Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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? I
Want-Ad Rates
v ff word each insertion
Special Betes I
Kamt end Rgruli l-anflg.
7o per lint., eecn Insertion
(Count ai words M th line.;
AOKNT ott Hli.l.l' W ANTICH
Jr. ir word ope time
I 'Jo par word. .. three consecutive llnu
a rf tin. .on tim
7c per llni .three consecutive tltneg
(Count slg word t the tin.;
lie per lin , ..aih Insertion
(Minimum rharg to cent )
Monthly Ret for gtsnillng fnn
change nf rnpyr l It) per lln
(Count rig wordg to th line j
Contract ret eg gpplleetlog,
TfP! RF.K will not he rpnl)il for
more then one Incorrect Insertion of en
sdverileement ordered f'ir more then
OUC 1)111.
Artw.mirrnn should retsin receipt
given by Tli Re tn payment for Want
Ads, ss no mjatak can I. r''IM"4
without U)m,
Pgr: TUT! TPT.rmOVir tf i rnnt
conveniently hrlnr of send til jrmir '1
Ask for Went. Ad Tkr, end you will
yeretve ih Hum eond eertc ea when
rtllv-rlnir your d St the office,
. WA VT-A f rrr.T?MNH nTOgir,
rrrvrvi rnrnwit,,. ( w.
Aniworg tb question
"Wbtrg to go tonight."
nmiiBa. uTii aTToUoIax
"War of (h World," Cruel, jieartleae
I times, tli world l n t lis laet
in this dllgttf ully human drama, of real
Twelfth etHeod "Th Iftranr. Case ot
Murr Pega," with jMii Mayo ud
Henry , Wslthell.
"On th ft)l Hunt," run Willi th
Amateur ! ha.
Mill in. I V.tmr
lAtLNAU,' Tilf YAtlKkM
"Th Klrht Aln. OjH'im Hop,"
"TtllO DKVJU'H liKW,"
r"nrlfi WKUKH,
Tip orn rni nri-hlr,
TWSckHH. in 7-1 rKtfoM8.
t-n.ta TnmtTNB ko. a,
DAL'GHTErt," a, Vrf good
TmruAUfiisNr" i i "winam
'Tli Orlnnln gliiill," Hll
Th Olrl W oo iMrad," Klm,
'f-Tny'a Pf,'' Vim romdy.
',. . " "
IfAlbraok Itllnn In "Th f'lipaj-donabl
kin," fiv-ril World ftui an4 a
gre4 romlr.
LOTiiitoi'. '24TH sTQmiUov.
Viola Allnn In
"Th Whli. Hlmr."
Tt ",rnn lri r"lf Jjl!'f'l "
TPOLV&Tl i i rScXVibJ w
fll Trlhun No. M, Utlig, "Who Kllld
Jo Until-h." Vita, "is dm lloollgnu
and lMilliin linn for Mnvur."
liOUDfiVAKOr U A Ltntroriir
Tiriy at 7 1( and I tf, a MMro fa.
'ira, Kdward Connolly in "Mara Cov
Inaton" 'a film vrl(.i of liaorga
Aila'a atnry of tit aoiitlu, and one ril
of fornily.
w rl.
Kitullahl motion ptHur corp, Charloa
' hrrry In ' I'awtrK II v."
ftaulh PUa.' "
"Bunflf I.anda a Joh " Vim com.
"The Now Jnnllor," l.uli. com.
"Hnarta and llaaka, I rl, Hallf apee.
(MirHEL'M, " J4TII & M
I rl tit (nod plclur.
!T5hLfI' 2 68 TIM A V EN WOIU'H
Bartiara (lllroy and HarrU Oonlnn in
"The Oval iJiamond." and a (omly.
Star Features
Thae are ftr'lal Ritra-ltl
Kcaturaa now apixarlng at tb
following Tiiaatrl;
XFoTXo. IrT7KATicN'R''ofttir
"Who Killed Jo Marlon?"
KSEbT" ?f fT" a"S tr T?" Mf .
"Hrts and Maaka."
KUDcVaTu hWl .To a v k s wo hti i .
"Mara Covington."
TSTl'lt esO JTli-" UouuLAr"
With Clna Mayo and llnry It. Walt-
'1!5 r'Ati.NAM.
Th K-lht Aliit tipulin Hop,
'Tlir; I'r.Vll.A lilli V,
I (lining
Mil l WMir-n
ril to ami ainl im.i fH
llnlhiook tilmn t 'Th Ifiipaidonehl
i.uliUl'iC,""" tU'll ANl liTltlt.'!"
Viola AHn In "Th While itr," fa
t.ira lit i il
&tKH'if. I'AtiNAM
Cifl Cl.cifr In "l'an i.'
nis't'f'-tti Hit i "ln'ti'iiQl
Tilt; tl M"V c; V "
..,. ,( .,..
J..l.f I I A-1 I A V I SWutt'Ml
''l- 'l-v k. I Hai'M't-xi l
' f I t I " t 1 i. I
.tll IMI MMNII l1lpl.
IV 1 i' ' - i
N -tl nt II.. 1 i.'i t f .-.r l...nte
1 i.). .i , in mi., ii t r)i
I h a ' ( ' i I
iT y' .i.H it I" I t ' 1.4 ,.
' I . t !! ... I, ,,
.'.f II . . h. i. It .
I . . a . ; n i-in ,r h ,,..! 1 1 t .
a''l.t'l' ,t i
t i it i ( ( 'imii m , i i,i,
' 1 I . t ..
1 1 1 1 r " i a.i.i,i pi
A I N A H' ' I lu,f, , v, a , , i
l I ' t - 4 . . t. a .
'Mtinmut i vtt t ui ti mi
M 1'tM i V
V MV .. . ....( i . ,..,'. ,
' . ... . i i ... i a
In I , i - ( ,... .
I- ( . t .i VI I , ill ' . . I ,
. , : .1 , VI.M-...1.-, VI . . IN.
. ,;t a i ii i. i if iv, i, A ( !., e
I.iinaa to have brn granted th
fiillnlrig rouplna'
S'm and Aililnaa. Ago
It Jnii Miafffr, I'ounrll Hluff -'I
l1 Aicry, l oum ll Hl.iff I
Kreil W Jwll, ftumhn ................. !
.Mwrio Mlah, Omaha.
rWmtlnna niiiil, Omaha 24
liiilacppin Norlia. Omaha l;'
Krr-d Cllliit, tlrooks, la
I'llirqlfth Helllmr, ltnon, ,VI II
it i in a 4t ii:rii.
fllrth AiiUion and Joophifi tivomU
rrd i-oiilli TuMili'th, girl, Cnaii"g n'tf
A.. U...III. A u,.,l V t,.,u
John and ,Mry Ki.a.'l-. 41 H mtn ilrly-
th ii, glil; rtohrrt and Uomi llrlft, 14
Ho'itii l l'l.' t iilh. girl Frniig nnd .ion
hhl. 'ttz, Houth 'I lilrlM'iilh, girl; I' r. 't
nd Maigar'l Allgooil, i.'M Monro, hoy
Knlvaloro and CoincM, 2.T7
oulti Twelfth, girl; Mr and Mr, ft W.
l(ova, hopiel, girl; K. and H"l.n John
a-.n, hoaplial girl, Harry and r'opliln
MonoviK'a, it, girl,
liralhe-Kdltn I', Vandarford, 8A yia,
hopill; lliTirv Natf-r, f,'i yra, ti-
pital; Charl" ('. I'ay, 40 yar, hoapltal:
t'ohiimll I'liiraU, Jr,, 1 ynara, 4I4 foiith
Tucmlnth; arrl Kchrk. 2 yr
lioiiHl, IhIit W!k"r, 7 ye-ira, ivi
Harney. Ilonrlatta Knwh, Yt monllia, l
North Tnty ninth; Havld Korr i'u,tn,
Jr , 4 month, '"'i Ifl' kory.
