TIIK HKK: n.MAIIA. ;siav. Al'i; r.Mi;. FAT MAN'S FATE IS SETTLED BUT- v - The Too Slender Fellow Is Rarely Happy in That Condition. rcrhfip nnTuxly lnvea it (nt man. but It 1 a Kflttlfd lilt of litilln'iihy of Ufa that the too iTifpr man or wotunii In im-ly liapiiy in that coiiilltlini, A tin In In fli'xh In Him linll iti hi k of lin- provlnif Iir-Blt h and tlm Mif alu of a better dlapiieltlon, ami to In In atut tho gain naturally ami wholeannirly tlm atom'), mtiat function nt Ha ln-at.' No benefit la ili-rlveil from fooil which la not thoroiiKhly tllKcatod. In tho prea ent day hurry nnil acuirjr a uftrrt ml Mir insula lit too tiri'itt, a IuikIb mid fall tn raperly niaatlraln mir fund, Tho rah of modern llfn elnran't Hnn-n wit It many, and It nftim rnaulta lit ilyaitrpala, proti Ithly tha moat rotriniut. of liialmllea, A dyaiiKpth) can eaally lie illalliiKulaliM, Jfe tieomime liatlfiaa, tln-n inorhld, iwlnti rholy and "grow-hy" over Utile thlnne lit tfiara Ma aiipflltp, aufffia untold Kiiilee from pallia In Ilia elila or elmn ach, lioadnrhoa, aftr rutin, a hloalr-tl feeling, rm'ieen, ri-allraa alerp, ncrvoua and alj run-down ini'lln. After year of eliitly and e aperlmenle In an fffort to find a remedy lo dipt Willi thli almoat utilvr-raal malady, Jom-nll Von Trlniliarli, tlia nolcd clniiilat and giver of licallh alda, illai'overeil Tanlnr, Tanlan la ili-aUtie-l In conibiit Jnat aifh condlllona. It la proving Inval uable agnlnat nllmeiile of Ilia etinniipli, liver, ItMueya, and raiarrlial affcrllona of tha iiiunoiie riifiiitiranr-a, which, when img ledid, nflen affect the niul niKnna tlieirmalvr. Aa n rf MiaH-ui-llva Ionic for half alck, run-down incn and wonion It tuillda up Ihn tleaura, rival fa a krftl appallfa, pinirwlne dlKeallon, vllallgee, Ida Mood and luliige hack color lo (ha lieeke and aparkl lo Ilia eyaa. ' Tanlae, Ihn Ideal reronal rictlva tonln, la l.alng eapeclnllr Introducod In Omaha at (ha Hhermnii A Md'onneii drug etiire, lath and lidga atreela, Teniae may ha ohlnlned In tlinaon nf the Hchlllar-lhatfla Jipig Htoral tfpilng flald, Jf, Flegenhnuiii; Weeping Water, Mayer Pmg (tn.) N'lbiaaka, ('IIV, Henry Vhwafca Cn ; nhiiin, K, If, Port; Aahland, If. II. .'una; Malmo, V. H. Filed; Fremont, Mrown-l'iederhkann triijf Rlora; Oakland, M. O, llin'llim A Won; f'larkaon, K. H. Knu; t'olnmhiia, furlfjr Iirutt Hlora; Monroe, IIIII'm Phi.r macyi Madlaon, K. 10. Iljirrla; Nl aeiaon, Voids A Murrlaj Kullerlon, Orlffln Mroa i Broken How, . Jt, l.ee; tlnndlll, Frank A, Lincoln AdverllKiiiienl. QUICK RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. That la tha Joyful cry of ihonaanda lne fir, Kdwarda produced Ollva Tali lala, tho aiihatlluta for calomel. ,ir. Kdwarda, a praellclnit phycan for 17 year and cnlomel'a nldllina nainy, dlacoverad tha formula for Ollva Tableta whlla treat Iiik piitlenla for chronlo ronatlpatlon and torpid llvara. It. Kdwarda' Ollva Tableta do hot rnii taln mlomrl, but a ticullng, aoothlng veaetHbln laxntlve, , Tin griping la tht "kejnote" of tiienn llltla iUKar-coatod, ollva-culnrrd lahlela, Thy cauaa tha bowela and liver to