Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE HKK: OMAHA. MONDAY. AI'JUL 10. l!Mi"..
Toamaand'a for Sporting Oooda."
XJgHtlor Tlxtur Hinge -Oranrlen.
Stamoaa engagement King, Edholm.
are Soot Print It Now H aeon I'remt.
Oardea Toola Jaa .Morton Son Ca
Vf "Teg-TUe" Ihlngl Hundcrlnniln.
Tin, tornado, automobile, bnrglary In.
Hiranr, J. if, Inimont, Keellne Hlrtg
Joha X, WejUj, nmipartlaun, for mu
nicipal Judge, Icglalator In
ny Would Jiidg John I. Ncg
fey hag filed for a municipal Jiidgealilp,
Mirror Mad and Be-aJUvered Omaha
CHaae Oon. Co., !U Cap. av. D. 1TM.
"Worgg X.ik a lavr" 'haa. C,
Reaver, republican, for Hate rrpreaenta-tlvav-Utilvartliement.
Todare Moeta Frorram," clarified
action today. It appear In Th Boa
BXCX.VHIVKLY. rind out what th va
rloua moving picture thratera offer.
P Year Miy and valuable In tha
Amarloan Safe Ipolt Vaulta, Jl Boutn
17th m.. Hea Bldg, Box rent 11.00 for
montha. Open from a. m. to p. m.
Olrona ti Coming Another algn of
aprtng. The flrat advertlvlng cr for the
Kella-Floto how In In Omaha putting up
hi poeter to announce that the ahow
will ba In Omaha April .
Jawtah CharlUaa Meeting A regular
monthly meeting of tha hoard of director
of tha Aaaoclated Jewlnh t'hiitltle will
ha held at their office, 7M HrnnuVI build
in, thla morning at 10 o'clock.
Zotar oa 'Intuition tba Slsth anae"
-Burd V. Miller will (eclura at Then
aophlcal hall, aulte 701 Iter, tmlldltig, Nun
day evening at o'clmk on "Inlulllori,
the Blxth Benae, What It In and How I.
tor Company Bankrupt Tha Jury In
federal court that heard (he proteat of
lha fltoetr.el fltove and Furnace company
agalnet helng declared a bankrupt re
turned verdict adjudging the company
a bankrupt,
am Worth Beoorere Bealth Olatilct
renger Agent North of the Illlnolg
('antral, who haa been In Florida during
tha winter, haa written that ha will be
homa tha laat of next week, fully raonv
ered In health.
Va "Taztlla" Bhlnglea, Hunderlanda.
Woodrow Wllaon Clnb to Meat The
Woodrow Wlleon club will hold meeting
next. Monday evening at Twenty-fourth
and Burdette atiwt. All democratic
candidate have been Invited. Harry
Brnokatoln will prealde, A hand and
quartet will enliven tha occasion.
entenoed to tha ran William f park a,
Arthur Blarkwell and John N, Norton
have been aentenced to aerva from one to
four yeara In tha penitentiary. They wer
convicted of alert braae Journala from
Illlnola Central freight cr.
Mra. Bchrlck Ooei to Boldrega Mm.
(. J. Bhrlck, Tm North Twenty-anvenlh
atrnet, wife of the Burlington timekeeper
who waa killed by an automobile a few
daya ago, haa left Omaha and gone to
llva with her parent at Iloldrege, Neb,
Ooodiioh Oarden Boa Morton Boa
Paul W, Kuhns Says
Counsman for Clerk
Good Business Man
Taul W. Kuhna, one of the executive
of tha Conservative Having" aiwl Unn
aaaor.latlon, la a warm aupportc r of
Jlarry O. Connaman for -dlatrlct court
clerk, and cannot pre l him too highly.
"If Counaman I elected, the public will
get a clean, honeat, buelneea-llke admin
istration of tha dletrlct clerk'a office, l
aue Counaman primarily la not a poli
tician. Ha la a bualneea men, n proved
by the manner In which he line taken
rare of tha county aanrhlp. Aa lo
tha fee, It doea not eound reHohbl
that tha intention of the law l, to nlve
any gainh Inooine to a public aTvant aa
la acquired through fcea and nalnrv.
