m rmm nrr. r f a ft t Tnrncnn: ATPtT. n u - - - . - . , 1 ft iiirjtir,i.:i,r. 11 AI A. 1111. IL 1 . X 1 iblli i V i i' X ; I f 1 1 I SY1VLVS BONlTET. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOR! R08EWATER, EDITOR. The Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor. BKB BUII-tUNO, FAUNA M AND UK V KNTBHTNTU. Entrd at Umilit potnffr eeeond-etaa matter. TEAMS Or 6UBHCHIPTION. Br carrier Jly mall par month per year. rtly and iindjr tut tu rn Itally without riunday 4oc... , 4 00 Evening anil Hunday 00 Kvonina without Ponday.. 2fo 4.00 Kvening without Sunday .'li.n 4 W Monday Hee only , 1 io (ally and gunday Hie, thre yer In advanra . tit) 00 Hend nntle of chang of addraaa or Irregularity In delivery to Omaha He. Pirelli t Ion Peparlrnen t. TlICMITTANf'H. Remit by draft, eipreea or postal order Only two. rant mam fa received In payment of small aecount, 'r aortal rhek, eieept on Omaha, and eaataro ex rhane, not eeeptd, I ) K KlT'KH. Omahe-Th Baa Iltilldlng. finuth Omaha tm N atraat found) Jiliiffa-M North Main afraat. I.nooln-M Utile Hnlldlng. hrn M Fenpl Oaa Ttulldfng. New Vork-Hoom ll'rt, M Fifth avenue, rt. loula tug New flank of Commerce. Waahlnaton-7K (fourteenth atreet. N. W. f 'Oft f KhI'ONI iKNCK . Addres rommunleation ralatlna to mai and edi torial mattar to Omaha n-a, Kditorlal iaprtmntt MARCH CIKCL1.ATIO, 56,628 Daily-Sunday 50,628 Owlght Willlama, clrrulallon manager of Tha Hee I'uhllablng company balm duly gwnrri, aava that tha average ilrculetlon for tha month of March, litis, waa M.tQa dally and U mmdsy OWIUHT WlU.lAMrt, Plrnule.tlon Manager. gtiherribd in my ntaaanca and aworn to bafoia ma Ihla d day of April, hi. HOHKHT IftJNTKK, Notary Puhll". Hubarrlbara leaving tha city ferngmrarlJ bonld hav Tha Ilea mailed to tbatn. Ad dree will ba changed aa often a rueaU4. To lop fc arraft In tha dlatrlct rlark'i of flre, vota for Harry 0. Counaman. It only provm tha tima-trler adaga; urea don't Ita but Uara will figure!" Mayor "Jim' Inalata t in tor both Jlryan and Xltrhrork. Tha mayor will do well to dink (julrk If h want to krrp out of ranun of tha mlMlIai. Tba brirk had which tha aanalor nd i larratary of atata ar xhantlng ara not ven ruablonrd, to aay nothing of bring amoothrd down at tba d . That hold-out of one dollar, tfliguland aa In luraoM agaot'a romrnlmtlon, la alao "Jut a lit tia ona." , By multlpllratlon, however, It might grow Into a handnome rakn-off, Of courae It waa not tha ona dollar that hit went Into court to fluht for, but rather the irtnolple of tha thing. Tha graft muat bo pro tected at all bararda and at whatever rout. If ataadfaat party etrvlra counla, Totirth dlatrlrt republican will not fall to rommlHHlon refer Jann and W. I. Farley a their dnla to the fblrago ronventlon. Mkewlne In tba big Blith dlairlct with rpferenre to W, C, May and K, T. Weatervelt. Judging from tha avalanche of anawera to The Bee'a Bhakeapeare Tercentenary puzila l rtady coming In, the Immortal poet who died three hundred year ago la till the mont popu lar candidate In tha field. And the competition doea not cloaa until April 20! Tha commonly accepted theory of the pur poee of tha non-partlaan Judiciary law In to make the aupreme Judiseahipa non-political of ftcea and to continue the judgca on the bench, wbo have given good aarvlce, until there li roa eon to recall them. If Ihla la the correct theory, then Judge Barnei and Judge Bedgwlck ehould have tbe benefit of It. Tbe proposal to tai cata haa much merit. Doge ara no greater luxury than rata, and all luiurlea ehould be taxed. The fixed dog rale, however, might work Injustice. A graduated acale, baaed on TaUby'a mualral ability, de termined uy an Inspector on tbe apot, would fill tba bill, bealdea giving the cat catcher a run for the money. The leglalature of New York passed a bill making the