THK RKK: OMAHA. Tl'KSDAV, APlflL 11. lOlii. JHealth Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics I I ii Mental Training for Business Success My KM. hhkkl:r wiito. f'opyrlght, in, ntar Company "Home year ago I gnffered a In bulfi, du to financial penlu, "tflnce than, a Mark Twain ' ll, 'Wnn man gat going down hill. giarylhjng eaema gad for the oc a giort,' and everything I irtt Into paler tnii. 'Har I am, young men. wll d i riMl. try wide bualneaa prtnc late martu good In every poaklott ( cvr Mrjipicd i tnil data held aotiie good on, ;m I am plugging along In medio; r ! I'Oaltl'm, and why- I 1 fcad In th paper ull often that rn-e are more big poaitlonf In llili conn try for f ti mn who ran aUnaly p im them then can ( filled. "Trouble , the lnlrtd arU' n i f nfi together. Adyt-rtlalng will brl i 1 4', fi.r my nrtiic pm that bin rn In rh of a f ully good man, in -rib th want column. "l4ll.r writing will never do II, tin a,-ntm nt hitting th rlgrbt one l . taKur. , "f'OMiMy (n onr gci, Mg, wide ,jef em a you might I able to hlp m ;j.llily npr a wy, for 'tl a lly wha i In man can do big thing, hot In r ab t gi tli cliam," That la all I went fVrry alnrerely, A, H. II." Tha vary Mat way In lialp thl young rmurt and all other young wan or middle aged nvn who art imllrt attiiai4 la tw ken In fhrrri a coriciotina of fha JfK wliU-n M In th noma m'nd "tf.iomrti M (Jlvlna orlln a! in Ilia jwar of fha tiUrti worti, Mri. Hl(ia Martin, a brilliant woman, prnmiiumt In ! uupliyaAl triouirbl. if tta day, baa ' pmpajirt tralnlhf (ard for dtfforant naada of b'lrrian baliuta. Kara la na wilr.)i, ah liaa pra(r4 for tha who ak cuomo In bualnaa. Tha twal'a aiawiiHa no thl tralilnc card aa to lia fflwln ovary nlht iuat baforo faillnf in alrap and rry mornlna m awaian Irif, tfora n Into tha oofiflkt of Uo day, I'mcwta aaxsh ota-Mmont with tha wnrda, "I ahuoaa." Try Olo mmtaJ pra O'aiptVMi for two waaka, iriaklnt tf ', o'atauiatiu at Uaat twW a day and ' nfunar ln puaalMo, In tha atlanca of tha rtom; 'Tnldar f'r An AfplU-ant for a roattlin. 'Ilia Indwatllfia Mind lMMrth tha Work. ' All 7li)ra iiiil tu tba Call of Ml!cln. 1, To know my own poalUon aliall oomo la nut. ft Tha pualtion la ultaM. (bi J am cauhblo nt grwal lauaalMUtlaa. Tha poaiUM la wwfini for m "t. To h nrorf)nrlic wtto eouiaMM Joy. T ba armatajilly en4HlnaL "5, To U laAnl ' Ti Smart, Effective, Yet Not Too Expensive hVpuMiflwl ly KMcifll ArrnTKffinfnt with HnrporV Hazaar, Difficult Matrimonial Problem A Unfit blouit of plain malrrml, plailtd iklri of Uripfd ginxlt and tmbrmilrry of but lanholt tlilrh in u arttrd. To the right, a taillrur on itrtmning linn of Uiupt JailU, trimming of dull Ihnwn tlriprd with iilk V'Hk which Iht eutti U lined. KiMrUl Ail hava unwawvrtrur oonflAaae. ' f To Kara orulauiiixl aora4ra k, To haa vitfattarbij; faiUt to tha) , , KtamaL (a) To dmioiMrtrata ampia tnaocaav ' (tr To daanwnatratai wlundaJMN of atR pl, nriurtahjiur food-. ; To dorruinatnOo Uatoful, app1aU r JothlAf. ' . . fd) To damonatraA a itraottra, aom fnrtabla fcowia- . la) To v""" WPt ajx offW fltatit raorawttm. a, To pralaa and dalop tat lant3i. Ml. To t auaiilad to praaartt my taJaula o Uiat tW obail b wan 14 try tanao u wnoni may wut e ui nuat xartoa. ) To think prwUhwna . owt mywair (h) To follow CP a OMM4fht wratvodL (a fa b qut-V