killed and Re
mainder Retreat to Main Body
Outside Town.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex,. April 14
Tha Americana on whom thn MpxI-'
can at I'arral fired wero iinarined.J
uiconlliiB to an unconfirmed veralon I
of the Incident current In Chihuahua !
and tranttniltted lo General Kunnlon!
today, j
According; to thin atory, forty of
Iho troopnra entered I'arral, preauni
ably to purchaae guppllea, and were
fired upon. Two men wore killed
and the remainder retreated to the
tnaln body of troop enramped out
nidi the rlly.
'l ite Klin kin foil pwraued them and
were met hy a fir from the Americana,
who were using a machine gun. killing
forty Mexican.
goldler Mack Americana.
Ac 'Killing to thla atory, th attacking
purly comprlaed Curranxa oldlcra and
Thl vrralon of the Parrel Incident wa
aent from Chihuahua to General rtell, at
Kl J'aao, who 'rwnrd"d it to General
Funaton, Full allowanc wax given by
departmental officer to Coimul Klelch
er'i qualifying worda, "unconfirmed vor
alon that waa current" In Chihuahua,
but there waa manifealed a dlaponltlon
to credit the report.
Many of the officer at headquarter
here regarded tha atory a more prob
ablo than oma of th veralona that hava
eorne out of Mexico, It wax pointed out.
that In prevloux dlapatche aoldlerx had
entored thn town for Iho purpoao of buy
Itig aupplle and In a friendly manner,
and that If thay bad gone into I'arral
for that purpose It waa probable that
tiicy wont unarmed.
Tn Word from Pershing.
fjenersl Funaton continued hi effort
today in get an official report from flen
eral I'erahlng of th occurrenoo, but lata
today iw word fnrmi him or any other
officer In the punltlv rxpediilon had
been rccelvnd. The last heard from Gen
eral f'erahlng wax that be wax moving
xoutli from Hatevo, and It la preaumed
that tha cnminandlng officer of tha do
tachmont that' got Into trouble at. I'arral
had sent, hi report back in tha usual
manner, first to hla oolonel, who then
would transmit It to General f'erahlng,
who In turn would have to overcome tha
difficulties of communication by courier
or aeroplane to a wlrelesa station.
(ienerat Funxton'x nrd-ra to offlcerx
along the Una of communication to guard
iigalnat attack and to dispatch xnoiit to
ascertain movement of any body of
troop, are being carried out along th
entlr line, it I understood, Ileuteriant
iJorrcll and Dargue, In an aeroplane
scouting for aome trace of General Ar
nulfo Goinex' force that were reported
preparing to move toward Case Grande,
failed to locate the troops, but did make
what I xnld to be a new record In army
avlatlrfn, flying .110 mile In four hour
and twenty minute.
. o Troop.
They pnsaed along lh Chlhunhua 8o
nora state line, some distance over tha
elato of Honor. In the nelghburhood of
Pulplto pass, but aa-w nothing of any
troops notwithstanding a clone acruflny
o fthe country rfom an elevation at one
time of t,(KK) feet.
General Gonwx wa at Agua Prleta,
where he said he wa malting order to
Join In the pursuit of Villa, but som
anxiety had been conned here by the
dlHpatch a few day ago of a force In
the dire, Hon of the American line of cum
munlcallon. The search riu Hint and
olher forces will be mii!Iiiiiim. .lost what
precautionary step have been laken by
General Funaton to gimrd tin. line and
meet any eventualities were not reveled.
He received during the day no new In
Mruitlmia from M,a War il.oiu iinem It
was adiolltril here that he has now al
m.iat full auihorlly to ue hla nun
mi nt In meeting iny situation , w t
xendln Into Mmlcn nil the 'i,i ironpa
along Mi bordi r, but the in, i.inu t -Br
rill hu not i guard lilill of li kinlf ,.f.
fhera to. allrr thelt ..,nl,.ii o,( ti
would be unwiae to draw Ui.n that fon I
for aiippoit ef th pimlHkc exprilitbui,
for Hughes
of Party Harmony
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United States Regulars are Watch
ing All Foints from Browns
ville to San Diego.
