THK BKI): OMAHA, THURSDAY. APRIL U 191i. 11 WESTERN UMPIRES cdt rriTDn it t hot OELEiUlEilJ HI MOl lane, . Carney, Pontius, Eckman Ryan, Anderion, Andrewi and Mullen Are New Arbiter!. th MULLEN ONLY FAMILIAR FACE At Isat, after several aneks ot pa lent anrt watchful waiting, PreaMant "prank d. Jiehrnng of th Western losgue has niais imnounrement of the JioirodaI of hi timplilng staff for the iu season, . Tiie lint of appointments w as follow; Flarry'C. Kinr. KI T", Tea, W. C. Carney, Hops-ln, Minn, R W. I'nntms. rirxlKA City, Kan, Mward A- Pi'-kmsn, Chicago, la"l ftyan. He Louis. 'Mile .Aurteiann, Han Antonio, Tf, .lav A. An1rrw, lie Moines,, John mtullen. J'lttahurgh.. K All of these men are new miner e vpt MMn, wlW ofrVlatnd In thl league few day laat summer before 1oln I d, brodl to th Federal. Thru of them ( Java nan major league experience, nan-jr Kane hd Mullen hava ' worked ' In the Js'atlnnal league anil Anderson wa with th Fed lejit year, going up from It meriran association, Kdward Rckman worked In the Central loop laat year and I chairman of th newly organised Association of Minor giie Umpire, ' ,ly Andrew la ths only man In th i tight who ha not had previous espert tore at umpiring. Andrew U a piny and manager, who ia trying hi hand at .fifflrtAtlng for tha flrat tlm Ho wa manager xt tha Waterloo lain In tha 'Central aeaoelatlnn laat year, Andrew ttlso waa a player In tha Weatern league 'aaveral year,' If play' third aee for Je sfolne and later wa with Topeka swhei ha ated aa team captain during 'jha first year tha Kaw war In th ifWeetern loop. Jay alway waa a mighty Jioptilar player and If ha make tha aam ilt with th fan aa an arbiter aa ha .'Id aa a player, ha'll make fully JCvane , ', a bask aeat. , Zahrung spent a number of week - I gambling thl staff and ha ballevea it fwlll prov competent and efficient, 10 Goes to Chicago -1 Just to See First Ball Game of Year .' Tha mnat ardont and Irreoresslble fan In Omaha ha bean discovered. Ila I LTtr. B, M. Tarry. Dr. Tarry left Tuesday nlrht at i.vee tha Iv Anselus JjImltaH for Chi i. t the Clilf'BBO Whlta Hoc and itroK Tlgera tart the American leagii, aeaaon, yeatordny. Tha fm-iana, man ar rived tn CMcaAo at 11 :30 In the momma". 91 had about ttm to natoh a light lunrheon before hiking for tha ball park At o'clock laat night Dr. Tarry caught th Northwatirn train out of Chloairo for Omaha, .rrtvlnt- her 1hl momliuj. A trip of LOW mlloe and twanty-aavan .hour In a, Pullman Jiiat to aa tha flrat tall itrni of tha yaar. Jf OuU doean't entltla Tn. Tarry to all modal for ba Inf th world' Tatet fan nothing loe. , OMAHA FANS WILL SEE THE i, LEVINSKY-DILLON FIGHT 4 nnmtier of OrnaM flirht fan 'ara already maklrur plana to go to Knaa City April 25 to aa tha f!ften-rond bout between Jack Dillon and Battling I4vlnky thera that trlght. ; frl Mar eiet mnA VrrA Burllnirlm Era now plan nlAv a coiidI of awlal cara to .tha ftght, providing nouC of th Omaha ring follower dwclda to tnaka tna trip. . wirwni CHN IS MAMFD AS ' SECRETARY BAKER'S AIDE WA8TIINOTO.V, April 12.