When Mr, Connaman promlm-a he will
accept no remuneration except the legal
aalary It mean a big aavlng to the tax
Vayera on thla one point nlone."
Mr. Kuhna grew lo manhood In Omaha
with Harry fnunaman. Ilia frither. the
late Kev, Henry W. Kuhna baptized the
republican candidate In the old Lutheran
church, whU'h formerly atond on the
preaent alta of the Millard hotel.
On Thursday evening, April 27, the an
nual Oelghlnn ran-Alunuil dinner will
bo held and the committer In charge
promlae to eurpaea even laat year a phe
nomenal Biicoeaa. Preparatlnna are going
forward In eecret for the big night and
from preeent Indlcatlone It la aaff to aay
that the program will be a thriller. A
large attendance le expected. Mid ample
ptovlelon will be made for thou who
apply early. The Invitation" will be cni
nut about two wn-k before the nf fnlr.
At the dinner the niinuul election of
etflrera will take place.
After week of quarterly examlua
ttona tha Crelghton 'ollcge aeaeinbly will
ba held on April lf. Preceding the Fae
ter vacation on Apill K, l and l' the
annual retreat or apirltual eiercbwa will
la held They wl l i nnriiet of a eettci of
Inatniotlort and meditation given by
Katber Janien, M J , a nilioiiry nf the
kttaaoiirt province i lr will be ana
panded dirlug thl nine T laeailon
pror will Iwgitt on April ) and will
eloaa April N.
tndigeail- n an I r'ni(lailin aia a nv
(ha ntnet rnmni'iii ta of HI l.valth
Pan neee ia ait .untlttaiy t.t tip a
wt en la at-mai-h t"B k -n Mm. r'e
Mwateiy !' k f-!i' bay be bad by tak
ing ( hanifcailtin a Tolit an I In m n
rawa t1'" i ' be- )itanent In
not ua "P " baiol eiUut a
TabUMB. gt an 4 ! aa n.,y
otbara l ata " i'mia aty
bfia. AJttMnit
Judge Ben S. Baker Adviiri Carter
Lake Club to Boost for
Auto Highway
WltJi g good ocoan-to-ocpHn auto
mobile highway thla country could, Id
caae of war, move troop by motor
car better than by rllroada, Judge
Benjamin 8. linker told memhrra of
tbe Carter Lak club at a banquet at
the I.oyal hotel jeaterday evening.
Judge Baker, with the aubjert,
"Good Koad," waa one of the prin
cipal apeakera at a banquet and
meeting of (he different toninilMeeg
of the Carter Lake club. He dm lared
that with a highway of (he type
which ho believed would be built In
hla time, the army could load and
move 1,000,000 men from coaat'to
coaat In ten day,
JIa ndvlcil member of (he Carter
1alta club to "get after" the c(y and
county off tela la iii an effort to better tha
road condltljiiB to the Carter l,ke club,
Mich Ileal rrolrcled.
The moneyed men and big Inicrem of
I he country ahould tuxd moie h'avlly
for the Improvement and upkeep of the
nellon'a. highway, Judge tinker advo
cated, lln aaerted that tha vl'h men
are better protected by law than Ihe
poor men and hence ahoiild be taxed
more for that protection, (In the en
that rich men have larger and more
widely pcattered Interenti to be protected.)
"We don't need lawa for the million
glrea; they can tk car of themaelvea,"
ha remarked.
