Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1916, Image 1

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    a Daily Bee
Call Tylor 1000
If loti Wan to Tit Ik to The) lice
r to A n von.- nnticclcil
Will. Tin- !!..
vol alv so.
Ob Train, it Hotel
Miwi atanrti, aie, to
Communication Regarding; Suiiex
and Other Steamer Arrivei at
State Department and ii
AffitaviU from London ard Parii
Are Expected on SteaniBhip
St. Paul.
WAHIINUTON, l. (' April 13. -'ilu
Herman note on tho Humhcx and
(drier aubriiarlna cm hp ha been re
ceived at this Wato department and
waa being decoded today. II. will
probably be) laid beforo Prealdcnt
Wllaon anU riecrnliiry Lanlnj; before
)i I Kht
Thn affidavit.- from 1'arlaand Lon -
ilon, expected today on tho liner 81..
' I'fuil, will be conaldored In ronnec- j
lion with thr Herman note and the t
"Information" tegardinii attacki on
Merchant vranela kIihd tha 1iiMll.unla
(lingular In expected to Im completed
In lin to fco to Merlin within tho
Wlilln lli MiHi" jilmm nf the. ailiiiliila
trillion r not hi-liia illu'lnu'd It In n
ili'iniooil Dint fioililfiK Ii-iiK Dian numi pun
lil' c i fill-licit of Hi irriKtiy'a iiumi fnlih
in ( i!flll ill" iinmii iimi a II, luia nlvii llifl
I'lilifd Htiilrn, mii'li u, ioll,!y, anlniliiii
ilfil i"inl iliiii' nl of tlm miliiiinrlim i;om
iiiiii l' r Mho k H in ki'l llif Hiidai'X, vim
H'wr, ill t In- uli'iiiilmi l.i'ltW'i'ii tlm Iwo
lOUMllli i- fl'.lll rollllllK to Hik i nliloh
iJIploniiiiM ) m v - aliiiKKlci for tlip liml
; i'i a void.
In Hi iv of Ihi' i mil IhkIvii iindiri! of tlm
liifni million on UK, Hunni' iilii'ioly ln-foia
Dhj Mllllo (. illlllli III offl' lula IIIIIIIOl l"!
how fl' i ninny nui i;ohIimi In rtriiy rn
(iMiallii.'liy for iit U'uli'ocllon of thu
'I'll aiKtii'llon of Hililtfiiliori III Hip
ijirnmii iiolc tim iiii'l wlili tlm aiiili.uiii'nt
flint Oik AiiMrlimii govi'inmi'iit would not
i.iliiiniti ,i liivoWIng Arnai'kiin
I 'lii'i f il (-kHitiiiutllmi of Hie OTinaii nole
l''d offl'-lnln to i'omluil tlml Din i-aa" of
Ilin I'liiud Ktiilm luiil liM'ii jmili'tlBlly
ntftiiiKilii'iH'd, 'I'lii! ainilliiiliy bftWM'ii Hid
. li ii riicl ii Ki'f min oiiinlliia Dm iiltnrk oil
n, aii'iniii'r In Hi'' 1. 1 u 1 1 1' 1 1 (liiitinel ad-iiiUl'-d
III Dif liiiniltii iioto, and tlioar
nrf oiuiditiK flw kiw niMi', rauni'd offl-
rl;il lo fn l Dirr no Iouk'T la any (JoulH
tl.fii Ihn uinl wna Dm Hnaa'I.
Burlington Freight
Wrecked at Edison;
One Man Badly Hurt,;:1
WVOOK. Nf , apiH 13. -'Ph'rlnl Talfi-I
KIIIIT1.I- ..i..r....o.i ,., r.r., r-
riouiia, run lino r. wio ih-'i hui iuiuum mm ;
and a half tnilan "' of lllnon thla
mornliiK t h,ia n'i;lofk. rirftnnn Jicim'
lliii't of Mcf'nrik waa vpry ai rloimly In-i
l Ills I'ft IniiK wna puni:lili''d and'
lili! hft rg hiidly ri'iiahnd. Tan cilia of j
t flu u rid tiif'ii Im mliii and Hie e nulna
tank wt'tit ltd' Dib hoCa, rniisht fire and
fiia ('oiinijin''d. N'ino i ma In tha taar,
mif Iho tvti?iln'd and plk'd tip badly.
Tiiiffli' wna (Inlayad Hlnnit twHve hoiira. !
'I'lif f iitjlnafr and haixl brukaniim aariipcil !
Ii , ii y. A Kpai'lnl trnln hroimht r Iranian
lii-a', to Mii'oi.k. Ilia I'mdltlon la very
mi rhni I.
