Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIK BEK; OM.AIIA. FlllDAY. A1RIL 14, 19l(.
Girls! Lots of
Beautiful Hair
23 cent bottle of "Danderine'
makes hair thick, glossy
and wavy.
Removes all dandruff, stops
itching ecalp and fall
imr hair.
To ha f,f;aefd of heed of heavy,
tiiirul tuiir; tun,, luairoiMi, dully,
ntvy end fren from dandruff le merely
matter of Uelng a little lxii'leriii",
If I eaay and Ineapenelve l, have fibe,
eft half and loll lit It. net ft 2icent
boiUe of Kfiowllrm Irenileriii now all
dnig afore it'nmitfwi It-apply av IHMa
, directed and within inn nilmite there
y-'i be un appearance tit ahuii'limce,
freahneaa, ffuffliiea and un ln''oropr
bin gloa and lualre, and try yoc
will yon can not find a. tra, of dandruff
tit falling hair; liit ur ') aurprlee
will after about two weeMV ne, when
ta will now batr-fin and d'jwny at
flrt-ye-Ut really new halrprutlng
out all over your calpJ,)efiilHini It,
w bJieve, the only urn heir grower,
deal r oyer of dandruff and cur for Iteby
calp and It never fail to atop falling;
hair at otfa.
If you want to prove liow pretty and
aoft your hair raity la, rnolatan a doth
wii ft Hit I Danderlne arid arfjlly
draw It through your balrfaklng ona
matl atrand at ft time, your hair will
b Bitt, gloeey a lid beautiful In jut
ft few momenta- delightful aurprtaa
(alia everyone who Irleg thla. Advar
Young people need
clear complexions
If ymi find youraelf "left out"
i'i a poor tkin, arid want
a t.lcHf, iu:h complexion, utte .
.it (Hi"! A fl.iV, WrfKll tlmr-
" i. v a tt.inii, ( rf.imy Ullirr
' I it. li.ii lit f.i t with J!rnty
. ( i.( iiji'i,
It (I 1 1 i.'.t iilif n trtr il.ty
if t U rfij' , r r wiili K'fdiinI
Si.,iit'i sli'iw mi iinpfn cnif Hi, !)"'
i ,(!,.( i,c Krii,'.! iiicll( MunnwAi
. ii rhn tliir Un, wliiis lt e
l t.y Miie vi in t Iteming it.
In ..f ,.r ribhr,Fn re, Plnnl Y,a
.1,., ,.H t.t i.4 I'V lilti l'i-i""l Oiiitnmii.
,.t A i 'it I li".
WATCHES, Wrist Witches,
Start Plni, SiUirmiri, tic,
40 :;i;fs," S4S
tl a Watk. ft a Woi,
tw lHf lt tit INI II
nnFTts !.V.
cm si I niiiM
1 1 ' m mm -m . - . . . -.
t he Nmujy tire l the only
t ) m h a n e p r that
yhc Its rr.i Jrrt four'Mir
pa. tt t f color d t'omlv-a,
" f 1
State Official Acting for the Board
Will Give "Exami" to
Young- Men.
(Frotii a Buff 'oirfiiiMl-iit,)
I,IXf;I,N, A pill 3.-li"litl.) l.iii
Inntlona for llrelim'a to pitM'tlio In llil
aiaii will h mnd brforo tii aiata vricr
Ii.iiiIuii I rKIn y l th ui Iiuik. Him
V'rlff Irmrimi Atid'-raofi will li' iliaia
nf th rxarnltiHtlona and the aatim will l
unrt'r th anprrvlmon of th ilppartnianl,
Th official Hxlato Hoard of lir
umi lnim in oonipiMxil of 'lovnmir Mom
h'i'l, Miriiiiy of Utalca ('harlra VV,
Vm, rnl Minifl AiKlMor V, II. Hmlth,
who m "xonir vi'trrlfiarlftiia'' wlinii It
I'Hiiif to ilm'ioiin "hoaaea" and othr
dofiifetl' itiilirialn.
Ir, Mlrr llralaoa IMat'r,
AHhoiili hut r' fiitly apcoliiliid Ihlrd
iilui;l plijul'luu i,l tin llaatlna
Anyluiu, lr lll'a haa rcKlum"! after
hohilii lltm pnaiiloii only alina April I. In
lila li.iii i a"iit to Ilia In;" Hi hla mornlna
Ii nHvn no rmanii for hid a'-ilon In
IhlOHllltf lip tin J'jl.
