Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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TIIK WY.Ya OMAHA. MONDAY, Al'l.lL 10, lflli.
tnititnte for Soperriion of Schoo
Work Will Be Held it State
LINCOLN, Neb,, April .perlal.)-
4 hfcma grhool garden worker' confer
tie will be held at the rtege f grl
culture at Unjoin nn FYIfUr end Hur
ilny. April 14 and JS. beginning t , on
Krlday morning and laallng throtighnit
(lie lro tlaya. The rorferen I Inrn4a4
particularly for the garden worher tit
thoee t"wm whlrh Lave in'1,rt kn the
garden projwt thl eeeon In ij-praflnn
with th extenalon ervloe of lha allege
of ggrlrultur
A part f the ,onferti" will be de
filed lo lha work of erlmlnlatrgtlon of
th home-eehonl garrteu project, and will
InWuda a 1lfii.aofi of the following gut.
)eef: Knmllmant, report, garden club
tiwtetlnga. garden filrnU. -rllt, garden
eommfttea, mrkeftng. hlttg, canning
leaeong. loral leader and ironteafa.
A portion of tha tlma will be devoted f
technical Inetrurtlnn upon lha moat Irn
portent thing to ha oUerved In ggtgh.
iiening and carina for a garden, . Thl
pari of tha conference will ba In charge
of rrof. R, P. Howard, head of tha d
partmant of horticulture, and Aealatanl
I'rofeaeor Georga Hood, femmietratlon
will tag given In tha greenhotiee and In
lha field, The will cover planting rl
thinning, fertlllilng the garden. ureDare
lion of tha ad tied, tre-oeplantlng and
pruning r.d eleUliig tomatieg.
Thla i-eferenee la held primarily for i-
Krvtaor, but tha fler,,on aervl.e
ernloug to hava all fiperintendentg t-ra
ant If poaelt.le, aa wall aa teaehar and
Mtlgen of tha town, who will at
loral Iralere and who ara eapawiially In-
fiaai4 in th gardening work,
Tha program follow:
fRirilT 4 I'tr H. 11
A. M. Vahia of liouiee'-riool garden
-"' "-"eiioe ,ne oornm'iriitv, F,n
J. ro" memlwr. rVhool
'it earner, wore.
' A. l.lmrortnr nf vox.t.!.
-rxariOK the r1n tolart
In the v-tailti.
is mm r
J 'fl K M. 4irranltlon of garden work
i a '",'''"' "Jinmlltaa. Tha lo-al
1 f p, m Tha cordrn d bod
i.Vd preparation.
Tha hot
T. M -
-....n. ina value of the kodak, 'Hi
u rnetriing. Mar4enlg
. , ATi rrAr, Armr, i
' .-lTie ami aahlhlt. Tha
u.kV... a- own foporta,
-'-" i" wntug,
iNofjfi re'eaa
I ' I". M.-Market(,,g problem
ett,ea fanned veaei.Met
Inlile rennlnc demonstration.
ii .' '. M -'""' and transplanting
"tnatoeg. Htaklng and pruning, Uu-
Grand IslandBcct
Sugar Plant Will
Be Reconstructed
CRAN'D IfiLANI), Nrh., April -((-
ai.r-u i annound that woik will m
reeumed tomorrow on a ailll larger wala
P'"t of tha American Haet ijr
company In modarnlxlng thl, the e-ond
lrgrt beet augar factory In tha L'nltad
fitmum. At banquet tendered by th of-
wera or tn company to tha bead of
oparimanta and tha men employed
by tha year It wa atated ,.
ha alrrady been begun under tha gu-
P.vwion or Mr, mil, g eonrtrugtlvg and
flvll engineer employed by tha company
tor It v.rloua pia,,,,, tt,lfl hf Mr
( ooney. Tha feature of tha work flret
undertaken will be th remodeling f ,he
alt.1l! A'" ( ,h" pr''n, l
olieda, tha changing of aide trark, u,,
ubatltutlon for aom. of the, of elevated
reeaela by mean, of whlW, bee., will )
iTrgr!" " 6"WPt4 'T"" tU b'""",
The announcement , particularly g-.ll-
to the bu.ln.. of Grand
and view of the taut that owing to
'Iff,. and uncertainly In th.
rt and th. further fact lhat thl. p!lt
haa become aotnewhaf anilMUated ( v.
7n'L7",pr'- ,h fu,m
H. I. , J''". r"ntr "glnaar. da
clar that when the t.r,.,.t p.n. are
on.nmmaied. th. wrM w, b. mo(J.
rn In rfflclenry and economy of manage-
Z h'" ntinl' n'"
TK.TJHKII. Net,. ApriH i.l ,.
