Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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    THK BKK: OMAHA. FKIDAV. AIM..., 14. '101...
Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household xTopics
Auctioning a Bride :-:
Where Women AreJSold
for a Few Bit of Inn
Grace Darling's Talks to Girls
No. 11 Great Advantage that Comes from Dressing Your Part
I ' V V V 4 I
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A Suitor of tli Coiik JtcKion J)iH)la,vin I Mm OflVrin J
WitJi llit SjM'MrlicadM.
hir I imtliliiK In inoflf m I'lvlliasnllmi
Itmt, rdii look with mm untln
tllin tlinn Hid Hun (if wnliiiu), W' Imve
I't i nrnitiitf duviiun trlliM) In niilni' tu
K tt rili.ln'1 l(iiii lii Dili hlxtfiiy tit mn'
I vrd liny uMi't wiitniri, lie utory lit thu
rtcvilnJKiimit of tnnirliiKo I onn of tho
jimift. nioiili4ili)K (IiIiim In liiimiiti unnnlM.
MxrtlHKi! In the l'Klrinlnt( w nothing
nort I linn a, mpllioil of n'iiili'lin prop
I'rty, Tim womnn wa (h inonnrty, anil
llm tiiAii look h(r i-llln'i' hy force, liy lft,
ir liy pnrnliMiii, Hhn no choir uml no
rlh!, ih nime Ihuii If h hnl hn a
loar tie cow, JI"T pmnon, hr llhrty
nd hr llf wfru nil at ih ttholut JI
jiohhI of hr hiiKhaniJ,
Tha only pnriton whn, t th olurt, hud
ny grnnirr clulin upon hei . I.hmi tha
inns who wlhfl to marry hr, wr Jir
jmruntii, tlclr rlulm wm f hut of
tint lyrtinri of an (nilgai rained to ha old.
'J'ha triu'ii of I III nrlglnul Ktilijnotlon and
nhmii'riicnt of wonmri remain yt today,
vcn In fcvlll,fid aoclaty. ' '
Tho KNiiitcHt plain of Amnrli'tt la that,
rut, ff from thn old world and fraa to
Jvelop IU i:UI Idcaa ud riiNtunii In tha
liulit of advnnrinv clvlllratlon, It liaa
jitvrr adoptnd thn Kuropan etiatom of
lllntf 1 1 m ilHiiiihtitra for a price.
In tl lilKhPNt anl'ty of Krope a
youiitf woman mnat liava a "dot," or a
inai Haga porllon, in ordnr to aland a
i hama of wtlliit a liuabatid, navvralng
We Keed
nr woods hiti iiinmh, m. ii.
The aluna and aernta of the aprlng run
liliig are In Ihn air. Kverythlng la on
tlm move, rohlria at wlilHllIng mid flnt
terliiK In from the noutli, the wild geeae
Imiikflig meihcfid, the i nitio ranging nut
Into Hie far pantuin looking for the flrat
nlioola of green, mid wo feel reatleaa and
Jung for I lie open and amell of tha aprlng
wood. Old meumili-a of the break-up
nf the whiter encampment are atliilng
In our blood and eager, hlualery marchea
nr pHddlca In reed wlckyupa hy tlie
waleralile for wild fowl nr the hlg leke
(rout HiHl rlne when Hie he goea out.
W'n throw up the hedroom window and
delightfully Hiilff the iilr while we are
dreaalnn nii.l vnw lilgh New Veiir'a rcsn
InllnllB - for tlll.l III I he l''ill new veer,
mil the ghnnlly, ehlveiy thing that the
en Inula r.t nmke u keep In midwinter--Unit
we will walk at leant half-way
ilnwn to Hie office nnd aleep with our
window iipcii, cut dovwi on eiiinllng and
nil Hint nml ,, thlnv hurl y throuuh
hicukfii-'t, iml mi hat and ciml and off
e etail liril,l, head up. ehmildera
Imik. wlumiliiii a tune m Innlii 1 lli'iuwht
of for yaie.
l.ut l,.,,.- w I, me u.inr five block
iimuik nii.-hiiit! f-ide iiuiii inn iiilnd
i tie in ifiMnn gm-ii out of imr g'llt, our
niniit.. Mute i.. in ii, hi,, ulnua down,
l we ,ei,iii t,, glad e latn eirr our
i .1, i in . .. wlirii Ihe l t mr U
, hoiihk 'Hi.' H'I i. ilc , t. la willing.
lit I lu I. tf4 aiv V mk WW iirtl r,.IMntt.l
,,i tut, ' t ! ink, nnd Willi, nil ..if
i .1, l"' wmlci ihv ii4 mi 1
, i, i'.,l I ' a;( t, e ,ve nmili.
