Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Candidate Scheduled for Effusion
at Mam Mertin; Are Frustrated
by Chairman Fiatti.
There a re om r1leipilntel i1emorrflfl
r undulate They tterii1t th m
etiecrtng hi(f t Waerilngtnfi hall Werlnea
dK evening, irefiare to af,- their llfU
pierea, hut f'ttalrrnan Flattl willed nther
mlm. After allowing a few nf th "big
g'in ' In d'flKlm. h announcer! that th
eneaMng 111 had aeajimerl iih ft length
fr't lie whiM hv to r1 th nrn of
tl hot i.f mnrllrUle whu ha4 nt their up tn th platform. Tha hunch nf
earil held hr 'ha chairmen would have
t )n.n1 a lior, or vn tha r1etririrrlii;
rtohkey. Mr, IMattl r1 ha rll!et tha
d. riK-rfl" fmrty la a grrat nhallng
rl'tjr, hut ha rltrl rmt helluva tha rand and
file Iakw1 with frrr upon ft "peaking
fihrm whl'h would gr far Into th
iidlit mid then Into tha rt day, hlrh
orild Imv hern tha )n (hi Inalanea
it Hi r.nrllrlat had had their way.
pium war grlevtvieljr phiied tiara nee
they had lTrerrl their maiden political
ieerle. Jf ak ft ad hmir for aom of
, At thl Whlngton hall rlemwratlri
faat Tommy Allntt, hrnthar-dn-laa tit W.
S and fharla Xryan, fnipld ft front
t. Whan tha rhalrman read ft latter
f regret trnm Ilmther l"ha.rl, dated
at MriAn, and tha rrnwd duhnnored tha
ram nf Hryan, Mr, Allen'a fe turned
Aimoet t an aalian IIrrr,
Mlecflnn fnmmliwlowr Vnnrhad haa a
trg taff lit ileiM preparing tha hooka
for tha rlftnlton bnarda neat Tueeday,
"Mow ran yon keep anrh g ramiatlgn
put and retain your youthful laughtar
and good natiir?" John I Kennedy, ra
puhlli'Mn randldttta for I 'tided lale
tor, Ha mked,
"Well, you aaa, It la aaay to iplln,"
ha nrer1. "Tha mora I tiava heaa
round tha at l tha I at fair week tha
witra I dava heen lnilrrl hy tha (en
ral prneprrlly and Ilia ahundnnt rvl.
rinnra of rrpnhlrn harmony, Itepuhlln
mlni la In tha air, Tha democrat hava
their tmulilea Junl. now In thla atala, hut
thara la no uxa kl'klng a man or party
wln ihy ara down."
rl I, Quinhy had Minaelf all
aroornad up aa tha heat. lltUa atanipadar
i tha praaent rainpalsn, hefofa ha tried
to atampeda tha Jacknonlam for Rryan
Wedneaday nibt. Now ha knowa ha la
no im.1er at all," Thla waa tha ra
mark of ft Jaekionlan tha next day.
' Vou ae, Qulnby attended that polltlrnl
aatheriiig uf I'olai on tha Honlh rUda tha
other day. All tha randldataa got up
nd told lha I'ollah peopla how they wara
lining to civ them apixilntmania. Thay
wer oln to rernla th Tolea. Tliey
inada lavtoh protnlaaa. t'p roaa Cjulnhy,
hii'l In tha faa of lha fact that ha wania
tiir vol aa to maka him eofigraaamaa,
told tham to. u rely ha had nothtnc to
jrt-omloa thm. They mud take him en
Ma merit a aa a iNteatnan. It mad quit
I a hit, after all th other had heen roak
! Ihf promliiei thy knaw thny could not
, fulfill.
"Ho, attain, when avery apeaker at th
,J:konlan bani'tat waa carvlntt ftryan
Into rlhliona, Quinhy attempted to mk
a, play hy coming out for Jtryan, No
fttetmieijc, tint even ft atlr. Not avan ft
hand clap."
Arrnemenl have, heen mad for ft
arlea of ineetinaa faturday, hen W, 3.
