tuk vx-. Omaha, Tm usuAv. aim: 1 1. v., 1!k;. RICHARD HARDING DAYIS DROPS DEAD Aothor and War Correspondent Dies Suddenly at Hit Farm Home in New York, WROTE NEWS OF FIVE WARS I MOUNT KISCO, N, Y April 12. j Richard Hardin pavls, author and i Hiar correspondent, dM at hi home here laat night from haart trouble. Ilia body wad found early thla morn ing, and h had apparently been atrlekan while at hie telephone. H had gone Into hla library fo dictate a telegram to a friend In New York ( Ity. Hla wife aaiumed, h'n h ) did not return, tha,t b had seated hinrilf to read and did not visit the Horary until aftar midnight. Mr. rvl h in In falHna haalth i fnr anma lima and had aniaht iulf at j hit country jla, Croa Roada Karm. ' imrtr tfia earn of hla wife, wlio a j flaaala Mrf'o)', the al raa. ! nt'-hard Harding' I'm In, im of tha ? moat popular of American writer, a i ,layrlirht al", ami laran irr- apondant tit flva wai, - lii:luHna" Ilia i praaant, nu born In riillaitnlplila In IM, tha aon of I (latk I'avla and (Ifbrrrn ( Hardin I'avla, alao a writer, After. teln educated at Ihlali and I .Inhna tf.ipklna uiitvrrelf la, Mr, liai'l ji entered Jnurnallem, alartlng with , tha , l'hlladelplil. rreee, and Inter aarvln on l ha Now York Kvenlna Hun. )l waa t mrreepnrident during tha TureiMlreea, j Hranlh-Amrlran, Hmith African and j Juen-,pane wra for thf Jxindnn j 'llmca and tha Nat Vork Herald, and during the preaant war wrat dlapalrnea j for a aynrtirala, f On of hla arllt and moat widely fad hooka, "Hnld'era of Fortuna," waa puhllahad in IK'S, and In uriredln yaara )i wrota mora than thirty volume of flc. Hon and war axnerjen'-e, together with number of play and numarotia ahort atort'a. , Jn ltc Mr. Davfa married ( II Clark, daughter of J. If. Clark, of Chicago, and nil divorced by her In IM. A feqr day later Mr. fvl marrlad Ml McCoy, Mho waa tha famniia Yama-Tama girl In a popular mualral comedy. A daugh ter, Hopa Pa via, waa born. FUNERAL OF MAJOR WALKER HELD ATNORTH PLATTE ! NoriTH rtjAJTK, Nob., April l2.-(pa- i rial.) unaral aervK'e for Major 11- j reeiee Wlkr, elvll war vetaran and e- i aonad Indian fighter, who died I if Omaha ) nri(3ay nlahl, wera held from tha Knta- S ropni church her thla afternoon, A com. party of Rpanlah war vetarane who had atood guard over tha body whlla It lay In tta at tha Walker raldnra accom panied It to the chunh. A company of lilKh acliool radata aetad aa a guard of honor from tha church to tha ramatary. civil war vatarana and mfmlwra of tha i:ik' lodga aaalatad In tha aarvlcaa. Ona of tha largoat rrowda pvar to at lnd a funaral In Korth Hatta1 flllad tha church to overflowing and aurronndod the building while tha at-rvkca wara ba ing held. , .. , . HYMENEAL, ' Johnann-ararb. FREMONT, Nab., April . (fluerlal.) Mr, ojaaphlna Brack wa. marrtad to (It-orga C. Johnan of Omaha at tha hotna of Mr. Biai k'a paranta, Mr. and Mr. C, i'hrtatawan, Tha Itev, W, II. Iluaa paa tor of the Klrat Congragntloiial thurch, olfUlalad. Mra. Brack la prominent In Fremont acal clrclea. Mr, and ,Mri Itihniton left for Omaha Immediately attar i ha ceremony to make their home, larae Barn lratroed. UKATUICR, Neb., April 12.