Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Bringing Up Father
Copyright, Intern I New Fervle.
an' iiT the pi
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Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
TO BED " y
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- l I l
i happy: r
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v . iii i alii i i " i i ii buji rw- j mm a. a i ri r i i
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Alexander Kit Hard at Start, but
Settles Dtwn and Fight it
Out with Stroud,
I'HIfMDKI.f'HIA, April Jl-nl pitch
Inn by Kirmi9:n h nlnili lnnln v
Fliltiulrlplila th victory ovr Nw Toil
In th 0inlnf earn of th nm hr
flr, t to 4. With two out In th horn
tram't hlf of th ninth ttvl Ilia rorn
tied, fttrniiil v Btork buna on ball.
Th Uttrr Molt Ton1 nd lo
th plntA on two )lth by fllioiid,
nirtlnf the m.
Iifith Alxri(ler nJ Andr'in wr bit
hrd it lh lrl, th UIMr hrln laknn
nut aftr two InnliiR, wlille Ali'nnniUr
miUrtt dn rid In it I'd It out l'h
Htroud. Thr former Krdrl pnue Man
piayrd llh New Vork, ItHildin nl
Houn'ti dln( flu work, while Kanff
flln(t to 't a lilt, althmmti li In
lh flrt run for Sew Vork with a tI
! fly.
Kfoi Msyor Hmlth tnruM the first
hall ca Ii muriher of thn I'lillM'ti Iplila
club r lio wmi with tli t'am iait year
and Maiiimr Monn m given a K"l'l
watch. Utor;
jtttw voiiK Miii.Ariri.piii
AI M I) A r. AH II o A r
fl Burn If., 4 I 0ifli. h...,J I 1 1
lilt Minn, r-ifl, n I I H I
4 114 l'fkn, it.. 4 t 0 4 il
10 11 in ,r . A I I n
4 I II I (il'rin. It I III I
X I 0 (iW hlti.d. If . 4 I I 0 (I
INI. hoff Jh . 4 I I I (i
riMi hor, i
Kuff. rf. ,
Murkle, Ik
ln.rh, rf.., 4
Aiitarvfl. All) OK Kuril ., 4 I h
Virotill ..,,! t OAlmor, (41070
llbrua ,
. toii ... u J a; if i
ToUlt..,, M a !( If
nttd for Andi-reon In llilid.
Two out wlmn wlnnlns run afoisd.
New York ! 0 I a 0 1 0 0 0 -4
J'hlladelplilH 1 2 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 J
Ton bane, hlla: Doyle. KMrher, Nlehoft,
VhH'd. tlonia run: Merklr. Hiol'n be:
Kauff, Murk. Hi rifb a lill Jioyla.
Jinulila pl : Doyle to Mfi k I". I'llt haee
on erroia: New Vork, 3; I'hllml 'Inliln, J.
Xaae on ti n 1 1 a : tiff A nii n . I; off
hlroud, i; off Alexander, I. I anil
earned run; tiff Andi-ieoii, 4 lilln and Z
(una In two Inning; off Mroud, a lill
and t runt In M and two third Innlna;
off Alenirtei', I Ml ad t run In nln
limine. Btrurk mil. Hv Htio'id, S; by
Alanander, t, I'mplie; P.lnlrr and llarrf
on. rare Heal Drool I m.
BflOOKLYN. April l.-Holon hat
Krooklin In III eopenln uaiiie of the Na
tional leHfii pAon hert todav, h to I.
A lr crowd wllneanad the iiinteM de-
plt tli oold weather. Preldeut Tetier.
Hei ratary llnydler and Hnrney hreyfum
of Hi I'lttaluirKh rluh wera amora the
apeotator. Timely hltlluir won for the
ftravaa, Maara belna ei,''lll v promt
nnt at the bat Itmiolph win luvlu Mile
ejt'ept In ti,a fnuuh iiiiuitni, when Hie
Puparha bemhed a double and twj
lnglea for th only run. tf''ora;
iijitom. it rook 1 AM
AS. 11.0 A r. AM H II A K
Miranvll. M4 I t I 0'VMai't. I (111
I ft A It Mi.uh.ll Id , t k 0 H
ninl. rf . 4
0 on If ... 4 0
rara. lb
W lll.all rf . I 1
Maia. If . Ill
Standing of -Teams
lloaton ...
rlib nKo ..