-Mrdlth Nteholaon of, an author, practically ha been agreed upon by Prea Ident 'vV'llaon and Secretary Baker for ap pointment aa aaalatant aaeratary of war. M. Nlcholaon la a cloaa pronaI frleml of Mr, Baker and I nnderatood to hara tha aiipport Vine Preeldent Marahall. Nlcholaon'n wtfo la an OmaJia girl, ST1 Bugnnla Kountza, daughter of tha lata irerman Kountr. HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS WOULP BECOME ACTORS Rehearsal of th venlor'a play will be hald at tha Central Tftgh achool on Bat urday. A call waa leaned a abort time ago for the name of those who wlahed to tv out. The play haa not yet been anlected. Coach Mulllgnn la at present looking over a number of play and within ft few daya will meet with a com mittee from the senior claaa when a final election will be made, Thla play will Hka place during the Intter part of May. MOTORCYCLISTS RUN OVER BOY AND MAKE ESCAPE f le In rianry Coren, Jr,, oti of Jlenry Coren, ITll Vehter atreet, was run over by on tit two men riding motorcycles and auf frred lacerattona about the fare and head while playing In front of Ills home yes. teilv. A anr.n aa the men reslined bat had lisppeticd they maile their getaway, analtig motnrrycle furiher down th Ktfeet THURSTON AND BAKER ADDRESSNORTHENDERS l lietiatnr Julin M T'ltlrsion n4 Ju.if.t lt..n Ji Hsk'r ni'We t.i liiu N,nin f.nj S 1 1 r - 1 teniii. en bb Is't nlglit i in teiin 4 belt el Tw. iiiy f i.iirt h ts it. I Ai. S' fii'.e .t ' . siu-n t.-. ll.-ltif t i. i v II Wi ' t f i i m,i eiinriift. Aim of tlm '' r siwskieis l . I'Ver cl,S'ii"ii t'ir tlie n ARMY hTsOGS BUT HAS NOTHING TO FEED THEM t VelllS ( !''' 1 I' 'I- flu Sl i I 5 K ! '"llglvl( l i. ,.m Hi e .- " l' it M "I in ..! ii.i ii i in".', ii. l ii t totiti.i t,--i t ' iili t i in i -.t i i .i -.i, i i i'. -I. mi I elt 1 1 i ii lit i . .i t - . if ti . .1 I i t... '.. I i I'.iit, ThctVo? Mary Page By Frederick Lewis, Author of 'What Happened to Mary" Pictures by Essanay Th Cast of Chametert for twz sTBAiroa oaa or kabt WAQB. rtifllp Tintnn, ilinrnsr fir rtiM, In l'i wllk Msrr Henry Walthall Mser page, thestrlral star, sim4 ot rnurdtr i tvina Mar ! r.,ll, vurauar of Marr, lb aiaa tie Is ancua4 at aiuriertn ...J gtrtnar Alnawortk K. H naalala. thaatrloat naur , ,, Harry HunSlnaaa pyMrll04 Ailoraif ...Jnhs H. I'M Pas rasa, Mary'a lather, . . frsjit barios lira 'a. Marr in-x nar yrankl llaymonl Mr. Rramtna ,,,,,,,, kVlmunii t. (bk iMiertlya ...rrut Hamliioa Mr alia la, YnWnrM t baalnaaa aawviaia Arlkur Bales Maae Kan 4 (In aauni,,. William Cheater Kutb llark. Data's lltlar .., rraaraa Ranaint Amy. aa entrees ,., Marias alurrar Mary's ml4 Mlaa Valll Mr. Varsas ,,.W, MoHarsaldl vaopaia. Mary Page. 'art reus, i acuaed of the murder of liavld i'nllor. and I defended by hr lovr, Philip Lana-don. Pr.llo' k waa IntoalretcO' Al IHnrya irtnl aha ad mil aha bad a revolver. Her maid teeilflee I but Mary threatened I'ollock with It previously, and Mary's liiadlng tnan Implicate Langdnn. How Mary dl apier from tli aiane of the crime I a mystery, rtrandim tells of a Strang hand print that he aaw on Mary' shoul der. Further evidence allow tht horror of drink producea temporary Insanity In Marv. Tiie defnnae la ' roureeMert t,sv hof" W'ltnriaaea d'avrlbed Mary'a fight i "in nrr iiiiifAi n''l iiiiiirr himi ner fathnr'a aulcbte. Nurse VVaMnn desrrtbes the kidnaping of Mary by l'ollork ami Amy llarlon n-lla of Mary atruatflea to he'iim an actress and Pollnck'a rmrsult of her and of another occasion when tha smell of iiior drove Mary Insnna. There I vldntir that lianlela Mary's manager, llir-atn.1 