THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, APRIL 11. 1016. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTORi R08HWATER, EDITOR. Tlio Dp Publishing Company Proprietor. BKi: MUM'IN'I, FAKNAM AND bKV'KNTBKNTIt, Kntoreit st O me he, poainffloe) ee eerond-ctaae matter. TE.KM8 OJT 8UBHCRIPTION. Ily carrier Pjr mall .. . per month. pereer. n4 Fonder Ur . M on t'alljr without Huntley...... ,.4,,c 400 :vanlng anil fltinilay , ,,no ..,,,,.,00 Kvenlng without Nundsy the.., 4 0) Kvenlng without Huntley .......2)., ' Bundey lice only aim j or) I"Ur nl Muney He, three years in ativanee.. .110.00 Henri notice, of change of anMraeg or Irregularity In delivery to )mlii HijlMilil ln fiepertment. , . nrMITTANi-Hl Fmlt by draft, einrees or poetal order. Onljr two. cent etampa received In payment of mll account. I'rrii rhe e, escept on Omeha and eastern change, tint 11 eo pt oil , omsh The H BulMlnf. outh frmehe-BI N street, r'niincll l'lnffs-14 North Main lrC l.lncoln-M Mule Itulldlna-. I'hl.ago SI. jm,,( ) PulMlng. New lora-Honm IK, tM Fifth avenu. Ft I-oije-60 New Iianlt .f Commerce. W'eehlnglnn-7a Fourteenth street, S. W. c .r. f" 1 tT'TV..".'J r. ,.- AMres communications relating; to new and aiU torlal metier to Omaha He, MHor!! ropermentt MARCH ailCl'MTlOX, 56,628 Daily-Sunday 50,628 ("wight Wllllsrne, clreulstlon msnsger of The Wa rubllahlng company being duly georn, sys that tha average circulation for tha month of Wari.Ii, il, wae M,tt dolly and Wiira Huhrtey - DWKiMT tVIM.fA.MM. Circulation Mansger, Mubs-iii,erf in my presents and aworn to befor ma Ihla id day bf April, IlOKKRT 1IHNTKR, Notary Publle. BubscriW leaving tba ciif tarngporartlj bonld have Tha mailed to tltna. Ad. drea will t chanced at often aa re-qoeataxl. Republican optimism conMtute the brlght st ld of backward aprloc, Mother' day ) officially announced. Poor, frlpod dad I A loacKoma a June brlda K'.onm, and no official apotllght to do him honor. Ocean carrying rate havt reached an altl tud o profitable that ownon can loaa a ahlp now and tbfn without dlmlnlihlnc tha dividend. 1 Btlll, thora la no groat haala la advcrtlalnf tb fpfd and endurance (juallllM of automo bile cornmandfarfd by lona bandlti In varloua Cltll'i, AurDrf rome from official aourrei that hort worda will be far.hlonabl tbla aeaaon, Thl add atrrnuth to the bfillcf that the country la in for hot campaign. Democrat who are eager for a keynote apnech nd not wait for Prealdant Wllaon. Colonel Hryan' deluge of keyootaa equala every demand and toavea nothing worth while tt be aaid. Roforrnc'd autborltlea are agreed that rob bery la not a profitable profeaalon. The lateit ntrprlae in Arkanaai, where bank rrackauien rere rewarded with two centa, atrongly aup porta the vlewa of retired eiperta. Tbe Douglaa county bond propoaltlon for .r.od roada look big by Itaelf, but it la a trifle iu borrowing and apendlng gooa nowaday!. Tbe warring nation aro. abootlng up 11,777,000 tM'py thirty minute of day and night. Every Kaaby In the land will applaud the ruggetion to convert post office into armed fcrtrcMaaa a a ineaaur of praparedne. The f(Ulpnient of a fortification are eapecially need ful when an offcnalve political enemy attempt to break la. Now that the State Banking board pot It Ufitrlctlve band where good reaults are prom oted, the next tep toward Rafety la limitation c f the, tout of money. If reitrictlon of the num ber ot bank I a good thing, regulation of In ttrt?Ht charge i better. Can Omaha get a new I'nlon Depot? The lailroad admit that Omaha la entitled to better d jt faclllttea, no It I only a quettlon