H' lul..
Hroiiki; n
lll. lllllH 1 1
New York
A ,M Kit. MCAUI l
W.J- Ivt
NAT. hr.Mll V
W.I. I'i't l
,.l ii I i t etrolt .,
,1 0 .m rtoalnn ,.,
, fl l.(i ftl. AM.
,. I) I.kki W aah ii ..
.0 i ,"iiNew Ynrk,..0 I
.0 I ,ii i Ifvelaud . 0 I
M 1
(I I
,iH' t'lilram
. Ml I'hlla.
1 row
1 0 I Of)
i l I ""I
I 0 l.ofo
...0 1
leaterdar'a lleaalta.
Roatop. k; iltonklyn, I.
New Vork, l; riilladalphla, I.
I'ltiaburgh, 1; Ht. I.i.ula, 2,
lib agii, 7; 'Ini lnniitl, 1.
Imfrolt. 4; fhkago, 0,
Hi IxiiiI, , (levvlnnd, I.
Whliii(loii, S; New Vork, J.
rhlladeJphlH, I, Itoaton, 'I,
t.anie Today, 1
National lloaton nt i flnoklyn,
New Vork at 1'MlMilelphln, I'Htaburgh at
Ml I.imiI., t'hhaa" at ( 'liulnnall.
Amrrlian l,eiie -el i roll at f'hl''a(o,
HI. l,oul at I let eland, VMnahlnaloii at
Now Yoik, I'hllHdelphlu at HuMoii.
Arihar, Ptolen baaea; Mollwll)!, Nealn.
Iiouble plHya: llcrzoa to Louden to Mull
wll; Yerke to Haler. ilea on errora;
f'liii'liinatl, 2; t'hli'aau, i. Ilnae on ball:
(iff Tonoy, 4; off Hrhulx, I, Illla and
earned run, (iff Toney, I, hit and
runa In five Inning, off H' 'hula, 4 hlta
and 2 i una In four Inning", off Mr; 'nnnoll.
7 hlla and I run In nine liinlnaa. Hlrurk
out; Hy Toney, a. by Mi( 'onnell, Ii; by
Wrhula, . irmplroa: liyron and gulkley.
Engineer! at Work in Raliton, Pre
paring; for Eitablihrnent
of flovie Town.
World'i Chaniproni Open Season
with Two-to-One Victory
Over Mackmen,
HOHTO.V, April I2,-Tli world a chain
plon Itad H"X opened the aeaaon Kih M 3
to I victory over tlifi Alhlellci today, Tha
iiaual Inaugural 1 eremoriy of flag rllnii,
with band playlnn, preceded tha atari of
play, Mayor Ciirlcy threw th fliat ball.
Mananer crrlknti waa jilven a great
floral tmraenhoe,
ftim milking- pioved dlffbult for both
tram and error figured In each tally,
Notwllhaliiiidlng thn wlldneaa of Na
bora, I'lillndclphla'a flrt pit iIit, the Itcd
H11K mere unable lo cor during hla four
InnlnK of twirling.
Willi lluah pitching In the alulh, a poor
throw by Pick optyieil thn way to a Ho
ton when Mhorlcn a alnul'i aent llublltzel
home. In thn next Inning )nny' Infield
hit, errora by Jlunh on two bunt and
Mcott'i ai rlflie fly acored a aecond. It
waa not until thn nlnili that Philadelphia
cored, a base on ball, an error by Jtuth
and taJole'a aingla a'udlug In lha run.
h.T.'.llv lb 4 I II A OMata. i f
Kmlih. Mi
( aaioiea. cf
.U t ... 4 I 4
lludt.h.ll, ll
I t m nl.ltia Ih 4 t
I t I a IK Ian lb I 0
II AMIIIei. r ..II
J - luii.i, ..,. I 0 II
3 (I II
1 0
1 4 A
Tat la ... M t IT 11 A Total II II l
Hoalon 1 0 1 I I 1-5
Itrooklvn 0 0 I 0 0 o- I
Twrv-ha hlta, Mutanlle. Dnubeil.
Mvera. Itudolph Thie-bne It 1 1 Maga
Kl'olen baaea; Mai an III. Wllhult Hurrl
firn fllea Hllllth. lel. Kl'eia, Wilboll.