T'ollonk. Mary falnla on th eland and asalti goes (neane when n policeman offers her whleliv. Dsnli'ls lestlflra that Pollork thraiilened to kill Mary and I.ondon and actually at tempted to kill fjariKdon. Two wltnaaae describe Mary'a fllgbt to tho street from trie noiai and ner atidurtion t y men from a aninl.llna nlson near by. fiutlier evl- dene aeoin to im rlmlnat Dnnlel To Mary, that emlle and th deep abid ing tondnrnesa In hi eye war th two thing that made It possible to bear with patience tha weary atraln of the passing day. The flrat shuddering horror of th tragedy had passed, It la true, and In splta of It occasional return In tha quiet of alee'pleaa nights. It bad given place to a less poignant though bitter enough, auf. ferlng. With tiie pasting of tha a'-ute agony, however, thfl little thlnj at first aub merged came to the aurface and bcwn a aoun-e of dally martyrdom, Tho hard bed; the :oar food; the lark of privacy tin; limited conveniences; tiie ronglmesia of the poljc mid the auffocallng a.uiso of brlii n prisoner; of being denid tbo Treeh all- and the aunshiiie and tho right to go whein srte pleased, arnmvd almost unbearable Yet she knew that the agony of her suffering wa doubled by that of 1-ang don; that h went throuifti vicariously all she ' endured ell as brarlng hi own bntdwi, and o for hi ask aha bora 'tip. drinking In courage from the love that enveloped her whenever hit yes met hei. Tor )ut, as tha tria.1 and what had gone before It haW atrlppod her of her wamsn'a eubferfugee and ooriuetrles, o had It at ripped f.angdon'a lov of the maai-ulln dread ot publicity, and he catH nothing even If all those In tho court room read tha erete of hi heart, n,lhl pnrtlc'ilar morning, b"Wvr Mary fancied that there ws a nw mr anlng In hi amlle, and a light of hop In his , and there was keen Interest In her own gan when the first witness was is Had. "John McOlonel" lie was a burly man In a loud waist coat, with hiilr tlial g'ow low on hit forehead and wns arted In Ida middle Into two careful curia In a fashion popular with a certain type of barkeeper and barber, H showed no sign of nervnusneas, tin tha fontrary, b aeemcd mwlii pleased with bis Import w and atniwiued l,ang don' fUst nuestlona wllh a gllhnesi tb,t held a touch of th pompous. II was, be said, owner and proprietor of a larg "reUII Manor house" and had formerly been "on th force. "Did you ever know David Pollock T asked I,angdon.' fTo" l'e " CotTtinuerrt oTnofrow ) CABINET DISCUSSES SUBSEASITIJATION Final Deciiion Deferred Until Text of Communication from Ger many Received. DIPLOMATIC BREAK NOT NEAR WASHINGTON, April 12. Th giibmarin Issue between Germany and tha United Statea waa discussed in all Itg phaaea today at a mooting of PrMldent Wilson god hla cabinet, A general outline ot the future eourgo of the American government (g understood to bave been agreed upon,. althouKh a frnal decision waa deferred pendlnjt receipt of the Ger man note, now on Its war, regarding tbe Sussex and other merchant ships which recently have met disaster, and additional evidence In tbe same eases collected by American diplo mats and due here Thursday. It Is known through confidential ad vice front Ambassador Gerard that tha note from Berlin will deny that any Ger man submarine torpedoed th Bussex and disclaim blama In connection