Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    T1IK HKK: OMAHA. T1T,nIAY, WWW, II. i:1;.
Preparedness" Plana Com-
pleted Through Prompt Ac
tion to Insure Safety.
Direct Methods Win Battle
"Prprdn'' la 11 o Idle woid wuji
Y, W, Hoaton, a decorator living at Hi"
Kim Hottl, umaha.
According to Mr. Iloeton ataleineul,
ha found himself faring hi trry buika!
(on In a condition of (iri'fniiii-M
To ua Mr llodoit own phiaae, "I
eould hardly stick to a, ladder ."
"Teniae h rnadn m fil tlK a tic
man, however, anil t f I Ilk doing
something now," Mr. lliton continued,
In (ailing how ha h adn'iuately prepnid
himself to do more anil better work than
vr before,
"I had a nk smiiuuh,'' Mr. Huston
explained. "I w all i mi down. I hsd
no apptf I hieing weltiht mil
losing strength every day, M.v ' was
lwya troubled. After rating I would
hava a feeling of f illnem In my stomach,
heartburn and soienc.a I suffcie 1 front
"My kdnr ml liver oili'-i'd ui". I
had pallia In Inn siiuill of my b. it, ami
my color una sallow. Nervous and dlr.y
spell, and hd.i he distressed lit. At
time I could hardly stick to a laddei-ln
fart. I tool) to my bed at lime
"Wall, had heard an much about Tan
Ian (hat 1 derided to take. It, and II mad-'
ma fc llko a new man sine 1 took tin
flrat bolt la, J ran now go about my work
without that differing,
"Tanlan ha surely pot ma on my feel,
t fsel ka doing something now-1 can
do mora work than aver before, Tanlee
I a fine fprlng medicine,"
Tanlnn la being specialty Introduced In
Omaha at tlia Hhermnn A MrOinnell drug
(tore, fflmecriHi ami IMgo treela.
Teniae may ha obtained In Henann of
Hie H-hlMor lleatfi drug more; Hprlng
field, II. ricKi'lihsum; Weeping Walr,
Meyer Hrug Co ; Nebraska f'lly, Jlenry
fchwako Co.; Auburn, );, u, j)rt;
Aahlnml, ft. If, Con; Malmo, I', II,
I'Heh; Fremont, Hrown Krederlckaon
"rug atore; Oakland, M O, Itardlng A
"on; f.larkaon, !;, (, Khm; f'nlumbus,
f'uiify drug ainr; Monroe, HIM' l'hr
tnary; Madison, y 17, llurila, Nlckersoli,
Voung A Morrle; Kullrrton, firlffin Uroa,;
Mroki How, X. n, I,ce; I tindlU, frank
A. Uncoln, Advertisement.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Face Peeling Habit
Becoming Fashionable
Women of faahlon and refinement. In
tlila country n In Kumiwi emu to have
heen neipilrlna the tni-rcollised a hhlt,
ilenemllng haa and la upon i-Aametica
tor their comtilimiori dlfflciili Ira, rjoei
mum a lot anner to Juki peel off the oii
out cli I ii when It loa-a Ha youlhfiil cilor
nod appearance -now that Ihla cui he
rt'ina ao eaally, axfi ly, palnlenely anil
nomlidlly. There a no liooliln k-iiIii mar.
oll,!l wa al any drug aiore inn ounce
will do, alma Ha vlrtuea have heroine
K'nerally known her, and there a no
trouhlo ualriK tt-Jui't a you u cold
cream, applying al nlvhl, wnHhlng It off
next morning, The lakea off the
oiri acarf akin, In tiny flnkea, a III lie em
(lay. The new iiiier-akin which gradu
rillv Bppeaii, la velvety eoft end Ixauli
fnlly while, riidlmit. with Kirllrh Invell.
nena. Any amfarn Irouhle llko ilmlea,
rert or vellow palchcx, freeklea, elc, (an
Irhea or courae with llic itlaearderl i ulhl".
It hna alao hecnne the (miilnn, when
wrinkle bruin to appear, to haihe tha
Ihrr. once a day for a while. In a hurmlcaa
Kolutlon made hy illaaolvlug an ounce of
tiowdered aaxollte in a half pint of witch
haxel. Thia la remarkably effecllxa In
eiaalng th hateful llnea.- Adu nlaenient.
IVanted 50,000
Farm Hands
of experience at once on the farms of
To rplam tV youn (armors
who hnye enlisted for the war.
Good wages and full season's
work assured.
'' Thr It no danr r pegtlbllity (
Contcrlptlon In Canada.
"nKfmnc! required from all appll
cantg, Tor upwlsi rallwgr rate and
other Information apply In
(Mia , BM Bldg , Omaha, Wak,
Athort4 Caaaltlaa OoramB Araat.