of in ducing them to Join together In ome feasible iilan. To arrom t'llrth thl may take time, but It H an eventual certainty. Why huld the newapapcr that o con Mantly make loud profeatilon of devotion to honesty and reform become the ipologlut for a fre-grabber on tbe theory that the graft I "only a Utile one?" )oe graft become repet t elle whenever perpetraled by a political ally? Charley tfi-hwab hed neediea tear over the threat o( a government arnmr plate plant. Tbe proponed plant could not manufacture one br.lf the armor required to carry out the naval program. Ifc-thlehein may secure enough of the talmiin to keep the ruat oft the machinery. Don t forget Umt one of the outgoing re ill f the stale unherslly thlK year- I a liila county man and that the place should by rights le filled ith annthrr Jkiuilas county i. so. The only candidate for university regent tuie Is I ho Honorable E, U McUllton, whose i i. inpsinf y and quallflrsllons ri unqura i.oiird, to say nothing of bis restltnass to devote the itrn'oary lime to this wholly httnorart, at tintini, tiffice. Thirty Years .Afro This Day in Omaha 1 cre as ru, fu t.intni . ti.-i li-t tate Jahej k u.,tt ! M '. aiaal f ur '..t-itt i. a.aii'a I itthl 4(s k , t, in.iei ", k-t u .-4 tt"s-a ait tag m i i f ti.s .of A:iail M a (' I C"i" ' 'it li. Vv m talari ,a ! I'-- !' 't t ika in, faa r'ilia(ia l, 14.1 . ' IN li'MHIIHt V Ik. I ,. ! V i i' ' t - t -4 I ! l .! hi t 4 tii. s" 4 -' ia tah f. ' t r - l ta' t( l!at:-W tti.S a ' . n f.-.; S' f..-l ..a; It kia l-t sot (-. a .SHN '''-"I f at f ' I ..! . t 1 -'! ' VI,. ! ai wt I - a ' t I .! 1 ! t..H a tit w" M t . ' ' '-19- f" l.l'linl u W ..w , i ,i .!, , 'i a t I i'4 t-M.iw til. I U" I --. I f ii-J i j A to National Committeeman. Tbe position of national committeeman, v hlch In Nebraxka ha been thrown into the primary, I identical In all political purlieu In that It calls for tbe same qualification and im poses the nme duties and responHlbilitle. The rational committeeman la in fact ono of the board of manager for the conduct of the preM dentlal campaign with particular supervision and direction of the work In hi home ntKit. While the conteat la on, It i not a drewi parade excursion but a bard-work Jobproviding the committeeman honetly doe for his purty what be promlsea when he accept the poHltion, On of the candidate for democratic na tional committeeman manifest the right con ception when, in his appeal for tbo votes of Nebraska democrats, he says, "If elected, I am willing to give whatever lime In necessary to jioperly discharge the dutlos of the office," On the republican aide, there In only one can didate who I In position to make thl same pledge. If elected, Charles F. Mcdrew can, and will, give whatever time 1 necessary to properly dlsrharge the duties of the office. His op ponent will not do ao, becauso ho can not, for the reon that, hi time 1 not hi own to give. The time of Mr. MoOrow' opponent, a every cne know, is bought and paid for at tbo rate of $8,000 a year by the taxpayer of the molro pclltan wfer district, and as national commit teeman he would either have to shirk bis political work he has heretofore or he would have to cheat hi employer of the lime, be ha old them. Thl is entirely" ald from lapses of party loyalty, which oine might he. dlposen to forgive, If not forget. Republicans, there fore, who want their party organization put in fighting trim, with men on the firing line wu. may be depended on to dig the trenches and find tha ammunition for tbe political fray at what ever outlay of time and labor, will vote for Chre F, McOrew