ot iomiHlly, They never force them tu un natural action. If you hava a "dark brown mouth" finw and then n bad breiiih-a dull, tired fecllriK -aU'k beadnehn- torpid llvrr and ar fonatlpnted, you'll find quick, aura and only pleaaunt, reaulla from one or two lltila Iir. Kdwarda' ollva Titblata at bedtlma. Thonaanda take one or two avery nlht Jnat to keep rllil Try them, 10a and t'f- p'r box. All druKKlala, Tha Olive Tablet Company, Columhua, Ohlu. ' Why Suffer From Migraine or Sick Headache? Tr. J. J. Caldwell aaya that thuajeeadln illy 4lnlraalng dlaeana iluea nol liirin Hie. fcut itoea not appear to ba curable. Muffor- r from thli anili'lloii urn ooudonined to) IMidergi) the peiloillciil allm ka every few week until they lire forty yearn of att, alter which tha anuria are lent frequent, and finally dlanppear entirely, J'Hlllnilva ini' nrca during tho alim k nra all that It ia poaalhln In aiiiiuioil., whlla cara lu tha diet ta tha bet prevunltva menanra. An ailiu-k limy often be prevanteil by Inking- two anil kainnla tubleta when tlia firm avmii loma appear, and onn autl-kninnlrt tablet rvei v two hour duriuii tha attack hnrletia It, niin tlia Mil n and brloiia nut and quiet. A li 1 1 k in ii Ita tnldeta may bn ohtatueil at II diiiNKiKta. AnV for A-iH 'Jublon. 'J liny uult-kly lelleva all I'alu. Veak Sfomachs Heed a So Da Inactive Bowels Firt Thin-Eich Hominf Bafoti Bitikfitt HI tlMIMaT fromphy.ic. pilli.nilnaral water, nili and Minm, 0y la cu"l Cllllaiat in U.i a. a ien, mault. OHMaiaf b auta with lt uaa finiifeliitatiiin and turhlianl aii'nnt um ay pka mut tiainia tha tun B'O laiat ti u it fnvinratea aiul tietiuiuia, aoilltCAuat it va a nani lal ay Phiii heauii. a aiiiaiNt alien H. nmta leular iMiwxa, t,lxiia a'1". V aatar . iiy. LET FRUIT-VICOR HELP YOU TO GET WELL ind KEEP WILL a ant fata itiutfHot or '"' f at"! f V ifr litriiu liei i Oi l'iwiiiinili,ii t,a t iia Hi 1 1 t uur li 1 1 SO !ii la.a ii tTiw"r rooo co m iii it iiuti RUPTURE . .. ,! I 41 ! ! I. ., ,.,i. i 'ii- i -. aiu-4- . , ia ' W m S: ii,, .-i ' i I i. K -. a - l. I ' , , , - -.., . -, I : ) i -. ' " ' I ' i t I i f :, e. ' l ' " ' I t t .'-.- - ' St !.., l I' ' ' .''' ' ' , l 1 1 1 - ' 1,1 fc1'-!- 41 I I .1 . , .. (i '- ' il i"a v i- a a I i . .if t I I O'- I . l t,i,, - ; V ' , i -i t '' ! ' I 1 ' FBUITMIGQR Nebraska WESTERN MEN TO WRITE HUGHES IN J. W. Hann of Wauneta Sayi Chaie County Voten Are Extremely Favorable. JOKE UPON DEM, CANDIDATE (From a Hlaff Onrraapondrtit.) I.I.Ni'OI.N, April n.-(Hpeelal.)-etill. mant a at rung In wealrrn Nebraaka fa voiabla to tha nomination of Charlea l. Huahea for tha republican candidal for lha preaideiicy. A vary atrong following will go lo lha tmubla lo wrlta In th mi no. of tha dlatlngulKhed Juilt In lha blank Una left for that purpuaa on lha preferential ballot, according to repoita romlii(f to Lincoln. Thla waa eapeclally rmphaaliird today by J. W, Itiinn of Wauneta, a laadlntf lepublhan of Chaae counlv, who vlaltad the alula ho tn and called at Ihn offlun of lha atala auperlntendenl, Mr, llanii aiihl that If Mr,' lluuhta' mime could ba pilntrdl nn