Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1916, Image 1

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Call Tyler 1000
If Yoo Want to TTk to Th Bm
or to Anyone Connected
ti lth The Be.
Cloudy .
VOL XLV-NO. 25(3.
Oa Trains, at Kotal
Waws Stands, t, g
T I B i
Howard Ooei to the Station to Meet
Father of Hii Wife Who Killed
Herself at the Fonte
nelle Hotel.
Headliner at the Orpheum Put on
Hii Turn While Wife Liei
Cold in Death.
yf 1 Official Inquiry into the clrrunv
a r ,,,,.m ...Mi.iitillnv Yi A AamtU .
dm, Joseph K. Howard, wife of the
Mmin relebrlty headlining at the
urphrum and daughter of a Chicago
iii'iltl-tnlllionalre, will be made by
Coroner Crosby th Im morning at his
Michael Kllgallon, steel magnate
and father of the woman who ended
her life, arrived In Omaha Tuesday
afternoon and will be at the In
quest. Mrs, Clara niberll, wife of an
tlber vaudeville artist, and the onlf
t Itness of the tragedy, will tell her
Miry, which thus far "be haa stegd
liintly refused to tell.
Other witnesses will be Howard
end his vaudeville partner, the beau
tiful Ktholyn ( lark,
Mmr Hr Hurlnl Here.
Imposition of the body baa not
lrn derided upon yet. Howard
rent his wife burled In Omaba and
I er father wanta the body aent to
(. hlrngo and burled In the family
The Howard domestic troubles, ended In the shooting here,
are most unuaual, but atlll are quite
In keeping with the aenssbionnl
Pves both Howard and hla wife have
1 .ed for years.
It was said on good authority that
I toward and hla wife were married
v-blle out on a big wine party in I-oa
Angeles, and from Howard a view
julnt, at least, the whole thing was
The woman paid, though. She
loved. '
"You understand how It la," tha
Ure reporter's informant saht "Joe
! a bundHome figure of man a typt
cni butterfly, and tha womca fall for
Howard Sued for a
Breach of Promise;
Says It Was a Jest
l'OrtTIAN"t, Ore., April ll.-Word that
thn bride of Joaeph B. Howard had com
mitted sulclda In cmialia yeaterday
amused unusual Interrat bore today bs
caiiaa of a breai h of promla suit whlrh
was brought agalnat htm In I'ortland two
months aao.
Howard was playing st a' local vau
devlllo teater when Mra. Kdlth Wither
aiiooti hrotiKht suit for W.OoO damagea
on tb'i ground that be bad failed to ke,i
n promlao to mtirry her. Howard left
towti without even filing an anawer to
the suit. .Ira. Wltherapoon obtained
Judgment Shnli 22 for Ifi.SXI.
AecordliiK to newapaper Interviews at
the time Howard admitted that he had
i, ,1,1 r.?ra. Wltherapoon lie would marry
her, but nawrteil lie bad apoken merely
In Jr..t. Itefore JmlKinent waa rendered,
wind rnme that Howard hud martid tn
I. on Antiiiea.
t.uNI'iiN, April 11, -A spy waa put to ,
i.-ih In London today. Announcement!
iblt cc rreni e was made as fnl- i
l..e; '
A prtsmter ebargeil with e(.tiliiiiage
n, Hied by general coittt tnartliil at
entmlttater 'iwlld hall im the SUh of
Mil ii h and tbe following ds. and was;
heiiii'med ti ileatlt, whliH as carried,
out tlil nionilns." I
Tho Weather
I of
t tj'l T P III .ll'.nj
Unelia, I nun, Ml liloK anil lciill
l. dot iiuo it ibanae In lemiHt'i
Tru.prralMrra iha
t ralrrda i .
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NMi ItwHi tiailaaa at f I.
i' I , 1 'M aft
Forty-Million-Dollar Appropriation
Bill Carries Money for Survey
of Miitouri at Decatur.
