It t'IMH 41, 4I)VKH1II0. I'lil l l lt l, 4 II V li htii I'oi.mrti, iir,RTiMo. OI.ITir!, (DVfBTIIIKI, rol.lTir, 4DVKHTIKIWO. rOLITHAl. nvRiiuifl, TI1K HKK: OMAHA. KHIDAV, AI'KIL 14. l!M(i. Bryan or Wilson Which? What Wilson Has Done for His Country YVoodiw Wilson i Kwrnlly crodiLvl by wtdl-inforruod ritizotm wjflj being onn of tho grcati'ht prvaifnt tho I'niU'il Htnte lin tnor hud, it in a common xn'ion that ho i I In grontfrd president wo Abraham Tinyln, In constructive ni-roniplifdiinont hi adminiatrn lion afarid out dourly it one of tho moat important in history. Hi tenn Iih fcon the enactment of the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING ACT, wbi.di ho token th finnm-iol control of tho nation out of the hnnd of Wall trwt and cimm ripftted the buin'a men of thi country- one of the wnicni pieces of Jegilition ever put Into law, The boat tariff liw ever puwd 1 y uny Congr-, Tho Jrieofiie tax to make up for the loa of revenue due 1o a lower tariff. The elnhlivhuie)t of a trude wniniiHn, I'ruvhUmn for a tariff honrd, Tho &bovo oro but u few of tho imjortflnt a'Kuidihwnt in a Jeffioltttivo wy. J'roaidont Wilnon ban established n condition of trut and ronfi-dcn-! Jn (be relations of thin country with th Mouth American re- JmMh'K, BUT GREATER THAN ALL THESE, HE HAS KEPT THIS COUNTRY OUT OF WAR DURING ONE OF THE MOST TRY INO TIMES IN ITS HISTORY. HE HAS MAINTAINED THE DIGNITY AND HONOR OF OUR COUNTRY. HE HAS HAN DLED THE DIFFICULT FOREIGN QUESTIONS IN A WAY THAT HAS WON THE ADMIRATION AND GRATITUDE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. What Bryan Has Done His Country For W, ,), Hrymt accepted tW offico of wecrctury of ftate in Woodxow Wilxon' cabinet tin JnKbot position tho proidont could b!tow. Mr. Bryan lowered tho dignity of the offico and embarraHed tho prcaidwit by aceepting platform erifaement at no much per Irvture. J'ublic opinion drovo bim from this cournc. lie, uxed hi political prfKtige to attoi'h to the fodcral payroll a long Yft of rclativej; .om of whom ha1 practically no training or ex poricncii In tho dulio fwigriod tbcm, Oovemmont jobs were given to HIS SON, W, J, BRYAN, JR., a an uiUint district attorney in Arizona. HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW, T. S. ALLEN, an district attorney in Nebraska, HIS SON-IN-LAW, RICHARD HARGREAVES, bh a bank ox amincr in lh cast. HIS SON'S WIFE'S BROTHER, MR. BEROER, m a nwrctary. HIS SON-IN-LAW'S BROTHER-IN-LAW, WM. STEIN, in lb J)eparlment of Commerce, Another relative in Illinoiw wan provided with a jwtofficc, etc. STILL WE ALL UNDERSTAND DEMOCRACY WAS OP POSED TO NEPOTISM. After taking care of tbce numerous relative, Mr. Bryan RE SIGNED FROM THE CABINET AND DESERTED THE PRESI DENT AT A MOST CRITICAL TIME. Not content with merely resigning, he noon begun hi campaign of criticism and condemnation of the pridont' policies Ho did thin openly and publicly and in bin own pufer. Hi Commoner wbh full of mean paragraph aimed at the president, together with hoxtilo car toon ernrcd from republican ncwHpaor unfriendly to the president. Wood cow Wilon had to take the platform himmdf to defend hi poli cies againt theno attack. Bryan took bin fight to the ball of emigrce and ponMrod reso lution, that if pawed would seriously embarriK the president and dv Mroy the ground work of hi negotiation with foreign power. Al'lep all theHc (-elfish and hostile mHh Mr. Bryan i appealing lo the voter of Nebraska to eiid him a a delegfite-at-large to the St. I Win convent ion AS A FRIEND OF THE PRESIDENT and proaum. al ly ti write a platform for Wood row Wilxon to ctind upon that would repudiate the president' policie. Wood row Wilon' rerord i a uri'Nl'iil one. Mr, Mmm' rec ord during ihU ndiiiini.