Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tiltt BKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1916.
Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Omaha Society Folki to Pay Homage
to Artiiti Who Appear at the
Rr MKI.I.iril I April 13.
Omthi socially and ntharwlas will b
shaolutelj' sbsorted In arand opera for to
day and tomorrow, There In nothlnf
lea evrn In th sir. The atrtett Ion
ian observers will relss-fnr tha mualn
will ohocur ail tha Iheatrtnal and dra
matlo featufaa of the oeoaalon--It la not
imuMmnt, ny loitlie,! wind may sea.
Then, loo, It In not every (Jay that the
Boston Grand Oira nnd tha Pavlowa
Imparls! Nallet Jtuaaa tony com to town.
Boses and Una parties aratn be alven
by tha seore, with teas or suppers aft.
erwsrd. A few fortunnta lintMin tiava
suoeeadcd In ' urlnir honor r"
smona tha vlnlllnf arttats, Ona of thaas
affairs will ha alvsn by Mrs. IS, 0, V
Khans for Mies Klvira Ivaronl, "who wlil
slna tha part of Hmukl In "Madam But
terfly." Mrs, M'Hhai.a mat tha rnft
brother, Mr, Stephen J, Iavaronl, In Win
chester, Ma., at tha horn of Mr, iwl
Mm, I'ougla M, Oregj. ,
Mrs, M'Hhana jrlvas a fes, at tha Fon
tanrlle for Mls lveron( sfler the Friday
matlnae, whan tha masts will ba vrl
prominent matrons, who will UK In Mr.
M'Hhana'a box,
Mia, A. It. Mohler, whoso df hL;r, Mr
MmiIo Marino, studied with Mlas Fellee
I.yne, wi to alve, a Hula sffalr In tha
liiirr' honor during hr Omaha, stay.
OwlnaT to tha Ulrica of Mra, Mohlar's
mother, Mra, W. W. fimlth, the Invita
tions hv been r"ll"l, Miss f,yn la
Ksnsas ("My lrl.
Mra, V, 51. Imvla will rhaperon tha
Mfaer. Kllssheih and Malloa 'avis and
Mla Mildred Duller at tha opera.
For Tbnradar Kfnln.
Mp. and Mra, I'hsrl's T, Konnts. Judgi
and Mra, W, A. nedlk and Mr. and Mra.
William Tra'-y Duma will mak up one
r' Prty st Ihe fp-r tha nparilnc rilKbt,
Mr. and Mra Howard If. linldrllic,
Mr. and Mra. W. A, C. Johrtaon and Mr.
and Mra, John A. MeHhano Will La amtai
In another bo.
hi tha U V. Trofoot box lll ha:
MoM-fj. nod )ii.iMiii
I. Y, 'rofont
Atf't'lHMf' -
W I-, Mnitln
Ml n
Mury .Miifhlioff
'iaota l I'nn nil) havi
I". '.V, .Saili
J I !(.
I'rarioa f.'ah
Mr. atd Vn
aa Ihi-lr ginntx:
MiHr, nd .M'lfliri'!'
John fa Wtr . c, Ifih k
Mr, and Mra. AiiKoat M;lh HorKliini
will anlprlaln Mr and Mra. Wallur T.
I'aKo arid Mr. and Mra. T. M ir In
thlr ho.
V,'th Mr. ar.d Mra, rMpr H, will
hf Mla T um H(.',lt, and Ml Carol n
tioiliif of Conrirll Itluffa, Mra, John N
nn I
est Prices
Hipfiwim lypaawi ifuwuwuaa
.The Home of rt Bchaffner it, Marx Clothei.
We have made special effort to offer the most remarkable values
even this great Basement store has ever announced. Come early.
Best Styles
Lowest Prices
In This Basement Ready-to-Wear Store
Women', MisMt-a' uriff C'biltlrrn'a W-urty lo-Wonr fjarniffit at wowW
fully low pr'wfK ,
Buy Your Easter Apparel Here on Friday
Tli rfe vtry Ajifcial Jot t,f Women', l'mcn' n'l Junior' New
Kprinjf Hn'iin, over f00 uplfmliil, r'tuht Uji U the m'iniU; new jiriii nnlu,
$5.95, $9.85 and $12.95
Buy a new spring coat at a great saving. Morn
than 700('oalH in choom', from, divided into I very spe
cial lots.