WASHINGTON. April 11- The
annual river and harbor appropri
ation bill tarrying $4 0,000,000
passed the house today by a vote of
210 to 133 with every Item an agreed
on In committee unchanged. Score
of amendments to rut down item,
urged by representatives who
charged the bill wee "a pork barrel" .
measure were rejected during the '
two weeks' debate, Just before the
final vote an effort led by Kepub
llran Leader Mann to reduce the
total to KO, 000,000 failed 200 to
Tie entire snprnnilstiou esoepl fur ft
$700,000 Hem to (terpen the approaches tt
tlm Hrnoklyn navy yard, Is for ennilliu- I
!n woik i n litiprovetnr tit I r He' ta alns ly
nlhorlsrd and itii'ler wn, The single
new project, wss urged by 1'resldcnl Wil
son end Hecrelary Jisnlels ss mil of
the preparedness irngiiim Tho Mil now (
goes to the Senala, whet Inst year a
mcaaurs was killed by a f lllbiim r, and a
lump appropriation nf $lD,niO,iiO) subat!
ttltad to bo apportioned among ex it In if
projects by the secretary of war.
Among the luraer apprupii'ith ns ere:
Mississippi river, V,(K"): New York
harbor, Vi.'AM.'rti; tipper Hudson river, II,
JfiO.oWj Delaware river, f2,7i,00o; Inland
waterway, Not folk to eliiiiifort, l,l)oi,v:
Ohio river, U,: Mlsnurl liver, $1,
ilifl.idO; l oliinib a river, II, VI , 0'i Tenn-iS'e
river, 1i44.ft; Michigan. $,, anil
C'hlcaao harbor, 7U,0,
Hon Nebraska olrtl,
Repi eaetitatlve Tresilway of Mnssa
rhuslts to recommit Hie Mil with in
sliuetlons to report a Mil carrying !'',.
WO.OOO in a lump sum for rivers ami har
bors, the Naliraaka delegatlun divided na
lleavla and Klnkald for the moilon,
Hleiihena ngulnal, tlrpreaenlailve Hluan
was paired for thn motion with Lolierk
aalnat, Hlialleiihrrg-er did not vote on
the motion to recommit.
On th final pnaaaas of the hill lhi
vole atood 210 for to 133 aaalnat, the Ni
braaka deleaation votlri as follows:
lleavls, Klnkald and ftlislleitberger
lft(lainat th hill; Htepimna for tho bill;
flloan and Iibeek were paired.
Tho Iowa rtnlegatlon voted solidly
sgalnat the motion to recommit and In
favor of th bill,
lion jFlrnala la Afferteil.
Amojia; other new projcola the bill pro
vldoa for a survey of Hie Atlaaourt river
from the city of Florence to the northern
llmlta of I lecatur. It appropriates from
Kauaaa City to Sioux H'ty ."i,of0, of
which amount at leaet $26,OiO may be -pendod
for such bank revetment as In the
Judgment of tha chief of englnnnrs may
ha In the Intereat nf nsvlKatlon.
Thn bt'1 also appropriates $7li,oW for Im
provement of the MlaMoitrt rtver at Ht.
Joseph, with the provision that no part
of this amount ahall be. expended until
tha city of Ht. Joaeph or other agency
shall have riepoalttd to tha credit of the
secretary of war In aome duly recognized
depository of the I'nlted Htateln to be
dnalgnated by him such aum as may be
satisfactory to "him to be expended to
gether with an equal amount of the funds
The bill also approprlatea for
continuing Improvement and for main
tenance from Hloux City to fort Denton,
of which amount at least $Ml,) may be
expended for such hank revetment as In
the Judflment of the ehlef of enginet-ra
may be In the Intereat of navigation.
Ten Per Cent of Vote
Cast at Sioux City
BIOl'X CITY, la., April 1l.-I-es than
10 per cent of tho vote was cast In the
presidential preference primary In Hlnux
City. The feature waa the contest be
tween tho Marsh and Dunn forces for
democratic national committeeman.
