Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1916, Image 1

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    "n v
Call Tylor 1000
If Vu Want to Talk to Thet He
or to Anyone) Connected
With Tim lire.
Fair; Warmer
VOL A'lA'XO. L'54.
On Tratna, at Hotal
Maw Btaada, ate, 60.
Enliited Men Have Mix with'Two
Texas Fighters and Sheriff in
Del Rio Red Light
Town Will Protest Against Pretence
of Blacks and Aik for Their
MX JIJO, Tex, April 9. Prlvata
John Wade, of Company C, Twenty
fourth Infantry regiment, wan killed
her la(e lunt night, when two rang;
iti and Hherlff Almond attempted to
arrest Hlxttcn negro aoldlera, who
had rivaled a diaturbant'fi In a houao
In the rrmtrlcted dlBtilct.
Throe, negroe urn aald lo have at
tacked tin- officer, while tlm latter
were taking them to the. Jail, Wado
Jumped on Hanger llarlcr, according
to wltncaairg, prmotlnK lilni to the
around, and clubbing lilni on the
head wlih tho butt of hi revolver,
Lying on bin buck, Uarlor drew hi
platol and fired ovrr hi alioulder.
Wado wan killed,
Profeat again! Ihe prraenco of
iind reo,uet for tho removal of tho
negro aoldler, who have been ata
tloned here for tho laxt three
week, were being prepared today to
bo ent to tho War department.
Much indignation Minted In JJ Jtlo
loday an a reaiilt of the affair.
Villa's Bodyguard
Tough and Powerful
Veterans of Mexico
Pr.KHHINff '.'AMP, t the Kronl,
April .-fly Aeroplane anil Motor
Truck to Columbua, N. M April 0)The
men who are reported to be traveling
tilth Villa now a hla bodyguard and
a a rear guard agnlriat American troop
arts dcrlbed her na aoma of tlc atrong-
Set and tougheet apcclmen of phyebal
development, which the Mexican war
have produced.
All report agree that lher ara not
morn than W) of three men and Indi
cated that lher might h conaldrrably
lea, pseally of hl body guard type.
They are de northed a well eonad
Inert In dlatlnctloii from Ih tioya and
In n U y young men, who composed Hie
balk of Villa onny. They are "p
lioaed to he fairly good hIioii, o It IkmikIi
heir rifles are Mid to bo Inferior. They
hava the reputation of being a hla to
travel without food aiieh a other men
need, Sometime a good aired handful
of corn la panned out to them aa their
entire day' retlon. While It la evident
that there hue been a great falling off
hi loyalty to Villa rdme hla attack on
folumbu, It la thought polhle that
thla handful of hla old guarda may ahow
one real fight hi Villa' defen If their
leader etay wlih them until th Ameri
can overtake them.
British Ship Owners
Make Huge Profits
AVAsMIINGTON, April S.-lluge profll
have liccti (hi' reward of Hrltlali ahlp
'owner the last year, according to con
aular report of dividend declared hy
cevenil t'omparilea recently, Advice to
the 'oNiiiiene depirtment todoy all
Ihil I niiiport and Unit, whn nhlpa ate
In the American trmln, after piot'ldlng
for Iomcji n ml ihprerlntlon, huve a profit
for llil.i of
III l.n.V, f. I)., April 9.-iKe. hil.l.
Mih I', V. lirtaii, na"d U )er, n
l iouRlit to n he bI himpllnl from her
home in nr llihlii, miffi rlnu frnm r
Irene I, M i ie le.rrui and hllle hope of
i i r,n in i nterUlncil, Mm. !ynn mbi-
I. e.K kaeolini- fur I, i.r"ini' alien Hahllna
n fie, mil fie I .'Kiilllng i kpln-ilmi eel
In i cliillilnii afire, burning lor bmllv.
II. r i lit li bnily w buiueil. llli the
c.-.iti. ,,f r fin e Hd feel
li'l.i.lni. it, pn The TnUd.i
el int elime 4m elilhit tlilllbltl l'l
ll! lie liHiletl oil Mtilutllf 'lite Ml'h
'e iIm'i en iiii.i in i.f s mi 1 1 . H'. (nit tint u III nt lr 11.1
i.ih.i in ,,ii tiiiliu l.iitmn mid tlx
k n , l. i 1 iit III n ci ml
The Weather
t rmpt ralar al DiHatia Inlni' ii,
ii a in
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I V ,.,
American Soldieri on Trail of Villa
Will Soon Be Equipped with
Freak Dudi.
x r
COr-fllllUfl, N, M April 9.