Great Britain Will
Pay for American
Cargoes of Meats
I.H.Mii'N, April P. - i 'hiiinllnr I' Anilar
".ii,, fo nii'iiy riiuiiMilnr oftn tin- Htnlo
, I, ii I mi nl n! v iirliliiuton iiimI non Ih,-
,t,l.i!w. ,,f tlia riiii'liliu 1 1 If -it t inrk
i ., in the il.e loltit i ii.i I"', 1 1 1 I v 1 1 1
i iiBiii: Mlllhil lit il'llfll $.'.,i'li,l"l mill
j .Aim itii ,il tiniU;!il
1,14 1.1 uilh Ho' Mi . ! lit, It'
liii't-, i,;i'ie,l non mill Dh
I..- fiiUl mil' t til not low
th.ll ll tllr-
, I'liini nl hii'l
nnni' svoul'l
The Weather
,i nt'
, i H i I H ,
,n. .1 d-d. II
, I ,-.,i i .1
, l in i
ralarila t .
I a Hi i- rn f il ri-a nl llion'tit
, .1
Ii ,t
ti ,
I inttiM rat 1 1 e
I to a I Mi
tti d .
... I
Ml (.una lli'lit
Senator Open Campaign at Hast- j
ing by Replying to Attack ,
of the Great Commoner.
HAHTINt.K, Neb., April Kl, -8po,-j
(llll.) HeliHtnl' IIID'hcoek. Iipkkh III
primary epeerh making, tour here till
evchltiK, mInIiik imiht 4) T lila u t -n 1 1 it
to tlx attack iiiikIh on him by VV. J.
In defending; IHniM'ir Hsiilnst the.
Hryiui rrlt.lrlain, Mr, Hitchcock dald;
"A primary elitcitiin i U-r 'ho moat part
a pcrmnml eohtcid, between Individual of
tlm aiinio putty, rivala rir tin mini' of
fb e, .S'l'H'l -thatch Ihl colitcl lice I lull
Imi iiareaeftrlly (11 .iigret iihli or hitler. Ii
ought to he n i rl'T'l im III (l good mil i red
It OUght lU't ll) I'D mailed l,y hllth
j "","n':i"" "r l,l,"'r ""l
! It li"iiM In' like ft ilumcatb: dlffeieip-e In
'" ,",,'"' - .. -n.t-.
I r-f-..ii' i n t ion.
1 Mill III IflMI H III)' I'll"! OF WIIBl A
primary campaign ahnuld In-. I believe
Hint 1 w t Ki t 11,1m piliiinry c,niip.lgn
ghOUld lit). It I W III! t II WOllbl I"' WI'I'O I
It not for Dm fni't Unit Mr. Willlnm J.
id) mm liirlniit In lot i xl in -1 1 1 it into H Di
i Mill mi thiil la In hi aoiil imd tin
j (w ruoiiiil liHtri'da in wlilrh lila HiohkIiU
nui iioiirlnlnd. Tlila la uiifoilniiali- for
Dm party and It Ik unfortiiiiuiH for Mr.
I'.rynii. Jlla ii' i'itoniil ill liu Kn iiion mil
illdnli'M wliom lir oiioMa arn a n i
Iiik. ao liltor and no ulri'inw Dun (loy
') ll imoli'iia for lilm In llio 'i" tloii
to iiioil Din cHiidldulea that wtH proli
uldy 1 1 noiiniiiitr'l,
"Any nui ii IihvIiik Di' i i i !-.( of li'n
puny nt liinrl will ilo noll.liu in n I'll
limy wl'li'li will liijiim Hi'' cliiiiii''' of
,ily iini'i'i-a In llifl 4'1'i'llon. I H'tir't
to any that Mr. lirjiiu arfiiin to do d'
l,i mini i In Hilt iimipnlMii l'i do I'Vi'iy
think' " iti.olili- llnoiiifli l 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 of
apci'i'li mid t I I'l-ali'H, liu m of u ruantin
lo Initmli' Ih'' I'liuii' ia of Hi' c ue In lii i
i'li)"tloii, I ciuiliot ii "in: Dm coln-'l i'ilon
Hint. I Ihn la lila pnrpi'S
"JliUna luiil iiltiii'hi'd t,y Mr Htyiui
In Ida api'i'i'lii-a all omt i liriiilui ll .i
prop'T Dint I alioiild drrlly I'liiniiniit
upon IhoHi' iiliiikn. I iiiIkH' riilnrt lif
altnrkliiK Mr. Drjan It v polntlnit out
wlniL i ti'Kind the wiik ipnia In hi
riirrcr hut I ahull not do ao. II will bu
anoiiKh to vllnlli'litc l I f.
Ilrinii Sni Wnitt a Int.