for national committeeman. New Way to Pay National Debti. Tbe Carranza government is now fostering a plan to discharge part of It national debt by a method that 1 simplicity Itself. Each Indi vidual I asked to contribute tbo prlco of one di.y' work each month, tbe pay for which, rep resented in constitutional currency, I to bt de slroyed. Ry thl process will be reduced the cutstandlng total of debased currency, and. the purchasing power of tho remainder will be In ri eased. On such childishness does the Car ranna government rest It hope for siiccest Tbo process Involve the lonK exploded theory on which fiat money first was Issued. If no question of international relation I to be Involved, the plan I perfect, for It doesn't mat ter then If the circulating medium be the peri winkle used in New Amsterdam, or the corle of tha Sudan. Barter and trade may be carried cu and aerrlce rendered requited In kind, and tha Industrial and commercial life of the peo ple will smoothly flow so long a It doesn't come Into contact with tbe outside. Whenever traffic with strangers la attempted, It will be found that the government' order doe not t reat value nor found credit. Printing presses hrve flooded Mexico with currency of vartou kinds, most of it worth nothing, nd tbe Car-' ranza sort selling now at about 6 cent on the dollar, Thl 1 tbe Inevitable result of Issuing fiat money. Carranita and hi followers will discover that It wa comparatively an easy task to wrecR Meilco; to restore the country to Its place among the nations will not be so readily ac complished. The tremendou task of re-establishing national credit I a patriotic duty, but it cinnot be fulfilled by burning up worthless paper money, a process that In Itself amount imply to defrauding those who do not cheer fully give to the general contribution. After the"Philoopher' Stone." Ravant at John llopkln university are re ported to be able to restore life several hour after It baa beeu pronounced extinct. In one cae a drowned dog was reanimated four hours after death. The experiment has not a yet been carried to Its final success, for the reason that certain mechanical difficulties must be overcome, such a tho Increased blood pressure and hardening of the arierles. incidnnt to the treatment. Even ns a laboratory experiment, tbe matter Is of more than passing interest, a Indicating the advance of man's nllble quest fir knowledge. Chemistry had Its birth In this ambition of man. Tbe desire to ttt-fy leih stlmulsiod the ei.rly Investigators, and the alchemist, in his, secret chamber, made many useful discoveries at to the properties of matter, but without un locking the secret of life and d"att It has re gained fr bis modern successor, the chemist, fortified by the research of all the aies, to ap proach more closely the curtain the ancient tight to lift Nature Is slowly yielding her secret to man perslsleni Inquiry. The trans mutation t metals, another of the tchemlt ' dreams, 1 now an established fact, s proven by the automatic reaolutlon of helium Inlo radium. Thl I only one of the astonishing furl toad known by modern chemistry, whose tU.votees are daily extending the domain of hi man knowledge llh eonarquenl amollorat tm t human life It would be a Vtr bol.l or vrrt iulint man ho uld undertake . . I 4 tin! limit to the rrault of raaaanh The I'muielheaa fire t reillum the t tt.nlh.l ratk of life w made Hhle fr lb rraMf tln cf !. uti timet) cut off B Mtcal or oihrttt. titiiaka slioulii b e fwt htu Ut ttie iai l. v ef J Albafl I oiai.h et Utnol f(H 1,1)4 tf the n.piiUa e"ii'i.'i.4 for i , tHi J.i la fvnltMi if what tka ottit.h fsmilr bs fr On.ah J . a Cntauh' titlrr wa for toanv ' t-a tf cr brnHln-t t ( n b!