!lnn " '- .i,-n!'lii-i.
,.ii' h 1 . ' -.Wrd o ,1'ir fn't p.ii In .
.1 i 1 1 1
l,ni w ;
, i i, a rune ll.c fi mil .1 , .1 (.,
I li,,m Ibe tt. I C.iilii,
i , , i ft - 7 .' ii, p ii, I iii.m j
i.i'. 'rtii i,. a' .,ti,' i.wiifc
we fin I ln y I a
ite .t t it"i I,
I . walk
I iMf ti-at i ' "l tn'iii P'llit
i. u t a an I I1" i-iiir t?.a u,a w
an at llifiil' t t'f ii'-il'', liiaH
t lial v A'l W i' ! t I I ).!"
H', nil IhiMil ! t ! a H v'-i V ! I-..
I a
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) 1 ' l II,
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a i a net t
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i.f H i " !.
the mivaad eiiatom, h pa rent a my Ihn
hllilnarooin to tnka llmlr (taiiKhli-r, In
Ntrtml of r'o'clvlnv pay from hint, Hut,
IhoiiKh rKVnraiid, IhU la almply a nurvhnl
of thn man tana, and In Ha i i-v lwl fi.nn
It la cvhi u K'tialar Inanlt to wninuii
In tlm plctiira on (hla pan, (Iiim to Mr,
llcrhfrt I,n, tha ladnr of tha Ainmlian
Mnaaiim'a xplorltia; work ainotiv thn mi'
Uvea of lha i'iiuko ri'lon In Afrl'a, wn
M a a'rlkliitf i'aiiipl" of Iba aurvlval,
in one of Ita uilalnal forma, of Ilia una
torn of pnrchanlng wlvra. Tim would ha
huabnnd (that la, ownar or hnyxt'l of tha
girl whoa piiirnla nil on their hiiunrlma
to ronnldur tlm prl'a offarrd, alandt hn
hlnd hla dlaplny of aavawi wraith, hold
Inv In Inaah a dog, which la part of hla
Tha iron aprarhruda attick In tha ground
and the thr-a or for rhunka of native
Iron ittnrad ahoiit, rcprcaant tha prhw
ha la wlllln glo pay, Thn final dtwlalon,
arnoidlng to Mr, Imiiii, will o mailt
hy tha rhlnf of the Irllm, who will niaka
up hla mind aa to (he aurfh lcniiy of thn
offnr, aft)i- giving a puliUc linnrlng In
tlman who am Inti'rcaled.
Whan you )t ynur imaKlmitl'in rang"
over tha aixn'-a that will fulluw thla
aale the slavery to panalon and raprh-e
that Ilia ohlei't of It miiot undergo when
aha heiiomea tha property of her pur
ehaaer, the long, painful yeara of auh.
Jectlon and hopeieaa toll to whlith he la
doomed, with gout, mind and Imdy haed,
More Feet
vlda among the work of carrying and
aupporlltig II. and conaeipienlly eaeli one
of oura ha dntihle Iho weight and morn
than double thn atrnln. An iinlmal'a lega
are one at each corner; ao aa to aupport
hhn nnturally and alnmat without alrahi
or muactilar effort; every tnlnule that we
aland la a perpetual at niggle and tank,
A home can aland all day and all night
for aeveral daya at a alretch, and an
elephant for weeka without lying down;
hut we get, ao tired that It burin If we
have to at and perfectly atlll for thirty
mlnuteg. Indeed, atrong men in perfect
condition hnve iieen known to faint and
fall from pain and exhauallon when
compelled to aland mollonlcaa aa a
atiitus for leaa than fifteen inlimlea.