Flrat baee on errora. ttoatnit. I. Ttaaea on
balla .off Kidolph 1; off hen) . i. IIIH
and entned inna. Off Itudolph: t! Iilia and
1 run In nln Innlm-, off clnne 1
hit and 4 run In nine timing. Pirurk
out; Hy Rudolph, 4, by t'heny, 5.
tarda Ileal rirale.
l.ofl., April IS. -HI I.i.ula defeated
flltabtnah In the opening aaiu of I lie
Mn here intlav in a ollilui battle
lalMii In, alt and Kantlelim-r, bv a a
Km (,f 1 to 1 tirra wrr iepi,nilile
for lit run made on hith ante The
winning run inme In M t.outa btlf of
th ninth. Long popwd to Hi bulu, Hetiel
inglrit, alniii arfiiittl went In third when
V llaon threw Hlld ner afi uiHl and
iiivil on the auuerife plav. Htunatu lv
11141 down a it,t tiunt aain'r not thre
ho and on ball fi an iik."
.t t nrn H..ra
Hielit huh t
a a It o la I th I
a -i' (?tt
l I a
l-a 'I I
llvlan ! t t
at I HI I
It. 4 a
1 ,. m I
fc.aiar a 1
f..a. ka
a aw., a
I M n' la
ai .
I idfu.i
j ail Fatit aa
t ia..d,
ll l
14 H II I K
I t I
r t t 1 t
t 11
I a a
I t j
I t
1 4
i.uU n 4'!, li t faiaia 'i I 1; ; 4
una eutit aben tiiiiing n,n at.
fiftahiirtii !!
1 .,.,a a a it a 1 1 .
etleo t a a ! ti,-t ti' "M?r t.tta
II .' k k miiilna , a I
aniilti t V 1 ,.hn't tt
a aa pilia' ,i:. i I . a tiat
m imm I ti iu. ( 11 1 i l.oiii. 1
'al!a fff a, ti , ii,,r I vff
th I ait 1 a e,t t kaoiia-Mtr 1
tn l.a 1 I (mjiii n; i4 4
N ail I waa I I
. , IS N f I 1 t.n ! ! t ..a- a
a, t a a-, -1'' I i,l.l, . I I 1 I .a to
. t in . (I it at . . ' at 1 a a
a- "l a ! ,, . t. ! l-a
t . a a a! I tt !' 1 p 1 1. - ' .
l-iti a- 1' ( t t . I t " a a
t , t Hat f'-4 iimi i: 1 aat a
ll. t-ai.'l f -' l l v. ..,! fit,, tia
. 1 4 1 ' 'iii-a 1 a a r
a a t f . it. ,. , mi 1 :, I 'I.
, a t a 1 ' la 1 t, .
tin-) v.t II latl ki...i f, t tt.'f
a. ( a " t .
iwti, k - 1 I ill i 1. it :
4 1 t k '
' '
4 .-
k 1
t f
n. k
i I
a 1
t k
Definite conrluilon of term han
tprn fffcrtad In the matt or of the
I urchin of the major portion of the
trwrulie of lUlHton, suburb of
Omaha, hy the lllalto Realty com
pany, holding company for the rtlalto
Amuafinent and Film Manufacturing.
Ground waa broken yeaterday and
aiirveyora are at work mapping oul
etounda for "Rlalto City," which,
tucoidlng to 8. E. Schaeffer, prcal-d-nt
of the Rialto company In the
rrandl building, la to be almoat an
exact duplicate of the 1'nlveraal City,
where moat of the world'a aupply of
f4 t.ttiro fllma are now made.
t'.nglneer Klart Work.
I". t". Miienleforlng, cIMI engineer, Willi
anine engliteera and urveoia from t'hl
cago, are at work on the ground Im
medlatilv north of Ihe nmln pail of the
town of liitlalon.
Tin piiivhitae Involve neatly 4 half
million dollar, anil the loniincl valla
for ptiiitiially all the a anl giound In
the town alte of HhhIiui, with a olid
tretfh of about Ion iie lniiindlait'l
north of thn main part of the town. Ii
I on t hi large open atrip of ground.
Mr. Hi haeffer , lht the big Mudm
and moat of the building for ' Itlalto
City" at lo built.
Itnpllt'ale I 11I1 eraal 4 II j .