to n tb naaat of opyortuotUa. . lftp i otiainaa, (ft To hava raW P To baa com U) To hava an OTaraaBJaT 1L ra iMiflM. hava oompteU pr fW To bo wUlrntf o aaUrUks Wfea4 wtadom ugaata. . . . , . (rt To b full of Uia lifw flptrll Mah . alaanMW. baala. Htalteaa trfid hf mntaa. randatfta tit tat may UOr dartakio. , 4)T ba in ra4lraaa far Tba!uun to baartii work. lm Tn Ka uMoUna Ihw aOOMWM. poaltlon to in. It la wall hara a oopy of thaa twajra aiatamarrta, narrtad In fh poakat or la tha llnlna of tha hat, mti& ra4 Ihm ovr In trollwy car or In waiting atav tlona. raw of u raalK bow moob Vital foma. eonatruottv onarry and praolcajt brain atuff wi waat In daaultory think ing, In gloomy tlwajaiita and daapondaot fanra. Ervary momant, ary aaoond, wa ara hnlttif to imnatroot or dawtlwf fnUira ounoaaa haalth, and bapplnaaa, A training card, Ilka that prepared by Tlalana Martin, rmd orr and over until mmmltted to memm-y, and (Hon repeated whenever th mind la Inclined to frit ter ttaalf on aaelnea Uinughta, ant Ilka a rata on a wild and reetlre bora. !n nad of parmlttlng th bona to pranna all nvar tha pralrta, rna up tha moun tain aide and go over tha rtlff, keep It nn tha rnad and rarhc your foai. Try It Fashion9 s Spring Fancies 'harkH taffai makaa a pretty trim iKtnf ti.r a 1rsa of plain aolor t!ria ar grtaiiy favnrwl tata and I'fiMe ilt'lhe ara being made of atripea nt.ltid afy-whli-h wav It nothing fi.Tiitrr f mora mm. r'.i fr tha Ktiia alrl fhntiMtie ahlta irta da rhiii i itmnrg Mark and whii ffft ara k j att aj the airia hirlin i v la fa f'tJar part i-f tha ,;i ba i tatfniaa In rli.a' t. .rfi ' trtmiaM wii gai rwlred i.i.t ft m.Ui.l tun ant itartwg a . . a ,'i-r(, hi i' eaeKMiita a t be . .aiiy mmm it' n ke UJ e want ' r ii.larad In f.dta whuh rial tha it k t Htm t 4 l tKa I'tintm it. I'r '.ii i a i . ! . f a'.uti it the ' - H It '! niWiai tit a auaa h. i n !. I "'eaH atih Ha ! i - ti ii i i raMit-t f t i"a wa tt atai. h a wt kai In aa'i -ate fia'al .a i.i, .' "!' gn ! in ari l wii la fl'a ( a in fc...t,f i mad t-r . . ... .tg4 t .. a'-t . i. ,..-.! aii-,( ,i 1 i l H 4 ik 4 lu t K lf ,it . a a .( t ar w -b a t, ), ,.,, ii... il ( I AJrVT X,' i v ! ' 7 TV 1 1 w ..'.i y . k'iUMj n "V"u t'."1!! 1 J WijaaCT' V .' Nr ''" , '' ""mmi." niaaaampia aiaa'i.)iiiii.iijV- f 't A i f ,"! ' ' IW , ' " i, eV e.eiii.aieai !.. W Mini Iiniiah3 Jimlmmimm : 1!' u i i n n n n i iiuin, in ) i ipimwhuii a . fJsfrJf , llMpa!lii " 11 '.'"! ,! "." 1 3'.."S"T'f 'l!f;,f" A' irniiiiii i lii ii - ' i "t -;-Y'r' , nh in ' - ' --- ....-..-.i. --, .. f .' I. , ,,,1,111 ,tll In nil nananai lan rly DOROIIIV 1)1 1. A young woman haa apillil lo hi" fur advlna on a annllifianlal aiL.'vl haa tw aiiliwr. fm of Ilia mmi Intallartual. CJlt ir'ol. mutal, iirtail. II Dial a man roul'l t Tha glil al iilraa him vaiy inui h lii'1fcl flia atijvye hla wlai 1 uiitrrxillnii ami i'. in aillluja toward Ufa, and a kii" 'utl If ah mania i,)iu alia- will han 1 tilai hl a 11 J aaf lnunir y a ra Hi- in urinidiilal ara, mi (taiinr ' ' iii 'mnlffliig al'iima and ahi-r. k j Hi oihr a'lll.ii I In vry u In j fi'tloi tn Hi flral lie 1 riot i"v-i J iior writ rdinalad. 