Tlie ueaient li inade in Una I
cniidltloii of IniieaoniK I 'PHpniialhlllty la
ill llie linran, whn auipot I the whole of
hla great weight upon four or hla I
mill", and aa a coiiMciiueiicu la fearfully
aiiblccleil In mireiieKtt nnd biinlma and
crlpplluga In Ida feet nd lega,
! It may mcni nlinnsl Mliauid (o limlet
iil'iiii aiicli an alphabet leal, iiiimm y Imob
fin t il that two In, aie I'm na gnod k
four, bul wo icnll) do auffer gttatlv he
catiKA w cannot ichIU" Hint mir feet
were lint linn!" to aland mi, but In walk
wllb' .1 1 1-1 plnln atiiinlliig altll la II,
1 tin i ill t wink and iitnM breaking dnwn
xiraiii we i nii put tipon nur fi't! S In n
i Ver )in miial aland up Ne. p iniiv log
.ont It i.alble, oi bending over Hi
bench ur rteah, i rating e ho w nr hip
agallint It and alilltnig ynur feet about
or, If von iiiiim nuitil mill, aa a
counter, be niu t lt a hair or
alnnl within iv na b and att ib.wii fi.f
at la fur miuut. nut ft mi'i y llt
limii, aiui K iiewiiilr leu I'tiia la p,i
t,'il,ul ini..iiil wlii-n in, i hair ,t
rehl er ate ni'lln',i.. d In Mli fll alel
' lit I ' 'I!
i-rliig n'l.'i'
It ll'lvaa, f ir a I Ming glat
, "ii vwa-a '. ,i,,, ii ii a,,.., ri m n--i
'- a a n a t a m a -aa an I
tail. Hi u , ni.ti f ct a'.tnbig l
.-i a i i.f u i ,i , . i ii v i, ,. t
agl.a. .a'l-M I., n -.- I I li fin
l -1 . I t'u, -i. - . -. I h . a ' a
it ! ! 4 Mil" I act 11 wan ,.'
al a I'. I .1. . I , t .. II
'an i I . n I i Im I i . I I t i. a
in,. I ,, ,,.,i,' . La
I In it., a' , ' .
t it, a t 'I'm .! I ,...,il. I
2J lh I
.tint ' f.t n 1 1 i' i
-''I a i. I "i" a - ! I
., i . I i.i n-e , ,. ,ii ii i
i 1 "i
fil SWaa J
. i
or a JJriJo Tho Dotf (Juch
you may frel mora aympafhy with the
mlaaloiiurlea who would do what Ihey
can to ai'ieml among Iheaa people a IHHe
of the light that tha partial emancipation
or woman nae anea on napmer ra-ea 01
Thn aciiillllnn of wlvea by captuia nr
for', and hy gift, wlilch la lno atlll
practiced In aoma part a of the world, la
hardly ao humiliating aa thla met hud of
aale, When aim la deliberately aubl tho
woman liaa no cliancm whatever. Hut
when aha become Hie quarry In a cliaa
aha hua, at legal, lha barn prnapect of
temporary eacape, llku a hunted deer,
and even tha chain e of a choica If there
are aeveral pitrauera, aa gonial Imaa liap
No doubt there ara thrilling romaiiceg
hidden behind aoma of thaan wife hiinla,
nnd Iho heart of (tie hunted la not alwaya
ileapolled, Kvcn in thn ran of a aula It
la Imaginable that a pmfarreft Invar might
be able to mil bid a dntoated rival,
1ooklng up Iheaa Ihluga, how aplendid,
hy cmitrajd, pieara Ilia Amerlcun idea
of marriage, where the power of tha par
ent la i educed lo Ihn Influence of Ju
cullou, roiinael and guadauce, wlinra the
nolloii of bargain and aaln la ilMained,
where the choice of tho woman la aa)
aitcrcdly regarded na that nf iho man,
and where tha alianluta euiiallly of the
eeyea ia reeognlhed If It la not yet III
every reaped enforced.
