Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1916, Image 1

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Call Tyler ,000
If You Want l Tull to The lire
or Im Anyone CimnnlM
Willi Tlii- T.
vol.. six -so. -i:u.
On Trains, at Wotl
Htwe Btaade, to, e
Verdict is That She Kill Herielf
By Shooting in Her Room at
the Fontenelle Monday
Says Reason for Deed Was Despon
dency Because Her Father Would
Not Accept Him.
"VVo, lh ronorcr Jury, Impan
eled to Inquire Into the ilnuni-
iincH surrounding I ho death of
Mm, rma A, Howard, do find Ihut,
he tn inn to her death by her own
tin nil.'1
The foregoing: la the verdict of (ho
Jury holding an In'jueat Info Die mil
nl of Mm, Joaopii K. Howard, wife
of (hff stago star and daughter of
Allfe" Kilg-allon, Chicago sloe) mil
toi,alre, Jt wax returned after an unusually
mild fnonlry Into Ihe death of the
former wife of Count Jte Heaufort.
ICxeept to ask whether (hey saw
Mrs, Howard after heriea(h nr !
for, or some oihi'r unimportant
quest Ion, Coroner Crosby did but
little to bring out the incidents that
I'd up to the shooting.
Whin witnesses verged on telling
something interesting, somehow or
other, (hey Invariably became side
tracked. Women on the Ola nil,
Only Mirt during the examination of
Mia Clara Jambrtl, the only wt.ri
nt th shooting, and the woman who
know mora of tlm tragedy than anyone
elm, idld anything of Interest develop,
Newspapermen had re'iBted the cor
oner to ask her If It wu true that Mm,
Howard had threatened to hill J on at
the matinee performance and carried a
target pistol to the theater for that
purpose, Mr, Jml.ertl colored and be
came in rvoua. An though It wra an ef
fort to speak, alio mumhk'd unintelligibly
and shook her head.
Kverybody In th crowded room craned
their necks, expecting to get a new angle
to the story connected with the tragedy,
but they were disappointed.
'J lie neat question Htm on an altogether
different tg,
Mr. I.ambertl continually aoiight tha
eyes of her husband an she teHllfted, a a
though eking approval. When she fin
lnd both, tualurd from the place.
,r,.m mmw irf,
Her atory w' idantleal with that told
by toward Monday nlaht when he waa
rpeaaina: toy her, Kha de- lared that Mr, i
Howard waa despondent bevauae her par
nt would not a ccpt Jo a a member
of the family, Mr, Kllaallon told eeveral
nmalian that hi objection were not a
r.erloua a ha been given out lne the
tragedy. Tile fact 1, he f aald have
declared that be furnlxhcd a flat for hi
daugliter and Howard In Chicago and ex
pected them to live there when Howard
'Inbthed bla tour.
When Howard took the atan.1, be told
of bla love for hi bride of a month, but
H.I...I,,.J 1.. ..... Im.1. ..,., l.b .lia utmlllll
imiiiliici lie wq, iiiimif-'u iiiwi ...... r,...
follow him here. lle,ex,ccled her, ha I
aald, and that la why he reglatered "and
wife." at. the Home, lie realtcied flrat
under an aaiuried lid mo. he aald. to
..... . ! i . ;
aiold annoyance from aherlff who might
.... i..... . rrf,
to aaUafy a recr Judgment againat blm.
He wa not. ue,loned too cloeelyud I
he did not volunt r anything to aupply
a mm.v, nr ner act .gcepi -o y
T',r77 . ' n-ken. K. A. Knapp nnd I!. H. f'larke;
of her father, objection to him. irw( y,nr, 0org- K. iuvrtb k. Frank
Court Hooiu I'acberf. , W. Judaon and .1. M. Welah.