"Mr. Itrynn diitrwn In tins (lint plnn
that I am a ripriiiiitHtlv! of Dm Ihiuo.
liit' ii BlH ' of ""X'Tiriiaka, Iiii. m lit
i thla imiitini lion lif im nlloiia th.- hn wi ri
nnd tlm auloonkeapara. It in not poa
l liln tlml. Dm he li' llrvaa thla in la Din
fait. WiiiiI, Mr. Kiynn r'ally nianna in
tlml Im In (or prohihliioit and that I urn
opliou'd to It, Mr. Hoan hohla, however,
that II la onlt'i iiomlhic for ii iimii lo Im
ptioaad to prohlhltlon Hllhoiit belim Dm
pr itenliHIve or tool tool alilier of brim.
or anlooiiU'i'i''ia or any nih"r l!,iior
llitaraul.i, lie hnnwa thla perfaclly wall.
,,,.,,, fllf ,,e ltt,,y 1,R. J r
hlnnalf turn opoaad to prohibition In Na
bnii'kii. Ila voted NKnIiiat It. Ifa ipokfi
iiKiilnal It. Ilo wrota. HKalnnt It.
IMii'lnu all that parloil pa imd I war
In aHi:t ai'ioid on tlm l!iimr iiuaailon,
Wk IioiIj ihniitfht and wa botn auld that:
reiiibition wna hattar thuii prohibition.!
Tin) pnalllon I bald than la tlm ponltloti
I bold now. If I am now tint raprt-Manla-j
tlva of th drawer mid aalooiikaiira
and tha olbar l,wnr Intiraata. Mr, l'.rynn
na for twenty yama, Vet no ons will!
t liilin that to Im Dm ca. No onn ao fun
aa t know aver did claim It to ha Dip'
rnaa, lor twanly jama or moie .Mr.
Hryan ninl I bald axiu tly Dm aitma oiiln-1
Ion. I'lnally ha rhiinxed. I niliiht nay,
that be eliHUKed '(iilte ra'anfly. I do not
know cxai tly when and 1 do not know :
oxnetly why. hut I know It. waa aome
tlino after IW, heranan In fht jeHr
while h amvlkbile for preMilont he re
newail the expreealon of hla fiilth In
raniihiihni ilM, H i,,i,m, ( r,r,,hil,j
Don. "Mr. I ti ii n allui'ka nia nlan wit.i ihe
(aba elmrna that I am n reai-ihinary in
poliiii-M, slihniiKi, , K,,,,,,, , ,11(,
Mi..,.rle, in my new m,,,,,,.,. ,) m ,.
l:!'-"" all Dm pronrelve belHlii t
"V "' alei'th-n of M'liNtora . v the
'" "I''", "'a Ineoiiie x, ihn po miv.
liiiiH dank, Dm inlliativ B,i raf,.Pen,p !
all elaiiho, ,efi, ,,, ,,.(,, n
'onisiaim Hlid In Neluueka,
iiiiiiiM.nrr Let M Irra
ii hi vhi) mm, I,,.
Ine itn no 4.t..,.i..,
" ' " " "i i iikiiii and hi
,.t i..... .
'.''I'lo. mniMiifcit Ihe f,.-t rm Hhf aipp,.r,,
iriiMnn ineas'ire wl'h,,i,t
la Dial 1 have
ateiy admlnla
Itepili'H 1 1 1 1
l'i I .11 4 .
O'.IM'tl lii ain. iHlinb
in. . in .. ,,r, tllI.
h.i Imi ii
. I'l l. ,,f ll1(., B l,.ll
"' -' Mile fur , ,,, i,,..
.Mum il,, ,aV, aM
id my Nl,-tiii,it
' a d ii,,.,, .ii,,
da an nt i ,, lii, j
'a. I'lxoi Ihe ,,,
i - i I mi h I,
li t I i
"'I'l'i'il 'ii
' theie I- I,.,,.
t.i Mi Hi i, a t.i
HO I It I , W I'tl til I
t'tf , h4i.,tiaP
dm t.f .ti, , r f:.p a
d-r a-iitl.T In tie
ant l,.it ii
I on, r t 1 1 l .,
I it 1.- 11, It:
"r limn
lp.4 t,
v i-iiinr
1 1 ID
t Ml In,,,,,
" "' t - d I '.I
1 i an, Ii. I tl f, t
!'ini:u,-i., ,,,,
loti ml i , , i , ,
- lo h- i i. I ,i ,.
It I , . ii. at,
if-tl , ... I, ,, i
If I
M ,ti.
l. .III
It I. (.1
dial .
I ...
1 .
a a
a t ! ,!
I a
I ,i i
i i t..,i
Ll.t;.i ,t. ,
Long Note.
.a Say
America.,,0' ..on Crowd
the .itier Without
Proposition for Protocol for Reci
procal Action Referred to Fu
ture Raids Only.
j VVAHIU.ViTON, ll, t',, April U.
