Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tire BEE: OMAIIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 191(5.
Th Bee, Fnbllahlng Company, Proprietor.
JVntersd st fimi ha tmsfoffjca aa aecond-claa matter,.
Ity carrier Br mall
pr month. per year,
fiaily snd ffutxfiir ......... ... n m
IwUly without riunday..,. O ,, 4 )
fcvenlng nl flunday. toe,.,, ,, 4 ftO
enlng without Monday.. ....... 4.0")
Evenlns; without numlay , inc. , 4 on
eiundey le, enl 'Sn: .... 1 0
f'allr and Hunday )(, thr yr In ad vane. IK), 00
stend nolle of chane of addr or Irregularity la
Itlellvary to Omaha ft, t'lrculatlon fiepsrtmcnt,
,Hmlt by draft. iprr or pofl nrdr Only two.
rnt stampe received In pymnt of email accounts.
I'er.onsl th'S, eicpl on Omaha oil eastern a
'rhsnyc, not repted,
Omha-Tb He flutldlna.
foulh Omaha-Mi N sir.
Council iH'iffa-H North Main atrset
Mnroln-tM Mill Itulldlng.
fhlrajti 1 ivnplca (In flulldlnf.
New VorH-ltootn nm, JM Fifth avenue.
t. l-oul Wi3 New ilunk of (lommerr,
Ws)iinrton-72r, Fourteenth trt, N. W,
(Address iwmmiinlaiona relating- to new end edi
torial mstter to Omaha Ilea, Kdltorlel f icpertmentt
MAitrii nnci'MTioN,
66,628 Daily Sunday 50,628
rvlht Williams, circulation mnnsr of Tha h
Publlshlne rnni.iiy being duly sworn, aaya thai tha
sverag circulation for tli rnnrilb of March, we
,'( unity and totil'S Sunday
JiVVI'illT WIM.IAMrt, tlrrulatlnn Manager,
guhecrlben in toy nrtira and swurn to bafors m
thli MT day of April, litis.
KOHKIIT JIUNTKfl, Notary Public.
ubsrrlbera leaving Ilia city tetngmrarfJy
tbould Lara The lie mailed to them. A4
dress Mill b changed at often aa rewjueeteyt.
Closing In on the home stretch now.
It In "only a Iiltlo on," but tha littler, tb
The CarrariKa government map tha road to
r'h ral trouble.
The plots and counterplots of war In this
rt . unlry thi.nor chiefly In tha newapiprr tn!e.
Medicine flat In still in tha ring, Tha change
from dufr to nvrrroat lmprilv!ly warn
gMjtle uprlnt mtlnt ovt-rKpfMlng.
If tha common it-nun of Mlran )adra
Y4 a abundant aa tbflr rnanlfatoBii, Mexico
would t"i a republic worth llvlnc in.
"flay ball," i-rhofa over tha diamond.
Around the atump, lkwaa, bowl playing row
rot tbfl Kme nfurii tb primary flnlub,
Ro long aa tha democratic barmonlittre con
fina thunnflva to romprraaf-d air tbora la no
u.fnt nrd of amrrh for conraId waapona.
Th Bull Mooaa chalrniao'a Intfreat In
heading convention dflfKtfl for tha repub
liran of rourae aprlnga from purely platonlc
Though Lincoln n-d a Union D'pot a I moat
bhdly a doo fmmba, "nrfthr Charllti"
promfafa to net one for u. Our wplroma to tba
n w hand on our Union Ipot ropf!
Th rsrrultln offUa of tha faniad Bryan
Voiuntfera, vlntae of 190. la elod for r
palri, and tha weapons dlatributed wbert they
rill do tba moat execution.
Vrdun' battle, now nearlng a run of alxty
daya, o far rt'-"fCi In duration tba great bat
tlea of blKtory that romparlaont arc Idla. Tha
rtlitbty atruiKla on the Meuaa looma larga In ft
war of turpaf.Klng rerorda.
A note of aurprlna la carried In tb report of
lh "maiden tipeech" of Senator TMgart In tba
ante, "hl untidily strong voire waa keyed ao
low that few btard him," Why surprise? Tha
limnhoa voice Is tbe senator's long suit.
If tbe people who procured tha submission of
tha county rood paving bond proposition ara
row Indifferent to It, voters can scarcely be !
pitted to warm up. We all want good roads
srd will be, ready to booHt when we have a
prauicsble t'ln.