I'. graduating , of ,. t
Hia-h .1B., am number lenty .l mi
' lth a i.,ii,iiI. t , r tmo
her. lu, have crwliia to k. T)l(
l.a la.t year ,nvflve. The o,.g
''"H" ' .adu.i. ,,. ,,.
'. Anna Ilcty Ao.. .tll,r
"... man. M, I 'ale, A, 0.t Ml.
Uugh H..y ,Umm, l,',. j, (
"Incr. IIHen Murt-to . Men.
Ur,.,,e ie.H. fail., u'
' In artel
''her W.IUva, lli:,j
t t.i
I li i S, . Aurtl .a-. ,..i .
It... Juh.l i, h,i.(,.i f ti,,n4 lr
I 'h iaie t. i I nii.j , ,,.
i. nh , i n,,.l(jr IU , ( (
'' ' ' t'l.V they t y,,
" t tali. I I ,. , A ,!.,
i.l i.i..Mu.a an ie.. i ,. 1., ,,,,
t i-Hi.iri
'l.i .. h
Mr I i iilv l'n, an,.,
'r l Imvia. inn line li.-...
1 '"'" the ViH.i,. hut puu (.f
' 't f ' el I .i, , . , j,
,'.m.N h. sent to , tatln.
" u. riii,,.,t,
Th' i .e (:.! g it, . a
Hk 4 aide 4 re e. Hra4a4
Ii t eel t.e ..l tt,if it j.,',
H ftt la l . ti n-itta
a .....! it Vy tar I' a tM-at I'aat.e.
- . t f aev at t a pti.,, (inn,,,!,
...: (.,! y.if aaiMd j, (, ,,
ilr-ii,.!, and ! ) l if H e getu ef
!.-iieiliia. . -ii i..i . i 4 rr f ei ,
Kt'iei " !- Ihe Hit ha, ),M
. .,. it. a .'It lb laaa l a .lana, t.
' - '-' J wtt, t .. I . ,.. ,,
lib, C -,i Hnt- !Mft a"-I l m,
tetaattla gvet-i abet A4iti;ne,
Two Hundred at
Good Roads Feed
In Johnson County
TI;TSKIf, Neb,, April .-ihprUl.)-Two
hundred buainea men and frmr
attended a "feed" and good roeda meet.
Ing glcen by tha Tec'Jinaeh t'oiirnerclal
olub atid the Tecumaeh Aut'tnoblla club
at tha dining room of the MeUiodlat
chinch laat evening. Tha effort wa. to
tlmulate road building in Te'iurnaeh 4
vicinity. Jay I'. iA'tnrt prealded, and tha
prlncloal apeaktr of the evening wa
I,. W, f.1i of the .grlciiltural engl
neerlng depaitment of th f'at unlvtr'
atty. Ilia aubjecl wa "Community Or
ganlxetion for Uetier ftoade," nd t'
emphaald tha Importance ol co-opera
tion and organisation. Krank H. llp-
hatdt apoka of "The Valua of iJood
IVntdg to tha Parmar," lr, M. ftewart
aa to have apoken on "The Vlu of
mA ftoada to tha ttualnee and 1'rofe.
lonal .n," but w detained front at
tending tha meeting. Hon, A. K. I'f'.
renreaenlatlva from thl dl!rlrt In tha
laat atate leglalatura and who enjoy t),
dlatlnetlon of having no oppoelflon from
any party In lha primary election, .poke
of "Kd lglltln," H gave an In
laht of tha work in lha Intaraeta of
road at tha legl.laflva aeaal'm, I'av. ('.
c, Wllaon pok on "What 'ood hm
Mean to th County and "lata," and gav
i,m va nan a ')' I'ina, i fie uif-
prlr.e offered for t)ia Mt r'd laat
vear, In a good roai eompatltlon, we, a
a warded.
or Platta VpHmmt AbaHnar.
N'llTlf i'lATTK, Neb,, April ,-pe-
clal l-No new of dlihbrU or
acarlct fever hava nvelopd bar within
th laat forty-eight hour, and health of
ficial bellev that tha .filiation U now
pretty well In hand, At a meeting of th
fjoard of Health th order rloalng thea
ter and chiirchee waa revoked and It
wa derided that If no mora taeea de
velop .chool probably will ba reopened
T ne ad ay,
ytrm Hmlr am Klra Walar.
SOUTH PlyATTK, .. April vp-
lal )rllowltic tha raaot "dry" vlff
tory at tha pU hit, rttirut nana a-
linn kenoara ara already preparing to
')iilt buainaaa. A "flra le In ona or
Ida lofn haa alraady alartei, tna
proptU'tor annoiinrlng In flaming Ktra
I hut Honor, wine, rlaaif and otheF
LeinrU will ta old out at t!"t. alnra he
la "itilttlrig bulnea."
