SMALL SKIRMISH IN STREETSOF PARRAL Few Shots are Fired at American Force Fisting Through Mexi- cm Town. TENSION ON BOEDER INCREASES 8A.V ANTONIO, Tel., April 18. American forre hid an encounter ,lth either Mexican military forces or the civilian population of rarral. No detail ere avalJable, The report rm to General Fun rlon from Araeriran Conaul Letcher. i elated that Major' Ontlerrei, com i.itnder at rarral, eald thera waa a lmh, which ha termed unimportant, letween American foreen and tba troopg of tba g-grrleon or reldenU of 1'arral. The AmeHfana entered th town with the Intention of mareblna: through, en route goiithwerd, An whame of ahota followed. The Inference la that the Amer 1i una continued to march through tba Iowa. They probably were the troopi i,t Major Tompkina. General Oullerre minimised the affair, saying (tie Arnerlrsna pr""! sudden ,1y, iinhrrglfleri, anrl the Afeil'wn wre n lrind. INCENDIARY BOMB PLOT IS UNCOVERED (Continued from rge One) anger Ixie on beero" the gteamer Kirk Oswald ftn May f, IMS. Tl,e gtearner (unlit fire fiom bomb etploiloni while n t wey to Mre1ll. rrarne, t ne r)lfirtd bomM were found In Hi erf after Hi arrival tbere. rollee I'epleln Ttpme Tunney. who Ik thatee of in rasa, regard the ar rent of .the four prisoner a the moat Important gtrlde'yet mede In the detec tion tl a .great conspiracy le dea-troy steamships etlllng with war munition! from New fork, 'lloetnn, Philadelphia, flan rien:l'f fill ft lie, M Ml, I mrlurr i.m4. The poltee hellev the men Involved I, ate been rnputille for flrei on et et thirty-three, gtearner the! have raiises i,),tHQ (tamo i. They es.ert they hg.v evident (het bomb mad In Ifohoken fentory ostensibly operated for the manufacture ef fertiliser, were sent le ell parte of the ormntry. The ma to which they were put other then for the det ruction of steamer he not heen disclosed. (retentive asserted today that one of the pruionera eald he had keen cent to the factory In Hoboken by Captain Freni Von Pa pen, , former, military attache of 1 1s German emhaaiy at Washington, who ws recalled at the request of the United Htale, , - The llohoken factory was a email gtrue tere In whloh a few men were employed One of the prlsonere told the polio it was ld at flret to make fertiliser for shipment to Germany through reulrel r oimtrlea and that the Hermans aitraoted tiihrli atlnc oll,frir the fertiliser after II arrival In Germany. I oaf sea Mablagr Howfe. Koth lin ker and Vnn Klelst are eald hy the police to have confessed making the b'tiiba The parte played by Captain Wolpart, and Hnd have not been told. Ii, eg hinted that the flret clue te th curinplrory came to the polke aa a reault ef a dispute between th me higher up In the conspiracy and the chemist who supplied the esplnalvaa,, Many of the horn In are said to have failed lo explode and cnneequitntly the chemist was chlded Slid bad difficulty over hi payment. IMsnovery of the plot was brought ebnut, according to, th ,, authorltlea of llnboken, through the discontent of a man whn hud quarreled with th leader over money payments. Th liohoken eu , thnrlllee said that thla man, whose Iden tity I withheld, told them that Captain ftoy-ed, the Herman naval attach In Washington, and Captain Vnn fa pen, the military attache, had before their da parim from the Vnlted Atate placed a lane sum of money at th disposal of ihe honih makers, .NEW VOnK, April IS, -The four Oer- it n a arrest) d by the poli yesterday on tun ctiaigr of manufacturing! Incendiary tionihs end plating them aboard war xiipply ships of the entente allies were I'Mlny turned over lo th federal au thorities The four nrlnoners, Krneet !f ker, f'nplBln I'linrlea vnn Klelst, ran