EL, I' A SO, Tex.. April 14. More
than 19,000 United HUtea rt'Kularg
are guarding the Mexican border
from Brownavillo, Tex., to finn
Diego, Cal today, while hurried
troop movements' southward from
ColumbitH, N. M., ahow that Iho lino
of rommunlcatlonx, reachinK over
400 mlleg Into Mexico to the advance
guard of Oeneral PerhlnK' expedi
tionary force, In being rapidly
strengthened to meet any emer
gency, American acoutx are watch
ing the Pulplto pax, which leads
rrom flonora Into the Caaaa Grande
d;ntrlrt Of" Chlhufthna atat for tho
appearance of General Arnulfo
fiomex, commanding a body of 2,fi00
Carranr.litta Infantry and cavalry.
General Gomex I awaiting order
from the Mexican minister of war, Gen
eral Alva Obregon, to move into Chi
huahua for the announced purpose of
taking up the pursuit of Villa. In the
event of trouble with the d facto gov
ernment General Gomel would be In po
altlon to atrllie (he I'ne of American
communication at Caaoa Grande.
Official advlci. giving d-tnll of the
fight at Parral, where a detachment of
140 American cavalrymen were attacked
hy cltlxen. are allll anxlnualy awaited.
Mexican Consul Andres Garcia bd no
further Information than waa contained
In the mnssnae from General obregon.
There are unconfirmed report that the
battle in Parral was mc d'Spcrnle than
Indicated In the Mexican official advices
and Mint It lasted for three hours. One
report has It that more than I0O Mexl
can civilian and 'arranr.a soldier were
killed and wounded, and that one Amer
ican soldier waa killed and several
wounded. The Americans were aald to
have used a machine gun In the battle,
Tha advance guard, which met the un
expected attack In 1'nrtal, probably haa
panned the Cilhuhua luirarih'o line and
now I In n district where Villa bn a
strong following, and where there la
little love fur tha "Gringo."
From different sections of lower Chi
huahua cnuie vague teporta of disorder
arlalng from economic condition, and
the de fiictn gut eminent la having diffi
culty In iiinlutulnlng order.
Riots Are Reported
Throughout Mexico
CI, l'A, l. Apill II. The news of
l he 1 mi 1 1 al I'ii nil! htlwern American
ao.lei mid Mexicans a followed bj
rrpolt of -r!o'M Ibit' d at olhef point
III I 'lilluiiibii. hoi lii none of thi.nt other
III, lil.'ltl , !.' ltien. n wildlrr aald lii
luoted The iloia wen ld ! b
due ti ti'ioX'
1 1 ..m a rita'f t I t i.t 1
1,1 V 1 If ,S ll II I'll i 1 !'
.'oilo II ,l!l Ill-Hi i. men huh
tell Ii til 4 l.l.i--. l. i iMn I 'i'- ..!. 1
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Great Britain Pays
For Cargoes of Meat
Seized Early in War
I.O. li(i, April II -Klnal settlement
wa renihi'd in the Chicago meat pack
er' ens today when a check ws
handed to Chandler P. Anderson, rep
resent Ing lh Armour, Hwlfl, Hammond
and Mnrrla cnmpanle, end Lloyd C
Orlecom, represenllng Mm Hchwsrx
rlilld A Hulsberger eompsny for the
amount agreed upon yesterday. The
sum wna not dlacosed,
Hlr i;dHrd Grey, lh llrlllsh foreign
secretary, received Messrs, Anderson and
Grlscom Mil afternoon, when Hi Amer
ican attorney expressed warm apprecia
tion of (he courtesy and spirit of fairness
shown by I he Krttlah officials throughout
the long, complicated negotiation. They
declared the auecees In reaching the srt
tlement wa largnly due to th patience
and broad-mlndcdnna of the Jlrltlah ne
gotiator. Hlr Kdward Grey replied:
"I hope the people of America will V
cept th friendly settlement of the pack
ers' cose a g further evidence of the
good will of Orext Hrlliiln toward lh
Culled Hffltc and of the desire of the
tli'lllah government to maintain Ha spirit
of Jiifitloe and falrne despite all the
difficulties and new problem arising
from the condition of war,"
lawyers here declare Ibis I the biggest
cse ever up for ettlement between lh
t'nlled States nd any olher country.