War Damage Close
To Half Billion
(rVtrrearondrnc of Tti Aolatad I'reaa )
VfKNtfA, April 4-Tha t'rtal damag
egiiaad by the war to property In the
province of Oallci I iltna.iad at $VA,-
00,110 in report prepared by lha Ho-
elaly nf Augtrlan archlteota, dealing wltb
plan for tha rebuilding of th deefroyed
town and village. In Oalloia, The report
iate that nearly VtifM of the Inheld-
tanU nf tha province have fled to ftua
ala, while aO.W famllle art HI remaining
behind ara hnmeleae
Of a village in tba war area, 771 are
reported mora than half deatreyad. In
tha other there la generally aom war
damage, but tha proportion v.rtea con
elderably. Altogether It I. eatlmated that
177iuO buelneae premlaea, private houae.
and farm building, hava been completely
de.froyed, to which number wiat be
added about a0 public building.. A
eumlng that tha cl of reconet rusting
lha building will gveraga ll,7o, tha total I
coet of thla (Ingle Item in lha work of I
raoon.tritntlon after
the war will be
about vm,m,nn.
I, , Copenharva. former praaldcnt of
tta Omaha Typt.graphlcal union and at I
preaunt prealoent nf tha Tradig l nlonlt
Antl-IWMice league of Nebraakg, filled the
pulpit at lh Caatnllar Ktrrct t'leahytcrlnn
hutch laat ever.lng when ha explained
why tha Tredee Cnlonlat Anil lloom
league wa organlaed, II nld that wtien
tha Nobraaka Htale Federallon met
year In (una'ia II wa domlnatfd h the
wtt" element which did not tepreaent
lha aentlrneni of tha union men who hav.
organln-d thla aoclely.
Mr. Cojienharv Mid Ihl la the firat
organlaallon of Ita kind ever attempted
and that It haa met with both favorable
and unafavorabla eomnient all over the
The "fieaellai hafft, ' an oignnilallun of
Kvecing Utah ecbonl atuitenla, will hold
their regular hl-mixtthly mealing In lha
High Hchool of Commerce. Thureday
veiling, April 11.
Thl . ty will bold meat log. tl
etery mii, ill during Ihe aumuvr month,
ud ilt riintlmi th atudy nf the tie,,
man language.
The following pingram baa been (
ianei for Thurtay evening A reading
fleiineii, famuel Kumar, t liatloii,
Mlaa Johanna rk bnelder: lei man muale.
tl Karnry I In nun pnetrt, Mia a.
er .ewla
S .1 flitan Mill lielivff two el.tie,...
I,i it luuaha Andllniluiii a- t rmn.lay
' In the fie.,,M.n , l aiak al tha
flehiaih u nf ha . i nt. imini ,f i),a
Amil an liil.i av lty, an , rm..n i,.t
I Iw bg r-lrtuaud throughout the ,mn
Ii t
In lha ' le h . uim ip
i at t ! n-.-ci'ng to tr t r 1 1 in
It I, real of th S-hi ",in , ,,,,
f ' e Ig a
t oatlleallMa gi.k laeAaika.
I ' b I' g a N I (I I'll'. on! it a iff I ran n il lha h..,'. ,,.
' I fl ft' e ?, i; a a
A t ll'.laatianl
eial ai ivb -a f r tVu'laii It
it l fl ,!, ill I t i, .i ,i ,
l.wr. i) S .ith TMi tlrt !.
i ii . i.i. g t i art. imn
rt T 1 m. .4i ii itifi.iai
.,tittii a hi t la 1'ii.ap 1 1 Mil
la t
lh iiiein ,
Hit I'-' A It art Cake
I t ,i,i. i ,,,,
t li ) ''
1 1.
! aa iiailirM,,
. H i. ... ii 4 at it ,
. ' III K , ,.. ll, ,,j
t li ,l.,a.a.' an u :. ,1
American Army Officer t 1 Paso
Sayi Pershinjf Can't Do More
Without Rail Serrice,
KU J'AHO, Tt., April 9Th pur
kiilt of Vlllg im born brought to a
doflnli halt, according: to a Ufn
mrnt mgd hr tonlgbt by an Anierl
r,n army ofTlnr boMfng; a poglfloo
tA rp.;nalblllty,
"TJfrn Ig no tin blinking at tha
fact," ha ggld, "Kve-n g layman
khould b abln t, undmlaml tht
Ofneral Tertiblng with tha raJaflrel
amall number of ucn unti-r big rom-
mand cannot maintain a Una of mm
rniinlcatlon anywbata frota 809 to
lOn fill" long and gt the aamn tlrna
prM fhn purgult of a bandit Info
a country where hi I known to hava
tboiigandg of gympathlMra if not
actlva aupporttta.