American troop In th field In Mex
ico will aoon b aqnlpped with new
rlothlng to replaca that torn Into
ahred In Ilia alraln of tht cam
paign. A lonalgnment of ahoen, hat,
uniform, aweatar and other woar
Ing apparel, valued t 1100,000, wa
forwarded otith alonjt the American
Una of communication today,
With tlm clothing went a ahlp
ment of approximately a quarter of
a in II I Ion dollar In Mexican gold
and Oliver coin to lm lined In paying
the wage of the aoldler, who whlla
In foreign aervlce, draw Jo per rent
additional pay, Thu troop hi ex
perienced difficulty apendlng Amer
ican money and for thla reaaon, Mex
ican coin wa aent,
Talk r Srn Ha
Xtn h Me:iiliiui WB t'pred among
officer here loiliiy a to Ih poaalblllly
of (he e uliilillnhmeiit of a netr axiiedl-
tlonnr) l,n' nt a point euat alon lha
holder and nmier the actual field of
operntlnli tlulil C'olnmbii, tt la realized
that aa the lenuUi of the Una of com
mimical loit, now appronlmaliily fo mllea
long, Iwrean. , I lie problem of keeping
It lulo't Ineieaiiea proportionately,
t'ei'aiaienl rumoia wer current he
today that a hand of Mnxlrana croed
Ih'i Aineilcun holder at Noll, about
fifty mile enal of t'oluiiibu, laal
Wedmaday nltslit and went aoiitlt Into
Menlro.1 culllim fence a they Went.
Nolhlng could be learned at military
headquarter eone' I llhig the t eporla,
which did nol aay whether (h men wero
Vllliala or armed gypulea.
I nenalnra l'.preed,
hlllle wa known at military head
UUarteiK here loday of the dnvelopmenl
in the (niriiiilxu aoulh of Mntevo, hut
iinalne wa epreed. Lieutenant I,
t'ahell, enpedlllonary ehlef-of-atnff,
who baa been on atnffoit Coloula, JJub
Ian. ha Ron In Naml'iulpa to eatabllali
a new field bedijurter, while i.eneral
t'erahlng I reported lo he on hi wy
to tha extrema front nouth of flulavo.
A pcil train arrived her today car
rying f'r, J, tlrown of Klt'aao, who waa
hiirryhig to tha iedlda of Lieutenant
Colonel r.jree lllver, who I dangerouaty
III of pneumonia at (' Orandea. Ir.
tlrown w provided with a high-powered
motor car lo tako him aoulh. No report
aa lo Colonel ftlvera' condition wa r
oelved tonlht,
Attojueyjs Killed
When Car Overturns;
Another Badly Hurt
NOUTItWOOn, la., April ,-(Kpecl
Telegram.)-ftle.hard A, tlaxter, young
attorney, partner of M. If. Kepler, wa
Inalantly klllwl, end Krueat flutter, mem
ber of another prominent family, wa
aerl'iualy If not fatnly hurt, when the
automobile In which they wera riding
overturned, aa they attempted lo turn
around on North Klahih atreel near the
city limit fhl morning, lcon
Harneo, limine manager of the North
wood Anchor, and V, It, Collin, ami
of Kdwln Collin, escaped pradleally un
hurl. lOixter'a n'k w broken. Mut
ter auatalned evral tiroken rlh and
IntcrtiNl Injurle. He did not recover con
iclouNiie until Into today.
When llnxter, who driving, al
templed to turn around he apparently
unlerethnted tha apeed of the inr and
could not control It. It ran through
a roadalda ditch up the bank and back
down attain and almoi to tha center
of tha road before It ovarturiied,
Fear for Safety of
Japanese Liner with
Load of Great Value
I1M1ON, April , I.lnyd announced
tonight that the French fiahlng veal
rali't'"' Marie had been aunk. Tha ere
ttna landed, Additional Information con
leinliirt the alliklng of the aleamehl'i
ciwmiala l tliat nln firemen on tho
eel wera kllle-l,
A (Hhh'L'iam to IJoul f i out Untie,
.'npan, tle that tha Japancan ateaui
hip tile MiiM, e-l tt, fVhriiary 33, for
Vladlvoatok, I Urlm day otirdne at
the latter port. Tha rat learam nay th ra
are reatun In fear tha wnrt roiicaritlnil
the Ida Miu' fnta.