While the. -IUiI)'' In the illtrl(t clerk's office
l.i holding on to MOD of naturalization fees,
!!( "lioh" In the ster offlre Is also holding on
I') the lntirnnri stient's commission, with
no rhsnre of cither of them letting loose ex
ti pt by court order,
PrspHrcdnens moves a step forward with tha
rminfuctory clone of treaty nt'sollstlons between
the t utted Htstes snd Nicsrsgus. The danger
f rsnsl competition Is obviated snd a costing
tistlnn serurt-d t a coal of 13,000,000, mhlch
p.n (he toy republic on estiy street for awhile,
II hfum Hi Miliiil simI puil'KMi nt tlilu ailitla hot
m,! In iiIiiihh tr hoit hut llUri l a am
fii'r (unit Ilia mt In nt f pailOan piilnii a Wur
ii.ili I a v
Koui ji'hih tii be ran for national cum
n Ittt-emsn, Two itam o be rso for giver
mi. This )sr b Is running for committer man
arsin. What of f u will b run tor next year?
Thirty Years Ago
This Day in Omaha
'0wptla4 flow Bm run,
1l. I Ul Mlkl (ilHUIt hi ll Ill.,l4, g (,, It,
'' 'I I' I--'1 ". '" I I A.ll, ,.,.t. I W i. . 1 1. . t ...i.t.,,t II i ,..t..
'. .iiti.i..lia Mi-iotaiy, '. l' Mii.i.i, lit a.
..i.i.i.a i.t. ni S l iiii'"!., ltn.r
Its f . in ' 1 1 of I i.'l.rt M ! tahi itir iM'iii I'iii,
a lu i .!.! ami i.l t li a iii i i ,ii li,j,
wi r i i
At. it fitly ...,(, eMail .M ters i
' ' rt at I Ja I ii ! Suit, unit-? ti.a manaf
hiimI l Unci, ifn SK!.i, SitiiiH ant li'its
Tla ivi(titin.lli yi."i fi ll h.iiia ft i ti ,. g
..,.!.. i it t la nii.. at S nlli, i
til at ! a t a afflt,. m l m l .,.., 1
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I , i H.l.i
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la itMtil
t 'nk I'" 4 .-'t t, I l-'t ( n,,l, m,
I 4 I r oMMlit. Ii,
i'ft lti. !! i-f .ia .iaiit ., h,
I liHH ii
New Farm of Contraband.
Great Britain's Imperial cauncll has issued
another order, dealing with the question of con
traband, that will further complicate its rela
tions with neutrals, and moot certainly will ag
gravate the friction already existing. All gold
and silver, paper money, negotiable instruments
snd realisable securities, have been declared
absolute rontrsbsnd. Tb purposo of this order
la plain enough, It Is intended to further m
t'srrsss the commercial Intercourse of neutral
nations with England's enemies, and will sup
plement the embargo lsld on sea traffic, For
many months complaints hare been beard and
direct charges msd' thst remittances bave
been Intercepted In malls going through tbe
censor's hands, even checks of United states
officials not being exempt from selxure, so the
r.ew order will serve to authorize a practice
already established Ift connection with the ex
amination of private correspondence passing
through the malls, It will also raise another
very serious diplomatic question,
The convention of Geneva aa to the exemp
tion of malls from selxure and search wss not
subscribed to In Its entirety by Great Britain,
but the question of confiscation of private funds
has never heen raised. Tbe rtgbt to seize con
traband passing through tha mails In parcels
post Is not denied, but tbe extension of this
rlfcht to Include money and tbe like will give
the whole mstter of sanctity of mails a new In
tret, The disposition lo disregard all neutral
rights Is growing rs!.hr than diminishing.
Great Britain's course Is snd bss been ex
tremely Irrltsble to the neutrals, and is not
more apt to establish sympathy than Is the
German submarine campaign.
How Many Votes in Oar Nebraska Primary I
Much speculation Is being Indulged ss to
the probsble number of votes that will be polled
In tbe coming Nebraska primary. The returns
from lows, Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan,
where prlmsrles have already been held, Indi
cate a very small participation, but If. Is hardly
fair to take theni sa pointers for Nebraska for
the reason thst In those slates nothing but the
ct ntest for convention delegstea hss been In
vclved, while here we are not. only choosing
ftflegsfes, but Also nominating a full set of
state, leglslstlve, judicial and county tickets.