Western Nebraska
Commercial Clubs
Meet at Bridgeport
llltllKJl'J'OIIT, ,NVh April (n. - Mpf
iil, flrhlKxpoit iiifi'i Kilned an nthU'
alitalh' Kihiilii of hi-hUth ,Vlaaha
hooauia yeaK'Mhiy when I ho AanlHtd
'oinmi-n hil ''ul of Wiatmn Nnhrnaka
held ihclr miiiuul nm'tliitf In ihln ''Uy,
ill Ihn pvpiiIiik a hHli'im l WMa ai'I'VP'l III
l';si'a hull and the flwh nii'inhi'ia and
otheia H'I Jiiallia to thv wood tlilnua
whhh I H Wmnnn'm 'l'ih piifmiirt for
The iiroiiiiini lin ludol addrraaca aa fol
low a;
"I'nlty of I'uipoae and Kffort," NVIIIiain
Itlt'hlf, llildi-'orl,
"VVnaiin Ni,raalt on the Map," W. '.
It'iiidm, .'tawfoid.
"A I'ald Ki'i'ieiarv for llrldacuoil," J,
T, lwieii', (hiidroii.
Th I'niiman of a (ommfiTlal linn,
W, It, KlKiK-r, AHliiiKo,
"Tlia Outlook for VVnlei n S'ohiaaka,"
'It-ant Mliotnwoy, rtiott'a Huff.
Offhoia for lha tomlni yr wra
clia't-d a followa;
I'maldftit.' W. ' ftwndln, (.'tawford;
firm ! pr'aldenl, Wlllliim KIK-liln.
Mrldtfotiortt armmd n. iii-aiilnt, 'leant
i, Miioiowav, M'ott'a Itlnff, a' retiiry,
l.loid Tlioiima. AIIIhiii', treaaiirer.
Clayton M, lUd-llffc, Klilney.
(Trum ltff ''orraafa-indent.)
II.V'JOIW, April II! -fHper-lal l-Partlaa
cperatliiaT (ha "0. K, ''ounter ilum Vnd
ln M bin" ra doln ao In violation of
law, awofdliia" to an oplid"n by Attomay
'eneral Iied ftvrn In ttwr to an In-
tulry by tt tnanufanturna aa to whthr
If at aale In Nnhraaita waa prohibited,
Tha rnachlna glvfa out a full S-rnt
pa'-Uaiia of gum whtn a nh'l'l la d
poalfd In tha ntxtliln and lha xtr4
prfttnlitm In (ftirta (lierka to he anchangi-d
lor meri'liamllf ul Ilia ennnii-r, Anawar-
lli tha lottor Mr, Ited aald;
VVJI aay tln law of thla alnt'i a very
rlfthl with r'-ferrnca lo gambling dvl'M
and gnnihllng aa well, A ina hln a n-lt
aa you daf'lhi la a gninhllng d"vl", tin
operatitig of lha an, no la ganihlif.g, an I It
la ft violation of our i-rlmlnal corf for rn
to K'-ll within (lift uifil any auch gambling
alit, it la my Intention to proauruta,
aa far aa poaalhle, thoaa who vl'ilni tli?
"Hin receiving your letter, data re
emti aome itifoin atlon that ona or mora
of your rnai.Jiln'-a are h'lng operafnd In
thla alula, Thla titual. eenae at one or
1eoautlon will follow iinem -dlalely,"
HKATRICK Nb., April ;i -(Hpei lal.t-
linga rounly fnrmera held gopher meet-
log at tha 'llenwood and Itnnner ' hool
houaea near Odell laat evening whleh
wera addreaaed hy Kami Iiemotialraloi
l,eter. A laig ouantlty of polaon waa
oidered through Mr l.hbera, wiih'li will
lie used 111 exterminating Air. llopliir.
Kuperal aarvlera for thu lain Oarar
I'lllej. who l(ei laat week at hla home
at Tula, okl,, were held here thta after
noon Ml a o'elock, i oimIiii ted h the
Maaonln loiitte of t!il city.