; "-
Utah Shin Dheates
It I urineceninry lr nu to auffnr wUh
ieina, ilui'iiii, laaliet and .miliar
tkln trmililr. A Unla loo. g'it.n at
rry rtrug alora for V f-r II. uu fur alra
lnr txiitla, and riniiiptly appliad will
t lly gh In.iant I tri m 11 hlng
lortura H iiin and ti-i lt. iun
rnd h! q iHk'jr and atfectne'y tti
tain 1ia
Vmi l ini. . rt , I U'-.t i .art g ll iul I
no i rl nm ariiurt lh ltixt tlrlhat akin
It l nut iit , la llv i-'l'l
tn.i IMII lift It t. U rii !j
..(..l.lil tut . tlin.ii f... !(.:
w.lli ii.i ii( A ut ii aetir.ik
ram tv I it. 'i ir eil a- ant
a t i t at n n b i(ti.i
Iii ltn.. lMI l ! ! ef
t" III i . f I (! I '
); e n -'( .( o i !
1 I . I' ' : '"
"-alg H i i ' ila
' a t i' K I r :
r . . . i i -
f i.''.itm h it i
I . t it I
v (i, r.
1 el j a I , w. ;.d
-t. ii ,.,, t In i h
t'ltf . ' . K.
l. -- .,.,
e li .it,..,.,
i u . t i i. f
Thi 5utliy t (t th only
Omahi pwpiper thai
fivt iti rivlf f.nir M
of cntitrrJ tomlet.
St. Fau! Resident Anxioui to Aicer
tain Whether Bite of Animal
Wai Dangerous.
iFioiii n Muff iMiicilioliili nl I
I.IXl'Kl.N, Apill !',-( pe hit,' ...A...
aiUnt Mlnle Vein Inaiim Mi ;l in lull
te.cKrd the I lain of 11 hii . fo m I V
owned hy I if, Kltis.r'o" M Pin), ,ic(
la I hlllcn Mia, Ml',e nnd for feir of
lahlcM hnd herh l,llled.
A ehoil lime UU" a ,t.i ni l It hnd
I er ii I llleii I y n ti ad d K e . I ,i i . i
ami nfiir hlllriK n nan unit hi Imy u
lllhil The two vti'tpu. were a n! It
Ismii'i I'll) fur lienlmeiil Hid hit.c In
loii cil, hut n lnliKi lr .,i tlirc wet i
lo n year tor the ileiir lo ihnel p : l
nol knov. n how icci fftiA the tri almeni
Iiiiiv tone Iceii, Mr, k'll.ei' l now on
t'r wii lo r.'Pano fur .ilmr Inn nii.ii,
Mini II ii li.iln nt Hi" hum vn fin -.1 q rde I
I s Ii, ' MelVliiiiii I" I f, Mi h t' of
ie ihl . i ml h lioiil of mi dl "
vfttnlia f it illim or a
KanHilontloH of llonil.,
eai I'.oli inoi) and Ti.ll' . i p" t
r ''mill ii I , an mil. nt'i the urml in-
ml a h tl of I f I ii da of If-.. .( I fin i
ifir at lie le'ineat of hond inuipinl a to
aacertnlri If 'Mijlhiiifc- l nltliln the la
lliinrd Meefloa al I'erB.
Wat eiipi'rinlcndrfit T nnvn atil t.a e
Tfeaaurer Hall went lo p-ii today ti nt
t. lid a n eelieg of i) eit N'oiin I hoa ,
i'eej Hertta In llarneaa,
Aaalalant Hint Huperltitendniit A. V.
Teal went to HenH Mliiff loimty toda"
whi h will lfik.j iip die emifilWallon , f
filatrhia and r'linl a'hool li)iielioti. fn
hla way I nek he will nlop at Cnt.nA an I
look up a pioiioaltlon thoro' toward :oii
aolhlutlon of d'atii.'ta,
WKMT POINT, Nel., April Id. fHpeiinl
Telearam.)-f 'harie Miat, ar., died
early thla mornlna at the fumlly home at
Montery, of pneiimonhi, after a few day'
lllnea. Jlo leave a widow and In rue
family of grown children. Mr, Meleier
wa Hi year of ago 'id cmn here when
a loy, llo Ihn largeat Innd owner
In f'nmlng coiinly, owning I.Vfi acre of
the. h'at hind In the county, healdea a
nnmher of farm throughout tha atala,
Ha wa on of th heat known pioneer
eltlrena of th l,;iktiorn valley.
Mr. Rn.a Kaelk, an olf realdcnt of the
elty ard wldom? died very i)drtenly at
her home lal Ruitday nlht, Heart dl
ee I iippoei1 to hava cnimed her
death, "ho leave two daughter raiding
hr, Mr. KaaU w a natlva of Bohemia
and lived hero for over thirty year,
(Vrum a Fiaff Torre pondent.)
I.f.ri)tyN, April 10,-tHical.)-Knod
f'ommlaaloner llarman la endlng out 10,-
tfti tilcrd lo he place.) up In place
where food anil ma will he for aale
giving lha melhoda to he ua-d In handling
food and eaaa and the penalliea to ha
enforced for Infraction of the, law.
