Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1916, Image 1

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    Daily Bee
Call Tyler 1000
If ton Went to Talk In The lire
or to Anjimn Cimncctcil
Willi Tim IU.
Oa Trala. at etl
! stand, io. m
VOL, XIA'-SO. 115.-.
Reply of Imperial Government to
Inquiries of U, 8. Will Dis
claim Responsibility
for Attack,
Germany Aki Ambassador Gerard
What Information V. 8, Hai
About Inciaent.
hmUS, April j 0. VJu Lon
don.) The Herman not In rcpohn
to inqulrica of the American gov
ernment regarding the chann"l
ateiimcr Bnwx and the steamer ;n
gllr.hin,n, Muhcheatcr J-dkIdikt,
i ., ul. t'l.lltt .nil Itiiluuli. I...
I ran am 11 ted to the American itii
basay tonight or Tuesday morning.
The note declare, a prevluualy
tabled, that the (-oiiimuii'l' r of aub
warlne whlh might possibly have
been Involved In an attack on the
Hiisscj, wake It aljMolut'ly certain
i bat tho Huex wa not dmitroycd by
k German torpedo.
tJkewlae, Germany den lea repon
alblllty for tho Kinking of the other
gieamcr, evidence having been ad
duced at the Investigation to show
ihat no blame attache to Germany.
WA8IIJNUTON. April J0,8ec
retary Landing' conference with tho
ambnaaador wan trlf, lie told him
he had no definite Information on
which ha wan prepared to dlaeua
the caae at thl time, m the aniba
sador will come to the rHute depart
ment at a later time,
WASHINGTON, April JO.-flccre-fi.ry
J.anlng announced today that
Anibaa2or Gerard had cabled that
lb German foreign office Informed
him It rould band him a note on
ihe Bijohm cftM probably today.
Count von Pernatorff, the German
tmbaanador, will confer with fieo
rottry Lannlng thla afternoon. Tbe
ambassador made the appointment.
A preliminary statement handed to Mr,
ierr by the llerlln foreign office I
underXnod to b on II way to the '
department by cabl.
Other Information In the reture of evi
dence hred by the American may
In Perl l on the liner Ht. Paid, which
la peeled to doc In New York Thur
day. Kffort will be made to have It
here for the Friday meeting of the cab.
Germany ha kd Arnbsdor orrd
what Ifformation regarding- the explo
sion which damaged Ilia Hu le In the
possession of the Airi-rlcn fovenmient
Thla Inquiry waa forwHrdcd by Amliaa
nador U-.rnt to the Btate dctiartment j
Vv'hi-n thn Information made Mr,
rard wae Infornipd that Onrman lnv
llantlon Into the cn of the u bad
not up to thet, ttmn dli:lo4 any Oermaa
aubmarine wa r(:npnlble.
it whs made cluir to'lny at tlie 0rmn
iiibay ttiat Count Von Ilprrmtorff, wbe
returned lo Washington thla forenoon
fiom New VorK, bad not offklally be-n
Informed thnt 'Ii'rnmny cleflnludy and
flimlly Imd dfiiUd ifpoiiHltllly for I ho
Miim'-k eatiloalon,
Moorhcad Prints
Name of Hughes in
the Poll Booths
Anli'-lpHllMK a I'ltf rneh of liualneea aa
lh M'n'ilt of Ml' rx.ri!i-d llua
f,.i pretldriil di iillim-nl, i:i timi c'oliv-iiilrtloiii-r
I Imi l y Monrlii'iul hn printed
lt,. Illllllf of J'Olwe lltiuhr In Ihfl )oll
Im,U In ordi-c to f,i. Ih krilnu
Voli-r. boi'Mi', bar In llie In
the miinn of Hi-lr .i i-..i-iil liil i'mhiII'Ik".
h il an to nun thn ciom In 'I1 lit
Mi- l.rillir
The Weather
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Germani Capture Five Hundred
Yardi of French Advanced
IMItlH, April 10.- The Oermana
rontlnufd their attack lant nlKht In
thn Vfrdun region caat and went of
I ho Mmw, over a front thirteen
I'Hloa long from Hill No. 304 to Fort
Douatiiiiont. The war office an
nouncement a today In the fight
ing weat of tbe river for pmwaalon
of Headman HID tho German were
rrpiilaed except, on a front of 600
j yiirda near Hill No. 2M. '-" of thn
river 1h German aaaaulta gained no
(.ppreclable reaiilta,
Tli tent of the etaifinrnt follow:
"West vt the Munm bombardment
rontliiiK d vlolcnily ' lt niaht, Jt waa
prlleiilarly dlre"ied alnt. h'll No
Sot, The attack delivered yeterday even.