I tii'iii'iitl ('iirran.a'a notn propoalng
i wltlidniwiil of Anif t'l'iiii troopa from
; .Vt'xlcn wh tli'llnTi'd to Kfcrrtiirjr
I f.'ttiHliiK by Khali) Airi'dondo, his iiii-
1,'iHHinlor, I h In afiarnoon,
! (ii-ncriil CririHit.n's prnpimal for
the wltlnlruwul of Antfrlntn troops
I from Mpulro failed to bring from
I Bilmlnlatrutlon aonrri's today any In
jdirallonH Hint the troopa would be
withdrawn Immodlulely or that the
Kltilitllon whs I'Xperti'd to leaiilt In
i Kiiy Herlotis ftii'tloti with tlm d
fui'to government In Mexico.
lonurraa Mill Keep Onl.
Tlm (lavelopnienl, not utiaipei'ted, was
raai'lvail In rotiaraea with dlverKant vlwa,
hot a Kenernl nndaitorm of ranllon and a
dlHiaialtlon to leaya tlm all nation In Ila
pienent atia'i to Dm admlnlatrttllon pre
viih'd, AilfnlnlMriilon offlelala, howavar, made
no effort to ennaial tlielp feaiitig that
'iirrin,a'a artlon Inlahl Inereaan Dm do
lleai y of Die rlii'iiinnliini'"a under whlah
tlm jinrault of Villa bun been condui'lail.
Tlm oiilniitiiillnu fiaturea of Ilia altna
Itloli 1,'lvn ei hh in'i linit tha axpeilllhill
'ha a been I'm iled on with a full riltz
tloiia that olijeriiniia inltih rln. that
, poldllllea biivii been efinaidarad and
'probably a riarlalon baa been reached
a lo what ateia would da taken.
I haae Mill lie I'uatieil.
In offuliil rpiarfera It waa atnfait (hat
i tha Amerb an troopa will not be with
drawn at Dita time at leaat, and that
while Dm 'inetiOnn la being rtlai iiaeed with
(1'hanil rarraima Dm ptiranit of tha Villa
bandlta will tA rnahad with renewed
riei reiiiry linker naid ha waa iinabla to
comment upon flnneral Carratiia'a not
beeanaa If ruined (iiieatlmm of admlnla-
f rat ton polley entirely within tha Jnria
dletlon of the piealdi'tit and tha Htata da
d 1 1 maul,
Althouh Uaneral farranxa rained alda
taane, DilmlnlHi ration offlelals at thalr
flrrt view of Die eomrnunb'atbin nirardad
the prlneliial contniillon aa hen that tha
oblact of the pimlHva eiedltlon baa been
accompllabed nn far aa It can he, arid
that tha Villa lunula have b"n dlaperaed.
War departinent offlrlala take thn view
Hint they Jmve no evident- (hat tha
Villa bandlta hnvn been dlaperaed, be
ranaa thty never liad rteflnlla Infortna
tloll of their miinher and that tha Very
nature of Die altuailon iflvea no evidence
(hut tlm rabb'ia have been extermin
ated. Not lee of a rprlae.
Boinn Stnte rt"iarn'.ent, offlclala con-
faaand the Clanariil ('Hrriin.a iiota was not
a surpriae. ('oiinaellor 1'olk eonflnnnd
tha atatenient In a note, and when b
naked for nie of the Mexican rallwaya
((.'ontlmied on Vug four, Column Four)
Britons Seize Bonds
Worth Ten Millions
l,OMinN, April 1.1. -Mr Ddwiird 'Iray,
tlm Hrlllxh foreign act ret 'try, replying to
a ipiertlnn In Dm llonee of t'ommona ti
day, t rinrirmetl Dm atnlment puhlbthad
luet month that the viilne of the aaaurl
tle intei-eepted by the Hrltlali author!
Dae in tha letter poet betwean Holland
imd Hie fulled Htatt-a wna t'tMiiM)
aterlliiif. I'ritlenl,", ha iiihdd, had b'eii
nwnle by 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 .i i i-o'in' lien ami tllafiia
.lull with III. Ill Willi ploii idlllM
Bit l.tlw.ild dill'l Die ir
I film Die h Iter piHl belwi I
Din I riitnl t-l itea were
It'ltle taken
III Iflilltlll't Hll'f
,.eUed mi Dm
i Ii i hi in 'O iiim.
ui'onnd that tiny ueia oi
They wnulil be ibult with In Dm pi'
i -inn I. In Dm euiiie witv ii a would other
i.'llniin (xpnrta
Lorinier Begins to
Tell Story of Life
t' ,
' l! t
I I. lint
I ,ort titer.