manufacture, aale or poaecitelon of a firearm allencer a felony. Unauthorised poa aeaalon of flrearma la already a misdemeanor, tut the difficulty of enforcement baa made It a dead letter. Better reaulta ara poaalble with the allencer law, Inasmuch aa It rearhea the manufacture and aale of a device which con tribute! chiefly to the myatarloe of crime. A teat rae submitted to the supreme court of Kanaaa lnvolvea laauea of dlreot Importance to atatea and count Ira haraaaed by the ao-callud l.uten patenta covering reinforced concrete bridge ronatrurtlon, In the pending proceed ing the attorney general produced testimony proving not only the existence of a "trust." but also that tbe stale waa districted and divided by the patentee". The decision of the court la confidently eipeited break up the monopoly, Thirty Years Ago This Day in Omaha Hughes the Beal Choice. No one in touch with the political pulneif Nebraska double for a moment that Char lea E. Hughes la the real choice of an overwhelming n ajority of the republicans of this state. It la enly a question whether the republicans who v'nt Hughe ran be sufficiently Impressed with the necessity of "writing In" his name In the ballot and shown how to do it without forget ting (o put the cross mark In the square oppo t.;it the written name, In a word, each of tha (fher candidates wbo hope to secure the presi dential preference vote In Nebraska Is relying nolely upon the advantage he enjoys by having bit' name printed on the ballot, and the me chanical ease of putting a cross mark opposite a printed name as against the onerous task of writing (he name in, A Beatrice puper lest week suggested that the presidential preference section of the bal lot, if we are to keep It In the primary, should consist of nothing but a blank line requiring every voter to write in the name of his choice if he has one. If this condition now prevailed, it Is plain that no other candidate would be In the running In Nebraska except Charles K. Hughes. Ho, write In the name and don't forgwt the cross In the square, Richard Harding' Davis, The sudden death of Richard Harding Davis at his New York home has removed an unique figure from the world of contemporary Journal Irm. Mr. Davis had attained to some distinc tion as a novelist and as a dramatist, but through It all he was essentially a newspaper msn. His earlier ventures Into fiction were largely based on experiences In newspaper of fices, and were, pertiaps, hli "host sellers." At any rate, he never excelled tbem In point of In terest, although much of his later work waa on more ambitious lines, Aa a war correspondent be csme Into much prominence In connection with the short-lived Oraeco-Turklsh campaign, and with the Hpanlsh-Amerlcan war. Ha waa at tha front when tbe Japanese and Russians were at close grips, and then went through the conflict between the Balkan Allies and the Turka, When the war cloud burst over Europe, "Dicky"- Davis waa on tbe crest of tba German wave, and for hla enterprise all but faced a firing aqmd "somewhere In France," actually having been sentenced to death. His work waa not monumental, but It was serviceable, as a "passing brief chronicle of the time." and American periodical literature will miss much of lit picturesque quality because Richard Hard Irg Dav!,i Is no longer writing. The Reactionary DemocrtU. Bourbonism appear to ho well entrenched In the l'nlied Btates annate under democratic control, The reactionary tendency of that body Is Its most notable characteristic Just at pres ent. The vote on the measure to restore the tariff on sugar la an example of Its practice. The need for this change In the tariff law la admitted by even the most confirmed of free traders, for the treasury, depicted by th reck less extravagance of the party In power, must hare tbe revenue the