A dmilliate of the t Hlvenal City near
1 1 Angelra I wlntl thla city will be
like, according to tltoee hn rlalni in
know. A huge atutlln or auditorium, to
bold ont 5,ni or people. I to be
built, whete. picture of the laig gnuip
will b tahelt. Then Ihtte at lo I 1
tie, title tealdence building. Iiiiif.
atreant and wain full" all al lifUallv
built, tttetbtr wltli a latge miUii;lfl
nltn where wdd anlipaia ' l)
are to be kept tr me in ilitu piitiiit
to he ma le
Th fci'lldiiiat fprll"ri fun e!,n
to ll,nii, Mr, Mtharifrr iln liv
t', '. Mdniar, prtalldtl of the Vmrrl
can in 11 imiipauk an t we'l known
Omaha kt'tU'ti whcoi r'ir .r 1
with. foal to make am aiatnifiil
al'oiil the ijil Ot In 11 of lha tit.. 1 1
( ititaoV
A f tf Mr a haeffer It ami'd n,tl di
k'llga lha Itenlit of Ilia apitliai ',
at iHUn-ac 1 ll bint In Iittv
4 bun
' nil II b t , ,i, 1 1 k on i t that a )
g kii.g in ntaka a it. 01 in .i. 1 - . . ,'
ha li.til I .1 let .i t.t lil t h.
mich hia t tvia
Mr , i.a.t'ae ttt bang ai.tnik 4-
t , ill wk V Hi ifc
It t av. Cut aaatarn ,! a . a
a. ... 4 (,t.. a. I t 41 i.t, 1 at . , k I
I tit I,.-, k a a t'k tit t a m
at'ikait ,n I 1 t a to ft ,tt't a ,-.ti. t
tKta aoi
Mr ht(t a 4 (kat a k iiii '
t' ,a,E,aa Hkr .k ft ttik ittt i- l k'i
i-. ti e , ! ,.,a a 1 a t .
I' I'M i- iiiwii I Ma t I ..4 a I
I'l ! 1- tt . '. I.-it ...,,.
r tt k .
Colloge Banc Ball
l.,v I M, .
I '.'. I
1 ., 1 .. - 11 1 v.. ;
Sl'l t -,! I
'!. V , . . , 1 I
I a V S -"ti Itk .. i
aaala I ! t at
VI , a- k , . - t. .. tt. , , a 1
. 1 1 . ' ' , , 1 a . v a 1 tt "
M t ,,.!-...,( I 1 ,..; I a . i I , .
All II 11 A K
aii 11 11 a r.
Walalt. rf 1 0 t 0 Wmaer rf.,. 110 0
Mtrtin. tl I I I II tKitilt aa , .,, I A I SI A
linirln. If., 4 I I ! 'i " I H4 i A
Irtla. Jl).,4 J 4 I ii",tlkr, if, 4 I 4 A a
I 4 I l-iivi" ii 01 1 a it 0
A 1 2 li'li.., Ii, rr JI, J 1 I I (1
I A I 0 una, 11' lb ... 4 I 4 I 11
114 1 I1li,,ma. r ,, A 11 ". I II
tOAl II II. Hit a I A I I I
1 0 I ('Coaler, a A 'I 0 1 (1
I 0 A 0
M' Inula lb, 4
,lia., e ... t
Maypi . t. , . 1
I'l. k. ah,..
I'rne, ,
Nalftr. p.
ll'ikh, p.,,.
I I 1 Total ,,, 24 I V I I
1 0 A 0 0
Toil 4 J4 II 4
Malted for N a bora In the fifth.
Halletl t' )ei In th ninth.
Phlladtilphla 0 0 0 0 l-l
lloaton 0 OO00I I 0 '
Two-baae Iilia M. Ionia til. Hlolett
baaea; 'lck, Thontaa. Iioiihla play: Pick
to M' lnnla. Itaac on errora; Honton. .
Haaea on hall: txf Nabora, 3; off lluah,
1; off Ittith. 2. Hit: off Nabora, i In
four Inulliga; off lluah 3 In four Inning;
off ftiilli. 4 In eight and one-third Inning;
off Coaler, hone In two-third Inning.
Mi-ink out: Hy Hiialt, 4; by llulh, . I'm
plre; liliineeti and Nnllln.
Ilrnnna Whip Indian.