Marslt lending by 150 votes lu the city,
Webater leada Hurkelt for republican
nnni,1Htinn for vlco president
Bandits Carrying Villa an Litter
Encircled by American Cavalry
I'ni.l MHl'H, V. M April It.- I leutrn
ants II. A. I'argue and K. X. tiorrell ..f
the aero I'otpH. riturniiig bete t "lay In
long dlalHin-n flight from Anlomo,
8i mllea siiHIh of the border. ah that
miit.tta were current aittonii Ihu natl ea
In the l'lnl'y f Pallia Ana, a-vvntv
tulle sotithWKt .f I'blhuahus, I'py, tliat
1 1 1 4 wis ileul if Mood poUoi.lun iaHel
by l.ta wiiutola ilbr tepotl lno alnl
ll'l Villa til fllabt Clo'V followed
,y A lie r.-n tro,,p oulli ot I'artal an I
Hear (he t'ur.nigu bonier
h fi mall' it biooght by lrua and
lioirell lielnate ibai kueilan aa'i
ineu ha. i rnHi'-t on uni. lh it
lailmtit. li , b i --il. I i bia Ixao
art) (eg v i'i on tn 1 alvsi. !
i a a r t im miii' i , !. abo n
at mil, h iii i'i i; Uotl r, Ih-ih
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ARTILLERY MAY BE USED IN FINAL ROUNDUP OF VIILLA The photograph shows a detachment of United States
artillery in Mexico. On account of the nature of the soil and climate, army officers have found the movement of artillery a
very difficult problem. Light field artillery, however, usually can proceed anywhere that the cavalry can go. It is possi
ble that some of this force is now pursuing the routed Villa army.
y' Jff t - 1
Adams and Marsh
Chosen National
Iowa Committcmcn
JtKH M'tlNLvM, la,, April II.-Complete
but imoffliiiil reliima from radically
every seclloti of Die alata failed to
I'liatiaa the ratlmnted featill. of 111 prim
ary. It appeared rertaln that John T.
Ailatna of Initiiniue bad been ttamed re
puhllran national committeeman and W.
W. Marsh of Waterloo demo"rstlc n
lloiuil commit teemnn.
Crew and Panengen Given Only
Fifteen Minutes to Abandon tha
MA I) HID, April 11. (Via Tarls.)
The owners of the Santanderino
have been notified Hie vessel was
sunk by a submarine and that the
jassengers and crew were given fif
teen mlnutea to leave tbe ship. Four
were drowned.
The torpedoing of the Santarde
rlno haa produced a painful Impres
sion on the Spanish press and public.
four Persona Arr Irowned,
1iNDuN, Apill 11, -A (teutar dis
patch from Madrid says that four of
the crew of tho Hpaulah steamer iHmi
tanderlno, which Is reported to have
been sunk by ti torpeilo, were drowned
and that tho remainder have been
landed at Saint Jean De I.ns.
A dlapatch from Hlarrlt7. yeaterday
sijd that a Danish steamship had tblrty-lx survivors from the Han-
tanderlno, several of them women ,at
the small French promontery of Hocoa,
near Saint Jean Dc Kus, and added
that four of the passengers, all Span
iards, had been drowned,
The aiitndeiino was a vessel of t,KA
Kmss tons and had been trading between
Liverpool and l olled Ktntcs ports.
EI. PA I, Tex,, April 11. Oeneral ia
ira, conimaitder the Jnares garrlaon,
rei'elved a telegram today from the mill
tary governor at Madero that, four VII
llvlaa have been captured that t'.ey
will bo executed. filr. aahl he
tin. light the Vllllataa had been captured
In a recent battle.
eiilar of the inmpaigii In M' l ", l.leu
letiants DatKOi' mid Hoiiell, ulog the
am plane, made Ibilr tin fiom laii
Aiilonlo, Xi mllra South of the border,
with bill one l..i al l anaa ijrnnd"
Their fbltm urn" was four bout" and ten
in it ut n
Tha artlial of the fl'ra tuaiKe.l II. e ta.