In aaelnat Headman' bill and which
aaa, generally Maklng, repnlaed al'h
liiilioilnnt loaae to our adveraarlea,
made It poaellile for the tierman to
penetratn our advanced trenchea, at hill
No, '1, along a front of about i'U yarda,
W took aliont IW prlaonem,
"Kant of the Meiiae there wa very
aidrlied fighting laal night In the Hub,
wood of Kimlaln HI. Mariln, caat or
Jlachai-auvllle, We have ml nrogrea
In . the coinniunb allng trencbe of the
enemy aoiilh of the Village of Houaii
nionl, "In (he Wouvro there baa bm bom
bardmeiit of the village n llio foothill
of tho Meiiae helghla.
"(t ha been confirmed that th day
of Aorll In the region of Verdun w
marked by the, flret general offenalve
inovvmunl, In wiihili the force of the
enemy attacked over a front of nmr
than twenty kilometer Mhlrleen lulled,
Our advemariea, who have not achieved
any rrmilt cominenaiirttle to their effort,
uffered loaae, the eenl of which ar
evlilcnci-d by the bod la (died up In front
of our line.
"There haa been no occurrence of Im
portance on tbe remainder of Hie front."
I'renel, I'oelllona laolaled.
HKItl.l.V, Apfll 10. -(Via I.indon,- Tbe
war office announced today that In the
flgblltig near lolglncourt In the Verdun
region, (he town and two fortified point
of the fort to the oiithwet were lao
lated. The French were cut off, losing
7M prlaoner, two gun and fifteen m.
chine gun. The loaae of tho French In
killed or wounded were vonalderable.
Hitchcock to Come
Back to Rally His
' Forces at Primary
(From a Htaff Correapoiidenl.)
WAHIHK'JTO.V, April 10,-(Hpeclal Tel-erain.)-Hcnfor
llltchcoek, :entlng the
bailie from afar, champing at the bit
under tbe attack of Colonel W. J, Hryan,
will leave for Nehraaaa tomorrow even
Ing to be preeent at a meeting of demo
crat on Tueaday evening, and to lake
a hurried vlalt to certain "oft" unction
In the (late, before primary day, where
Hrvan' anathema have been receiving
encouragement with a view of trying to
counteract their effect. He will Join
Keith Neville In one or two big meeting
and generally Indulge In an old-fuNlilned
rallying of the follower of democracy,
From thf iliatanca it looka aa If N.
hraaka waa in for a real, elmon pure
uperheated primary on April IS, and a
number of aurpriee may with perfect
aafoly be looked for.
If AHTIN'JH, Neb., April M --iHpcrlal
Telegram.) Shortly after the arrival of
W, J. ftryan tonight announcement waa
made thnt ft. M. Hitchcock will speak
here next Thnradey, when he la extieelrd
to reply III detail to the clmrge llrynn
ha been making agalnat him over the
Dakota Central
Soon to Be Sold
KlorX KAI.I.8, n. IX, April Ifl-iHpe.
cUI Telegram.)-Judge Klllolt "f the
I'nlled Biaie roiirt, late thla afternoon
eluned a rtei-rea which will ri ault In I he
mil a lthln al'i'iit ol M) ilnya of lh
himlli Jiekota feudal railway, ableh op
eiHiea a line between rtlom Falla and
ierlili. No date yet ha been flaeil
for the mile of tb property,
Thl a 'lliui la the leault of the recent
for. li'Biur of a nioiigag by tlie (...nd
h,ll"i 'll fiiieilo"ui noils be
,iiiie i.f nnmjniem of Inlereal mi
III tmpi euient are ronlem-plili-l
In (he riiiliiiiinl of the l-'ad. II
la ml In the Hint if ib property
Klii4 (! l''B buiidluil'b'ie The mad for
(.OilK (Mm- bat lull Iperatt-I by a le.