Furthermore, this la the first time that the Ne
btaska primary will bave Included all the
ectlva offices formerly divided with off-year
cnmpalgns, but now consolidated through the
adoption of biennial elections,
Four yesrs ago the total primary vote In Ne
braska wus approximately 126,000, of which
77,000 wss cast on tho republican side and
47,000 on the democratic side. While much
will depend on weather conditions, still, with
I be additional offices on tbe ticket, the total
this year should not fall short of whst It was
four years ago, and It seems to us reasonable
to expect a republican vote of between 75,000
and 00,000 and a democratic vote approximat
ing (0,000.
Carranza Getting; Bad Advice.
Benor C'srranr.a hss been listening to some
very bad advice, from a source as yet undis
closed. He gives evidence of this by asking
Ms great snd good friend at Washington to de
sist from further efforts to overhaul I'ancho
Villa and to withdraw American troops, leaving
the further pursuit of tha bandit to tbe Mexi
can "government." Csrranug has already made
Mn record as a pacifier, and tbe result was tbe
n assacre of sleeping Americana at Columbus.
His feeble efforts at government have brought
nr thing of service to his people, unless it be
the punitive expedition now In progress, The
American troops hsve dona more to quiet Chi
huahua and to establish order in the few days
they have been there than tbe Csrranlstas
have achieved in years. Their presence has
been of immense advantage to the first chli-X,
If be only had the gumption to realize what is
kofng on r.bout him. He would do far better lo
hrartlly co-operate with General Pershing and
get tbe Villa business closed up as soon as pos
sible. Then he will see the American soldiers
retire and leave him In command of a country
be never can control.
Caropen'i Qualifications.
The people of Omaha have an opportunity
presented to secure a man on the Water board
vboas tra'nlng and experience make his aerv
Ices valuable far beyond the compensation of
the office. We refer to Oeofge L, Cainpcn,
formerly assistant city engineer of Omaha, and,
before that, city engineer of Lincoln and engi
neer In charge of public works at Panama. In
these rspacillea, he hss had to solve problems
of hydraulics, engineering, construction and
operation, which none of the present members
t f the board have had. In addition, he pna
srsaes familiarity with the problems of munici
pal lighting, gained from constructing snd
operating tba municipal lighting plsnt lt Mu
tt. In, hlctt would come Into play In the event
thst Oinsha goes into the lishiinx business,
Atlils from his professional shlliiy, which hsa
,rn recognised by membership in the American
ftcciety of Civil Engineers, hla blah standing
as a bualneaa man and dependable cltlieo Is st
tested by all who have been In contact with aim,
The ntght before Ihe balloting John Mt
I srd llsrian aanouncd In fhleagn thst he wss
M ing lo "thump Ihe tthrmsn slats to pieces '
Tbs morslng of tbe dsy after found him Tl.flnO
Mtea behind Ms prediction, 1'iilttl'sl prophets
ste tniihtf uncertsla aports
IHnndln l MtHic Nst In vruamss Msrs'i
gt'tse on a liihl t'P wss te wonder iif lit day,
u tnalgniftcant It sppests beside Mayor Jims
(carles psrsd brtwn the scfiled rank of
v i and df)'
Ihe rtier and harbor bill want tkrough th
bitiise of reprstesUthe CH ball hearing relief
, i 4 ih tuiaa to Sii's Aa appxtprisiiiia in
IA ioi o en ilmitM iri" shir ntih
t. i all
r'tif s ' bt th'"'h '"""h l rt'isi(i1
It the hp i l t It i shut up U tha i
putU, I'SHtho slU ahus ini hslit p r i n i , g
Hit the Ice rlitcts d ttia Si
trr they show ihlf ht'U
Nebraska Press Comment
Nnhraaka f'lfy Preaa: The Omaha npapera are
pretty wall unltifo; on the topln of s nw union station
and hHng so In nrmnny and arrord sr o,ijit llfcel"
to sit ona. Tha raaial vlajtor to fimaha from th
other and more-favored portlona of Nehrasha, ho-y-ever,
la somewhat lmpras4 Willi lha heaijty and
commodloiiinneiia of tha present station facilities of
Omaha, hilt aemlnaly he doesn't know much a)out
It. The tiwpapera of Omaha, haked up by the
Commercial club, are null siirs lha prant station
eiilpmerit la entirely Inadequate and that ousht to
settle It for ood snd all. Omaha la fcmown, too, for
Its aht!lty to sit, what It oe after and Indication
srs that In the presxnt Inatsnc a new station will
be forthcomlna aoon.