CLKVEI.AND. Apill I'.-Clevelaiid loat
II opening gsnie lo HI, Unil, H to I,
chiefly heraiian It could not hit Lironin.
e-l'eictl league plliber. (Iroom. while
aninewhat wild, held llio t'lcvidnltdcra to
three hlla, being very effective with men
on lmea. Mitchell, whoMarted the game
for Cleveland, waa lacking In control
and after he had paaei the flral I wo
batter In the alxtli liming gave way to
ItHghv, who wa very erfeilh after that
Inuiitg. The aiipport ghen the I'levelaud
pit, bria waa raggad.
Ti l iitiil,cr plityt d hi fit at game aa a
4'leveland pliiyir. He flclibd Bpecia.u
larly ami walked I brae lime, being
paeaed ptirpoaely twice, The crowd wh
the lutgrat tluil evi-r ivHiiiHeil an ope 11
Inn game In Cleveland Mayor I'avi
pitched the fitat l)H II. Hcore
rtilar. f.h, . f I 0
Milan, if..., 4 I
J'l0 in. 4 0 7
Kl,aiia rf., a I I
Jaa,lM.ftu. if 4 I J
M,llr tf,. 0 A
Wllllama t h I 10
M llrltlr 4 1 It
J.tiinaitn, ti.. 2 A A
Toiala ,. .4! 10 r,
Home tun:
gn. linker.
tl,HVt:l.' nii
All 11 n
llltiav II . 4 I h
flikontan k :t I I
k K.
All 'f"
I', 11 11
anfaliffl . . I
l.atKliI Hi
Ttnlt'M .1
Kun lit
I 11 Nfill f
Mm i.t-ll r
tlaal.t 11
.am, Hi
I liaiiwll
t I 1
I 11
a 11 111
I n
u 11
I Ii. i 1
: .iiittthi, if. 11
11 n-n.ifr Hi t I
it iikiaittati t f . 1 11
1 i'i
1 .
.1 Ita-al :n
f. .illaillfi 1
' ,11 M i ,t It
1 illlllilllll It
fl II
it A Tnlai.
In'ala "I -'i I
I SI I, ..'il " I I O 0 " " " ,;
Clc i lnitil , I tl 11 11 11 n 11 tl n I
!lli.l tot o N't 111 111 the ninth.
Untied for ItMgbi In Hie ninth
Twii-bn-e lilt" 1 biipiiinii. I 'nil I lliililf
run: h'aiel. Sit. leu iitea t'hlti'i-le 'HIii'i- bit 1 biininiin. Iitnib'e
.ln llNeill t.i 'I 'M t- 1 In llttgl'k. Itiiea
tio'eiroia 1 "lei elim'l I t 1 ti 1 .'
tk-a nil balla 1 'If Mil. bell, I off
lt,thl, I elf til. mill ti Hit'' 'tnil'-nllini
,ii. inf Milt hell I hilt iind ' t.,h In
ftte inning none tint 111 ikth off Itahk
I I, In and i inna 111 fnui nuilngt Mtiii. i.
out Its Mil, bell. I hi ' m ' 1
pit ea , I , an 11ml Chf!
.ItttkaattM II aria leant to llk-lor.
M'lt VllltK . Ii 1 I' ' m k and
S nithln Jiotl t-peiit-d t ', ttti'! ,il lt'ti,ie
.it.-,, in hei e letl 1 1 tiinlt" idtiil t .iittii,tn
An r. ,11ns. well p'aied e:ei en imiin
4ao ! t W a-ihlnatoii t to
111 (nine an a pUilim hattht lm
twr.11 tkaiiei ,,,iitttn ami ICiv t a dtli
,, ,1 !!.. Ital .if He. .O"' Haii'iimlt kit.iani
.( fin III' 1 liiliatnn a' k1
drove In two of Waahlnglon' run, tn
cladlng the winning acoro, In th elav-
Milan aeored a run for Waahlnglon In
tba firal Inning wllh 4 home run drlva
Into the tight field Aland. Waahlnglon
lii'llerl another In the aevenlli on Ate.
Prlil' double, Johnaon rrlflc and
Morgan' alngle. New Vork tied In lb
earn Inning, when Ollhonlev and Mgaa
opened wllh crleh lngle, Hkr
long aliiale aeoted (lllhoolev and pl'd
1 tge on third, from whr h eord
on ;don aaorlfl' A fly. Jni)eon
opnd tba eleventh for Waahlnglon with
tin Infield hunt; Mueller rn for him.