Mrs, Rcavis Leaves
for Father's Bedside
V elll Vi.Ti iS ,ll I" (, ,l .l
e.isi.i M l t r.-' l , ( !
.li,I.Minll l(-.Mi It-.' I'll! ,.-l'l4
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nl l c . ri: i lit.- if l iH il SI
..iu u II...H li-'l lie mi.;!.,
t . i i I .i" in i I i .
Tob do Street Cars
Runnimr Arain
M ,i
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new -"Market
Nine Mety: ,'Will Later Elect
Their 0,,i Officeri, Are Se
lected by Stockholder! of
New Exchange.
, Incorporated for Twenty-Five Thou-
sand with But Fifty Sharei
or Stock Iuurd.
Nine director for fhe new Omaha
Hay exchange were ilei-tid at fin 0r
ganlxallon meeting held at the Com
mercial el in, room at 3:3) o'clock
yenlerday aflernoon.
Thirty five of the fifty uliure hold
er In thi new concern attended the
organization meeting. Thoma It,
Coleman, wa made temporary chair
man, and W, A, Kill, temporary aec
retary. The director are: A. A, Nixon, K,
A, Knajip, J, M, VVelah, George K.
Hflvemllck, l.uther Hrake, J, He-
Korreat Hlehiirda, t'harle II, J'lck
en, K, W, Judaon and II. ft.
Clarke, Jr,
l:leel Owh Offleera.
The dlreitor ar to hold a meeting
Wednesday aflernoon at 4 o'clock to e
led a prealdent, vice preapient and Irene
urer, from among their number, A oon
a die offlrer r choaen n lnpelor
I to be employed, and temporary office
are to be opened, ) that (he work of
officially Inspecting ami grading the hay
(hat dally come on the Omaha market
may be begun.
At the oraniilxHilon meeting, Chairman
Coleman eaplulncd the pur Pom of the
organisation, Kv a brief history of II
and assured the elockholder that the
railroad have promised their upporl
and re-nperatloii In the development of
the hew hay market for Oinabn. The
article of Incorporation were adopted,
and Iheae ar to be filed wllhln a few
l ee gleadard t.radea.
Tb atandurd of grade of hay adopted
by the National Hay association, r
to ho uacd In the grading of hay at
A vota of thank wi given to Mr,
Coleman and tho trad extension com
mittee for fathering the Idea of a hay
echng or Omaha and for the work
they have done for a half year or
more preliminary to the present tatu
of (ha organization,
Mr. Coleman waa dulrmun of the 1911
trad extension commutes of the Com
mercial rltib, the committee In which
the hy market Idea originated, nd the
committee thnt took Ih flrat atep
toward realising the organization. Mr,
Coleman wa galn rnde chairmen of
the new frde extenlon committee for
ll and the work wa continued. When
the hay market matter w taken be
fore the executive committee, however,
the matter wa turned over to the execu
tive body nd a subcommittee of that
body appointed to handle It, again
with Mr, Coleman chairman of (he pa
rial commute.
All ktoek I nl.
When the preliminary tepa reached
the atage where stock u!,s rlptlon were
reipilred, the dock went even more
rapidly than anyone bad dreamed. It
waa decided to Incorporate for -'.W', that
only fifty share of $i aaeh should
be aold. These were all ubaerlbed
wKhlu a few weeks and at the present
time there la no stock for sale.