$'' t b .11 1 h '.ab, I ki btollial, : J trlh ta seialbl wfa (I asee ! f itn l.pi,t f imi 4tk atalrnt as t ta ifowa !.ma'U'n thai h4a 'n 04 I tilft 1 la I s gvitviuniant I t'-f n aii" e i" ? V arttsg ffti ,, hi. ,-iiiii iti( I S tn tuttv t' !'" t mr a 1 1 fii)v,te cf iIm at ' t I '. fi V. 1 hv at- I rnliliM (ha t 4 1 . i i " i. .-. .! .1.., t, ' 1 a ! ae'M'l I t'-n i ' fcrt l 4if ' t.' iH b -t- 1 1 1 t a I jit Him Strong for Hughes I'lnn Aaaanilng- l.aro I'rupurtlnaa. Koarnay Hub! The movemont to write the naliui of Chsrle JO. lliiahns on the prealilnntlal primary ballot Is growing; and will undoubtedly assume laiuo proportions on the day of tha pilmsry election el lit I'rni-llfr Awblla. Ilsatlnga Trlbiiu: fraetldi i writing Urn iibiio' of "Cliarli-s K. HiiKliea" ao you will not hesitate wheu It comes to writing his nnnie on the primary elwllju bHlInt. , l.rt llrpnblli-ena UmUm 'I'hrlr Nanla lino, lleslrlee Kspress: "llugliea for president" sentl moot In Nebraska la to be tested st the primaries, A pi II IK, lii aplln of tho fact (hat tho illstlnguisliMt Jurist refused to permit his natiio to iijipeiir on the Nebraska primary ballot. Olio hunilrrd Nebraska republican tinpeiH. r'-Hllli y the spread of Hughes sentiment In Ibis state, hn v clei-ldefj to urgn the voters lo wilte In the oatne itt t'hsrles K. Hughes on a blank lino In their prlmi ticket. It Is arlnillleil that Ihla will piove soinn job, In. I when Ilia Intelligence tit the voters of the aisle U taken Into eonsl'liuatlon, thero Is no uuestlon but that It ran b nmiln sueieiaful, If the rank Slid file of Inn republlrsn voters of Nebraska are for .Hughes, they will say ao on April IX under the plan first advoeated by Vb'tor Koaewster of Tho Omaha lie,), and tho mere faot that the name of Hushes does not appear on the ballot will have no effect whatsoever. Nabraska republicans generally know what they want and they have, a way of milking llielr wsnls known In a manner that brings forlh resuM. Whr llemocrali Don't Want lllio. Merman Jteroid: Jiemocralk: nowspspetg through' out tha stale, and particularly the Worbl-Merald', 'are considerably worked up over the efforts being nisda by the republican preaa to have tli voters express thnlr real prealdantlal prafernnre, knowing full well that If the real preference of Ilia people la espieased It will lie for Charles K. Hughes, Tho only thing that stands In the wsy is the fart that voter mV not fully underatanit how to mak tba vote count. The Uncord Is In full harmony with the effort being put forth by fully 70 per cent of tha parly nigsns of the state to Instruct voters how to csst their vote, for Hushes whan thay are anxious to vote that way. It Is the fact of Hughes being the only man In the republican rsnks today who Is big enough rr th place that scares ths World-Hsrsld. Vote for Hughes April II. . . Anil lleniemhee the I raa In the liiaare, Clay ('enter Hun; Tha coming Nebraaka primatv glvea us g new form of ballot, on which the S'jiisrei for lha i rons mark ar st the left of ths candidate s name, Inalaad of at the right, and this Is true, also, of the blank line on which tha voter msy "write In" a nnmn. Those who wsnt to writs In tha nnme of lisrles R, Hughes for president, or any other nsme, should he csrefuj not only'to "write It In," hut lse to put a cross in tha proper square, I it to the flepnhllewn Who Mania Mini. M.l'onk Itepubllcnn: The republican who reall wsnls Charles K. Hugheg for presidential standard bearer will net find "writing It In" too big a task, acceptable to Large 1'rnpnetlnn of Tarty. Nebraska City 1'ieaa; Vb'ti Ilosewster s work in behalf of Mr, Hughes Is edmlrahle end well executed On hundred newspaper have expreaaed a deslra to sea the supreme court Justice s name on the ballot, There la but on wsy to get It there-write It In sml put a cross st the left of that name In tha little square. Hushes Is a candidal who, no doubt, is aooeptable to a vary Urge proportion of the republi can party. I.narleai Man to t.ead the Party. Monro llepubllcan: In endorsing Charles K. Hughes for president, ths Republican doea not alor.e expreaa the preference of the editor, but also of nearly all republicans of this locality. He la recognised here, s eleewhere, as the logical man to lead Ihs republi can party this fall, liond Teat of Vfir tlallot f'nrm, Weatern Wave; Tha coming Nebraska primary gives us a new form of. ballot, on which the suusraa for Ihs cross msrks sre at the left of the candidate s name, Inslasd of et the right, and this Is true, also of the blsnk line on which the voter may "write In" a nam. THus who wsnt to write In the name of Charles E, Hughes for president, or any other nemo, should be careful not only to "write It In." but also to put a cross in the proper squire. People Are the f'aart ol I eat Reaort, Fremont Tribune; Hpeaklng of Juatlva Hughes and the supreme court of the l ulled Rules being the court of IbsI resort, Is not quite true. The people of the I'nlled States are the lait resort and a tra. mendous number of them want Hughes for president. Monamealal Taab tpt to II Serom pllahed. Kalrbiiry Nea; If the republlrana of Nebraaka aucreed In carrying the atate for Chief Justice Hughe by writing hie name on the ballot, It will be aom.i thing never before done to our knowledge In any state In the union and It will be a compliment to the In telligence of the votera. Heretofore the blank line on the ballot has been meanlngleas. In the It promotes populsr government and la an avenue for the frea and unlramnuled expression of public senti ment, but In reality the man who haa been fortunate enough to have his name printed on the ballot la the only one who haa a chance for puhlla preference, whether he la lha popular choice or not, Republicans have undertaken a monumental task to reverse this order of thins, but It jooka at thla time like they were going to accomplish It. 1 ea, t,-k a IMa There. Ilaatlnaa Tilbiine. .Nebraska imtii are going to have a new kind u( ballot to I, an. lie at the .oming election, un Hie new ballot the email i-iuara, In w hi h in oiiiat place a rrnee lr he dealrea to vole, la .Mie.ilv In front of the candidates name, or rathe at the left of the randiilatea name Ineteart of balug at the right, aa was the rase on all former ballots All iciMihlican titters ht desire to caat their tsllo' In favor ef Hushee should remember that ihsy wM' bate to wide lha name of Cbarlea K. Hughes In on tbe ..i, line for that pur point, and ley wia also hat l.t place a cross In the siuare at tr Isfi pf his name ffilcS a phi pi here. People and Events The btel mm ,.f ktmit Mi pun a rreai-a-tt at t. a ,, shi g ai l. line f wins si l' a ..14 it m-it i ( i k: (hi i ,.. I r.ii 4 k mi, ( )M) t" 'a ktolrtwe-sM t;'i. hi Si.le wis, a g'la ef wtr at. I 1 il,. eian ineH.ta Is ai'tt feel le ttuti l - I s-ia'iie ! ef ci ireg i in. , The .it l.. Unlet Keeo g-.f tnie lha fveeaat t.a's1" ih b Hm ) 4l lattin t a t ,k at en a sv i eie s4 etea'4ik f . I I en it la Ketta ea.' , tkt , 4 -a I t,i I l la lVi4 V ai e l ke i't 4 r, ' I t t,i 11 s ' ,' i i,i off ka tea aga ts " IV -et', S ni ah4se Sia tene'Utat)4 TK 4e-.'te if ie qf the raternA tS.r-'lta. atti .giiei t. ri ...ut ef is a .te4 e t,4 me k.ii T- etke. tk-if- a K.4, ki g -t a i . i-e l.,-t ' .! ka tt iMu-.iit t IV 4 I lWlrJ P'll'lt l V t ui .aa . ti ' N et !n leg v iiihI . t w4 .kill l I ei i ee a tJwt 1, f I Tt riii.. m, IKH ! lB'it eet iw fieiweg aa ...'Min. a ta'S t et ka te g i 4 ,in. tti t.e ta arr' a . 