Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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lint Crop Report Shows Winter
Wheat Come. Through in Very
Good Shape.
The Burlington In out with the first
crop report of the year and until the
end of the growing eeaaon this re
port will be Issued weekly, dialing
with crop condition! In Nebraaka, and
the other states through which the
'company operates, west of the MU
Knurl rlrer.
A In the put, the Burlington' weekly
rrop report will ba gathered by the sta
tlon stents elmig the Una. They will
make parsons! observations In tha local
ltl( whera they are located, will gather
t)ia opinion of farmer, Implamant b'al
ere and grain man. These opinions and
tha nthar date anwircd will ba ant to
tha general agent at Uncoln, ho will
mak a summary by divisions and for
ward the aama to tha office of tha (an
tral manager In Omaha. Thaaa reports
will not only daal with ornp eondltlnns,
but wljl contain data relative to waather
and precipitation.
anil In Klne onilltloa.
Tha report a.t hand take Into con
alitura'lnn conditions up to and smllng
laat Haturday, and In his summary, Gen
eral Supeaintewlenl young essorta that
throughout tha agricultural sections of
Nsbrsske tha soil la In excellent con
dition, that tha ground Is full of water
end that owing to tha cool weather there
has been little evaporation.
During the winter, tha superintendent
asserts, there was nothing to damage
tha winter wheat and on the four wheal
growing dlvlaione of the liurlltiglon In
Nebraska, on tha baala of ! par rent
representing tha plant (n perfect condi
tion. Us sol us I condition Is as follows;
MvMoit, filvlalcti
rimaha !I4 Wlytnore "
Lincoln IW MuCook
It la figured that tha slant storm during
tha lter part of March damage! Hut
winter wheal slightly, gmnotherlng the
plnnt, hut on tha whole tha conditions
are most favorable. The in'iisgi' Is esti
mated to he slightly less than last year,
I'lonln for Torn.
Tha estimate Is made that In the aouth
em and central portlona of the stale fully
M per cent of the spring wheat haa been
sown and that sotmithlng like 1J per cent
In the extreme northern portions,
Plowing for corn has commenced and
taking- the etete ss s whole, It la esti
mated that IS per cent of the ground haa
bean turns'! over.
The warm weather In March slsrted
the buds on tha fruit trees, but they
have bean held back by the subsequent
eolij, so thst no damsg has resulted, ea
cept In rare Instsnrea. Meadows and paa
turee ara In good condition end In many
parts of the slate the new grass hss
such a mart that It Is being paatured.
Tha precipitation during the leat week,
while generel over the state, waa light,
ranirlnej from little mere than e traee to
one and one-fourth inchea, the heaviest
rainfall bring at Waysrd, In the estreme
Bill Ure Deserts ' '
Sinking Ship in Its
Time of Need
William O. T're, county tressurar snd
eiet while campaign manager for "Bob"
Smith, Is In New Tork for "two weeks
of business."
And thereby bangs a tsle, according to
many who have been watching the
present campaign.
"I 're Is acemperlng to eafety now thet
be feela "Crafty'' Bob'g craft sinking. He
t too fnir to stick around end monkey
with the discard." The U the way one
man put It.
"Oh, no. I wouldn't say he Is deserting
bin friends In tlmo of need," exclaims
another. "In my Judgment, Mr. I're Is
simp'y demonstrating the better part of
xlor, I ililnli he'a allowing remarkably
cuod Judgment."
It !n riwlsred that t're aent to New
YifW to take rare of illy bonds, al
though he could have walled until after
the primary and remained here to help
light hia friend's battle, had he rhneeV
Montague Tancock
Reaches London
from War Front
Montague Taiini' k, au'i "r I'ean J A
1,, , , ,.f Trinity raiheiliel, who haa
l , in . r iU for the laat er senlna
villi Ho li"i'll tni-pa ..f thai . m.iitri.
mmnl in I.omI.iii Apnt 1. an'Uiling to
'-ca in-el. ed III Omaha bv bis fa'.hei
I,.,,,, .,!. -ian of Hiale Lansing
III.' tup fl.i.u 'he rrlilatl lli.-attr "f
, 1,,.1'i.ii mi maile In v f
I, ,U.c' I'atrogred and
I'he lunula "in man In the pari
I I'. I'agei. an f,i.llh "Hio
lie whi ? i " . I In fie ai mti,
!,, It,.,!,!! i . 'I, (
M.r!t mu if iff
, '-..pi- I " mh''Ii v A frt'MiM U iMrlnf
r Timlin SelfiUttV lUl'
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Mils McHugh. Head of the Drama
League, Sayi It ii Splendid
Aloojf Edurational Liner.