The little room waa packed to capacity j A committee to aeleet and hire nn In
wlth morbid curloalty aeekur Moat of apeetor wa choaen n follow: Knapp.
thoae preaent were women, and manv j Nixon and Welah. They are to report
of thee, when Howard flnlahed teatlfy- j a aoon a poaalble In order that tho ae
1ng and left tha place. Immediately loat i tual Inspection of bay and the grading of
Iniereat and quit alao. It may begin. Nixon, Knapp and Kill
Anton Hkelllnger. a taxi driver, brought wei rhonen a nncther i-omnilttce to
out aom IntvieaMng Information. II told
the Jury that when he picked Mr. How
ard tip Mt tli I'nloii depot on her arrival
here, ahu waa with a amall drk coiu
preded limn. Ha drove them flrat to the
I'anion, where tho man got out and
tent Ineld while tho mat bine Halted.
Tluiii they went to tha Merchant. Again
the in til went into the ohtel fur a mo
Continued oil J'age Two, t 'ultimo, One t
The Weather
I e.iiirrn lures at lliiielia
ft a
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Infantry Charge Preceded by Rain
of Naming Liquid. Repulsed j
Says French Report.
PA 1(18, April 12. Tbo tierman
raaault on the Verdun front weat of
the Meuae waa renewed thla morn
ing. Troopa advanced on Canrettea
wood, aouth of Curnlerea, the war
office announced, tialng flame pro
Jictota, but were repulaod.
KhU of the Meua, In the Douaii-inont-Vaux
aector, there waa only
artillery fighting.
Tho war office aaya It haa been
cnflrmed that the fierman loaaea
yeaterday wer very heavy,
The text of the statement folio a:
"On tha left bank of the Metlae tha
Merman till morning deltvereil an at
tack on our ponlllona at the Caiirette
wood between e Mvrte Homme and fu-
mlerea. In which they made u of flam
lri( lliiuidx.
They were everywhere re-1
.... t..,..L l it,- n,..riW
ill.; iinni ".pi. ... ui-
haa been great artllleiy aeilvlly between
i.,,n.i V,i hot l. nlaht w
no reaumptlnn of the Infantry fighting
I II I.IIH , Villi
. . . .... ,,,..,
j ' ' , ,and are today reported from the mot
'"VVT? f 'LTJLl 1 .a'lab.e ,urce to be wall aouth of Parral
" " " """"""" "
liy up, i nn .-ii.-iii,T I" n f n.
"The night ps(!cd relatively ynlet on
Ihe remainder of the front."
Judson Is Elected
President of the
Omaha Hay Market
Prank W. Judawn Wcdneaday afternoon
. lfn
P"Ww,t th" 0"ltthtt "aJ'
I At the flnrt meeilng o( the newly elected
director, Huther Hrake wa elected flrat
Ice wrealdeiit: A. A. r. xon, aecono ice
11 ' ' ,,, , , ,,. .,, ...
pieaideiit; H. H. (Markc, IreiiHiirer, and .
, '"-'"''' " M"" "r "ne
"; " r -JI'Foreat, Luther
am, A A. Mxon; two year., C. Hj
draft bylaw.
The annual meeting of ihe lltv ex
changa la to be held th accond Monday
of April each yeur.
j Henry Morgenthau
Resigns Post Today
WAHIIIN IT' IN, Apt it t: -Henry Mor :
einu.iu, Ailcmihu ei.iliiti iidit to Tur- i
KfJ is cI" 1 I' 'I ' an1 "in hi" r fiu nation I
,i iit WiU.iii tumnrrow. '.i ;
, Ma
Resents Bull Moose
of Republican Delegate Choice
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Band of Fe, vNv,-r .uiand Men,
Believed tts Lti by Villa,
Himielf, Loots Town of
Sierra Mojada.
Outlaws Come from Ecalon, Rail
road Point Sixty Miles South
east of Jimincz.