Following are the atoi liholdi a In thla
new enterprise:
J. M. Welsh
.I. II Owens
F. W. Judaon
II, O, l.ilwanlH
A. A. Nix ii
W, H. .lardine
A. II. Ilushfortli
l(. H. Cla rks, r.
ii T, Wilson
ijeorgn A. Itoherl
I'-arlou Mlllaid
II. H, YVesthrmik
.1 M, A 1 tier
W A. Kills
I i
I. . Herauulsi
F. I'tenllss
.1. I iirrlnglnii
K. Ilrnwn
M. Tvson
II. I'lcken
XI Imrkee
i Hmllh
H. Knapp
. l"r
N. II. I .dll.
A. II. Ilewslier
(', (', Crowell
.1. A Kuiiderlaud
I.. M. I. old
C M. ttlce
.1 W. Tusmly
I. A Knapp
Vela raraona
.1 A 1 l'S ."!
lieorge llullef
VI II,, si nblail
W. Wbkii.i
II I'oley
r .1. II. hind
I . I. Wet We
C Mums
I'.Bllill I'elen
l.,jtlt-l tliake
I" II. fails
II A 'I'ukn
it V llaverstlc
F Mniihe.
I 111 niesl Itlrlmtda t, it Ann s
Insurance Men
Pay Big Judgment!
II , I'lske niul Ihe ntl,i c,ika
null inlensinl wl'h him In l!i M i.i.i n
TimU-r ci'inpmiy K!ii,b, Wgih,
have I'l 'iii l m III. mi ni lih (lit- It,
Mian-a i-o.sni.-s, w hi Ii wr-lc .mtiini
h.f ll-. lr i l imit I 'l (He tt.K -s Hi the
iinflailoii a (ii. ; it tiro) e. I the I, a
tmnl'i-r plant I
Tin. liiiiii an. e . "inpnies M'a aaisfrt
In in,- Ihe I . .n , li,iim In r II I..-
gill,. w'li intn,m snt mm will, hj
o, - in e l ( i i i-l I i. m. ,
lui..n eic-1 wiHi t'lat l.ik ,
Ul. I ,.n . ....t i II.iiij l ti.-i i.(
I ii a " I I,' i ' - I.-. : a I "' .
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I't' I
DUTCH ARMY READY TO REPEL INVASION-The situation in Holland, where irri
tation against both England and Germany his become most pronounced, is becoming; criti
cal. The Dutch army, mobilized since the beginning: of the war, is now being: subjected to
arduous maneuvers, as if to repel forces landing: from the North Sea near Flushing: and
from the Ccrman and Belgian frontiers.
i '(
1 h-
Deputy Labor Commissioner Inuei
Comprehensive Pamphlet on the
Workinjf of Law During Year,
The official report upon the op
eration of tho Nehraaka workmen'
compenkullon law, for the year end
ing November 30, Id IB, hna been
compiled and Issued In pamphlet
form by the Hlate Department of
Labor and under the direction of
Frank M. Coffey, deputy eomml
aloner. It l a compichenalve volume
of 164 page, full of fact and
figure. The law wa passed by the
leglalutura of J0J5 and ronaequently
tbl la the flrat annual report thai
bag been made.
Deputy Commissioner Coffey die
tbe fact that the paawiRe of the
workmen' compensation law, no far
a Ncbranka. i concerned, marked a
new economic principle In the af
fair of the atate government, how
ever, I not the only elate having a
lmllar law upon the statute book,
a there are thirty-five other.
'art I'rodnetlon (oat.
Preliminary to going Into the detail of
the report. Deputy Commissioner Coffey
rail attention to the fact thnt the under
lying principle, which is the foundation
of workmen compensation, I tun
burden of accident oci urrlng In any In
dustry shall become a pact of the coat
of production In that induatry, to the
end that t tic consumer will eventually
hear the expense of the nme, adding tlmf
"Tlila principle of social right and Jualbe
no a im that the loss nccndimit by v
cldcnlial Injury Is n much at pr of the
article prodiued n 1 any other Ins
v. hlch iiilRhl 1 occasioned I V the dee r ,c
Hon of mali-rlal, or Hie hp-nUus, i r wcic
Inw oul, nr replacing of mach nry snd
lools of any kind."