According to the egg lnillellii Ihn an
nual production of egea amount to mor
thnn IH.Wi.'H'l In thl tato, and over
:,W)fi) of thla I a lo from apollad from the hen vln. Ho how th
reniedj to he careful handling and fre
quent marketing.
.... . j
YOttK, Apill 10.(Bpednl.)The Cry-
lal l company, Icorporated, with a rap-
llnl aloclc of ,XA win purchaad Kat-
iirdrty hy the York ia and Kletrl com
pany. The Ice plunt la loealeil near th
night plant. The new rllreolora are; ('..
S. Heaver, preahlenl; W. If. Ahhott, Om
aha, vlco prealdcnt; Charle Pfeffer, ei
ieli j -tr'aaurer; J. B. Harvey, manager;
J, M. Hell, T, O, WrlKht and B. A. Ward.
NinnrtAltA, Nib., April 0.-(Hpola.)
-I'nlled Hlalaa deputy Marahal Morgan
waa here Saturday and aerved auhpoana
on a numher of the hoa here In Nlo.
hrar. They ar lo report hefor the
grand Jury April 10 In Omaha, Intro-
ductlnn of liquor Into Indian rearvtlnn
lid hoothidiig are In he Intcatlkatrd.
tea front )rcne.
XYHAl'l'MK. N'h , Apill lO.-IHpeclal.) -Th
anhlrn wedJmg antilveraary of Mr.
and Mi", Willieiii Imiihi. pinuri-r i el
denia of Ihia count. , who wi-ce married
him April I, lil. nil c l t.rali'd Kn tin -
day. They kept open limine from ! n liix k
In the fu nun n till 1 ii i I.h k In th rtrn
ItiK and rcceliid their fil'oda In lor, The Hyrai ii.e Wou;n ilult.
of whlih Mra luim liaa l.ten an iHlvr
liieinhrr mii nf ahlih the la a paal u-rl-drni.
lallril in a Inly in Hi fiiu.nii,
mi the laiie i f the Idhekali hnU
Toe t")iiue Wiunari tub l mtkinti
ret pri priUmn to fiilrrtalri the an
link! i.f th flint rtiirl't of
II, e f fili lit U .until i ll,h. Willi h
U I i in. I hii A rli U ami . ih
an lalMfat ... ruin t,a n priiei
Mr. liiitUt. M.i ilri l her lu.nii
tiiai liiur, I i t ii n ilin n
... i.t iirmiinlil i, I Ii- ill!
M . K Ki.Mla
uu..,, it liil (iim.aii nl.i H
ri'H.i'l 1:1 t Iti ua k . h
ie .i int'ilt dm , ain m
hi. t i a. 'I wi.iih, ti
lUti mi t.i ti lk a.t-.-l t g H'l.i.
. u.p.. iii-.M in. n l. -? ..iii i.
' . H Ii Ii I . .! i i i.. I.
' !' i 1 .t in. ! In l.i..
I I'tl.tltOI .!. iVlil.HI hi i ,
. I " .r,.. .
Wain. !.. aW Ii Stmt ( , f i in i
MJ . l r I .... I m
..ill,,? I .14 I.. I".i it ti.. . ,
Hi atr w in i. i.i i,t
l.i lit. i f .... i i- i. I. i
,,. r'-.i- n tt . .. . i ,i. i . .
u-n .1 i . iii a . " i I'.i l
. Vl.1,.1 I i..I.r (.ff..! M l.i,
il w m.i V -,t Ji.ii.l I ,
ilie..l tti t-aa i-i -iii-g in it
. Ii
f !
(lata lk4 Ha.ia ,
I At ll,. all I..
I.. I I a at I a. i w. ,eit I' nt
! t I y 4. t t i in i.,i
h i trii r t.
lain. a i
Wife of Deputy
Sheriff Prevo:its
Jail Delivery
i::ATIIIii.', Neb.. April K ii al.i
Mia. A. i While, wile of Ocpiity rhm
Iff While, fiua'rutcil mi aiictupt ..f I e
ptiroiima at (he count) Jail to cc.pi I. nl
rnln. Th'y had alowiM .. oeil i
remitting a hirte alone In tto- norlh.'i u
wall of Die mil by I ,e nan of it l.iiin
nprlnn, ami the rw,rr wnt e ill" lil"i
tar had le en imiimi'il wtt flll-il ,
reep, Mieiiif Alton i.iii
lilii'i.l a annul on duly fur Die i. iuiiiu ,
of Uu. plhi.
Hlici'lff A. ("it tod f'uui'1,! AI..iihi
Meanmoir lereliVi) a t.''" . n 1 1
from Odll ImI ' Mili'idav li'aln o.ilcia
Uml aoine of (he wet and ilr, I, ad i.iiiv
t'ifcrthrr In a flatle ciu nuiil' t , and m it
reaull ll nnmher of the iimi .h .paiiln hud
In-fit pnlly hdl uml up Tin. I..i,
wort tole.l tli't latt Tuea.liM. ein ciu.''