Mia. .Mauil lie" It eal r(ny t,ejiHii anil
In thu iJIfitrli-l court for ilnou-e fiom
her huahand, Arthur Heik, whom ahe
diargea wltli non-auiioi t and drunken
neaa. The eoiipla we, married here In
IM and hava one rlillii
A,Si:i,,MO, Net,., April 1:1 - iKihm lal i
I 'ill linjer, Willi laillii hrr fn,,,, Senei m
a. iiiie i in- aeven monltia aUu and fm
a nl.lle i-otidui ted a loomiu, Hl.
m (ii Jealeiilai on a ihaige of I,,, .
Ii.llta A neari'li ,,f l.w .u....i.i
" '' m""- ir, nunii
n i-iiiiaideiahla etoi I, of wet gnoita in
aiimll pit. kan. aiuialile l , rarrled
In Hit. Up piitkel Infoi niailnn Iraitn.a
to tin- niir.i waa ol.laiii rrmn a party
l.ntiiidj i ri,na UrtBi,, f Whlik)
from Hover tlia Fining hafma lur
waa i .Uei, to ',iken Jlow wlieia I, a wi
tie in ramneil lirfura lux munly ni.irt.
.1 ,,,i. ii,ti, ,!, a(, , -, ,ml, .,(
i 1 I. ! I. ,1 11,1 , ...ui.,,.,,,1 I ,t f,lM
; "'' "'1 at hl l..n,te I rn vmc,
l firllll l, llijl,,, I.,, ,,f ,,!,( 'I),,,
.le. rasul .vtdi.i i n i IvratlK'i mm ,
f.niu uli.i. ilie u, ,t mil , i,
I iii ,!.,. I., i . a oil ,,,, Mf
liini.tra He jinit l,i ,inur f,.t, ,ia
j ' ' ! ita-i Hal. i I pdirit .
' .. f. r ,-ai.,t i, a.rtp.a
i lift (ml lit A, , l gp,vU f.ta
j.iutt M . p. a .... V. uti i' I, .
;,!, V, !: ... j' , (,,,, i ,,,,,
i i mi t tl a, t Hirrar i-f t'hiuta i
I aa I ItlUita , l 1,1,1. a.a t ,
' Me4 t aauitatiUiu t' .tig-i it).
I .., mil. 1 it- t':i l-.ti (., ri4g
t, t t 1 ,1 il tt Oi II. a ,!,, , 44
1 .1 ft .la aulttiui It I t tl.a I, .,,aa
"' 'l-'ik tt, Miii't e 11 Wtl
I'K .1 t -1 N til eaiflaai.,, N
' . 1 ll. ! A l-allll
Spontaneous Uprising in State
For Formation of McKelvie Clubs
lAlitlll'liV, Neb, . ,rtl )!. - tperlitl
Teli gtarn. tThia momlng a McKelvie for
Oovenior club waa oiganlxed by Hie vui
ra of thla city who wrra liit'tetei in
tin thi i ln- the randldaiy of It. M.
Kelt le for governor. The following offi
( era weea rla 'ted; rrevplent, John lleal.