with other Attacks about which th ambassador has Inquired. Consequently, In spile of the convincing evidence In th handa of tha flute department, any reply that may be aent probably will not deal exclusively with any on cam or group of cases. Malar of "ten Note, If such a communication aa now la con templated ia aent to Germany It will bo designed to preclude th possibility of further drawn out diplomatic eichangea and to make It plain that reiterated aa urancea and promises that International law. will be respected cannot protect the friendly relatione between the two coun trlea If Illegal at lack upon peaceful mer chantmen carrying American are con tinued. It probably will include a resume of all the many veaael attacked from the time of the Lualtanla down to the Present, ' Tha Plate department already haa be- giin the collection of evidence covering the whole history of Germany's sub marine operatlona. One of the questions discussed at length by cabinet member today waa whether tha- I'nlted Htetea should Include la It Mat of vessels at tacked neutral ship carrying no Ameri can An argument against dolna this ws that such veeacl carry tha flam of vretn nation able to epesk for theni selves, nui ma preponderating view was that they should lie Included, both on the ground that many were going to or ruin ing from American port and on tha broad roil n,l of humanity. FARM BUILDINGS BURN. BUT HOUSE IS SAVED firm htilldlna-a of tha value of tVW) b longing to Andrew Johnson, living threa miles from Klkhorn. burned yesterday, Insurance to th amount of wa Crrled, Don't Suffer From Pilos Ib4 far f r Trial Tratma. N,. m.u. r ho l""i or ! bad go ..hi htifaiat t.xlay hJ t a hi tsi'l - til t'jialunl I'll tivaluiiBi, U Imhmm Ifcaiaaa liniy4 '. IMl I ! I ! it '! ltlt '',!. I , , a III J ,i 1 a a I a i i a 1 a t- t . ' a Hi 'i it ni. a 'fc ts ii. i ..i ,t I . .1 . t, I'l l I M . I . ' ( Jrt) Ik f rtam4 fcenW Irma Tilalk Slit t le't.f an.t alt)' K ... A til (' i I f Hi ii it t It t vi 4 u .- !. I l, Htt a l't. let Mt i I . ,..IHa I , (,,,l4,: i, , " rva , c k , '(, i ., , , . v , i. ., ,tcl . ' I Hla.'Lt CuUr'UN VS HAM! Ii llM-t 'ntlftdV, et i i.i.i l Ii .1 ,;!, Ml. a .,(!.( n. tu f MMif ftiaatU ft raa, 14 l aei-'t N a a ...,.,itt,-,t...,,,i tat , , , . , , . , . A Spoonful of Salts Relieves AchingJKidneys We cat too much meat, which clogs Kidneys, says noted authority. If back harts or Bladder both ers, stop all meat for I awhile. Whn you wake up with backache and dull misery In the kidney region It gen erally mean you have been fating too much meat, saya a well-known authority, Meat form uric SCld which overwork th kidneys In their effort to filter it from th blood and they becom aort of paralysed and loggy, When your kid ney get sluggish and fllog you mut re- llnv them, Ilk you relieve your bowel; removing all tha body' urinous wast, else you have backache, sick headache, dlKiy lapells; your stomach aour. tongn Is coated, and when tha weather Is bad you have rheumatic twinge. Tha urine la cloudy,, full of sediment, channel often get ore, water acalda and you ar obliged to seek relief two or three time during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Halts; take a tablespnonful In a glass of water before breakfest for a few day anil your kid ney will then act fine, Thl famous salt Is made from the ncld of grape and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and haa been used for generittlnna to clean and stimulate slugglnh kidneys, also to neutralise acids In tbe urine an It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weakness, Jad Halts Is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It Is Inemx-nshe, cannot Injure and mnkrs a delightful, efferves cent lllhla-waler drink.