Miss Kate Mrllugh, president of
I he Drama league and the deepuat
Pliskespearenn student In the (It),
was one of the thousands who at
tempted to solve The Bee's Hliake
pearean Tercentenary prUe pu.tle
which appeared In Sunday's .,
Other memhera of her household, In
cluding her iliter and cousin, Mlsa
lone Duffy, worked out a number
of the characters.
til Try the Pnaale.
"W all fooled wlili the pusla for n
while but 1 confess I sin not very suc
cessful with pnsiles," laushad Mlaa M'1
Hugh while espresalng great lnlret In
the ttee's prlra contest.
"It Is a splendid thing slnng educs
tlonal lines," sM she. ' It will set nuniv
people to work to Incite their knowl
edge of Hhskeapearean charsclers and
parhaps reeall to their minds s number
of clieramars they hsv long since for J
gotten. Tlie prise puss. a contest hse
tndaod set everyone to thinking aboul
Hhsknapaara. Of cotirsa the coliteet haa
no advening for thoae already familial
with the maeter's works, To them, onl
the working out of th putile would be
of Interest to them, b 1 sin convinced
tbra Is a great army of pussle-lovers."
Miss Mcllugh ventured the thought
that soma eager pursla solver might not
resd the whole of Hhakeapanrr's works
In order to fgiiilllsrlr.e theins'lts with
the name tint might he (erupted nl
to consult Ibe essls of cligrsctars In
order to find the names In the. puzzle
Already numerous answers hsve at
rived, tho first morning mall bringing
III fifteen, although the contest Is Jual
Fair Increase in
Grain Supply on
the Omaha Market
Compared with tha corresponding dale,
of last year, grain aloeks In storage art
hit 2,0tt) bushels greater than lest year
There is, however, close to I,j,is bush
els more of whest on hand now thsn
then. The principal falUn off Is In
corn. The different kitids on hsnd now
and a year ago. In bushels, Is sa follows:
Now. yesrsgo.
Wheat Utt.onn UK.7)
Corn 1, lis otto
Osla 7H.w
Hya 4.J""
74A 'Mi
sn (
Totale l,li,otn
Tha holding or rne large quantity of
wheat Is ssserted to ba dus to the fa t
Ihst whlla the demand for ssport Is
good It rsnnot be moved nut of sea
board ports snd consequently It Is re
mslnlng In elevators.
The government report of last week had
a bullish effect upon the Omaha wheat
mstjjet and sent pricea up from 1 to 1
cant. Hacolpfa for the dsy were 101
cars, end ssles were made st Si.' to
II. U per bushel.
Tha com recelpta were Wl carloada
The sales were st Hi to cent's per
busbels. cent up from Haturday.
Oats were sleady to lint hanged from
Haturdny and anld at to i't cenls
par bushel, The recelpta were twenty
Igirae carloads,
Tomorrow being presidential primary
election day, there will be no Chicago
market atd consequently no Orniilni grain
Careless Use of
Pistol May Cost
Lad His Lrft Leg
Carelessness cm ths psrt of an unld"n
tlflad msn and woman using an am -malic
pistol nesr Carter lk last w-ei,
may cost the left lea of ear-olit
William Hftide, who Uvea with 1il fatmlv
near the west end of the Illinois Cen
tral hrMge.
Young Mtode wgs chopping wood In h
own yard when the bullet atruck him In
th leg.