-trnliiiii Inn been a failure, IS IT CONSISTENT THAT THE MAN WHO AS A PUBLIC OFFICIAL HAS PROVED A FAILURE SHOULD DICTATE TO THE MAN WHO HAS PROVED A SUCCESS? Ml', lilMill xliuiilil in 'I be Kent lo S, olli. It is lio( luil' In I'lCi-i dent iImui or the ilemoerntie putty, The NebniNka delegation to SI. le-iui elioubl ho aiippultfi of Mr, WiNou i in t all of his policies -not uMiiters of Mr. Bryan. The candidate for delegate nt lart'e who ar aUtiditig iuiirely behind I'reiib nt Wilson and not coui rolled by Mr, Bryan ate; W. D. OLDHAM of Kearney. VV. IV PRICE of Lincoln. DOUGLAS CONKS of Pierce, LOUIS 1'IATTI of Omaha, The nh'tidiile for dili'tl ih 'IctfHlcn w hu nt and on the name plat f'lin Me; First District W. V, Motan und H E, Oooch. Hecond Dtitrlct-rmnk T, Ramom unil J. A, C. Ktnnedy, Third District -F. It. Morrow and George 0. lUyhn, Fourth Dutrlct --K. K, Plawk. Fifth I)titrt t-John L. Clery, BUth DUtrlct-D. 1L Mouldi and Charlf H. Tully. VOIR FOR THESE MEN ON PRIMARY DAY AND RTAND SOLIDLY BFJIINl) THE PRF.81DF.NT, l'hi Ailvtrtiirtntnt h Paul tor fly llrrhrit . Coach, fittitltnt Star Pub lithini Company, Lincoln, Nbraka FOR PRESIDENT ALBERT B. CUTvlMINS U. S. Senator From Iowa "THE MAN WHO CAN WIN" IS THE WEST FOR CUMMINS? YES, In the primary election o far held Minnesota republican endorsed him o to 1. Iowa republican endorsed him alniot unaniinouly. N'ebrakn republicaiiM will endoro him next Tnc day. HAS THE WEST A CHANCE? YES, ' With entern icpiiblican in n ho)ec InnKlc and tho Vct united behind Kennlor (Wnmin, ho can b" jiominaled, He i the only western candidate. HIS NAME IS ON THE BALLOT. If you do not know Vote For GEORGE A. ECKLES A. H. MURDOCH Call at hit offee and have a talk with him. Niiii-l'ai-tlxrtn Caiiill'lMte for MUNICIPAL JUDGE OFFICIAL BALLOT Proponitton of Pavinjr Bondi of $1,500,000,00. Vote "YES" or "NO.' Hliall th County of DoukIhw, Hlitft of NMjrHftkn, inmin nd ell it rifilinl;lM Iiom'Jm to aim! in tlm mi in of One Million Kivt Jfuniirrd Tlioiiftund Iff, ,000,000,00) Dollar for the purpofl of Pv fag with Pdvintr Jiriek not in limn Twnnty-onfl (21) Per (tont t't, roncrrte lm not ! than l''ivo (5) Jnchr in tliicknH, nd urtificial tonn curb, nnid pHvinp: to h Hijtprn (16) Fcrt wids, in cluding curbing, upon the following Public Howl in Douglas County i All prfNcnt nifii'Hihiin Homl in Dougla County, iiu'linling that part of Military A venue between Pennon ami Omaha; Koud known a prcM-ul, hiiu'oln Highway, from cud of present pavement to Elkhoru, to Waterloo ami to Valley; 'Military Hoad, from end of prearnt inaeadam road to Elk (Hly, and beginning at Penninglon, ami ruuuiiig South to Military Itoad; That Kouil known a Koad No. .V-', from Military Koad Houtli to Center Street Koad ; "ty" Street, from end of preNent inaeadam road running Went on "Q" Street or Road No. M, to the intersection of Koad No. fifi; lieginning nt the end of the mneadam on Leavenworth Street Koad, South one fourth mile on Road No. 2. thenea Weat, on Road No, 11 two mid one half mile ami interaeeling with Road No. UH; lieginning at the end of the macadam on Road No. !, extend ing Went on Jioad No, 0, about, three mile to County Mridge No. (J,'i; Megiiining fit the end of the prcHcnl concrete pavement on Amea Avenue, running