Ha look a ahot at the terent advance
In tha prc of gaollna, contending that
it waa Juat a had aa tha man who holdi
you up on the atreat at the point of a
The gathering of tha membarf of tha
different committee at tha banquet
yeaterday evening marked the aueceaaful
launching of tha on'a a'ttlvllle of
the Carter Mk club, Dana for the 1PI
17 geaaon were outlined by the chair
men of tha committee,
In an addre of welcome Dave Ohrle
tle, preldent of tha club, declared that
he had two highly Important ambition
for till year-better road condition and
I,0u0 member.
ft, C, fitrehlow, vice preeldent of the
club, pok on the Improvement lhat
will ha made thl year. ,
Other committee chairmen reponded
to the following toaata: John I. N'gley,
"Entertainment;" D. J. Ryan, "Our
Canoe;" A. O, Jegr, "Service;" John
K, Ilagan, "Our Trap;" Albert Kdliolm,
"FiBhlng and Caatlng;" If. A, Newetl,
"Athletic,;" rr. Walter Boreneon, "Our
Motor Hot;" T. K. Wood and other,
"What We Are Here For."
Selection were by a quartet com
posed of Y. Ihman, Tetor I-ux, Otto
MedelweUcr and R. C. mrehlow.
Mr. A. Huntley, aololat, and Frederick
LaPlano, an entertainer and lelght-of-hand
performer, were on the program,
I'arkar Maon presided a toaatmaater
The banqueter aang "America" at the
cloae of the program, , j
Chairmen Nameal.
Tha chairmen of the different eommlt
teea of the Carter take club for thla
year are a follow; A, P. Whltmore,
finance; ft, C, Strehlow, building and
ground; A. (I. Jaeger, home; John Nrg
ley, entertainment; Walter Wharton,
yachl; T. )'. Wood, memberahlp; Albert
iMlholm, flh and game; Ur. Walter or
ennn, molorboat; CI. N, Aulabaiigh,
(anoc; Janie Woodman, auditing; It. II.
Newell, athletic; T. V. gulnlan, roade,
Tbc!,ToVc Mary Page
By Frederick Lewis. Author of
"What Happened to Mary"
Pictures by
Ahe the cloe of the regular weekly de
yotionel aervlee held In Ihe Kontenelle
parlor Thuraday evening nallevue col
lege Voung Women' ChrUtlan ao
clolion gill elected offlrera for Ihe
coming year, Kmmajane Ward of
tbe Junior (In w elected president,
Hernlce Kchlotfcldt, frchman. waa given
the poeltlon of vice prealdant. Mlaa Suaan
.IIIIkoh waa made aecretary by a unani
mous ballot and Marguerite f'lddock,
aophomore, waa ' hoxen treaaurer.
On Hands, Went Up Arm to Shoul
der, Then on Face. Awake
Nights Scratching,
Tb Oaet of Cbarwetarg for
tmw TBAxax cats or kabt
ebiti rncflen. nurxtr t
In ot frifh Mar? litr WtlrUa,,
alarr l'i. iIiiii.i nit, i kh4 pi
arer Raa M
( P.Mlw H purMr t an. i,. sin
li axiiia f Blur1rt.w
. . erto Alnonii
H II ftlfl. IhealflMl friitMr .. ,
, tttirrr Irunlllnanri
Pftultn AMnrrter , . John H 'oaf
t'n raa. Vary'i fihr r'anb l)r'n
Mit. rut, Mart m.rthar . ..