jwatawiiial mmmik .awMamwaaai
The Physic Party
Hr in ia jicrtii:!!,
'I'lri'ie ta a rraza for paychlo partlaa
Jual at tha rnomenl, Of couraa you all
know what a psychic, parly ia, Any old
thing In the way of palitilalry, cryatal
gazing, thought reading or aplrlt iiihiiI
felallon, played eipiully well with a
couple or a quantity,
The medium ia nearly alwaya a "aha,"
and nine time nut of ten a nice looking
one at that, Hence tiie popularity of
eiuea with my unworthy ae,
t pcraouiilly have no objection (o mmie-
thlng really preily diving down Into tha
depiha of my pant -alwaya provided that
there la no one clue there who can u It
In evidence agalliat me, llri libm, It leuda
puaalbllltlea to Hie future-with the nice
lucking medium,
Meat men thing waul III t ta unlet ill
vcralnna, and there la aninetnlng uu.
dnubledly aontlilng In aeuncea at any
rate, Any pretty git I who dealrea to
hold my hand and rend Ihe future front
It bail never to aak twice, aa far aa I
mil ciiinei lied. Kurtbeiiuoru, khe gener
ally geta an lualgbt Into It rlgnt away.
I'rom the band'.' Well, of enurea what
do you IhlnkV
I bate met crvalnl gailiig medluma
ulai, They nana llv wear long, clinging
rubra and lectlue on tllvana In dlacrelely
liaibil light". Htianaeh' enough, Ihelr
i ll. in aie Iniarlablt men, that I, If
I bet- Iheniaelvea are not,
And Hie eonveiae equally Invariably
bold gninl Oh, I lell vim, it'a a wnn-,1,-iful
tiling, Hua nai r'.liinii. v, Ihnutll m
riling II I teiv nearly pni a 'V m
lliadv aiilenllt
Thua are llmee when ! tmp that one
nf Iheaa data thought lending will !
i nine grnemtty 'i. irf id. It would Mv
an Infinite annum! of trunbla I in tha
eihci band, Ihete are niumetiia whan If
utrrtutia In lb imiin r'd a direct line
In wln.t tun were thinking almnt toil
a until prrcliiiuin a , 'atr.,ba l,(,ii
wb. h Iba r war aranbl pale Intn
;i,ai,i.l', an,
Vn' 'laklna i ,! t timid I tinea II it..
mil I, a,, iiim mi an Hut ran aa pigc
tl, r, lt vi fVuea
1 a !! aranea Him I inaan
1 1. an ilni bail mil la lm
l ail I'uii d w itt the hahia uut and
t ga (,,,in ' la. ma' hI a ait waa
a in, ii,, .in.) fp ti,. i tha ta di' a,i
ainlai . i ain'iiit lb m.'.ui amaarli g
.iiaail.'tt !... i ht-r a Ufa !' fna-
!, ib. il l'aaa a a' a..i .la't tl" In
"n innaiit ii W ill i a .a !u-t In, .
t ut' k tl wmi' I I tie laa, lha
ana r f,. g n la ,la In tbaa
ai i. ..( on lha laaiiena a, ill., I Ire p I'tl ai,i-a
1 111 I IU I I I I II
ha. a lii'l 1'ia.ftt gat
I an a .i i kj,g
':, tl:H,l , ia,! ,4lt
. . i t,i.. a e . all t, t
i liile an, I l a
I ! '-I I Van
. I i.l I' ll 'a ham,,
-a t .1 e t a is.
-a ti .
... I
I till
, ii--
. in ..
, ' i,
h .it n
Hy .H4(; IMIIIIM..
The iiiovid atar hu ha won an riiMahlr
ilthui In the million pliluiv vmild
ti) her i level -neaa and talrnt.
I vidiider how inn u y of 'iu gliU lin
go to the tinnier and the mnvlia iiliiHMt
every IiIkM of your Uvea ever llilnk of
the alage n 11 erlmnl thut you ate prv
llegei In iilU nd ' Not mir In e,i tlioil
ami, I II nnriBiil
pi . In Hihtliinn to h'ilevir iniiial
leexoil I hire i, lay he In tlie pi,, v or the
lillil 4iii lire ii I in,, lli" iiiiiy, or llie
gi'ieen l rifferlng yon einr) minute of
the lime a hi,ii'1rei lfv tun In mniiiu ia,
In diwirliueii(. In lum In ilre, In liow
to do iieivllilng from fuliil'lig at vimr
Cruel falhel a feel In iMiullliit lea
Sow, one of (lie flrnl leaeniie thai llie
Inge lenihia giiia la ii mioi innen
of ilrraalng your purl. In u pluy you
never en it fill old dowager dierne up
like a 111 yen i old ai honlgtrl, tmr do )ou
tee Hie artleaa Ingenu" di lied mil In
mni lii ii ii, I muiiigli'M III, e mi iiilveiilmenn,
tli'iuuh )n i orien hi hold llii'ne illelrexa
Iiim narioiliil liluii,lera In rial life.