Womn'a and Mli' Corr:( Btjrla
Nw Bprlna ('nail, many different
atylfa, tooa barka, bailed enaia,
flara coata; nmda of all wool acrga,
fncy plaids and charVa, fanny
mlituraa, corduroyn in varlmia col
ors, rtc. 18 00 and
$7.00 valun. .......
Womfn'a and Mlias' Naw Xprltg
Oata, im-t of pretty alyla, madn
of fin all wool novelty rlothi, flnw
ari:ai, fany plalda, r.hfvkn, etc,
14 to 20 for mlasas, ttz Zi to 44
for womA. $7,60 C C Q It
valuta, Friday t0uD
Woinr-n'lf Mild Mlai-a' (Vmlp, nil
rlKht up to Antn atylna, iimny dlf
fornt, tnodi'la, NovWIy IIJ,
tUnvMn, He, Coata I hat ra $ and
$9 vkIij.-s, at tha atmil prlca of
$H!f,, All Ua for f Qf
womt'ii and mlnac, , . . J)v)ac0
Girls' Coati
Twa rf plal lot. f .i tnr aula. -. in I and ts 14 ..r. Many Hif.
ffl alrlaa, niarta of all aonl rnoarl, all .( ram r (i.Iiiik.. ami vlty
floiha I nrrtnrnn In arliii - iia, roailf Willi fan. r laa i1
pi'iua rmimrm, iwmitl tmuimr atlta, ai'.
V.i.i.a i , apaolal
rrii.r , . . , . ,
w iia, niailf Willi ran. r laa it
$1.69 and $1.95
Buy Your Easter Blouse Friday
II'MI fill. t, 111 ' I - J tfa 1 - . . .
Wofncn'a and MlaM1' Coata, do?,
na of nw, pretty aprlng aiylaa,
Kllk coala, cloth oala, fanny plaid
and nov-liy cloth coala, etc AM
alssna for mUa'a and woman; nlno
fxlra, alr, amtn tnr stout womfn.
$10 and $12,50 valuta,
i! t
Ofjip ilr- Chine, Tul Silk, Willow Hilk, Vnwy Vh'u and Hlri.ctl Hilka, etc.
WoMiJlTflll bloilNfH t (h, low
Biltmore Blouses, $1.00
U'a hut a Imki ri,r lvH annihar till ahlnmant fif thaaa wnnrlrful h nnapa U'a i,,.i, . . . .... . t. .
Not Juat a frw atylaa to Hft:l from, but many In whim and colors. Thai. ... , ... l( , iiinuwi,
naw atrlps, the ni-w plain high rolos paanh, roan, gr-n, ftc. Md I 10 f"r r"or ,,)8n l 00- Thn slieaa rsngn from Z9 to 1,2, which
of fine wovfn atrlpa mattrlala, orijandle, rolls, etc. d f( ' ' wonderful fsHira, Inaurlng a fit to all alzod women, f rr
Spaclally priced vlivU i at tha low price of , f 1 .UU
Boys' Suits $2.50
Made of hard twilled fab
rip in a medium shade of
(fray. New Norfolk model
in all ages 3 to 17 year
Two-Pair-Pant Suits
Specially Priced
Plenty of every al In each lot,
'$275 $359 $305,
Boys' 50c Shirts, 35c
In light and dark patlarna,
also plain Mil", All new clean
slock, I'lenty of every sire, IZ
to 14 neck.
A Hlg New IOt of Those Puller
('ill Hoys' Wslals, age OC
J to 15 years. Friday.., 43 C
Five Big Bargains
One tig Ixit of rln !.sca ( ur
ttlna, white, ecru snd Ivory;
rlcrena of psiierns In our April
Ml of Uca curislni,
Mh.iii ttuii Lata ( uttaina, 44 to
tin Inches wide, Aa lung
as Ihey last, each.
&J I'leces of New Hpring f ' p.
tonnes; slues to ,15c,
special, yard
1 Cases of llemnsnts of Hffini,
MrtiiUei la ml ulira, iheaa
rome In hory and erru, lih
rlnred btntera ltg
bargains, jsrd ......