nmptton of i'i" fino) aei i illxpat h
line, which had bni Intel upled for
ai.)'nt t ii data b tli ib inniol foi air
a.o'ita at the fioul
W'tir-t m ie.-ii,.t at mltuaiv bead
ipiart'ta here .Ut On! Lieutenant i id
en.l tl-i aim bail t"rii iint.i'ii!i
ill al I'linn ilian.U wtiit i'io oiiiotiln, t
! on th r "ad lo ieneiy
j I Iroleoal'l l'l i. wioi '! I f I (III
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I I' I'blhoab'i i'n wfiil i a .) 'Hi
' lo ,l-..l,li- tl. 111 lii itixMo
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"I'i W T7TT' t J!
Bull Mooie Chairman Cornell Also
In on the Play for Republican
' Delegate.,
i From s Hlaff (ViriespoudenLi
LINCOLN, April 1 1, (Special,)
Ilepubllcnns routing Into the capi
tal today (e of the activities of the
old bull niooso element In efforts
to name the deleaatlon to represent
Nebraska In tho national conven
tion at Chicago,
This is n Howell-Iv'ppci son combi
nation working under tho direction
of the same manipulators who four
years ago tried to sclr.c the party
machine and turn It over to the bull
mnosers to bo used to destroy tbe
party. The present purpose is to
elect the sama "lenders" to speak
for the republicans and to keep
Howell on tbe national committee,
where he proved party Iraltor In tha
last, campaign. ,.
ThU bunch have put out their "slate"
In advertisements In a large number of
country papers, being careful not to send
out the copy until Just before tho last
publication before the primary election
and having only three of their own kind
filed, namely, Epperson, Dodge and Ilsve-
lolie, have picked up (lurley for thn
fourth, although ho announced himself a
regular and opposed to Howell. The
"slate," of course, carries Howell glong
and aome of the district delegates, ton,
In the different districts and la falsely
labeled as tiindlng for "harmony" and
against factl'iunllsm.
As one good republlcsn put II, If they
were agalnat factionalism they would
have Haled all the candidates fur dele
gates mid committeeman and contented
themselves with Indicating the wing of
the party each adhered to.
Another part of the game ta dlaeloae I
by lonfideiitlal letters sent, nut by K urlci,
still claiming to be the bull mnnae stall
chairman, ondoaliig the Howell Kpperaon
slain" and asking the bull monaera to
husv themselves to Influences votes for
them In the reptihlbati primary. The
Corrlck letter ta full of the customary
Howell Kp reon abuse nf lliixewater and
ie0'its nil the fake sloths concm tid on I
circuited In I he b itioet a,llc papers about
tbe move to "wtlle In the name of
Hoglica, Hevcral who saw the t'orrb li
letter epreant the opinion that thla ef
fort at hull moose, dlfliii ion over the re
publican prlm'trloa would tea1 I wl'h lust
the opposite result.
NKWAUK. N , J. April II An unlet
dUaolvIng the Hot K Maud cuiiuittiiy
bi'lillog iiiiiipaiiy for tha Kink talaiei
railttiad iimrm and In rerrHrralilp, wh
g'anteil hem t'utay by Vic rhanmllu'
Howell Tbe I' e i bani ellor alan algned
an older whereby ttia recriver, rbaon
cey II. I'atket. will t'tirtj nver to Jiieot
M I'hklliaot, i.iitet lb I'bl'ago
II" k talaiol & l aiitu liallwak ii lnpain
efllii aiti'i ,,f the lloi'k talaiol coin
l ai and H"l In eenrtl iimi In raatt
and I'i'Mi In it)iitnd noiea
H.'nrr I'I ko.t ii la aUi ii wib
di,iw lv d'lt'loiii r ii,,, i 'mil 4 i I a i id
f .1 D, l ),t tl, ti"., billl mm
taov wbl h waa i,m nw.'l Ileu m
I'a 1 ar
The lUc'n
lu inirrcit tur rmJcr in
the Muf'i.trc vflcbatinn
hivh u ci'tiiinrf April
t hit M Uuinatmrf nii
ilf tn tt fntilurity ' ith
tht iharav lrr tit ht yrr at
pi) a. aUu ttVt
Hurth hil tu'tttUi th
rducalional aluc
Are Ymi I r (ntf It ?