Residents of tha neighborhood sy it
la the practice of amateur hunlera and
pmnido naturalists and markamn to fu
nut to Carter lake and dlharge fire
niiiin ret'klessly. Several weeks ago h
poor family lost a valuable row. whl. h
was killed by a at ray bullet. Window'
smashing and narrow eaeapea ate nun.
moo occurrence
Will tntiir,n. sged 4t tears, a
dent of tiotalia ail b'a llfa died of r.
i-ohais In lniei Halui'tsi nUht
Is s.iried ti two small cl,!drei.,
wife liaMna ititil a sear ago. anil
rf Nfsf t'lttheilne Mufrla,in. end
ir.,i.!, I r C C Morrison ant flo
Mil i."i i- ! i-t fhls ell V
il'j' t" I'.n.'i a weks as"
M-.H. ! h,'(,.- I,. fu,.( relief fi'.n,
(t nt ,r t U'.leHit thr i tiStig
a I evenril his lies'.
I n.ial il t held SI 1 V e .
'hi ' i... o. 'f fr rV'li'i n ..f
i VCm , ,.,i. flMieni fl Ii.
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Largest Electric
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The biggest electric sign tetwen Chi
"ago and the I's'ifh- roast has bean
erected on the corner of the old Brendela
bnlkting, Slsteenth end Pmiglse etjaet.
Till elan Is seventy feet h It'll end forty
feet v ide The lei tars In the word Hren
dela alone are five fuel hlsrli (vary near
ss tall us the average young man ) More
Woman Braves the
Cold Water at the
Municipal Beach
Two seeks Sgo Commissioner Hummel
of the park system reported that several
hardy men had been observed bathing at
the municipal heard at Carter lake. Al
though II' (i regular season hss not baen
opened, thorn Is nothing sgalnat swim
mers enloylng the water any tlm of the
year. The fact that a few mm could
withstand the colij water of erly April
did not esclta much Interest, but whan
Assistant Muperlnlendent Redman and
other of the department reported that a
woman tins been bathing at the lake on
various ocraslons this month the com
mlssloner h"irsn to take notice,
"I have me doota." remarked Mr. Hum
mel. Newrlbideaa, II I true that a woman
bus been enjoying the lake even at this
early apringtlme season. Tha caretaker
of the bath house states aha has been
there several time, and raqueatod usa of
a dressing room, Htia la a woman of un
usal physical proportions, of fair com
pletion and about 30 yeara of eg. Hhe
wears a ilark blue bathing suit and aneme
to enjoy .the water aa much as If the
rnonih might be August Instead of early
April. Khe. hurries away as soon se sha
haa dressed herself after a swim and
never haa given the. watchman any Ink
ling as to her Identity.
Commissioner Hummel doea not look
for a congestion of women at tha ninny
heach for some aeeks jet. He la getting
the tieacli ready for a big season, espert
Ing this will he a popilar bathing place
this enr
In Making
Nitiu-M i 1 ligt I'loiii Mini iiutlliti l.,u li' iin I'li-tiili'il, iintili iiilo iluiiuli, iii"'lllt''l
tutu tuitvi"1, tut-l h.'ikt'il Tin' Iikis ci air I lien !! l aii'l liiikctl it effuiiil Imih' in till
:ttt'lll IWfhl iinlir- i'l' I iitilnUii I.llkltltf
('i' Stile i...-tai-. itU lli I.. Ii, titini I'litnu' -lifii t - of tin1 k'"" in'lnliin
flu vi!hl lit in1 hi I e!u i i hi Hiiiitul tiinl it nicitl iit'liv Mniii
tlllnU llll'k 1 III"!' I "M'l.l 111 !'. II I lit - I l'. ' ; liii i , I III- I III III H llltl I'l I'll' I Mini W !,
I ii.'- iiiiol.t-'l !' it i i i" ictl iiiy fin r n lull- imt't til tin- I'tiftsii.uii; hiiiivimI "ttll"
f' lilt- i;t.tit tl H.t'iittlt ti ll Hi tli- ihiiIhh; 'ii'ii'
Willi I i ;i) t- NtiN it ;. ililfi'tiiit, ful ft W Ih. imfl itci'1,1 nf (lit- U'l'Mi l (I'liiilii'il