Ih'il lime Ihfe h hfen III fc-llnu lie
f.vt . ri aotrie t.f tie lenhlnntM of Ihel loitti,
,fobii I'Urili, k old c( of Meal,
l ice, tiled l.el-i ) -erdn ; cd VI er
He I Niiiilie.l I.) a itldow, tine in ii mii
two dni hli-i.
Mr, l.rmlrr Kih.ik of oiilli lieitlilce
died iiddnl Mnliiidny o' l.tirt Irouhle.
Th ileie.etj wna 11 yma of nw and
leave no family eacept her htmliMiid.
Alliance Havinr;
Systematic Clean-Up
AliUANtT,, Neb,, April ll.-lHperlal.l -Ailing
In accordant' with the prnelanm
Hon r,f flovernor Moorheatl, d'darlng
thl week to be "clean up" wk for the
ll of N'ebraaka, a joint mar, lug of
rnemhr of th Womin' club, Cum
mict i luh, voluntr fire iloparlmeni.
.d I'oy Hcout wa held In (hit city hill,
Artnnrmerit were mado for a cam i
of th city hy a eommlilre of Itoy (f'ula
headed hy fi mtiinber of the t'
club or fir denitliiieiit, ih.ici to le la' e ,
of apol to ho cleaned hp etc Ih 1 in
order and a report mad to the aecrnlety
of tho ( 'ornmer'iiil club, who will pot If v
the owner or realilt-nl of uii pin
that they rnual be atlciidl lit befut I i-
etij of Hi week. On liit-lr Ir.p of invi I
guiUni Mitturday afternoon they wei
ronipnliled hy a drum corp an) Hey
front, cariyltiK banner cllliig attention
to "tien up" for lieint we'i. Too tii.t
and alloy department of th v'.ty w ll he
out wltlt an Increaaad force the enttri
week to lt In th work.
flKWAlin,' Neb., April 10. -(flperl!,)-After
pursuing the ftret fnndard teiher
training rlaaa offered hy tho denomina
tion and paaatng fit exmlnion, lhl
peraon wra awarded diploma Punda)
morning t the l'rahierlart chur'ii, H
w a ajieial aervlc prealded over by
tho ptor, lt, O, M, riohrhangh Th
repreiitllv for tho tynnit of Nbrka.
P.ev, palph J1oueman of Omaha, made
th tlre and preaenleij th diploma.
The grdote were; Mr. K. F, Man
ning, th fliin(ly chool uterlniendenl
nd teacher of tho .in, nd th Miaae
Kleanor II, Alkln, Kmm K. Heck, K.ll
M. Beck, 4, fllv llerry, 'ieilrud
Aflller. j. Olady Itohrbaugh and Flor
m fl. Tajlor.
(From a Maff t'orrcapondent.)
I.INTOI.N, Nch.. Apill IO.-fflpecil,-M'hether
a dead ruan my r.jn for office
on th democratic ticket ha been put
up to Hcrotary of Mat Oharloa Pool In
a ca from Corning county, whai the
present county treasurer, W. A. MclJon-
ld, ha de( since the tlnio xtdrfl for
withdiawul of names from the primary
There was no opposition to the tetioml-
nation of Mr. McHonaid for a aeeind
term, and o It I iii lo the peufli up
there to write In ifflelent name to
make a total greater lhan th number
of votes rat for the dead treaaiinr, a'l
cordliig to tho ecretary of tnte,
WICHT POINT, Xfb, April 10 .-("pedal
Telrgram.l Til Imdy of Leonard Mal
chow, water ooinmHaloner of the illy
and ctiad.dlan of the city auill'ioi linn,
was found lata (Ida afternoon In the
haremrnt of th huridliig with iila Ihiont
cut. No facta are available ad to the
enet rauao of death. Mr. Malchow waa
a nallv of the tily. l year old od a
poptilir hlialiica mini,
II leave two ihlldien and hia ni.hnt
lie wn brother of I'ank J. .' .all-how .
prniniiient abairactir, and conn a of a
very nlil and lnhlv leapecte.l laiiuiy,
UKA'I Itll I'. Veb, Apill 10 ielieilll
Th till hiiari) of IMikrdl l iie.
th .shout lm frmit l 1 lo I ' '0 I'tt d
Hi Iiiiw del, wlui ha op. ral'd .fliin
t I fiat pla.e th l.t Km, ! a. e. i,, ,
.11. M to pelllloll, hut l.e Will pinii
.j!. l.'k (t the Hi I e n if I lal
Sewiairr Iwaaa. '
t It'll V T. V'l. ApHl I" '.! l.i i
l.i.i '-l,.i, the Hiltil ll
t l,itgi-i l.aii.l t t.riKn.i, . . aim I...
ti4-tti i n in i ti. i , i ... fn i ti ..I i,i-u
iff' .i M i tft it I- l.i i nti. ii. tii'f-
It, I r nl tlia ( ill,.1, I . ft t-ill I'
in.., oti a i i, limn -I ' ei .nl
I.I ll r . - .. it I t ' it . I - n I t
C. ' I tlftlll. tl. I.l .lit, ma Ii" ..Ii' 1 .
e ' ani. V i ail ni.a-ni !