Ihn ballot ha believed tha weatern jiart of tha atate, or at leaat that aactlon In which h ra-ahh-a, would b very alrona for blm and Ihn reault of tha primary would ao allow, However, aa 11 la, ha beleve thera will be a iieneiat wrlUnn In of III name of Miiahea and that ht will a I a hl vota out thera, Mllea atrona 'latere, On ihn auliernalorlal allualhiii, Mr. Kami aald Unit Mllr-a iipiicared lo ba the favorlta ;nndhlat for tha irruhllvnn tioui Inatlon, with Hiiilon atandlnc nrxi, He ihouaht tha county In which ha realdca would ao dry, but Ihn people thera had ao much ronfldenea In I'lnreiva Mllea that ha would ant tha bulk of tha vole, they conaldered hint the toxical man for lha phua and amliinnlly nimllf lnl for lha plice of govarnor of Nnlnaajia. 'I be re 'a tlany Ullii, A well known ndldnt for'TWvainur living In Lincoln la wondering today If aoiiinoiia didn't put aomathlng ovar on him laat nlhf. lie waa Invlled to apeak hefor tha lla publican elub of Cnlvaralty I'lnca nl night with I li ran lo'-nl cniidldatea for the Icglalntut. lie went over to tha town and mud them tin j ei h of hla Ufa. He I old them what tin would do If elected Kovartmr, how ha had been dry all hla llf nud waa llt rtr-v. nnil. In fiiel. miLife fhem lmlghty good talk. After ha had left tha hall tha audlanoe took tip tha matter of rmlnraement of a ciiiiilhliin and voted lo emtoian niiothei1 man who Uvea It) Omaha, Aa tha Oinnha limn waa not prewent and Ihn Uncoln man waa, lha InMcr la wonderlni( who put over th Joka. SURVEY OF BIG DRAINAGE DISTRICT COMPLETED HTKU.A, Neb,, April l2.-(Hpeclal,)- .1, II, llelf, engineer of Full City, haa liiMt complete,) tin ri rvey of Namaha poimly ilraltiflg dlatrlct No, Tha dla trlct liirludea all that part of tha lll MmMy bottom from tha Mnlnman aohool louao lo th) Itlchardaon county line, thnu mlleg north wcat of Ntella, Mr, Itnlf haa been at work for two month and 15. (', Kelalar, aecrelary of lha drain ngn hoard, auya that tho work will bu rr a! gn i u y ilaii and Ihut Ii, ia pel- albhi Hie enilrn ditch may bn completed by .ihn flral of tho year. The' new did h will drain hnudredfl of acrea of hind along tha lllg Muddy hol loma and la Intended to carry only aeep. me mid flood walera. The old bed of tha lllg Muddy la vary i rooked anil la neatly eighteen mllea long, hut the new ditch will ellmltiata ten mllea of II. It la now thirty mllea along tha reel, of Ilia coin an of lha lllg ilui'dy lo He outlet and lha fnrmeia In Jtlchard- nun iniitily living along- tha liver will ha v to oi'KiiiiIze a dralnngn dlatrlot or elNo toelr hinda will ba damaged by iu fbioda, WILL WRITE IN NAME OF MAN TO OPPOSE KINKAID ciltANH I H LAN I), Nb Apill li,-(Hp-b'l.) -"Writing In tho naina'' la being adopted lu ilu-(Hlvlh congreaHloual illn-trb-t tn- the puiiioac of bringing out a uudldiite to oppoan ('oiiHrenauinii Kln- kald. It la leiirned here that Kdward II. ,Mc)i.rmott, furmeily county attorney of llulf-uh) county, lm written lette'ra to iiuiuy comiiiltleeuien anil frlenda In the lllg HUth on Ihu qiient'oii of the writing In of hla inline on the bullet it a a tenta tive piopoaltliui. It la alao declared that the alcp Iiiim the approval of Htnle t'lmlr iniin Thonipaon, the mutter of acceptance ifii.r the pilnuiiy according to Mr. Me- lii'iniutt, being aublect to tha approval mill Co opi ration or lha coiinti-hkIdiiiiI i oinmll lee. BRIDGEPORT MAN GOES TO GRAND ISLAND FOR BRIDE ItKllMiKIMiItT, Neb , A'pill IJ.