Ill n.Mlsr; ri II MIT a,
" W,"W. Wolili, fVnith Thirty first"
hrh'k gaiago, ,nt; John M. Tornl''.,.,
X"t jemtli Hst'nth, trarri" dll ng,
:'.ft; Anion HUinia, J44Z fw,.th Twnlftli,
frame dwelling, ll.'O'i; Maigir"! I
I'alinika iM'i Houth Twenty fl'tn, injia'r,
f(i; Tad NiUori, 3ll!i N'loholaa, frm
twntllng, l'l,i; Ainoa MIIvt, l':SW Imar
1'ark l,.,iii-vard, train dwelling.
A. (4, Kmniona, itrown, frMioo dwell
ing, 7'l, J t,. i-ad'tioa, 141 fco'Hh v
iitiiilh, friimo dwfllliig, $'!,.vi J J.
I'adrooa, H7 rVmlh Jivrit.ntli trimm
dlllng, MM). Anton Jeofail, i'ii jKv
lalnr, fitinl lMllnif, ti.Wii; Kllsa. A
lillllnga, 4;?7 Norlh Ttilrly flghth, hrkk
a ii-l friuna dwelling, H.i'H; M f, Halnr,
4102-4 'ommrlal annua, frame dwvll
Ing, Ifrt.
g Vii; I'm aurinm ""4 il 4arilM II kara,
ri alll r rau.tar II K oi', ut as tu,nm
pmiitm iumariialiia ra.-Avarla ir ervugat
aa.Mi atarr flay taiaurN Ihia aaniaia
7Mg l.nwr,,!. at,a ili, laat rtlala tr
laiaraia fa hi'ialae thai taa aiaia la I
aifioi la ra'ialrlna thm la aaa tHs oanaf
tt',irli advaiilaainaal ana othaiwtaa, aafl ihal
a fallufa to a a,., if aam aaa li givraa, la.
volva a aerara pantltr
Perafin having loat aorne article would
do wall to call up me office of Itie
ftmaha at '.'onmll Uluff Htrt Hallway
eompany to aaorlaln whether tMy Part
it In the atraot ear.
Many arilii-a aaeh day are tamed lit
end the company la atiiloua to raatore
tliain to Ih rightful owners, Call
I long 4
TMt -Misirrmt. ft. a. i nti
riorani. gold cuff link with Initial It.
ngravad. $, tit fwun), latum to l.
Ryan, V. M. C A,
yA uKWAun, '" "
fyial looae damonil out of ring; loat
latii Urnmli'ia I ho lor and Inindea
Telaplion Allrrt Kdholfri, IomkIih Y't
jiT-)ii Waal lo'lg or Kamam, park
iiu rootaliihig hoy'a punt, walata.
shlrtjand ahoea, Toiaihon l. 8M.
D Wf-HutM fi of iy; rarf. fiharl'ffiT
ifflra eourf In, life
rurnlliira mnd llooaaholrt Hoods,
WEONEBDAf, APluti 11, lll.
Hawing mguhlnas, drasaers, li
brary tjihlae, dining tahles, chairs,
roi'kcrit buffots, bookcasaa, talking
miuliln, chine cloeete, davan
pnrtg, gag ranges, ranges, kltrhan
ahln'S, rfrlgrators, trunks, gar
den tools, ruga, lar eurtalna, llnan,
china, ploturrs, elo
lilth and Jackson flta.
Hi'gliiiiliig 10 a. m ,
Wndiii'a'lay, Atoll U. 1114
Cd Kloor I nl'in Ouirittltig Co. Itldg,)
rUHshi: iVprAf a itAhiiAiN
Ws are anlllng high glad furniture
at ramarkalily low pilcea. Our aluia la
not the flnaat, but we eie offering bar
galna that rannot he heat.
Cor. 141 h and Hodge Bta
OM A M A "i'll.Mi W tX.Velt and hall
mmiiaaaua mad over In tiw ticks at
half th it'h of new one, f'hmin u
for sMiiplw of Hi king. Mull oidxr filled.
1li7 Ciimliig Ht. Imuglaa 24i,7
IK, H I'". iotia, S, ins alnvaa, ruga of
all klnda, Miullry wire and netting,
linen till (i, tn. IJ No, Villi Ht
Plaaa and Mualaul Inalrao.aiila.
Cood maka, good comlliliiri, ii M par
iniiiiiii new pliiinia, M.iw per month.
A. HOfH'K Cl I..I3 l& lioiiglaa Ml.
lor and 4fflr fltlurea.
t.S U II h buy a t 71 Natl 'tml cneh reglaUr
If taken at iinm, (looil enmlltlon. li.
lieaa.ln A Hon, l iHiuglua Ml
IiKmKH, afea, a ale, ahoweaa' , ahaiv
Ing, K', We buy, eel!. Omaha Klutm A
Mupply Co., 4t led H. Ulh. lxmg. Tttt.
A OillUi aei'iuiil hand roll lop dvak, 1K31
fly NeCI Hnk.jrrler Ml.
Ty pvrltra and oapllva.
N I S mai'hiiiea aold th aiiiii a rant,
l per llioulh. Me ll" hefora iii buy or
trill. Nlilpped anV jilu. e on ten ilaya'
fre trial, nulla Tvpewiller Kai'haug.
Iia H. Iih, iiiimlia, Neh
ITI'RWHITKIlM "l'l. ranted" ' mjrV
palrnl. Hint an Oliver lyiewritt' 3
iiiontlis fur I'. Central Typuwrllvr ICx-
hiinge, Karnani
)(i:MI.SU'IOSM, Moliari'h and Hmllii
I'leihlei fur tent, Ml anvii'T, H'ii
Ingiioi Typewilirr Compuny, I1 Ift
IU' I.IASi K llil'lion ami Carlioii Co.,
tvpawillar ami offlea siipplles, whola
aaia and retail 1 .'..'li hi Howard Ht.
kl 1 1 I . A N 1 1 lillliliiN A CAIUti'Ni Cn
I'flii'i) aupppee. HiMigla HiH, 1- iiae
Jewalrt, liaaMoai4la. Walefcra,
i(Hil-iA Altt' M ' lueey Hadillug llllga"
el I' ih ntid HioinIu ttia
4 lalliU, f nra, ta.
WK Inn lel ' H iHllnl IllaUo tit) tldl
ovei.'ala rto't'ii'in I'tM C'eiglitii Ml,
alaie larjli-a.
Sewitivf MacliittfH
Wa rem K i ali ll ih iki and pari
ef ail aeaina n(,! J-1
M li
Si tilt . in , t VCl.P in,
Stl( and Hti." I' i ia tl ?
t Seaila m4 I'laala-
Jtll t el,t -la, ' i.'i I ai.ia. jmli
. , i .,, , )., t I . li , I I- I f
i . 1 lia t.'d l' in i a a I. k
, ... ,.i.o. 'i t .., a '
l... li .1 Ili a ( .ih I", i.i.lia n,.a
,,.,l, gi . lll-( (' '..I'l, ll..,,...
i, I .1 t. I li'aa 4 t- I i. i.
i . a N .. i l' t . I
H . I, i't ,1, Si Ci li
I v I i ... i ' i t . k
I . . ... . 'i ' a . a i. t 'I
t - e ai.t t I T ' a' - I I I i . V
N i - a i , ...i - I It 1 . u
I . .,.1 . . t ' -'I W 1'.(! '
k I 4 t. m "I .1 M a i
n ., a' i . ) t ' t, -a i
I li Si t. . l ... t t'
i i i t It. 'I i tt
t i. ! 1. k m I i. . I '
ataitilaatt aa4 I aiiait
I tli i t Ink t 1 1 N I . . . i , , , , .
ti a "d t i t
I. . ; i I i I ' .. t.t
a . i I I . ' , ' " ' ' . , ..''-. ,? 1
. , . i ' i I
,...(, ,.,..:.. '-,,,. 1 ! ,
i ',", t... ,V . !t .''. , ,'. .