Grain Ships Held
in Port by Lack
of Men for Crews
portTl.AN'J, Or., April 14. Three for
eign vessels In th harbor beta, grain
laden for Knrope, lacked In the aggre
gate thirty-one Bailor o' having enough
to enable litem to leav port today. They
ere the Norweglen brk Ollvebank, which
need five men; the llrltlah bark Allca A.
Leigh, which need twelve, and th In
vergarry, which need fourteen.
Plenty of sailors ara available for v
vela hound elaewher than to Kuropeai
waters, hut they refuse to brave the dan
ger of the European e, crew agenclei
report, except at heavily advanced wages
Carranza Quietly
Takes Possession
MIKXICO CITY, April 14. -General Car
ranxa, who arrived on tlio nutaklrls of
Mexico Ctty jealenla). ililerd the city
slim Hy after X o'clock Mil morning, ac
companied by a few members of hi
muff. Ills r m ry its unheralded and
without ostentation. Few of the lo
hubltiinta rxeepl thoae who lecoglllli'd
him aa he paaned (lirouab thu streets
knew he bad arilved
Triumphal an he were bull! mouth
ago along the I'aseu de 1 Iteforme,
Avenlda liiare an I Avenlila Fraie'escn
do Xlitdeiii, and fronting Ihe isllway
aiaili'ita, palate end Chaptillepe.' paik.
In ie. tiitlou of a grral put'lh rlebia
Hull when the fust ilil'f riiterel he
lM. li. I . tl Hi 11. ml 1 ari4i..t did Iml iim , 1 m,t, i.f ,r ai'i-bv lie an(
in b prlvsl" I.,. ! ami. afitt n a! lug Slid
.!.'. H,J bla ii. I e,l, lo the
NaU'-ital ,,,!a.i- iih.i- (,i otntneei fa
in 10 II, e i.-iiti',e riilaieil aa iulr'i aa
Old i, lie f I 1 miauls li'iitiaj lllots-iit,
t. .itl,n Mini. I. 1 Xa'illai 'tml K.ii.,1
Vt'i a, ii n.iei 1 of II, t ielaii'ii 1 a i.p
. a, In. lo fol , tie holloa t ..!.. I Irll t.-, . 1 ,(,
in I'Ikii iMoi'iit ma" I 'l ' 1 !. "HI
nil thai, time
Press of Paris Derides German
Explanation of the Sussex Attach
I' XII - 4 i-i . 1 4 1 1 '' - '- ' " I "i. baa .1. int I am
III ,.. ll.t 1 ' .'. I ," ' lit" " ' I e ., lt it.- .(.- I i't I lll.-o a fl '
',.-..1 -in,., , . " ii t..i.i-iii.l ' I i ' i. ', !! a Ci'i-'b !' it an I Nu
.la tn 'O'lti li.ii I 'I" ist ta'l .'i ' iiciit 1 a-. " I aani--it i'ta
t , , .. it . - It-. . li,' el'.' a 'i t ii, 1 1 .....I. el it-, leant a a .t-n- i tn.
-..j ...'H v., '' i..t -'i'l a J xtilin 1 St itaa.l, u , , a.
. t-a' i I '(.ti-.-. ' ik IN 1 1 1 .'tt ..o. fi,a kt.'.i u li-ii( ibt. !! -
-1 ,. .i i i I'-a't. itanHa'l't. itt.iv,-l, .
! tt w'i.i i. e a i tt ii n,i t t,",,t',l t 1 . I u It.,,, hi ii ,
in t ii.l i ' i i.i '. I mi-. a I I., all a i. t ii.'.i M ii it. , i .a, t ,i .
It t .. aa i1 l ! au. ! a 4 4 'i'. . l- I It -ret.t-iit M 0 .- Itiill
I na-t i. I' I i M t'att-4 M I-- li ii.-a i.oia la f '.it a,ii.,,., t J
it .! l an ata'a ' 1 i'-1 I ti I (a I I it n't it I'tat Ilia t ot
e i .i . . It I, aO' " i It" - f I a " V in tt I I 'Mi It it I .i t . l t f -
"la . . . II it ' i It .' ' ... , .1 II I at . . . . . I ,'l I ' i e, ft
.itei, : i1! I itliii-t i tl t y, t. ' I. ,, a.) b 1 1 . t.,i- , . I, i 11. . , .
i; 11 t , i a, I a-a c I . .1. a 11 I it' it -i, '-... e I. if it !-
I. t
M'OH 1 1
at' J-:J!'