1 .. . , I tM. ii. t ike I !., 1 wti teieet e'-"n t. 1 1 1. a A tke .ltit lt m-. 1 ' ' ' ' k.'ka v i w 1 .( 1 ! See- " e e'e eel t r- .1 . - . 1- l , , t t ' It will make feel mighty Omaha north t an Anyone Matrb Hob's" Hecord. OMAHA, April M.-To the Editor of Tha fleet t have a letter from Robert Hmlth. Tbe first paragraph reads as fol lows;,' "Having served on the jury, you hut a bettor knowledge of Uie workings of this Offlct t hit 11 most men." fh fsr, so good. , However, while serving on the Jury the only knowledge I got out of the' wsy the clerk's office was being run wss lo be handed a cheek by one of the clerks for services rendered. I wis not Invited behind the counier with s re uut'el to check up lh dockets for unpaid fees, etc. Robert Hmlth tells me In ll'a ' nmim, ni ce lion, written 011 illn'rl' t court, I m u les county, Rolier! )ni!l'i, cle-k, et-., letterhead, and over In iM left-lund corner printed "ptlvsle slsilnnery," l'i. Ma sversgo holdout on i,nt 111 ! iwi fees bss been llfl .27 per moiith for nine y r I n- moiitiis. 01 alien. ly s IoImI of t'.t'.il.'.n. Kor this same perb.d 'lielhiirty "Mob'' also pulled down IM.OiO siMi-y. a totl of H0,4M,73, end with ,n''ie f i'd lii longer to serve at the sumo into. Is there another man In NebrnUn thst luii fnred aa well st the political trough during the lnl nine jears'; ' JCRO.". Kt-Seiinlor Allrn llooala llnnilall, MADIHON, Nen April l.-To the VA Itor of The Reel I have received num ber of Inquiries from different psrls of the stats respecting Hon. Charles A, Hin du!! of this county, who Is csndidate for nomination for railway commissioner, The Inquiries lake a wide rsnge snd sre written by both republicans snd demo crats, snd, as It Is Impossible to snswer each writer, I wish you would give me a small apse In your letter Box to sn swer them In a few words. Mr. Randall has been a resident of Madison county for fully thirty years, during which time 1 have known him personally. Before coming here he re sided at Fremont. In IMA he established a hardware store at Newman drove, which he conducted successfully for soma lime, and then organised a state bank, of which he became the cashier and gen eraj manager. In due time he converted the bank Into the First National bank of Newman drove, snd was Its president snd active manager until shout five yesrs sgo, Mr. Rsndall Is and hss always been a consistent, active snd aggressive re publican of the broader type, Mr, Randall Is a marked typs of the rigidly aggressive, honest, conscientious snd unpurchasablo public servant. He believes whst he says and ssys what he believes, and cheerfully tskes the conae. qtieneeg. He Is a deer-heeded, capable, conscientious msn, snd bis sympathle. sre with the public, I do not permit my self to doubt that he would bring to the discharge of the duties of spy public position a high order of ability and effi cient services. WILLIAM V.' ALLEN. aliening; and IHvielon Into SyllaMee. OMAHA, Bouth Hide, April )0.