Ksamlner: Th office of national eommitteman
la ona of th moat. Important poelflone frif tha anerl
welfare of sny political party, snd would he f'llerf
by a man of wide acquaintance, buslnaas ererlen;
snd thorough knowledsa of bis psily's views snd r
qulrementa, Hueh a man la C'hsrlea K. M'Jrew. can
rttdate for republican national committeeman for
Kehraaka. If flrat came to Nebraska In IM4 when
s mere boy, and baa realded permanently In this
slat for thIrfy-sU yasra. During a period of eleven
years he wss state and national hank examiner snd
was called to sll parts of lha etaf at frequent In
tervals, thua beeomlnc acquainted with a lara num
ber of prominent bualnaas men, smong whom b
form4 many warm and Isatlna friendships. Mr, Mc
Oraw poaseaaea a remarkable memory for face snd
nsmos, snd It Is said thst h can call more men by
thalr nama than sny other pcraon In Nebraska. Mr.
Mi.'Clrew ha always been s unrh republican, II
never had th least. Inclination to be anything elae
II ceat hla first vote for Oarfleld, Ther have been
time whan th national committeeman from Ne
breaks was a mr flgurahesd a man who rlly
knew nothing about politics, bulne, or mii'h i.l
snythlna else man who wss simply slven ihe po
sition ss tho rult of some convention combtnatloi
or for th purpoa of ma kin up some slate- mai
who bad a very limited acquaintance and who In
fluenc amounted to nothing, and who was simply s
pawn In the gam. Mr, M'"Jrw's acquaintance la not
limited to Nebraeka, Ito haa Influential acquaintance
In sll parts of th t'nlted fttafna, and hla election as
national commltteemsn will reflect credit upon th
state snd tha rpuhnn party senerally, Mr, Mc
clrew, who f an eprlnced banker, has retired from
th banking bunliiesa, and will bv plenty of lime to
devote to the effalra of tb republican parly In Ne
braska,, Aa national committeeman hi vole and In
fluen' will b heard snd f'lt fsr beyond th ronflns
of Ihl state, II alanda for a united party and there
for will us hi best efforts for lh elimination of
fconl strife, Th republican will make no ml
tat In electing Mr, McOrew.
Oakland Independent! Omaha papers and Omah
peopl s,r advocating something that sll resident
of this stat ran Join In- demand for a union sts
lion, rturh n Improvement t badly needed there.
None of th stations ther now I d"'i'!t. Thy
sr sc.atterd, badly located snd sorry looking str'to.
forest at beat, W sr with Omahs on that union
atstlon question.
Ilaatlngs Trtbtme: At 1st th Omaha rte and
Ihe Omaha Wor1d-lfrld have found a subject In
common, ftoth of these distinguished paper re
working for a union depot for Omaha, llere'a hop-,
lug they get whst thy sr going sfter,
Heetrtc Bun: ft. H. Howall, repiiMPan nsllonat
commtttmn for Kbrk and general manager of
the Omaha Water board, sonde out announcement of
hi candidacy for committeeman and Inclose an effi
clal report ahowlnf that the wster plant's manage
ment ha been a big succe, financially and tn
ssvlngs to the consumers. What. Mr, Howell ssys
shout the success of his management of th largeat
municipal plant tn th tt may all be I rue snd It I
Intereatlng, but hi connecting It up with hi olhet
political ventures I Itebl to do more harm than
good for the business which h Is paid to attend to.
Tt would b easier to scparato municipal bualnes
affair from the Influence of politics, if the mana
ger of th municipal business could find tn their
duties enough to engag their entire llm and siren
Hon, Twice Told Tales
A Tlm'.Wars Slander,
Dosetis of old graduates were back snd they tslked
a lot about thamaolvas and a lot mora about other
not so fortunate ss to at I end,
"Moat of our old crowd ar married snd hppy,"
said one,
"Married, snyhow," said snother, with s srln thai
alwaye at companies thla silly Joke, ,
"I accept tha amendment.'' return the first
speaker, "but chlcfiy on account of poor Hilly Tomp
kins, II hsd sn unfortunate marital xperlnce,"
We hadn't heard of It snd begged for particulars,
"Why, the girl h married turned out to b a pro
faatonal pickpocket."