Vim eei,, th" elaie reeogulea Die fne
thai a Koiiiiin iniueenea hernelf In her
I'lotlua, and that the wn, e In ilii'ttaed
em iIiubI .'-a her i'harm li'11 ll' e 1 'I el
leant tlhe puhlli1 Ihlnli II ilmx, iind it
la Mliat ehn ta Judged hy,
Then fore I entreat mi glrla to ron
alder In your dun 111,1 only the Iii'iimii
liigluaa lo your coiiipleiiliiii mid figure,
Iml ahellur ynur clnlhea ay to the
world what yoii mini llinu In niiy iilmul
If, for liieliinee, yon in,- n working
girl and Want In "leidxiir" i ffh h ie y,
aa we would my In minimi jilrlmr liillt,
flnll I mii ilnuii to our hiiiIi ili'enne.l ni
aa If you were going In a parly, In li'i'h
heeled nlliieit and a fuxt,y ullli dl'eaa
and entered with rallllug liiii'U,
No girl golf en up In lioiiiioirliii fin
ery could ever convince her employer
that alio hud enough eciine nnd iuiluinenl
lo lie depended lipntl In a ei Mia In do
Important work,
I, nnk how they drrita a hiinlueea wouiiiti
nil Hie nliige pin In lilloriiiiide anil,
plain, Immaciiliilely elean ahli I walal,
enmforfahlo low heeled lioota, one look
at her and you would know lluil ahe wiia
rellnlile and dniendiihle, nnd level In iided
lfH, nilglil for a Jul) Willi a fat
pav envelope,
I've known many a clever and amld
llou working girl who never gn on hit
raima ahe wag queered by Imr clothe.
Ilher employera never look her eerloualy
becnliae her clolheg weren't aeriniia.
And iinoilicr Ihliig, glrla, don't try to
drea beyond your meiina, llecnll that In
playa where the heio fall In love Willi
the beautiful, hill Impeciuiloua heroine,
alio la alwaya dresned In a elmple whlln
mualln Willi a blue ribbon around Imr
gunny curia. Hhe never liaa on hand
enibrolderrd chiffon wllh an Imllnllnn
diamond tiara In her hair, and a near
pearl neckline about her throat.
fif couraa it'g a temptation lo a poor
girt to try to rin-a like a rich one, but
alia make a terrible mlnlake when ahe
rtoea It. Thla la a ceneoiloua and auapl.
elmia world, girl, and when people nee
a woman dreaaed more peiixlvrly than
her meiina, they aie not filled Willi d
mlrallnn for her. They are filled with
They think one of Iwo thlng-!lial ahe
liaa not ennm by her frlllg huneally, nr
that aim la a aulfliili lllllo ciealure who
la willing to work her poor old paretila
to death anil alarve lier little brolhurg
and alatera lo adorn her own back,
Many a girl liaa lot a good huaband
hy being loo finely dreaaed for lier pnal
llon in life, "Well," aay Ihe man, "all
that girl tli I lilt m of la adorning lieranlf I
Copyright, 1 run, Hiar . ompany,
iiy i i.i.a wiii;i;ii;k wiiiox,
Among Ihe Innnniernblw good aoelelleg
which are formed In America for tlie
betterment of tho mliida and Hie morula
of human bring there are two eape' lnlly
worthy of nnleone a Human Calhollo
aociely, culled "The Hoclety of Ihn Holy
Name," tho other a Now Thought or
ganisation, called "Tho l'nlly Good
Wnrda club."
"The Hoclely of Ihe Holy Name" de
mand that lla member ue no profane
or lihiephenioua worda In Ihe converan
tlon, that lliey bow Ihelr heaila lever
enlly whenever the holy iihiiiii Ih iiicii-
lloneit, ami mat iney uen no iinoaiciiuiig f f ,.,, ,(jli , ,,,
Ilquora. The good in Inculciilalile wlilcli i ,,,,1,,1 H woman In relracl In court n
auch a aoclety doea In lielplng to form ,., Kun had prounuiiced Hgalnal him
the thought and wonla of thu young in:yi.Hra in fore. I In owed her a honi d bill,
Biwordanro wllh high and holy ideal. 1 Hn( !, waM Ihcm,,,.,) becaiiaa he wmili!