lain CM lo Wolpert and Captain Knno Ib.fie. were examined this aflernoon at the orrti e of the trepnrtment of Juetlr Voh Klelst wa SMld by the police el-f-artv to have confessed Mher detail of Hie conspiracy Involving several others, .whom erienta ere pending and to have Jnvalved Captain Kisna von rpn, for- mer tleiinan lollllery at'a. b at Wash ington, end Ciptsih Itoy-Td, former naval uttti he, In the plot. The rraenn for releasing Ihe prisoners tu the f-lrl authorHlee, a'orilng to sptain Ti.nOfy of the polite depart merit, s that lite .inu,- uf the pileortera r rloerly aioi,Uted Uh those of fay, Waller h.'lti,l. I'aul I'he ini.l oil.ris alrratty lodh'tel ly th fed- i st graii'l J'h r HI, A H I I', ash , April 13 - In ronnec nun ellh t)ii arrrot vt four llrrmane In New York CUV In en alh-ged fire bomb oiiiUr.-y In nVHio s'nihlp carry li g im.nln.'i of t f ir the enti iite pots from hretl'e Star tfmk and nltoT titles, jt n retailed lil that Ihe Vo.llun lrll,atilp lUv I'SAtg, whlth in. I from her eirnWr il Wr tl h a lii of,. 11 st I rr end cutter i..r the lt.iin g.ivertiiiisiit, given i f f ir l"t a egti. thn Inn I itaia as uioler char(f Iranlt Vt t n Iiulm (i of Mrattle eld tii, l M.,iiii A (' of aUnlia it mnu t a t1in!ii ef thirty in.u S et.nt r i ! ft.t til l I t'Hl It 't( I (noli th (till r Mm,. ! bn f ha a e, b t. i.,-(iitii.,t it c.-rit iigu. . t f. 4 -i.i. i t,u. lot ji liter, he, te ll.' king VMH. b.g ft re'fv ! f tl 4 I eo till. 4 eer that aevt g .:tu-.e attantg. W M yt o.ay Ik a there t e all .m eii" ti I' k .f kten t ad ! f t 'H,lillH t T t-t er i lt kneer taking T.r giaakie fintift S 1 ' . Il I'M M Mail I nkiraM st'tit it r' iv "h i, pti ii ... t Mi n.i) . i . ti- T- r I- ' t . f -Mt ht t. ate. el 1 . ,,, , it f K I' In tt.i ; ' i I f'.,' ..i a . e . u ,,u. , . r i-n ttt! im, ti n an I l.i' a , .'.!! Another Exchange In the Bryan A lenftthy etatement, flven out to day by Mr. Aryan in anewer to Sena tor Hitchcock, conetltutea another thepter In the mutual crlmlnatlona which the two are Indulging In the prtjtg end In their gpeetbi. Tba tialn parte of the gtatement which tdd to what Mr, Bryan hat been tell lticf hla audlenreg are aa followi: "The misrepreaenutlone contained In Senator Tlltchoock tatment can best be answered by the facta, which are aa follow ; .'"Klrst A te th personal relatloni be tween ftenator llltrhmx k and Mr. Itryan. When Mr. Itryan came to Nebraska In October, J7, Mr. Iflthcocu wa a repuh- llran, but within a year or two aftoe, wards, acnordlng to Mr, Ilryan'i recol- Inctlnm, beoame affiliated with th dmiooiatlo party and be and Mr,. Bryan worked together polllloally from less) un til recent years. In 1AH Mr. Bryan be came editor ef tba Wortd-Iferald and occupied thl prteltlon for nearly two years, resigning when he waa nominated for president. The relation continued friendly until Isle In 1H or early In ISfrt, when Henator Hitchcock became an applicant for the position of United Htstns senator, rnade vacant by th death of Henator llayward, "Henator Allen wee a candidate for re election In WA and waa supported by both the democratic and populist partial and wived the vote of both parties on soma forty ballots during the session of the legislature of until Henator llayward waa eleoted, Te have refused to appoint him to fill the vacancy, which occurred a few months afterward, would have been a violation of Instruction given by the demor'raiie and populist voters at the election In W. "ly advising fjrrvernnr I'oynter to ep- polnf. Henator Allen, Mr. lryn Incurred the enmity of Mr. Hitchcock, who put bis personal ambition above Uie ,wll ant tied democratic doctrine that supported popular election of