0"! i(, i(h r fnii(tt potter In hhIiii ar, 1 t!) in llial 'nn Iraat t. iniii .f.ict.iiril (r llvatMl, A man may lw All that vtonina a'linliia nnd hiiihM Iht rmt l all. A woiiin limy I fvri y tlilna llittt a man lavarra and hf. a'a'iiii-lv icpiilaha 1 I1I11, wlillc, mi "in i.thft- hand, a woman nmv Miinillv t.n,la a min i ilmradar nod tm triaatantily drawn 10 li'lm, and man mat kimw a wnrnan fur a poor (trait allly iioainn, and y.t nut Ii ah'. tn In 1 fiilni r' Inafibti fur lilni. tVh'lliar Jiidarni-rit or Im llnailon ahould 1 'ill- In Hip xHi'i'Unn fif lifn pnrtnar, la a inoi.ird iiiitioii, li Amarli inarrt liv liirlinailoii, and In y'ramr tha" marry try (udncmiiil, and wa hold Hi itHorii i ai i.rd Thai. Iioweiri, (irova nothing afant that tt Atnrrtrana ara an linpatlant rr anil aia mill lirnarr-aalvn alinut frvlnir lha olliar man. m.r I It any pHy , , r)),,rav, hri rnu,iWn,lti v, , to llalan lo hla rnnvaiaallim unlnaa yon nlildr laa hall and vaudeville th iinit Important t"llt In the world, ami tbpy ara matrimonial romlitlona, than ara ICnripnane Ortnlnly Id woman who marrlaa a li.aii loaf hp.'aiiait tta atitiaa to her hralna. yo'i a m.kina a . llHU,n of r.irr..,,i , ,,, mmkm , r()() tlll.,-n(1 " I alll nvar he try liappy, ah may, If In a aoid, ttra ynimg man la Jnl ii'"" la phllo iphli hi, Ii aaflaflad and ron frfdlliary young fallow, with a farlrly '' " ilrar aa aha nntemplalea . . j 1 . , .... . i ' r I'hralral lomforta and angagaa good and . to fall offjj(l Urwnlt Ilia watar wagon now and llim n l U j Ibaan with liar lfillla tnal apowa. ag from the airaiglit ami narrow pa'lt ,,, alwava l.r haarl will ha fctn If lh girl marili-a him alia know j ,,,, f)ir ,t( ,,, and tha golden wl ,i.,i. it that life win . airwagl, ; ,iry thH rilM mj, Mia knowa thar and dial maiilmuny will h an adtan t Jii trip thai la aa l!knlv In ai.d In t i' villi a i imrl a ri)wh-re r ut Thar la 110 r"impar!oii Imie.nn Hi two man or the rHatlt dvanta of th lo merrlee, n Hi girl lil !! Letwaen them liacan o iraiiii a It hig I th human liaart and an llloal frirnitalilii la not l'. any mora than tixci I 1 lierrt!ena, and (liar will M Many and many a lima whn aha will womlr-r If on w'ld turlll of lot la no', worth a who1 ft Ufa of rornmonplai a j torn fort I lint If ah tak th thrill and lata the romfori go ah alanna th flhanr ; l ara )! pi i. a-II I th Infai lr 1 0 fur.iar ruralng hrlf fop her folly In fnraakinir Hi flaahpot for the k if a kia fir,aua. afar all, IhrlNa era tha chllie and hctl8 tarar of romanaa, for whh'h niatrtmony I atanaraJly a nvr-falllng cur. Thy aaldom laat, and whn thy ara gone ao often all I gone, Tha man and woman wbn marry for thatr haada, and who pick nnt fha h'ia band and wlfa of whom Ihelr Judgman apprnv, lian. at laaat, tha roneoietloi .r i.r,r,,i t.araatn. Tti man haa tha hrad and hrart ar a'l'ially e!ifd T,la ! kfnn n( , ha wantd for th lultor. anil not lh aiorrinr on, who l her .')!a llwillin j Tha gond, aana'lrl man m"l to j hr ron. th t.arum a:ar,m on to br affei'tlona, Hu aha a a ma whlrb ah aha II chofh on that isorrca up t lir Ideal or tha nn that fir hr fa nry. Ity way of anaaiar, J ran only any that whichever way aha tthonea aha will re gret. It. The only perfai-f toarrlat, th rnly real Hue matin ara ih( In which rartly happana, and thai It why tliar ar ao few hfpr marrlag, Cupid la a greedy tlttl nhap, II la never aatlafled wllh half ratlona No mat tar how good man or woman mar !, or how parfotly ha or aha may do hla or lir duly aa Imahend