, ,, Fa .kie Hr"'al
M- flfaaduB K-1n.ini t'
(Ni,. It rrBBk H'MUoe
Mr, Hral, r.iil'M'h'a baalaMa M.M-I'
Arthur ftalt
A hanA lit) rnuiii W iiiim I'nvata,'
Sua Pollack, !' alatar
. rffcrttr Hra4."l
Amr an ar4raa ..Jtlaran Muriar
Mary' aiaie . , Mlaa vain
Mt. Veraoa.,., M' Mcl'rBoiit
Mary Page, au'rr-ea a "C bard of the
murder of !vid Pollock, nd I dofended
by her lover, I'lillllp l.mdon. Pollock
waa lntoilc.ted. At Mury'a liiil he d
mil alie had a revolver. ller mnld
teellflxa that Mary thiealened Pollock
wllh It prevloiielv, and Vary Ifiidlug
man Impllcatee Iatngdon. flow Mary dl
ipearai from tnm of lb cnmn la a
inyatery Kranilnn fella of irnu
hand I'lli.t that he w on Maty' aliouj
der. Knriher evidence almw na boiror
of drink produce temporary limni'ly In
Marv. The defence la ' repn-aeed pi
ihoeia," Wltneaaeg dcrlbed Marv'e ( ghi
from her lntol uteri iHn i and Tier
falher'a iilclde, Nurae Walton dee itbea
the kidnaping of Mary by Pollock nd
Amv Ha i Ion tell of Mry lriikgle to
twnin an cre and Pollock pureiilt
of her nd of another occaalon lin ihe
me of Ibpior drove Marv lnane. The
l evidence tl at Ianlel Miy' ma'iirei
loreatened Pollock, Marv falnia on ihe
lend end ln gn Ihmc ebn
polheman offer hr whll, lH'l I'
tetifie ttiat Pollock tl.reiletiod tt kl'l
Mary and Mnednn and actcatlv it
templed to kill I-enavlon Two wllneaa-a
d'B'Tlb Mary a fllifht to the alteer tr.on
Ihe hotal and her abduction ly men fnm
a gambling place near by Further evl-
acnea larnii to incnrnlnai nanl'i
ecuted freh backing and waa to etart
With paper crumpled In hi hand
laingdnn tred out of the window, trv
ng to fit thl new fa t Into tha Intricate
pnixle that had grown out of the death
of I'avld Pollock
K.veryone knew now that tnll hlin
lf had lot all h poeeed and had
alan ot the money Pollock bad pronv
laed him through tha death of the latter
Who ilin, w tha new angal, who
name did not apper In the carefully
worded announcement from Panlel'
W It not poaalbl. after all, that Pan
lel bad aeciired mora money from Pol
lock than anyone knew nf, and choae thl
method of ualng It lo avoid claahlng
with the lawyer of Pollock' ettT
lie hd got no further than thl point
In hi olllontiy, when the offlca boy ap
peared a) the door, a little fluahed and
i'i'o He Continued Tomorrow)-
NKW YORK, April .A motor ambu
liiice unit for Ihe Kuealan army, lha gift
of prominent clllKcn. will be Informally
turned awr to Ihe lluaalan government
hcie Monday The cm will tw reoelvad
by the Ituaaian coiimiiI general and hi
alaff, ftcr which they will b b1e4 by
a prPai of tha Iiualti orthodo church
The car will then parade up Fifth
h cm e
The nun mmprlae twelve ambitlance.
two auM'Jy ci 'id pilot car. They
rill he hiiicd In the front within a few
dma under the direction of the American
bo,i iw mbulnc nervlce In Ruaata,
Daslela' I'remlia,
fagngdofl gurveyed the huge pile of mill
on Ma deak with a half ruaerul, 1 a ! f
whlmalcal vmlle, Deepll t! fact
he had worked half the night, hi cold
plunge and a cup of trng coffee hd
eent him down er1y. filled with enry.
and he had planned to "clean up" hi
letter at the office before proceeding
lo court
II had not, however, counted upon
Ike ymplhy nd the antipathy thai
the now famoii trial of Mary l'ge wa
Nor had be coupled upon the pro
penalty of th American publl to write
letter, end in consequence ft waa not
a few hour' work, but the labor of dya
Chat lay before him In that, mulfltiidlnoua
trrity of envelope. ,
Ilealde the letter ly the morning
Pper, l of them, with the account
of tho trial marked heavily wllh blue
pencil, ready to he clipped and poal'd
In the office eerap book. Aa l.angd n
drew out hie chair and eat down the
headline of the topmoat pper caught
hi eye.