MU I- i i ...'
" ...,. I, . I . I" t .. 1. ti
W , t o w o t e
lllllliiril an, -ol Tiklrt,
I'iiH HAI.-Na and aeoond tiand rerotn
and poiket 1.1 IihmI tn hi'", and howling
alley and iniitwiln, end for rt
"t,iie, env niiytnenla The ilrunattlck
I'.iilke ' oil. fi.ler I'n , Vfi i HI'ilo Ml,
M Ueellaaeaiia,
lT"T.igTia"iaii'lrd of 'ii'iali'ty ' will-b
inalriiined; 4 it'iart of md Foi,inlle
vtitakv, l!2.'.; In.nleil In l.ond. Iletirv
I'olloeg mil II order houaa. Houg, 7ir,3,
vi m s. iv it hi
Thirteenth end Houglga,
Bottled hi bond wlilpky, Wm, gi.fXtO. I1.SK,
fu'l ioa t
4' tifl Holden Waal Whlek'yT STTilt
T't." ' ,iimi bottled In bond, prepaid.
' 'art, lev I'roa . 'inftlm
l"i i'Af.rV f'ral'rle hay,"ifte"Weroi)
Hay f'o,, Inmiin, Neri
If d'COfiN for aaia, NrtfriaTiTJeb
Ftoilla No . ling tt.
" 7j;sk 8,1 i'is K K " 1 -MH
Nw dls, ued dka. bought, aold
gnd traded J. C, Heei. 7 Karnitn .
V. A V T h f i f'lioiiograpli and Gorman ie'"
ords of International Corr'aporideno
K' hool. Addrrae ling Ml, M itlon, Neb.
WANT M 'lat'len apriOHling hone,
i'l-onn I'fd
Hlghant prp ee g d for ol I i lolhee, tl, rA
Ileal ifia piiid f"t old elotliea, H, 4'I4
a-Olt liri STi TltrtArtl'KKH
ji lt' l iK'l A A it 1 1 (4 ""t,i.'My " 'Wedding
Rings" et in h and Houg! Kle.
r.XK''lHKAr if MC.A.- ''i.iloe loam
Motor llepalra,
CAHU.f. KI.KC, i;o J:e RldaV tt, W.
ooerela 4 ontrepfora.
CKMKMT walk end drlvawnya, H, !JKl.
4 arveolera and I onlraefora,
leaeanl A Moti li Capitol Ave, I, Wl
Young,' rep'g, Johhlng, rng. W 1 f.Jli.
'(',. V, Hokatiaon, Wlb i.vnwlb Tyl ivn-i.
f'emeiillng and I'lueterlng. Cnll Red Vm.
'('. 11. Itoys, VtH iirlatol f'o. Wan M-4,
l.a it lea THllortag,
Wl'lll rta ldl' tailoring If, rie-her,
riornar Hotel lll'la , Wit N ivih, Tylar W.
geeordlon, Ml'l Knife, Hog I'liiflltg,
( ov, llllllontl, llloll' hlng Nell, I'leat-
1igf A Rillti-H Co 4;il i! I'n ton R k, It mi
flown, Hull and Wraps,
.,!'! ".:!hJ!'.- t'4-.WM.
T'reaaiowliing nr plTn i wing, reon
al.le; anllefnellon gunranta'd, Wall l!?.
XmNaVi'.A'I .R,"3iamekri li'dia1!' M
g'llt apeeialty. Pouth t4 H, PA,
Pl.t'KK'g Hiamki'rig hoof, gJlle,
dreaaea, ete, 1','i:t i n llfiirnla, Houg.
Hreaaoi'k'ng at home' H, 1 C 'i'l Hntney
HHftf t'l.AKH dreamling Ite'd
k'elati'r's Hteaaoiiiliiiig Col, i'M City Nat,
Tarry reaaniak'g noliee, W'h A farflarL
W'ltK guaiamaad ' I bona Wiifoul i4
Conifrtreaarn want day woi -g H, 7J,
Italaopatb I'byateiaate.
M RH J, R, M ! Klf'K,1 Roe Rldgv
JHKAI, ?tlr I'arlore -Wi Ralrd Rldg.
Manl' iirlng, a'lilp, faelul and vl'det lay
trealmenls Tollat artp lea, H, Hi
Totrel Sappllea.
OMAHA Towel uupply, Wi M, llth. f. eU
Mallooa and I'lnumi'
" " o. i'Van arnam.
Hrea I'laatlng apd llulion Co
Phon Houglaa WH Z'M Cotton Rlk.
Nottlienal Corner 1'ith and Mia,
Acotdlon, knife, side, epm.ti, bug end
gori-rav pleating.
Com IiIhh Hun tins and side gteat skirt
in ail im! design,
Hemallirhlhg. ni'ot edging, pinking,
ni'hlug and liiiitona made to order.
Mall orders given prompt end siieelal
Bltenllon All woili guaranteed,
( leasers ead Ilyt ra,
TATK Dry f'lng, Co. JJf) N. Ulh, V), W!t
KvrrrlsiiHaj' ir eiirnti,
ACCOIiHION, nl'in, knlfa, giiiiburat, bog
plea I log, rovered bultona, all aU"S i'd
gtylna, liemalllrlilng, phot edging, em
broidery, heading, braiding, cording,
eyelet rut work hutlonholea. niunerite,
IHKAI, lll'TT;N ANO I'lKATlMi ''Oa
DQ Houglne Rlork Houglaa Yl'4
K. A. MVOJtAK, C. V. A.
m 437 llamie Rldg. Tel. Houglaa 74.
A .lV.l.Nriri',iii)i',l(. ( "iiii, II lliuffa, la.
Tel. liluik IIHJ, Auditlnij. Actnuiitliig,
lie ori"i uiloi.a, Inveallgntion
' Hatha.
Hft, flK.NHA-Mulphui, Hleain, Model
TurklHli, t ie, in,. HA I IM and MAI.
MAnl'i fur Hied nervea ami rhaumalirn,
l'rivala epartment for ledlea with la'l
attendiiiita lain Kuriiiirn. I'hone i. M.:7.
TtlKATHICAl, gowns, full die mill, for
rant. N. Hlli Mt John 1'nldmaa,
I'laao Inalrainloa,
Regllmn iliiuu pluylng pualtlvely In'iuht
In W leaenri i't'ii I urtiiim Wal. 3.1,9.
4 lilroiiaelora. gploal Adlnattiienla,
Ml. Ill 1 1 1 1 I ( N , 414 H"e fililg U. Ml
I'n liner Mihool gnid. l'iinmllla'1'in tiaa
lrs lillllnhiuii, 1.1 freight, li I lk. I. 7 '
I'r, II lrel. 'm llrun The HIil. H. Mi.
Or. J. C. I.MWreme. I tliilid Illdg 1). IL,
rT.KCTItl'! houae cleaning, our work and
pi li e will pleaan you, ll u remove
yuiir aiorm wlndowe and put In your
at reena Tyler Ml J
4 bleoiHiilleia.
Carrie J. Rufoid. m l as Ilia Red 4M7.
rillH WIN'f'KI.KK, .IBliewey Ave, Kv.
deitee aerureil lii eveiy niar, Hiir, ('nil.