-Advertisement. iiniiusyj POLES HEAR TALKS FROM CANDIDATES Polish Citizens in Goodly Number, at Meeting Addressed by Aspirants. PRESIDENT KAIAMAJA PRESIDES Poland ' nd the Polish people formed the theme of candidates who talked Inst night at a lucntlng of the Polish C'ltliinK' club at Twenty fourth sod Hancroft sliprls, Presldnnt M. Kalsmuja presided and the audience crowded tho club room, Mr. Kalamalu dorliimd that too often thn Polish ppople have boon deceived by pre-election love and post' dec! ion abunitonment shown hy cundldates. Me declared the Tollsh peopln are deserving of political proferment and aliould have good representation among tho clerkships. Among the sneskeis lust evening Here Jerry 1'ltsaerald, J. A. Mnaban, W. J, .ynch, l i. gulnby, Kclls McKliane, Harry H. Kleliaii), Oeorge liogers and Henry Murphy, Mnrtihy Slarls I'mnmm, Henry Murphy Isniu hi'd a splendid ora torical expedition agnlnat Villa. Tbe ex pedition was hemled by " 1'renlili iit Wil son and Ihr el urn niul stiliics and right fier llin sinrs and stilpes'lb flag of Poland." , ' I J, Qlllriby nspressed Kiest llilfiest III the custom of I 'din nrt snd cherished tho hop that some lime h.u ho lx not a " I'OI I I K al, 4 ll f it I 1st Ml. MEASURES UP " TO THE JOB Senator Shumway Will Receive a Big Vote in Northeast Nebraska. Of s)l the mimes that will nicr on th primary ballot of any pony, wllh th possible exieptlon of I'resldiuit Wil son, who 1 unopposed, not one In nil probability will rrv hesrtler en dorsement In northeast Nebraska than Henalor Hhumway, who Is a candidate for Lieutenant Governor, rHenator .Hliiimway's candidacy bus re ceived a cordial welcome througout the section of th flats where he is best known and newspapers, regardless of party affiliation, have commented most favorably on hi entrance. Into tha rare. Thl la due Irf large measure to the Henator well known reputation of be. log a clean cut man of esrcllcnt prln dpi and Ideal and hi cordial affa bility with ait men on all occualons. Hut there I more to Senator Hhum way than thl. He haa demonetrated that lis Is ft man of achluvemont; of Ideas nr. well aa Ideals, and he fjO.-aa..s a faculty of carrying out hla Ideas with tant and persistence, ' Henator rihuinway la peculiarly fitted for the dlatlngillahed of flea which ) seek. Ill three terms In the Hlnle Hen ate, In which he ranked ainona th lead er of that body, have given him a wide and thorough esperleme In legislative prordur and qualifies him without question for the position a President of the Senate. Moreover hi kindly and generous political toleration, which haa enabled Mm to work with ease, and without frbrtlon. with hla associate of different political faith, a well a with tho a of tils own. Insure that ha would preside wllh absolute Juetli-c and falrne to all, And yet In matter atrlctly political, Senator Shumway la a staunch Republi can and hla party need