William fouled out, and Metlrld
grounded to flakar fur what pprd to
be no eaay out, but Oedann dropped Ilia
Ihrow at aecond. both roen being f.
Morga 1 then drove In Moellar wllh a
alngle. Hco-e;
AH H O 4 V, AR H O A
M'trran. !h , , 1 'iM.U.t rf 0 10 0
1 wllld-nlar rf 4 I 10 0
0 OMaae. If ... 4 t 4 0
1 Ollkliar. ak. ... 4 I I
I ' (laitana 4 .1 I I 1
0 OPIitii. Ih ... 4 0 I 0
A ''( krint'. a 4 A 1 10
A llSummkllf i I I I I
0 1cil,)a.ll, , 4 0 0 I 0
J o -
Toui ,. ai il I
Vtaahingtnii ,1 00 ' 001000 1
New Vork.,,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-2
bit. William, Mcffrld.
Milan Hloln bea: Mor
Hacrlfle hit Johnon. Mac.
rlfb a fiy; tledeon. Iiouhl play; llakar
lo (,eii.on lo Plpp, Klrat na on error;
Waablngtofi, I. Haaea on ball: Off
Caldwell, t, Karned run: ("'aldwell 121,
ri 1 1 ink oul: Hy Caldwell, 8, by JohiKon,
lo. WI'd pilch: Caldwell. I'tnpirea: Con
tiolh and Owen.
'I ler II lank 4 blcago.
ClUCAdO, April 12,-Pltch- Covelaakle
made four bit today, on mot than h
allowed the whole Chicago team, and
I xlrnlt won, 4 to 0, tcorliiti all it run
In thn flrat I wo InniiiK l-ong hit by
Cobb. Hnah, Vear h and Covelcukl. which
Included a triple) and douhla In hi four,
wr factor In the vUHor' victory and
raud tba retirement of ltuel In the
aecond Inning.
Caber, hla aitcr caanr. did well and gave
wv to a pinch hitler, and Wolfgang
hld the Tluera nf In til part of th
game. Cleldlng feature w.rralche by
finnog and b Vaeh of lieliolt, Boore; j
W5TnIT CllirAIO.
AH II O A V. AH It 0 A V.
Pin .... 4 I 7 IMuralir, rf . I I A A A i
Vlll. Sti., .4 II A 4 (iWvr. Jit 4 " I "I
IV Mi if. .,1210 ' K I'olllna. Ib4 0 a I 0 I
v.h. If,. I I J n i t-'turiilar, IB 4 an z
-I iaarfar4. rf t 0 I It i Jarbaaa, If., I I I It 1 ;
llalliaaa lb 4 Aft A if.., 1 A I 0 I' 1
V.nirta Sti ,. 4 'I i , h;k. r. ,1 I I A!
Hnnn c.l A I A , 'tarry, aa , . I I A I
Cni'leaal. 4 4 A 4 Untie 1 1 a . A ft A A A'
. .- VatMT. A .... I A A 4 A I
Tula I ... 3A 3) Ii IM. Cnlllii .1 '1 A A A j
Wolfiant. a I A 0 i I I
Tauli ... rt ft II ?,
Hailed for Cab!' In f'fllt
Ituah out, hit by halted ball.
rtelinll J I tl 0 0 0 0 0 0-4
Chicago ... 0 0 I) 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-ba hlta: Cobb, f'ovelaakl. Tlir
tiaaa hlla: each, Coveleke, Huah
Widen hae: K. Collin. Kauri flea hlla:
lluah, Veach. Kacrlflc fly: Crawford.
Iiouble pla: Voting to Huah to ll.
man; K, Colllua to Koiirnler to Weaier,
Hualt lo Voimg to IMIman. Klrat haae
on error: ( hlcago. I. Maaa on ball:
Off ' llnaaell. 2: off Covelcakte, 2; off
Wolfgang. 3. Mil and earnad runa: Off
l'iie, 4 (ill 4 run In one and two
third Inning, off Coher, 2 hlta. no run.
In three and nne-tblrd hinlnga; off Wolf.
KHiig ; lilt, no tun, in four Inning,
hliuck out; llv llnaaell, ; hv Covepakle,
:'. I niplna: 1 1' l.i.wglilln and lllldebtand
Nek Outlet from Park.
liF.ALt, S. n April ll'.-iHpeclal.i - A
new highway known th AtnericHii
TibII, running from here lu Mil City.