Kl, !AH(), Tex.. April I 2. - A band
of VllllataH numbering neveral hun-'
dreil, nd ponalbly 1,000, hiiv aackf'd -Hlorrn
Mojudii, five ml'nn rrna th j
Coahulla lino and Hahty rnllea eaal
of Jlmlnw., deMrnylnt; many thnti
fand ilollara' worth of American
property and looting (ho town of
! everything of value,
I Thla newa, which may ptcve to h
of the htgheat linportanra, aa It I
j bellvd poaalblo Villa hltnaelf waa
i among thn raldera, waa reee'ved here
,0'MJ ,,y ,h rrpifaentaUvr of nno
f ,hc Amoriritn nitninie -on-
rorna In Mexico and la accepted by
""" uihentir.
Th. ZJSTJrZ ... t,e
,owr) ol) A()r s Th(y ritme tfnm K,()l.
Inn, a Jiniellon p )nt on the Meab-an i-
tlonal railroad, alxty nillf onth:it of
Jlrnbiez and ahout an eriikl dlrtan"e
anuthweat of Hkrra Mojade, whleli ma
It connection with the Mexican Xorthern
railroad. On their way to Merr Mojada
they aacked the amall town of C'rrlli,
The belief that Villi hlmnelf imv ba
direct Ing- the operation of the bandit I
iupported by a report received today from
OJInaaa nidling that Colonel Kola, the
Commander there, had information that
Villa bud doubled In hi traka and waa
20fl mile aouthweat of that town,
OJInniftt I directly aero the border
from I'reeldlo, Tex,, and about 130 mile
north of Hlerra Mojada.
Ilpiri Tratel .orh.
Another elrcumatance that alvea color
to thla location of the bandit chief I the
fact that Canuto Iteyea, at the heed of a
larite number of men, we reported from
'""eon a wee 10 we iravnnig nwui
In the direction of Hlerra Mojada. It
Hie oeiier l ine unie in i orreon
!h" VUla a no.orloj. attorney waa on
'' way 10 join me oriaano-in
hlef. If
11 prove true, Villa hn completely
evaded tli Amcrl'-an troopa who have
been driving noiith at an amaxlng apeed
and very clone to th buranao border.
Hlerra Mojada I ) mile eaat of the
neareat point at which American troop
are known to be.
American Are hilled.
KAN PIKOO, Cel., April U.-Several
American have been killed or wounded
In bandit raid In th vicinity of fjuy
maa. Honor, according to a naval radio
mcHge, received here today. Tiie rne
age forwrled to the Navy depart
ment at Waablngton nd reulted In an
order to the erulaer Denver, now at Han
Blaa, atate, of Tepie, to atram for tha
tionora araport and Inveatlgate.
Thn meaange gave no detail of the re
ported raid and made no mention of lb
time they were committed.
Three Thousand
Britons Slain by
Turks at Felahie
BKttUN, April 12.-OVIrele to Bay
vllle.) A Brltlah Meaopotamlan force,
rompoaed of troop tranaferred from the
tiardaneliea, wa repulaed hy Turklah
trnon In a aangulnary battle laallng alx
hour near jlahla on April 9, according J
m a Turklah headuuarter report dated
April It. The alatement add thet more
than .1.000 dead Hrltlsh were counted after
the battle.
Gold and Silver Are
Actual Contraband!
UiiNImIN, Apill 12.-A rol pro. Ism
Hull unfied tonlni exletiiiliig lha Ut i
of article which hereafter will lie treated
as iii ludl enntliitiaiul j
IiicIuiIkI In Hie llt aie gnld, siller and '
paper moiiav and ll i.ej.rtlalih. Imtru- j
i mi ul and H';illut-le aecmlnes
lr as I favuled I
I. I pipl.. Ill
lesit i si I'l mull nn he-
h tueiii ,l.lll'e I'ltitit
in oi iciUv ra
f nit ! .
tiAi' Iniiki lv.,
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I ul i I, i.. - 'nil I, .all lit l.l pii grej.l'
ii. i . miiitii.,.' is tu ,(it.rf.r eili
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WILL UNCLE SAM'S MACHINE GUNS GET THEM? The latest developments in the
Mexican situation indicate that the American forces in Mexico are still vainly chasing
Villa. This picture shows a trooper from th Eighth United States cavalry sighting a ma
chine gun of the type with which some of the cavalry troops in Mexico are equipped. The
belt running through the breach is kept filled with cartridges as soon a the &un is set for
action. In the picture the belt is not loaded.