have no uncer tainty a to hla remaining true to hi political conviction as well aa to his cons'ieooa. Walthlll Tlmea. candidate and when, therefore, hi mo uve will be iinouoetloned he mav have I he privilege of discussing these Interest ing old customs with the member of the club. Hsrry It Klelmrty prefaced his remarks ! a pic for Mayor f'shlmiin In opposi tion to Art hm Mullttii as member of the nntional denim retlc committee, I'nimlar I'alriinaar, Kerb of the sienkeis promised, If elected, In sim,i,i at lenst one Pole In bl office force It seemed there would be more Jobs than men to fill I hem until I., i. (Jiiinhy set new slyle by refusing to "buy nny voioe by promlnes." and after hlui tbo oIImi- aiK'Skere ala surncd a hlb innrsl stltlnde. The rlnh liink slens tij nreulete a pei. I ton, which rl be eni to I'residen1 W: son. iisking Unit when (he i,iieell.ri i,f p see In Kurnpe Is taken tin the frred.irii of I'oland shiill be one of tbe conditions I'oi.rin tl. t itt i n t imm,. - ",.,mw.,.H,HH),t,Mto mHt ai,f,lt,lilw;riBto Htmllar petitiona are i-lreulatlng among the Poles throughout the country end I! Is etrtecled Jdiiaono signatures will be ae-ciir-d MMSTJ Gray Hair Restored to its Natural Color In a few applications tntlaoriflnal dark glnaay tha'le, lie siaiier hn long Ii liaa been gra of (sdrd, sad dandruff remotsd bf Tffli-H It mtt4ifM on will know yon sr nelng II, Iff, II. all dealers or rtlre.-t usee rn;ld of price Wend tor bnnie! "Iieanit'iil l(lr " Itillo II tr Ht.claltlea iiomitaer N'ewaik. M, I, f'OI.ITICAl, Allt l ltilHIM. if I' t j eiaaiwiaaaeiaw n amacwi yr ' i I , - i" ' 'fx I taf A ' lot till tl. Slt III I IM M I "' I " ' :v:i" i'! "!:'" ","'!' 1 ' ; ; V. i tie. ,, , , ' f'i ' ' H''i.raU 7 i ! , C-n,.. ill !i If I Hi HI , y ill " i --rnJ----ii "rni in iim- " ' J . - t f X ' I AV I 1 i Democratic Candidate for National Committeeman Kiglil yi-aiV wrvit'f on t h Nittitmnl jnn mi t tw fIioultl ffivo rru; h fniuilinrity willi u men and niftlifiils of tfiP pominittoo I hut voiil lie of tfrcitt value to tli party in llio Mate iluriiiK the eHinpiiiKU. The ffir-t that 1 mil cliief ox ecu five of a cify where a heavy vofe in eenferet) ouht ft) hIiow the ftolitieaj win floin of ehoosin 1110. The fuet that I am oppoMed to pro hibition, but am counted a almolufely fair by iln frie)il-i, and tho fact that I am for V, ,), Urymi an dek'Rafe to the national committee, and for (iilbert M. Hitclitvick for Ifnited Htafen nenator, houId hIiow my freedom from faftionalirun. My rublif career and prcKent attitude should bo proof jx)itive, that sun intcreritod only in the party V welfare, and will not permit pernonil feelirin or considerations to influence mp. I believn 1 ran be tho committeeman of Ihe party and not of any faction or individual. 1 have never Bought or received tho wipport of tho upecial interests, but alwuy made my apfteal to the plain pi'ople, 1 nm asking the support now of the rank and file of the party and will know no interest but theirs if elected. wii.M.tM MiiMwrr. Vole for Myor Wm. Madgett, H puhllckii i'iiidiiiio for Covoinnr, and iiiiiili lite polltlcisl and big money ! iiurlilnei, it inoann clunn Kovorn iiitibf nii.l it sni'lng of mo'ioy, ,rjok up his rootii'd h .Mayor of Hustings. Mrst to fllo for !ov-rnor. Klrst jlo corno (nil for Ht.ito Wlfle Prohlbl lon and furcd th" other candidates io lake ii aland on th liquor cj ui-a-jtlon, Tbo cfitirtldnle who spend h a (own money In making hla ciuupaig't jiinil la not iindr otillgHtloiis 1') pu llMlcul miichlnea nri'1 rpfcinl Inici- iits, "A iiifKhlno ('pndid.'ita means jg iiuichiiie tiowt'iioi," Mayor Mad Hiftt It u friend of II19 cotnmoi j people and UilrorlnR trion and hii (oc.ved ihelr Ind'irneirient In th" .