' L" V'. ,a
sAhh l
1 1
r , rV,
a? r , yV
Forty Mounted Men Make Unsuc
cessful Attempt to Capture
Food from Pershing's Army,
IJ0LULA8, ArU April 14.- Oen
fttul Arnulfo Gomez wgg nl III In
Agua Prleta thla morning waiting
orders from General Alvgro Obregon,
Me1rM minister of war, to lead hla
i f.liimn. of Infantry and cavalry Into
Ciilhughug from Colonla Mureles,
.T FRONT, April 12, (Via Aeroa
pin no to Chihuahua, April 13; Via
I.I Paso Junetlon, April 14.) About
forty mounted men, believed to he
V'llllatax or General Tarango'a eom
rtand, attacked an auto supply
train last night and were driven off
after a short fight. There) were no
American rnsimlllcs. one Vllllxta
waa Hllld.
General Pershing moved hi cmp yes
terday outh, penetrating fur Into Villa
territory, where he found numerous eon
silluMonsllst detachment under General
flarxa, who gave all Ihe American a
friendly greeting and co-operallon. Aero,
plant which wero first to reach Mil
new front yesterday, all had remarkable
adventures, but all ram through safely.
General Pershing traveled her In an
aiiloniobll train of supply trucks, which
made a record-breaking trip.
Tna Short FUbla.
The fight, which occurred hout 9
o'clock last night, wa (event! mile in
the rear of automobile carrying General
Pershing and hi escorV. it lasted about
twenty minutes, When tha handllx, who
tried to capture one truck, cam up the
American poured In five volleya, which
ended the fight completely. There were
two attack, the flrat a slight on and
directed against a forward truck, Th
last attack was a rush against tha rear
(Continued on Pag Two, Column Hlx.)
I roiii a Klaff Cnrr'-apoiuh nl.)
LIN'Ci,, April II, iHimcIiiI I The
alale lienauiir luia ITo Hint lie dors not
know what to do with. It la in Ihe form
of ii einle wnriant coining from Wyom
ing ami was sent in the tirnaunr of Ne
liiii-hn from the I 'ion lot Mchool for Ihe
I't ii f
Mr. Hull inn find no u ov l.-lnii of Hot
Inw coveilitg mull tain of Mile kind,
I m It her dura be know mat what Wyoiii
! Hill la trllli( lii pity for, bill U of Ihe
!i,,iloii Hint the state iiiuat hue bad
j nollle of the It'll, l llllb I llialllll'-
'tl"ii in (he iiiioiha bool nud tuin may
be p4 for tbiii tiililon an I keep In
jibber iijf bo dt'ta not Itiioit it hnl l.itbt
i tilth tbi lotil't t , hi lalbci-. to Hhli li f -I lilt
to cl. ilil 11.
I if , ,. ii b. haa piete.bltt to a- il.lo
( It lift I, "lb 10 ml-tle ail'l I'Oilllt I'ffl' It'a
, ,. h.. In !h. pnl p., I,. If. I all f unit
,,f ii,. -i ,i., elori Uitu mi no ai't'lllo
I. .a i.t n , .tto in lf v ', niM " Mi
11 ' it Ml i t u lit -..ttit of lb. foti.l t an I
li,.! t. ... a I' a'litg II vli-.iw it
: i 1 1 ((
Secretary Lansing- Says Carranza.
Note and Fight at Parral Have
Not Made Any Change in
the Situation,
Official Report of American Com-
mander on Parral Incident is
Anxiously Awaited.
III I I I. I I .
MHXH'O 41TV, April 1 -TIn
Moxkhii Koterliment Mill Inalat with
liiflnxilile (Icleniilimiliin Hint any
iiiineil rn'illtlnii tif h I nl(il
Hlule til. li ruler .Mclean Icrrltory
In 'he Kular- of a pijuit lva exptvlltlun
iiiuat lit limlieil to I.OOO men of fm
sen Ice alone, i avail), ncriinllng to
ii atnteinetit made to tho Aorlaled
l'ii-a tialny hy Juan efinll Amailur,
MiliHilmie cvrefnr)' of foreign reU-
WAHIIINGTUN, April 1 4, - -Secretary
t-analng gnnonneed today that
he was prepared to ireat with Gen
eral (airunxa'a proposal for tha
withdrawal of American troopg from
Mexico. It wa added, however, that
no immediate withdrawal wax tn
Th Culled rfiale will Inform Genera)
( arranm to that rffiwt oon and discuss
with him th tlmo and manner of th
removal of th troop, Th nacretary'
announcement a a taken to mn tht
Inasmuch aa tho United ftate fully x
pected lo withdraw the troop when th
Villa eh wa ended some formal ar
rngment will b mad.