'I m-ii lit,, hii'i t'lVil'' Inii t't (in 1'u. ii I in ill Hit I "i U tisi-elti
l'lHl" I lv In "IVv I I It I liiii l I'llI'lIX , III,'!, I ru!'( Ulltull, ttHiJ.f S'
i i hi ti.t f it"! nf e,Tii !u nf Ifii'l. r rn('!ii -se Hull iiti- rt iii-1 n nu, mil hkn fltiintn
( Vur lift" -tmtftiU nf I It ij " u! ' u 1 1 ' i n U t ! t ri-mn hi'ihKt'li n t 1 1 1 . nll In I
us; l url lit m itii'nl nn I iflifi n uiiilt ful it iiini in -tiiiilv t'lttui, iii'iin H'l
Sign in Middlewcst
.'V' j h "". '
.j.- ,
1 v -f
, than i.Vrt lamps s'tiplv tin-
ow-i t I
llluinlnala this .'ihiiii iiu a n T e not
torn ts equipped w'IMi i liangenlile U tters
Which will a' a du lv el'i il'
lighted biillotln of slore iieis
The first llluinlnailmi took phi's X-lur-d
night, and inaile t"l eerier th
brlghteat spot In Omet Ti e s.tst gtond
out Ilk a chsrlol of fire, '
Here's New Yoner
Who Knows Omaha
is Metropolitan City
William T. Prleat, who lives near Oleu.
N. T., runtl rout No. I, ha taken hi
pen In hand and written loathe post
master of Omaha lo aea whether th poat
master can give him Informetlon con
earning hie lter, Mr. Mary K Ilorr.
"Her husband owned ranch In Om
aha end was shot by Indiana," writes
Mr frleet. He doaan't state In what
part of Omaha her husbands rsnch wss
loatd. Neither doea ha go Into details
and tell whether tha Indian ahot Mr
Horr with sn arrow, rifle, revolver or
Hut he Is going to Investigate thor
oughly Jtiat what became of his sister
iitit In the wilds of (nnaliH fhe msy he .t
been killed hy Indians
"Have you a newspapir published In
Omaha?'' he sake. If so, I will put an
advertisement In to try to find my sla
The snow storm In th vicinity of
I'enver the laat few day have left the
highway In that section of Colorado In
poor condition for motoring, according
to advloae received at the Omaha Auto
mobile club
Aletter from the Pnnver Automobile
cluh stated that the anowa In the lenl
lory eontlguoua lo Ijenver weie onus i
h II y heavy for thla time of the year
Home of the roads were teporied lo he
practically Impassable.
J:--rT T.'J 0I..w-ev 1 f-T-m cC7Ffc
, ir -M ' ; t-rH '-M. SUJ- 'ft I ' i.a.i"rK -
Great Demind for Guintg Him.
Which Are Served in Plce
of Wild Fowl.
ivnple who have turned from the
e.,tlng of beef and pork to chicken
In the hope of thereby solving the
(To hi em ff reducing the high cost
df living, have run ggslnst another
snag Ust rail snd last wlotef,
thu ken wss about the cheapest meat
thai could be bought, but noe, it hss
caught the Inspiration and has
signed 'to go skyward
Ih's week on the poultt; market
live hens are quoted 17 'ents per
pi-ii ml ehnlessle, the highest price In
lit history of the poultry merk
In fact, on lb Omaha market, pmil
tiy Is soiling at as high prices as
i;i New York t'I'y. due lo the fact
'ai 'he receipt ar not sufficient tn
en,ii' the demand.
tVtille there is a shoriage of poullrv In
M e i"i u'rt. another reason for th- high
pMees fur lens st this season of the eel,
the fml la ihst fsrmets ate ho'dlnii tl''
uiilll lie soring laying essoti Is over
I'niilii) des lets In the cM ss.rt that
fermet annul b espea'ed to sell ben
now If held during the net ! !
Ihe will nearlj pay for ihemsehes with
the eggs the) will 1st '
Another idsss of poultry Ihst Is rspldl
go ng out of sight, so fsr aa price Is run-
cerned. Is tlie miliie neu a wets sa-i
Oiilne.. on ih whoiessfe mrket were
quoted at A cent ea' h Now !. are
fetchliig T. to V cents each slid the deal
ei ate i!amorlng for them.