J I'leces of JMiu h ttiiiiia hir
der He rim, Mi s'rtiiien! of
rulors Ma.
ng t ie
f rtffini,
l, Iheaa
ii. vtlih
hi Mnr
men! of
Women 'a Fine Cotton and
Lialc Union Huita, umhrella
Hnd cuff knee alylea. Jlejru
lar and out ni.cs. Morcllc
arid "(uinfy-Ci.t" (-A
hranda. Kperial.. OUC
Women's Kin Cotton Union
Hulls, umbrella and ruff knee;
some silk taped and fancy laca
Irlinmed. AH sUea.
Worth to 60c, each aOC
Women's Cotton Union Hulia,
ruff and lace trimmed styles.
Hlxea 5 and 6.
26c values
Women's (isiua
Vests, ail,
12 c quality,
each .,
"conds of
Wash Goods
White and Colored
inch While l'liton, in
cords, atriifa, checks, hlHh
viiilc, etc, '.c
value, yard ,
Nsiutsl Color Coiion Nulling,
iMiilhiui heavy quality. Hplendid
Imitation of rnl linen, for
huia and oiitdnr ear, rhll
dren a rompers, eto 34 1 (
Inclma wide, Vard, IDC
Merit riled lUU.ile, in ohileaml
colored groumls, with stripes
and dsinty floral designs 30
Inches HI Hpeclsl, f
ard lUC
Imperial Umgi'lnlh, soft finlali.
pure ahiie, lauiutrr perfoctij;
fir rrniii filling . Ilia
hie jr as t it hull.
Turkish Towels, 6c
Another shipment of .r,0IK)
mill end of bleached Turk
ihh TohcIn, Hemmed endx,
pluiu or ffincy. While Ihis
lot lasts, each, 8c,
Table Clotha, 50o
About 2,000 plnces of fine
qtmllly Mercer) ged lianmak, all
deslrsble lengths, KpccUl Fri
day, each 59c.
Crib Spreads, 75o
One lol of crochet crib
spreads, pluln hemmed emh
only, While they lust, each 75c.
25o Fancy Linens, 10c
This lot. consult of scalloped
and embroidered end scurf,
sl.xo hemslllched. A iiiHMiifiic
lurer's sMtuple line, Mach He.
Tor Friday
?fft i , Hpnui vt M. hln Tln.1,
I'rtitl , .
Ail'wrfi III ,M1tf1 I'lm ttKl t (Mtrtll, I"
.H , . - . f
t ftt iiat tit tl
I Nl I'mI'iixI HtlihW 1 tffH!I $ Hmh.Isj
II llMlfK llf hiw gt, ll'll htt
Mm ttiaf (til if aiHijlMl? tiMlir.I
H III !.(, t(tl I I htV, m t
, t, 1 r
Wh. il lUtr i tf,, mMiil4 h , t Av
I ii I'rai ( liitrftiua i ndl . . . (
I llolr Ni). I ihlat, N Id
I - Mich '!, m' 't( I i t , , , , t Aii
H i i ( 11, s-at ti , ei
I'tt-M' tttltls, ti
mh1, ft I i tistMioi. it , 41
I (t antlal tit.tifct W hit, (tilK H(
Mtsf I'-f ' , , ,,
) ltd Ml 1 n t-iji fW
Muilin, Dresg Printi and
.1(1 Inch Wenched Muslin, long
mill lengths and mill shorts; up
to 15 yard lengths, Good f
grade, Friday, yd DC
.'ISInch CurUIn Scrim, beauti
ful quality, pluln while and
ecru; fancy homi Itched bor
ders. Hale price. Fn- Q1
day. yard Oy2C
Kxfra Kpeclal Thousands of
Yards of Mill HemnHiits and
Khorts, 32 Inch Kill Cloth.