sugar tariff will produce. But the senate adopted a substitute that will defat the purpose of the house resolution, and throw tha matter Into conference, In wbirh delay may result In further loss to tbe treas ury, Nothing la to be gained by the action of the senate, except the delay, and for what pur pose the action Is to be put off Is beyond con jecture. Many Interesting and some vitally !m rortant measures are being held up In the sen ate, among them the Keating child labor bill, and the resolution providing for printing the report of the Industrial Relatione commission. The democrats are putting to sleep progressive measures, while carrying on a sham battle against the "Intercuts," hut tbey are deluding themselves If they think the people are not watching their course. Nebraika'i Compensation Law. The deputy labor commissioner'! report on the first year's operations of the Nebraska Workmen's compensation law dlsclosea many Interesting facts. First of all, It dlsclosea that Industrial accldcnta In Nebraska are far more common than bad been supposed, the total of more than 2,600 Indicating between eight and nine mishaps a day sufficiently serious to war rent attention under the law. More than 136,000 waa paid under the direction of the lew, for compensation, and cost of caring for the Injured, proving tbe Importance of the law as a relief measure. Experience baa shown tlat the Ihw neod some changes to make Its workings more effective, This Is not surpris ing, when the circumstances under which It was enacted are recalled. It was a patchwork creation, pushed through the legislature at the lnet moment In reluctant redemption of prom I sea made In platforms, It still haa the oppo sition of the ambulance chasers, ho nearly thwarted Its adoption and later secured Its be km acnt to tha referendum for endorsement. (Vxiimlaaloiier Coffey suggeat a number of rmeiidmenta, ail worthy of consideration, and aoma of which must be adopted if the law la to be satisfactorily administered, Ilia raconi l f lidalloni for precautions to prevent accident are cauecUllv petlinent, and should be care fully cotisideird lv employer and employe Tbe are red en ejperlenre, and daaerve the iloaea) attention CeaplIM from Baa riles- tht lit,h l'"wl i i'ih h!. 111 aiiix.nl tt.tUc( VI, .n ! at lltiitcoii t hai a'ma aut a! a ti tullowipl efft ate iaa W it.d livae. pai.e, i It. I i -, (nil u .n .'ail t, , ritui, ,hi.1 in ifii4ini. M (' ik.i, (mi ,i ax. I V H t ( . laanlt t ' mn (nv la f""m en He a'laa . in. !, Iml llia tlib 1 h fill rat ' ltt m W K ' i ti,t in II '!, taint m l M I 'uimt tt (.,it Vli A Hi l-i ' n l rulili.u t It H i fttHtt Mr t !. a ! ( ba ... a I li t .i.. .1 tr- !' I Ka u. l inUa i la T I i nt a i a i I . .! n . i ai i t t'.a I t . .i t -. V .! .. i, (-' iMf i ai'iia 4 '-t: i 1t l.-tl hunjii.ft a4 i...Mi.t a il .'( it Ma I al'ti ll ff ' !., I lt4 l 11.. .,l..; t t t i'.it( ..-.' afc.n .-. i t '.-.i.i I t h ... . V" I .!, .! I M' t ti ia, fcaa t ... t- C'ii aitira 'I 1 a t . n i', a r i a -i a t 4 t . ai f t a t in ia ' i a i. t - It tl ! I The fiilftal supreme court rule (hat 81 tout la entitled In recover a (at of ,100 0oo from Id I'nitrd Hatlwav company, a merger of all airaet rallwaji In (be fit Th eoiiipanr faiitht (ha lai through th court, and en (it w appear llid apoat d to UP th llionav Mnrtiver, (he Jmliment cor th lit up ( 111, lvtng four yeara of tax ivrdn, which null another million te pile, Hut Kt. l ouia taairalna 11 Joyouinaa until th eioeev roni in, a t prtuteni euia, I iw of ill kinl I at th e tr e. b diaa..iMl asd ft e lb i-Ht to an tfc frasmenl fur In la An it.iiitl' u'' 'r In Hi dicerl ltt ImpntUnl trvi'R pulling he tSevn, I t a i'l''l Hh fi'i.t ht It rani U ' in. .f !,! i.i f wr a ilat 't fit-l. m li ,mlMf .1 i riviixO'to nn kt a )!M tadttiar To Ihna ! i. ii t in