A to the Additional wink ilo vlng
tiimn Hie ilepulv labor i-.iiriiiilssloner by
rensiui of Hie enact u enl f the norkn en s
i nnipcin-iitnin law, !l c f- ti show Unit (h (
nffice la nut a sine.-i u-, for li ning the
year l"KS u-porta eie lib it, 't.'.'J'i of v 111 h j
i-ie ciimpleli- Th' ie were Ml? non-j
eompi-nsHtliiii inn I '! ' oinpen iuIiiiii i as s J
Meillcel tilrnlluH.
Pui-ing the jiur Cie autii bull oil f i- i
medical iiiii Mtlou In H i ci.miei,a'l n '
rase c.e. ttl.'ia, C -hi. I .'-' In I' a (
U.illCl.llip' H-iltWlll i-llSI'S l ot l o plJi
H-Hl. l i. Ill the I i,lli II 'ill n i uses ill-'
mn, cm wit 11 1 . I and In 'he nun. urn j
Mt,.ii .n ! ., , !".' I I'o tiMib'iliim i
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British Ihohers in
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Just the Right'Age
Charlei E. Uug-hei, amociate jui
tire of the supreme court of the
United State, who ii the choice of
no many republican! for the presi
dential nomination, wai born at
Olen Fall, N. Y fifty-four yean
ago today.
Juit the rig-lit age for a man to be
preiidcnt of this great republic.
Wife of Orpheom Headliner Com
mit Suicide at Hotel Fon
Mr. Johcph K, Howard, wife of
the gctor who I appearing at the
Orpheum thl week a the headline
attraction, shot and killed heraelf at
the Fontcnelle hotel laat night. The
Niilclde 1 attributed to domealtc
Double which made her despondent.
The laat time Mr. Moward ap
peared In Omaha several year ago,
til flrat wife whose atage name wa
Mabel Hairlon, died In Toronto,
Canada. Mr. Howard continued to
play out hi engagement here before
leaving for Toronto to bury hi wife.
Mr. Ilowatd la a ong writer of con
siderable note, lie liaa written a number
of popular melodic of tho day end he
was for several year a member of (he
(rio of Hough, Adnni and Howard, who
wrole a number f successful musical
enim-dlra, Including ' The Time, the
1'lace and the llil,'' "The (ilrl t the
Helm," "Miss Nobody Fiom fturlsrid,"
"The (iolden (ilrl" and numerous nlhere.
Mr, Howard Is appearing al the (l
pheum with Mls IHhlyn Clark.
Mr. Howard, the Fonleiielle manage
ment declares, I not stopping t the
Senate Votes Down
Coal Tar Dye Tariff
A.MIINiiTo.W A i i) in The finl
Isle Inibiv releeled. foil one In Iwelilj
(lie, nil Alliendmenl b ihmIi.i l.nilge In
Include a larllf on mtl tar dies in lie
lull protlding f"i i.liiiH'.ii of the
UiKf of a 'em a poiin l on sugar until
mo Hi'italor NortN of ,iein a et. is na
Ihe nnlv repnbll'Hii ml with ih. mo
i nils acilnal the sinrn lui. lit
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New York
Stop Trading with Holland
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Movement Along Entile Italian
Front it Forecaited by Dii
patches from Rome
ItOMK. April 10, (Via Tari,)
Ihe Austrian are preparing an of
fenalve on a large acute along the
vibulo Italian front, according to
diapatche received here, which
male that thl action wa decided
on at a recent conference between
Archduke Kugent and the other Aus
trian commander.
Htrong bodies of troops have been
withdrawn from the Rumanian border
ar quantities of munition r being
ent from the Interior of the empire.
The Italian military thief, the dl.
patche further say, have mad all prep
aration to break Ih offensive nd lo
fore the Auatrian back on the defen
slv. Mitchel Asks Probe
of Alleged Insult
to American Flag
NFW YORK, April 10.-Mayer Mitchel
today i--;ueated President William O.
Wlllcox of tlie board of education to tn
veatlgata an alleged Insult to the Amer
ican flag at a meeting held here laat
night In the nshlngton living high school.