aenalxe, and slur that time Mr. Hryan baa felt Mr, Hit' h- eork'i enmity whenever Mr, Illtr'hcoek rould how It without Injuring bli own political Interests. The atlng of Ingrati tude,' as Mr. Hitchcock anpreaeed It, has never left Mr. illthcorks br.sjil., al though Mr, pliyan baa done mor for Mr. Hltrbcork than Mr. Jlltohcmk haw aver dona for Mr, Hryan. "Roon after Jfaj Mr, Hitchcock began to how eigne of hie natural bias toward aristocracy and plutocracy, by favoring th restoration of Wall atreet to th con trol of the democratic petty, and thai bias, least manifested when hla pecuniar condition wee loweet, baa grown with hla prosperity, until today hie eympa thle rneke him much better nuallflod to represent a Wall street constituency then a stat that I almost entirely agricul tural. "it. M. Ifltchoock became a candidate for the United Wate senate In J810, and the fact that Mr. Bryan Issued a brief statement espreaalnc a preference for lbr notnbiatlon of Mr. Metcalfe, then aseo rial editor of hla pepr, "Tba Commoner,' still further Incensed Mr. Hitchcock. Mr. Bryan mode no specohee agalnsi Mr. Hltchnock before the primary, but did maka gpeeche for him after th primary. Py 3312 Mr. Hltchcor k had ached a point where he ws willing to' eoru cut boldly In favor of fbwernor Harmon, Wall atreet'e candidate for the demo crat In nomination, and In spite of the fact that Oovernor Harmon only received about one-fourth of the dnmorrratlo vote east at the primary, Mr. Hitchcock voted for Judge fat ker, Wall street's candidal for th position of temporary chairman a aaalnet Mr, Bryan, who became a candidate for temporary chairmen after an unsuccessful effort to puraiutde Hena tor Jarnee, gjepator Oorman and Henator Kern to become a candidate these being restrained by local poudltlona. Mr. Hitch cock later In the campaign tried to pre vent the democratic atate convention from Indorsing Mr. Itryen'e course at the Baltimore convention, Hut he failed In thla a tv bad also failed In hie attempt to prevent Mr. Bryan' going aa a dele gate to the Baltimore convention. His opposition to Mr. Bryan before th Bal tUnor convention, at the Baltimore con vention and afterward, waa actuated In part by hla own personal feelings; In part by bla blaa toward Wall street, and In part by the fact that Mr. Bryan bad offended the liquor, Intereele, of which ..r, Hitchcock bee been th chief spokes man In Nebraska for the laet six years. After the president's selection and Mr. Bryan's appointment to the cabinet Mr, Hlti'hoot'k demanded th appointment of Governor Harman'a Nebraska rampnUn manager to the chief place In the gov ernments service In Nebraska, and be cause Mr. Bryan refused to Indorse the apimlntment, end beeauaa the prealilent aa unwilling to trmke the appointment without Mr, Bryan a Indorsement, the principal epnolntnienta tn Nebraska were held up lor a year, and lb republican drew th salaries that democrale ought to enloy, When finally the Treasury de partment and attorney general divided the four principal appolntmenta tn Ne- btaeka between Mr. Illtehrncg and Mr. Bryan, allowing eaolt to recommend one treasury appointment and nna appoint mnil tinder the attorney general, Mr. Illii hcittk secured the ratification ef the men he rommendd and still holtle up ihe c.infirioalh'n of lh l recommended by Mr, Hrran, one cf them a delrgat lo the iiatlonnl tcmeotit.n that niltiate I it-ski tn i lUtm Ha much f.'r Ihe per il tl lewm in b-iwn kr- lilich o k 'md til. Iteii C,...iii No. a to Mi Hitchcock e uppotl f this .luiliiltiatl',n, He took the side uf Wall euel agalust the presi dent whrii Wall sirvet lhm.,M II coul I lri ihe rurrrticy bil l wa the fitly rt nt the i intuitu