JAMK.4 A ( . f . A N , 'M Nevllln III,, i k, Kvt-
ileui a aei ureil In all i iiaea Tvler IliUI. ,
I. ANil Nat'l itolaiillva Agi y , Ini' , tA lie
lihlg. Tiler li. wtrliily iiiuifnlmiiiHl.
Jaatloea of lit I'ettee.
II. II CLAIIIUIIM';. U I'anieil lllk ; Re4
7l"t Notary pulillr; ilepoalllon etem,
C. W. Hi III, It" I jlurker HI'., k
Varuum ( leaner.
CI.KA.V Ul li M.V and I 1 1 illOI'illll.T
WITH I'l'lJI'tlK f I.I.CTIlir, Hi N r II
AM II ,l t ' I. It 1 1 A i I'uCiU.AM I, Hk
Klilarri aail Irlae.
1)1 ) V l'erl ili! aaliiig inarhloaa,
I ' '"'"'ele. In.i Il.ina and laaillof
laiuli C'liulug Ml H iug
I'alHlloa ami I'aiirilue.
Otiiahe I'aatei o 7l H run Hnnglne
II MAIH I a tail.. i- and rl-nr, praaalng
etnl repairing im N. Iih Mt H i, it..
SIiii will ki ma a i'ilng uii f I.lnl
I ll.t '.'I 1,1 ft I ..ll II K
( AUId K-'rv and Ian. r bkiy gnnde,
' iill I lo l ''' If'ltf' and elileilaln.
Iimnla II lleeler l: . llii W itf
1'tlutlnn aad lilllea tHpllae.
WA I I i a H tltMlAlt V ft 'o. i iall'
pni'iiim l-l I'f'ig II ') I lilt Ml
t'wrttae mil 'llatvaie.
IIAIlfpn lll'H. 4I. Hamuli. ll A!, Ff?t
ai..h ) lallala.
t t tiiii... ii I ii . t ' u l' , il i r tin
Well I'a l- I lea elite.
W a h ai i i - . w i.l.. k I i t. . m .,r imur
tieae !.! I!-I ; ' 'I-" ICiionU
w u t ! vrt ii ..i. i i ii i-
li - i t
t .1 1 , 1 1 lalu rlilt.
M I' en - . "' r i it ! l l
Wedding lUtl'iMIt
l '
i r
I .11
1 1 la
H l
H i mi
A I .t or a
i t i
i mlMi
C T hl'"l"
I ' !'
I -tl
I It M
Ha . to, A i a fte ti
. i It I" 1
i . It ald liinoti
i, HI
I I tl Ml
I all " i'
i ii e b
1 1 1 oi Hi t we ,
1 a
iwtlt. I lu tt
1 tit
im tt. ie
WHAT yt II. I, If C 'I HAHPf
t enreg farm hind. 1 ad River county,
g H, emu 11 lioui-e, f icenj, purl broke,
running wotir, gooil wlmul and alfulfa
land, 7 mile from OelrHh; prhe, l,Mi;
ro'ii tgiio, Vi, ijua J!)lli, per en( ; Ulla
A-l, 'I ii" auto, lots, southern land or
v,mmeribil paior, t'olfair i'.'i'l V, O,
HfWrd I iiooha 14 riuhler Ht
i-Nh gi'iii iialnea piano niprigho (n
fine condition, a;o fin J'g" I'M
goild oak Iteglna rouale l,o Willi big
b in' h of tun aneet. all In fine ehepe,
went a good atandard rnnkit player-
lini'i; no outalde pla.ats wanted. Ad-
diH k J), M. H
A'.'ltli ofjt'Uxi latul and town lot In
Kiati' It, Tes., adjoining townalte, for
eile nr trad, will take In any good
if, or What bava you? Addreag V i!42,
7lA yi'feTinlty tTf ii In i-iuiinin'iiii.
with lot r0 by IU, West Omehe; will
trade for gotf used oer, raao differaii'
If ie rjr; funabout preferred. A
I' 3ft, llee,
M ' I'l 'i It C V l T,K 'l i lii, iii'lin'."lwo peed.
leetpt light, fully a'ulppeil, bn run
I l,l lollea, fjral elsa ehape, worm
etound g ) f. ; went to lieda for dle
mvnd A'ldr M, C, 1127, I'.eo.
-VI(.-OI,0 lior, good eondnlori, gentla;
Wt I,l4i, aim Jiariiee iul top buggy,
good tiaw, Will trade for touring
'r, yoii prefened. Addre M. t;,
1 ) V 2, Ilea,
AHHIN'i iiiTi!7i, wTif oaclianga for
eulomotdle, offh e furniture, typewriter,
hook, or what have you? Address H.
C, C7. l'ee,
lif'ftl Oii" fnerii,lin oinfit'comi lel, e
lieol, roiiijiii'.n, fin lone; lo Ifede for
typewriter deak; mint he in good eon
di'lon Addreae H ' li'd, lle
WlfVOSKtrV I'eerleae "refrlgeralorT" ' "
p'lly I'm pound, almost new, tiof. Mil,
will trade for sooieihli.g of e'jual value.
A'l'ir" n, I , llti, llee
TlAi'K' liige ealhr kit""bgV "sS("l41i,"
iitble for (miring, camping or outing.
Will swap for what, he" you of H
Viloc. Addreae H, , II.4, Ree.
WHAT will you trd rn t'or a gni'Tlne
I'jilor lump; alao a gasoline out of dome
lantern; I, oil, brand 'ne; pever been
burnt; gl'e Wh tandlcpower, Addreae 14.
C Mi'O, R..
i WANT a ttardolie small i'a hit ini
s duofold I'avenporf Will egchenue
t'ttina for same Mullefa'llon guar
anleei, A'ldeaa H. C, IIW, Re.
VVMA'I bavo you lo !lad" m for d
yird of pew cArpet, all In one piece,
J iet. a R rem from the weever? Ad
dre H (.', 1) pee
HA VI", some fine Terrier t weeks
old, will etp one or more for thick-
cn, or wner, iiave vout Afllr 14
I ir, pee
iTA vTri-T'iM I'TA KG: In good Tlpl,goo
i'ia, Walnuf ce cot new. f Went
to wii, for light, triicg or VIlrol, Ad
drr M C, !,'(, I'.ie
fit. Win HKVKfrl'KH mvfi whan pr nU
are orierel, p.nlargmaoi') from tuiy
riegniivo, Ke Mt'iilio, jrytn end Hsmoy.
C' dl HA (,K !'.'. I'tioniilly fine Irish
we'er Piwi'iial pup, ls fnorithg old.
Wm fr;aieiorf, lehare, N"b,
ONE horse and light delivery wagon?
harness, eie, ; awitn for liwiii delivery
Irmk Addreae (4 47, H, Hce
G.VB "dn foiihlaln, one rash register an'f
a peanu' roaalar, Will IranV for car or
pool fiihle, Address V .'!4!t, llee,
WANTI'O to swap :Ci Wlnchealar rifle
in good condition for gremrtphori, Tyler
HA VI'. cornilale furtilahlng for 6 room
eotiege, will wu for late model rord,
Address H. C, lluS, Re
OSK 'J year "gold fllll,"7f-Jewel Wal-
Iham watch to trade for rhlukens. Wol
nut MM
T't TitAip, or sen an Julian motorcycle
engine, Wl;t have you? Cell Harney
h Iv Ii"lrii'ubatrvlu'i'l4 Kl " to'swsp
for wheel harrow, (i C, M, R.
'WtRK hoi or trifle for , Ford "car.
Si C, vi, Ree
lftfcAT mrtrkei ifoVpi opari .f". iri"lCTlee?