Hrvan will la th hadllnr, 'ftia firat
aatlM tlng will ha an outdoor nroararrt at
lt'hon at 4 o'rloek. Th peakar an
uoinied ara W, 1. and tlharln Bryan,
In a "hrnther art,'' I. J. Jiiuiri, Mr
Howard and I J, Quinhy will appear
Aliother meeting will ha held at T O'uloe.k
In lha evening In lh Workmen fempla,
Hm,I) Hide. Th laat mealing wdl he In
the Auditorium at IM o'oloek, when
f,ela T. Ahhott, Will prld. Tha per
aoriuel of th rommlttea on arrtnaernenl
M; C. 1, r'unnlnvtiam, J. II, M'Hhana,
l. M. Johnaon, I (). 1'arley, Kd f, rtmtlh,
Dr. A. II. Hippie, A. W, Tarpanter. John
Fit ftoharta, ttr. Kanl, W. ft. f'atrlek,
John Mr.Mlllen, tUmiiel l Winter, Cap-
lain ftuaann, i, V. JMarratt, Oliver Itouaa,
). 3, f'rdntg and Will M, Thrrnpn. An-
nounoament hat bean fnado that terlat
Mcoinriiodatlofia will ha provided for wo
men a.1 th Auditorium meeting.
W, J, Bryan waa ohaarved walking aat
on Yrnm atraet a Inn Thumday morning.
Whara ) fharle Otto r)heh, M. rf
Ha rould not h loeatad T1iurday.
Neither rild h attend til meollog at
Waahlngton hall. rrTfloara of th I'ahl
man elub y h waa Invited. "Ilet he
la out talking to th farmera whlla thay
ara plowing," guggaatad ft via en.
Mrs, Burnett Again
Leads Woman's Club
Economic Division
f or lha tenth tlma, Mr. V. i Ititrnett
waa today alected leader tA th horn
economic department of th Omahft Wo
man' club for nit year. Two tllver
aprona war prawwted th leader by do
pi rtfnent. memtrf.
Mr. C Jf. Townnend wa mad hon
orary leiuter; Mr. Charlea lt, aeelelant
Header; Mr. T. H. Tr'y. aee.ratary; Mr.
W, n, Ulrney, hone and honia commit
tee, and Mr. R. V. ranli, chairman of
loiirteele commllto.
Next year tha department will atari ft
campaign for new nwnhar Ut enlarge
th lUipartment and will probahly roiv
ltelf Into an aftarnon departmant. Tha
meeting until now hav ha held In
th morning.
Judge W, P, Oldham war h I
through running for offloe, Thl, h
H, la out of defererv for th wlehe
of hi wlf. "I pronilead my wlf I
would not run for offlu thl yr," h
"I only want to ha delegate to
th national deraooratlo ennventlon. Thar
I nothing In that, it will mat m r
r tM, and ther I nothing In It. flut
a for a, real polltkal pffli, X ftin not
running any mora. My cardan at home
need attention. In fat my turnip nd
hoeing thl mlnuU,"
Thc.of'c Mary Pafc
Dy Frederick Lewis, Author of
"What Happened to Mary"
xi Pictures by
Th Caa! f Chtrwatarg fa
tsi TAjtan cam or kat
Ptllt lnftmi, tttnnwf nr fwM,
I oe Hk Mrr MMO W.llll
Urr !', UmwuIwU Ue, ierm4 M
mfr p.ii Htr
p ruiiia k, aurnuif of Mut. lb wa
tk l tuwuml muii-rttit.,
ntMt Atnavvrtk
K. M. rxoKia. ihedrtMl wuttmi
, Htrv iMinkteewa
PniMi'ialiig ailerner M. Ornmt
I'm ), frr'i iher rieek Lwjrwa
Mm Mir aiutker , ,. ...
rnukta turaurn
Mr, tin ft.lnun4 r. C..i
tiii. , trr.m Huiliua
Mr. i,nle, Peltork'! buelitk uwim
Artkur tUlea
r,t' ke4 (In ini....Wllliea OkeMar
Hum I'ulux k. Un i ixter
, ffknaea g4lit
er 'lr Manx Murnw
MAif't mala , ktlM Vklll
Mi. vein.,. H'. Mulluauidk
v Moral.