f . 'f tti r
lor. ii
I a n
tieett el, 1,11 bl'ie petprat
w ,',-H 1 1 ' ti . a nt Un a f runt ilia fid'iie
t.f Dm l a aiie 't ii met N4 iiia fmi.a. ,
t in I -.1. It,, plalnl III l l ,'iMt dal.air
Mi. ati', a p' i. it 1 1 -1, wild
n I' lfv aexttal cot, It tlaia
M lh tuna of lila ieta:i,nj fmni Dia1
t ' m t e 1 Hlati-a iia Mr laolinar d!!t
rttwl an In p il mr I td freaa e I la .lit
rat taiear and Ii waa that rtue 1, f- Ihi
oul.t t' pra'a-l tu I'". ,lt j
Several Provinces
Of Portugal Kevolt1
i j'.
a, 1 1 , 1 li.t
ni't It
la t
, ( II,
7A itZititi fWiimiir nt
thf nii' hllttl fm lit f
It rf ue tt irif fiit hi
0 flimta-HM tl llfti
ufpr4't in Ihn ntiia
ti 1 h Iff. Voter, m
It til to ifu.t It 11 fltfYttruf
vf Ih tlUn,
U. S. MULE TRAIN WITH SUPPLIES - The refusal of the Carranza Rovernment to
allow the United States to use the Mexican railroads for sending Hupplicu to General Pcrsh
ing's expedition has greatly hampered the commissary department. Supplies now are be
ing transported by mule trains and automobile trucks, and the r-oldicn arc said to be sorely
in need of many necessities,
- ' ' '-
f,J irti-- J"m ' JJ 1 t , h t e r V ,
U S.MUIZ. hurt Lt
Four Men Implicated in ConspirHry
to Fire Ships at Sea Aic
Arrested in New York.
NKW VOHK, April 13. - Ib tm Uvea
who yeatcrdiiy urieated four Hcr
l iMtiH, I'll h rn i with pIih Iiik biuiibft !
ou lib I pa lariylnn war niiinltlona lo
tho eutcnto itlllca, toduy NoiiKht evl- j
doncei Involving "a well known (Jar-
I ' t u n " who la allfgcil to Imvi. anppllml
a 110,000 fund to finance; t ho fitn
l'Otnb fonsplriicy. Thay aotight nlao
tho arroat of thn iliomlut who did
thn clifintlcal work In tb iniiniifui'
tnrfl jf tho bomba, Thn riuin of
neither of thi'HH imn Iihh yet hfati
revnaled by th police,
Kour employea of Dm Hamburg- Amarl
can lln and Norlh llet-miiti l.loyd Hieam
alilp ronipanlea bare are under arreat
charged wlfh attempted aiaoti either In
making hoinha or taking part In the
l'otir Slett irrealrjl,
Thev aia Kriieat lleiker, f'aplaln
t'barlea Von Klelal, Captain into Wol
part, and Captain Knno itode, aupailn
tendent of the llamlniia Aniethan Una
plara In Itoboken.
I'raparatlona ware madn lo nrralgn
thain In a lirooklyn i nurl rodny to anawer
tha apectflo ebarga of plaulng laitnba In
(Contlnuad on Tag Two, Coluinn Una.)
Villa Is Believed to
Beat Urbina Ranch,
In State of Durango
TOnrtPXiN'. .Mexico, Apill l:.-l'lu U
f'aao Jwiii'tloii, April l.l. i - I'liiin litrii Ilia
la believed Imie to tat inai' or at the
I'rhlinia ranch, at i .n,l, ie vn , aoulh of
Ttoaarln in Dm atala of IiiiiiiIiko ll a
raimrlad that lie la blading down tie'
Naiaa river In Dm iIIi imIIoii nf the i 'mi
treiaa and fenl, atoa bandlta
lietwaen t aa Mavaa and ln,ln there am
lera numhi r of hoi f nnd mnb a w lib h
were tuinad out wlii u the llhalit nnr
rlaon at lnd aurn ndei a,l It h mi:
! poaad that Villa Inlenda t,, inplura aa
many of tlman na ,.hl,. imd , a 1 1 1 , x .
i tlmm In bia illuhl
! Ilia trail lutt'ii ilK ,,' , i,,i,,a Die
:Naa rler valley, a a the mils wi, r in
Ihe emintrv i,,w M rthmi. the ih,',
ll la r.'lau ted Dlill I t , 1 1 aiillilulill mil
III Ini a" ipntlllttha luit be, -ll kwlli.' I,i
j ttard to the I 'iiiitiar.ia f,,iit the miiih In
i mule park In Die lati (..or dm a, Hnemh,
j thi-an ahlpnianla are aaht to lime e i,, ,
j Ilia fan N'lrvaa ram h, fnrnierlt own,. I
i-y a ll let, geimrai, i"iuu I i l.iiet, la mip
p,.a.'d tn l Dm Initial p'a. a of tit It h,t-gaDiara-l
tiy l'rl'lna In 1,U tail, mi tain
pattrna. and t.f
W ban Villa I..
h tiitik t,M f,tt,i,,.i
'If',, i,-i Wil l i ,
' artt of 1 1,., i,,,,'
1'ila ,1 Pi, In, g p
WeUll'Ifl 111 Hia b
ui"l i"arl I'ai i
tew it tit I, ' it
'li''l I table ill Ina and
I " .. i I
I . li..