-iMpe I'll. V Iniliatlona are nut for the wedding of William 1 1 1 1 tilt- ii , .f thla rtty ami ,MI I'lililre Arthur of til and lalalid Mr. Inn bin la the ai-uUir member of tha In runt of Itilcble A I'erry of lliblgepm t, end Hie bible lo be ia a daughter of lies. ami Mia. I.mila A Arthur of ilraud Inland The i-elelilnln Will be (icrfni nted I M Mlepbeii a i huii-lt In ilrand Uland i,o v i-.i e- l y eveiiliig Apill li;. and Ml ,u,. I Mia Itli. Ill" Will make tln-lr hem irplgrpolt Nma Si. lea nt HrliteiuH lilUlmi It'll t' Vet. , a-a il I- iHt. till i V I bulla li.uk I'V i- l'"lm 111 Ilia (hi. i if t ! ntn i If taiiln ibuli ta In gti 1. il n 1 1. -nii ii " , li-u M It taiila m.I.I lo li.i. i. i 1.' i ' Mid' il I lit i - 1 I ' ' I -I til I- .i II l l'l-lt!'l I 111 i. ,HA! Will .v!i-tm It 1, .n lu I-- rf- ' 1.1 Una I 1 ' . ,! .. I HI. in) fh-tii in. a -, i.li . (-., (J ..I, t t. .ii.it :ri I .1 ii.n. It . Ii il. I llli l.l.r, i-M 1- 1 -'11. I- 1- lltll I. , iii i-i, : -.-I t, . tit'l I-, t-i't -t l i-nt ' I . 1 . i .. - I t.U. 11 1 -It III I ' 1 ' : , i , . i, .Ii , I. i ' .it (- . ' . iti.-i I i-'iii i- II ai i-i i I, ,,,.,1,' ii,, t tM. ,.ia i a -1 i t i .ii 1 1 -o i - . f i-i i tt c-1- I t-i jl .i t.-i-it ! .. i ' i ' a I i ii 'I I i. ii i-il i -vim t- -!-. ft. . i . l-ii i, i-iii i id i hi i ti t"i .ii,. i, , 1 1 , i',.,. H .,ti. a (.Unit; , , , i. - ..s ... I..,t.. niK t't-j- ,S,itla ttHiri . , i i l i i 1 a... . , . . ! . . - - , t . - . lv I ,,. 1 1 t I 1 II . I , , , I t . I .. Nebraska Falls City Women Denounce Campaign Methods of Wets F A I.M I'lTV, April U -(Kpei lal. i-The woman of Kail City and vl Inlty met In maaa at the tjhilatlan church on Tueadnv afternoon about V) aliopg and piraie their Inillgnatliiii at having the anlooua thruat upon lha town by mitaldn Influ ance'a Many woman from the aurrouiid Ing country and neighboring to in were praaent and rnpreaaad (heir IiiiIIkhh.I hi that, l-'alli i lly allow auvli pioccedliu.t and aabl they did not care lo trade In a, town where there welt aaloona and would go rlaewhetn to trade ah.Hilil Knlla City taka ..uck aaloona. The meeting waa adverllaed to lien place In llm loiirt hoilae, which proved enl Italy too tmall for the entwd Tlm women then arilournod in the church mulching en nineaa down tha main alreet and creating a actuation aa the im-n ImnM llinughl lha meeting waa lo boy nil thorn who Voted "wet,". At Ihe Hour of the. meeting the women marched up the alrect "'nglng, "Iry 'lcnn ..ehraaka Where Von Ara " They were aerved aiind h hea and coffe Ju an emply building opposite tlm rourt huuae. Jtiiaoliitluin wrr adopted denouncing alleged Illegal voting at Ihe rerun) t-lcc Hon hera and i-rnaurlng (ioveiupr Mine head, Warden Onion, Wale Knglncrr Johnaon, Atemher of "tale linn i rt of i on Irol flarrtjea and former irongrraainan Mcijiilta (or their activity 111 India IT oi tha wet lonei, NOTES FROM BEATRICE AND GAGE COUNTY lllvATItH'K, Neb , April U.