or wlf, everything la dual arid aahaa nnlaaa, along Willi hi or liar gond rondtir"! renord, thar goaa Ilia' atrang aomaihlng that ;i ln-na ilia blood and makaa tha heart go pit. a pal Wliit Iht myaiarlon attraction of a rarUIn man and woman for "h other nonalaia of w dn not know, Wa only know lhat It aalala, and that It la th tor.tti'T of hla rhildrn and at Ilia haad of hla hon Hi woman ha her etabllhmnf, har final Hon In olr-ty. hr hopplng tlrkt. Hut II la th tragedy of fhoaa who marry for (hair haart lhat whan tha thrill la dead and tha romanr played out tliey hare nolhlng but tha hnrdn of matd ninny Ufl fn ti I that whir-haver way ran marry ymi wlah yon had don tha other thing, Tie afe way la not to marry until yon f'nd th man r woman who both flraa your fancy and omea tip to four Ideal, "tut If w waited fof thai preWon few of 11 would vr rarh lha altar. mwWaWmmmMswm is' For . Business Women Tba two jrreeA dontt for tba buatnaa woman are; Don't f in gat to b wo manly, and, don't try to b a at ran, Btwwn tha bard, aggraealva maeou- lln typ of woman who may uoood la buaina (for ah out herealf off by bar Tory anaoaaa from lova and happl naaa) and tha idUa-famlnln. ollngitig- 1na bualnaa woman who goa down Into tha nan a world Ilk a huntraee atalking bar pray, there U a aafa, aana road for bualnaa woman to travel, Meat man in lb bualneaa world with frank almpllclty. They ar human belnge and o ar you. Thay ara not wolvea aeeklng for Innooant Jamb to devour, nor ara thay weak vlnea waiting for a little feminine finger to offer Iteelf a a aultabl place about which to ha twlatad. Thay ara workare-fellow w or ear Tmir feminine tact and underetaridlng and gen Why Men Marry Plain Women Men will alway worahlp beauty- Thay will Ilka to ba aaan about with woman who look Ilk living ploturee. Thay will alt up hy tha hour au4 (Veecant upon thalr Uleal of faftiltilna charm, and lead you to ballova that no woman who did hot look Ilka Vanua could lntrt thera When, however, they ooi to marry, nlnty-ntna time out of a hundred thay will pick out for a wlfa tome woman who haen t tha allghteat pratanoa to prattluoaa any oarer elalmed t hava. In proof whereof, tak a view of th mar ried woman of your acquaintance, many of whom rlak ahaiterlng tha looking gle every lima thay look Into It. Tha woman that knowa that har faea la plain dnean't eipeot lo b admlrad and la ei hoinhly grateful to every man who ehowe her any aitentln that aha tlenaa have their place In tha anhein of j I .arf. tly willing to worn Innana be thing. Tba fart that your volae la for hlrn. quiet and your walk la light and you hava hntieokawplng ability to aeep thing In rdr may qualify yu fiy a paaltlon Tea three thing Tliay are dignified parte of yanr )iilpnetit. Vary often a Hrad bualneaa man, wha rauld mil deal with a atrtdenl, -alva. niaaruhna r worker, nan get on very well wlih a women ) Iwao aha If I firrful and lea aagreealva M'nmert have tn fnraad Into the wiifltt f rnn by in. i 1 11 . i rnimlc nllttia Hot in thai aurld I ' wut aiay wo itianly Ttier ara atill tha putatitui moth ia of the ran Tli aw It Ii that pntanltal MMilhthw4 net '.1 "t.r Int.. atieap fltrtU'-ti and taw ett a tntilgn H h I" -n H.i niaal i iMtalita "tnani . 