With little whltle of aurpilae Lane
don dropped Into hi eat and nned
the article?, which waa an Interview with
Daniel. It detail wer non-eentlHl,
dealing moatly with the quetlon of the
euperatlllon clinging about tbeatera con
nected In any way with trngedy, but th
main fact atood out boldly, Daniel hao
Tiz" for Tired,
Puffed-Up Feet
Instant relief for sore, aching,
tender, calloused feet
and corns.
PhD, JoW.
Tou're footalck! Your feat feel tired,
puffed up, chafed, aching, rweaty, and
they need "Tl "
"Tlr." makea feet remarkably feeh and
acre proof. "TU" take th pain and
burn right out of corn, callouae and
I bunion. "Tlr." la lha grndet font-glad-:
dcrier Ihe world ha ever known,
! Oct a cent bo of "Tl" at any drug
jatore and end foot torture for a whole
jer. Never hav tired, aching, waly,
imelly feet, your hoe will fit fin end
you'll only wlh you tied tried "Tl"
jooier. Accept no ubfltute Adver
' llaemcut.
illl'M Vli 'N l. V. i"U t''
ll.a (..x.nnitM i pr.,grn p,li
blu laM ' ! ! T"e'l'
....!( f ,f , ,..! irnl mamain
et r ....H l4 aaal t Wt'ilieg
1 at ' ,. aa l a" i
It lh ,i ,(:,. .'aBit
I ttatf I.M
1 1 r 1 I ' - a h ,.' a t a,-
lku It....,-, m m. i I H,a a, . . aa al
tt M a ,,!u i, ,1 at I f a
, h,r-
.-at. a I ii.).nt I a i- (.1 ed.--!
t a r , I , ..itng
n-a , y t ,..( t t M ait
i '' A. A I A4
"At (r( I rio'lci-il 1IMI red lil'ilihe on
tiy baiiila, and 'Oc arm up no 'in to my
ibouliler ud Itien oil ni fwe iy hand
awe emnti and IiiCmuM and
lb n til i a an li.lmiui
n.l llirm I .'!. I e.
lo ! ak r I liu an bin
all Ilie Hue I aaa I "I all"
i ri.' n t l anda in aaiai ur
fi I'll MH oa loalw II aaa
'.'' an Ikili fill mm
,V if .r m it ii li ' I !i ipirlt le I
' I beard cf I nli'-nia .p ti. i i n mhh.i
kl'd I tho lH I ki' I t t'-Bl !
b-iawj ' ( .ii i I i ii and - t
cf I iiiiiii i .al.l ha i":,ai),' '
tnrfi 1 ieti..tii.a ..-mMm '4i? '
Auhtww A. ). II I. it ivil -
Smnplc l.oi Ii I'rcr h
ik p ki i bi a -m 1 'i
d aa . .-aii l "I aiii id, ,. , li) ,
tM Art) ukI M iit.i I
! ! t) ttt Wlll tf lata 1
Mttt ('! rltff Ilhl alffHa-tlU
It'tii tllnH 1,4 Mllefy It
HflU l)ia I. III gj h
I I .'Mi. Mltn H t 4t I N ;
wen T Mff i tki It,'
Iti-.uf-l ..tt4 ft , p- l'fit:M
im kiifKta ftt tr Ift . I
t -M fe U t MHl t W V l t ft f
nieHll i Hi Ml) aakt- invtti
1. I H I I i Httl t I'll
U " , iii tu
mU f tl I Ml I RM
If I 4 K t ti' Wv I' V
if 4. !' H '.,', I l,
Kill Germs and
Save Human Life
The) menace of inllitarl-.ii', I lie horror of wer ami Ihet fell of
death taken In wll frightful ert lili-nla I un notlilnR tompej-ed to
the) danger of unawii deadly genna.
Event in war ltaelf Hie (oil of liuiimn life taken outright by
th wblri'tia bullet, the buratlim ahrnpiipl, or Ihe plerting atel
1 lea than that cetiaed by the unawn deadly (wm that attack
the woondeal and the well alike.