Pointing out the sWlaln law covering
surll offenses, the mayor aald:
"It seems (rt me uiisieakahlo that there
should he beard In a public, school In till
elly such utterances as I understand were
The speaker to whom the alleged Insult
was Attributed waa James II. Maurer,
pi evident i if the Fennsyl vanla Hlate Fed
eration of IlMir. In opposing the pro.
posed establishment of data constahu.
biry In New Vork, be was minted a hav
ing shouted.
'Down with the slurs and trip's,"
Chinese Warships in
Canton Harbor Join
Revolution Forces
Mll.Wiill U, China, A ,r I) in. 1 wsr
niis alallnncil at I'wnlon )i.lmil Ihn
i.l.ela on A pi II s 'I he en I en I gi'ern
ineni baa ie,Mlei Hie eirii ilill,,n
li Ir.nips of whti h. arihed at bbanlist
finin I'ekln on Hluriln The (nvriii,
mint has ali i.nd l nfibis for lli
leitlii liHlnioit In p in ei , t, l aiit'iit. pfa
iiuisl'U nln In itis.ffeiili.n siiioni
H.s on n
i'i, n iin, . i, at ,hi,i,i f rtpmied aa
sllll 1-fS. It'll
an....lelS .( Ih- ,t., f,m f
n eil.ini nl l em .,. . lol-j n,rln ., I'lliif
iilooil .o. i no I ( fulii,i i,M
I'll Kal 1iie aie disiro'it, i"titi
del his iHli.iii. i,l (,, ( a - oni.IUh. .
I't - ,.,l,i, .i.,,n. ,,il,, f ! ,,.
'll-.ii i.l i " I re .l,,.i, a,,' ia h.,,,f,
" I i'11- I b sut r i.ii hi iiiii
"Hi i.-... . ti.., I, K l at down
III l,.(, ,, i.n,., , t .rs.
Golf Cut) Trophy is
Stolen from Kvaus
: " 4 il i . ,,
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... '1 I, (.111, I ., II, I., I
i. in
' d n-.
M .,,.
r it- I I - e.
with kulinq ycuno woman
M I M l t V I , t . , ,1 I (-, , i
I I . . -. .a I . -t i, I . lie a
i i i t i- a 1 1 i t- '-ft '. iit
a .i. It'll a, . in 'ill on t i li,
Il .. lit ' - II lo 'i ! ( i t tint
:n.t t 'af l-t ht- i "i.l mi lint
le il - ( lei '-C, I I ... i 'It.
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ltl, - ,l;i l,r Uii ii.aaini
Report to El Pao 3iyi That Bandit
Paused South of Parral with .
But Two Hundred
Airietta Brothers Are Said to Have
Thousand Men In Vicinity of
KU PASO. Tcx April 10,- Crn
flrmailon of report that Fi.nclro
Villa w In tho neighborhood of
I'arrat, or had paused It, wa brought
lo Juarer. today by General Krncicn
llerUul, the Carrani! rornmander at
Heneial llertanl, who came te Juarex
for a lonfereiue wllii hl superior, Oen
ersl Oavlra, said that before h left
Minb-ra K.iturdiiy authenll'! reiiert wei
rocpived that Villa bad been aeen at C
margij. This town I about sixty mile
northsaal of I'arral, froeeedlng at hla
previous speed, the bandit leader would
easily bv made Parrel, llertanl bad
no report on how cine tb American
troop were folowlng.
The Isat fight between Carrsnxlsta nd
Vllllsta oeciiried at Hun Frenclsco da
llorj four 1si ago, Ih general said,
the Vllllsta being defeated nd leaving
behind thorn a number of dead and
abol In left lea.
Oeneial llertanl said he had n ho
lule confirmation that Villa had been
wounded. The bendlt w abot In the
left leg, be said, ml w further Injured
when hi horse fell on him, breaking the
bone of Ihe leg,
He reported detachment of Ih Ameri
can force gt Hanta Ana and Namlnulp.
Hoih (leneral Oavlra and General I4er
lanl aserled today they had PO knowl
edge that limit had been placed on
the operation of American troop In
"I understand, however," 0nrl Her
Hi nl added, "that th American forces
will be willing to withdraw soon
the Vllllsta organisations ar thoroughly
broken up.