Marc re, ai'treea, aeuaed of th
iiiunIrT of lBvid 1'iillciik, end la defended
hy her lover, Philip Lamidoii. !ullo k
' Miti,l it-!, Al Mur a illol aha a4
ini'e alio i.Nd revolver, tier maid
'eiilh'a thiil Mii t li if ei I -i.sr1 I'ollnrk
Willi It met Inoalu, and Mary' lewdlug
finn Implh'ataa Lngdon. II' Mary dlv
nMH.,,,i limn ti,. ateue o( Ilia mine la a
mveirry Hiatirlnn tell of a alrana
hand itIM that he w on Mary alioul
iter,, Kuiiiii-i evldi' lina thai horiiir
of ill Inn nroriut'p temporam tnaatilly In
Ml;l, 'I'iii- dfei)a la ' repiraai'd ly.
hui." Wit iiraaa d".-rthed Maiy'a flghl
Horn her iiiIiki, aied tall er and her
t iiln'i a B'llnd. Nuiaa inii di-ai liliea
tm ki'lnni'lliii of AlMiy by I'nllnrk an
Ainv llaiioii nf Matv atrnaalea to
"inc. an i.i li. and I t.I ) K a putaiilt
i t hey iio.t of another owamnn when th
unell of Ihiiinr di Milk luniie. 1tiei
a in n i! at li iiil la Mai v'a rnaiiauer,
I iiaienril l'.,i,,m,. Hinv fnlnla mi th
Itillnl UllJ at.MII! Kni t i, ilh, II ii
I nil, iiihii k(ih bi lrn. Innl la
IrailtMd thai I'iiHii.k thieil.n t . kid
MiW Hid asd Mclwallv ut,
I ii jiir il in km lani ilini Tun Hiieaa. ,
tl anile Mary a fii t the alr.ei it. mi
Hi. hole ami hrr (iiihj ! n Iv nun fn-in
i. iHiiii.lina -iii. i r l.v liutl:i t,
il l ie t itia iu nr. rimliiaia l'nh I
'hotu' I kiirw Mint- well 1 !i. ikhl
tii .nl i,f i. ) Con y mm. 1 1 1 1 1 1 a) i hint,
.i d hn ued tit iliop In pi t uually mIii'm
I v ua iiii , In a tuiwdy,"
I 'it l nil I. Hi, s numta lll lil m '
I I i. a.,n.lhit Silt vft-.i " t lief i.
f a, iiiuhmii. rial 1-iii In th
i. n.
I'ul in, i m hear Mm tinarirl Mli
.. i." us l,l In iHif aalieilt'
Nu I'ave aharp ih hit oit
it li d en (lili()u , I wl ttei)
nit lm ili In t in-all n Ha v.a ( ii
.. trltee. It tat mad op fo hi
. .., (n In. l ai. 1. I tiMktaa),
I ,. I.. 1 aiaitd f.r Hi tigtillli It) hit
I.,.,. t waa t .i-tt.! i e til
I ) I kU " ,
' Vnd til hi lii I aon t u hni!y,
i i, I It '. ... tac aii,...
l-.l. I VlK'ni til h. ha-t lla Id,.
t-1 '' nt. 'd wi!. a him
Vl.itlmn. ltiftd uMirl, ii. h' h.H.
n aif t I. I.
." he I 'Halt . . kttt it
v .m I rait uUilf 4 .apailng Vtf
n U ii. n t t M
I'ld Va. atturna Hoke tr
' tl'l Ve V I k '
t , I li.i4 i, i
in tt W-aik '
I I1" (..I..1 . 1 1 a A aii. ( .
"'iy. eatl h "N-t .it tu
,.. fa l a4 n, k ' t i IM
tt.drt.e ! II. .M nf h t,i
.1 . ( ,-ai H ! la l, ad ) m-,i t
I ht ' h ... falt-t I' ilI
I I . tt 'iis, an t i.i,..f ti.a
I Ircumatance I declar tha praaent taa
llmnny to t Irrelevant, and re'tueat that
It he trh kn out."
' "My defena la atlll 'rapraaaad py-
cheat,' " your honor, retortod I-ngdon
qui:kly, "but I call th attention of th
rourt to th atatematit mad hy Dr,
Koater, that If Ml t'aga wa aufforln
from that when lavld rollmk wa ahot,
h would not hav known whether her
own or another hand fired th fatal hot.
Vour honor, I am anihavorlng hy thla
wltna to bring to light aom obacura
facta In thl caaa, and orava th lenlnniy
of th court to continu th prraent leatl
mony" and th juitlr of what h a eked
wa evident to all.