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OJoniniu i rins-ttifM.
Two Barfds Attack Carranza Gar
rison Sunday at Town in the
State Durango.
TOKRKON, Mexico, April 11,
(Via Kl J'ao Junction, April 12.)
Tetalla of a five-hour battle between
the C'arransslata garrlaon at t'aaje,
Itirango, and an attacking force,
compoetd of Oontrcraa and C.'enlceroa
tandlta, were brought hero today,
The outlaws fled in disorder Into
the hills of the Nu.uh diatrict after
lraing seventy killed, It is reported.
The dis facto troops had four dead.
The battle look place on Monday, Flrat
report were that- the attacking tore
wn coinmiinded by General (L'aniHo
Tleyea, A a negotiation have been under
y for th iirreniler of (Jeneral Heyeu
under an ainnety grant, bitter d lee p-
pointment wax expreaaed by "arrnx
official. The (Hi-render of Iteye wax
expected to (erlouxly cripple tha Vllllata
cau In the neighborhood of Torreon
and Hurango,
The fight wa reported to have been
preelpiiated hy the garrlaon, which waa
aald to have fired on the troop of Gen
eral Ileye they approached under an
agreement for peace negotiation. Thn
lateat detail, however, eem to ahow
that Iteye la not Implicated and there
la atlll hope that be haa ceaeed war
fare agalnat General Carranxa.
Hnnitlt Flee In IHaorder.
A doctor aent from here to treat aoine
of the men wounded In the battle brought
tck the detail of the engagement. He
aald that the t'nnlrnra nd Cenlcero at
tacker were anbleeted to a withering
fire from the garrlon. They fled In
disorder. He arrived In time to count
the hodle of aeventy of the outlaw
cattered over the battle ground. Among
the ded were a colonel nd a captain.
After the battle word wa brought In
that Juan l.amaddrld, a noted tin ml It,
waa killed In diapute over the dlvUUm
of loot hy the t'ontreraa hand. Iimadrld
fled Into tho Naxaa district fter hi
raid on filnanifta" aome week go. 'At t
that tlm he w eotindly beaten
troop under General Ignacto Rumoi
General Trevlno, farramca commander
In Torreon. ha arranged for corn ahlp
tnenla from Collma and Jalleco to relieve
the food ahortag here.
April Record for
Heat is Broken
Yesterday" wa the liiitlet dv ever
pel Imicvil In i ' 1 1 1 o 1 1 -i Idle rly In tli
The liottrKt Apill day In Omaha In th
Ut tljlit lire yeai Wat April ZS. Il,
When the in iliii'iin leiiipeialui a (M 1.
j Hut that wn two afd '.lf arek la
! ter lii th seasnii hn lb preai nl but
SI e
Tix'ilai ji 7 a ni ti n Ihei inunif ter
" Z
U.lnr.Ui t :
r.o and Attained
the d
m th Hit ruiiimeler
raglaiei id m atiuiu. tioo wllh the sains
I'HiiiMii.iii of t inal.iiie tu eiiui-g uHli
wlllil llirinfma, llr in hiOi.ll l.illai
limy he ... the .ee-i t.-gtt reit.
"tiie.,ay in w ct. of the iM.tlr!
Vptll dt r ttll h'l 'I I ni..
iimin ef mi ilr era waa .o.l tii-'t.
hull ol ii is ., it Auil di in !' :-.