. I.,
it t
Aieerii'aii t r
day a--t Die I
tt.,rt.i ta ! u
an I linle f ri
l l'i
i 1'. tin ht, ,
i,Dl ,.f II,,
) ,,,. Ii ,
McGrcw Makes His Position Plain;
Will Support the Party Nominee
1 ,1 I
1 1, 1 11 ,
I ,1,
1 11
I In
'i V
Hot Tallow Causes
Explosion in Old
Whisky Barrel
AI.KNTIM':, Nad., A pi (I III iHpa"liil I
-While, Mr, Hnniphiay, a dot' tier, wita
p.olliK hot liillow lino mi old wblnky
burial Wadiiindny Bfteiiiooii It a, baled,
lh huh., of the expbialon dalng liaitrd
fm di iailtl bloi kit, A plea of Ilia lililtel
bit Mr, Humphrey In the left cheek, In
fln ilim il teiy piiliifnl woiiml, but conald
erlng Die Dim a, of tha eiploeloli b" waa
vary fiirtiinmii In aaeiipUig aa eiiHlly aa j
hit did. Ho la employed by Dm Toblen !
Hr i, of Dila phi
Rate Board Suspends
Live Stock Tariffs
Ktata I'ololnari'a
panded until Aug
of Dm CIiI'iiko I
April l'i Tb" Inter
'ummli'aloii toituy ana
,nt III piopoaed litrlffa
iieitt Wei'ii'in railroad
wbbh Would pfin ll' ally libelled Dm prca
ant method of weighing live Mock lit j
Hoiith Omaha, Kimig I'ltv, HI 1'nui and1
Xanana City, to d.-lennliiM the weight
upon which Dm mud la to colli t;l charge, j
Tha propoaed tariff clutngea Dm word
ing of Did tariff now in effect, but ga.
cording l'i Aailnlnnt Oinriiil freight
Agent Jia'troodt, doaa pot propoan any
chanr In lb" chnrgee, I 'nilar Dm pr.n
ant tariff, tiitile In carload lota m
tra' k a. ad d and Dm Imof attlllng weight
la flaurad on Dm allowance for fill. It
i..i..- i4 t. i..,,. n.. i i..., .
,,.. ... ,,. , ..
v. ,. ...... .... ... ..' ., .
cata over twelve bouia. On boga. the
prenant. tailff provldi a for all allowance
of But pouiirta for fill on aingia nnd
poiiinla ui duiililn tp t-k rai',
Henry Morgenthau
Probably Will Not
Return to Turkey
W AHHIMiTYiN. April 1,1-llaniy itlor
gent ha u, Anierli an amdaaandor lo Tur
key, audi after a conference wllh I'reab
deni W'llaon that ha waa conalderliig '
aignlng lila poet, h it that Im had not had
opportunity to dlacuaa the ipieatlon with
Dm pi'eeldent nnd, tberefoia, una not
carlaln bo would return to Coiiatanti.
British Bark Sunk
By German Subsea
I.ii.Mm.N, April IH . 'the llrlilah balk
I ii i el I t on haa liaan ,-iinU In it eubnin 1 1,.,
iti-ii, nllng to a report raeeltetl t.v i,lo,
ttietiieern "r I ue ele. Win
i mil.
The llil ti 1 1 i,n waa a t-ei,;,.'l ,,f v
I a II h, '., i !,, p,i
: '"Hd'n Tlm .Imi h ,,,tl., If, ,lo I't.rl.
"" . ''"'I', mbt i ;, f, Mavm ,.r
lI'Mile,,.,, .-....( ?,, l.,, ,,.,,, ,
log H Ml. ,t. I ., , i ;(
Mooni RejectiMl Upon
Senators' Request
Inai, ,i
i- If t I In
t"f I. I,
r.M.k. i i
.OUIiitll"U t.f
I 1 1-
It ll,
' I I
I t
Bik Denver and St, Louis Firm, Con
trolled by Ben Franklin, to Be
Ebtablished Here,
Tint advaalaan uf Omaha a a pros
pciiiy icnli'i' liitn been rt'coKnlcd by
ri'iijiimln I-Tit n U 1 in, wealthy Ht,
l.iutla and In'nter horao and niulo
I.roki'f, and within it fortnight ho
will muvp all of hla Intercut hern.