i t' ihla, lh ii.'inft ri'inea i a 1 p . e i i tt, na l a l.l-it a. aniao j l,,t tr iej lh taatk tf a!) lea alfttelM Talk About Hughes Staralrleanea- of m I'aavaaa. Brooklyn Kegle: A nvaa of every Ut In tha union mmia by Tha K(1 during tha laat waek to determine tba preaent antlment ragartllng the repub lican nomination for preailant rval th following: For Iluah, thirinan slate. fur Rootvelt, flv states. for favorlt aona, tan tta. t'ndetarrnlnad, (wanly tta. Raaad on th telagraphlc report to Th Kl th nomine of the republican national oonvtmtlon, pro vldart It war to b bald tomorrow, would b Jutr Charles Kvai Mugbea. Although th Utter woutl hav a lara block of delaaata b would not hav nfftclant to glv hlrn a majority of th convention. Th UndeUtrmlnaa state will ttl th uaatlon ntlmnt In Iherri rtavelop latar. Thar will be a total of votes in th repuhllran eonventlon, Th Huha tfe at, tha prewmt tlm will hav i votes. Only flv atata ar rrturMil ft Roovlt center at th preaant tlm and they will hav ninety votea In th convention. Thl levaa a balanc of MM vols 10 be filatrlhiiteil aftar 'ded'ictlng th p:efll to fvortta ton. The fsvorli aon vot, r th way, I not r-roV aarlo'isly. It I admit tad that moat of (hi support will go eliawher after th eornpllmanlary vot ha bean roordd. Hasbea aa (trt a dominate. rtontori Trnorlit (Washington ((rrapon'lancl An die situation aland lodar. Chart K. Hugh I aa good aa nomlfiatt 4. This I th conclusion of om of tha wlaeat tulriila In Washington, and It is born of by the payt'hology of the ciluatlon, Th current aum iredton that " don't know whr Kugha tnd'' cult very Utile figure her In Washington, wher tr ra'ord of Justie Hushes haa been oonnd over with nilcrosoope snd bn found t vry point to laatlfjr of virility and wisdom, The r th ct opposite of waaknaaa and Ignorant, which ar among lit Injur ing ijuallllea of the administration tha republican candidate will b called on to oppose, The charge that Judtli e I lih a la "not a good party man" becaua ha fought William Hemes, Jr., In Nw Tor I about ridiculous accusing him of being an Infidel ha caua ha I memher of th ftaptlat church, Mr, Kama doea not typify th republican party, II typt flea a boaalern In th republican parly which Hugh fouaht and whl'h rnuat b altmlnated If rrpuhllcasi candidates ar to cotrunand the support of p'o greaalve. In Whlnton at laaat belief In lb final trlumi'h of tha Hugh force In th convention Is an. ruinated by th democratic 'pralnns of delight on vcry hand over th mnalaaanc of Roosevelt seritl rtiaift. To b frank and lirutal about it, th demo crat aay they hope ftonaevelt will b nominated, a th hallev ha would l lh leat man to beat. They fr Ifughaa wmild sweep th country Ilk a whirl wind. Sentiment of Middle Weal. Henry J, Allen, In Colllet's: If, was felt that Hughe I th moat available, li waa not Involved In th factional ouarrel. II ha ld nothing to anger th hyphenated cltlran, Th laat tlm h appred upon th political horlron a governor of New Tnrk ha seemed to be performing with rilatlngulabad ability, Thar I still om tllactnalon a (o tha propriety of bis leaving Ihe ben'h, but men no longer K If ha would take the nomination. It I felt tha,t ha M nilaaed too many good chu ea lo aay no, 'to leave any uncertainty upon that point, Tbey are taking today wht kind of a president be would wak. Two month ago you could not get up an argument anywhere on that subject, The entire cotilrovcray waa on th ques tion as to whether be would accept th nomination. At M.t hour It waa his by popular cldnor. Now b I helnu compared with Hooaavelt on th merit of th situation tliey affect the nation's need at en hour when Ihe national life I menaced. This unexpected development "f th lt.uttrm Is too new to render prophecy timely, Th r illment Is per fecting Itaelf snd I believe It will be eeveral weak be fore It ha reached II final statu In this section. This gnat ttilna ha com Into the situation out here; there I deep nd honeat dealr on th prt of probably a majority of th stsndpat leder to nominal the man at, C.hhug t who wilt make th beat prnalrlent. 