Hnman life will be lungthoned and liuiimn happlneaa In.
rreaaeid when we h'arn better lo gimrd our.cyc anlnt the
danger of the ever preaent genr. of dlaeane.
Powdered boric la one of .Naline'a nio"t wiimlerfiil gift ttt
man, for It enable ti, throiigli an lsi, ti ward off the
danger of Infection.
Owing t Ita wonderful niiliwpllr proKn li-a It rannot be to
highly rei-i,iiiininiled for lllM-ral ime In Hie rare of Ihe porarm
whereyer and whi-neter eMmel lo Ihe genua of illMwae.
Iiire powdiTed Iwirlr may ! ! with nl'xolute frewloni
and anfet) In all Hie lint in nl i ihIHch of I In- lioil). To rcI1z
how healing ll la, )H how afi. we lmve bill to recall lhat the
phyaliinn almoal nlaja piev i IIk Ii ns Hi principal Ingreillwiit
of an eye water,
The nmiinfiii lure of piwdired Inuic hn hren brouglil to
anch a high ilcgi cc of cifli Iiiim by one mm cm 1 1 1 it I If we al
reini'tnlaentl In ifif,v "tfn Mule Tram I'ow ilcrwl IWIr",
we know that t- luiic Hie rrnl ailb le In full atrctigtb.
On ei-i) pm kftat" "f ' Mule Tram I'ow ilt-rcd llnilc ill bo
found illivi timm fur li niiiliitii lc of uc. nml Hie rienae a an
llllli llml no our aliniilil rcr be wlthmit il.
koliiilm, of '.'ii Mul- i'ruii I'iim ili'icil II' 'it. In water make,
an alianhile ninl pniline milUcplli fur n'l uthiI u ll I
rvirllenl fur a ktiitiitui, for It kllU Hie genu vttili li umkea iho
dandruff that amll the luHr of ln Intir and rauai-a It lo fall
ul and i ' to lirmi,
It abmilil In- iii'i e a liiuiitli Maali nit a niiiiil of It anil
aepllc i) iin t it H Mill ili ter Hn'te la Hie IikIiIi i iliinni'i' nf haln
loi n itt.iMl b hdoat Imniglil In hhiIniI Mllll h Iuim aiilfi'ltug
null ii'liU. M'lf id dii, iii,
I ii n r, i nine Ilia HHilcn.iul rfffO niuiiUi'li tipiiii ei ca-
ie pi'iapn eHnii lb n-e i f Ju Mule fi tiu nwdi'rs Ibirii Mill
gltr grtt aiii lKt.ii Hull, ni.itliiM e,' iHiitig mil ami i Iran and
healing an) alu.mi m tint! iinat bate oniiiirtl,
lint fii li.tlll tUtli a Ii1"!! iUHil of '' Mule train
I'nuilrteal llnlli Mll M Hio fill fea till jran )olllig,,
lor Hi hub lt"'il iliiMii'g Willi J Mule I un l'.iiilr.H
I Luti tu t U'M e.iiil. a (lie, Inn, (iniu abafing bill tielp lo inaill
t mi ait tiiihil'llDlll i Iimii imiillllolt tut Ihe linln lwl),
lit an i hi i" .iiiii( J' Nlule 1 mm I'.m .1. i , , tt t
alllHI bl irf ft ! ilHll
'J Mule liain l'iib'iil I'm O la a l"r In get n Me.
II alimil'l be i'i He ilieaina Mllr of i ii iUlul HuiiiiH
ltd Itlariall) naasl in rn boat ImM wlice lunlttt la ptlaed,
lulhni liril iircnlrti it ' will i'a i all al (nur Ic.tue ami
malt ini'iiir(tia 'f i n In ul Mill I III I , a full l i iii
id UH MuU Irani Siln linni lium ahi nt I In- f..ilnlng
OfficUl RftlfiujUion Druif Slotf in Onmhtt, Neb
. Wial B' V", lillaar l.awia rai M ! pkat
akli I w Paiaaa gaaia a Ih I ..aitai Mamtl a ti'tag tuw.
rf. I,il k -. aisaiaxai , a ! iu t'wirar,
!', M a aihg aik !, ( -.ta r Mini, tun
tiiaf mmri rnl'-aa rai.-.a. iat..a ftrvi I "ava , jka
, p7 i' -. ICO! bf" fHanrait. "'a rt.