The Ida Muni wa formerly tha
IH'knehlka Main, it I ad a groa tnnnaga
i f ,;.u t ii and la ' f' lna.
TACiiNU, Wa.h. A ptil -Th Ja.
tutlieee Metilnrr Idn XlmU lllait front
f. em. I', hn m -y ?', I'll a a go 1 at'i d
at i,i..m iIikii t,Mn,ii, lm liellnf a lar'i
I'liiiiity of ii'iflt pli'li
Towed to Norfolk Port
Disabled Ship B;ing
1 1; r t 'I h
. t.',llvr ti'4
III. I A ! HI Hm"I
ef ..tUllil I ii
i f f, I I t t'l.
ll U 1'
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I. Wat I '--I
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( we nit mill tt iv..aa. el
wO I e ..eel . t ateale it . u la
tke lean ;ini,i g , t.-i 1 iliasiU' i
ti 'ii i f tl a it, 1 ina 1 I. i.wt waa a.a ta
j 1.. t m a. un "! iria t'li' iia'. eg aa
lia ' aa i)li I 1 I a .
I. t.ia UK I. Mi ... . h
a t
with r
the Mexican
t '
Von Jagow Sayi Empire Gave Amer
ica Free Hand in Dealing with
It Kit LIN, April 7. if. Via London,
April Jteci nt pre dlapatchea
hftv broiiKht word of atalementa In
the Canadjan I'urllament and Cana
dian ncwHPiiper that Germany wa
planning aftur thla war to plunge
upon the American continent and
particularly to demand ceaalon to
Germany of the Dominion of Canada.
In a conversation with llerr von
Jagow, milliliter of foreign affalra,
The Aoi:latnd I'reaa correspondent
inferred to theae rumor,"
The foreign mlii Inter's flrat reply
waa an outbreak of laughter.
"How can peoplo Invent or bnlieve
auch atorlea?" he aaked. "To anyone
not entirely , blinded by pukMon It la
evident beyond doubt that Germany
never puraued auch aenaeleas aim
and never contemplaled doing ao.
Moulilii't Male the Time.
''Can one Imagine a tnte of affalra In
Kurope after tie war auch that ahould
have tha Miuie or a free etionuh hand
to divert our slieimih and efiorla lo aunh
a taU on the American continent?
"Equally lldlculmi, though Ulifortun
ntely thla pliaae Ima a aerlotia aide, ara
rumora which I underaiand here and
there ara current In tha t'nlted Stalai
that Germany aftir tha war will taka
revenge on the fulled HUlee, hy pursu
ing an anll-AmerlcHii policy, It I even
repoiled to nie that eouie npprehenelve
anul In Anieilca from vlctorloua
lierntany an attempt lo break doan tha
Momne dmlrlm PhiM It flu In Hmith
or Central Ameiha. or even a ileln to
leap upon the foiled Hiaieii and eru!i
lhm In older to atitlii manteiy of huth
"t need hardly anore a n h teporl.
whh-h from time ii (tin.- I e 101 wl
afloat b fncmiin of ilernanv In tha
att lent nl"iitn.ii i l llnlnii no f . Hnrf
aliit II. are inn luu fu dtiilal t
need only rill thet UeuiiHiiy l.t never
ti'aieil Ite.lf lit ippeeiHoit lo the Anoil
en pllncli'l of tlir Mnlipne do' nine"
Police of Peking '
Place a Ban on tha
Playing of Poker
tft.n -?n,.lni .if 1 lie W'
I'fMSil nl IVL'e
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u in inniAiuu -American soldiers irettlnflr
flT WmA A at m
adobe houses along the line of
if. .. V i-f ' -4
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Rush on Storei for Lead Pencils to
Write Name on Ballot
(From a fltaff CofiCHpoiideiit,) -.