-if v M'd romniilliily wh'-ic hfl Jives, Ills oppnsiiloti run bo traced J.0 lb dour 'if hil, iiin'Iilnes, who (nof jtlicy runnnt control him. Vot for CatidMiiti-ii for all nfflce who ari ft'c from big money and . political machinery, AUK HM', A KHIT HMCAX, CA1- 1 in; to xmv. am a nvm n- liH'ASi 'A.IHIMTK H)R W' KliMtlt U'HOKK I'AMf'AfOV l !KI.Mi MAVA-'KI HV A IlKMO- C'ltAT, WHO IH tiOIVfi TO VOTK I lilt IIAICI.KV IJKVAIV I OH GOV-'KltNOIl? HO VOI TIIIMi A riUVAX DKMontAT WANTS TO riKK THK HTIIOXtiKMT HI VI til.U'AX XO. NATKO MM! fiOVKKXoriT H. L. COOK li Msii ni.N, iKsa. Republican Candidate for Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings mm In! II j v. - WWnewgl1 "wgjlW iTtiiTBsfasSI ifi II I ill! I CH AS. STORE ' - V- ' 1 ' ' JSw ' V K eye 7 . Vrf- A John B. Barnes Cnmlidrtte For Justice of the Supreme Court lU a ' ,.f lea M.,tii,' i''mi In a wii.-i ,. loha tut '4 l aa l.. imi . I Ii haa a', a a, i Ii i,. laia in, t Milt ! , t ,,a'.,( l.l.ti ti A taiparar i n Nebraska for 30 years. Closely Iden tified with tha agricultural Interests of tbo at ati for 80 years. Mnnber of State lioord of Agrlrulturs 10 years. , If electerl my policy 'In cooductl ng tha dullia of the oftlco IU ba ,'98 Business and 1 Politics'' James C, Dahlman. mmmmmmammasmm AZV Gurley u 170U Hujhcs Dslsgat Xapuhlloaa national Ooa vantlon, Baooad District, '. , DT IX F. Gurley READ THE BEE WANT ADS Judge Albert J. Cornish Candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court Is now M-rvinvf his Hist vt'itr s .Inline 1 if the I lis. Irii'l CoHit nf l,aiiciistci ( 'oiiuty. lb' is i r. Alert find 1 1 Hill. HI, i llin llllllll' pl'lljill' lHf ,"l liitifi. wfiiilfil him ,i In Ihi'H .hul.'f, ( . : a . r t V, ' i i ... v0 h r r Here is what tho newp piipei'H nf liis home town think nf him; ",hnlin 1 'in 11, at, ia rc"gi,!,1 ny Ills Mlilai'.tml IH I Oh 1 1 V tiig IHI1 unl 11 ,, .i,M If Hie vnieis rtin I .... Ii 1 1, , r, 11, al tiinj ,, a men 11 Hie 4. 1. 1 . 11,1. I.,,, Hi a-N Itaal . mi t.niiur " S ii 1,1 nj.Hu Wiata JlM,, "lie liaa l.t-sn ul""i tiie iliatrtut '"'"I I'M iiiiniijr ur inma i.MM li, i.dia a a a lc, I ,l... I. vi- alut.vl fi l'll.. I i.sii ,.f ni,.ai ra iii.i t at "f tin, Miiur liltiiiiial " l,lu Kill I'al !, (lu,i " 11 i,,ter nf at) I ' ti' "Hi nf Nel.iaeks, l. ! l.a ut i t th ' la , n,m 'i " ' t 'ii. ii ni.hiii In Hi tilali "ll ef II, t " ' I I" 11 11 I'l in Hlw JI'lHil-; COItNIHII HAS ONK OV TIIK IIKST UI'X'OUDS KVKIi MA I'l- HY A DISTIilCT JUlXiK IN NKIIHASKA KOI! DKCISIONS AlTlliMKI) HY THK SUl'UKMK COUliT GEORGE A. ECKLES Mad hit csoi way situ althl aari eld. lilt fathr toot, a rtitmtnt t Iht r and toat J lllld nd hit mother tould net i support ttn chlUlran, : Emll A. Erlcson . aifiiaiuai 1 1 on I'tntLiiN! Aim IT Ir n V1 vw'v"v " mm mm a? mm ir li 11 11 rrf us Hi 11 -'tiiftiasiiiTnuii tg'ajgagsasgw iii aa 1 T'sinifri-lr. . n laa 11 saisaaanSiaTa sai isiifiiii" 111 jaiiaa. 1 1