Haet Hava etelroeiie.
'With tba free uae of lha Mexican rail
road W fioold (till hop to effect im
thing, b'lf apparently there I no hope of
aucb a conceaalon, at leaat af preaent. I
eennot m-x (ht tha rmy can do any
thing more until th rHrod ptoblem I
eattlad In our favor or g-ibet.nt.lal rein
forcement are gent In to tjeneral f'th-
I know nothing about report that tha
withdrawal of tha troop, la contemplated,
That I a nution for 'Waahlngton to
decide, Jt la hardly necary for ma lo
aay that It i a goluflon whkh would te
a Ml far pill for ua."
Tti border I. In tha atate tonight of a
mm holding hi breath In anticipation of
oni great and Irornlrtont event..
Maeelag; af Troopa,
"'element, from Meghan offblal her
and In ure, coupled with diapat'ha
from Waatitngton, era .crapted a. Inti
mation tuat a epeedy arid aenaeiloual de
veloprnenf. In the altuatlon I mining lit
connection with ihl feeling report, con
titMie lo corna from a dwsen different
aource. of th eoenl ration of
triHip near th tiordar, Tbaea rp,rt
erne In aucb a manner that they cannot
be Ignored, end it u known that Iher
have Men forwarded f Waatilhgtn l
Vur over a week It ha been reported
here that addltlonaj C'ananr.a Irwift wer
on their way to Juareg and that tiavlra.
lha prant commander In tha Mail'gn
loan, wa. to ba euperaeded,
A tecment from Meifcen itrm in.
night declared poelllvely that H-tirnl
Oavlra had received order, to proceed to
( aaa tirandeg to take a field ejtmmtnH
and that be would ba auc-eeded by Oen-
eral fviror.lllo Hemandet, Ueneral Mir-
nandag wae ald to be already on Ma way,
having entrained at Villa Ahjma aim
M men. Villa Ahiimada la half wav ha.
Juare and Chihuahua City,
l-aiaaber I'lael Maraeg,
a train wntcn arrived here today from
Chihuahua City with geverai Amerlr.o.
Including two women, brought glory of
... turning or tna ll,flW.Bi plant of the
Imrango l,,,mhr idinpwir, gn Ameruan
con-em near iniiango 1ly, The plent
wa .ail to iiv been doiroyad by
Vllll.taa under th Arrlata br,rfhr. .
plr who are ald to lie eameat rtvaie
"n ''anuto fty for the title of pre-
'""r """ in tne territory about Tor
"" "ortn imrango.
A recent highly prld addition In tha
folleellon of finely-bound tmnka at (he
"t"h Cnbllc library wa a n,,t,v of fhe
wore, inirr of tha Manhattan Club, by
rty waiieraon.
Thla boot., limited In an edition of
W rnplee, la printed on hand made paper
and ha e ngraved on a fly leaf, ' Printed
ror the I'uhli.. Library of Omaha, Neb,"
It waa a grift from the Manhattan cl..h
New Vork
The author, llenrv Waiieraon. the
-vine eauor, ireata a a narrallv. the
a-ininca or half a centucv .f h. u.
balian iluh.
Bank Clearings
flank elearlnaa In th f'nlteH a..u
the weel, ending April , aa reported to
."( rnai. Mew Tork, aggra
Kle 41,C Mil, agaluai M M UM.fmf l..t
weea and . In thla weeg laat
'"if I anaillan i learlnea n-i
. . neaiuet l l a ittl et tmmmk
no in.. .., in rm. rPa Inat year
r ni a.e ii.e imuhi r,,.. 11,1
no iiii Willi iierreuln.ea of ehanae
""" ek ae compared wm ,la
u. I ,
4 t
'.- I
r ....
w . , ...
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Sf ....
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4i,'a aa;,l"H
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,.t f g r.,
tt a
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So Declare Rer. John F, Hawk in
Sermon at the First Reformed
"fifteen thouaand men of vo'ing g
living In UtnuUn have no conn-' t Ion wlti
any chuich," eeld Kv. John V, Jlawk
In hi ermon yeater'iay morn ng at the
Klrat ftfformed nhur'ti, Taanly-thlrd
atreat and feer park boulav.rd,
He waa preaching th gfranuou. Chrt.
tl i) life, the Chrl.tlan life of pr.c:l e
a Well .. of theory, the C'Mlatlen Hf"
fndaad a well .a In wor'', Tl tU w
the word of I hrlet, reprov i g ai.d alinoat
e.naatlc, "Why 'all y Me "lrd, lorl
and do not th th thing which f aay'.' '
"How can wa ait ainugly in our p, w-
with audi a condition around u in our
own city and with the earn condition In
other cttleg and gll over the worbi?" lit
eined. "We elng luatlly of 'Itilngliig
In the Mh,' of 'Working for Jeu,'
but wht do w do?