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Tnm en piu. ll'llalu. r.rl,iie ltl
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U. S, Not Satisfied
With Explanation
Of Great Britain
V AHM I XUTON, April I'., Hecietary
Lansing announced late today that Great
IJrllaln note m the seizure of thirty
eight Austrian, Germane and Turka
from tbo American atenmer china near
Khanghnl doea not close th case to the
satisfaction of the 1'iilted Wales,
Cleat Jlrlfnin'a reply to the Amnncan
proleata fignlnst Ihe aeUure of thirty
eight Austrian, German and Turk
from the American steamer China near
Hhiiughal wn lunde pulillc today by the
Hlale department.
H contend that Hie aejjeure la Justified
on the ground that the prisoner bad
been eiiKMge,) n plot ngnlnst Great
Hrllaln In the far east and were at
tempting to return home to take up
Great ftrllalii allege that the prison
ers were "engaged for , some time In
tha collection and transmission of a rim
and ammunition for clandestine trans
mission tit India and, if pusxllile, for
arming a ship to play the part of a far-
MSt'rn Mnewr." and. were bound for
Manila to continue their work, having
been expoaed to the Brltlah outhorltlea
at Khanglial, The neutrality of the
I'lilted ftlate would have been comprom
ised, the note contends, had th prisoner
performed the act they contemplated.
Their acta, It la contended, deprived
them of protection from Ihe American
flag under which they were eiilllng.
the llrlllah government argue ijmt
the removal were Justified and Iruvs
that the Coded Ktate will not feel (nr
ther disposed to contend th action,
Th note begin by pointing out that
the latest attempt to define, hy com
mon agreement, the, limit) within which
a belligerent nv power may remote
enemy person from neutral ships on
the high seas I repreaented by rtc
47 of the Iieclaratlnn of I union. 1!X,
which permitted the arrest of audi per
on If "embodl'd In the armed force
on the enemv" without regard to the
deatlntion of the hlpa on which th
were found traveling.
Dupont Powder
Plant Destroyed;
Three Are Killed
f.l.CKI'lICI.n. W. Va , April U. -Three
prins were killed, n workman and two
children, when the plant of the I.upotil
Powder eompnny at Nemouia, Mercer
county, eight mile from here, wa blown
to plerr bv f.icr rx plosion early todac In the little village weir wrinki-d.
The dead rhlUI'en were hurled In the
ruin of their home nenr the prfwmtr
Tue nrlni Ipal ilunn.Ke khi dune by liic
(list explosion, which Is said to bate
ciiinpli lely ilcatroted the htilliliOK In
lili'h it o currtd Tie plant Iiim been
working on use .inters
U aetlllNGTiiN. April ti - The l.i.i
r!l CmiulH -tela1! chih a p-IMl..n f . gen
1.11 letlshoi uf 'l freljl.l istsa nn tlir
Ureal NuiHietn lllV from i,iliil
Minn , '' Hiieili", "is, hi an. n lla
were denied l-i.tsv hv Hi Inlristai ' .
flirf. COIIIIIi.ll0
Villa Neither Wounded Nor Dead,
Says Cattleman Visited by Bandits
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Dutch Shipping Council Reports
Sinking; of Steamship Deliberate
and Without Warning.
AM ST Kill JAM, April 12. (Via
'London, J The Dutch shipping eoun
t'.I, which waa entrusted by the gov
ernment with the official Inveatlga
tton Into the sinking of the Hutch
stcHmshlp. I'alembang and Tubantla,
lies Issued the report of its findings.
With regard to the 1'alembang the
report aaya:
"Three explosion look place. The
first wa caused by the xplolon at
mimi (balance of a drifting mine,, which
waa fired upon by Hrltl.h torpede n.a men an ""'' "'"' "'j
bo.r destroyer, After the explosion thet' at'lpment. can be made e.fely to CbUt
ralambang remained undamaged. The
second explosion wa cud by a tor.
podo, filed at short range, which bit
tbo f'alembaug. Thl I etbllbed be.
yond doubt by the unanlmou stitement
of the wltneaae who aaw the track of
the torpedo, ft could not have been
fired by th Hrltlali torpedo boat de
atroyer, becu the torpedo paased
aome mclera In front of tha latter veaael.