Mr, Kraitklln, accompanied by III
v'lfo and two children, arrived In
Omaha Wcdniailiiy and announced
will makn lil a pcrmanoin homa
"I wouldn't tnidn the. area tif coiin
try wtlhln a mdlUH of twenty-flv
mllcK of Omaha, for all tho rent nf
tlm t'nltcrl Htntoa, whea It eomcH to
jiit-ltlng a spot ti carry on big bual
liona," he. declared.
Will l.aliiblUll Ilia Otflee.
Ila Inlaiiila to iftladllab an office lit
tlm Koiitli Kiilti and another In Council
jllluffii, with it big iil on the other alibi
i of Ihn river to keep ette k III
i Thn Kianklln liilen Hit In Omaha and
'council Itluffa will offer employment to
I ponalbly a, hundiad man
huiidi ad
! It, n Kriiiiklln la one of the heat
Iniiat men In the country. 1I Im houglit
land aold morn bureau and mulea during
! Ihn piea. iit war, for war consumption,
than nearly all of Dm other lioraa and
i tuuln buy i ra in Dm want.
IHgT War Order.
Only utt-ciitly be flnlahed mil linn dol
lar vvai' borne, oiclrr, Hlilpplng tha atonk
from Denver. Ilo baa u.lcd aa agent
for the guiei nui, nia of iit itrly all of
thn w.tirliiK fii' lhina,
("rn ii k I i 1 1 Ih vt'ty well Known In Omaha,
not onlv lieciuiac of hla prominence on
I thn lioiae iiimk.-ta, hut for hla charitable
'nature nnd bin ramiiikahln enibu'laatn
In aportlm; nffiilia
At ClirlMtiniia lime he turned a large
I amount of money over to ent eral local
chailtica and told llmm It wna from "g
fi I, 'lid."
(in tho Hie b' r-i 'oiinolly wraatltng
match tu Die Uluffa anion tin, a ago, ha
j wagered a large aurn of inuin y againat
f Im I nidge giant'a aclafoia, and after he
dial In. b'liud the laiina of Htct'lmr'a
ailtnlit'i it. lie Ima iiincn won miotbar
t',i I una lit 1 1 Inn on Hi, i her.
Congress Adjourns
Ml KNuel A I It KM April 1.1 The Tail
Viui'ibau i iuig'i a , leartt Mm acitalona
lint l.igbl II nppimed Die prolecta for
Ihe pi ,, .' t pin id Workmen and fur Dim
i mi h I ' I let) ii ii I In lh I lilted Slntaa of
p, i man, nl e hi I , i lona of H,niti .Vnn'i'I
ill pled'Hla ninl In aeilll A merit of
i ,i ihn i.
1 1 a . i
.... f...
..f i
lilted Mate
i. Hi u, I t
tit I, a' ,
il I,, Ih- tt
Ihe . il II .1
It if. .11
la, I ,.f nni
I r h ii ., i 4
"in, ui
an t.f
ti ,f
' d
piad i;
Mi.- t-l.t,
. l , l,.l,
I ,1 il a
I 1 I I ' I -4
ll,.' l
'. ,,f li.r
ii .
lata tt
r it,
t ll I
, . , t,. ,
I I.I.,.
I ,!
t h
De Faeto Troops Fail to Check Mob
of Civilian Which Fires on
Perhing;'i Soldiers En
tering City.
t "Many Deaths Occur," Says State,
i went of Chief, Which Adviaes
Soldiers Leave Land.
WAHIIINOTON, April l;i, flecre
tuiy Halter and Sei relnry ,anainK
; have letelti'd niitblng on the flKbl, at
i 1'niriil excepl theeMvli'ini dlupatchfa
which ihe einbiiHH)' forwarded to the
fttale tlcpiirtnieiit imd a monger dla
, patch from (ieneritl Kiinninii tcllitiK
of hla report from Coiiatil Letcher
that there hud been "trouble." Thn
1 War and Hlale departmenta will
; miike inventlgjitiotiH of their own to
determine the extent of the t nnh and
the ilrrnmatiincea under which th
! trnopH entered thai low n,
' W AMIIIMITON', April dl -Tlm flrat
loaa of Ameiltait Uvea In I h Amerlfan
tiuulllte aaptdlllon In .Mealiti oecurietl
In Iba firing on Ilia Amerban Donpa at
I'lil'inl. Dffldal adidaa laialntl bate to
day eay tlml .Mculnin clvlllana filed Into
thn Iroopn, killing mm American and
. wounding nnoiher. Tlm troopa replied
I killing many, ( arinuii troopa did not
fire on the Anieiliana, but, aaalaled In
realm Ing order.