"I think you may continue, Mr. t.-ang-don."
aald tha Judga after ft moment'
thought. "I rannnt auataln th nblectlon
of Mr. Dttllftg."
('l'o ll "foni 1 It ued" to iiiur I uT.F"'
Look and Feel
Clean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Drink 9a of rl hot wtr
fcfor braifat to wM
out polaon.
l-lla la not merely to lb, but la lit
well, eat 'well, dlgeat well, wnik wll,
alnep l, look wall, What ft ttltifiuu
poinliiton t attain, and yt how vety
y II I If on will only dopt tha mum.
In liKiila ha I n,
r'nlk whir r aivutmd tn fed dull
snd 1 1 it t when thy arlae, (ilHIt
I'r-uila. lie. atn(f) frtini full, fiinl lutiau.
i,(.y in a ill, a ll aloina, It, ran, Inaioa.l.
fvl a fiali a ft dalay by opaitttig th
altit ea of the ytlMi e''h mottling and
llual'liig out lha who! of tit Internal
pntKiiiimi laanaiil liialler,
r.-aumie, whathvr ftlllng, twk a wall,
atimild, aa h iiinmln. helm braakfaal.
dilnk a'ana vt real hot walr wtlh ft
titiiifut tf llmaai.ina hiiah( lt "
t'l aiH ffviil th M tina. h, Itvar, kid
nr and tl ' pi ioa day Indl
a'ii'l !, tll t I pailauHtni
In una lima leanln, tanliig nt
I' . i w li. a) the n.ui Mnii.iair rl
f x I'Ultllif Iiiur (4 lull' lh t.ittai i
Iti lifM i.f hot attar and llitiealnii
l-i .t h iia f it itdr tiH. h I Wvit
ilei f itly ttivlanralliig It taut all
th awi.r ftitlaiin, gaaa, wi and
UitF and gt nna ft (ion-til aifvlil
f..f .iaakr ytt i e-.).ilii
wl kkat tha atlii gad iihuafhaii
t 4 wily tali. Iih laig ft Mine i-f
atr liom In lu.-t and galling !
I IHrBh flwldng wf 'l th thtida
lii mull .i. af vet ) tudStiad
it l'i-iH'il, kui-nt Mwii. ! k
ti ih ii a .nti n mthai ah hat
aalW akit.a kl.-4 d'..ti n4 kly
1. ei utntot at liid i gat a 14 Mi
y..d vt llmealiot iKHiHal fl the
dm ., hl will . i Inistf,
la a ia..t In ittak n !.' a (.iti
II I "H i mil ! 1. -1 tif
anlUII.'H. s uanii. nt
One Girl to Compete at Bellcvue
in Oratorical Contest Friday Night
? I " !Jt "-'3' -tJj C
1 J : r f t? I
Omaha Gets Tiernoy
to Play Second Base
in Placo of Irelan
(" liourk h eurd a new Inflelder
to fill the hnl al ond he (')"'d hy
the Inlory to Harold lrln The new
aei oitd ear kef la Tlernry lln eotne from
Kane ''ty Tlerney I to report right
away and Mourka and King liellnva ha
will fill Irelan hoea In a Very all
fi lory manner
latter mlfilori of Irelurl ankl f
veal Kin fuel thai 1,0 l,on In th ankle
ware broken at at it. It wa firet thoiight
Irelan not only brnk )! leg hone but
hd anepped aon ankle hone. It I
How thought th leg hone will hl O'lHe
'pihkly nd that li"ltni will tie In uliai
to ply aorna lima In May,
Th MtHt party ewntraj ttommltta
vd Phfi by not filing th nme of their
randldafe for th primarle. Th plan
I alrnpla. Ther I no competition within
tha gofinllat ranli, tharefnr all that
will ho riei''ary for irlalt voter to
do at. lh primarle -will h to write In
tho llaf of thlr endldle geeordlng to
lh printed lntnicion nt from had
(jurtr. Attention I railed to th ntfi of Y,
Kaimelmeyer for ! rllwy comniia
aloner, a agMlixt Vh-for Wiiaon. "wn
on I not oelHt," rd th nr
cular nt from 'lHf. hadptrtr
Turn old furlillitre, hou"hold good od
ilolhlng Into eaatt with a H" VVnt Ad
I'lfM'l M 4I 4IIVKH Tllll,
4nvr.n1 lilO-
Railway Commissioner
I Ao not oppowi men of waalth. I
oppo.d tfl th Infheane of WMttk lti Th trowing tt in thl
liap.jt.llo th" eonoafitmtltn f nlnrt
mr 1 ant of th weftlth Into th hnrt
of tan pr rnt ' bP1' fr"l Mr'
porata lntert maintain th p4d loh
bylat t" vrvrt leglalatlon. Why hoiild
ny p-ron who believe In th t.bllty
nt overnment heallala t warn th
Am.".' an cllinT Tha orlnnlpal anjlai.t
rlailona wara ltroyci from lh off"
of tn. vrr wealthy and tha
Jr rluwi Hn of walth yry fro
.ntirHW.. th. tru wort. f th.