North on Road No. -( to intersect with Koad No, 'Sl Road No. M'J, beginning at the Military Rnad running Nrlh and intersecting with Road No. -A; And if any Mirplu kIiiiII remain, nucIi other pulilic roads in Dntigla County a may hereafter be dcNiguuted by Hie Hoard of ( 'ounty ( 'ommoiMiuuci'N , Said bond to be coupon boioU, pautble to bearer, ami to bear date of duly Ut, 11 and to bear interest at the rate of l-'our and One half M1:',' ) I'er Cent, pauible hrini anuiutlly, ami to beenme due and pa table io follow Hi Seventy five Thnutimd (.'i.iNMUHM llullaiM nf s,nd paving bond to bicioue doe ami pawihli' duly Ul, I'l.'b, ami Seventy fne Tlioutiand i .'tin (Ml i UhIIioh of naid paving bond to become due and payable on the fitnt dn of duly eie h ,viar thereafter until duly lt, l!Mt uicliiHive, and uold lh entu'e ihimh Iuih m-ii re deemed) the priie'ipal and iiiterekt of unid bmeU tu be payable at the NVbrioikn I'l'iil A u ' i v at Lincoln, Nebraika, and ti be kmiuit a ROAM I'AVINtl ItoNDS, Hot til.AS ror.NTY. NLPRAsK A, I'.'lti, ha id hnmU to be of the deieuiiinat mu of II.IXHIlNI each and t be Humbert d from Hitr to ttoe Th'neoind 1'ive llundied, belli ineluivii Mtd botnU to be ln-gnltalnl at the luylieM pie e obtnoi aide, but Hi lei evilil to be Hold beb.w pur, and the pinree ln of 'd n,inh lo be H'o d ei bihivelv fi.f I tu- nf !" ,.f .twi.jf pitbhe riot U III Hiiyl,iH t 'I,'.' Nt bf ,i'ki, hd l,n!l tin- tard I umo' t hoiomiiooo i h nf on ,1 Imi('.h (ooiitt, Ntbriitka. be aoilnii ii'd In b v iooiii.!lv ii,uu 11 !(,, t4itb(e ii'.eity in ,tnl tutiiit ,t lav if toooi t-t ,iv tlif nt t nil n.i, bt'lid O1 tin' tiit' i tie . and l,!l tUe Jliin'd (if Coontv I i. otii' iniiie nf Hat. ltiKU t imnlv, cif,nk4, be aothotied t" ti'VV omirtl ! u ii n'l Ibr Uvalde prnpcttv III 1.41. t'euiil,, brg.ooiiig with tl yt l'.'tt mil i-nt iioueif uod tin final trdi'iopti'in f i id b"ii,U, a uf fiionl tu p'ovtdn v MNKIMI 11 NO ftr t' fu'l pnvtoent f . bnod t ni4tunlv, prnVebd tb It."- llimn dint. bid pIHf bulnU nlm'l be .,b, ie ginning Willi Il'f rr I'Mn tin ri!rrtittttt f nutiug ttl4,l IH1 lli'lilllhd. bo Ml -! V t t l.l r,',e II n- i,iii ,.f t ) ( C lluii lri-d 'I I oii'Hiel 1 1 ti m I ( ( n 1 1 1 i.i; ttrieg mn tote trr i ' t v. ' v. ja-. ... ,,,.t .ni.f: M CANDIDATE FOR THE REPUBLICAN NOMINATION State Railway Commissioner As Bute Ben ul or in IftOT-l h utorirl by th jieopl, Hu In troduend verl IjIIU lht wr enirtfd Into law. Ha workfl and void for tvrry eoniirnct he tniir and an hlrmin of th fommltien on Public l.anda mid Hiilldln(t, I'nlvar uliy and Normal Schoola, Ay lunia, Behoola for th laf and Ullnd, h rrfommndfd and lielpfd In obtalnlntt approprl lloim for bulldlnia at Omaha, Lincoln, Heatrlee, Kaatlnxi, Kearney, Norfolk and Wayne, Hurlng hi lnvMiilr,n imo lli affulra nf Hi pia'e l nlvr Hy he (laeover"il Hint the ( rtoiiia -r r om pel ld lo pur rh ihflr hooka at rrtaln hook alorr at eorbllflnl prr, Ho reporiil lhl fi to thi pfiiai and lloiia nnd Intro dered an amendment to ih t nlvionliy nppropriNiinn hill (irovlHin ffr f'ind for lli ptirehe nf hooka hv the Rial to h fmnlhe(l lo ih alndinla at liolefa!e prteei, making a aavin e' oer fin,ooo a jrar lo lliw Kiiidejiia of the 1'nlver- r, V, n 1 hi ti l,. Hv linllnmila inn rompnlleij 10 fcrnlah adeiiuale walerlna facllltlea and nli ml" for llvy aimk, at hl,phin polnla hy ih pHniitn of bd'a Infrmliu H h lilni, Th" laf lo ptohllut th drinking of liquor on Iralna nnd alting (lie railroad uilioiliy lo refuait lo permit I