. )! fact. !. IVaayaat, .. at nil J I. a, a
! lrg fuaaBf, - fail rauaml, tlwarfa ra aB
1 n'Yi o
j. ' fV .wfrnam. ;
M .i Ik
1 r
stops itcHe
aeo Durran
Tier it liimiedul relief (or ikina
ltdilnj, burning and dlifigiired by ec
em, ringworm, or dlmlUr lornirnt ing
ikln-lriHilile, in g warm liaili with Uf
IihiI Soap and g iniile piu alion of
Keaituil Ointment, The tuottiiiig,
hralifig Kriiiml rnedirgilori uiually
top lulling Innaiilly, and utile) the
trouble iiduetnaome lerloui
duorder, koon rlear away all trace
of eni)tlors, even In ievere and ptub'
fiorn fe where oilier trrtmciit
live bad liitle or no effect,
Ymi need never lieaiute to uae ihe
Ketlnol Ircalineiil, It in a i't'.r'
prearrlptlon tbat li been nan! by
oilier pliyirlril for over Iwenty yrnit
In lha rare ttt Mn afferiioh. If ron
lain abolulely notliln llml toit'd
Injure (he tendrret ikin. ,
Prove it At our expense
kaatnnlfDntmani anil kaa,in,l Koao are ari'aj lia
al1 iliiiafiau, tr aanipa bra, "( in 1'itii,
II I,, bilnmnrr, M4
--' T - :' I-
1.9. Chicago 12:40 noon
Lt.Engltwooi 12:56 p.m.
At. New York 9:40 a.m.
It. New York 2:45 p. m.
A t. Englewood 9:22 . m.
At. Chicago 9:4 S . m.
Trautlmg Pott. Agl,
224 225 City National
bank Building
Phtm; f)ouu. 2003
ommia." ma.
The Great Advance
From tha Pathfinder to Electric Locomotive
TRANSrORTATIOM fiai made Ihe great Went what It la
today. The peopling of tin ininlily empire, and the remrnt-
Ing of that empire to the I.iutt h.ii hern made poahible only
because the pathfinder, the pMitln athiMiner, the pony exprega,
and theateam locomotive havr.egih In turn, oenel new fenioni
to progi rt end conquered the diUiiLci with greater ease.
And now, ti fn.ibln Tramportiitlnn to meet ttrcewifully the
greiiter opportunitiea r.l the future, romeg tha new traiibpiirtaiion
wonder the Mlghiy I let trlc U omoilvt.
Fed by the enormoue power (if the mountain waterfall, It
nmitrra the mountain burner with te; penetrate the
teavicit nowdiifiai Imulu heavier IomiU with grealrr dinpalth
ml with a pronounced anvlng In coat; inakei inouiiUlu trivrl
clem end luuuntain virw ilcar.
On your next trip Knrthwent, Like either all ter truln "TTi
Ohtiiphm" or " Itiif (InlutnMan" and enjoy tha combination
of iuxurloui aervh e, rln trie travel over the Kik kirt, and mine
td the iii'wt niiignificent atenery tut the tuiillnriil.
Uunflif tlltntur fit aa uhI.
I k kal OflUci IHf tBiaaea lliaal, Oenak
- ..
' lifr iai-K A
. m mm
I I I l.t Nt. Ill VAL. t.eewful ,t'il J, aa 0 ft If
,a 4
i.e-wiTTM niiwiiiii tan .-iiilDinii 'iiitLr 'inrir T'joriiir ir'iniWfii if m mm Mlifiilf: t 'r mi "lliiatln- "-inn " ,-r-f"( - " m i . t . .