-To the Editor of The He: Bom time since I noticed an, article in The bee from the pen of a. superintendent of a school, glv. Ing some criticism to certsln things and advancing theories which he thought brought best results, but h failed to touch upon some minor topics of much Importance, vis.: flpelllng, dividing words Into syllables and where place the em phasis, among the first principles of orthography, which should be looked after carefully snd thoroughly. If this Is not done In the grades, I venture the assertion that It will not be done in the high school, for the reason of the higher studies demanding the attention of both student and Instructor, snd the student come out at graduation unable to spell many of our most simple words. This Is not a It should be, and why is It? To Illustrate as to first principles: I once (snd many times thsreafter) asked a clsos to define spelling, Johnny said it was naming the letters Ih a word. Mollle said It wss giving the sounds of the let ter In a word. I then wrote on tha board a-p-i-e-l-l-l-n-g. Part of the class said It wag correct and part said It was Incorrect, although It contained all ths letters In the word. None could give any definite Idea how to arrange letters composing a word. This Indicated that something wss tscklng In the definition git en, vis., piecing the letters In their proper order. It also Indicated to me that (hay had been taught In a rather slip-shod, eareleaa manner. Many things of like character, although seeming smsll, cause a student to come out of school a poor speller. Orsl work, in the msln, I think prefer sble to written, f"r It sems to sharpen the senses more readily snd lasting, so thst one does not hare to consult au thority to get eorroctneei sa often s by the written method. In close connection ta 1th this Is to know how to divide words Into sylables, snd where to piece the emphaala. When thla la done, no bungling will be mad In pronunciation, er comparstlt ely little, st le-el. Imrn the past winter I noticed that oral epelllrg ronteale were hell In a number of loealltlea. which, If conducted properly, t think la of much value to the perUspante, refreihlng memortee. keenneee and tearing ability, so that when one atlempie to write even sn ordinary letter, en autherllv will not have to be consulted et often as otherwtie A Mill ant g uterlntendent flrahsm le a recent report made s.rUea another ketnele, where he reeotnmenil mere at. unttnn being rtt to trailing In the ratee Thle gee hsnt In hn4 won the ,jV Suggested, anl If sot InalalM uwtn In tt-e giaitt tisthira the en ai spparset ri.i K, n Srheel MatUlaga eeaea. CtMAMk, Aenl I T the tnt ef Te Siee Si.t.e It ha keen ' tiiai tka .-t l.iltl Oeelh tl 4H ertie.S k.,l.Mig ait -a ' SI ISe n.imi ef Tei t.fll 44 t, it,ii ia In a 4ma, eMittn wk M tt ilea a se t "r'a-e t k a me- e.w. A a aa s .1 - el k.'to soke ea ie sue e m ea I1 k rent e ef Ike i ,!h W le. Scieeetif iIM iVwake k l be. a tat it. 41 ne tkel as .t. k .4 Mk-i t ' -aee "kl k t i, el !! a f "ke ! wkera tt 1 ee-t-t k W we ' it e eitit I ttn.eka , k. I keen ' He-et la eit 4waAa I I we .g i ke gM t. t e .me ! ) (veil Tk e a e '"- ' " "O mt ae ik ikk-e - I ia te s e'k,,. ft I M , ,iUi tj -! i a.aA , 4..'tt tt.,5 k,i taa 1" t kae It eil .ia-l IS t . fee! W-4 ef Ik ef Ik wik fit ... ! ike r - k . 1 -t t4k le f !f k .--! 4 -f I' 11m r keea tl h r-"i-e- f-i ih a a .iiii 1,1 1 ih ' ef Ike a -I 1 ..,. A a l'(t k k ei k 1 A 4 I ' ! x M-,t k . 4 r ..- 'e ik a-4 Vj -! i the people of the South Hide good towards the purt or of us. FRANK A. .stiNKW. fonllilcullHl nil visor or eitiifi ai manage.'