Uiunper Hulling and Hevonshlio
Cloth, 112 Inch Zephyrs, etc, Hale
from S;;!0 to II a. m, f"
only, F'rlday, yard OC
.'!H Inch lireMs 1'ercnle, Huht and
ditrk ground. Full holts and
remnant to select from. All the
warned stripes, dou and flRiires,
HhI. price Friday, 7jC
Dress rutin!, the Kcuuln
"Arlsto" and Holly lintisie, mill
remnants, all new sinple riuures
and neat floral ef f
feels. Uc val , d 072C
Heat tirnd Indian le Apron
tilUKliiiiu, all the Hsuted rtmall.
tiit'illnui ami l,ii t'lii-i ka and
broken effiM'la 1 1 ! u anil brown,
last coliir. Hp ( Friday, n ,. . l)y2C
Ileal (Irade Kualixh HhirtltiK
Mailt ms. beautiful uusllty, spurt
sile, neat tat culora. Values
to fie. aprclal inl)
Frl.lav. yard ia62C
I'.ti Inch Ileal tirade lliKhly Mer
leiltfd Itlai k Hu-rn. Ii,iim
bulla, ,.! .... ., 1ZV2C
This Basement Store for Men's Clothing Offers
Wonderful Little Price Opportunities for Enstcr
NO NKIUJ to a mors hy May of iutrodin tiun, eit epl lhat the tm tu every iusldnce r riKht,
Men'a m Young Men'i Buitit, $10 i
.."iiih snd maratna models Hiii. .im( and eiua a I sea In Worsted. Ti.l. meies and llua S
j. m ii ,.h .i , ii. ik. ..... ii i. ii ... ... i ... .... . . ... n.i . ... . . ii . h.i ..St a
m" hi ,i ' w w ' w 9 i , in ,i ami iir la t r 01 en .ia 111 ai in iiiiiiimi f 1 1. rtli in ion n i n,
Men'i unci Your.g Men' Butts, $7.50
s' lTy t 'es and l ouiet value ininjels fur ulilcf mcii,
Panti Positively the Heit Vnluei Ever Offered Here or Anywhere
I hl".'L. "'' ' r'"r' tak isii.l ar e aula iliai rilmiiM a 10' tin.ilid
4tHi niul Ck
JtalJwIn, Mra. Hnhrrt Montsomery
Mr, lii-tiW! Mctiiiyre,
Mian flenrb'tta IIms aueats fur
'lliliit olidit villi Include:
Mr. anil Mr. Jaun'it H
Mi.i.1 -. M' i
I.nniaOoia Cjiaca Haic O' k
ivf".ia, Mi.fara -
Hnnnri'l I snfatierg Jean liufflebl '
KainiK-l l!, r.
nr. anU ira. 'ienrs !'"n (it ('null-
II Ul'irfa will tmva aa thflr a-uaats:
Mra. W, W. Miririan, MI'S 'Sra'1"
Irf-urh, Mr. I.yon Hron sn'l Mr. Clinlin
Mr, mil Mrs, t'.mirv P.ram'eli, Mrs Kvn
VV'sll'ua and 3. A. ( avia will oceupy ooa
Lou fnr liib the oinlna nlslit aivl Kri-id-
averilna parfortnatieaa.
Mine , lyn WtmH ivlll rntortaln In bar
bo ; , ,
Mr, wri'l Mia. H V e'iiaamu.
Mi-n'liitiMia - ,MrMama -
J( N,W',i ' llarv.y K. Mllllken
Mlra Frames iri a
Mra. K. )', K Ickeorin't hi. ft I'r. 'irirl Mr.
f. (', Allim have tuliaii n is lutre b r
fur the rrpinlna nliftit, Mra. Kb-knii'lull's
(rivals will ba Mra, J, V, fouler aivt hr
ami, HnrJ. t f U Irkeii'lall, wMla Mr. nii'l
Mra, T, S, Mli'iOy will lie 1h uiafs of
U' Alllui,
Willi It. aii'l Mra. Ilarnl'l In a line
(mrty thla eveolna will lie Mr. anil Mra
I'eilx i t IOicra mill the Mlsars JMen ant
fiinln Mlllurd
l-'r Ida Mallnee.
I'nr lh oiailfia I'rMo.v Mr, aii'l Mrs.
A. M, fl'iisluui will have na llolr guasl:
Mr Al'rt I'mrlnw, Mra Arnnl'l
fi'italiim. Mlaa (Xirnlliv linrlow soil
Mtr llvurae faul Kiirabnti.
Mra, lii'ormj C, Drown will have in bar
bos :
M"'lfliiia Mr . n in., .