- iHpet lul l - Announcement waa received here e lerday of the daallt of U' i I' lllay, formerly of ttila til), which nrvuried Monday night at hla Inmw at Tulaa, Okl of cantar of lha alunmcli. The diiieaaad waa tha aoit of Hun. KIDnh Kllley, after whom Ihn lown of i'Mlley wna named, and waa tt ara of age, He waa amployed In tha dlatrhl clei k'a of flea hera for yean bafor going to Okln hotna, Ha 'la iirvlved by a widow and two children. Tlm body will ba brought to Ilea trice for Inic rineiil, Jainea llaney, niayor of Udell, and ,lme l,oieii, who opeiateg a meat imir at at tfial placirf engaged In a fiath' imcoiinlar on the alrcela of lha vlllaa" yealerday, Willi Ihn reault that Ihe head of tha city government won In tha flral round, Tha vllliign board of f'lcluell Ilea cut lha aaloon ta lo li7o afier having met laat week and Increaaed II lo $!, Tho cnmblnatloii chemical, lioaa and ladder truck, which the city commla- alonera punhaaed laai winter at a coal of IJ.ijoji, itrrlv t1 lu the c!ty yeatcrduy. The maciiiiin haa alxty-horaa power etiglna and la guaranteed lo run alxly mllea an hour. Tha city commlealonera held a apodal tnentlng yealerday monilng mid pnaaeil an omittance increaamg tne aiiine m lha three officiate from H.oKi to 11,20) per year, and adding tv to Ihe anlniy of tha mayor, making lila yearly allpend l,M0 per year. CANCELS LIFE INSURANCE AND DIES WITHIN MONTH rufl MHOS', Neb., April 12,-(Hpeclal.i-rtecauee h thought Hint life Inauriiuce waa wrong, Waller l. Kernea, for (lie laat eight yeare aectlon toreinan on the HurlliiKton tiara, turned In all hla polpiea and raaaed hla paymenta atHiut four week ago. J.aat week Kernea waa taken auddenly Inaann and taken to Ihn etnle hoapllal at llaatlnga, Tueaday evening hla Itody waa brought back lo Oiirrlaon for Tmrlal. Ha.leavea a. wlfn nnd three emu II children, Says Hot Water Each Day Keeps the Doctor Away Drink glass of hot water before breakfast to wash out the poisons. 1.1 fa la not merely to Ihe, but to live woll, eitt wall, dlgeat well, work Well, elenp well, look well. What a glorluua condition to attain, and yet how ver eaay It la If one will only adopt ihe morning Inaldti bnth. Fullia who are acciiHtunied to fefr dull and heavy when they arlne, plllting headache, atuffy from a cold, foul tonguti, tiaaty breath, acid atomai Ii, tan. Inatead, feol aa frewli aa n dnlay by opening the alulora of the ayatem em Ii morning ami fliiahlng out the whole of tha I tit Tint I polaniioua atugunnt mutter. Kveryone, whether ailing, ab-k or well, ehoiibl, each morning, befmn hreakfakt, drink a gleea nf real hot ater with a teaainionf ill of llnn-etone phoaphate In It to waah from tha atomm b, liver, kid ney and bowela the prevluu tin J a In dlgeatlbln waate, anur bile ami p-umilioii" ti.tlua; thua deaualiig, a entenlng and purifying the entire alimentary tauitl be fore pulling inure fund Into the auima. li. The action of but waler and lltmeloiir phuephale nn an empty etoinai h I won il.i folly Inilguratlng It ilum nut all the t-'i-r fei meiiiHiloua, gaara, waate and ac'ditv and alvea i.ne a aplendil appe tile for breakfaat. While yini ale en Ink In imir breakfaat tb atur an-l pliiiathfttft la iiuletlv evlia ting a 'an,, Viiliilne of Water flmil Ihe blieul nli.l g. 1 ting mititt f.u llii.in gh ft iihtn alt the liKl.'v i, rum 1 II 1 1 ,! 