1INCOI..V, April -iriperll.)-A lha
atnta enter Into the In nt week before tha
primary, the political aky apeni lo be
Juat a hn.y It haa been during mom
of the campaign and peoplo Inlereated In
lha altuallon coming to Lincoln from dif
ferent parte of tha elite do nol appear
ablo to concentrate their Idee ao aa to
weger a, guea on tho outcome, a re
garle any part of the atnta ticket.
On tho mailer of Nehraaka preferential
praaldenllal candidate, the ouleome of
tho pollllcnl fight yealerdny In Now Vork
which reulted In tho eeetlon of Fred
erick C, Tanner a chairman of tha tato
republican committee, ha brought
Hughe' elork up conaldcrahly and rein
forced the belief that Judan Hughe
will accept the republican iiomlnnllon.
Thla I ure fn Inereaae the run on tho
load pencil ator for euulpment to write
the name of (linrle K. Kughea when
folk ao tn the poll.
On tha gubernatorial altuallon there I
much dlveralty of opinion, although
neatly everyone who hns tnlerenled hlin
eelf In the altun t Ion admit that Mllea
and McKalvey have been coming faat
during tha teat two week. A atrong dry
worker nald lat night that tha nomina
tion laid between Sutton end MeKelvey,
Another who had hardly made up hla
mind, who to aupport, ld with euual
aaaorance that It laid between Mllea and
Hntton. All appear to believe that Mllee
la an contender and that either MeKelvey
or Hutloii will be hi chief competitor,
fin the (leiiinrratlc aldn of tha gubernn
tntlal rcn tmik there are hut Inn can
dldatea. o the demiM-rat are mil having
a hard a lime to make a aele. tlon, ac
eoidlug lo prrei'ital prrdellctlnna and oil
areount of lha general el eondlllon of
tha demorratlo party many helluva Ne
ville tea lit b the Inner, although they
are willing In admit Hint the tight he.
log made I f W. J Ml) an and the adtan
lag" rd ly the rti v ritmr In tha ehe.
II11I1 leal Tueaday, liiuat be leikmod
nh and may men Ibal Ht'dlier Chatlle
III win ovrr the North I'lalte buy Ule.
mall Time atuklng fur Neillle are of
ferltig to he) ha ll "I", am) while lite
l'l )n frllnwe i i nnfldeot. H ey al
not mekln aa mm h H"i" abo il U mo
nlmviiiig iivtih i"iili I'''"!
c I rnti
I t f a,;i .f'l i( 1
; I 'I, t lMivf ft? h fltf
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r'ltliti' w-l Uh' mtt
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Gallic Forcei Evacuate Thii Foii
tion and Ger;nans Then Attack
New Line from Harroutt
ta Cumierei.
Teutoni Succeed at One Point
Entering Trenchei, but Are
I'AltJrt. April !i. The l'renili
fngcuated the Kethlncoiirt aalli lit
Mitturduy n ht and the tierniiin to
duy atlnckod with Kreat violence
thi-lr new line from Avocourt to
Cnmlerca, but were rcpulaed with
xangulry loaae.
Only at ono point, northeuat of
Avocourt, did the (lerman aucccrd
In t nlcrlng the; French treni hca, and
from fhl poaltlon they wer Immedi
ately ejwied through a counter at
tack, according to the French nf fl
cl.i I communication lued tonight,
'Mm capturn by French troop of
about 100 meter of a (lerman trench
Nouthweat. of Douauniont village,
norlheaat of Verdun, waa announced
by the. war office thla afternoon.
I'rngroaa In communicating erenche
aoulh of lha village alno waa IB
polled. Rockefeller Will
Aid Churches in
His Mining famps
IiKSVI'.ll, Colo., April 9 -John I'.
lUickefeller. Jr., baa ilgiilfhd hla Intention
to give financial altonca lo the eiec.
Hon of churche In the mining camp of
the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, ac
cording to announcement made today at
the company' linad'i'ierler here.
Title aupport, aaya lha anouncement,
lll ha given either to I'roieatant or
Catholic (hurche, or both, In ny com
pany camp, "where the need of, or dealia
therefor he been manlfeated hy a uffl
ch.nt number of tealdant to ure ade
quate aupport and permanence of wor
hlp" Iq currying out thla program Mr. rocke
feller, a member of the llnptlnl dennml
nelloit, tipi'late4 that, renlther Me,"Tr
aonally, nor the company, hall aneime
any renponelhlllly for, or control over the
"Any church to he ucccrfu1 mul he
oignnUrrt did controlled by the com
munity lit which It I lluted," Mr,
llockefeller wrote to officer of lb com
pany. The plen outline that the company a III
glvo additional aid lo auch project hy
leatlng at g nominal rental lte for
church building.