II 1 1 V I , (.,!( ' . .(.. ,,
j I 4 am i it I' t .ti.i -.1 . ,
jet - ' I I I, .... it f dm H
ti.r ft ii a . Ii I , ill, i - !. - It .
' lil ii I-' i,t,, ' in . i i t 1 1 l i ii. .i i,
j I t -1 l' ft i 'ill H-' I i.- I
. ,li, .1,1 . I 1 . ,. I. -(,,.:. ft I a- (.,:
: a nl '..
1 l'e ! . S-l-..v il '.. i
j Mi, IW f ia ( - ' I il,!n 1 . ,
a 1 ae I l"i ti. . . H , i t i i .
t .,, c i I ,ii 1, i, V t i -, . ,-t
ii ft t II It II it a I ti ii.,,, . . , ,
Ii i n...,,liia t. . . i
(a H Ilia l ata
l I - .1 .f in il"l n,
! tuep). ).i, MH iftS ta ... i ,.!., a
la y..'f- 11 ll... . n a . i It t i
inll - Atil'Oe mm I
aa la ft . a t aih
ft. .. I i ., i,
r aiili Hi tn-ia' an - .1 i-, a
K l it a i l.. a le . a
Yeggs Enter House,
Blow Saloon Safe
and Make Escape
iiiUMM , Neb,, April M, - (Spirlnl
T. h'Ki'iim i - The home of tieore H
lb titler l Coriilca waa ribbed eaily till"
ii r uin and l In money inkeii wPh
.nl rlHilihlng the fanil!). Tho nfe In
I l(. i lllehld mil, iihi nm III, mil open
rl J.jI taken l.t lwteii Ihe bout i f I and
hi tlie m. il ulna
? Iiii le Kiu.e, lelniiiione oieror htwr l
Die i ,,.inn nnd nl If Ifl t fllcera and
illl.ei', , pin..' waa oiam.lreil an I Ii
lion In pupult. The Ihleiea left louard
Noifolk lo an iitiiomohll. Hupp.-tre-Hv
I'.i re me three In the pally. Sheriff
Km I,., weiii fruiii lure t oil.idi fill
iiiuinliiii inn! n I hi on ihe trull,
Saunders Elected
Mayor of Beatrice
UK ATI! I' K, Neb., Apill ti. - (Mici li.l
Trlfgl'll ) The old ely romril .nel
ioar 1 Ihelr itffa.r here thl ttfleinooii
and III., ne c'umula.lunrra eoiivtti'd
J, P. fauodei waa elected mayor, H,
T llejnnlda, irenatirer, and .1 It. I'le'd
lead of public property, Tl retiring
ma) or, 3. W, Mayer, addre.aed the mo t
UU and alaled Hilt ho hoped th he
h aul would curry out th policy in-
ugulrfled l y lit old rommlsaloner lhr.i
MII.WAIItKK, Wia April lo.-Th Hat
nt l, Kolleiie delegate lo tha republican
nalloiuil convention waa In.reaard today
wlmii the official count of th Haevmd dla
Irhi showed thai both l.a Kollett del
gtea weio elected lnlai of one, J're
ilo'in icpnru Indicated tho Meconrl die
trdf was split, Tho laf eat figure now
rl.nw that I .it I'tHott will hat fifteen
ibbtiiiii from Wlaconalfi and Governor
I'hflliio e'eten.
Myron tl, llandall,
HTKM.A, , ,Veh , April 10 -Hficll.
Myron fi. liaiidnll, who died at hla bom
northwe.i of Hfell after a ingrlng III
nena with th grip, w burled In th
Howe c'mctery thl afternoon. Mr.
Ilandall w a pioneer of outhetrn
Nel raaka and w one of Hi well-to-do
and Influential men of hi neighborhood,
He Is aurvlved by vrl children,
(Jeorfc-e flandall of Htella I a nephew.
. I Mitchell.
YOrtlt, Neb,, April K,-iIieeJ,-. U
Mitchell died at th horn of hi aon,
JIM low a tenu, Saturday afternoon
)lf was al year old nd cam to York
county tnty-lx year go. H I ur
vlved hy two ona, Krneat of York nd
lr. Wlllarri of I,lncoln. Funeral erv
Itra were held Hundsy afternoon.
Mr. I.dna Uftr.a,
Mra. F.dna Warrn, aid 17 yer, wlfit
of rinv Wan en, W.I Kort treel, died
fhinday dt oe hoapltal. Kunaral
rvl'es will le held from th Col
MrKay chapel Ti:e1y ftrnoon t. 1
o'clock, with Interment In Foret J.awn
llarrlrlf llah.
lienrieiift ltli, S month old daughter
of Mr. and Mr. If. F. nh, iHA North
Twinly-nnlh treei, died Hundy. Fti
nerl service wer held ytrdy
t 2 JO from f'ole-MeKsy rhapel, with
lidermrnt In Foreat I, awn cemetery,
tlra. aale I prill..