(Jeorge Knelt' a Mill am K'nUfift
Ml.'- Mia.
fOiilna. MtiKbrs Kalhei toe Keellna
Marllia rf-ri
Ori -iipyiiiK on bn inaethi'r fur tii
rllnr will I t hat fiilowlii well known
Mi'lirra -. ' Mra1noia
W. J, Foya W, T, Ditroa
Heriniiti KfitoilM W, A, Killck
K. Mi'Mrana John A. e
In mra. I,, K, f'riifonl a In will lie;
M'.i1iiin', ,,- Alrailfinn
K. W. Nnh Frerturli-k A, N'nsli
f iitnrut
Ml Frsneaa N'aalo
Air, J.ii'lnvlc I'riifmil.
Mr. ''. I l lint. nil Mini Mm Aiahalla
iNtHai mum I
entertsln tha fiillnwUiaT.Kueals:
Mea'lames- Mr.ita me
H Alvnr Van Inawesctl
Mlaa- ,!,U""J',.I
J'-aniint F-'mlth Hoia Hmltli
ruu I III.: II. "''l
Mr. T. I.. Klmhall and Mls Arabella
Klinlall a auil Friday evenlna; will In
rlude; Mr. and Mra. Dernard r'spen and
Ml Mailun iKiSer, l.n Ileauh, Cat.
Me I'arllea.
i M hers who will mak up smaller par
lies In tha body of the houas arai
Mra. and Mesdamea
Mfts, f. J. HI'ltNF.TT,
Kliiiball Will entertain the following pnrly
In b"lr bos tnr the inatloee Friday:
II A. Miildi'S
Mlnai -Miirliio
liina Deai-h, Cal,
I' rlila
II, II, K luilia II
Mlaaea -Kmlly
Mr. ami Mr, !, K. ( fo'mil's tfum'-n Frl
diiy rveoloK III be; '
'Mi-'liiiiie- M'-mlaieei .
II. W, Naali '", '. (Jeiirs i
Ml Frntc"" Narb,
Mr. i', V,', Hull,
In Hi.. A. M, lnrliilii b'i will sit: Mr.
and Mra, Floyd Hmllh and Mr, ami Mra,
F'lKar It K'olt,
lir, and Mrs, Ueora (,', Drown will
, i Htapleion,
1. V.. Mu miners,
(luy II. I'ratt.
Irv'na Dastar,
W, A. 'II"V.
W. A. llnDord,
t'harir J, luiruly,
.IiiIim Until In",
W, F. Wyinnn,
Karl Irfiwl.
Nnrrl Hrnwil,
Cliarl.a Klaulter,
,1 W, lirlfflth,
1'iiul Wlikbnm,
I MIW itii".ii,
VV. I, M- HumIi,
r. I,, Famawortii,
K'Hii iiklwi'll,
linniue Mli'knl,
S Ii'loi VV MM'.
Minrlea lluaaell,
A, 1, limit,
r, KarnW(irlli,
i'. VV, l,)inn,
It. ' Mwilllinyi
Jay Foster,
I nil hi Miniiil,
l.iinl Niisli,
O. VV, Maaeath,
J, lie Forest Itlehsfda,
Mp ,
'la Mtora,
li.'ale Fry.
Mrailn uiea
V, II, i'np,
I St. M.'tialf,
T J, llna.'i,
Mlllli' llinn.
,1 II, Fi'Olile,
t..'irr I lev ii,
Vi, M. Aii'liee!),
ti, t' Hradford,
Ftma Tnwla,
Kdwlri Mwohe,
Ui-n linker,
davld liH'im.Jr ;
i, I) Klpllnser,
W. II, lihoadea,
Harnnel Horns, )r$
Arlluir Mi.
Frank Juilaon,
N, I', l'oda,
John I,, Kaonedy,
F. H lallr,
(I VV, lloldreae,
Imiialaa Weltuon,
f. T. M.-'irath,
i;ia Millard,
iittg'iod l.u.iinin,
VV, I", Hauler,
,1 II. Mlllien,
ilaiiir Wlllliuii,
(', A lloBSl'i'i''.
c, w, Mi'hniabt.
A, F, J on ii.