Mont , about 22H mile. wa organised a'
a good I'onil convention bore hy 'h l.eiil
and Ih-Hilwood Commercial cli br. wl I,
.1 1 i 'ui ran of lau premdent; lr, II.
II. IMowii of Mllea City, vice preilctii ,
O. O. Htnkea of Helle CnUIClie. Iroitaiirt :,
and II. W, Troth of I le'id'l omi. a.rr'an
The route Ilea through Hpeaiflalt, llelle
Cout ehe, Colony, IVni,, Aluana, I'.n.t ,w
mill l'imti-t lie. Mom. 'I -i. inilte v. ill'li,
ltiiiil.t-, uitiilii tblily nrid louted le
the lllue book I 111 aummrt It la In
tended it aliotllei outlet to Vellow atnntt
National paik Tiia ioki king la lo hi
white Willi H big bliitt A
Hammer Sioux Pitcheri Unmerci
fully and Bring Htme Victory
by Score of 12 to 7.
HKATRfK. Nb April 12. (Sptdal
Telegram,) With the weather Ideal for
baa ball, lha Oinal b,, d"faiat llm
Hloui her thla gftinoon, 12 lo Tia
laat part of th gam wit a gwalfeat
with Antra ha bit featuring
Tho f-gfrhirig of Una drlva by Marty
Krng and pl' klng high foul out of the
bleacher hy Miller tint fenturra of
Hie ga ma,
lloth team ud two pllchera, Kra'l
leglnnlng tba game for Omab being
auci eeded t y Alnworth, Walaon of Won
City waa replaced by Cunningham, Cun
ningham la yourigalr and wa unitbla
to aland th lrln, tba Omaha bo bind,
trig on him In the ninth for four run
Kratiam wa In fin foim and Willi tb
fxcf.ptlon of the fourth Inning, held tht
vlntor rnorelra. In lhat Inning two
bit, a walk, a thn e-lamcr and nn
error gava the vlallota Unci; runa.
Tba Omaha, boy overcame Cn l"td
In tlflr naif of the fotirtli.Jslldtiff'a Iwo-
bavger kcnte'l two melt and Hi'hl'r'hn!'
ci, i ii on nit error.
In Die i-lglifh H o P.outki batted nrounl
and netted four lima The HlouK can
lu k omewhiii It the I1 hit h, but were
enable in ovr'nlie the lend. Their f)v
aafe lill off Alnawntlh netted three
geotea. Tint It em will pluy here aiiln
tomorrow a flew on.
J-'rlday "la" Ronrka will lull hi team
to Omnlii, whet they are licltileil for
pre igon gam. Hem
mm x i-nv, ' omaka
ah ii o A K All II n.A K
L'oAB'tlll'. 3h4 I I 'latiillli If 4 3
I iiiive, If I, I I A Ii l-l" lb. .4 I
(Italian, a I I I OCra.lli rf. h 3
,..,., ,l, 1 1 II "II I liar Ih..., 4 A rf , 4 11" AKru th.... 4 1
M,l-llar lb. 4 A 0 I toil Ii I Kblir, if 4 0 0 0
Kraieh Kb , 4 I I AKtlAuff. aa , 4 i A k A
J 9 ilHriiaaer, c. , , a i a l 1
I 0 AKiauaa. n . . t I 0 I A
Toul ... l II It 14 I
Hlou 4'ly fl 0 0 0 0
i mm Ini 0 0 I 1 I 5
fl 1
0 0
1 A
I t
letiinallr. f I
Coat, f, e . . t t
Waiaiift t ... it 0
1 Miiliifhm l 1 I I
A I I Aliinrlh I I A I tl
To'al .. M 14 1, 12 1
Horn run: Hmlth, Krneger, Koryth4,
Connollv, Thr-e-luiac bit. Kren-lt,
Krneger. Two bane hit: Connollv,
Kiauae, Kllduff, Alnaworth, Coagroi.