. l(ci,d of business liooii: on may bate llioto .lobe. I will malic ou my omc , hot . - ll illan Ncwh "Those two j.iiU c .utn'Jy bail 11 little too much Ice 1 renin soiIh ctcrday ' V by lliat Inlcrcnco '."' "I hoard 0110 telling Hn' other thet she IihiI m ccrluc tn-it- In her month this niornlriK when- sic nwoke." Loui-t illc i (,'oui iei -Journal. LAUGHING LINES. "I gate my wife a fine little do:,"r marked the Inconeequenllal looking 111.111. "Hoes she like the dOL'?" "I'm not sure. The firm thing ehe did wss to name It after me ami the next Hit to tell the sect ant 4o keen hut up In the baaeinent." Washington Htnr. SPRING ! i:lunt.l Hill. When Is It epilng? When eplrlls rise, IMre crocus-buds, heie the snow dies; When children play outdoor till dark; When the sup trlcklew up the bark; When lilt of blue sky flit nnd sing, 1'lnylnu nt bli'd-i llii'ii in tt sptiiu'' Wi nn Is It spring ',' Wncn t hey ben hums; When Ihrouuh tin' own window comes The brneiie, mid summer license claims To swlnw and toes the picture frame, When the Hlk drloe; the robins csll; m brown hens dote by th sunny wall, One foot drawn up to warm, or sing. WUh hnir-fil.ncil cyca-theii !s It spring? Nay, chcIi tnlnlil prote s treacherous s':u: Hut wU-ti old waters seem nnw wine; When nil our mates nr.. cf divine; When love emus caHer than hate. When we have no nunc shrugs nt. Kale, Mut tl-'nk eoinoi lines of i!od. sod Inte Our sv. Iflcst servln" seema to be: t l-i-ii In I : h w ays numberless we see, And tloukhts sprlr i.p. anil hopes run free. Ami wild new dienm.- are ell 011 wing, Till vn niiisi either f.'v or sing With riotous life -he) sure 'tis spring. JJl.KABlBBLEy X pANCE ALWAYS "IaKW ME 15 THE rALLEFY. SHOUU) I ROStT RALE fVO - V0U KNOW yWRE AlWWCb TO VISiTDOW. 5TA1KS; TJRINt IWrnMISSION.' Hi 1 iiuaer - I intki,, , ili' Hilt 11 lisi iiieiil 11 I' uii r tl, iiin,ii''ie for a mini to rele'l lnipf,r:e'l c-iKi'e. I n-iii r'nr , ( lllnl li'; line you ' ad any oeprr'i nre In 1 1 1 n line',' M 1 r - r h. no, I niei-.-l v hrol ii.iiirl isltt to k-iow how Ih'- rttnni'ira losl til lr la'-;. i 1 lenabu'l II101I of I'iCliii list pot It Inn io yon i'p-,i In our cstMlillshiiu ut, sir ',' Colli de grmlUHle - I Hi, somcililiiK Ml; Worth Careful Thought Do you read the label to know whether your baking powder is made from cream of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum or phosphate ? Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and adds to the food only wholesome qualities. Other baking powders contain alum or phosphate, both of mineral origin, and used as substitutes for cream of tartar because of their cheapness. Never sacrifice quality and healthful-' ness for low price. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York Teach Your Child Head-Cleanliness It will become the best of habits. A shampoo with JAP ROSE The wonderful "Sunday Morning Bath" SOAP removes excess hair oil. Contains nothing that can injure the finest hair, makes the shampoo a pleas ure by "removing much of the labor. Unexcelled, also for bath and general toilet use. Sold by leading Grocers and Druggists. Jap Rose lathers instantly in any water For Free Sampl Writ Jame S. Kirk Company, Dept. I'd, Chicago, U. S. A. Colonist Excursions To California Tickets on sale daily via Rock Island Lines, March 23th to April lith. 1010. Only f:.'. from Omnli.1 Similar reductions to North Pacific Coast points. Coin a Rock Island tourist car W, roomy, comfortable, and at tached to fast limited through trains. Dining car sen ice. , v -enV - Choice cf routes-through the historic Southwfst-the direct route of lowest altitudes or through $a-nic Colorado. et4Jw4, JL'wg fuaeef Weew A tr.J , 3we4 4Wf I Jvt. let rrse hc!p outline ou a trip, J. S. McNnlly, D.P.A. Hth vad YxmxM V 0 NV. BUtj, OnuhA, Neb, i!Wt