.1 M Dininlater,
It. II llollieter,
J, I', Lord,
Mu ran ret Frr,
Ksie Mrll'ixli
J, Drown,
t'lnra Wolf,
It H Hull,
K. I', Darto
Kill Germs and
Save Human Life
The) menace of iiillliarlam, the liomira of war and th I'dl of
death Uken In all frlKltlful bleots la aa tint Ii In It cniopiircil to
Ihe danger' of uiaecn deiully genns,
Ken In war luelf the toll of human life laaeii outright tf
Hie wli),liig liullrt, Hiei liueallng sliram-l, or the piercing steH
la leaa llian tliaf cnuaed by the unarcn doadly gei iua Unit atlt k
I be wounded anil the well alike, (
If o man life Hill lenglbene.l ami htimaii miUlites In
rreaaevj whwi we learn lieiier lo guard ourselves KKlnst U
ihinger of the) rvrr present germs of illseaaf,
TowderH boric Is on of Xalure'a moat Hotnlciful glfls to
man, for It enables us, through nnllaepsla, to ward off tit"
il ii inter of Inferllon,
fMlng to lla wonderful aolNcptlc inicrlle II rnimol be (On
lilghly rr-commended for liberal use In tli cure of llio Mraon
whrrnver ami whenever eel to the germs of disease.
1'nre powdered boric may he used with abaolule freedom
and snfely In all the natural cavlllea of I he boily. To rmtl'M
how hcullng It Is, yet how saf, we have hill to recall that the
pliyalclan nlmoat always precrllHt It as lite principal Ingredient
of an eye waier.
Tlie wianufnctore of Mwderel boHc Ima been hroughl. to
such a high degree of efficiency by one concern that If we al
ways remeinlarreal to specify ' Mule Ten in I'owdercd llollc"
we know that we have the real nrtlclo In full strength,
On every package of Zrt Mule Team Powdered llorle will be
found dlmllon for lla mullltii'le of uses and Ihe eense la ao
llllle that no one should ever be without It.
A solution of 20 .Mule Team I'owdcreil llorlc in wilier makea
nn absolute and positive antiseptic, for all personnl use, It s
cvccllent for a shampoo, for II kills tlie germ which makes Ihe
dandruff that spoils Hie lustre of Ihe little and ratines It lo fall
out and rease lo grow.
II. should he used as a mouth wash on account of Us anti
septic qualities whenever there la Ihe slightest, danger of having
been e nosed hy lielng brought In contact with person suffering
wllli eolds, sore throats, etc.
To overcome I lie iiitplenaant effect consequent upon exces
sive perspiration the use of VM Mule Team Powdered llorlc will
give great sallsfncil making everything aweet and clean und
healing nny abriialon that may Imve occurred.
A hot foot both with a. llMral nunntlty of 20 Mule Team
Powdered llorle will make the feet feel ti n years younger,
I'or the baby a llhornl dilating with 20 Mule Team Powdered
Itorlr not tuily assures freedom from chafing, bill helps lo main
tain an aollsepllcally clean condition on the llllle body.
To any cut or abriialon 20 Mule Team Powdered Ibirlc
should lie freely applied.
1MI Mule Team Powdered llorle I a, foe lo germ life.
It should he on the dreaaliig tnlile of every ilnlnly woman
and lilieriill) uaed In every household where heiilth la prl.ed.
Authorised represeolallve will soon call nl jour home ami
make arrnngemeiiis for you lo obtain I'ltFF,, n full size package
of 20 Mule learn Powdered Ibirlc from any of Ihe following
Official Rodemption Dru Stores in Omaha, Neb.
BhsnniB KleCoanall lrnf Co., Oilier I.wia, Fniton Hntal Pliar.
man. . W. Harsas, Anrl.rai.B Unit Coniiiauy , Manlll s Druf Coni
aaisneli a Bon, Htsaeh's IMiaruiary, M.lrli.r Outnpaay,
i tra'iaiilil N. Klnf, Kiilhs mt Coini ai.r, r, M. MarrS, ajlaka
n'nia toiei'anr. rrlf?n'a riiarmser, iaiatoaa fnif Ciiipsy, Julia-
na Drua rnmpssfi anaina-Ilalf III tr'i ti'nitiasy( Toliln'a riitrntor,
V I MavW-X'sSy. r' Unit CiiHipany, Our M. Myers, J. V. Mini.
Asia Prwa t'''i'SS. Msssnom rsr rtisi'mscy, Diiinlts rtisniiacy.