thit pierldnil, O. I!, Jonea ae rrtary,
t'llff I'rtioka; lieitaurer I-;. I. Jenklna
CAMI'HKIJi. Neb., April :l -fXpe.-ial
Telegram.) A Kennedy for Senator. .Mc
Kelvie for Uoteinor, and Harton for t'on
vreaa club waa organized heea laat night
Tli folowing offh era ware elm ted
ITealdenl, John J'eteraon; vice preal'leiit,
Andrew Krlcaon; actetaiy, Alponae llag
lion, Inaauear, Kmnk Hohblna,
'l-;iAH MA'KI'X, Nh Aptll 18. - INpn
i In I Telearim. ) - ituia i meet ng of tlm
i publican voleia of North I'ediir pie-
In' t waa held hit" today aid a Mr Kelvin
i Int. for governor vtna organized with the
following offhera elected. f'raaldent,
Juhn Kenateiiiutcher, Jr.; vhe pieadent,
John M, . H'lnalow; aecrntary Ireamtier,
Pork Production
In Nebraska is
Most Profitable
U.V'ol.N, Neb., Apnl l;l ipeclil j
"Tin i e are few inciilltlea In lha world
aa well fitted for the product Ion of pork
aa la Nrbraaka," paid an officer of the
aeliool of agriculture today, "Mupreniely
adapted hy nature for the growtli of corn
and alfalfa, cheap feed of high quality
la aaaured, while her admirable climate
tedu'-ea to ft minimum the axprnaa and
are tiacraaary In handling live atm k
''oupled with theaa natural advantagea
ar uneacalled marketing faelllllea. The
location of great market cenlera being
am h that freight chargea are reduced to
minimum, There ia III tie doubt hut
that pork production hua been one of
the moat profitable phaeee of Nehraaka
agriculture, Neither la there, tttueh doubt
hut that thla branch of live atork farm
ing i an be more widely adapted to meet
the general rondlflnne that prevail In the
agrliuiltoral gieea of the atata than any
"Iiurlng the ear Id Nebiaaka aim k
ralaera marketed T),i)Mi) pounda of
pork. At an average pi Ice of xk rente a
Pound IMa repreaenta a valuation of
lft,7M,0O9. In the aaine year the atata
produced 22,OT),WiO bnahela of (torn, val
ued at ll,ir0iO, and 4.000,'XiO totia of
alfalfa, feeding evidence Indicatea that
where hoga are being fed for the market
four and one-half pounda of Born and
one-half pound of alfalfa will produce
one pound of pork. Had all of tha rorn
produced In Nehraaka, during 191 been
fed lo plga on the haaie figured above,
;,IIJ, pounda of pork would tiava
been produced, worth II7l,97S,MO, fiedu' t
Ing 7.yn),'y a the value of lha alfalfa
need, pricing ft at 110 per ton, I hla leave
an Increeae of fit ,400,000 over tha eleva
tor price of rorn. Thla would tuin an
average Inereaaed profit of I4',0 for every
farmer In tha atata."
Kdward Klrnpaon, eonaUble many year,
la aerlotiely !ll at the City Kmergenry
hoapltal. Un waa atrlcken "VA'edneaday
with eryalpelaa, if la temperature reached
107, Mr, dlntpaon la Mi year of age.
Itching Almost Unbearable, At
Night Could Not Sleep Good,
Face Looked Bad,
"J-ftrge bump broke out on my forehead
grid face. Tbey were bard and red and
featered. My face, for long while, waa
full of ugly blotrhet and the Itching waa
el moat unbearable. At night I could not
aleep good and my fate looked to bad I
waa almoat gahamrd to go to acbool,
"The trouble bad lealed about four
montha before I began to uae Cotlrura ,op
and Ointment. After the flrat application
I began to not ire a difference In the appear
ance of my face, and after three montha'
treatment with the Ciitieura Hoap and
Ointment I wax healed," (Nlgned) Mtaa
Ann flheplierd, H. V. I). .1, North Man
chealtnr, lud , Aug, 17, 1 91 ft. -
Keep your akin clear, ecalp clean and
free from dandruff, and hair live and gloaay
by ualng Cullrure Hoap and Olntmenu
Sample Each I'ree by Mall
With .12-p. Xkln (look on reoueat. Ad- j
dree poal-tard "CulUrera, Dap I, T, Uae
tea." Hold throughout tha world,
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Oncpackago i
proves it 25c at all druggists. !
Opening Saturday 9 Apr. IS
Bargain Basement
Between Hayden's and Brandcis Stores
, A. II. t'allHwa.t.
j tlltK, .Neb.. A pill 1, iS...i,.l -He.
! gram ) A laiK" niiinlii t of the u in. mi
liillve tnialiiiaa men lia-.e ilnii tluui.