n 1 0 -haled peraen lo hiutrd iralna wna InKodii'Pd hy Mm. The are only a ft of ih preil nl In enio'led hy hla effort. A l'1rt Com mlNlonr In III I2 li enforced tht law without fr or favor. If tie la nomlimied and elected Hallway Coinmlanloner he will falthfally aerve th penpln and gUe Mteryhody a aqnare deal, OFFICIAL BALLOT Propoiition of Oradlng Bondi of $200,000,00. VoU "YES" or "NO"' Shall the County of Dougla, Stat of Nebraaka, iu and ell it negotiable bond to and in the aum of Two Hundred Thou aan.1 i20t),0tK),00) Dollar for tho purpoae of grading publie road iu Dougla County, aaid grading bond to be, eoupon bond, payable to bearer and to bear date of July J, 1910, naid bond lo bear in tereat, at, the rate of Four ami One balf (Vif'.n) I'f (nt- Pyblc aoini annually and to beeoma duo and payable a follow! i Ten Thousand (tlO.OOO.Ot)) Dollar of aaid grading bond to become due ami payable. July lat, P)2fl, and Ten Thouaand Or 1 0,000,00) Dollar of aaid grading bond to become, due and payable: on the find of July each year thereafter until July 11, J 94fi, ineluaive, and until the entiro iaauo ha been redeemed, prin cipal and intereat to ba pnvablft at tha Nebraaka Kiaeel Ageney at Lineoln, Nebraaka, and to be known a ROAD GRADING BONDS, DOL'OLAH COCNTY, NKRRASKA, 1916; aid bond to be of the (letiomination of One Thouaand (11,000.00) Dollar eaeh and to be numbered from One to Two Hundred, both ineluaive j aaid bond to tie. negotiated at the highest price obtainable, but m no event to ba aold below par, and the proeeed of aaid bond to be tiaed ti duaively for the purpose of grading public road in Dougla Coun ty, Nebraaka; . And ahall the Hoard of County Commiaaioner of aaid Dougla County, Nebraaka, be authorized to levy annually upon all the tax able property in aaid County a tax giiffieient to pay the interest, on aaid bond a the aatne hall aeerue.and ahall the Hoard of County Commiaaioner of aaid Dougla County, Nebraaka, be au thorized to levy annually ipon all the taxable property in aaid County, beginning with the year 1920 and eontinuing until the linal redemption of aaid bond, a tax auffieient to provide a SINKING FUND for the full payment of laid bondi at maturity t VES. NO. Sample Non-Partisan Judicial Ballot, Primary Election, April 18th 1916 (S n The names on this ballot will ba rotated by districts, o that the nam at the top of each division my be t the bottom of th asms di vision In another dlsirlct.-HARLKY O. MOORHKAD, Election Commissioner.) no. Vots Vots n n n n n vt n n n for ONE For Chief Justlca of Suprtms Court ANt'IlEW M. MOMUaSKY JACOI1 KAWCKTT for THREE for Assoelato Jus tic of SuPrsm Court I 8 IIASTINUS CHAIII.KS A, iiS KltWJN K.I.I,0(IN JAMKH It iUCAN .ions n hahnkh JOHN ' MAItTIN AI.IIK1M J I'OltSISH (iKoltUIC J Hl'NT HMUtlSON C I'UMKIt KAMI Kl- II Hl'.lMiWP K J. C TRAVIS Vet 'or ONE Fee County Judge MHYCK CRAWFORD far ItVlN-f-er Judg f 0 trut Cturt, ta Diitt UIK'4 II XUttlMtll U I if . p4V I i; a I i 1 1 1 : I w I III II VI K i it t Hot c t II Mil M l t IK W it.! M ti n. H1 WlltUM Ht.tUfK rllllll ll T IUt MNXOS wii i ni ii mt iMttitu tltl III It t tV M t At: t hi k . I in Kv Hil l. Vots n n n n n . for THREE Fr Judgtl ' Mu nlcipsl Csurt Alt Till It ( THOMSON AKTIU'H K. BALDWIN VINfRNT C HASCAI.U UKORf.K A KfKtJ-.i litttORUK HOI.MK1 J V HflUHT f W. HRITf (iKOItt.K II MKHTKN Wil l I M I I.TNfH HiV llll N IU KKK M Iv Hilt ll " msfKit M MtHDlKK Ruttr V TATRIfH JOHN f HaNRKTT JOHN I M.ul.KY MtttlUMM I I I I H I MM t ttttltH t