1 i'f -l'll I 1 -t' bulb rotM wltb . utiti li-ittluli ii liii-.t ai-rlla tii-ma. b itoiii.u i lii-iiialttiii ..iltria eli i l,,i , tallo ahll.t 1. 1, i n il ,i I o . i.,l tl i i .inn . t linn am ng. -t i i g I a -. Ii c ii I ' " i I- . .-i i-. fin, ii tbr -Irig ali.-i -i-ii ti ai'i i i i mil., i. ( I, a ,lf. ,. il l., nnk a to .hi-. it- ml i ii,. - ,,i "i- t ion 1 - I, tlllial Mlllt'i-O. I i" ' '. M'Oi- ' 1 TODAY'S mm HELP -i ., 9 t k I' I tun !i -ii - -llil 4'-t; I 'lit if ; hK. I i s - .- -I .1 Nebraska Custer Men Angered Over Edict of Bryan ih'iom a Htaff ( orri apnndeiit I I.INitil.N, April VI i Hpeclnl i- Infor mation enmeg lo Lincoln from ''unlet county tlm! the Itryan edict haa gone forth lht Oetirge flreenwalt, who baa aerved aeveritl w-aelona lu the lower Ipniae of (ho leglalnture, mual be defeated and nniifher democrat who la morn acceptable to the dry promm nuiit be noiulnited Thla haa grnuafd Hie anger of Mr Uiei nwalt a frlenda and they aie demand ing to know wlui t right the dry hum b haa lo eider Hie In nl fight and ib-fi-al a man who hag eened hla dletrlct with the ability ((reenwnll hna abown In the aea aloiia he haa (aerved They any that the ' ualer comitv repi eaentatll e wna Oil of AChild Doesn'T" : Laugh and Play if Constipated Look, Mother! Is tongue coat ed, breath feverish and stomach sour? "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver, bowels. Inmillva loihiy aii'.fa n ah Ii child to morrow. Children almply will riot t.ilip the limn from play lo emply their bowela, Which becomn clotigcd up Willi waile, Ihcr gela alugglah; atomnch aour, Look at Hie tongue, motliei! If coated, or your child la llallera, clone, feverlah, brith bml, realleaa, iIochii'I nil heiilt. lly, full of cold or Ima aurn lliroiit or any other I'hlldreu'N riliini-nl, 'the a tanaprioi, ful of "Cnllforiila Hyrup of Klga," Ihen don't worry, Imcnuae H la perfectly harm hue n cil In ii few Igitii raj all llila cnnailpii lion polaon, aour bile and ferniciilliig waatn will ginllyjmove mil, of Ihn how- da and you hnvn a well, playful child again. A thorough "Inalde denning" la 'Hit linnet nil thill la pcctaaiiry, II elionld be 'the flrat trentinoiit given In nny ab k lieaa. llewBia of cminlerfelt fig eyrupa. Aak your druggtat for n U ient botllii of Ciillforiilii h'yrup of I'Mga." which haa full dlrecllona for b.iblca, children of all age and for grown upa plainly printed on tin; botlln, Hook carefully and ae that It la imidn by I ho "California Fig Hyrup Coiripany." The Easiest Way , To End Dandruff Micro la one euro way Hint neer fnlla lo reimije iliitidruff compb lcly and Hint la to dlHHolve II.., Thin ib'nlioya It en llrely. To do thin, I