aelvea to vole fm f. It. McKilv i lit llm
prlininliM on lii-xt Tti-adav. 'I lie iiiiinliv
aui'iiiiiiilliig VotH ia Hlnmal mil, I f,n ,. -Kelvle
they aay. .Miiny pioin to tit ilem i
data hat alated tlml aiioiild Mi. Mi ImI
1 le ir ie the nomination Ihiy lll up
poll liltu In preftteiice to ell'nr and dii"
the ilain.ierala inav iioiu.liaie,
t'JtMTltN, Net., Apill I ! - iMpecia
Tcli mum I The 1 1 -publii mi votma of
a'leaton, I'hille cininlj, liac fnlliiel a
big .Mi Kelt le cliili mid me gnmg lo luiuM
for hla niiliilnatloii mid election nff, i-i
are: I'leaidnt. II II hb; aecietarv,
I', ftevana; ireaaurer, F T, Klennng
JOllNiaTitW'N, Neli, Apill II, -iMpe.-lal
Telegram I A ,McKelvi for ilitveeeior
)i,b waa organised ie,e lodny with ,i
good inciithi rnhtp. I; Iv Wiigginee wai
elected proldeut, and A, VV, llnuneii,
(Continued from I'age tine)
iulll In aviild til. 1 11,11 ,, 1 aii 11 iIii'jm umi
the peofiln and our foiica ill an 11111
pelted moment, Tim ,Mnei.u gmiilc
1 llient, to that effect naiceil to Mite lln
lieceaaary liiatruclhuia to Ha lioopa lo
have them ahataln fnuu m-i opyllig am
lowna. The Mexican goteiniiionl ib
plorea tlia oeourreine, but It waa beoinl
Ha errotta lo pteveiil It and Innlaia hIHi
the American goveenntenl 011 Ihn ticcea
ally of withdiawlng it n teoupa fnuii out
aoil In order not to ghc loom fm an
alterrallon of the good ami tiuillnl tela.
Ilolta which hoi It count 1 lea 11 11 iihlu'.l In
Many lleatlia licciie,
A dlapalch from (lenceil t '111 1 iini, him
aelf followa;
"After tiienangca aenl you li H'ihIiiij
for Koeelgn Affiilia Agullai, the an-ic
fary of war received a ineaiuig,' fiinii
fietieral (lutleiie doted 11 1 t lilh uu bun, In
forming him that II hud In 1 1 liiipiiallile
for military coiniiianilcia to lidk tlm
moh agiiltiat Aiiietlciiu leoofia vim en
tered I'd 11 a I, niul Unit Ihla evening
(A pell 12) the fight had conllnueil lictween
our people and the American fnn-ea and
Hint many dentha hud occurred on both
"(laneral fihregon luia alirmly given
ordera lo prevent cotitlnuiillon of the hut
tie, but tha excitement la an un nf Hiuung
the people that I full In know whether
the atruggla tun bo mopped,
"Call on tha aecrelaty of ainte and ad
viae him that the occurrence la doe tu
With the
Boston Grand Opera Co.
Thomas Chalmers
baritone Chalmers
"Born With It." Say H, "And It
I Good Enough for tha
"If It wer ChhiiiH't-lnl, or aoni
other Italian Hounding nan), Inaieml
of Cliglinprg," remarked lha mualn
crlllc, "lhl Amerli'gti l)grlion would
bo gellitiK fuOO a perfiirtniiiice gnd
argrlng gomo of iho fotflgn linrllonea
to dealh."
Dut Thornag Chitlmera derlare hn
wgg born wlib hla name, mikI thul gg
It Dippeng to b" a perfectly gowl ona
he ieeg no fgaon for tlm alterHtlon,
Inattmuch a the ahgrer of flrat bari
tone role In the organ l?.Mt Ion mm
poaed of tlm ItoHion (iiand Opera com
puny and ine I'gvlowa Hiillet fiijHae
g thorough going, alhlello American
I hat would neem lo get t If the point.
When the orgHiilZHllon vlalta Omaha
April 1.1 and 14 gt the Audllorlitni'
Thoniaa Chalmera will bo Iho Cnnanl
Hharpleaa, In the now fnmou "Ideal
taal," of which Mlaa Tamukl Mlura,
the wonderful .Iiipgiu'wo prlitnt donna,
Mini Anierlfg'a groginat Ifnor, file
catdi) Marilit, are metnlir. Con
nolaaeura gigte thai Ihla role la more
perfr-rtly aiing by Clialniera than by
any other artlat who haa ever ap
peared In It.
Edison Diamond
The Edison Shop
and 10 Cent Store
the 11111.,' a. linn of tlie American com
nuinder in having euteied 1'afial wilhuut
the pei m. liili of tlie authniltlea, vio
litlliig theordeia of Hint government fm
bidding the oceuitloii of lowna .)
Amellcan Inrce.
Innlae fur I hem lu giar.