"It I possible the torpedo w meant
for ihe dealrojer. but, mlaatng It, bit
the I'alembang.
Serond Torpedo II II Sbtp.
"The third exploalon waa alao a tor
pedo. The first mate of th steamship
clearly aaw It track about alx length
away on the atarboard. Thl torpedo
wa aimed si th J'alemharig. becua
the Initial! torpedo boat detroyr wa
then a great distance away.
"The definite elatempni of tha crew
are confirmed by the fact that no other
drifting mlnea wre ohaerved and the
1'alemt ang, at the time of tho aecond
and third explosions, wa motlonlesa and
there a a, therefore, no possibility of a
collision with n anchored mine. Even
aupposing that tha I'alembang wa car
ried along hy the current, It muat ba ob
served that the current waa nearly due
aouth, so that a mine would havo hit th
ahlp on the port aide, where tho ex
plosion took place on the atarboard,"
Tohantl I Torpedoed,
With regard to Ihe Tubantla th feport
' The hlp w preparing to cat anchor
at 1 "ft , mi., when It wn hit n ml a tevere
exploelon took place in Ihe coal bunker
on I lie slarhonrd side. Thn Mplnslon
tausn.1 a bole extending from th bottom
J (C'onlnued on I'ago Two, Column Un.)
! Britain Will Raise
i Millions on Matches
I.O.VIs.V, April I
; iircihui wiiti the Ini
I tat ht hrrn ovpit.oiiie and in iiianti.
fai lurris bv n llu-lr opposithm
In tin nt-auie. They bale Asaured l(i.g.
I nt M. Im una, - li m 1 1 . .r nf Ilia e.
ch.Url tlisl II. rv will mi him n
rauiinl 11 e revenue
I nli-r i'ii. i lat.iti.iu plan pr.ipussd
u si. in i taxi-4 PI pur Wimisaftil,
wi h Is mOn.atr.l tu piudii let rnua
i.f a h.i I I " '' i
ai. t
I Ml
i. a !(.. ii
T'.e t . Up l
I ' ...I. i a
1 - i. J t ii 1 1. it.,
1 I o X in, li ii ..!
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'tl' I s- t I l -
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i' a ac I Mien
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M .Mil-t-i
.1 Im
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(I M I ll. t
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is li n.
hi I , i ,
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1 , .ll III If,
.I...1 1 ll ,1
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4 1 nut
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I I"
Army Will Continue Pursuit of Ban
dit Until the Rumor it Con
firmed or His Capture
Is Effected,
Supplies Will Be Forwarded to Set
eral Flyinjj Columns of
Cavalry from Satevo,
rX PAflO, Tax., April 12. That'
the American expeditionary force haa
penetrated far beyond i'arral and la
pear, If not aetually at, thej Chl'
i huahtia-Hurango border line la indl
liated In ende dlspatchea received
j here this afternoon by private con-
1 rerna with Intereata In tha I'arral dla
i .....
1 1 U I ,
Theae dlpl )e,( asi'i that the American)
dviu-ed column now had a temporary
ba ner I'arral and that toward tb
end of last week two rompanle of thV
niotor truck train had delivered supplies)
at this base, Thl I the first, authentic
information that he come from the fly.
Ing column of Colonel findd and Drown'
(or aeverl da.
It erni certain now that Villa, If h
Hill live, has passed Inlo Ihe mountain!
faaineasa of Hurimgo and that ba la In
a posit inn to get In touch W illi tbo --.
tered bndlt fore.- of that dlalrlel.
There are laenty aeven trucka In each)
motor company, Tha delivery of fifty.
four trucka Indicate that lb advanced
cavalry ha sufficient supplies to enabl
It. to make long foray aouth, j
llatrn'l l'aed Line.