Crench, Hn-rlft'-e hi': Miller, poubl
playa: Callahan to French to Mueller,
( allahan a Frenc i to irnegr, Bi n
ball: Off Walaon 2 off f! inn nit ant,
I; off Kiauae, 1; off Altuworlh, 1, Write
on); Hv VVntaon, 2; by Cunningham, I;
by Kraue, 6; bv Alnworth, . tilt; Off
Waai'in, In five Inning; off Cunning
ham, 7 In threw Inning; off Krauaa, It
Iflv Inning; orf AlnaworlJi, 7 in four in-inltiK-
Tlm; 2:0'i. I'mplre: (iaapar nd
I Alllawnrlh.
Knllala In 4rmr.
Manager Frank Hhaughney of ih
Ottawa Haa Hall club, will fnraaka the
nailonal game and accept a rommlaalon
In thn Canadltti troop for aenlc In
Hotel Fontenelle
The Best in the City
Where courtesy, cleanliness and service reigo supreme
This Delicious Chew Has (he
Wonderful Flavor of Choic
est Burley Leaf
Be Reasonable
With Your
atanaae a-a qa.,m,,jaai
a .a.a','i,a.aa. a. , iii.k8ilaki
Jiti't n ! tii.t.I In n it a,
Ht'jtSk f iii-iji it lift,
!' it a l)tt lnt(l tiMitl! Iittt lill'l
I Ini tiiiiitl .t -pi't or . m . 1 1
t,rl Suit, I 't'ieti j'uliiilt, lij
,iti!, -a ,li 1 v. i ,ti I,. . "T y
Stomach Bitters
V: lH flD'l it l Jjlkitt It'
t( )oi ilon't thfw tobat-ro yett im.
!f latttiot get Ih (till mrnrt ft ii
jiiymenl pttt vf it,
A iH'it khrw, tattH ill Juicy riittni
'ij n'ttiii'g flikor, i an "t - ill
lettM'H Tlut meant tt i pnSkil t
h Wt ntm. Am) h btkt d-r
II f'.uji t taii.t. (!
Imtn lii hiih lttav9 Ut un
Natuie'i pwn i4fia i In ,,
Itiity ! it Oil Krrtli'vk) N ,i
rr tfil I ' t llbH rn'!.iw r
ltt )( fnl t .t Mi.t, 'i ttr!'. ., ...)
441 Haiitf t-, I i l 4'-) t,titf'4 i baa,
lt'g Ibh It f I t t't Knt,t V it
t!fiirtt, l r t, tr t. nt I ff k
I 4'i 4t4lo I J Il4il't, fft till i
''if, I iik I' i. I l't( 1 1.14a) 1 1 41
Ift tnta( nhk'-Wvipi ' 'mil BieiHo li. !
T a I " i li.g nl OH fMftmU
ouH f nil It w, n trtfijltj tlkt), h!.a
4 ! 41 -ll 04. - IK Ik, mlyt
( ,hat i4iii 411U4 jutir Uit
A t . 1 1 1 at in a I t
Above and
beyond them
is Pathfinder
the Great
.m I
I aVi:'f I
, -ij- j
Lest you forget. When I brought
out Pathfinder the Great a few
months ago I took occasion to say
that it was rny ideal; that regarded it as above and be
yond them all, and that were I given the money and told
to go into the market and buy the best automobile in the
world I would come back with Pathfinder the Great.
!1I am not the only person in this section who prefers Pathfinder
the (ireat. Last week two beautiful Pathfinder Roadsters were
received y jne, and last week they were sold.
T" Pathfinder the (Ireat" vu c-in-head, twelve-cylinder motor
develop.? undreamed of power, it carries full complement of seven
passengers in porfeet comfort at any speed- from one-half to sev
enty miles per hour "in liih."
i TThe ear is a masterpiece of beauty ami strengthall the latest
super standard luxury features are found in it.
'The classes demand creations in every line which .ive Ucm thn
stamp of exi'lu.siveiicss. In automobiles this creation i Path
finder the (ireat.
'.On my .salesroom flour today are
some ttf the most heautrl'ul Path
finder etirtt that you ever laid eve
on, me yive you n demon-tra-lion
t ' xt of Twelves
Ttnrinj, Car-Until Apr, 15 U U.4T5 C!ovr l.ftf Ro4.ttr-Until Arr. 13
o, b faciary. ami after that IJ.m i $1TM, ami after tht ti J WO,
12th and Fnrnam St., Omnha
1'ifi.iiii nt,
I I I' 14
tatt4 f '4 t - ! t'tt
. 1)4 t I
'l t 4
1 1 . I. I ..
fSttMm .'44ti4l