. 1 ' - 7" C V
'Tt ''t -r-'i d 1 -1
e.,,-w -
Three Leaders in
Diaz Plot to Take
Jaurez Executed
KL I'AMl, Tm,, April II - Tha three
leaders of the Dliulatu plot to seUe
JuiM-.i slid otetthrow Ihn Cart snxlsta
aarrlsoTi them Inal Himday were meculsd
by the firing squad In Jusreg asrly to
day, Tbe three leaders were Nbholsa
I'hsvsxarrls, Joe lueis Hornet slid Klor
eiielo Herns tides The condemned men
confessed the plot befota they were e
ecualed, oilier Mexicans were ImplU
I llted.
Name of New York Justice
Written on Many Ballot at Pri
mary jn Cummini' State.
IJI'JS MOINK8, la., April 11.
Iflpi'clal Telegram,) nettirns thus
far on presidential primaries are as
follows: Democratic national committee-man,
fill preidncls, Marsh,
f.087; Dunn, 3,050. Republican
national committeeman, 493 pre
cincts, Adams, 6,141 1 Olson, 4,053.
Republican vice-president, 422
precincts, Hurkett, C.007; Webster,
The total republican tote is esti
mated at 00,000 and the democratic
vote at 40,000. Senator A. D.
Cummins rcelvel the majority vote
for tho republican nomination for
president and more vptea than Wll
Non, Tho Hughes vote written in
(ppegrs unusually heavy and in one
or two counties will run as high as
26 per cent of the total.
DK8 MOINKH. Ia,, April 11. On
returns available today on yestcr
ihiy's primary, W. W. Marsh of
Waterlool let R, (, Dunn of Mason
( It y by a ld margin for democratic
national committeeman. Marsh's
itdherents claimed that his stipport
i.ra had also been elected dlcgates
ut large to the national convention,
Senator Albert l, (.'uniiiiltia, republl
can eandldaln for the preatdetit of the
I'nlted Stalea, aa far ahead In the niim
oei nf titea aat for 1'reaideiit Wllaott,
Ihe democratic eundldate In aome pie
elncia the nainea of Hnot, Itooaeielt,
ll'ishea and bertnaii bud been Itiaertjd
In the ballot In ilai e of I ''iiiiiiilna Hughes
nlM'eated lo be the favorite aiid as far aa
III b leailO'd Hbeiuihn sot on vole in
Ihe slsla
tinier J Itinkett of l.lioiilu Veh , ut
the lienati, of to.lav'a ratutns Is 'e
ilwi tn have .,,lle, neatly tuba a
'itanv inles for th i ' l"ibll' an vi. a pnal
Itin -f aa dd his I'l'ii.iiietit, William llianl
A rtmlet of I 'til, ago
John T V'tnoi of lhibiiiu .,n a l
to one 1 ! lot- over John I itaoti of t-'.'t
at I 'm for i.ob!i, an national
V a 1 1 i
at j topiiail
i bill i
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' a Li I i, ,,
i. t l.a'i'.o
' nil's
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t" a ..i ef ;ii i.i 1 1
Gompers Says Wanes and Hours
of Employment Much Improved
i . ei . s i . , ,
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Berlin Announcei the Capture of
Thirty-Six Thouiand Prioncri
in Verdun n.tna,
HKIlUX, April II.- Illy Wireless
to Bayvllle,) Hlnce february 21 the
(it-rmsns lisve caplured more than
.trt.OOO French in the fighting about
Verdun, the Oversess Nowa agency
announced tud.iy.