Th man who had first spoken sighed, but hi ys
"Wall," h obaanad. "I guaa th real of ua draw
annus pratty clever smateurs-what?"- Plttahurgb
I lqnl.1 I'tMmo,
A publican wa proaecuird for selling a buitlc of
hlky during prohibited houra. A tmlll of whlaky
waa produced aa evidence.
Th Jury heard tha evidence and retired lo lha Juiy
room. They preaenlly rotutned.
"My lord," said th foieman, "Uia Jury la null
satlefled as to tha aala of th botlla, but may r not
aur of Ita contenta. May they hava tha bottle to
aatlafy thrmarlveaT"
"Certainly," declared tha Judge.
After a brief period th Jury fllad Into Ih box
"Well, gentlemen, hsv you reached a declalon?'
aske, tbe Judg
' No ae, im Iniil" said lb foreman "There wa
liei rnmiari riiilema lit u around "- ltndon Answer
People and Events
l it it' uli Is rciii,ied of an Indian woman who
had iioi liite.l aier for thirty years. That antu
i'Hoi.1 fur a unman, but tbei aia pun h ras
beat ti hait, Is up
Tli nillnary spirit la boiling iiimni soma Van,
Kiait, l.t wiiiiien Half a Ibousaml ef them Plan la
go Into rsinp. nlwiv military ilu.ipllna and learn
,n w i i e.,, fir at aid B bSttltillil
4 ne k' b nninan ha barn awaiiU.! I nojta dam-
fi'C li s b e ct ' h i.i-ii,l, killed In lha irseis
I t an aitit,i.ila Tha pit 4 of ' cum lliul.n h- ..
gi-ni'a 1 1I1 1 imii the Jury a little bit
I '1 Hit r 1 1 a art, tor Halnll'S ill'iliinialilig In
Una itniit aud iiitar s wills tang f bin 1
iu,l i,t in in. 1, niiieieen are s it !' tms hi-', . n
ii.lH, thlHt in isvlialli I. nl tir ilmUr "ie
litter kin. I a tii s M.I Mil. I Ilia i.t n i i'.uii I
wiiri t''ls ii'iir than Mvii aistsia frmo whl-h it
eat Vm liilr'l riiiiielnl oiil few e.) 1 ,11 l
A f e'il train In lb isa f Was'il"ii bad
1st derantitenia In a 4'w i-f imm mtita. lb
ni4 ei.s Uttll, g ilwil ef I' cut '
bb I a bisi' t leawd f' ltwt T'wuH f4 wua
IH tat H't M.a tfalit I m ! ! tun ilh.11,1 f ir.
tl-St , sl. 1 In ..l.l.t t t'lil'li ' M'H be. r
imn l.ait.ts. h.. l..i. a uil -n Wilh tuns,
! ia ft t'ie ii..r " 1
ll.mtaiy t lb t 'M t ett In fii'iie s'l.i a
l . 1 n ,1 a H .I..-4 . f ' i .! k N J it
.,l 1.1 ytm H Che irhi ' t in n It m s 4 ef I
, ,ll,.n 4 b W ak tt I !. .1.1 lurt teta SS Ita't-rt
s,..t a si tiii.Uil e 1 .i.v.. list t,n 1 a I b .
iii is i.i iis l In t. l 1 ai I . ..iine. ii.ia tnh
il,, nM,.i, (bt ah la blf t' I be iieit t tt
v-Kiate wb.i 4 4 is t aM.'iei 1 l u i
e.overeor .Morebeed' MeJolnder.
l.INOL.V, April IJ.-fo the Ml tor of
Th Bee: I notice In Tbe ficc a report
of th meeting of ralla fitv women who
adopted reaolutlone condemning fJeorg.
Johnson, Warden W. T. Kctitou. Ilenr
(Jcrdea snd myself for using our Influ
ence In pulling Kails City In the license
column for th esle of liquor.