CAKi; end tnornliig hou.e lor sale, double
loom rn re amine room arid eounlar, Ra.
rn"ileiid four monttis ego, everything In
first ilaae shape futures, Jlgh's and
fuiriliurai are all good. Heat cafe in
ita escept aome of the bolei cafes.
Hood Icputitfloii, best class of (rada In
lilv. Uuatanlee tl'O liiialnem, end over
dully, Over l,ti strck riow on hand.
Item, seventy if otf monthly, Rooming
houae of ten fl'o rourn uppoaite cat.
Moiicrrr escept. h'-el.. Uood furnliuie
and hghta end everything . K. Kent
twenty dollars Hor monthly. Oppot.
tunlty for a live man. Reuaori for sell
log la ah'kriee. Address Y KVl. llee,
AS Ir'M'tA Itl.lriii "t'.li mariufailuier 'went
general sales manager lo open offhe
Slid Iniinase ealeameri, I'K) lu iU cap
llill nueaariry. I.llieinl conlrscl, monuy
makliig ioslllliUs iiiillmlled. Will pay
eiueusr to Chi ago If you are msn w
want, A, C. W., 1012 Repohllu Rldg.,
fi'H MAI," (lariier ahop arid pool iialT,
(liming over epris tV per week.
Hood location and flrst-i luss pi h e;
1,1'iJI, cslr Will liMlidl. .lesson for
S'llfriK, oilier twliic. "H," Omaha
Mee, i oiinell lllurf. la,
Jlgkory 'WuTd
On of the best camly klthns In Wyo
ming Fine loceilon for nskery, Mplaiv
dld opporturilt v for baker who has good
oiilfll, will lease of ramie or will aeli
omilkht. Address lion (;,, I'esper, Wyo,
'I'A 1 1, UK shi p for sule; suit iiiu'Ir to
olilert ilesiiing, pressing, repnbing;
best town of l.'iOO In lows. Address
l.oi k Kox M7, la.
i-'ult " HA I.fc itgtrifle 4,!i0u ""g'rocory
slock end fu lures Will lake auto or
is' snt lot In part payment. Address
0 PKil. Rue
MK, AT market for sal In a good live
country town of i.onu; alaughler house
and l"t house In connection. Addreas
V gt, Hee.
UOVINii I'h tbeaiar. laai bargains;
maihlnca, lepalrs. auppllea, e 'eeaaur lea,
new and second band, Hce ua.
Ralrd I'litg Oong sfW.
TOR lA l.Brn7'nr7Ti7uTrTriVTnd "ia-'
flies' furiiishinge etore at I'avul City,
Nab, at a baigain; heat lountlon In
town; doing an eicelleriL business; want
lu telpa rtiis Nil Ti!i, Pavlil City, Niu,
tVolt MA I. K one nf : he beat" billlaiirpar
hns in initial Jnwa doing a good bual
nesa, amid lucniion and everything In
fuel cilia ehupn, reuaoit for avl'lng,
nllinr buslnraa Addiea Y Hid, Bee
I'RCii MTOItK g.VAP-tV) awlnga tMs
trnfllshle ileal, only st iii: k In town.
Come el nrne. am retiring, K. H. Koee
I r, liruiiswie k, Neb
roil HAI10 OiiimI. tli an almik "if na'r.j."
waie, live town central Nahraak
lined lensiui (of aelllug He iiulck. Ad
dress, V i".7 Hee
("OH Mr.K Ham. " and sline repair
Imp fur euls In a llva luwu In weaient
luwa, g oal ntii'ii for selling Address
t !gl Ilea.
Ci iMi' I'K t en end lianaier Tiiie'liiaaeT
pave l ia Int. the IIS ti; will sell .heap,
1 OitniTT l'a'eiM..ii ink, Oiintha
A k'AP In a pool halt Fu 'Wathm"
gnnd III hey niakti , nmat haie I , ul
part (atimtil Aldiex Pm, i,.r
.1.T tout b lallieae m lit. Otne lur aula
ct Ititie wit't ue I kii, law
CAIU,-l.ti. 4 0 Hltx I' N UK
I'tiwd Male and A 'ii 1 1" i I'.. 'n.ti.a. htie
rl-.sed i.ot llii'ie lnt" ',..k. ti.mi any
other f un In I ) w pe ( 'I let nta
Tilt Ale I. I'm), !.. i l the
''. iiia.u In and s ,1'i'iira ittioiia-t
Ihiaier i t, i'n teti I .itinn i
IIIIIOH ....!..,. I , I .ais i.
oi Mil I . . a i . . a a sea hlni 1,1 VI i',.,,.,
I' I I f 'i 1 H Sl lin k
V-'l IN I'i " ft Hi': l It IN ;d
t .'. . i i.., d .n,, a", i.'iua
f i,
I'll t
' Hut I
I I',
:! I I-
1 I
as In a
I 4)
HI i
.i .,
l.i . .t l st I.
' U I flu
. .1
a feiii
ii iii a
M II V. ..!.
1 1-
I'l... Sat,
r-l e' I I i
I' . it k I'
ll t t It t Mil
h.'f 1
.1 tea i
4 I
-'I ,
i M't
il as
1 V'l ' I
'li a vi i
I i
ll t
i is r
II in ,c
Hiattmtwe) (tMwset
'.liirs h .-ia t i , al
I I I .'
I.. I
1 1
l I'll -' VI tt , "i
day work or business ads reg'ilar ratea.
'i lines one week.... ....20a
I llnee one week .....40
('ii extra line i' per week.
yol.'N'J men, energetic end hustler,"
Oeslres a posilPm In Oman; cp it c
(n,liiitiii, good correspondent andofflne
oaruig"i, prefer a pnslilori wPh a busy
executive who would I'ke to have no
tion matioia taken off hi loiilders.
Address if 310, lie.
WANT'fcH Job na nook Keeper or ssalst
ent In some country hunk, I year' e.
p lie nee In banks and fi year a depurv
county ireitaurer; good referirires, An
ton Wolff. West Color, Neb,
Yoi'N'l man wants position In euiorrn"
bile business. Ha., bad 4 vertr, epei
eni.'e tn thla line sa repair mail and
chauffeur i an furnish lire besl of ref
erence. Call Houg J .'12
A t wo 'Hinder, w ho has bsd! yrs' e
perlenca a a prlniei-pieamu, wauls
position et once Will work for reason
able weg. I', M, Reedier, 1,20 N, Jkirj
Ml., riiribs, Nh
yot'N'l men or women who wsiiFgood
posit ions should adv.irtl In 1 hs Re.
II. le the paper big business men read,
bankers, brokers, retell and wholesale
IllAN and wife, without children, want
work on farm, both enperlertned,, for
bachelor or widower. Address H lyCk
wood, 1712 California.
f'lRMT-t l,AMH sulo ffieehan'ln, wlTi fso
lory and garsae esrierlerice, wsnls Job
In small town Ro , I'hlHIps, Neh.
C'lHlTlON wanliil fy' 'coinpetant" fegla
tereil dm clerk, Addreae 1' 10J7, or
Hion H, 4224
Vol N'i man with experience as (titles
man rlnlie position with retell store.
Addiea K 1M2. Jle,
YOl'N'l man, til yeer "oTrTdelrM poiT
llort with good firm. Addr U
V ltMTdT.Xfi"tem-fltts"rwanTs ern
plov merit, besl of references. Address
A I'.A, lie.
F.X f'KRIKNi rio,7inir7nn wnts VrorKi
on farrn by month. Jf, vr. Jn,
l?Ac7"a7id' w(f would like tTli'isltlon Tn
tirivete family, trie n for a gardener end
horseman, wife good chembermald and
needle woman. Address C VtM, Itee.
FA IIM Kite)'-Whsn you want balp write
or call Empire I.ebor Agency, VH g.