'I her will he dlaciiHlons between th partisans of Hushes snd Roosevelt a a matter of comae, but It 1 believed her that ther will b no big fight In th Chicago convention over tha presi dent's! nomination. It will go eithar lo Roosevelt or to Hugho. If we hv wr In Mexico or serious Inter niitloutil difficulty elaewhr, th probability that II will go lo Itonaevelt will he tremandoiialy Increased, Tcday a vol In th middle weal would doubtlea glv Mr, Hughe a majority of th actlv republicans, Oro In Slrenath of Ilaghea. New York Kvenlng I'oat: W my ha mighty cer tain that all the progtesalv effort to craat doubt and auaplnlnna In regard to Hughe ar due to th fact that his candidacy Is n to h growing In favor. If he were only a rernot poaalbfllty at Chicago, th cobnel would not wait a dart upon him. H tit if Hughe present himself lo Increasing nuinlur of r publicans in all parts of tha country a th man whn bids fairest at one to unit the party and to win tit election, then, of oourie, aomnthlng haa to b don hoot It, He must b dlarrndlted and gut out of iho y. No brother near lb thron can b born by either Turkish or progreaalve nutans. Meanwhile, i ta Interesting to not th ronenau of th Washington correapondent on two points. m Is that Judg Hughe Is not to he driven from his sllenc or ahakiiti In hi equanimity by tha explnalnn which ar being set off. Th other la that tha moat ateady and aaa I nua and Influential repuhllran leadeta are not offering their neck for the rnlonet to et his heel upon. People and Events An upllfter of soma rput in rtrolt ehowe oon aliterat'l peiapicaclty In llna up human tendencle. II maintain" that (he popularity of pumpktn pie la due lo the al.. m of II1 In a will mm ml In l'hlUilal'tiia, Involvlns an ei lata of xho, leatimnny waa offered that the (ii (atmv WaaliUmton I. Hhor, drnk twenty four iiiart of I'eer and (wo uuarta of whleky a day. How long b kapt at It la not alaltil, but (he record la dmltttnl to b th top not.h of Quaker t'Ky tit It at a r'nreatry uthrllle of Maaaachuaatl hat ahn tinned hot of eating lh chratnut (raw of I tie tln In tha Ha atat tnl elewhr In lha at th ohet not rtatk ititniH la ailmttirdly Ineaiatllil lit Ha piog rtaa and tUtrui lion of th I reel la only mailer of lime, uttleaa tmforeaeen (Mltilltlnn etima t (h t ecu The i.lUoail vattl ef fatul. III. ata nut vaiv rttrmtite, hiit have enough fin la enahla rallmail titan t inaU'laiii a if lay of Ihrae wlea ami keep th iti I'nf'-i lunetety for htm Iraln act idem emlHt hi ii.r Ktul rrViltt lh Ihte widowt luseihar at lha ini'igot Th cottti willabt aeti' whoa Iki K. i.ia FvaKua ptaitned III ..nli iu with lha I'attt.t. talin rlifltlUtn tiatlng at Hi lui ' lnl tha ir'. t th tl Imtan , lh MM ma tln a I i"l if aofft will I lhr, dri-d In alula a el i(tti. taliua iiitit'tMa la (hta fu t In gat la a teen wiil lit lha aatk arnuml ion tetitinn ball Tha itlte ah t t1.H I 'itri.r tL a bel ef Hott a. nat'r Snwul f-'ta l ii I avulful (.yl (i p ttrii i.i. in a, in ' t. w kiit hai II I a it 'iitt ",t i l tf.l I tha at el t ...I it H it .iiiiia uf th ftm teal mil i . t)aHa i raui ftt vt ttutwea t t( h .it.aa l-"l l hi lyln J tttutM tti'. . i.l ! Hittn i tan IN t'nt In all lha am-lil Wall what i lo j Vu( lit i i,i i ,rtiat ' lil by th lir tf m in .M . i. tha tt irt ttttnoxai It I M .e aa I e VaS.lif mil ' MI la thata let .,.. i wwi II i t ' ') iiiil ! U ' . em i ti WH a t H't k t .' .. i ..I . l a t a I e lkm nl I tie leat a atit' tv .) .! iih iw e . ' ! jt.ti mM I ri ta Ih i t t.U I h-t ' I a ta4i ' Dale of Tariff l-:naeil. (iH LfciA N H, Neb., April 11,-To th YA Itor of Th in order to aettl a dls- put will you atat through the column of Th Be when th praaent tariff law went Into ffct? A, HCBiCK!BKK. An.