XtaJman auw el th Irnagljuky bJ
r,at property right r b.lng lrifrtng.d
...I li a fre eat la waialai. wit ft r
Z.M l-i '" an rf ekn"
J" J, WMr J'iB I a n4laJ f'
hail"'' rmamlaafater m ID aMla llnkei
I ara fnr Mti" careattna fne araiaaa be
jaaaiher "J-haewi ' ' ' Vri(a ' vaaa
.e pelliifal yer)ieit.
ITtis Hazel Pjrfo
h only girl In roprMt ft Wtrki
'iollg In n orior)el cotiteet thl year
will apeak for Hawing noil thl
vi nitig In lha prohibition oraiorl' l ortn"
teat at llollevu roll in. Ml IIukI
Car It 1 dcairlhed hy tha rtoar-h of ora
tory and rlehiila at Halny, rof II. I,,
Mi t'rai ken, a "lha heal orator to repre
annt flaatlng In any rnnleat thl year,"
llaetlna won llilrd In lh. ft ie
oratorli l rottleei held lt frlday yn
Ing at Crelghton, fiorrrg H'rwen w. th
rapt )nuty. ,
Weymoiif mnlth, tr orator and deha.ter,
Will repre-nt llellevue, Krnllh Won !
otid In lh. pea-a eonleat t fJrelghton,
loelng to Waldo Mhllllngloii of th fmiaha
ai hool, KniHh Inada th ti'Katlva di hat
leatd nd haa won three prle gt flolla
vii thl year. II won flrat plana In tha
tollega pea- nonleal, Iw.k flrat In th
eolleg prohlldtlon oonteet and w
rnrrihr of ttm negallv dehal teiim
whlnh won ; hy If vh tory In lh
nual Sutton dehata,
Karl A. Itvaratt of Orand Inland rol
leg haa won laurel In many ehti
It Ut tr dehatar and ha won flrat
plum bwo ue;alv year In th tt
oraloilral ronleat, In 1I4 In th ronteit
hald at Welnyn and In ll tn Ii rvm
tt hald at 1'ouo nolleg. Iloth time
ha won IMi. II did tiot partl'lpat" In
th ronteat thl year, hut will uphold the
folor of th llatdlat m hool In th pro
hibition rontnet I M yer.
Mt I'ark I tha only gtrl to ferr-
EsrlA Everci
Tha fir Want Ad,t Are tha flt final-
peaa floi.alcfa
tiffp tit th 4t'li'n t ttt rfoHtvii tmA
ft r . pt)ttt piitM til M(ft'M'trw r In tu pur
fiit ff 11 ft Hr" rf"4 ' I 0n$rrU0 , m mf .
Hf t4 (irl'ifr," h , ' t itt if I f(nf tut I
h l1 I tfttti hint i bun
Uf " hmr n ( ffiiffrM ' It ", I
nm 0ntt0Htt hum hrrf, ttt, iJiiit lmi tmt
j ffi f ttn f'nf 11 rk P'xt-tntttfit , l),ar )l flr
. )'fi pititrf tut ff'tft tf A t f.f
'ff'yagf ii N f' (( gf t"U f'aM ftrml'itt.