1'eth, I'hone fioug. JOOS,
tl J'MtlKN("'K.n"meh foT' general "Rouse"
work, painting, wsxlng floor. Clifton
Royd, H sine yJk!40
Wanted-Ho'i-cleanlng; alao waTi pepef
deeding. C Rrnnner. ti, TIW; Ty. Jflfta-W.
I'AINTIN'J and screen repairing, Han
sen, Tv. W.
1 1 A Cf.TNii eehe; T'uTilifa'h'elTlo
woman wants woTIi
of any kind; hohseclennlne' end scrulr
bing ( sluts a si.eclnlly. Cell Wei ler
1722, Mrs. Rslley,
THK RKK riharge "for v,iTt uiriVir, ad?1
la lower then any other form of advertising-not
enough lo cover cost of
nrlr ling,
JIOCMB ('I.RAN'f.VG, window 'cleiinTni;
rus Penije first l ines cl'y reference.
WebsRr seas,
ORIIfAN girl would-like p;elllor'r
boueekeepcr In homelike pise, poug
l,i tin,
W A, S'TI'H Position Ty young lady ete
tiographer, i'hone Colfag !(!,
TWO colored sisters, as cook snd Omionfi
girl, would llkeplace, Tyler 1fi2
OOIOHKO girl wanta work "after school,
il!".'" J"'LjIJ!LJn afternoon.
l.eanery aejej Ttmf Ware.
iroi WTKA Nf.vG "wsnFed 1.y " exparl"
need men; lugs beaten, floor pillsriel,
Web. 4o.
JIK.IA; c.oiored woman ws"ns " leun
dry washing, day work, cleaning. Tyler
RI'NfI.lf washing, ptecs'erork, lace cur
titlns; work guaranteed, 1X21 N 24th Mt.
OOI.ORI'.H woman wntg day"wori7 city,
icfeariceg. Wall, tlilrt.
CO I J) ft K H I u n d I ess, if W peTtTay, Ci fl
mornlrigs, Houglne MW4
I'JXPKHIKNCKO laundreae X'merVs"
shfits I'ar. 2f'42.
)':prlened iaundryj cieaning.Vtli7 zVtlo
Wsshlng and laj e eurtalna rlone, ty, 1144.
RI,ANKKTM or bundl whlng."), K74I,
CleBnlr.g, hiundr y and dayjwiirk ,"",74l4l'
I.aundrea, dy wor k, A Jackann. V. Mrf,?."
Cleaning, laundry gnd dajr Wontrib" 74'A
woman went steady wh J.lcas, Fto.ZZiil
RCNHLK leashing wanted. AVe1i,"lV,2, j"
f.A ti'NHItT rind dy work,Wrb. "tvn."
I'reetl'al nurse, Tyler' '5J-W. 1711 Ru'rT."
I.ACNDRT, leaning, "day work. W, 7i!C
gloree end Offlree.
Til (T.J NO "cl k7"a lid " prhiTl k"TpI'i i mTinig
supplies, out of town, Hb; traveling
salesman, experience unneceeeary, 'f
f'(., buyer, groceries and hdw., fl2f;
bkpr, end coat elk., Itf; gteno, and pri
vate eeo'y, gift
Wentern Jteference A Hond Aas'n , Inc.
Orlglnatora of the Reference liiielne.
7jil Omaha National Hank Xldg.
Why pav a filing fee? If you ate
Mteno,, Typist, MiiHiamen, ilooxkeeper,
Rank Cashier, Office Clerk or Office
Itov, we can find the place fur yoj.
rt'iget- Itr-f. fu.. Mo l'axlon Rlk.
Vol'N'i man fur poaltlon ae office hoy;
application must be In writing, giving
age, refotuiice and extent of 'h"iiliiix
otherwise same will mil be Conahlnreu.
Address A li. Bo).
BTHNi Ut'l Al'l 1 l-R, Vb: NTK.NOO-
XI I tO MA HTI CO., 1327 WI O, W. Rldg.
HgTRM I'KtJrA IN Hyt'ARE ilol.KH.
we una a poeiuon mat ins you.
t 'O Ol'KIt ATI V K It KM. I'D,
101,, hi yiT V NAT. RA l Hl,tl.
MTI'.Ni" IT., iWerio',," I . Mteno., " $ou;
Hi. .in)., .o; Htntiii. and Olctaphune
iiperator, M.
WATTS RKK". CO. 4d Rrnd. Thea.
Hit Al'THMA N, an lillei'tural or mechani
cal. Young man will do. i ' IIOH, omahg
lice , .
Professlaas end Trade.
W A NTKIe-Klrst-idae bollennaker and
alinp fu-email capahl o lev log out
wmlt, and thuriuiglily familiar with
leading of blue print. To am h a man
ll.ein I an exiiellniit npput lunll t tor a
pel nialiaiil I'l'Sllhil Willi edi ilntnunl.
Aiisweiing fully, elate age, euuliioei,
whether mart led nr sinaie, end seiary
ii.e.ieil Ml Rail Roller A Menu
'a' I ' it Ilia: Co.
W'AVi'f'l' at iiiiia, coeiinsker, Oust
Cariaoit, l'aeegtl
I ir ust alioe aii'tl'S Jul. l!nit Ve llidg
Salesmen and kot luilnra,
A ll f pi T A HI H siu Mow niilt Ing
i, ue of Ih argel high lne
ruts lu th c. niiiln, is '(Hire Hie siv
I t nf ie). ure eiiuugh hunet-lu-s"".ll'is
speilall alaeinsn. pieohan
f. ah lin. slaii Urd Put demand must
t.a i iealed local rn.eeelllath ri llesitsd, will i-(.ili inalinatiiaii.e of uf.
the P. I'l. .11 lakl ear l'ld
1 1, ,,, sseil tl in are In (Id ie en
it. i ..I . ii. e T l"4", !'
VvNI l Rle'iH c.Hin ib.
lililiel "mi tei'insvol lai (aim
li t l. i f utt.ii lo ,vi reA and cl
no uw n nr . y ti i-peit en
i on., he nffti b't ni'iai l In p'sliii'n
l.i i.m.i it (aim tia.i re .f alsi
I', II, l; liFIII- I I tl , jhl 11111 Will
! talked wl'h p' f g el farm
l'4t'.t ! "S'l'S 'le H'lsla.i. ,
.4 i l.'ei..e rl. ,.tles 4. I'H baa
'In f'i e f'.."c e h. ,. a if ell
a , t I a i. ult i Hue't l"S
...i.(i. li) ,!. lie laiea l"
eta, ,, !!.,' l.i aeeoie ki I he
i. . , i-f v lit i ... r I 'in 'ei
S A 1 1 "S i. At I- 'Mm I. ll t r-l Ml
, f meal a N' I'Ag
f el U V' f.. '
4 an 4 a Oi fatlest I ' n
i a loarkst. If J "' M I I'
we ! i
in if ii ,
S -Vil I IliV I s-".l I'l ! ! '
it 'i ie a iiii ae1''
Trad Schools.
Men wanted to lean the trade, w
hva nrlglriNted plan to teaoh It
quickly end earn roi.'K itiittnn whll
learning Tools Included. Open to every .
one, writs ir catalogue, uv no. itin
Ht Omaha, Neb,
has moved from 2CI lavenworth St.
to 9T n Kgrnam t
fo learn eulo work for the big spring
rush. Cine training ork on gutos ami
cieclrle starting systems,
Jf64 P'atrism Ml, Omsh Neb
l.KARN barber trarle, more than" ma ke
your tuition while learning. Met of toola
Included Job g iareritead. Call or write
for catalogue. HI2 iiodge,
THI IT " A R B Kit. CO IfhKOK.