Maala l.ulaea Hens,
Hsvlil Cole, one of flie most ienlv
liv si deslera In poultry, aaals that lie
would buy d,"l doen of tlulneas If b
could gel t(,eni He would pay l to to fr,
per doeen. He asserts thst now they r
selling light slong about the same notch
with epilog chickens snd much herder
lo get. owing to the limited supply.
Ths great demand for (lulneae at the
present high price I Jue to the fcl
thst thalr mt I dark and voi of
wild fowl, (he flavof being almost the
same ea that of prslri ch'rken. It Is
sscet'ed that In msSy of the high class
lesin. raw's of th esseern cities the) ere
served prslile chkTien.
Tells Police He
Set Fire to House
at Owners' Request j
Albert Mltchan of th aViiltb Hide, who
fdmlt be t fir lo a Houth Hide
dwelling on Iermber 10, ll, w r
rested by Detective Rich nd fsanowekl
and la now being held by lb police on
the charge of Oefreudlng en Inaursm
eompsny .
Mltehan asaerte4 to th police that he
set fire to the house upon Ih Inst ga
llon of the owners. Jsnies V, Home,
FoHy-nlnlh snd U streets, snd Wllllsm
Ksns, Forty fourth snd 1 streets, both
constsbles on the ("outh dde. Mltchsn
declared he was lo receive IPs) for burn
Ing the house, but thst Home and Kane
tried to compromise on after the
w was committed. Ha ssld Horne
snd Kn received let Insurance money.
Horn end Ksne were also pis ceo1 un
der srrests on ths rherge of defrauding
the Ineiirenc company. Both deny
Mltchan story.
Oeorge F. King. fthr. and F. H King,
son. of Bloomlngton III , met Bdlth War
den and Bva Jeckaon of Kansas City,
with whom lhay bam decidedly
friendly, much lo I he eorrow ef each
Mr. king, the elder, la minus a consider
able portion of M0. which, he asserted In
polli court. wa taken from him bv tli-i
women The latter beaded not guilty
In court, but were fined M and coats
i- it-it ',,;u
Save Money
Going West
Settlors or Colonist Fares
Kyery lnewlay from ttiiialm, March II lo April
2-1, lo rerleln kiiiI In:
Montana a.. a
North DakoUj -...
Manitoba go j j)j
Saskatchewan j " " " '
ysre te foists in Alberts front II 00 ie 00 klf br,
Ktrrry lis) stupid !Vi hi April I I
Inrliit'te I" nmlu lute point In:
North Pacific Coast - - - $32.50
Canadian Northwest - - $.'U.15
Montana $27.50
Write, esll or phone for simrlste Seialls 1
fare to say point In tu Wl a Mortws,
I. K llOKIKV, 1'. V. T. A..
I6'. remem j.. Oralia,
Phonal Dons! tl.O.
A t -ai.. .taei Jt
ITWesj rawer.3rn'
:ie, -
..'S-eT,.-ie''','5 . ...
ii i n-i.i Is W-V' j.iiS.iii,m i
-rrn-TO-ma-' "tf 'fr-TSt T-nr tin.A.
( ii- ... 'i-'t '.ar-Ji.'-'.muiuti.'J. t-c.-y
Warmer Days Are on the Way
And Will Soon Be Here
and you will then want a refreshing, stim
ulating satisfying beverage.
sServes the purixsc most satisfactorily.
Phone Douglas 1889
And have a case sent home.
double 15ttt
in m VMM mj tew
Brewed and Bottled by
Jetter Brewing Co., Ltd.
1 V
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how tfood advertising n.ay be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really .suecccssful.
- - i"
m, rmi&w.yp&fir m i.iLaitaswi.ij;is'
German Style
i si .-
Fhere's a Reason'9
riionc Tyler 1000 vyHi
s) aa-it iwl., ke a m.
. I - ri i'l s l in 1 1 sitl liltti- Ntls
iaafe fa ) ts. a te tmm
e i