"Tha l'nlly Hood Worda club' la an-(,ot pay It. Hhe curxed him with word
dinar excellent organliiallon. It iiieiu-f mufnrlune, and declared that IU
bera are aaked lo take the pledge to j health and failure aluiuld alwaya follow
avoid auhjecla of goaaip, aimlely, crlll- ,m. These llilng rame upon him until,
clam, funllahiiea. Impurlly, unlruthful- tn deaperallun, he paid (lie hill and hint
neaa, crime, fear, nagging or complain-1 - - - , .... . -
lug (if alckneaa and (invert y.
Here la Ihelr Dledgn
I believe In Hie pnwer of Hie n,,,lien
word, ami I ichIi.' Ilial I am hebl ac
count tble for even uiv Hgble! wurda
I elm) ballet e there I pnwef 111
united r f fin t Tin n fma, I ib-alia to
baceoie a iiieinbei of l'nlly (loud S otda
club that I may unite 111 helping uthtua
a well a m.taelf In al'eak only guild,
true wnrda.
' I agraa tn guard mv , nnv i.taatlnn
agalliat all wnrda nf guaaip, analaly, fool
lahiiaaa, Inipuriiy. mil 1 ulbf nlnraa, trim,
fear, liagglug, 1 niuplaiiitug, ! aneaa, pov,
arty and anaar, and In luiu Hiem Inw-nd
Wuida "f liuat l..l,,ni guuiluraa, Inallti,
iti,nl in nni. int uul good will''
It aim it na ah ft, r 1 ! 1, 1 llniig If amiy
a.'liuul i,iii,ln I a am h n i.f lim kind
Thria l 11,1 d'.i,. Ui at itn! II" 1-1 -i, it !
et.illim with Hui ..i Ii 1 , i ,1 a u.g
M, name In in (... ati' H link 1 111
lira wplt i a of ii Uaimn ttbl h
liaU' Pi lla f ,in,a!l"n i.f .t,it'lii
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A Very IVcKy I'liolorniili of MixH DarlinK
and I'm lint marrying any woman who
would look mi me aa nothing hut n ahop-
ping ticket."
And It'a ihn aarne way about Innocence
and luminal y, girl. You may he aa uu-
aophlNtlcuted aa a wood violet and H pure
aa a Illy, but how are yon going to give
that Impreealon If you have painted Hp
and eyea and ara wearing a gown that
donan't half cover you?
Elimination of Profanity
When Jeaua waa on eurlh He aald,
"Heaven and earth ahnll pnaauway, but
Mly worda ahull nut puaa away," Uu
knew the power of good word, In a
lillln leaflet puhllnhed by tha "Hood
Worda aoolcty" Iheaa Inlereatlng facta
ui n aet forth:
Kvery word haa a three-fold power
flint, tha forcn of lla primal Idea, '"'
nnd, what haa lienn put Into It by raoa
Uae, and third, tha iiilnlllgeucn and feel
ing given to it by the apeiiker.
The old atorlea of thn wltchea whn
had power to cull cureiM are not all
fable. Fear of evil word open llie
way for Ihelr enlrnnce. Into une a life
mid affair.
riic paper nl om- lliim piihliHhcd Ihe
The Armour Oral
nnvrr prtar r.
crpt Uon tha but
lhat Armour ruabea.
iaarfi raWiaa tWa
eaMigariaa. t Oornl
talaa ataeafifeaaw
hat Vat a wag Hata, I) at laaaag
"Ma r'' lJ U4
t'aaaaaJta fan aa
Aiaraaa t fcaaM i
(latataii aia la I at
Aaa) ana Itf akaWtaa Caaak
till 111!