-(ieclal Telegram. )-Elght bead of horaea and 4.0 0 1'imhela of grain were doalroycd on the farm of John Voleakey, fbe mllea anuth- t of, Uarneaton, last night when fire (hairoyed tlia Ioikb burn and doulilo ulba. The loaa la placed t. par tially covered by liiaiiraiice. I'OlltUU. UMKKIKIM., HAIL'S FE-N0MFNHTI0N . FOR STATE TREaSUREP Means Much to Democratic ; Ticket This Fall. I SAVED TAXPAYERS S47.C0: Reverses Fifty Years' Rub: of Republican Trmurers. A'trr the pi iiibm. t' iVni i ulli f'n't ni gai)igi.m Kill u,t(it lo pui'ii t ' a -. I adiiiini i i ai(,oi .1 i e ' I ' - tllct iM tilte l Ilall II tr l'inl U'l t I" t lug tli Uoin.u ' wr tb-kei IM 1h ttllt Mai,! lii tell htt Hifiifl I', lllt.)'i ct l In ! ti" lemibl .. ii, tliSH I'l- I v i g i.i'iiiltl !'!, I lll' fM-n n.iIlM l,,l t.,'t-.'-. i i w cr t, a ' w t!-e. n, "t , I I v ,-tHeit - p4 . I ' '.f d t'i ' t' ' e ae-l I' " t.v-e l: f t' 1 l uim. r ttli,. U l't lii It i) !.. 1 I ! tba -i M hH ll, !' A ,t t..tS I , I, . ! e. -.1 .! ( i . i.. , . oi.ua ',t.i- i h. . . .ii., ,i i ... , t .1 .k . I I ft I -I., t- 'tl l ft! -. t n t ' I ' tk 11 HI i'. -i AM I 1,11 !i1lMli.t,t f ,i'H vl I l -.k C ,Bt (' M te it ta ' 4 ': t I I" a ol i M-l f . "I., ' ' I I H - .- I , . m'i.i b.-t l . n.-.i,l-. lll.e - r ,,'. ... ii. a f m t IM '..! iia i v- tk a- !. ll I " I !, n ti1l. Ir.'fl I,' " ( ' ting 1 1 l.ii Ji i I t h, ril nit .i tt' JirUii. t f Hat Ti '" Ill A ; laa St ... h.-. gi, a n . a '.r -1 uk 4 vi'l a ' at ( b .'l" ti t tJ v IUU, CLARKE WILLJRAFT BILL Chairman of Nebraska Railway Board Aiked to Voice Objec tions in This Manner. REQUEST IS FROM SHEPARD (From a ritaff Cot reaponiient. I UNUOIA, April 12.-ipccial,)-In an- cr to a letter written to Foiled Htatea Hcnator Morrla fhepaid of Teii hv Chairman ll'nry T. lrla of tlia Mata ItMllxay cominlaalmi. ieardlii the hill Introduced hv Kniin( Hhepaid covering aincrtflincnta to lite Intoa'fr cfipmierr law, the aena'e ha ra,ieted Mir. ft It to (ban u bill rn1 eriog riiijg' allnti by him. The augginlona made related to Inter ference of the lntratte fommerce om mle(riri In te rate regulatlona and the pntnta act out hv the Kehraaka' (halrman eic, m atrong thnl llin Te aenator appioved tliem moat heartily. Thy iijwr Interalate ahltimerita aa they In terfere with atate regnletlona. and ar linporlant to each atate which haa a rate regulation almllar to (hat of the cele brated Nehraaka No. I. Kolilre lampaur anapenila. Company M of !h Fifth regiment, ata lloiierl at Atoldrege, haa been riniatered out of tba aervlee and Hetgesnla Fr and Hmltb of tha atate hciid'piartar have Jual relumed from Koldrega, whera they iheclied tip the property of tha ram puny and muel.ered II out, Thla hiakea two vacanrlea li Ihe Fifth reglmenl and iff one arc being made to fill the A'acanclea from tom which da alr lo mnater companlea Kiamlarr to I anting. County Treaaury examiner have gnne to Cnnilfig county today to cheek nvei the l,eka of County Treaaurer W, A McOonald, who recently died, There, la no iueallon regarding the gtandlng of tha office, but thla la lha ruatom where a vacancy oceura, lletlle gpelltns Infeata, Hlata Hiifietlntenrient Thomaa la making preparation to revive apelllng conteata In tha achwla of lha atate and will have tha plana completed ao that tha work can begin with tha fall term. He alao fipecti to hava tha atudnnl put. In greater effort In writing, . Inapeellona for Ki-ahlea, According to figure prepared by II. A. rlleeih of lha alata veterinarian depart ment, Inapertlona mad for cehl In Nrbraaka for tha period from January 1 to April I, 191, wera a follow: Number of herda Inapected, 41, cattle Inftitected, 12,111' herda