"Are our live gctuel living force. f.,r
th bringing of people to Chrlrt or ar
wa merely heater of the word and not
f brief laaa Are Halldera,
"In parable and tnetaidior Clolat hag
likened Cbrletlan to builder, to her.
vaater, to goldler, all men engtged In
5tv work, uaeful work, conatrucllv
"Chrltlnlf y that I worth while rnuat
be a eonatructlv force, a living force.
cAnejatent force that move continually
in th right dlretrtlon.
"In the oldilm I arveot field tti
Mnder uad tn divide their work Into
'ttlng' and tba man who couldn't keep
ahead ot the reaper In getting )l fh
aheave in Id 'elation' und wa fon
Vard a poor workman, I think It woull
be good if a gtlgma war raat upon
'rltlan If hy eannot keep ahead of
the reaper In binding tha non-f htiatlan
world Into aheav. for Chriat,
"Tha frtM"7irlef 'an world judge. Chile
flanlty largoly by thoea who profeaa it,
if w ara dilatory and Indifferent w
can t eiipect f reap a great hrvet for
th Meter, W rnuat be up and d'fig
every day th grtt work tht w
hava V tin,"
Tl.a evening aervlc waa conducted by
a goepel teem Medd by W, K, foahler
end waa marked by larg attendance an1
fiee Went Adg rrodiKe Reaufi
Tl.e Wiilt Mhrtna Whlet rlub will have
a lin'tieon at Mawmlo temple Monde r
followed by an Otpheurn party In hotuir
of Mr. If. J, ttlclsler, wh leave goon
to make her home In Kanee C)fy.
Tiie table will b decorated In yIJow
and wht, the fl'nrlna colort and cover
will le plaoed for;
Mary Wearn
II, 1, Killer
John fxiugla
I 'in hhort Vincent
(I H ldyerd
W, it. Iioixance
ffcarlea flrher, Jr.
f, II, T ftlepen
A. .A. Wedejneyer
t rank Carpenter
T'ora 1 rkckler
it r. riorum
W. W, ,tt
fUrle K. Molony
It, , I'mrmn
W. W, Kerr
U A. Prnllb
A. P, Mradv
f.eorae Mnrrl
II. Karrowa
A, A Neollmn
M !
Cane of J. E. Dolman is of
great interest to car
shop men.
More then 2.M0 men wort; al th grrai
rar ah ope In Omaha,
in thla hive tf Induatry, affhiancy I
the wetrhwnrd, Itryalrgl fltne I nerea
aary. Th worker it today mual he well
In rdr to keep hi plare In th al
wiya crowded fg'tnry, whn kllld
work la at a premium.
On of theee 1,000 men I J. K rmlmtti
of 1101 Dark elreet, ttmalia Mr. Dol
man bd a tierltage nf tniiihle. ita euf-
fered from atoinacl ailment, aa In
father end mother bad anffared before
him, The etory ha tol l yeatrrday might
ba railed a rtanmon aanes eerninn to hi emiipanltina In thla inonatar hop,
1 had fallen away from IJ to 1:4
pnunda," aald Mr. tadinan, ' I knew f
eouraa, that aloniaih trouble waa tha
rauee nf my loae of trngih. It ahoe.J
In headarhe that I had atvout three
timet a Weak I very hervm.e. I
tied twen lold to be ery riafu In what
I at and drank, and I had been for a
month, hut It bad tint given in ant
relief in fact, nothing had and It aeeme I
If 1 had tried alt medh Iue that t ba I
vr beard of
' And then I tried Teniae t nut a hot
tie In my lun U i and rarried It in
wntk, and ona of III ft, at liilaiti I
had with Tan1'' aurtwfee.i iu While I
aa al ma una nf my keadaihi
Harte-I h'ii il n lo. k ..i, dt ,.
tii mi I inh rail. gn tha Taular. and lu
lialf a linua tnv liaait. ha a a-n
I t. a l a I a au,,l.. nf . Tan a
Ataa i bai Uaau l an I.ih:m nf 'lai,
la', ai4 I knew bow n.ta.f tilt eft,,.