V '--fit trt t hf.i f ft II'- rtMffr y tf
It,' tot thptm tMn 11 ffi rff ) Af gif an 4
tmk fir,r fmrnt Mi tl f'r ff mittuf tttu'ii
I M't'ifftaWfl hum i pmitt fii M will rf
rH yi,t fff $H fr4 y'mMN I'M IgMf ill
Ml lMltl ) rl f-i &,1t ttuA HfUtHyf
41 t n,H y,i tffpnA a ttmk
I il Jart'HI H , Nt4ff tStl4
Secretary of State
r-rif a Nehraalt college on Ike nralnrl
enl ltforui thl y-ar, friily on girl In
fh tlo r'ollegea endajcd In or ti!orl"nl
eo;ilel lf year, Mia Ann M John
alori of (tallevil 10II1 ';, who Won aexritid
III Die alale oilorl'l ronfeef at li,ne
nd aerond In the iit f - i oiMtorl
rl ennleat al liellevun. Mix Jnlipalrili
ha hot e.riggd In ftiy 'onl' al thl yiar
fliMinar Kalhaalaalle,
Mdl floopar, who ha algned lo man
g tha 1 1irnbar!iirg llwae Hall r lub of
lh Ulna hid league thl winon, I
oihiiati' over lh pop'M of hi
ttft ftftd Wild Briar Out Ugly pot.
Mow to ateniuv HaUy,
lfr' rlmn'-e, Mlaa CWkla-faa, to
try ft yamady for freckle with th gnae
nla of ft rallahl dealer that It will not
roat you penny unlea It remove th
frwikl; whll If It doe glv you ft 1er
oornpleilon th tpeh I trifling.
aUmply get an oun'a of othlna-drmhl
triMt)t- from ny dnjughtt and fw
ppllmitlon hould hrnv yott bo y
It I to lid yourlf of th homely
frackle and get beautiful dornrHeilrm.
lUrely I mor than on on una needed for
th worat caa.
It ur to aak th drugg1t for th
doiihl triilh oihlne aa Oil I th pra
aerlntlon old undr guarantee) of money
hr:k If It full lo remove fr';kl.-Ad-vartlae
Curlcy ulJot Hujhei
Ddtgat aUvuhlloaa Watlonal Cow
vtatlon, Maooad Slatrtot.
Dr x William F. Gurley
mi il
Early Horncntcadcr in North Nebraska. Two Tcraii
in the Legislature from Doula County, Eleven yean
District Judge, Truuke Bcllevue (Prenbyterian) Col
lege, In Jij'..king fight for the Prohibition Amendment g
AMI T .. . . . Vt A...WMa.M H
I'.intin uni l llif ,clii-iilm ,tm.MnlNin liiatitf,
l iiilmairl hy lit. Atill-HrilfMin liiguo of OimkIim,
Kiidnrafil ly lleijinlilltiin 1ulr tif l'nlyM'llf I1r) Olntirtdll
(MlfHri Tohii), Afrrll II,
I mlniafil ly fdirfik i'Atf lreihtl, April it.
,uir-A lf tbn (rlilevrn lf ;iimli.
Fiiflorai'il hy lli W, V. T, I', tit Oiunfj',
I iKlmaeKl hy ilm OfflilaJ Ibianl ol I Urn I1it MMlillt l&urtli,
ml I ulteraitjr lime, Maili Id.
I mluraed by die- M-lli'i4lt IVmi' lit-ra' I "nlm, f Oinli, Mt. 4,
Inilniaeil hy 1 1 11 ln ttf Mymoiilh VtiKirMtlrtial (litirth, t
l.liuriln, 4rll II.
I 111I01 M il tif llie- Hints liufitlel Itonnl, at Mtf oltt, A Ji ll ii.
I.IHliilaerl hy llif I nlft',1 Kmiigfllt l (liurtli, nt Mnmlfi, Mfh. ftl,
Dinlol arl ,y ti I nltr rl llirlhrrn I'liUlt it, At thnalia, Mrrh 2".