Infected, fifty, eight; cattle infected, U.tliT, harda er poacd, twenty-two; cattle expoaed, I3.W,1; herda froe, mi; cattle free, ii.im. attorney" genFral after information about roads From a Waff Correapondent.) I,I.VC()I,N, April J2,-(paclal.)Tha tnak of wlifnlhg tha aulta brought by At torney Oenaral Ited againat tha railroad for attempt lo collect tha rla par mile on paaaanger ratea may not ba uccaaful, iinleaa people who claim tha road hava collected tha naw rata when mileage book hava been uaed coma forward and toll what thay know. "Of course, the roada," alTth attor ney general thla morning, "hava an awered In court that they baV no Inten tion of trying to collect tha raiea, but I would prefer that part lea who claim that Ihey hava would notify ma." The (reeat I'aln Killer, ' Mlonn a I-lnlin:it goea right to the aeat of pain; almply lay It on; you do not hnvr to rub. i All drugglt.-Advr- tlaenienl. FARMER NEAR AMES SUFFERS HEAVY FIRE LOSS TOKMONT, Nan., April 12.-ipe-rlal.i-Tha farm home, harna, outbuilding, garage and automobile, a large rjuatitlty of grain ad farm machinery on the farm of John Fo, a mil weat of Amea, were deatroyed by flte Tueaday afternoon. The flro atarted In a atrawatack (rfim aorne unknown eauae The hore were led from the barn by tho daughter of Mr. Fox, Neighbor who rrriirocb'd to the call for help were unable Ui t heck the flame. Mr, Fo, who Buffered Ihe frac ture of hla leg In a runaway ncMent a few day ago, waa carried from the houae hv nelghhora who ai rived J let a Ihe home waa being attacked by the flamea The loaa, etlmated at II. W), la pnrtlally covered hy Ineurance, METHODIST MINISTERS MEET AT OAKLAND OAKI.AMi. Neb., April U.The annual fllatrlet conference of the Melhodlm Kpiaenfial eliiinh, Omaha dlatrl'-f, enrtej a two daya' convention here laat night with an attendance of forty preacher and fifteen laymen On Monday eviinlng ftev K. I'. Hull of Omaha gave an addreaa and on Tu,da evening ftev, Mr, Aldrl'h, mlaelouary j of India, gave an eddreaa on mli-nlon work In the tirlent, Tim mlnltei'a war ahown the city and aurrouiidlng cemtry In autnmobtlea on Tnaaday ufreiwin Mev, t.', fl, Hrown of Omaha, the dl. trlct auperlntendent, prealded. 39 r For Tired Feet, Sore Feet, Tender, Aching, Swollen, Calloused Feet and Painful Corns ft? Jiit taka your ahnee off and then pui i thoa weary, ahoa-crlnkled, aching, buri Ibg. corn-patrd. bunlon-tortureil (et fj goura In ;Tla" hath. Your toe w I! wriggle with Joy; they'll look up at you and almoat talk and then they'll taUe another diva In that ''Tit" bull . When your feet feel like lumpi of leal -all tired out Jnat try "Tli " It grand It glorloli. Vour feet will dn' wit i Tickets for Grand Opera at Reduced Prices to Burgess-Nash Patrons IN keeping with our policy "the greatest service to the greatest number" and our great interest in every civic movement for the betterment and upbuilding of Omaha, we have secured for the benefit ;f our patrons and the Omaha musie-loving public u block of $1,000.00 (and only $1,000.00) worth of $1.00 and $2.00 reserved neat tickets for the short opera neason at the Auditorium Thursday and Friday of this week by tho , BOSTON GRAND OPERA COMPANY 3 In Conjunction With PAVLOWA IMPERIAL BALLET RUSSE 1 These Ticket Will He Placed on Sale at Our INFORMATION DKSK, MAIN FI-OOU', AT A DISCOUNT OF 23 PF.U CKNT UNDKU TIIK UKdl'IiAK BOX OKI'K F P1UCK. Tims Making