"West of the Mctise about twan
ly flve square kilometers of ground
baa been occupied," Ihe announce
ment says,
"Herman newsiispets point nut llisl lbs
French now say Hethlncoiirt ess avacu
at'd In accordance with plana previously
made, Nevertheless, It hns been asrer
Islned that, an order was Issued alatlng:
'This Imtiorifiiit til o' ti must, be bald In all
clrciimstsmea.' Tha fact thai Mir than
7Vi unwounrfed Krench prisnnara ware
taken and Ihut the French losses In klilsd
or wounded wera fsr grsster Is proof that
tha French jdan nf evacuation rnuld not
be csrrletj out ss Intandsd,
"According to lbs French reports the
new lino luna from tha southern corner
of Avlncotirt wood along tha first elnpea
of Dill No. thenea along tha south
ern hank of Forges brook, passing to the
northeast of Ilsijcourt; turning eastward,
crosses the lletblncourt' V.anes rosd st a
point south of tha Junctlin of that road
with lha highway to (tintancourt and
reaches tha Mens Just north of Ou
mleres. Tha fortlfbatlona of the village
of Avoncourt wood ware deatrojed by
tha Onrman advance of April 9, as re
ported." French Offlelsl Report.
fAUIH, April It.- tin lha west hank of
tha Meusa the Hermans made an attack
last nlaht on Iiesdumn's hill, advancing
from 'urticans wood Thay obtained a
footing In a small element of tranches,
tha wsr office announced thla afternoon,
but ntlierwlaa were repulsed.
F.aat of tha Memo tha Oerniana at
tacked trenches South of Douaumonl
(Continued on f'aga Two, Column One,)
Mr, Roosevelt Asks
Sticker Campaign
Be Discontinued
MIHMiiCl.A. Mont, April II Former
Fulled Hlata-i Senntor Joseph W. Idson
antiouiiceil IoiIhv Ilia receipt of a tela
(tram from Theodora Knosevelt wbb'h
r pecfi slly riouet iibHiiiloninenl of i
looveinerit to put stickers binring his
Imine on tlm ballot In the Mutilans pieil
drtillnl prltitMilea to be held on April 'I
Tim leleKmin waa lu respons to a le
ler frntii Mr. f'lKoii a.iklos for so e
pliaalon of Mr. ItooaeM It s Klahea ill
eniniei lion with the Ii" Hills' lailln he I
uioveoi.til t.i bate Ida suppiitita ai.t.i
bla liKloe on Ilia ballot
"Fur Hi" reaaoita vtn pi nil T'ln!!
statement," Ihe lel.-stmii ies.1. I imipt
apply to Montana the rule wbb h I ba1
applied l,i every stale rni,at '
Woolen Company
Increases Wages
"Tn Aril'
. trf.,.i ,
l mi i . i,t ,a
iptli tr wa an
Ilia m. ,1 , U ,'. le
I -lat I,
loiitt'siii lot tt"ia sffe I y- tn .,i
limit It M,. i (.,,. I htre 11, al
utoilai a l so bi.'.ii iMA'ln ti) ia
' I" t .itt. ii Va 1' i'in.1 ut ,
a ttt itin
all I'"
riot ,
ii a
, f..
I a. i ll ti . i, i ,
''al ''i ,.il
i ' I 1 1 fr
4' I Iff till,.. II I
I 'l u .ti ta
1 ! .'I
ii i hii I
r t
1 A h I
t ll'l,. ,
" if I
I... , i ai a
'."t I I
I Ik I.
of I.
I l in I
t-alllMla I o
I -' nbn
I Unconfirmed Rumor from Carranza
Capital Eayi the Bandit
Chieftain ii Dead
of Injuriei,
: Washington Official Believe Hur
ried Flight Following Wound
May Have Killed Him,
, hi i ii ii .
j COi.I'MltrH, N. M., Apt 11 ll. -
Meuleiiants II, A. liargue and K. 3.