;nl'i l hy llift (Vmi(reaflitiiil l iilon, hi tfrnnUm, Mrli 23,
Iviirfnyat-il hy hallne-l lllinr.rn (Vi., MlnlaUilal Aan,, A(rrtl If-
1 m . i.nilldat for th lUpuhlPan
nomination of ratar r of Hlala, llav
lwva been a llepitlillran. A lit 41 year
old and eperlnr:d In offli affair and
rapathia) of giving good rvlo, I hav
been ft rlr1ot of betrreaka fur jt year a,
on of a flvll wr vaieien arid myelf
a-rved with th Mrl Nhr lo th
rblllptdtie, Wa aherlff of Tlt.yar
ounl r four year end In rharg of the
l,lnln offln ag Iirputy r, M.rahaJ
under Win. V Warner. I will pw.
nlata your witpport.
ii Yole for Any Oilier Dry Candidate Is Halt a Vote for the Wet Candidate
Dry Republicans Vote Solid for Sutton or
a Wet Candidate Will Win
9 vftt0Vf0r
f- j
)':' "
W "
W t
L "
Sa, 4:
John B. Barnes
CancUclnto For
Justice of the
Supreme Court
lit I a n.r.til e, nf in Nnni a.m
m fur ii t-l il itin t
lii at ft a I, a bii aal'ai. . ' t ..i. t
li ha a I 1 H it I 1 lata I
Ii'iiii i' .I i ( I i la oli htm
Ouity ul Mushet
llal niliH-a RaUeaal Caa.
a l tun, uv4 alalivt
jx) Willbm F, Gurley
Vote at the Republican Primaries for
(Member American Society Civil Engineers)
One of the Directors
Metropolitan Water District
Twenty years experience in construction, maintenance
and operation of municipal utilities.
Fint 1 f olfM-fpil, l will I'onViilr-r I hut lho
Water "Work belongs to the people wl tn ln
run in thfir bclinll',
Second 1 will respectful mul courte
ous itttf'iitinu ti nil ftimpliiiiits mul I'Vt-ry wutur
ruiiiuiiHr will lti tronttM. with I'uinifHH uinl with
tin Miimi t'(iiiiili'i'iitinn llmt n hiii'hl'u iner
t'hiiiit Ktvo n did 'Ut ith i,
Thlrd-I will tint my tfl'tirt fur tint lowout
rate that nmiliiitm justify, innli-inl nf I'llinn; uj
unncot'sniary surphu.
Fourth 1 fiivnp th Immediate reduction of
water rate fur onnatnirtinii tu jnihi'. I enn
Kin no jtixtii-! In thu pri'M iit milt vOiii h rJnirjit'
nvt'i' fJ.tMi jn-i' tliiiiii(in (rntluii fur witter uti
ill tllO tVIistl'lh-tiull tif luillh, liUnilH'f.4 IdiH'l,
nn. I itiipnivniii'iit,.
Fifth I fnxnr tin payment of waei to em
ployr nt hast tnuiil tu tlti'm- jmlil in i-iivuti'
hueinrM Htnl will rtUll'u t'Vfiy 1 itiitisp tu (it.
tt'iul utiii-tlv tn tint iHiii.fl nf lh Wiitor
SutH I nt nHjHin-tl tti h IHh'i'tiM'ti nf tin
Water Hoard, nn well n the employe of th
Water Wnrku, tlevotitix their tinm to politic
or any other busineus except for which thy
are employed.
Seventh 1 favor the plan tn aieM tint eot
nf water main ettenMions now made or to be
made tn the ahuttinjr prnptTty, tlm name a ha
Ih-i n dune. 111 tint innt, hut when th water rentl
Irntn eniiiii'i'tinim nunlii to thin jHirtioi, of tli
water main eitennlnn pay i! ptr rent tipon thu
cnut nf the psttnini, an nmde, then thu total
roM or aiM'-inent without Interent will lm r
funded to the property ownen, I !,. not favor
tin. pnnlii't' nf plafinif utirtii-'nahlr huriltni
npnii tln ImiMfri of our t My, Thi i nuhMan.
liallv tin- plan ndoptrd hy tlm (ify nf ndem-n,
Kighth -lf thf eniutnntinii an, operation
of the Muninlral Lighting pUnt U plmN d in thu
hand nf tht Wntt'f Unartl, 1 wnnhl ive thein
tln Ifin fit nf my teehiiieal tritiiunM' and twenty
ytu' t xh rii'int! in rnindnn'linn, maintenan'vt
and nH latimi tf Municipal utilitir,
Ninth-1 favor nieteri vit furnUhfi! mid
intnl!-d At cot,
Emit A. Erlcson
itrtigtit 4i
row nir.usiNMiivc
If you favor my platform vole for me and have your friends do likewise,
aira1-! vnimMif