The flrat edifice lo he erected under thla
plan will he a Catholic church t fler
wlnd. film have been drafter and con
el ruction will begin mm, II wa an
The eighteenth birthday anniversary of
Hubert Weldnnall, founder of the Oniiihii
Voting Men' Chilatlfin ocitlon, l
be coleliratvd In Chicago April Ui, under
the auaplee of lb Chicago Voung Men'
Chrlatlan aaaocletloii.
Mir. Weldeneall apenl nine! of Ihl win
ter hi Omaha, hut lm beeit In Chlca'i
for the lal month, He I now, and lm
been for year, international aeeretaiy,
and he originated the Idea of the railroad
Young Men Chrlxtlan b sum In t loin ud
founded a number of lhm. He la tha
author of Ihe hltot y of the Young Men'
Chrlatlan oe.latlon movement, a work
of twenty volume,
Itev. In. I.. (iroh of Oiuali. who wr a
college mate of Mr, vYeldenimM tit
1 leili Nliut g college, lina written an ap
lireelRtloit of him and thin will bo id
at the celebration b the pieeeiit pieal
denl of lell j slim g college nl lha 1 h -biat'ou
WII.MINiJTON, I1'' . -prt 1 !'t nut
front lb litle leptiblieeii pilotait be d j
yrelerday to eleet rl-lin ilra t . i),i. ai.ii.. 1
ennvenlliin. w hn It Mill name e. i naitntinl
deegali-a mnl in llriiiHir m.liin'i.l
hat l.dinimd llli b l, elttte 1 hull ttiitn of (
Hie .it, had delei-d U.mnn.t ct.arli
It. Ml W tot nailmitl delei.' Th
1.I11 riill.ili Kill bf lull at I'elel i n I'm
I nil..) MINlra N..-l if i. ll.. ml mil I
ii'l. 11P ll.f liali.'hlil ili . Rte
tiitalila t'.i r.iolal l Ufi'li i.i.i...
Vl .:e .i. MUlr ClinlHilnli Mlt. I ll-1
,1111. liitiliKt In Hi. ,
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me nnl Uialr ti td
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Ohio Senator, Named Temporary
Chairman of National Conven
tion, Sayi it ii Uielei to
Talk of 1912.
Speaker Criticises Domestic and
Foreign Policy of Wilson
CHICAGO, April fl, ... Itepub'.lran
leader from varlou ecilon.i of tha
country mot laaf night nt Appomat-to-i
day biinqoci of (ho Hamilton
Hub. Among the apenker were tlen
alor Warren G. Harding of Ohio,
nniiicd yoatrrday a tompurfiry chair
man of Un republican tuillnniil con-M-ntlon:
Henator L. V, Hherman of
Hlllini, liierlilflHIiil nmdldnte, and
f'Tiii'T Benntor L, ,?, Hutkett'of Ne-
I' mail a.
l'ienator llanlliiK, rcMpohillng to lh ' Looking Forward," extolled
roiulieMnlam and predicted a upeedy
return of republtctin administration.
Of tie (llnrupthiu of the Hi he 'd;
"II a uaeleae to I n 1 W ,,f pi) ;, j ,,
faiher turfi X 't end let a nation eirie
alien li n deiiifieintii' party Jin III
four )( of luifip forg'ltlnif Kveiy
eeaentinl remain, eien (he Ii up r n (
liiiliie, tbetn la every aantrao e nf l,e
n un'ord if lendeiahlo, and mote lgni
lle.nt allll, (here I Ihe oumUlnlial I
ieidlnea of (he ,eople lo pledge Iheiu
aelwa iinew lo Ilie lepuhliien fUh,''
I'eek lb ron ah lief bile,
Although Memitor Harding aildree
wa not rormnlly lalieled ' ketno1 ' hi
lumen iKRriled it a t leeat pek
through the keyhole In Hid Comae of
hie addre the aenator ld.