"I'leaae caije the aei ii-lfiry of atale I.
ace tlml It la niiwie fm American troop,
lo 1 -1 1 1 it 1 1 1 longer on inn anil, aa mule
a , 1 1 n 1 1 a ini lilcul t lh.ui l In- inenlil nm
vlih h we niii-il avoid at nil roala,
ilct lll
' ricnfe make iiie of any argument,
win may deem mlt inlilc tu put an end l..
Hie aiiioitl'in crealrd by l lie piei nce 01
Anient an troupe In out tei rllui v, I will
keep i ll adtlaltig nu thiniigh Hie f(iieln
off), e of ant- fuilhei lli hleiila "
A liK r iljapali'li from Anient an
aoiiiiea today ald the fighting mu
Ithregofi aeiida A ord.
t:i, I' A HO, Te Apill 1. Hi net tl A '
tarnx Ohrra'm. Mexlifin tiilu'atct of ttai
liaa telegraiihed Oeneial (lahtlel lint mi
1 niiiiiiaiiilei' of the Juatet! ganlaon, ile
liula of the ahooHiia of American anl
dlcia by illlr.ena of I'arrat, tleiieia
lililegoiia dlaliatill, dated CJuerietnrit
Apill I.', trade-
My iliini liiu'lil dialling In In lug K
the ItiioHleilge of Hie army the lament
able Incident oectirrltig )eaterday In lb'
illy of i'anal, t'lllhuahiia, between (he
people of dial illy and an American
fiine belonging lo (he force engaged In
the piirenll of Villa, i iiuiiiiuiili ated ( )it
to ton In order that you In turn may
make it known to your auhordlnalea ami
give II 11 1 mt In Hie preaa ao that the pen
pie tony It im the facta aa they ate,
"At I o'clock In the aflernnim an Amer
ican force i imiioeed of five hundred men
enlei-eit Hint illy and the authiirlHa of
the eitme notified the commander of Hie
aid force that tha Atnerliiina alinuld
' The commander of the Americana be
gan to earn- out the wlah of the a Ihoii
Tea when the people of Hie city organ
led a meeting of prnleat agalnal the
entrance Into the city of the American
iroopa without permleelon.
"file i-lvll Buihorlllea tr'ed to avoid a
conflict, but their fotrea were nnt ail fl-
leu t lo liiiii'lle the rllualliiii In the frle
llon H lilt t iraulled, one Amellcan aoldler
waa killed and aevernl clllr.ena wounded
"Tlie luuhlelpiil ptealdettt, Joaa n tat
I, 11 llerreta, and tlie conatllutlonaliai
geneiiila, fiiiiila Lniinii and I Icriiander,,
Willi aome of llielr nfflchila and Iroopa,
Hied to ciilin the iiinpln and auecredeil
II, 11a In avoiding an Incident that might
lune tu I, en very liirgo proportion, i.
Amertiau forea left 0111 rltyj
"I have Informed the flrat chief of Hie
m-i iirn-nce,"
Al llniliaa, Mil Mierman avenue, ar
lealed hi rilktcentli and Maple itreel nit
I chiiige of allemplliig to entire your
glrla Into the haneiiicnl of vacant huuau
waa ai'talgueil in police court and a-n-tenced
to alxly dna In the rounly Jail,
This Is
Thomas Chalmers
Hear Him
at the
Then Hear Him
on the
Disc Phonograph
313 South 15th Street
A", N
How to Feel Well During Middle
Life Told by Three Women Who
Learned from Experience.
The Change of Life is a mor.t critical period of a
woman's exigence, and neglect of health at this time invites and pain. Women everywhere should remember
that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will
so successfully carry women through this trying period as
Lydia Ii. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; made from
native roots and herbs. Read these letters:
h ' : i
Ifc . ...A- v .