the $1.00 Reserved Seat Htln $2.00 Reserved Seatl SO Tickets - - - ' JC Tickets - V1 On Sale Thursday Morning at 9:00 o'CIock And at TIicm' SK-cial Piic. h Wc Fxp. t t Tin in t 15c Sold in a Very Stunt Time After the Sale Opens TfornU it'ptit at " Ithl.iv iialinii at '.' t'riila.v tnuit t S "L'AMOKK DKl ' MADAM J1UT- . TIIK ItK" VERFLY" Miuo. Pavtowa ami hupotial Halltt will pmitivrly nppvar at it ry p vUn matier, nl I . Wilt W a r' kaM. Ik. I a a.l al mI a Itnkiuil Burgess-Nash Company "CVEftYUOQY'S STORK NO NEW MISSOURI PACIFIC STATION FOR RALSTON (From a Staff Correapondent I U.VCOl,N, April .-Kpeclal.)-Kal:lori will not have r new atatton on the Mta aourl Pacific, Application waa made aorne lima ago to Ihe State, Hallway com tnlaalon to compel the railroad to move II at a lion to Ihe nd of Main alreet. Hut the railroad company object tn doing ao for the reaVm that there la o llttl paaaenger bnalnea out Of the town over the road beiauae of tha campetltlon ; of the Interurben. that It would be lm- I r,,a,ti,fcl mnii l,alrfa ihm old Antxni can. not tw moved nerna the fracka of an other company. It would necaeeltete pulling down the old building and re building, and they do not think the buebieja wat rente the egpenae and the i rnmtt.b'iUiii ao hold. j Hlelemeiii aa to tho amount of paa j eeiujet eervh;e over the Hpalding Una of ill- I'nlon I'aclflc will not he reoulrel by the comniteelnn any more, The ete nieiitn covered trial made , tha amount of bualneaa being done hy a j motor running on tb branch from fpeld t r tii Columbii, The railway company dnrlree lo tali off the motor, but tba euinmlaalon wit) not permit thla. ni ( ourt lloaae In limine, FltKMoNT, Nh April 12. -'Hpaclal.-Tha County Hoard rff Huparvlaor t It . monthly aeaalon decided lo raaa tha old I wall of lb court hou and erect a new 'county building. A atruoture coating ll'JW,. ':(Hl or over will ba erected. 151 11 U 8 "Can't beat Tu for aching, iwoDm fert. Don't atay fooUtck I" joy; alao you will find 'all pain gone from corn, celloueeg and bunlona. There nothing tig "Tl." .ft' tha only remedy that draw out all the polaonou exiida'Hti wlilcrl puff up1 your feat and cniie ,f'ot torture. 'let at M-cent bog of "Tla" at anf drug or depiriment atora don't wait. Ah! how glad your feet get; how comfortable your anoe feal, , .. , . LA B0HEME1 ADollar-Meal For Five Cents. The most expensive foods are quite often entirely lacking in food, (value. They do not bufld jmtjscle or supply energy.; Measured by the cost of ;most foods, a breakfast or luncheon of Shredded Wheat with milk and cream is worth a dollar and the cost is not over five cents. , Two Biscuits will supply all the strength needed for a half day's work or play. M&da t Niagara Palla, N. Y. Why Duffy's Is Healthful ! Became It dtffera from tha ordinary or beverage artlcia In that It I aapo dally md for medicinal , by tha Mcdbal rrofeaeloit and f'ublln n1 aervea well when a rellabla lunla allo blint I reuuli"), Duffy's P-ceMaltwH'lv I or of fiature'a food; prceeij trnm tha flneat grain of Ihe Paid and freed from poaalble Imp irltlea at a to alye an article of uii.toin atrengHi and reliability, Tb wibl'imiiea( Eurlfy and rich rneltr llaror of mftf' Cure Wall WbleMev permit It ba retained bf the moat ilelleala atomarh hen other food are ra clad. Taken aa dlre"ted If. aerre apiepdldly In aaelatlng tb proper aa altiillalbm of food ao that the body