I seldom pay attention V) unwarranted
virion rcsoullons, but coming ss this
doe from a town where. I hvo lived for
twenty-one yer. hi a county that ha
been my home for thirty-one y-itrr, ami
having never voted outside of Kails 'H
j for that length of time, I 'feci that a
shoit reply to Ihl la due the people ss
i to my acilvltles at the recent, rl'ctbui
In falls City,
I was In Kails City the dy of election
and voted, f was In th vicinity of Fall
city for sever.) day, most of my
Interest ar III Rlchardnon county snd
Fall City, nd I pay something like
It.lW per year In taxes. Th llm I wss In
th county ws given to my farm snd
tn a slock sale in Kanesa snd not for
political purpose snd In not a slngla
Instance did I aollclt a vote for 01
agalnat tha wet and dry proposition. I
never solblted a single vol for or
sgalnet a sing!" candidate, which could
be easily verified If Ihrse people who
sr quick fo paa resolutions, would tnako
Inquiry. I did reserve the right to vote,
a privilege I hop I may hv a long
I l!v.
Mr. Oerdes, , man I have known for
thirty-on year, now a member of lb
!ord of Control, ha lived In Blcbard
gon county for flfty-thre years, baa
voted thirty-eight ya,ra snd never voted
In sny other plw, II Is a heavy tax
payer nd a men who truth and ver
acity ha never been questioned that 1
hv heard, and he tells me that he never
oll'ited a vote for any candldat or upon
th wet and dry proposition. He I ad
ministrator for severs! estate, and sll
bis properly Inlereets are there and lie
has sdopted the plan of voting snd at
tending lo hi other buatneas mstter at
th sam time, a privilege h ha a law
ful right lo exercise.
Warden W, T. Fenton wa born and
rled In lllchardson county and hae
voted ther all hi llf. It h voted sev
er! time In rail City snd before thst
time st Pswson,
Mr, Johnson ha been In th state aev
eral year snd has always voted st
Falls City.
Unfortunately th people who red th
resolution could not know th real facts
In thl snd might I misled by cunning,
shrewd politicians. Th lady who pre
sided st the meeting, Mr. T. J. fJfst, snd
who I sister of Congressmen JIevl,
I accredited with being one of the
hrwdet politician In th slsl of Ne
braeka, tier husband, who was a candi
dal for moyor at th recent election, snd
who l, by th wy, a high cla gen
tleman, wa defeated ky 14 vote, which
was much more of a dlppolntment to
Mrs, rjlst than to her husband, fill Is
playing the gam quit strong ss her
brother hss always don for th quarter
of a century of my scqualntanc, being
wet to th wet man snd dry to ths dry
mn. Hh went far enough lo try and
Implied John Msgulre, who they think
my tas a candidal againat her brother
st th coming election,
Tho who sre In poelon of the
fact and would be fair, will credit th
change of eondltlona In Fall City from
a dry to a wet town, to th unfair. In
tolerent methnda of a few men and
women, I met men who have been dry
si It heir lifetime, who refud to b In
aulted or to have a fw of these kind of
people dictate to them end run the town.
On man In particular, an old soldier,
remained until after th votes were
counted; he hss alwaya voted dry, and
tyd during the entire day to fight
agalnt thl class of voters.
This Is not th first attack. When they
cannot use th wet snd dry propoaltlon,
they resort to the danominatlonal quee
tlon, as they did at the laat state election,
tactic which no on would practice ex
cept the loweat type of elllnenslilp. They
never practice tt In the open, tjirt get
men to do It who are not, above the
avrg typ of criminal; they reap the
benefit, whll th poor Imbeell who
doe their bidding, get the condemna
tion, I ovetd t th last city election of
Fslls City snd will b on hairiJ April II
to vet In th ptimsry snd shall continue
to vote when end where snd ss my Judg
ment diets! Is to th bst Interest of
th country, th community snd th fam
ily I represent. JOHN II. MOMKUKAn.
Help the! f onnli,
OMAIIA. April 1;',-To the IVlllor of Th
rice; Hpeaklng for the trade cxtenami
commit!, penult m to thank you for
th slstnc and co-operation that, you
hsv given this commltt In both th
editorial and new column of The nt.
Assislsnc such ss this la th factor In
making a project of this kind a success,
Fpeaklng ersonaly, I appreciate th
publicity I have rwcalved.