Mra, f'aan'e fpdlk, ed f.3 yer, dl1
Huni) nt her home, two mile wt of
Flnrenr... H'he I aurvlved by vra!
chlMin Kunaral rvce will be hali
from lioilotr fhpel M'dnedy after
nocn f " o'clock, with Interment In For
.t I.awn i emtery,
I, eater Walker.
T,ter SS'allii r, aged '0 jr, for fifteen
V'ar a I'.'ilcnl of Omaha, died at. hla
i, ome, AA Ifaniey alreel, Monday night.
I'uinrfil i trb'e were held yeterdy
et i o'clock from Huffy Ar Johrson'g
r hn pel. The body will be taken to North
I Inlte for Interment,
I ', iff i husk ffierl.ii Irritation of
Ihe cp i lie hair root shrink, lomen
and then (he hair come out ft, To atop
falling hair at once ami rid th clp of
even tartlile of dandruff, get a iaVrant
bottle of liamleilne at nv drug lor,
IK.ur Inn In your hind and rub wU
Into Ihe (cnl, After few plllnatlnn
all dandruff dUapprar and the hair lop
louiliili out. Advt rtlai'ifiefil
A Child Doesn't
Lauh and Play
if Constipated
Look, Mother! It tonguo coat
ed, breath fevcrinh rfnd
stomach out?
"California Syrup of rigs,"
can't harm tender itom
ach, liver, boweli.
il 'i ll . kil l !t! I KI'm'I ll .'.ft
I I-.. ..ii . a ll l,.ni ell,
i. ' iin t IMII '..H'ftih
Hi.. 1, 1 tlll'l h. I ft ftfttWlKf
i.h a
a Ha . p. a , fill f
i" I, inaftili -a I i i.,ai ft.i . i , t ftfti
.'aafi aat i i,
- 4 ...H. a. i
. 1, Ih..,, ( .ftB
i li a Ii i a' I aa ii..
S it'i, a t - V
,n t , a,t in i
1 1 ' i . 'ti
-, -I '!
I ft '1.1. II, ft I .f
I a . . Sil tun I'll
J .t I n a f a
,i t'i l-ia flit1
I ft I' ft i a fti'l liuimu I hi I
a h . i, t -''...I . ia ift.i.1
j I 1 1 a i , t . ft ,,.t -, , . i a i , '
I . a I t
. ii, . i m
i.i t 11 I h
I - ( It I I 4
ft I i ft ft i"'t
;i I 4H 'I HI - I, I
i.1l'-' . - .In. I
, I.I t, .ii ef a 1 ft ft .ft
I ' I.i ll.ft (
! l.ft
' I I'-ilH
t .i a hit',
".l 11 I ft. i , Ii. ..i t i --. 5 t
ft l ! ft 1 "ft ft It I 1
I ! 'll 'l Oil l" uH tl, i,i
Ii aft ft! fa, ft ai ..el ..,ii'a nf i t
"ii a .! i t
' '' it' alit'iin aft
a I f ' "-,
NfRTo Youth Arrf ited ChBrgcrl with
Brf akinjf tnd Entering, nd
Fcn Trial.
Howaid flilnn, natrn vouih, who iw.
rau.ed tuvenll uth. rit. and lo nl i
llin ablest ileal of trouble In Itie l.i.i
) e i or ao i a gain under ricat el th.
local slation rliaigcd with bimiiiltig mil
ciilermg, liilnii, ll la raid. iiimt il
) eat in day tnoriilim removing a br fi uu
ii window of (lie l.ial Bho iure t 2111
N .tree! Iiv t",mll MIMer, flnutlt filer, who
hapiifiuul lo le paate- thruugh (h nlley
al thai limn.
Millet i ii ll, d tin, eiiiiliiii and ''nfnli
Vaiiou tlia afi-hcd H. trcll' ea fJllb-n an I
Allen uu Ihe case. Miller was then- an I
due. i iled tiiltui accurately I tin t Hi"
offl. era linliiedlnliiv niada their way In
Hie liillei'a In, lie al IN N ali"l and
made the itrieal He will b proreeut,..)
in criminal court reniirttlca of hla lie In
utub r e
hlnn waa arreated anlii" I m iiku on
a rhaige of tnullng pndel i iat pn-kn-
fiom the mull boi of n wet tide home
Ho waa lepiimntiileil lititl to'd l'' m
Ihe nent tiffcn.e he would le .tiiil to lh .
tte reform siiioul .luienll" nffp er
I'aul McAuley ttli line cluir, t.f lli
III aiHtly In lii ic
Many atudenla of Ihn P iitili t'.iiltal
ehool, wbpii hi been tciled at order
of lh Mrd of K in. - o i f,.lowiiiit aid
Inveallgafloit 'id ( iiiub mn.iflnu nf Hi"
building t Twenty f If Hi and I, 're'
will bo accommodated at the fouth Hid''
High gvriifiKlum In the blah aehn. I nu
g at Tweiilv fo irtli and J r
Workmen for (he sohool weie buy (lut
ing th latter driy of the dial week hur
riedly Inalsl Inn tetnporary deaka in ili
(ymna.lum and i lher room of I lull I
Ing, Winy of (lie itudenl will he lulie i
euro of In Ihl manner, tillhomh Ihe
m1orlly will be iranaferre'l to othor.