, At one of Ihe hlg opcnlnga the other
day I aaw a frock Hint waa named "Tha
Uiriy," I llilnk Hint would Im a good
fanhhui for all of ua lo follow, for it
han't enough to he linllna, glrla; we miigt
look like ladle. Thut'a why I aay, laarn
to dreaa your part. That's one of tho
leaaona lha tage toachoa. Another ia to
atudy your own ruin, Hut I'll talk to
you about that ne I,
her make a legal written retraction of
her word.
Analjae your worda. What kind of
word (ir you lilng? Mnybn In your
own homo you are apeaklug worda of
crltlcUm, croaa, fault-f hiding worda. Im
you think limy mvo no effert7 ICvery
word produce a reult.
When children ara aeolded It leave
a cerlaln allng and a feeling of reannt
ment. I'eopln who acold wonder why
their rhlldteii leave home, or In aoma
way dlHiihcy and dliipHilnl Hiem, The
cauae may iiennlly bu found lu llm
character of wnrda uaeil by ihn parenl.
( hlhlieii are very auacepl II. In lo Ihe
pnwer of worda. They quickly reapnnd
lo ttordri of fn iilae. HI ruin,', vlguroii
wind an. 0II111 nnceeanry lo carry (hem
ihiuiigli amuc ciiala of mind or bodv.
In I n l.i Ii may In. fonnu theae w under,
fu wonla; "My wonla are lint void,
Ihey are In uplift and life, and (hey ahall
gn forlh and uci uniiillnli that whereiinto
ihey wero enl," Then eend your wind
nut In -'I'llik health, IlllppllleHa, ilnaper
liv and peace .ilnkn voiuarlf lulu a
"Oie.d Word aueb l y "
h a wHintiftef.!ly corrrct combiruttior, of
higtirat gnu) butter (at ttml pur rmtritlv oil.
It comfs tt you peeked
lliKlr Srftn pnvli)imfH
lha tlval lUI I Aiutum'
tat tiallly ,
OleudaU la tha drlliluilg,
I l ai'laavl fi.f eian.t I'lnai
ai naina 11 . . atit t a i li .
tT HWUAVa. !., laig fe jaa gia,
rk.x U I ua a Uutaka, atatt,
W, ta, WIIl-.,, ttg g. g Tb ITiaa,
Interesting Facts
About Fire
llnrne burned for eight day,
.'Ira la a great purifying element.
Neither Nelaon or Napoleon ever aa
a gaa lamp.
.Machine fur Hie enHnguUhlug of fire
avero employed by Ihe Unman.
To protect wood aalnt fire, allhala
nf ndu 1 Hin moat effe. live remady.
The uae of the burning lena to general
flie wa known to Ilia ancient fireek,
There ara truer of an organisation
for th" enllncHon of flie a far back aa
m 11, v,
The flrat fir engine In wheh gleam
waa uaed In dilva Ihe pump waa lhat of
HrallhWaile iK.iiglimoM In l"H,
fietween' lfi and I'f'i I,ondon mora
limn quadrupled the number and appare
111 of II fire brigade
No flrerk or Noma 11 army eroad a
'tniitler wllhout carrvlng an altar on
bleb a aacred flra alavaya burned,
In the great flra of Ismdofl In l"4 Hi
Inmage amounted to fi',,w,aoa and In
olted 4'it aciea. ,
Tha origin of fire verb, according f"
tld-llme fable Th" Oreeka bald thai
rromethcu brnugli to earlh tha torch
ha had lighted at the aun, and henna
Ihera waa fire,
)tj -A;..',. TV"',7'
" fifioditi that Junt
m--M in your mouth
liBhf, fluffy, tenffer
rikei, biicuiti ni
doughnuti lhat just
kwp von hinging
'round th pantry all
mad with Cglumft
Ih taftil, pureal, moat
conomlcil Biking Pow
der. Try It diivaiwty
baka-diy .llurai."
Kaaalraa Hltkaat Aw area
htm Cut $- tru
ln tilt laaaag Caa,
In cartuai, with
ft purity,
ua ynf
itVL4Jlfs 1
af' 't .
i a a .11
I j Mt , I,' I
. '...a ,,.
i a
1ira mt Armenir Oval
LUa( tiVtaJ ItttaaaT 7lU
I Ii an t t
, n nl . I,.. jle-H
1 1. l ' 1 ( 1 i a 1 '
V- an I 1 i-i
l i . 1 1
t u'tii '. U,.t'r