tat Ki t nbtiiit four oiinrea of plain, ordinary lluitld nrvon; nppiy n nt nigni. win n n-nriim, nan enotiglielo uinlntcn the ai-nlp mid rub it 111 gently will! the finger llpa. lly morning, moat If rrnl nil, of ymir dandruff will be gone, niul Ihreo or four morn nppllciitlona will complelely dla- aolvn and clillndy deatroy every alngle algn nnil truce of It, no mutter how much dandruff you tuny have, Von will find, too. Hint all Itching and digging of th clp will atop hiMliintly, ntul your hull' will be fluffy, lunltnii, gloaay, rallky and aoft, and look and feel a hundred times better. Vim can get lluuid nrvnn at any drug atore, II la Inexpennli e, and ro ir oiincea In nil ou will need. Thla elinpla remedy hna neirr been known to Inll.-Adver- 1 1 K I ' M 1 I t To Avoid Dandruff Y ou ilii liot Ht'il n nlo lieiitoieitt ben lutlr la fitlling nud the ilitndri.ff germ In killing the lutlr route I'Hny rieana no hair llrt, at any drug etore, a bottle of geino fin L'ii- or II. "I for eatin largn ail. t'ae an dlicted f'r It dine the work I'lli My, It U Ilia the ilnmlruff gmin. n "l lhe he I air route nud linmeilbilely atopa Iti hlng a- nil' it la a. m- mi l earn, la not yi'-n.y, la mat to uie Qlu will not atnin Nnlipa niul ihHiiipiioe are baruifill, na tbe innialii nlkall Tha beat thing lo i te la ai-iim, fur It i pure and alo Ineg- prlialie y.-iiin, Cleveland ACHES AND PAINS nut hn k nf li mui n-liintu tti t Inith tH IMI .llu v HlHt (I'll V M .i J- i k ),uf.i i utt I'iIi I ,Un, thr . ft, -Vi.lJ. 41 i . tl tV tt AH 1 t(l I HitMiiii-l t'f tl i 4 M II ill if V I'M tii Iti lit t mil.- it H A It U. ' tl M i mi it'hi "t it i it (- (I . i'u-ik n I 'I'll Mil i"' i'i f.'l I l'l(tt t of tlit' Hitrt i,iii t U tidn' hi n - l.n ll Hint I ltti ; -ti it I 1 1 . ? n t i: . tt It 1 tl 1 I tf'i t l ( i:H V II i ! ' Hi (' "I -i i l 1:1 1 -tl l . Ill l, ! 'trtl " i. tk tA-l.t M-!.1 M I t I, M M-i.1 t -U. .i h W V, M f .trl Or , t t r, (i t'4itp ,t -,(- MI ,H I'll. V ' "'. I I II U .M . ) i. , . k 9m H-v .' M.M t i V I. , l -i ' - ttt it f. PUSTCRS t -l t ( lit ! Daikarha, Mhttitttiaif, 4 V the bent nu n tb.ti cnunii i i-r n ut lu lie Ii-Klnlnl ire. Mr. liie.-uwnli wni cm nl tin beat npeakr-ia of tin- In.-t two Heaaluiia mid nl waya took n derided pt iiul fur what In bnlleveil Wiin light mid he 'genera II V hud Influence enough to put ililng.. in runi. Keel anilf) f Irrllablef IHaaalUried f our liver la 111,- Crtltjte. Clr.tn 01. t lull! eyatrui with Hr. Ivlng'a New I.IIb I'lIU Vnu will feel fnifi- i.c. All drugglala Adiei tlaement. Make TIP-TOP Your Daily Bread The one article of your menu that should always be Rood. If you appreciate Uniform Quality, Appetizing Flavor and the maximum amount of nourish ment at least expense, buy no other kind but TIP-TOP BREAD That it is clean, pure and wholesome goes with out saying for it is baked from the choicest ma T"AL HARK R'O . U.a.pAirNT OrriCf Look For This Ubel Wa La s3.00 s3.50 $4.00 s4.50 & s5.00 SHOES YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES VALUE GUARANTEED For 33 years W. L. Douglas name has stood for shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price. His name and the retail price stamped on the bottom guarantees full value and protects the wearer against high prices for inferior shoes. They are the best known shoes in the world. W. L. Douglas shoe are made of the most carefully selected leather, after the lateit models, in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass., under the direction and personal inspection of a most perfect organization and the highest paid skilled shoemakers; all working witrt an nonesi determination to make the best shoes in the world. W. L DOUGLAS $4.00, SHOES are just at good for as other makes costing 6.00 only perceptible difference is W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 SHOES hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than other makes for the price. None genuine unless W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bottom. "DOUGLAS SHOE STORE, 117 North Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Neb. 0mmi .in n iiiiwii)ii.iiiiniin ymmmmmm.. um im&mmmmmnmimm i ii. i iiiii sf-ww-T-ii inun in n p m mi immmmnmmmmmm j) JJIplSfedl Lv. Chicago 12:40 noon I ,N-w I N"xs "Va. Lt, Engltwaod 12;S6p.m. I I Ar.Ntw Yotk 9:40 a.m. It. New yiA 2:45 p.m. t him 20 HOURS 7 Ji i 11 &? Pennsylvania u 11 I lli ' LlNES I i i ",w',,, i H'.rfetHWMMl t ) H, ' M.'HituUi M J i tiU." TE-1 gEST lMMW fj0 Mnamilc Unit foe llel.lu i-imrt . liUii;i.l'!iKT. ,. h , Mull U.-ir-pi -t'Ml.l-'riic Mii-oiiic 1 1 m 1 v: - nf litii iffy M pilfeclinw it i In I1KI-I11' -lit :! lor the t-t i-i-t lull of ii iii-w I", In,, building on the xlte dl ertly icipoi-ite the 1'reiihylri ihu ( liurrh. The bulldiiu will be I wo Hioib-rf high and w III. be conal rii' ti-d nf pieeaed In tel. I n ml tile. Thin bulge la but newly oikiiIi- Ueif, hut II nllendy hna n iiieinbcrahlp of til H t y nnd It ulnnhly grow ing In number. lice. Want Ada ;;et reaulla terials by bread specialists. V Ai your grocer's Today, Tomorrow and Every Other Day. 5 and 10c THAT SATISFYING BREAD Q)yL $4.50 and $5.00 style, fit and wear to $8.00, the the price. and $3.50 jmR3m-m.z TO REMOVE DANDRUFF ( Hit 'i -nt Injttlc of I laiidfi-iiiO t any' drua etore, pour a little lu'io your hntnl nud tub well Info Hie ar.ilp w to the fin.,' i lip-t tly li M rri l li-.- nio I II no' all. ni'Hil" awful aciif wt hnie ,1 ,. npeaied. ' Two or Circe nppll' iiluiii will ibairoy every bit of dandruff; eiof, acnlp Itrhlng and fulling hwr.-Advi nn. ment, x.'fA1 i- ; y for men I ,mmu AND WOMEN JJr iHH w l. DflTjotas was ut to woaa a-noa- INOMOiaaTS(vrN vraaia or aoc. mc CO AN MNUfAC . TUeiiNaiNiara.ANO ' la now tm laaa iBTMKrorsj eo St so no seen HOII IN THI ''' Vh " Beit In tha World f 3.00 S2.60 Cliil fni. fl P.WAKE OP J' SUIISTITUTRS " .11 f l -efltTVv J -i- LeV Or,:W2&iM. W ii , - 'K 12.00 in in fnr fwm , av. . w -,v- x Jt WV ir l XJT...YJt t 'iVr,V. 'in ,yy .WU VA iaVttV'.W,S' W-JP W.I,. aT'?-v, V.,& m WW !. W J 15'. 4Tj.VwmI7iI ' i tmil I'K. X 7J .''aHwaina -"a IVieaa'M il littl'l UWV :-A ,u- Mee.. r r i "in. -i . . f.a ttr M It UMf, t b- r i ' Hit x i lh"fJ i, .JV 'W iaa ia. nun