-Tariff set becatn a law l)clttr X, 113, but om part of it did not go Into effect until later data pdfld lit th act, Aa and Offlr, Hol.TM AI HUKN, Nb April ll.-To lh Killtor ef Th Hi. The announce ritettl of Mr. Hoot's candidacy for tha re publican prealden'ial nomination ha al ready tailed forth ft fw denial of hi availability on the ground of axe, Whll Mr, Hoot la not my first choice for th presidency, I rent any rejection of a niiin baaed oleiy on hi age, whether lie la young or old. I'loneer llf, industry nti business hv a tendency lo wear out a mail and put hi in In lh scrap heap at an - whan certain piofeni lotu -nir.uer him almnit a youngater, Age I cer tainty a consideration, but It I not lha only on, nor th int Important, A young man may be reactionary and grow old to a rdlcl, was Iru of tilad storiM, snd as la probably true of Mr. Hoot, Kven In the matter of ibylcl fit ndas tha old men rnay cmel, II. la a ltiklng fact that several of th youri eat Jiiallcns ppolmd to Ihw an-reni" oourt In recent year hav succumbed (o a strain under which th aver youthful Mr. Juatlc Oliver Wendell Holme em to thrlv. To on wno ha n th sprightly flgur of Kilhu Root walking briskly down Pennaylvsnla avenue, or who has heard on of hi recant will voloed and cogent rgumnt, th ennnee Hon of any Idea of phyeloal dacadenc with Mr, Hoot aeme a hit ridleulnua. Th Kngllah hav nvr bn afraid te put either young man or old men Into high office, flit and OIdtnn, prim mlnlstei In their twentle and lghtt, reepactlvely, will occur tfl all. Th duk of Walllnglon was premier for flv year fler h waa 72, and lived el year after he resigned, I'slmerton began hi laat lx-yr term at 76. lUaraell was pre mier for tlx years after and waa atlll a brilliant and powerful stateatnan during th ' that followed, Ula'laton bad a term of presidential duration after 71, look another turn at lh offlc at 77, had thr year mora as prim minister altar he wa l and was actlv for three )ar after that, In Amur lean hlaloty .lohn Adams, Jef ferson, John CJUIney Adams, Jackson snd franklin, to mention only a few, could hav taken offlc al Mr, Hoot' a snd finished th term with tlm to pr, Mr. Hoot may not b dcalrabl as pr blent, but If h bs th necnaaary quali fication of biBin nil body ha should not b barred from conalderatlon bacaua of th almanac edict, JOHN If ANNA. 'Ihe flaf rlhutlnn ia t.oln On. PIATTHMOLTH, Neb., April J2.-T0 th tCdltor of Tti Vour allp with th nam of Chnrle K. Hughna should be printed and distributed all over th tat of Nebruaka, so th voter could writ In th nrn correctly on th ballots, A VOTKR, Hryaa' l.ateal rarimniil, OXPOflu, Nb April 12,-To the Kd ltr of Tha hm: I had the plraur re cently to hear Mr. Bryan deliver hi much adverlld prohibition lecture, Uk all Mr, Itryan'a talks it wa Interesting for It fin delivery, for It rlcjineas In appeal to prejudlc and sympathy, and for Us dearth of any useful Information Imparted to his audience. t While It had been advertised to d vane th caua of the prohibition amend ment It proved lo ha nothing but a po litical tirade. A when , hunting wild geean year Ago In Wisconsin I used a hora to dacalv th gs and get clo lo th flock, so Mr, Bryan u prohibi tion a a screen to his real purpna and to get near to th people, Hi vole at time wa aurcharged with rhlldleh aplla, when h referred to fenator Hitchcock, and when h wa clearing tha path of Hrothcr Charley to (lis en ecu live tna.it Inn, of t'andliiut Neville, th golden rule leemrd to h forgot tan, No pledge of loyalty lo the constitution, no promise of strict law-enforcement waa to b ao ceptcd or believed coming from any other candidal than