MKN" wented to iear'n the" berher tr3
'fulH"n i'U,. ling Cas Ml., Omaha.
M facrJIa ) .
Afi'MV oir'THr"; t'NTTKf) 8fATKC"'Ml?fT
WANTf.o, Abie honied unmarried men
between age of IH and clllxena of
Tolled Hlaies. of good character end
temierate habile, who can apeak, read,
and write Hie CngHgli lenguaae, Kor in
formation apply to Recruiting Officer,
Army Rldg, 11,1 h grid Hodue His..
Orriehg, Neb,; 207 Hlxth Ave,, lies
Moines, le,; K!r7 Kotrrth Ml., Mlou City,
la ; 11 N. Tenth Mt Mticoln Neb,
A ' kl'IXSUil) op i Ipg for mlnlsiers ini
teacher under m who will consider a
dignified, educallonal proimsitlon ,sy
lux tl rt to '$M a month. Weekly draw
Ing eccount. Howard Mvrrir Co,,
iept. ji-i, ' w, wonroe rt,, nn ago.
P.ANT, le V, NI'TIOfAK Oil, CO,,
175 MON'Tff, fiet government "lot." " Mlm
end women wented J.lst of po1l.lori
ohtnlnshle free. Franklin jnstltule,
I opt. 221-O, Rochester, N, Y,
M EN OR WOMKN, IX or aver, wishing
government positions, 7B month end
over, should apply for particular to X
',, Re
W"A'NrTEJ'X sirgTT
msn To
travel with menngar end learn ssles-
riinhip. write w. M Mmlth, general
delivery, Mloux ''Jty. Is.
WANTfcH - Kxperlencad man for general
farm work. Must he sober sod Indus
trious 2M F.chnge Hldg., Mlocg Trds.
.- n r - - - T ' t - l - -
C'MtMO.n laborer wented, Mtore liept.
H, R. ft. R,, Ike hour, Apply Cass Mi,
B.I. . . 1. ...L....
II It fabr,Xit&n;ifnSkk l7l yTTig:
iierience unnecessary, iianwsy, Y i.A,
TToY wanteif o )ern gooUnirsVfe, Tiiiom
fit Houglea lllk.
gloree end Office.
When In need of a position cell on
us. - Ho charge.
ItVnuDgton Typowriter Co.,
Douglas 1214.
Flr.INfi "clerk and Mteno.7gt oneiT 1 1"
Rilling and Mteno., at once, f'i.
Two dictaphone operators, til and If)
filrl to answer phone, take ordirs, ','ti.
Mee us at once.
10I6-1 City Natloriel.
gAI.KMHAI'Y, drripcrlus, MO; sleno,, out-of-town,
l'i; bkpr, arid stctto,, i, sleno.
and elk., 140; saa't, bkpr , 4'i,
Welern Refer ence Rond As'n , Jno,
7f,2Ornah Nallortel Rnrik Rulldlng.
SmAI.I. Wholesale hnuen delreeeery
Ices of young lady bookkeeper to leke
complete chnrxe; also must be ehle to
do stenographic, work. V iU), Omsha
. Ree.
WTKNO., tl!: Mteno., UA; Mteno., t'A;
Mteno, and uiotepnone operator, w,
Typit, 140.
VATTHRKF,j;,O;i40 Brend.The.
sitE.ViriiltAI'HKIt ... .,.,.".. ...K-5 fx)
44TKNKJR A I'll KR and 'clerk for small
office. Must he good on dictation, neat
appearing, hlsh school giaduaie. K
1P, time ha Ree.
TUCKINKH yuimg lad"y for stenograpfifc
position. Mtate salary desired, ti 111),
Omaha Ree
Professions and Trades.
r?ARN hshdressirig aVThe OlipenhelmT
llonerhold nnd 1oimiI
WANTEIV-Hy May T7 a houaekeeper;
middle-aged preferred; capable of tak
ing full charge of home; good, plain
cook baking and washing necessary;
fsmlty of two under 8 yts. age; good
home; good wagee: permanent work for
the right party.Phone JJouglas i27.
KXI'KKIKiNCKn girl for general house
work In family of three erown persons;
references reuulred. Cell Mrs B, I1'.
Maker. VV M.Jkth Ht.JIarnylT.
WAYfi wented "for " gerierei hoii'seworlt',
mall family, no children. Mrs. Wsller
Chemtierleln, l.'ttl Mouth I7d Mt. Tele
phone llarny Ik44
OIlllJ wanled"io-Work for room an3
board, Jirlndpallv caring for bahv. Cell
Mr Merlon Hlos. Webster JWi. IW4
Wirt Ml.
W ANTr,i-Tond"gFfl or nihldle aged wo
man for housework; good wage; lio
weaning; smsll faiuUy, I1IA ih Mt,
"VANTK1 Kxerin. eil ""while " glrl"?o"r
general housework. Call 'Ira, .1, C.
Wharton, "4 M r'lh Mt, Harney ?,
O'Fit. to help with housework snd cars
of I wo children. Itefvienctia le.fllild
lull i hlcaxo. Walnut ll.n
WANTKll -A secoinl gill, no cniiklng or
weahlng; IS a week, I'hone walnut s.3
Mrs John U Kennedy
i"! I rCItl KNi KJl gill for general Ionise
wmk; fiu laundiy wink, .ul. I'uri ni.
Teh phone lleuey In''.
WAV'll'li-A cnmtieieiit , ..ok . referetteee
l'iutrsd, Mis John T, Mlewett, e"
lieili Ml
WAS'TKH- White gtri "for hoiisX, I In femll. g"I wages Colfax
:i,l'r:lU.f woman or girl tn care f r
two .liildien ami light houaewotk. MoUili
W A VI'fc.11 While gill for ganeial bens
yg. SJ ill t iimlng Mt. I nuli HniV
WASfRli tun. a,H small famil). g 1
wski'. ii'iniio'ii i,..'l"ii Ce'l i'i' C"'
WAM f ! A .i on t'.i f. rai t I urtl
VI n A I. Heel i'h"h t'ii ..n i t
AST! I ilul for keiieial ..iiiwtilk :n
Vv k'IKH Competent t I il.l ti tiss. ff. le. pilled Hail.ev I. It
iv H I f k e"l I - etii I tl ! !....
,tll.iif Hi e " Sill VV .h 1 "
v t V 1 I! i . end l.iahl
i t k i II niu t
A V f f 1 ' A h- l t " ' i"l Vi "ii
in (a.t.aii Cad Hstnv i
IHV . It i l
H I ye t .h i I iti
ktt'iur t(, tin. j,
ftv 4o I e .iluostil dv 44vng.
k i 'ee "i "i tii'l .ti- ! , a '!).
rn s i ... e'i ' led e.i-i.. el
I'mi.iiiii'tl ..l I... guilt k'e. I. i a'
al' ' ff
mm i tiilliur
It1 ft set tls'l,. .
1 ,1 I ' S )i
For sale wlih good reasons for
nr a varlelv of course In a rell
Ruslnees Mchool, one of the leading bush, i
nea nolleaee of Omaha, Will be aold J
very reaaonablMaway below reguie ! f
price. If von are considering laatng
coutse liiveatlxate tin at nnra, elnoe
Hlirlng Term begins eoon. Call office, I
Oirta lit R". ,1
Hey Mchool for Young Women.
Kvrnlng Mchool for Young Men n4
Matutdsy morning elgss In typewritings
lone C. Duffy, Owner nd Manager.
109 M lltb Mt. Omahg,
PAXTOV Rlk. School of lettertng and rt I
teechee paying trsde privg'eTy. R. I1L
Tiled, Fiistula
nr FJ, R. Tarrr etireg plies, flgR.'