giado chool of the goulh fide
Jul what will be ilorte with Hi" Nouili
t'enful choo li.,ue It not known, It
will probably be torn down, hut whether
nothr school building wll he erect)
in It pirn I g mutter H e I "rd t f Mu
eatloti remain et uodi.i.i.i on. The
lot Hfl I on of Ihn fnoat lel uil le In Uu
fiouth Hide, biiiitf only n link nway
from the heart of the hueloeaa illnirlct.
I'realdent V. 1 Mtrlln of tint HouHi
Mdo nepublhen club announced futurdny
evenlna Hint the il.l.i of the lilac mn
neellfig of r publican of I mug aft minify
f hait waa to lime le-eii h'ld next Hatur
f!y evenlop line be-n ct aiu'rd to I rlday
ten In if liirititd. The rally l be hid
In th niichie ball nt T only-fourth nnd
I tl
It'fi lull
V - ..-..amaii .. ' - - - :. -JrflA.. 1.-,-.'.., I.--- n a .j
W. , .. ' AW L
1 Xu'
it eiicM ,,nt nil! I ,. pi....ij,.i n.ih fi
in 'tie prniam.
Ilttniiira ft re Hciilcil.
Ilumnia lirciilitied itliuut tuc Si Hi Hi in
nil I relay and eiatiirdwy Ihnl (he li.Cil
jackeiH were Ifitn.u off toco beiHUaMi (if
I iOioed g.iternmeiit Invistlnutlnn tlie packing lmlueiry iteie stoutly
.!ii l.. by local general ninnaxer nni
."i intention! )ftcidav. i'robably n''
I, in i Ilian aitty men were laid off In
(I,. i..t l , i nf till' WeU illld tll"ye
in ,, lempnriullv, their tllachnrg.. belli (
due t'i t ti i Klrenie (lull i-enndii u (cii,'
and 'tle killing dlvl.iioti
I High prices, b.iiit fur ini;e nnd
aiilllUhtered llvn to k I'll to pl'0 liic.'.l ,-l
, i.i w tun. a of nfftilt hi the p:,c'
: H g iiulum y In Ktllltll h.ih , It 1 1 t .'.pi l I
1 1 1 . I II. U .1iii.' v. ,11 mi, Int.. I i .In If In.
M bllil ii i ll V f In oil ho f I . c t ti ' I f e e i 1 1 1 1 1 1 l
r tlm le I orlaiti.
.M.iluiKi'i 11. or" A I Ii ma of mi I . . ,( t
j Ilea. th. nl. i line Hniin-r .l t,. ml,. ,,f
liiteiitur, A kUHiiil. iiiiinii, iuh.Ic en
! fllely of folM'fete Illld J.I1 - lilii((,ie,
hna pent i iiiiali'U.'led under In. illiectlnti
and iii.iII.i in Ihe I" nl el'iiithuii.e
! Tl'e nt'W l nrlillli 1'' n'AUIIfiC 'it at ' i - i -in
liil Hiat the IImIH iimh tinm tin- pb
'turn machine are cat .ipitind at n tltiiit
nil. ne the lee! tif tile iiii.-t. e,
Ihtircli retiile litleafa,
fiffblul of the nikhlniid and eulial
liilerdeiiiimliiHiliiiial liiuiiiie nnd Unit
wlwa Hem i-tii.'i iiilii.-.l by Itet, nnd Mia
JH It. I. I'oliilah nl Ihelr lerldeiice, i:ii
Mm 1 1 it Teiil seeiind street I'tidny even
leg, A hunt Ihlity flte guetj wen- pun
j Tile hoalr.a eeltetl il' II, lull rrfreah
j nieni in a dining room atllail nlly dec
tiiaiid and lighted by ahitdetl candlea and
-old Italian lamp
Party for Mra gleln,
j A birthday parly waa given llulhi
: Hieln t her Imme, Forly-eleiitli avenue
land W lrett, Tucday aflenioili. Mla
fora Hleln, unl of lh entertained, i
ftigd the parly III honor of Ituthh's
en mid blHhday, Tha lltllo t'hlld rn' iit-y
j won the prle for being Ilia smallest t.a'iy
j 'or her e In a contest of .evt niy flv
, bllble held t til West ftldo Intcrile -I
noiiiliinllotiiil i hurrli, Klght g'ealwci
'pie.ent and luncheon w erved at 4
Soiiiuk. Many present wero received,
I'lirae I Mlolell,
A purne i onlnlnlng .i.", In caali and seven
suihII dlniiiond lint "! with mnll chip
dlnmoiida valued t IIMI Wit ell her lost
or toleii t Hie Last l 'banco sslooti st
Ibillrond svenu ami i'olk sliert Kilday
iiliilit Hie purse was the properly of
Mr. Matgarol May, I.V.J lrex,. slieei,
Hhe wss accompiinlcd In th snloon by
her diiunhter, Almle May Hay. Th Iat
er .urii. . e certiiiti young man who
wna In Ihe saloon at tho time of steal
ing the pur erid hii given th police
an auuiiitn i. aciiplloii of tl,e youfli,
Maalo Illy (.oaatp.