Il II H a l"in' n iei(i.lT
Mr I Win a it at." tat.t t.a 1i,ai'
man, man in, .al., eaiilU
ax'eaa aa tie ai'ila.l ha aa a 4"
lin of al."ii.'i, itnilia lul.rita.1 .,ia
l fn.lH hia parrnt 41 tea! b I li na
fat! ai and i'oilia .if.e. Hut toi
ealat' It I thia ami imi.i'i. la i n
an a' H. .f I'm ha, , a. r ,ia
li tah'a' I bi il.fte a n, r .
a.ia ni'i'iia i" . i l ,4- .ai t
' "a h a'i.neiil aiot ....! i .
lint. a 4 -a Tan a , f.i , n a ban
"!. I . a I In . ha el gt einiaii a
41. . , inn. it I "I. a iu,o, UtH an I l..laa
al.aai a ;
1iU4 ma t ke il lain. I In ft, ..a n . f
il.a , i.iUir liaaina I . flire, ,utn
fiai4, It I acut a im tl.ii,g llim
4l.i If t ' tl I i,
Ikkwak A IB, 4,1.1. ira, I WM,
A' 't, It It Iiiii n, I f) 4ii,t,
i 1 1 iii 4 t !'.. n i.j. , I, aa.n ifa
ai .f. itaala.. I 41 li Mi,tu,t g ,,
f e a.. n t It K .e . . nui. ., iHmn
I r 4 a ei..t li.i.i.i. Mill I I'l a".
! ; It.'tu Slitiitm,
g M.tiria ti'tiriMn unFfi.i I
' .. l..a H I a. I i... I , a
Americans Visit
Grave of Plucky
Midshipman Dale
f.'ofreponoiice of The Aoclt'd J'r, a
l"T. Ur-JHVir.H, Jtermuda lalanda, April
4,- Many ii. rmudlang and Americana who
temporarily make their horn. In the,
laland. made a pllgrliimg" on tV.ahlng
ton' hlrthdny lo Ihe Kiave of Itlcbard
ufherl.nd ImIc, h liildehlt man of the
tnll'd ntt itv, who died here from
wound. r'eln.J In the bailie t.-!
American frlaaln f'rcel'l'iil and Irlllah
naval veaael niore than a hundred yeara
go, In the o, inlu! old b ,r Ing rrouud
round tit I'eter'g church here, large
number of people gathered and depoatfed
Moral trlbutee on tlio grave of the plu-ky
f'ale allied nili ''ommodore Iie.atir
in th frlgnt I'l'xi lciit when thai noted
nnmnnnHi't left t),. reicmder of hi
ariuadron, the )',il, the Hornet and
the .toreahlp T'Mn Howllrm, al Vew Vork
to eacftpe Ihe lilil"h hloeUh.. Mie vee
ael having ground' d While going lo ,
omuio'loie e.ajr decided, aft", prn
edlng g.riie dinieme, to return to purf
tor repeiia, fin l,l way he Mi in with
udron of four Ifrltlah filKiitu on
January ),',. f,. A t-rr1U engagement
followed In whhh the frealdenl hadly
cut, up th (Irlllah frigate Kndvtnlon,
forcing her to retire, 'Hie other three
Hrllleii frigate, the Majeatlc, the f'rno
and the Tenedo, urrounded the l'rel
dnl and finally forced her to a irrend'-r,
but not until Iwenty flv of her men had
been killed and lty wounded, Thev
ere on quarter of the i'r''Wr rrew.
Tii 1'iaald'nt wa brojghl. by bey cap.
I"r lo Itermuda and th wounded landed
t. Ihl port. Mldehlpmen i'al loaf a
leg in the battle. He died at Ktennett'g
hotel her on Tburaday, Vrhrmrf V,,
WU. in announcing hi. death the Iter
mud Unyel Oggette .aid: "Thl young
gentleman wa aeveyely wounded In the
late engagement, and though eangulne
hope were t flrat entertained for hi
r every, ba ha fallen another vlntlm to
thi unnatural war, unpekably lamented
by hi brother offpr and deeply re
gretted by all here who wltneaaed hi
eaemplery behavior and patience under
hi. gufferlnga.
grbaaldt klgea Wllaon.
Manager Charlie h.-hoildt of the Mo.
bile rlub he atgned I'lrat I'.aaeman W'll
mm r,t I'avenport.