111-mti.t f.i the kweli. anr'd I har manial aiuliii i,i.h I,, l i laa bet paw to a t wlih wall m' aaiua la a wall aa t . Una tn.Ht w' . h aanalt-in l dlamleaeil Kar l kiiK for lh plain woman ! hatieiel about a great deal hy life taaih har ermpethy and itnderilandlng ao that Inetead af ttelng a queen to hr worahlpAt, ehe I a man a beat friend and fflinraite. ready tn Miy hhn when thltiga go wnaig, and rejnl-e with hint whan they go right, and at all Itmr in enter tnio hi hniia end plana and tear lt.w.1 l.ka dm I - 14 1 I marly aa murli aa pi. -at i.nla think To a.prnlat thl fa i-1 yit hava only In l"'H atxiul imi and th in in r tHinl l'ii eini'in ek.i ai makliif thalr lfittl i I'lan alf happy In f. t man who iianv ta- ma .f a a a-Mil liiok aln at nl an nonteti-ue t -M may Ihma A ii. an lUa a Woman la t wixnan'i Ha ! Mot want ! Inlattrilng In itilna IHel dat auiwetw tea AM rl ... eanta Her In ha IMereeied tn abet I fidng nt In Ik w .if lt. and If ha ! Measles Most Serious Trifling Disease lake the Minnait IMeteat In yna ,.. 1 (., H, im.u aiai.t-n tniatuahie en .i 1 ..fti) arrWitv m . ' Ha la tr it.-r of putir ikim Uea atilllHaa aat mcwu 1'.. , at a wi aa pit,ie and thaw du-nin it fa roir r.w iuwi ant ! Tal way pan will gt .( 1,. it. neat tt g walk with 41t ant -! anwi'l k ka ixtl In thai w.uil - I ant kami.1.4 ki Ik aa!' of l-.''.-t Tw fa l.l a r a auoten nm ,.! It It I ue f i -1 a ' tie r I. ad 1 eli-. ft t-. , a 1.1 fc.n'ih (i a iwu. t :t ti"i at i-'ii ii It n.i-a I mt a an 1 -!,' ! ''" '' n iiiiwii p-.a . ti ataht t.4 I iatniai g -.1 'III '' I ' " , 1 - 4. ' 1 .. ' t a . 1 ' r. i 1 . . , 1.. 1 , - ii aihtaawa aa matter k great lh"Mh tn aai it a wvataH in aai.t tkat no maw w.rria a iwait f )ea litlelligeauw, IKi ,tl , the uvxt geeti' I -ta t.f i'i pt.vt4a4 k Mi.4eaaiai't tk n -ia ..f ft e4 a t 11 In mi'aiH M wtt Htt aoay 1th kat H a man wtih aa tntalii(ani air wri t-a the keel kerteifc at lha ! thai enany wtat itta"a .lale artn.l.t ' t li' tnaia Ikat thay fti.g In hm jtrt-af ant IH t r '' l" '! ai'1 aimlielka atlli a, ra enj ueit.nfarial.ia k,i .,MKi,,ttii t . the la at t .1 " ( ' i a, a ia t that lli.i 1 tx'iiti -!. eaHli a- ' lilllii Hy WOOD! Ht'Tt MJHO"f, M, I. Tba idea of ragardlng maaalaa with i apot I a coraparallvwly now ona. In our childhood day wa need to hear them epokon of aa aomathlng lltlln wore than a Joke, and tha moat vivid raeol taction w have of them pereonally are more llkaty to 1 of Jrllla and broth and rrat In bad and Invalid privllrgfi and patting generally than of amartlng eyea or ante throat or headache. Aa wa ware among tha aurvlvor. our remembrannoa, naturally , ara only of fh nillilar forma, and wa ara almoat Inollnel to nount them In with tha raat of th roey light of tha haipy da ye of child hood and to ua thain pilnnlpally aa a data mark, aipreaalva of ratreme Imnwi turtly-"! hava doiia ao and ao tnce I tad tha mraalaa'" Wten our habit nf al way yafrrtng to them In th plural, a If thay war not big enough to mrnilm In tha aingniar, eni ptt ! in gm eral attitude of a'""l natnr-d nitnnp' Ona nf lha many mlrtiary inatlma at trthnted to Naolon I that lha mn-t dangrrona mlalaka n.ali.!a In wt e t 1 defptee you- aiwmf tnd hvr t.'ie e a mora atria dig arid painful liWairallmi if llll lrltl I HI 1IA1 l dll'kit r our miataa inMr by at'i'tn bntlnaaa bablla nI iHi'ting in a 1 .'., mil t iHika In uiif r : 1 1. 