ralna health, thneigh vrint digatli, n realat ilaugeroua eoualia, eolda, grin krtd pneumonia. .In elding Ihe a'l find Infirm to a better enjoyment, it Ife, Umtf-0 can he rlt-rt upon, '!ht lg wwjr many ifM Duflf'l in Ksia Will" At moat rlnia 'a't aroeer n; Sealer. tf they can't anpply yoi, write ne. I'aeful ponaehol'l booklet lite; Tb Bnffy Wait whiakay Ce.t Keehaatar, Sf, 1. h, take, hat a mlnut of time to v t'6t when you r.J Th V,r.t Want Ad columna. .POt,1TtCAh ADvr;Tiaio, A Tata Gurley la a Tot Hughes tor 9lrt Bapublioaa JfaUonal Ooa yaatloa, gooi)d Olvtrtct, x WiHEara F. Gurley Sp ecialJbaster SHOWING OF LADIES' SPRING SUITS At $22.50 AND SPRING HATS At $5.00 With Kaatar rapidly tp'troarhlOK It la tlma to Jtnt proparly outntMd with a Nw Spring Hult and Hat. All your frln1 will ba draaafld btflttlng tlia ocraalon Why not you? Our Klylfla our quality-aatlafy tba moat partlfular and our prlcaa and aay buying term put any garment within raarh, MEN'S SPRING SUITS EE 1417 DOUGLAS STREET We Bell On Credit To Out-of-Town Peopla. Bend For New Spring Styl Book. fimples Sores and Ulcers arctheoulvardsijjnof ijsease Lo Dieaes oi the skin arc entirety caused by poisons in the blood. You cannot cure a skin disease until the poisons and impurities in the blood are removed, The use of salves, oint ments and other local ap plications on pimples, ulcers, boils, abscesses and other skin eruptions, may Rive a little temporary relief, but the poison that causes them is still in your system and will break out on the surface again. You must go to the root of the trouble and remove the cause impurities and pois ons in the blood. The artificial lives we lead are conducive to bad blood. The system is unable to throw olT the impurities and oissons that accumulate. The presence of this underlyin trouble is proved by the sores that break out in the kin and which cannot be 'tmaMwiijaii.ja.'aaJiiaHJ. ii.aJlav yav.t. Jam ? VpqaWTQ : .i ,., W"f I '(:.. t- If'.'" ;r ...j""r' , , Mont Motif nt a!-l Bnlurv Hrrwi rv In the Vst rtuiuly Tra ujnUe4 by WM. J BIT EH, PiinVn v, 2N.'i H 8t. Tclcphon DtaUU 423!. 3oui!v f U vr 3;4, mm if! SI I'll I i mmmuitmmmmmama Mada for Mn Who Care, Htyla, fit, o'taility vf ythlnjt. In fart, t.it uiakoa a man look "Wi.'ll-l)rMaw1." VVhy not h wll dr"aP'l now, wiry day, all tha lima wht-n you can hav on of our dtind) Kprlnit Hult At $22.50 and only pay u a llttla at a tlma. How About the Boys? Ara th boya going to ba (clran thoaa Spring BultaT Uolng ahort of monoy ta no axcuae wban you can glre them ona of our aulta At $5.00 ON EASY TERMS HtJWDRFDB OWR THKIR WFLI-DrtKHSKD APPKARANriB TO OUR UUEUAL CIIJ5DT ARRANGEMENT. DBEO den Blood permanently cured by local applications. S.S.S. is a remedy that acts through the blood en tirely. It removes the pois ons and impurities that cause the skin troubles. The healthy blood then nourishes the flesh tissues and cures the diseased spots. S.S.S. has been curing ulcers, sores, pimples and other skin troubles for half a century. It contains no harmful drug. It is purely vegetable, being a scientific extract of certain native roots and herbs, Should your trouble be particularly malignant, write to our Medical Department for advice. S.S.S. is on sale by all druggists in the United butcs. Get a bottle today and start on the road to !Mn health. Accept no substitute lr S.S.S. A Rircly fy?cf aMc Remedy fcrl)bcitK'S Of! he Dlood T I i si