And other rectal disease without surgW
ral operation. Cur guaranteed gnd nej
mony paid until cured. Writ for book
on rectal disease with testimonials,
UK. E. A, TARRY, 240 Ree Rldg.
And other Rectal Ibises, wllho'i
Murgerjr, New, mild, snfe m-thavl, Ni
PAY. 'Not th Injection nvs'hod,) Csfl
or write for panloulars, Or. J, A.
llurke, W.I Missouri Jiulldlhg, Kansng
City, Mo.
RHIWMATIMM, gtomacn, Drr
snd kidney trouble, goitre, nervous
H'-as snd as'hmg sufferer are sue
Cesefi'Hy restored to health by in,
ttxiirolnatlon Free,
Call M ilt an Re Hldg.
Ctilroprg'.lor. Tyler JlrH.
YOt.'NI women coming to Omaha ag
sirs risers ere Invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian association building
st nth Mt, and Mt, Mary s Ave,, wher
they will b directed lo suitable board
log pice or otherwise assletsd. Iog
for our travelers' guide at th Union
' IWa to pii;N itloN" Tn VATmsr"-
The M dies' Home Jout rial ,,,,,,,.,11
The Maturday h'venlrig l'ot...,,,,.. tb t-l
The (,'o.;iiiry ireiitleiiian 11 X)
auu subseriptron by Aurli same thai
WW tor The Invalids- I'enaion Aas'n,
Your order or renewsl contribute tog.
j'lii.rie uougiae) nt,i, or gaoresg
UOitOON, THK MAtiAlNiii MAN, ,
Omahe, Nerr, j
llATH ded and reblocked"; feather ToaT
cleaned, curled and iriade from plume. '
iJora Klaele, IIM City Nat. Rk. It. iMSU. I
PKRMoNAL-Misses' Miaplea'and "tthaf-T
fcr, bath, elect Me tieauiient. Open I a.
m, to 9 p. rn.; Munday, II a, in. to I p.
... eiS Ai.l tt ' m .m. rIL. I
i.i. ,...,a i 'e -vi w i w, i, in.
i'HK Malvatfori Army Jnduatrial home go
ld He your old clothing, furniture, mug
eines. We collect. We distribute.
I'h lie Hougleg 4I.S6 end our wegon will
tell. Call snd Inspect our new boms.
IJ.o llU 1114 Ondgo Kt.
PHOTOOHAI'HY tsught In all brenche
Kew fc hesong In kodak work eeveg
you moiuy. kmory Mchool of Rliotogt
rsphy. 12 N. Wi, Phone TvTer m.
HA ll' 'I.K Y Corset " Whop," Form" fitting
and suglcst corsets a. specialty, 204i
Harney, i'hone Uouglss Wi. A genie
I'Tinn,I',V y dHnk and drug treat-,
nient e brat known cure;
booklet frae, '1HK FI'RHKY, !f7 iar
riaoi, Omaha. Phone Harney 1742.
Llt'U." " JOIlN'HTONM, " Cblropra'ctors. pi
Mheldon, la., wish to announce their
location at 2407 N Ml., M. fj. Consultation
free end Mivlled, i'hone Mouth 4011.
tf I 7 l T i f it V Miicceaefuliy troeTe f
11 U I X U UH without g'trglonl
ipernllon. Call or writ Drs. Wry to
Maineny, wm tire mug, omsria
MAHMAOK. " ANH "r.l.k.CiTtlC BaI'IM," I
chiropody. Misses (iray and Head, lift
114 Ralrd Rlk,, lith unrl Ooualsr IJ.I4I.
HClKN'lTFi 'J ucatiiierita" for face and"
s-alp; hair goofs. IN MI KOMMETKJ
Mllor,3l-20 Rose ftldg. TylrJ2.A
MA K Intl'ftMAN. "
gleam and shower baths. Mssssge, Red
1727. .Room M Karhach Rlk,
MfllTsf' pre'aaeii arid "gpongd?li0n. We oall
for end deliver. Rhone ue. City Press
ing Club. 302 Neville, Hed 41.1.
ttlf-HONH Corset Hhop; surgical coraet I
a specialty, Weoster Sunderland Rldg ,
1Hh and Iloward Red lair.. :
al AS'HA'iK-MIss Webster," ti ll Pax ton '
Rlk. 1 1, 12-'?..Off!''hoiirs jo (o I j
RHBUMATIMM treated iiciMa7uii7s re- I
gulls guarant'd. Or, Roweer. it)4 Bee Bldg. .
PRIVaTK home for maternity, cases! !
''"I1 llHi,'ixJ,HJ Jt,lJ,.w,. Ht-
gCIKNTlKfc inasHsge. M Use BTJg. j
I'hone fionrlea t,Vt
Karulsked Hootne.
If vou fall lo find the room
you desire among these ads, cali
at Tl.o llee of rice for a Room 1, 1st
-give complete detailed descrip
tion of vacant rooms In all parte
of the city. If more convenient
plume The Ree Want Ad l'ept.
and give your name and addrest.
em) a list will be mailed tn you
at one New lists are Issusd
evety week.
O'M.iO room wllh boerri. hums conking
and In licit ale family. Heaaonabl
luicr, a week, modern Imine
Web, ir,"4.
1 Nil I'l, Y ft' nlshfcil sleeping rooms"
sul.'ll)' ni' dei i. walking d Stan . o.
i'hiitin Houglaa 7'-49.
Mt'KI.Y furnished room for rent?-lu
riielleut lii'Silnii, 7 M. list Avs. Har
ney f'tfO
SKVVI.Y fiiriilstieil room, west I'ariiaiii
itistrli-l; tueakfaat If desired. I'h. ma
Hnlliet Aiju
Fut'lt riiiime, pantiy, ba'h. eniilntel
)iird. lure, prltai bnnie Harney '.
jnj PARK AV V. latia s .iitii room, ino.l
tr tit . 1'ittate ftiol't llaiuev 11
M V 2Ui M"..iii teal fi.tni l, ...mi,
nllihis d.stan.e e,tit.inatiii
t.Afl'lK tS,,ni f aunahltt for 'two, Il
e lil' l.lll 3' ifii t hi .
MtaiSIa lii,.isl,.( In lijliiie, (it "prli at
family Wain, it
tie, H.l S in at' r'urmshed l""n. sn-
ft in. ii inly I ....ii, i'h
(i'l llMIll O f.'.ilil Willi .rCal fainlll.
fir Sen' etoeit enly ;i.H t..ielaa
bli kl.Y f l. l.r, I- .'111, ti.'S III, lf
in. .Via in a il et
Haaar kt retttg )ame,
l.tll'il'le iii ..n't f,li.'.,,.
. n.rlH f -r .....aa. n. l.a i t o
1 1 p. i awl ; i ii.i ii a I I' I n.
... i. V pis jVu i I.I. a.. t . Irr I "'
St t ,Y lai'-tt I l,"iia.'.iiie e"d a'eep
ti e . .ti s ed i -i.t i.-ri es Ii tee r,.in
1. 1 .- a ". n.lir t i - In-
H. .I.I 1. N f'lh
t I.. .Is lo he ei ant si t It.l
I sl. xait ' ia la t a t ''l I Hsu
t f
vi lli'l. Afc H i l U... f .i.
.,...., i n e oi "t n lit . .iv
T i'l Att:, 4ih .nd Ita'DSJ, It- g
I I .f . e ' lie' orf .
tsii4 a4 It ..ims
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. t . t- .aid I sit VV a l s ai I
In. V Hi' a-. I I- l ai. I g'
I t i ii' .iil I ' g 4k'
A. V . R 4 I ak ii i'i.i'lt ee " t .k,
y.i 1 1 it s4 It ' niet it t
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