Hrothcr Charley. In appealing for upport a a delegate to Ihe national convention Mr. Bryan aald one could Judge of hla an priori to th prealdent from the facta (hat he gave upport in WIS, aat for over two yeara al Ills right hand In the cabinet, and that l.OoO year bene their names would bo linked together on th pe of hlatory. It I hard to ace any proof here, eape clitlly the lil nt ft y eplaoite, a Villa's tiMtie might accldctiUlly appeal' ou the aamn Page. Although loyal, h wanted It known that Wllnon'a preaent forelun di plomacy its harah and wrong, hla aland that our neutral right ahnuld ba main tained at home and on the high aeaa wn decidedly wrong and llahlo to get ua Into war; hi dealr for better pieparedneaa waa not only kicked, but wa probably caiiaad by th munition and hlp faetorle putting on over th president while he wa bereft of Ilryan's council, ripeakliig of oppoalng prohihtilun (wen-ty-al yeara ago Mr. Hran aald. "If thr ar thoa her who hellev t wa wrong than, I want d tll you t will nvr du K ln, nit, never in it ai.iii. If thai ate thoan here wbn bellvt I wa tl.bl then, I want In tell nu how enn ill'iuti hav changed " The only logl'l , mi limion w thitl Mr Hryan la tr lallinilv nglit whrlhei for pt ohinninit m a .t t it it II gate aa a raon fr Votto aalnl it ..1 1 1 lot I it I bat lhae had the hl,i,. nib Inn It it w alo la iti iiioi. law i.'.Uv It ald th aaiuon wa now an uoilaw Why ninr llian, tnly u vei o (Hit atl lam ii i l It but lh sain '.'.Uy aa then lit ii ,i. wntil lciuia lee mother ah bad leal h-r t"y thiiti d'tna, lha t't nil. inn iroxil Iter lioaoatul, the i 'hr,,.i ,hi..livn lifft tif faitiar ear, were lioatt i . I lei. vi. I i '(e ef in ,! -HHtii dtiuk llitt wa a 'rtti n4 fuecvf it roititi agaiKil lh liafruv lli.t .oi! ti l kt li Juet a o.t4 tod f..o f il tn u -! .' l' ih p...iii lt.ho a tiann il an Ir i lf i I K-rn It h t I l i til l ht Mr. I iii ,. !i li t i l l.t wi-M.g an n. i.ii-ni.o, ai l i,.. i.i. l In got rtM, n.t I tit It l I' I In k , Wllft i. e.lili.iiti I I I k.oiI lif a. t f kli. lf Will tio i I fc It'l sbal ! vii .. i ft i ! kr.iMtiitiM t.l aa . i.. er ! lna.M.t im . l j ii bt a t ua m in tt i ,. w a " etatl tif I ei.ihtt 'iii tettiv ttf I 4 it i . f ' I lilt t nl I :n . a I t i ft .f. i !! i ! t it 1. 1 a ii. ft ! itt4 of '! l . V.'I toll elude he la owned by th breweries: Mr Bryan mad It plain that should prohibi tion carry and Brother Charley be elected that the glory ehould go to tha democratic t party, and be Intimated that be would not mourn If iiima of th wet democrat went over to the republican. He never : aald a word about having mad an align ment with Jim I'ahlman to look after th wet vote, nor did be have a word of Praia for any republican candidnle, no matter how atrong he might b for pro hibition, in other word, prohibition waa good, but Hrother Charley waa halter. Mr. Bryan wa just aa Inconaiatenl when lis apok of national pr paredn. He would aliollah the navy, but be com mended tha ua of th navy at Vera t'ru. II would wlp out the army, but heartily commended th president for aendlug Ihe army Into Meslco. Thus who favored preparedness wcr held up a either dupe or In th employ of th munition facto ries, yet h wished hi audience I" I lo vat ha wa de.slrou of seeing tbe preal dent elected. Mad any other man recited Mr. Ilryeti lecture without th baem of on "Jot or tittle," few would have remained to bnr the end. Thus adver tising I proved to be a power both for good and for evil. A. . HANK IN. Clinton ftrollard, In Judg. Ktlvla muat have a bonnet; What ahull the creation be? Naught, with ralnhuw ribbon on It, Were too ' sweet ' for audi aa aha! Kor I. in eve are well of wonder That the venial violet share, ir bin hyacinth blooming under l nilerneain ner crocus nair; Kv'vl muat hate a bonnet Wrought of aui'h myaterioua