Tlm advlcaa any Dint whan the Anmrl
, ran troopa entiiail Dm local commander
I recalled Dm American aaaornncr that
! they would not paa through town, Tim
! firing elm-lrd by aelad civilian fol
i lowed. Thn ellilnlloii tpiletetl, hut biter
.another dealt between American troopa
! and clvlllana occurred In which there
; ware morn (tenth among the Maxb-nna,
l-utn today Hcrrelury J.aiialng aitld Dm
Iciinaiiza nolo guva evldarico that, there
waa aome iiilautideialandltnf In Mexico,
; ome of ta aialamanla a publlslmd do
: not ngreo with th gacrelnry recollec
i Don of the preliminary negotiation, lie
aald the fulled Hlatea recognliead Die
light, of Mexico to auk withdrawal cf
I roup, but the government ohalderad
I the agreement under whb Ii they entated
; ellll in 'force.
Itettinlii fur I'rraenl .
j There waa apparent, agreement among'
j official that troopa wuild I .plain for Dm
, pitgflit. hut that fi'ouri'ilTprtiinaDo tand
point It might eeein advlaablo not to rlak
1 local cbiabet with ('arraniia force dur
i big nagotlatlnna. Moreover tt wa aald
ilullllHry prudanait would nei eealtitta bobp
big Dm advance coliimna clnaa to mp-
rillliig force until tho atllfud nf thn
Mexican troopa about them waa definitely
know n.
It waa alao Inaraaalnglv ftldenl today
that Dm War department haa endegyoid
to provide ngalnat poaalhllltle, although
alrli'leat aecrecy ha been obaarved. It
la uiideiatond the War deiartninnt I pre
pared to back up the force If need
nt lee,
Bom official privately expreaaed th
view that Oeneral Cartanxa. might hava
fall compelled to proimaa tha with
riinwal nf troop in deferent: to puhlto
aanlimant In Ml-xlco, It aecnietl likely
today that a tnoio or lana prnlongad
tllploniatlo dlacuaaloti wn foreahadowed
nrrniir.n llapttrl.
Caneral ("nrritn.a t lapgrnpbnd hla em.
daaay here today:
Many deniha oci urred on both aldea,"
Cirran. troop allied Dm Americana In
iittemplliig to restore order, (leneral Car-
tniiM baa appealed to the I piled Hiatal
to 1 1 "'igni.lng Die ilaugaia of aroualng thn
fiat U i a.
Newa of tha clnll was contained In 'ha
folowlng telegram from Queretaro ditd
1 yealenlay and eant ,y p'or, 1,'ti Mlntater
1 Agiillar t" i:ileu Arredotiitii, Can'
i CitrrriiiZ'ra .1 iiiliri;iinbii' her'-.
"I'd ana tonfer with the ll.iiinigble Sac
,'ielaiy I.iiikiiv itii, I 1 1 1 f 1 1 r 1 1 1 dim that to
'day at I p. in. u column of IMi American
eoblieta enli rttl Dm ,-iiy of I'arial, Th
limvor of Dm cltv, .lose ia I it ,ur. Her!
raia, liiiliiadliilcly calhil the attentl'Ul of
i the t'oiniiiiinib r of lliia colninn to the In
i ronv anlepce of bin i'iitrlng the i lly, ,u
at, bit, na 1 1 1 1 1 ii - -1 1 n 1 1 1 - w it hdi'ii w Ing, bui
when limy ware dining Dm popln pro
It at."l and tho iiuiyor and nitllfar enm
tnandeia tiled to control lln-m with that
pit i, mill ni'titl In enter to preienl fr.c
llmi. tint nwltig" I o'h I ii 1 1 I 'iidnce t,f ,t
,1 t-did
U I.I, ll
't,'l ar
i eeimral !!
lie Aioarf-'ait
i i a I cl Ibain,
"in Ameit i t
t l,h i l.'llc
t ll e I
I It,
t heck Ihe Muh.
f.i. nil.', i -i.i aed1 le
. im '. ?. i M 1 1 ui a t.i i and pre
ii fieiii full, wing Auteii. an
11 it! ,t "I t II Id I 'll tilt ui out
i t, i
I.. i
i ii
i i
' III I' l 4 "hl,-
arittneiii waiti.d
I ' It It r ,1 HUIr Ii.
w.. ,l l be mow t a
llnlt tha tlet an g.v
tin. g ,i ercin. lit of h
in Hi. t iinniig Ibat !
I- . t i i i t 1 1 ,.pi .
, n
i on
ii i
e linpoeil
Unit r".,'r 1
d ' It I '.
Say Enough!
llt'i' If l""'l lllltHH
ntbl lilllitl'll alltl.'IIU'tll ill
t r l-i'iinf ilti !n't vt.
1 1 1 1 1 I'ltDit i.t W ant A .1
I 't'
I flu It I' ft ,'UI II. It: Ha!
t li
llll' t'
lt t
ti ll f
I. I I l'i
tv .III' 1
't I
V tt
I I ft Ills' I I '
I Mill' H
v ft ; ! f 1 1 1 1 ,
-, Tf.t
I HI it l ,1 t
"i I
. j I