I '. -
Jean Ullberl Jones,
Mens tnr Millard.
From Innni-ll Hlnffa.
Mr, snd Mrs, I.eoiiMid Kverat.t of Conn
til Huff lisva triMiln four reaervailnns
for eai'li performsnce, Oiher from f 'win.
ill lUnff who will sliaiid lire;
M"i'r. and Mesdamea
K, II. Mi irlam, Diiliert-Hpnin'in,
II A, tjuliin, F. Hoylierl,
Wlllliuii Copiinrk, llfiiinp,
W, h, Tray nor,
Adam llnsa,
lienran I 'Miimti,
'Ipiiiki Wli'lihsm,
I'l.d II. Imvla,
Auaust Di'inlielin.
W, 1 1, I IIIHulll,
W. H, Mllllliiaii,
J J lles.
F.lmrr I loolttlla,
II. I', Jennlti,
i. 1 1, Wadswurlli,
J, VV.Jtemdsley,
John I oi vis,
Mr. A, I. Maii'lialt,
Mr, Friiest hldrlss Halt,
Fine Art Ten.
Tha members of Hie board nf dfreHois
of tb OiiiiiIih I'liiu Alls soilety, who
were iaele'lr)il lust month, tave a lea
st t list Foiit"iillti Ibis sfinrooon st
o'clock to tlie retiring member of Ihn
board. Mr. Henra Ilernhurd I'rlns, Mr.
CIimiM Tlioiina Jtountaa, Mra. Uenrsa
If. Dlekiiell, Mrs, Fdijiir M, Moisman,
Jr.. Mrs, William ft. I'M snd Mrs, J, K,
Mummers were tliri lioste", Tha fa
tiring memlwra of tha bmird are:
MiisdHinea - .Mpi1iiiiis
iiS'Hi- D. Wlllliiiiia, Aiisual F, Jonas,
Arthur VV, Donah, K. Mefllltoii,
llalleek F, Dime, iii'ui F. Ollmora,
UeoiMtt It, Vnss,
Mis TUIth Toliltt.
For Chicago Oueit.
Mrs, Di-iniird Henry Kemper of 'Til
oaao, Iiousa aural of Miss lula, llouck,
was tha honor aunat this afternoon of
Vilas Mil i In Callahan, who gsva a mall
lies party at tha Orpliaum, follower! hy
ten at tlio Funlnnilb). Thus prrsrnt
Meadnmea- Mesdames-
DetiiMKl Henry Kein-f. I'. Fanning,
per, DlMlim Voniig,
Mlaaes- ,MIe -
J.nla llmiik, Myl.ll Nelsen,
iVcella. I ullnliriii, Maria Cnllahan.
Mrs. Arthur 0. Jtltclilo will bs hostess
for Mrs, Kemper tomorrow.
ISIS Harney St.
"Impressive Wall Decorations"
ara Hm kind Vou B"t st WBW.
MAM'S. Vou ut can't bei It,
line linn Is full of tlior new aiel
1 1 r I v iwo-tone rffwl", Kvery mm
Ilhh hii Iniiiressliiii nf iliHt'Scler
and liidlvldiislltV tlat slvea lo Ilia
Inietliir an ever pieiauia mm insi
Ina Hi'tienritnce, II will li wurtli
vmir while lo l'HV Ilia llllln iPf-
ferenca In Hie ini nf hh im wail
Piers ami RIWMAR'I Daoorat-
Its rspars,
for Wall Papar
1 SOS rarasm t. Thons Dona. 41
ASK FOR "18-92"
Pure Spun Aluminum
CookinR Utensils
iVa ol Ar otoaa hai fnifsif even f 5 vrt
Combs Diamond Sale
Is Creating a Sensation
Evorythiti offered in iv Rotnarktxblo Vnltio
iiul cin ho oxcluvuiicd on ft Icvriior lUtvmoiul
Thty Won't Last Lon$S(nt V, 0, 0. on Approval Anwhttt
Th Rittv Jtutttn
Min i KhVt fanls, M
; fo and $1 M
, Malta Ml pi ! I! '.i ' i-il
tssamanl 0asinf"l
up i n . s I'.im
1149, n atnl M
at lii it Umfc I aus Mta'. kH I mr n