t if fl.e pnco for rent u Iteo office, Sill
N elie.t. Term reaat nul l Well known
loinlloil, lei, Hon III 2i.
l.i i h Kliiihnll Vouiig ii 1 1 1" ti i is with Karl
U llllama tit tho lli aan f.iiluy In a flva.rt
Miiiuraiih film ctiiitle.l, "My fiffldnl
VSIfe,'' A decided sensation in fili'lure.
Juvenllo riff leer Miller w at th
Mouth Mlde I ti 1 1 1 1 1 this moriiliig lo tnko
Your mouth is the gateway to
the most important canal in the
world to you! Guard it well.
Make Wrl(j ley's the Monitor of
teeth, tongue and throat. Follow
the idea of the big hospitals
which arc prescribing it for fever
It cleanses, refreshes, removes
bad taste, steadies stomach and
nerves, aids appetite and digestion.
Largest selling gum in the world.
(Show it atltcv every meal
The Wrljilry Spcnrmch'n (.urn pllim
of fun timl mmt mhlce,
Win, Jr. Co,, Hint Krmur.
llMla , I hlv .lliO
lp,'lyi'i. ljjL-e'f
a! i j I "
ilnilfe of ihe pioaeiuHon of Howard
(iiinn, a young negro who wa arreated
on chrite of breaking nd entcrlmt.
"My Offlrlnl Wife," a Vllgrph repm
duciloti of grant merit, will b liowu
thl evenlna t tlie He. so thesler. Msn
aer lleoi.. Atkins Is taking arest lirld
In displaying hla newiy Invcnled "
rmnfort plcturn acreen. '
C II T V A M K l riKMONflT R ATION -Come
In and brn to grain. Ka' tory e
pett wrtll t.e tit Koutnky-I'atillt Co. Mon
day nnd Tucadiiy.
IIIM t'firt (i,KAN-UP WBKK-Wi I
Paper nf roll: good mined paint, f1,?'i
n I.; limner, '. eana for lr. dt
paining mid paperlinngtog. tiatden e a,
:; plitia, foi o- koutsky I'HVlit ( i, I'hou
h.uitii ;v , iiitllter.
i'nt ,ilea' Aid ao.iely of I lie) Wheeler
Meoii.iliil rre.iliylei lan ehnreh will be
1 1 ti i tniiic.1 M edin a. ley afternoon al lh
. Iniicii si Twenty. iliird and J alreel by
Mrs. W, J. Havla and fi. V. Hi-merit
! Clear, Peachy Skin I
I Awaits Anyone Who !
I Drinks Hot Water I
j, .
Say an Intidt bath, before break-
fitt helpi ki look and feel
clean, iweet, freih,
Hinnklln nd ill a. Ions -merry, blight,
let i n good, clear skin end a natural,
ro). .healthly rmnplexlon aie (sa'wl
iiiily bv pure blood. If only eiery man
mid woman could be Induced t" adopt
Ihe morning In. id" bath; whn' gra'l
f lug eiiauee v-Mild lko place. Insteal
of ilia flioustiiid of lckly, oiiaemle-looV-lug
men, women am) girl, with ply or
muddy I'Oinnlealnns: Instead of the mnlll
lude of "nerve wreck." "rundown,"
"hreln fr" and I'esaiuiists w hoit d
e a tirll", opllmistlc throng of roy
t lierked penp everywhere.
An Insld bth I hd by drinking eaeli
morning, beforo t.rek'al, a glaas of
real hot wlr Willi teapmuifiil of
llmeloiie p'.ioihsle In It to wash from
the sioii s.ii, llier. kldiieja ami lep )rd
of bowel Ihe iieioiii day's lndlesllbi
j wsele, sour fei mentations and polsotti,
j tint ceiilng, sweetrt.llig and Ireahen-
trig Hie entire alimentary canal liefer
pulling mora food Into the
Thoea subject to sick headache, Idllou.
pes, ii!y breBth, rheiimlam, cold,
and parllcularly those who have a pallid,
snllotv comilehm snd who are rontl
pnled very often, ai tngei) to nblln a
qurter pound of limestone phnaphal al
th drug atore which will cost but a
(rifle, but I sufficient lo rtemonslr!
th quick mid remarkable rhany In both
heallh and appearance, awaiting th'ia
who practice Internal ssnltatloii, W
mmt remeintr that Inald elenllne
1 more Important then ontld, hecauaa
lh skin doe not abvorb Impurities In
rontflmlnal th blood while Ihe poraat
In th thirty feet of bowela do.Adver
tlaeinant If
4 1
IUnk U frre.
. .. M