te whn h'iiti't the rputll ana tn the minority ri ll t tfeUlon ieiiiiol te tlronJ.. w lihi-ut i ..n,b iiHiaU.m uf th 4.IMI.I.11I n the (ti'iit.H-rais hi l"iil with the rll Ulit 'He klt the U't'l t't 4ll th tvi.ii.l thii i.o.a tlU lit. H itilao U. I ntittl e'.u pie In the met of fihl !, ukkh hat ' tu the ai UH until lb ialH e' Me lltne t feih a that ! , ' lh te'. fi f .! fiv i' aa feih. and the tat on ftotMMte l"r tuitee as huh tHiij a r mn )-iie.t vitH him m im meefit hb tn e tl ehtt fi.t trust nu.i in twit, 4 h ti .attii-l M I'd wriK t t 1 td H.iilfg itt j.'et-eBl tt-l the tt H ii ,iiu tiy the .l.lnl e thu ".huh ! )M4 tee thuint tats In ret leg the t,t!i.U t ' Jii, r" .! .e4 ' he peHtM, ir,.u.i-t i.of rl the ier fcrie M IHIiknrt. I tn ree, "4 en h t.t.. 1 t t Momiii r-i, et d r'slow t KJ I If ! the new ttt at ift of Compliments - Hitchcock Debate th ground that Mr. Jones wa a direc tor of the harvester trust But the hypocrisy of thl claim become appar ent when It la remembered that Mr, Jones, if confirmed, would hav been only one merntr In seven, whereas Mr Jlltc.hock wanted to turn the entire gov ernment over to Wall etreot'a candidate for the presidency, and now wants to hav Nebraska represented on the na tional committee by Arthur Mullen, who ha heen, If he not now, attorney for th harvester trust In Nebraska, "Mr, Ifltchock also tried to secur the adoption of a resolution In the last demo cratic stale convention which would have endorsed his record In lang-uage which would have constituted a rebtik to the president where th president differed from Mr. Hitchcock, "Thlrd-Now a to the llmior question. "ft Is true that Mr, Hitchcock and Mr. Bryan voted together against th amend ment In IM10, and It le also 'tru that In I Mr. Bryan stated, In answr to In aulrias, that h bad eo voted In lm. The question did not oom up In eny form requiring action between 100 and llstt. In I8ut Mr. Bryan waa notified that the liquor Interest bad raised, tn.m.m and would us it against our party If we did not put a plunk In our pis f form fa vorable to the liquor Interests, Mr. Bryan refused to have smb. a plank Inserted In th Nebraska platform, which wa being preparnd a a basis for the national flat form, and be found after the lectln thai the liquor Interest had In aeveral statu formed a combination between wet dem ocrat and wet republican whereby that vota waa thrown to the demooratg In the tat and to th republican n th nation, "In 1f Mr. Bryan found that the liquor interest controlled a sufficient number of democrats In th stale senate to pre vent the submission of th Initiative d referendum. He found In the spring of UIO Ihnt an outside liquor orgniilxa,ton Was trying lo employ a Nebraska demo crat at a sslary of IO,'tuf for ten month to pick nut the democratic raidldate for th state senate, He learned this from th person to whom th offer ws made, This sttempt, If iireaefu, would make It Impossible for lh democratic party to carry out It pledge In support of the Initially and referendum, which waa op posed by the liquor Interests im the ground that II adoption might lead to th (ubmlaelon of county option, Mr, Bryan informed the democrallo leader of what b bad learned, end announced hi purpos lo oppose th liquor Inters! nd to favor county option, Mr. Hitch cook, when Informed of the plan of the liquor Interest to control the dermvreti In lb slat annate, manifested no further Interest In tho matter than to Inquire whether they had not been doing the nine thing before, and Mr., Mr. Hltoncock'i editor, went 0 rar a to warn Mr, Bryan of the desperate character of Ihe men whom he waa op posing, telling him that they would even resort to physical violence, "From