The Day Is Faihor
to tii o f.lan
Old ggylny Ilkt fhl tr fraugfil dtfa
noal iinrUot meaning. j)4 wliat
will aid Die enperUnl
mntiier n mnaarvlng
her bgglth, bat
atrangth, bar oantai
rep and tha ate
aetaca uf tciatl out
peine I g (ul'Jert oi
aat moment. Among
Uie rwntrnliad help la
gplaoilid rem e 4 j
known aa "Muthai
rTtand," Applied to
tl juarle It alnk In
derply to make them
firm and p'Unt It thuj
lirte 11 - aln .,,
tlgairierd that prod or pain, it llgi.tena 1U
lurdrn on tl nervoii eratem, indmea calm,
cetfui nlgtda ot liealtbgtvlng alaep ami
rr. ike tha day eunny and happy, Oet g
buttle of ft'dlieyg frtend" of ny dnt(gt
and yat will then realla aby It haa been
rwialoVred Una to II name In on, beet iiomea
through three generation. It parted If
harm Ira lut q egaetiv Uatt onua luavl It
la reraimmenrtnd to all eipertant rootUra by
Ihoae who went through tha twdeal with
eurprlatng aae. By willing to JtradfMd
heynlehir Co., 411 Iamar Uhia-. Atlanta, fie..
yoa ran have g free twpr f woruierfui
euirg ng inai uoroioa tiawa tiling whl-ti
all trpoi.-Unt luotlxr deilght to real. Write
)At 1,
T4 Wirtft Grmlnt
Fain In Side,
-Arty Local
I mill aa ffaefag
4 Ml HK41K4T4,
Devoted o
rllllant Miialnai Barlaaqtia
"l,,aw"eeWJaWaiaaMaawaiiiaiiiii wa-4aaaawaaaTaaWaaBaaea.aaaBt
ill,M(t tif glial iigHJ ! llf g'M4l
BUI Campbell, Jobnla Waber
:;Lr.7.-.oa. london belles
IpMi'i j Amateur 'b'hpulB
gin aaniiai
trl ,
a in u 1
Hi.h Flier Nile
l tint I: I B .t liu eii'U IJ"
,t-M hHHrli
tf t,i it I i ia ! 4 t m
tmt, tl i airt f.,r I f '
gVaKlr-tg-t HtraJ if I. It. IM il
Lk) mi !. ; tt m l'ig
hi ik'i l iar tl 'i I
tl (, Ifti .u IV 14 tk't M'
i 4. g. u . If .t
( 'H. t.t V,t 'i4'
r i ii
MATS. i5: 255 ,r"
I M4 I I
i(a .' -a a
I gnitn lfli at AWT wria
T It k ' I " " HAt MATiata
paay Carrlaia ft' la r Lakkv
Th el
la. ai.
II 4
a Mwiii
ethir iuil
a. - a a 4-
si2o a .liUOr
Maagaag . 4 laaalaai a l-wiy
a ..-oia !.. t . aa. a A
I a - i. a i a
jHlaieatUaai Trt, Big, tlagg
gla.Ha TaiJai - r r allMl,
lyrph's Scnool of Dancing
aWaaWtWMjiyi "- " A4aaW " " 'i f t it
an I I ! ih f
i lai ., n ..a fc - I
Need Only Trust to Lydla E.
Pinkham'f Vegetable Com
pound, says Mr. Kurtz weg.
Luffalf), N Y. " My dmifrKV"', 4hoa
picture ig herewlih, wag rnut.h troubled
wlin t.ning in finr
htik rikI gi(Jngvery
ifiunlh and thy
A-riuM g'.mrtimni td
go lig'l that it wiuM
n'f.m lik't o:utj in
fi nmrtir.tlon of nom
tririin. Thd ri'B'l
your tvivrt!i'mf.'ht
in thi rfvjiptiiier
iititl tr., I l ydig, K,
''r.lilniri'g yrgf
wtttblc 'J'TittriL
tht prtuVg It hlffhly ui ch .t,n tcerj
rtllve1 ,f b'l thi'M f.rifna )iy (tg o'.
All mother g'KMj'.'J l.nowt.f t',i remedy,
and all young yjrli whu guifur ghould
try it."Mrg. IlATIUM K CRT2WI7J, IZi
IJiKb St., I;u!TB)o, Ji. y.
YuutHf women who are trouMfd with
painful or i.T' jrulnr pi-rlhtlg, bwlifli-hf,
jiaB'lttrht', 'drn;Kiriir-'!wrt gonrgtlwg,
fglntinif ;-lig or ln'!iKftl.n, ehould
iak Lyditt L. J'inktiam'g rjfUI'iu
Compuuiid. 'J 'liougbti'lg l.ava licrrti r-
turod t ) health iy tjA uA h'.-tb
If ytm know of nnr rountr '
man who 14 eh'la and ru-fda iifli
f ul fed 4 U'i, Hnk litr In writ to IlitJ
I.ytJI.4 l',.lMiikitifti MfJii lint .