It I not believed here, however, that
the force of Colonel Hodd or Colonel
Itrown hsva paased the Hurango line, To
do o would lengthen Ihe line of com
munication too dangerously. Jt la moia
likely Ihey have remained In touch with,
their ripplle at I'arral. Thl would fl-
count for the la k of Information at tha
front th last week, 1
WintiHaneoualy with the new thaS
supplies had been sent far aouth
the neighborhood of I'arral came the In
formation today lht Iocl concern h'S
presented a tralnload o iipplle to thejj
Mexican Cenlral railroad for altlpmenS
to Chihuahua city, there to ba gold 4
General I'efahlng'a troop.
Thl trtn, c.onalatlng of nine ear
loaded mostly with -hay and oats, goS
away thla afternoon. New of tha aafnv
arrival of the train at Chihuahua Cltfj
I anxiously awaited here by both bnai-1
huahua City railway tranaportatlon ma
be axtended vei further south.
' Favorlle Trleb,
Mexican follower of Villa In otheg
campaign said It w a favorite tricia
of Villa when the ch became hot foe1
th bandit to have th tory pred thaS
he waa dead, that the ardor of hla puis
uera might b dampened. Army officer)
at Fort flllsa declare that If tha Vlllaj
death story Is a hoax It will In no wlaa
affect th pursuit of th "fog of th
flrlgadler General J'erslilng ha tahe!
Ilshed a new base at Haevo, arcordlnaj
to Information here today, hut no wor-t,
ha com from th flying column of
American cvalry tinder command of'
Colonel Dodd and Brown, whoa purauiaj
of tha Villi! I said to extend beyoni
I'arral. There are reporta that tha ad -I
vane columna have been forced to hall1
until tha line of cnmmunlcatlona haa bee
eatabllahed aouth of Katavo. !
Ther I nothing official her nr at
army beadiuartera at Columhua, N.
to confirm a- report that troopa K and
M, eleventh cavalry, kilted a number at
Vllllata and raptured thirty-five ntharft
last Hturdy aouth of ftatvo. Military;
offteera at Columbu do not credit tbaj
Hupplle In Inereaalng qiiantltle ar besi
Ing ateadlly forwarded by the quarter
master department to (' GrandJ
Namlipilpa and other point.
Lawyer Drops Out
of Caplan Defense
IA)H ANGKI.KH, C,, April tl-Jacob)
Mrgotl, a rittsburgh attorney, who P
prrd unannounced ten data ego In tha
auperlor court to Haild Caplan,
' sllegi.d dynamiter nf Ihe Time building,
after other Counsel failed to appear, ha
j WHhdiRMIt fr.iiu the t ase, It beam
known i.alay, IwimiM of a rontlnurit dit.
luffliultles In con- ) ferenea In policy with Nathan CughUu
isitloii of the inairh(.f Hn Fratn iscn, chief rnunael n (hi
trial of Ataihew Hchmldl, ions ,!d I
tha c.ise.
IH mi M?. la. April jj -i.,.,ti Tat
gia.ili I'l Ufle M. I'.ill.n Jinn, nuts
iu .itfia le. turer and w .ikrr. a'tir
l"kn In a Urge gaihenng in th atl
lu...i, ai 1.1,1,1 waa put ...i inlttt.
in Im le iiiiK st ll. a VIfi.Iihii et.-.i
In i le had m..iil.. lm ia ,.
tl i.iiui.eni .r illia hi u i.
r. .l l-am i i,.ii. ntl re(iie, i.i tin,.
III! si l'l the p i r,.r m t .i t. ni)
i.l'i Ihni icir. I . in! i h ,.
pint! t.f th a,..-. t.4ll ,i, h,
ir i'iii Iim wmiM
Imv Unit ul.) it.'-k tiih)
I llitll Mill mi. I n.
til III' ".'"i" inn -inn hi
in IW nut A-l, MtH
Im itii sc i i ill ii ii 1 1 .
Jutt try !