Hecretary Lnnslng said lh fulled
rlt had no! agreed lo restrict th pu
nlllv exiiedlilon lo th territory it hsd
reached by March Zl and that there
evidently w soma mlsundersundlng on
Gonersl Carranaa part In that rcPec.t.
rt"'retry Paksr aald today there had
been a yet no change In General run.
Ion's order,, hut declined to discus qua,
lion of policy raised hy th Carranrs
mil. The border commander's hand
wcr entirely free, he aald. lo make any
necessary disposition of th Jfi.'IO Men
under hi command, Iiispatch of troop
to strengthen lb support Ing lln or the
shifting of border force to plce hl
adapted to ventiialile si mailer of
which General Funaton himself Is (he
only Judge, in th Wr department's
An offli In I version of the Parral Inci
dent l awaited anxiously, fines General
Ciirrnriiin sharply criticised tha American
commander in transmitting; a report of
what happened officials here fe It
necessary lo have the American officer's
own report he for ny conclusion ean b
No Further FlghllnB at Parral.
American Consul Kdwards at F.I Paso
telegrajihed lodny hla report Indicated
theta had been no further fighting with
American troop since lit affray at Tar
ral Wednday night.
Consul Fd wards said Americans reach
ing Kl Po from thn Interior of Mexico
brought varied rumor of the fighting at
Parral, but no confirmation of tha re
port that 1-V) Mexican were killed. All
hi Information w that th Americans
retired from Parral Wednesday and there
waa no new of further hostilities.
Arrival in the suburb of Mexico Clfv
lt night of General Cgrranxa with his
retinue from Queretaro waa reported by
e'peclal Agent llnilger, who aald It waa
believed that Carranza planned to re
main there during the negutlallona for
withdrawal of the t'nlled fitale troop
and be In close touch with General Ohra
gon and other cabinet member.
Wat department officials do not ba
Have Carranxa plan to permanently
make Mexico City hlx capital aa yet
to areas Watches Sltnalloa.
In both houae of eongres Mexican da
velopmenta were watched rlneoly, and
there wii an undercurrent of aantlment,
chiefly among republican, that th em
bargo on munition of war everywhere In
Mexico should b enforced.
Chairman Mtone nf tho foreign rela
tion commit I, after conferring with
Hrcietary I.hii-Ihk, said the Hate de
partment hud no Information not mad
"The problem confronting Mil goveiti-
men! Is hw Imifc It would he wise to
i keep an tidltloiuil y fnii e In Mexico."
an Id Heluttor -t'ltte 't hat never be
ll.te.) (hat c wiuibl aclilete the raptor
j of iU I itt a bad a price on Villa
' bend for em and rould P"t gl Mm. I
I thi led doubt thai i niiain wutitd Ilk
lii act blin, b it lie haa l-a-n uiiahl tn
th. ao N lii is In hla own tnunlit, and
o'tr aolitiita at,- In a ii fi, 'iii. mikiiotttt
itoiiitiy they hat auefrrdrd In heaak
In i.p 'io i f III a lui li and bar
at t'lt'i'lul. i 1,'ii'iilMm I HI tntigty
lit fetor of aeiitllng il.e Hin.lUb.n isi
fa w del it e ii ..( him or not.
'Iml -i late re i'iiUfi ih.i .la f i
t't'l.tlii ie I tilt I'-i ,e T t
on I' ttii t
)iUiHy luvuu liiiyiiii? ft Jot
iif Ui'W iirmlmt tut
!.itut iii'i K,,"l,t TIgiII)
liittlat V4 ll X lltttM' nf tln
t'iini wilh r llU't
It.c Vi ,. I. Si.iuttmlv
I'll il iu.Sti M.' nf if
tlf'HHt ilu'tH,