I.yiui, Mana. Only tvottu n ulll
rtvivff licr lr ttfr. and it will Lo
lieid in HrlcU'M t:ouM:nw,
The Kiriley Vhlhk
Account Ledger
Now etwee I, vlalhl ayatem
tit bookkeeping: leafed and iiroyo'l
by thoueanda of flrttia in huti'lreta
of line ot bualiieee, Adupted to
any type i,f buelneae where fig 'ea
are need, Ae a llme.var In ptat
lug and looking up gaemmte, aa n
I'pfivenlenee, aa mlalakejne,
venter end an effhirnt mernod o
hook ke.., log, thla vlalhle eyaleiu la
great an Improvement over the
old looee. leaf and bound le'lgora
ae tha vlalhle typewrlx-ra and a'l'l
Ing tnarhtnae over flie old pioneer
wafhi ot writing and mlilim, a
Ihe automobile over lh "una boa
t'tir fruit aample gdilieaa,
Fremont, Neb.
Or hoa B, m, Klrtlay,
Bntg Hotel,
to its Natural Color
In few guttlP-etlon to It original dart, gloaay
hade, ae matter bow lour 14 aae been gray ot
lenea, ana aatvirua lisuva Vf
tl ti nit e ve nn one will know yon ar tiling
H. . Vw. tl. all dealer or Olre. l upon reeelpt
of i.rP. f' i"t for booklet "Heautlful Hair."
ptiflo Hay Mm a flea (V.inpanr. Mearark W. t,
I'lil.l I 4A I." A I) V k; H'fa (iT
llW a tout,.'- v r,.', i ,
U. S. Senator From Iowa
- -"iVr-1. C-eJI
V A. 1
Some uf the rcaiun. w h Senator Cummint UcntltlcJ
to the Mipport of Ncbraka Rcpuhllcann!
lit' i tt mftti'MiuiH nf ilit hieitifitt mil! typf,
I If i iMt nn ti'l'HlMKN r.
Ilf la iiti of Oil iitit.ii! nit'ii of 0 r t', . nittc ami oni
0l4' Plt'ilt Ilit'U iif lt d l) ,
llf b liu one t.nn.n!in'n! i tttuliiLli' it, utulo all fa.
lifiiti tiu It'iktt itunitnl I'aAity M i.'tufy in Nuvt-mr,
lie I lint l'fit'sr urifttl iiv iiii ff I'Aiih hi m on the
" - t t'u Mi.irvi4 tf lln il,y am ktinwn all ttini are
l i m tit iy ; .ui!:.'itii tu iy uhi tP.
II.' U I nn frit ihl t.f tho I'anm-r fi.l Urirr.
II i- itit'tinly I'atnli.l.iif Inmi list Writ tinl fur lht flrt
tin f In lli. hiiti.ty of lh ,'artv lh Wr li ttttftl
clirttiiv to nuniiii.itu h w intern ".
U U atmitrflv owHmtil t.i War,
Hf t jut mn fair all NaiioiM an.l ! k,
Mi litany rr of faitliful anil aujH'riir I'ul.Iio ttnii'e ff!
hm liuixli'rfijl m'liiiniMiii ntj 4ntii!i tttut la tho hrariT
'U i'itof Nvk'trjki U.'i'Ul'tii-ttn,
Hit imini will bm on tht ballot.
Aged g month before bottUnV.
The only beer on tke market brewed
from cure apfing water. Order g cage
eant horn ant be convinced of It
eui.arlorlty. fhoae AaUSta W. JO.
peggf-g, Don ir in a sum.
1'tll.lTini, AltVI it I latNfl.
John 3 Barnes
John B. Barnes
Candidate For
Justice of the
Supreme Court
fhi been g member of the Bunrenie
f'oun for a f..i lod nf twelve year
Hit work he t.een a tie factory end
he (i-ia xlHava kept II Til
Voioi w 1 1 i no well to re-elav-i him.
l.ia 4l,, MKOH.
Republican Candidate for
Commissioner Public Lands
. and Buildings
A tgxpgyer
1 n Nobmakg
tor 30 yegrg,
t.'logily Idnu-tin-d
wltb tba
interettg of
the gtgte for
30 yearg.
Metuber o t
Statu Hoard of
10 ynarg.
If elected
mr policy In
t ondurtl ng
tbe dutlea of
the office will
.'98 Business and 2 Politics"
Will Appreciate Your Help
in Nominating Him for
Judge of the Municipal Court
t ..-
aWaWiaart - a A.,,.
It 4,'teeaat
i . a I a a. a . all
igaaat utt.
1 I In- -ill t ti HI 14.