the time that Mr, Bryan began lo resist the polltloat aotlvltle of the Ibmor Interest In Nebraska, Mr. Hitch cock ha been their chief gpokeaman In the fight they hav mad against mm. "In the campaign Of Jl Mr. wryan found that the liquor question waa over- ahaslowlng national Issue in several stale, and after that leHlort he en nounced his tmpport of prohibition tn every state where It ws en leeu, innu enced to do o In part by the bollef that th time had come when the fight ghould b made against th aloon e an inati tutlon and partly by th deslr to eup- port those In the democrats party wbo, In prohibition state, were oppolng th ffort of th llT'nr Interest to oommit the democratic party te th eupport of an outlawed buslnee. "He had advised agalnet the asUmpt te ptibmlt a national amendment before thl year" campaign, hut announced that he would favor the national amendment whenever It we submitted, II thought It bitter to make the fight thl year on the economic, reform already sooured, He also advlned against the submission of the prohibition amendment In this slate thl year, nut. announced thet be would support It If 11 wee submitted. It has been submitted and be la sup porting It. He. believe that It will carry by a Inrga majority and Is anxtnua that w shall nominate official In Sympathy with th amendment and thus protect our alal from lbs era of lawlessness which will follow If th liquor Interests are able to control either brunch of the legislature, and thus prevent the na,-V merit of legislation neevnaary to put the amendment Into effect, or are able tn SHcure the nnmlnrttlnn and election of state officials who will refuee or fail to enforce the law "Whclher Mr, Bryan goes aa a dele gal to the national convention or not la a quest lun fur th votms of the atate to decide. Mr. Hitchcock fall to die tlngulali between the Ihfntr Interests, made up of those pecuniarily Intarwetetl In lb traffic and titer polltloal rv ntMr. Hitchcock fall to distinguish I between times ami that larger number, who, without any pectmim-y Interests In the liquor busltiesn, oppose prohibition, Mr. Hitchcock thought fuur year ago that be could lead the latter rlaaa Into "Well, I Should Say 'Gels-ll' DOES Work" '!Hik ' Thrrn, If Yon lhrnt Think lt'e Jttat Wimtlctfiil fir t mj!" "Hleea trty k'er. I"nk et It! leind nf the llvln'l Whv. Juet lo,tk at It! That coin ceitte 111.1 ..(( Iti.l In. pneUog l aonttati I til nut t'l.n i toi my lt . ei mm re ae Itaet We Umi.f em ir e ike ImiHt tettlafj M IM W 4i4' . lt, Prl .1 nt I 1 altl't I i I r" I II . i. It II kl' l S l,i I'.w t . -t Vt . - , tt.tfel fc'tt 11'' T ( n It ! . all "t , .. tin. It ii .m .i.i eev .l t?i.t..s t ....! - a'l ....' ,-lt. h- ' I' ttttt ,'l ll -si, .t.-., i .f h. tl e ;-.a n I t at'- ' h k -.! hi it I ... . . s r- n e i l , a. ,., ,l4 S..t fait N ."I i.-. it .,, t t " I '' ' .iMiftti U ,ttti..i. i..i ,.,H., fi.l . t. 1 f 4 im, f-t.. Ii ! ' '.i ' at l , i. . - t i t i a l - It k, "l.ii.,i K t,'-ltii I I'.'H t tt ,' fcl It limillaall II What's the Use YOU JUST CANT DO If THE VOTCm TOO L 6A0Mr Mill n w 1 1 11 si -gT "W. W oppoaillon to Mr, Bryen, but In kplte of Mr, Hitchcock appeal Mr. Bryan ran mor Ihan t.Ow vote ahead of Mr, Hitchcock and Mr. Hll.ievoi k bnrely ee, cured place ae a nelei.l-lige, Mr. Hltchcoi k I altetripllng the as trie thing todsy. Whether be rn uca4 or not remains to be een, tt fa ran, It will only furnish more oonelueiv proof of th despotism of th brewer arid the dletlllcr end Ihos whoiri they can con trol, "If, after Mr, Bryan bee been a candi dal for president, three times and three time revived the suffrage of more than WW ef voter, Mr, Hitchcock can lis th liquor Interest