Scotch lb Water rwr Oreb.
Mlt.ronn. re., April 1.-My rr Mr.
rtiiwlr: Th Inlqultoua ghielda bill,
suing away II water power on our
navigable stresnn, alum! which t wrote
ott on February 1,1. has been driven
through Ihe senate, bill It ha not passed
th house, Ttiri Is still a good chance
ht only t step Mi" i"t 0,1 public prop,
rty, hut lo pass n full and limit st eater
Per bill In Ita iU e
ert thing I said abnul Mi Shields bill
In my letter to ,'" ws continued In
Ih deist, Accerdms lo It nn iii
poilers thl bill turn ever to th por
Interests wster power iullnl to ll-e
th mi'banli al power ef iverv kind nw
used in Ih I ut I ma'ei or sittings In
meet ih nil cf !viitflrti rcy, This
It rl -e" III prrprltiili sllh't ielt Im ten, liil
to lliull Mi (nut tn ll'li trait Kmall
tsomlei M il ! i ii 1.1 a-1 II
IIiib is Ii
i Man 1 s.lMUu' f t II Shields
bill I'flltil (' lite t'i'ii i.f f pre.
i.iii I 1. I Mm el ii ' U lull thl
belli K'l link's ! i 1 i-s 1 1 1 slant of
p lul- aiei pitrf, Im! l.e r s i In
Is t se'i a limit n' fifty teen S,i(i
fiel.M s lnl ! i'li'-t II I I - (l
SiHpU, II Sl M'iim nalel
powats M t. .ii,..i..ti..t Thtr I
ii tssu wtiy ! tint ' 1 ! v ia .
Illts tin'1 wt mv fur i, it ! a-
Tb tl ef 11 dt Ti hn.t bill s'iim.II
SS -ill I (1 - HI llli'l
If IM in. 1 is Mi .- .ii an I
t'a sx 11 lbs .-..a b it tl .,!. IIS
k-s i'l S ! kit! ' M '
i'i I 1 I 1 i.t-i e a I t-s .!..,..
l l.e s, I tt l'ie --i.l-.eea 1 1'
n-liilliii of In eitr 1
bi Ibal a tv.i.iit ff ib 1 iiiiNnd
HI i I lis lot I "i n ) I 1 r r . I
g (till Ht ltli 1 hst Kit I- k
ii ith tn i irtfn but kMtiiri,
eebmv In is i.t ,tt t rtss-bi
final kuf ef o settle .' a y l4
, Mic-Th
ciie,) to see
lie What ,,
we going lo
fine II" ssl'J
i,ste -e would find II sll In Ihe bill.
Hoslon Tri'itscilpt,
ha often served the special IntcreM In
the past, and It Is dangerous now.
W can beat thl plan only by letting
tli people understand th fact. This
the powr Interest have set out to pie
vent by confusing th public mind with
Interested statementa and personal at
tack. I am asking for your help once more
to get the house lo Jas a good bill, and
lhn lo stand by It, no matter ehnt liie
conferees may do If Hie boo standi
firm. Ihe people will In Mils fight. Hid
the honie need to know that the people
r behind It,
The water power interest want every
thing or nothing, In the last eight years
they haf killed eight water power de
velopment bills that were fair both to
the corporation n,j to the public. What
Ih people need la water power develop
ment 011 equitable term without further
delay. They can havo what they want
by leMIng the house know If.
UIKKORD 1'IM'llo'r.
t..,r-K and Ke- ill ' the war
la-gan aa tli'. vn..i, ,mi-' hoi ' ' twenty
jcars of heckcr .lliig. '-Judge.
"peorrb- h" si.-.-- ' -I 1 1." wl'e md
Hie rich."
"How to? '
'Oh, I hut tn etruKSl' until h
into poa Hull tvheic I'-e cuiil'l snuti
lln-in "- Miilt'inuri. iitcrlian
Wf-.-You know. II h:-, I ;c.ik at I
tl, .1;
I Hui- Vce tit v I'll r. only oicicr -Topci.c
I "TI1I1 purer e Itial atailslb show
; that lu earls nam of Atnerr an colleges
1 about on. half Mi graduate aijoiilcl the
, mlriisir,1 a firofcseloti,"
j "Hut how rnanv of lb students adopt
the ril'i'ti'-rs profeaaion 1 I Uf fere fit tle
I of dfllt cry. Mia! s ell." Hoslon Trans
I cript.