thing That nor anerlntt aong nor eor.nel, ( an de'r.be, howa'ar It alnXa! JTor her riieak have happy bint of April akba, ere cornea the gloom, And her lips hav may tint of iionpllig apple-lio jgbs In bloom. Hylvl muat hav a bonnet, (me to wear on rTaaler dv. That shall fill, whm aha shall dn If, tlher maiden with dlmjt for my etylvla I the re real Imtnael that I ever knew. And I d hav her ahlne the falret When ah wulks (ha avenue A CHEERY CHAFF, "A man i its o'd aa ba feel," ouoted tbe f 'n i tor I'blloropher. "And a woman ia ua old a her p'mto in fill l.Hken about fifteen year ago," added tii Mete Msn - .lu-lg Judge-Vou let the burglar o to siren an a utomobll at ? I'oln enan- s. The autolrf pav s fine and adu lo lb" reaonces of lh elan , iti burglur Hoe to prison, and ilia stoic baa to pay for hla keep, Mf ''('eihapa II (a Just aa well that wKea ilo not alwata knw how bubnnd dlt borae Ibelr foods " "ilow now':" ' ,Vly elf would have fit If she knew 1 spent rnv I cent lunch money for sandwich and a u-cnt cigar,"" lulevp i ourler-Journal, i -621 piMrvW-KAiiiiJei HH FIANCE AKP I HAVE OWty UOi EHtKfDWtoX PAYS rlMD HE HAS Stmv TO VU AW0 riKT AR0OW6 UJIW MC VJHAY CAN ff MEAN f TKrr HEf IS 4?a AS MAKfilCD AiLREADV.1 (L reiidentg of Ncbraika registered at Hotel Aator during the past year. Single Room, without bath. iXXJ to I'.OO Double fyoo to fori Single Poomi, with buh, fi-oo to 6 oo Double 1(4,00 to rV-oo Parlor, fWdroom and bath, iooo u i4e f TIMES SQUARE Al Broadway, 44th to 41th Strt th ntr of Nw York social and tiilinM 11 tivttuu. In do proximity to all railway tarmtnali. iiiiinnmiiiu!iii!!!!::!i:jr:;Kn7 "I saw you eut In your nw car yes terday, "' ' I'M f look Ilk a motorlatr' "Well, no, Vou bad an sir "f re sponsibility that guv you away hut thai will dlaappmtr in time. -Birmingham Age ' Jlernid. "Talking about th total depiavlty of Inanimate thlba " "Weil? ' "Just w got oppoelt a road hotel, with a big ilun, Fund WnnciHlll v,' ooe auto deiiberati'ty tinned turic.'' Jialllmor Amcrlciin, Mr Ks-f do wlah my husband would gt out of lh tock market, Hla mum Hon toi:k elumiwd xo ba'llv thil lie f.n cad up and down the 100m aU laat night wondetlng what lo do. Mr. Wye Walked th floor with lit war hablea, eh7 Knaton Tranaoripi. Jone nd hi wifo were (tented at toe dining room table peruamg lli etenlntf papera wlien Ihe door bell rung, Jone erne to answer It. when hla wife aald: "lit. rne hid (none umbrella before you let ibem In." "Why, do von think somebody v. Ill slea.1 them?' eeked Jon. "No," refilled the wife, "Hone one might rerognli thf m." Nw Vorh Tmea, I W I f I j n wdui ''Suotiif MaTiiai Baft"' yf 1 4 O paid on Tim Ctrlificat All dpoit In th State Rank sf Omaha 1Mb 'A JL? Harney V !'' ar protected by th Depositor' Ouer ant Fund tt th Biai of Nebraska. Commtrcial Attounlt Intitti r gafitty fpoitt Boies, 10fl s year md ap 0, iw. poirf on Saving! Account ' IV ii i n VelS J It's always ready for you at the druggists. Dont wait until the family is entirely out of Orlyiifi'-j PERFECT enfal ram A Stmndard Ethical Dontifrico 8nd Jc atamp today for a gancroua trial packag ef either Dr. Lyon's Prfet Dtnul Cream or Tooth Powder. L W.Lyon A Bona. Ine.,8T7W. 27th 8t, N. Y. City f A Important Change in Time Rock Island Lines Effective April 12th. Chicago Day Express - Will leavo nl (r.M a. m. In b tout I of 7:0.'t a. m. irmkinp locnl "tops hot worn Omaha ami lien Moines Ohicnffo-Ncbraska Limited--Will continu' to loave for (liicago at !;HS p, ni. nriil to arrive from Chicago nt M;lf , in. Carrif Tri-City nloppiT, which cuts out at Uitck Islaii'l for occupancy until JiWn, m. For further information Innuira f'lly Ticket office, llih and Kamain nr t'nlun HatltiB. J. S, McNally, D. P. A., Mth ati'l KitniHui, W it. W, hg. V af Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. V