VeffedtMfl (Vminouiid. for iiervmiHneHa and drawnnln. . .inn I wna
poinir tlirmiKh llm ClinnKO of l.lfc. I fount) It, very helpful and I
iiiivn aiwavB "jgiKcn 01 11, to oilier
iiuvo iihu tiiem try it, niul they aluo liavo reeelved
good reaulla from it." Mra, (Jeohor A. JJckbar,
it uotinny nt., inivcriy, iunsa,
Krli3, I'a, "I waa in ptKtr henllh when Hie
Chantfe of Ufo aturleil with mo and I (00k Lydia
K. l'inkham'a Vej(e!alilo C!omjKtind, or I thiiik I
nhould not have K"t over it as rnay as I did, Kvcn
now if I do not feel good I lake tho Compound
and it reatores 1110 inanliort Hum. I will pritUa
your remediea to fvcry woman for it may help
them as it, has mo," Mrs. K Kibuunu, vil East
21th ht., Eric, I'a,
No other medicine has Wen no succeaaful in relieving woman'l
.nftcrltiff a a liua l.ydltt j;. IMnkham'a VeiretablA Compound.
Woim 11 miiy reeelve freoand helpful advice by writing the Lydla
J". I'lnklutm Medicine Co., I.. run, Maaa. fSucli letter! are received
and answered by women only and bcld In strict confidence.
This Complete Graf onola $ U A w,,k
Outfit on Terms
Thla Qrafonola Leader with
10 Doubla faced 10 In. ro
erda, 20 mualcal aelectlont
only $81.60.
if 1
1311-13 PARNAM ST,
Haadquartara for Aaollan Voeallona and Columbia Grafonolag.
Have You
I : in -111 ! r how bail hla mouth and teclii were, and hla rnm-if-Mnii
waa aullott : how t It 1 11 be waa, all run down. Well, he haa
liliil liia leelh all fiw-il ili. Vou . --im
can t tell them fnmi nit 1 ura I teeth j TtcTn
Ilia eve a bright, hla atep more -nff H .aavaiauriVlT F tiff
1, Italic anil In. . ,,i,,i,I...i,,,i all
rleatetl up, in fat'l. H iliffe-eiil
tiiHti, anil he a.tya h leela like a
different limn, niul tlu' It illiln t
tt t til in half h 111 11 1 h aa he e
lnHetl lo pay fm It He gut it
go and ee thiii
iH.M.ri White Crowns fdiMiti 1
" Na lot Blillge Wo,k( pfr tooth I
Best rutei. S:.(M, .SS.00 and SI 0.00
Tit atmrn:s, $ 1 .00 Silver Fillings, 50
We tivi" lilMgt- fm At I Milta mi tltit.t.f.ltitv,, (tutirattt
fur lliMHi nr Mirv.
tlitr- M"tn at !', VVel.ltH rftt.l Htt,ia, a j., nt.
Nut 'l"l " tU Mlrr lfl III,
McKENNEY, Dcntlsl
I Mrt Uti l'ui l-M I it 1M1H,
MlhA I etn'ti hi,, M J M antitut
Phono Tyler 1000
riil!iitli'!).iin. fo. fcItnriwl the Churns of Ufa
flvt? yen 1 a hko, i nlwnya lind a hrartarhe and liark
tuw villi laHriiipr (luwii piiliiH and I would har)
lirut flithlica very Imd at liinca villi diz.y aig-lla and
ncrviiiia fiTliiiRa, Afi'Tliikinpr I.ydin K. nnltham'a
Vi'KHul'lo (VuiiiKitind I feel like a ww )vraon and
niii in tx'ttrr lionlili 11 ml no more troubled with
1 1 o iii lifM and jiiiiiiM I Imil la-fore I took your won
derful remedy. I reroniinend it to my frienda tor I
eiiniiol jirniMo it. enouirli." JltM, AIakoarkt tinAaa
HAN, 7u'J N. llinggold W., llilludeli'liifi, I'a.
Iteverlr. Maaa. -"I took I.vtll:i V T'lntlmm'a
women wiioauiler aa I did and
as Low as 11
Tbii Superb Home
Ootfit Complete
With Twenty
L Selections, Only
We ar itoinjr to place SO
of thru- outfita in th homea
of rcaponaible citijsena on
the raainat terms ever of
fered. This Grafooola Outfit will
enahla you to bring tha beet
of muaif! into your home at
a very low coat and on the
eaaieat terms ever offered.
Take advantage of thla
grand offer now I
Seen John?
L y all"
dn at Mi Kfiiut), lentlU
t , 'tit.tlta, t it, 'tt..tte Kiitg. 'ja?
m ). ill tt!rf H use
totiftcsut ttnla u t!mi
rod tti tftttwiag ptsf Win!'
Oil D
rim af jaiyaijajjipajtjaajgajaj