I Jnie Wlillcomb Riley,
I lii'c a-goln' to cry no more, no more'
I'm got nr acbe, an' rim can t make
it quit s -tail;
An' Carlo Idle my rubber ball
An' pun. t tie II ; en el she lake
An' poke mv knlfo down Ihioujh tit
alali e jloor
I An loozed It blame I! ll'
1 ftnl I a In t gold' lo cry no more, no morel
man from the gas company
arc - nit rh tiroken pip ronit
he say about the gas that Ant Manic wrote ahe' comln,' so'
Kaste? I ,1, ,., ,
It aen't fenlly going fo
Kolks l come there!An' I don't csre
fbe la my aunt!
An' mv eye stirms; sn' I'm
let coughln' all the lime,
I An' hurts me so; mi' where my side 01
! Crandp felt where sn' he
! Kaya "Msyby It's pluernsv! '
Hut i oln't goln to cry no more, no more!
ves-eirr voii'Re tiA5i n
NAME ON (Y ! ,r
An' f cliirnlcd up an' pen fulled off th
An' Oriierf lie 11 !ugh at me!
An' mv f' cents
It ail, ked In mv tin bank, an" I 1st lor
Purl' tilgh my Ihumlmall off, a-trlo'
to git
Tt riiil -tien etriei.1, ICAn' ll'a l,i HtmrM
I yif!
I Hut I ain't goln to cry no more, no mnr!
Oo! I'm wlckiid-An' my breath' so hoi -
1st like I run an' don't reir none,
Hut 1st. run on when 1 ought lo not;
Ves, an' my chin
An' Hi all wsrpy, an' teeth' o fast,
An' ' place In my llirnt I can't wllr
An' they sl hurt so!
An' oh, my-oh!
I'm atsrtlti' ag in
I'm a startln' sg'iti, but I won t fr
I 1st slu t goiu' to cry no more, no more'
"bhonld subslafi'1 b sacrificed to
tnrml' murmured th highbrow dram
atist, "Kverylbltig should be subordinated lo
form. There' nothing like a ehsuely
chorus," Irfiulsvllle t ouilcr-Journal,
"Mar Is terrible,"
"Tllflf fuel," replied the proplletor
of (tie Tote Kalr store at I'liunli, "Why,
dad-burn It, the alrateglsls hs'.'i- whittled
up and i ll up aa many of my dry goods
Absolutely Pure
No Alum No Phosphate
Endurance is as important in
a typewriter as in an athlete.
Many a runner starts out looking fit, but
after a lap or two, falls behind and is "all in" at
the finish of the race.
So it is with typewriters. Some of them
do good work at the start, but under the strain
of continued use lose the close adjustments
necessary to produce neat, clean cut typewriting.
They fail before they reach the home stretch.
The L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter
will run the ordinary course, come in strong
at the finish and be ready for another race.
One of the reasons for this is the ball bearings
found in all much used parts. Constant use can
only make them run smoother and "sweeter."
The L. C. Smith &. Bros, typewriter is
as good at the finish as at start.
Strut tday far ruloff Siknt (S-7 S J) f Sndcd (6 5 4 1) Model
f'svstry W fee Ofitil SYRACUSE, N. Y.
Brutcht) la All Prinripsl Cuts
ttttj TTT PMiiiinim ""r" j
1 1 J ( I I I I ! I
Important Change
in Time
Rock Island Lines
Effective April 12th.
Chicago Day Express Will V-ww nt r.;m . m. In
att inl uf 7." I n, in. nut kitu,' Iim-hI yny l-ct tiffii (linuhit anil
lts MoiiM'f,
Chicago NebrAsk Limited Will liihlililli' l'l iltii
for rliiftlktn tit I'i HS jt, id M),, tn ttrtlP ttt'M! t lii'Hiil nt
ii. in, t'niric, "IV t "iiy sl.'i ft, wliL li m uut nt
I fink it!ttt ur ct iii.nti.'v tmiil T t'M w in
' fnilhet I iful in t mi l(!!(.!H i
Ilikel Ottiir M'b i i., i.l l "is ii m I tilt' t
y 8. McNAlly, D P,A,
VvU Uth n. l anutiii, W ll. W, IIM.