1 a i.aa tefnra aa hagan ii at'i. .ki 44 ragantr.1 maaaiai enh a ! inui i a I tetnai riaifnl aa teee fi 1 hi 1 j ' !! l at .11. .t i.f ti 11,1, u 1 in tn I an I a taerit y -rilne t 'I i'n 1 ha in e aiiaii rw wni lying 1.11 I it ib n.antat j tt tl. fii t;e e ii ic i ih.. aiat of I'n 11 a il i ... r I 1,1 ,. . .i.t j P'l l"al M.n trtfiii g a'fau ' "l . ad haalau t ,i,. iii -a u 1 in t-t I Mt t eaiite t nf tt tnr vMi In n ..t I l l'a t al an.t t.l till? aria en 1 j gvitwg ye.ferti a i t' tea l -f i U a -ii. 1 ... . . ' ailn.aia ef i'-e iin .. -if Hi dla. taa j Waa ni htt n ao-.itaa k. in .l . hl'.lia al I llilH tea a. Hiaa II. Mi Wwnld ai i-aia 1 . i f. .1.1 i.a awaa a t t la l tn-oi f t mi a chill. It wa put down ag due to a cold and counted aa a new dlanaea under tha title of "oaplllary bronc.hlfla," or th hronchlal-pnaumonla of children Although Individual phyaloUna had for many year a been warning their patient of the danger of fatal bronohltla follow ing meaalaa. It waa only by careful follow-up work and raoorda covering thou anda of aa that wa proved convinc ingly that tha bronnhltla following ma alee waa really a later ataga at tha die aaaa Itaclf, or at laaat entirely dua to II, If tha little patient lower Hp la pulled down the muonua memhran of tha Inner aurfana will ba found dotted with III He redrtlli or whltlah ralaed apola, known KopllM'a apola, from tha dlaooverr Tlican ahirw Hi I. the eruption I mil merely upon th akin, hut alao In the month and throat, and probably eiimda clear down to the windpipe and hron'hla 1 11 liea. which Imlp n anplaln how eaav It la for hroru'hltla and pneumonia to da talnp lalar In lha dlaxae. Biscuits Th)r'i a daily ne-d for good trlscuit in your home. To get the best biacuit and th triggest variety aak your dealer for Sunshine Biaculta. Aa an exampla, try Kriapy Cractera light and flaky, with a aprinkllng of aalt. They're aold in family-aiz tina, which ia the moat economical way to buy them; also In ten cent packngea. Alao try Takhoma Biscuit. It "splita In two. itacn package contains a pretty paper doll in colore. From the Thousand Window Bakeries Baked in Omaha JlSCUlT (pMPANY Baktrt f Suihln$ Bhcmtli mmmmammmmBm nnnmnarnj 1 spaau i,i - , .- nil an 1 awaj ij 1 . . -1 - ., . t 1 ) i.f.t: ,r ;f .rf ''t. f it i . 'a - fv aaaa gaaaa aaaw W g T f I I -aj 'aVaajp- " X J i uf Ik H a t 1 e taiat a vl-.t. Ik 1 iai y a !(' ill I i) t i 1 at 'il l h . ' t' PI H a e -a at li la 1 a 11 ..I, aiti.,t t tin 1 d. . .i,, iNm, 1 a a f t- a ii iii '. 1 1- m w . al l . 'i. i . nt 1 1 t . 1 i ma at n 1 1 v ,.1 ii . ... a 1 1' f . m t a . " ... 1. , . . . , Wtm ww. rs ? mm k a ft d of pvirity. Kvtry ttrp In its itutnutaxiure U U'Vt the wstv.tiful eye tf X fi tkwruivat)t Inapavlif t. Latiding dumrstic ncirivf 6cIkU in AmawkTMiMi 01 hare wlm ! h aniltfk Cta iry, tltiuial mnuitHy with .) kwtkw aiwl luaiat UiMt lilatuUU, Jrriui it nn thick th prW annus 11. If your danlar dwa it her it, 4ks us is iiatii. A M V W A t O (ktWUf f aai. paaaia, i , I it J,. ia . k,.u hi i.a tiaaaaa, w. f. wtui 11 ta, ai k S 0. Tl. S-a. 114 if Pa. 'w . - Vi Aap faeal .. V laaar tea Aiaaaaa tHei label k) a UaV LIM10 DUCTS TK, rWW W aV aaa4fiw ,taf Stilw4 Haas lUag llaaaaa) iarwaMltar)' (ra41 Jaiva t ImvettiliiMia (1 mI lag AaJ lOOeWXa I ill DIM , f' Id ULlLlU II 1. t a aha 1 iniMf " a 1 a 41 n t i irer3: LA INpHHiJI LsWwJl t