In Nebraska to defeat him for delegate te a national convention, what chance bag a young democrat, without prestige or reputation, In a party which can he dominated by a sordid end conscienceless group, such the liquor InUreets, without principle and without Interest In anything escept the money thet they can make out of the sale of a poleon that destroy th bodle, th minde and th eoule of man? "Mr. Bryan bee not Inelsted on can didate for senator, oongresemen or for delegatea to the national convention tak ing a position In favor of prohlMtlon. Ttie question will not eome before the na tional convention and he lake If. for granted that senator end member of oongres will be governed by the vote east by their constltuenti tbl fall, "Mr. Bryan la In favor f Mr. rurm for aenatog. Mr. tninn be more ability than Mr. Hltrheock, end hie eympafhlee ere with the progressiva democrat of Ne braska end th west, and not with Wall gtreet. While Mr. Dunn 1e opposed to prohlMtlon. be I not controlled by the liquor Inlereals. He doe not feel tt hli duty to oppose a man a a national dele gate merely because the candidate doe not wear th brwery collar and walk up to recelv the brand of the dlntlller. "Mr, Bryan Is eleo for Mr. XMmn eg against Mr. Mullen. While Mr. Imhlman AtrriP)vre. j William M W ml Mr Off- wj tM-mr "wggewew It-1 J Vete fe ONE, tittntmt it ftn4M 11 EJi (3 l-BET C'ttMMIfk Dru err. rfTl L f7) CttjLlt IhAltA ssxmmmt. 1 I In lull vain immorui novc THE BONDMAN aaaee e wmmmmmm fJ We take eepwlal pride J In bolng able to offer our patrone today and to morrow the eminent Ameri can actor and at-recrt favortie In a wonderful vleualUatlnn nf Hall t'alne'e Immortal novel. THK HONDMAN. Moat nf you are famll J Ur with thla well known work of fiction and rullie th many poaalbllttteg there in for a truly remarkable) photodramatlc offering end that 110 ln li butter gtlltml for the leading part than Mlf fAHNl'M. Ij The Him forptiey jj Unit beva avutred tu time of etpense Itt make thla production ell Itlgh pcrlmt from every etendpolnl. tl To aet'urw th (trttper jj "rolor" eeieseery fur th prcHttltilt of Ibis siory, the romp any i eenl tu t tdilV lO Irelatid, but also. I , the Ule of Mm Well A brief itimiiKi f of the J atotr litlloe 1 MpHen t'irJ, Urge j tlnibe-l, ItiMscletl tike t, ttreek g-d, but ml !eM de. gpitt hie enorimtu ttreegrh, t.tii peteg fof th V reallitig i hami ifHsbtp et the yeatival of the Mftinl of I lands giiet h.ti'.lat The (trite ate dltrbuid the .UtiiMer t.f the gitvefeor, Ae Ihe e of e hen and It, fai l rcrei wbre ke hd Mm h tropbf t - b' 'o a e. h ) 'be ttiheti a lt.til U wedded t i of Argufying? ) l( MM BTUtve 17' ) I agree with Mr, Mullen In Opposing pro. blblilon, he doe not agree with Mr, mui l,n In allowing the liquor Inlereeig gnd other special Interest to dictate the dole- gsles to the national convention llenaeroea llronrelel h, lit. Kin New !lsovry will glv qul'fc relief In bronchial Irritation and hronrhlel thfna. llyi InflacnmaMon, ases sore epote. All diug!g-Adver. llsemenl. IIIARTM ANN I Wardrobt Trunk . Absolutely the bast wardrobe , I. trunk made. tlf top padced la- ld te prevent tbHhe Upp1eg' I $23.00 and $27.50 I And Higher Fries. witetak wtieo yos buy a fl artmaea. arm like Utile rDl Job. Freling & Steinle "Omaba'g ee Baggage tUldre" 1803 Farnam St. i I Y CIII-IIAUEt kJj Demonstration tt filLTOtl ROGERS 1515 Barney St. Y? April 19-22 bj AMiaKviP'.Te. Farnumj Hti phcn after she hag bn driven frrini home by th proud end bitter old gov ernor, ulio had I ttttrta1 her lo merry Ihe Puulsli tnln- e I letr-r. The bapplnoM of the Iiowly-Hiarrtcd couple, liownvcr, 1 ehort llvnd, fur ilia fair balrd giant for aakck hie wife, glowing