"Ko far the relation of the da f''lo
Ironp and th American oldler hv
been friendly nd i-o-opertlv. There
has not been a lngl unpleasant Incl
denl." General Oavlra, lb Jure com
mander, denied that lie wa to b uper
ded by Oeneral llemende.
A statement attributed to Mexlean Con
sul (iarrla that Villa ha now rpd
ii)( possibility of rapture by th Ameri
can, having ctntard a dead line estab
lished by President Wilson and Car
ranza, beyond which It wa agreed that
Ihe Amerb-an troop would not continue
their pursuit for the bsiulK, wa flatly
enld by Mr, (Ian-la. Th Mexican Con
sul ald a far be knew no limit of
the American pursuit had been agreed
upon by the two governments.
Mexican officials be.r wilt not dis
cuss a report that the de facto govern
ment will oon Inform the American gov
ernment that It I In poslllon to relieve
th American troop of th task of rhai
Iii Villa, Mr, flat-da said he bad no in.
formation on matter of a dlplomatiu
With Villa moving Into rnirango the
supply problem of Ihe ritiy continue
lo the for. Heavy shipment to pri
vate contractor In Chihuahua CKy will
probably be made from Kl Paao In a
few dava. The lender of the ua nf the
telegraph and telephone line by th de
fc(o government to lleneral Pershing
will be of Immense aid In ordering nd
hipping supplies.
I arranrlslns Will ( o-Opeeate.
IHV N A M MjI'lPA, April S.-Uly Radio
to Columbus, S. M,. April I0.)-Two aero
lilane which flew from her to Chi
huahua City returned today, bringing to
(leneral Pershing, expeditionary com
mander, report that Ihe constitutional
ist nuthnritle In that elly are co operat
ing cordially with the American force In
Ihe purault of Villa, The plane canted
dlnpatche lo the ennaUliitliiiiallal an
Ihoililea, which Heneial Pershing d
aciibed a important.
The arrival of the tw,-, fiirra In Chi .
h mill ua caused great excitement among
ihe (Mipnlace, sin. e (heir coming bad not
been annniin. ed This, tmwevrr, subsided
a I aa their Identity wa iletei mined
The at lis. os reported thev were enter
tained hoKpllahly I v Hie consHtnilnnallM
officer and i nffb-lsl reception wa
glieu Iheiu
Thl retrt'llolt la taken bf Oi-nsrsl
I'i lulling and Ins la(f a be ng una i f the
iniMit reasa iiiu In-1 b ills nf ihe progresa
of lb -, I II .ii il y force In alette.
It. air e-.oiis left he t ilsyltght y
(ciitsv, e hliig , bih-iahti In a', nit
lii.'os in. maklii the i.ihiii 1,1), n ii,,
ains llins As lb plains b fl i rnj
i n ef bm i p. I.. I , ri n aa t f . ,
sal .i I.. i .n ..ii, T1i fl'tn; e..
nl'l- "1 rl ti l l i i'i wrr f. . rl
lunnal l,s..i,li. i,i..., bis l.1je,
In ludat , wtmra n
in r) ii ...i. i i, i, .,, ft,,., m(
"l " ii .Hi ( Sa" . m
The Day '$ War News
1 ! Kill. tINM.IilW
iaalaiai wl ita4aaa a Mill, Ik
I st at Hat mim . a.liat4
iilaw. et a bo a ami tatd la ta
II lalll ) h ! fail w
i.ae4 Iht last! In iiatiilt,
ttlO tthleb aa4 l Ih 4w
'' lIHr ell tswai
"lk ' tiri'a-M I liiakt
Ih litatk llaat la4 Ik a
Ih uimi SlUikl nl Ik .,tMMI
INIII Msi t.iail ..s a .
iSiaaii ta Htiasaismatlt, aU
Ik ttllat ! nit Ik ljl la
wJtii eiiretkiaa lae ,
Kl t I t ., ai'taiaiaaj a k
HililiW allliUI ituani
Ml MHIU l tHSH M.tttil.
alaaiuitt It . liaa law.
wm. Itti ik ilktaiik
Hall, k tilalH4 4 4
i ,