, (iorrcll of tha sero corps, returning
'lira today In a. longdistance flight,
I from H Antonio, 230 miles south
'," the border, said thai reports were
iiirnnit among the natives in th"
! il'lnliy of Santa Ana, seventy mile
riHithsesi of Chihuahua City, tha:
' Villa wss dead of blood poisoning
jiaiised by his wounds, Other re
!(rts Indicated that Villa wss In
j flight closoly followed by American
roops south of Pa era I and near the
j ldrsngo border.
H I I i,i: 1 1
qfAUTKRS AT KilO.NT, April 10,
10 p. m (Via Mexican Telegrspu
to Juarex, April 1 1,) ftertewed re-I-or(
have been received here by
Oneral I'ershlug that Francisco
!lla Is dead and burled. These re
jiorts are under Investigation. Mean
vblle the hunt for the Vllllstss Is
proceeding with renewed vigor with
tbe arrival at the front of General
WASHINGTON, I), C, April 11.
I nofflrial and unconfirmed reports
that Villa la dead reached the Car
na embassy today and were given
a.iitie degree of credence by officials
The reports were represented ss
H'onllnuad op Tags Two, Column Tht )
Fisher Statement
Called Harvester
Trick by Mayer
WAMIfNOTON, April 11,-Walter l
Fisher, counsel for Ihe International Har
vester company, today told tha astista
commltlee Invastlgsllna an alleged enm
blnstiun of American hankers and Yu
catan sisal planters that bla company
had bean forced to refuaa ordars for
finder twine and fares a shutdown be
cause nf tha plsnters' refusal ta sell it.
alsal since April I,
I,evy Mayer and W. ft. fpeneer, conn
sal for the planters and hankers backing
them, protealed.
"vVa will he able to show that this la
Just one of the Harvester company's
tricks," said Mr, Kpencer, "and ihat thie
la not the flrat tlma tha Harvester eom
pany haa threalend In cloaa down Ms
plants just to emhsrrsss tha sisal grow
rs "
"Tits iUpsllon Is brought up now, not
tn Instruct tha committee, but lo tnflj
enca newepaper publicity and Injure this
causa," duelsred Mayer.
A letter waa produced advising tha In
ternatlonl Harvester rompany'a salamn
not to sell another pound of twins until
ll waa assured of mora rsw product.
Warrant Issued
for Arrest of Dr.
B, Clarke Hyde
K A NM AS ( ITY. Mo., Aprll 1.-A mm
plnlnl cbargltiK Ir. It. Clarke Hyde of
Kanaaa t'iiy with the nuirder nf Colonel
Th'iiuns It, Kwopn, an aged millionaire,
was filed In a Juallis ruurt hern tudny
slid a itairtinl for I r. Iljilea arrest wss
The action followed thn Ming jeaterdav
by the pruaoeiilliig attorney for a tl'
Infni tiialloti aailnat I'r. Hyde, In whkh
thn phi sh'titn mi clinrai d Ith polaon
lug t'olt.n' l Miaopa b al i i linlii and c
anliie "I iotiiailiii t'ob'itel rlnopa died
III l'e iimli r in) i''tlioi i'lreiiiiiataii''e.
It Hide haa been tried thtas (line
for lha iiuiider
Dupont Powder Mill
at Scranton Blown Up
l:TiN I'a, April II Tha piM
in It of I nip"lit I'i,. Ir anilii st
i il , ia,r bete, ble ut, lodai, t it"
liia one loan l'aii't Miller 1 u other
lueit iiim.a T Hi ow u and I hatira
M..l. l ! 4 Ho if r I I I I oil
lb il'l '.1.1(1 an I I ''hi ll(h! In
t le
SimViiii nl' "ant urn I'll,
w' "til'iutt i'iii fium n fv
1 1 ut li Mi r
"W iMilv i lli.i laile
I l.n.s dM sin) et lira aia
still i"i,,lii lu, a i k
lllrr "
i'li'VV tin liilliii; 11 JJ'" 1
f'H' U'll, t.'H, J'lll JOttf
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