gear on a ves boutut fur the l. nf Matt. Year e and ftarhel die nf aorrnw leaving i eon vtlm cerrlf In big heart a e.n reil mi, given at bis tiiriiher'a rlieihhet, tit fin. I and kill hi f t ttt r fur ili telling her Ihe many thrilling sit uations that Jamm l ltt lit-1 smil In hit tleull' In Intfiign Ihe wrong dun lit iHiittuH. but hi ihaiigo of heart nu t ntnt,r. ful satritlc for the U of bis hemt tun best be tie eiitni In I'd ins f,l( urtla 3 '. lotik tin hi eun.l iittl ftildH bis gtiuk l i biutl him A he tliil Hi sun btnk lhioi,,l Ihe i ttt Is and III tin hit tn lifie.) f . end bl I tng tl b r like bl'i t.l 1 be xli. i fired itit.l Ne frl He l ink their shut tniii bu brail Ihe t.'t k l l t 'l 1. r . or til thi er t"t le ih brl ft one I te suit tf lh tti er at tl ., j 1 e r I n m h rag Uit "Jj r..iii.t! l M. I I p ot THOHPSON-BELDEN Tho Fashion Gxicr S0RQSIS Designers Never Created A More Graceful, Charming Style Sine iiiflif'K high, front . 1ifr. ,We havi! it in gray, f)iHriiiigfic( Ivoiy uikJ vrliitf ki'l, 10 fl l'Jiir. A Complete Selccton of Pump hi gray, hluf-k, tun ari'l fmtffit ki'l, jtricfd from $5 to $7 Soros is Shoes are Sold in Omaha Inclusively by Thompson-Bclden (S Co. The House Dress Section Basement Real Values in Dependable Wash Merchandise, I't-rt'iiltt A;ioim, '2'.)c l)yc fflt Gingham lyc I'iimI I'enailf Aitvn, Apron, 7fM at 4(tt; Sew Houpo 'Drew Amonk'Mg (liarnbrny at $1.00 Covr-rall AftroriR, h'.u' Crepe Kimono., A' The Basement Balcony 95c Waist Section KHday: The Opening f)laply of Mid Hprlng W'eeh Htoum. l-'reeh, dainty, wgahable tloug" ahoe-n tomorrow for Ihe flral lime 95c Down a few gtcpg from Howard Btreet to lower prl'm Another Wonderful Sale Friday and Saturday of Trimmed Hats Worth $4 5, $6, and $7.50 for $1.95 dm m Children's Trimmed Hats Tour rholre of fifty atylea on gala Friday at $1.75 and $2.50 aaffrri!irT owxt (Boo ErvtefJJioparlipGnt) Pee CfirHsts y-h 6cctrorypers ' AMI IKMRtlTI, 2 FAMOUS CO.WAKIES TOGETHER Cotton Grind Opera Co., nd Pavlowa Ballet Rune THtrmBDAT lOUT "Tba l nf Tltree aiiige'' end uarveloa uwfleaee" Ballet, l-MIUAV aUnggg-MIim Hiitterfly" autt (lew ravtvwa niveiilesemsut. reiOlT stiiT "La Ho He me" eu4 MrlUleul " Uus," faTlutea at All Verf itrutaatt. ! HOW aid ui-roat v le , frkeoONK DOLLAR and Uf) J! lONIbHf eg gatuetoav Mettnee T.merei bUTU v LANG tdvl'ani'tynch AVVldow by Proxy Waal Week I Tee Case ef oiaaia'i rtfsi caTw g"T . , i""Fa Pet'e ' -eae bteags, M.g a.Ts tu oei k, M.if LONDON MUU .t 'f.btH ' 1 1 tl I k t i.i HIPP n,H v Iff I I'bittie IkHtgU mmtt, Anita Kinf and Victor Moore In 44Tho Race" llll ett.1 al ItnU. THE OMAHA Mr.- -the home rArrn 1 6CO, ofihe HiddleWeJ j SPECIAL 95c Waists, 69c Hllghtly golled and muaged, Krldy only, Fifty extra good shapes, trimmed with ribbons, flowers and imported fancies in all the wanted coiurs, for $1.95 Prop's. JSnaravtrs z&z. Ptologxrpiers Ml HKMRtfTI. Da a-. Tit Meet of TauAai TauAevUle li.ilv I It .,.(, MM l 'Mh.r art ttt i. m .., fan, ! T.ttur ! . ; Mtakw, Joel Xealher 1 etluli A W.IMwte. Ia.s.ii. ski.,, Mai.) 4 ir iii,Ii.i Ti. Vtw.i, r,t Haiin.. il.ii.rt. Ini Mia Hat .it. et.. i, g. Hittti ;o Me, M e4 ik rtitiii. TM rat.,.,. rtTftMD, Hlt-Mtlixa 111 HI. Wsl.lra Mtunl t.,M,, Str.Rtlg fnillt Uaci. itirix tain re v,.,ji. k.i -t trri. in hi THE FAR NAM Th k.a.e tt Ihiwh, erf aa . ....eebelrj Mtuste, erMes an e A a una ate r.t-re "TMI ITRUQUll" kits reaeie, gMitiiuae) Alee ee ga4 n4y, Turpls'i Sthiol el Dinelnf Vveatr-eigat fun .(real, t4 tuH.M e..r a.glae gtag e. ViM i.t iMi.,atki rutate ! aa time, ateieeg li4 t'lUMIial. ie KMf lelwea. Gurtey Hyjtm I.imsi r.VliK RaUeaal .. t.atlaa, eaa aMettetej, W x Wi'Iiam F, Csrky r Ut 'I i- WW3