"Tie pounced alluutlon la unmalchu
In all our history. There la a marked
rtealre f.,r republican reetora lion for our
ludualrlel nke a when lha Ameihnn
people turned hoiefnlly to William Me.
Klnley In 111, and there I en anilely
for our nationality not unlike that which
Konght out Abraham Lincoln In lv.
"We believe todity In lb Very furide
meulal pilnelplea on wbbh Ihe republican
parly made It rnalchle contribution to
the people' advancement and the na
iloimi development, and we mean lo hold
Ihe charter of republicanism lnvlolte.
Ilellete In rrolrclloa.
"t believe today a ever in our hl
loiv In the greet eaaertttal of repr"
enlatlv ilemocrecy and tha helpful
American Pvlll'' Of tariff lu'oLaotlun, ewJ
we can a therein more than lb proin
lae of paity aucce.
"I'ijIIiIihI lil mi will come and go, emi
nent peronltle will ever have Ihelc In
fluenia, but noihlug change pollllcnl
principle In I heir gieat eaeenllal. Home-
lime they are obeured, but not for long,
foinelline there are dllrcllon, hill, not
fur long."
Senator Haidlng a"eiled that but for
Hie war the country would now be en
durliiK bualnce ilcprelon Hlmllar to
that of Ihe curly '!. Continuing be
"Not only ii Ihe Fiiropean war not
deal ro ci out huRlneaa hut It he given
11 the only Inmliiea wn have. It ha
given ii a flcllllou, aectlonal properlty,
hut It dor not blind ua to the depieaaloit
likely in fnllow, nor lo Ihe lndutrlnl and
cninineiclnl menace of deaperale Furope
atriJHKlhig III pence for It own rehnhlll
tullon." Appeal fiir I'reitnrednea.
Aaaerllug that the tariff will be the
great laaua of the coming rampnlan, the
epeaker added:
"There will be more perteulr luea,
and Ihere will he tho patriotic appeal for
prepnredneaa, wllh republican tommllted
to en adequate program for nttonl de
fente "line I relurtant to crllli'iee the ad
inlnlal ration III It foreign policy at a
time of uniicty Ilk the preaent day. 1
had rallier prewiil a nulled front to tho
world even al the aacrlflce of ome no
tion of my own than convey the lm
pieeelui of a divided people.
"We re puraulng Villa and hla robber
bard Hid th iiMllon epprovea, but had
lb Wllaon Mdnilnletiatloii omitted lie
oeeilleaa 1 11 r . I it 1 1 n 14 In Mlro. willed In-
Inib'il the neeilleea eneniiragement of
I.k'Ii 1 arianx and V'llia, Hit puiaulf
would hnte been uuiiei-eaaary and op.
in .'In linn mnl Inaiill and the aacrlfh of
maul Aineiliiin Ihe and nun It pinpeiiy
in Mi ll, ii pri'bablv would have been
, ,.nb .1
t'riil eel tun el are.
W lien Mi. rncnuiage Amerb an enter-mi-e
and iilnl In o lolu (oretait I iiela.
itiib-t Hfali itdlita, nn Ameiliau aa.
miaiii" 11 ili t to g't wllh liieui We In-
iilt Vim id an ti hiiI iiI lb flag on
lnrlt.eli inilli'la t are. end the .to.
I I., it. 111 of Hie n.g mnat a . 1 anli them
' ' Hi.iild 1. .t ihli k much of ll"- A no r.
' iaiiiii ahl 'b -e -i .1 nea n Ainerban
I tn tin at.tuHd In ie'lf if proaulla til lie.
jvel.iytiig and limliliri 01 tPt'iMti or
. pi ra t.n. a lie I- a t a ilaliael
I' l. -II" tut . ti ; 1, nil In il "Wll
larim oi in. (11.1 1.1.11 1 liiue ' a i
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United States Soldiers Reported
Being- Hurried Into Mexico from
Columbus as Fast as They
Can Be Moved,
Carranza Authorities Offer Pershing:
Use of Telephone and Tele-'
graph Lines.
Kl. I'AHO, Tel., April 9,A civil
ian, who arrived here todny from t'o
luhibun, n ported lhat additional
iroopa are being hurried aouth Into
Mexico from tho bnae aa rapidly a
they ran he provld'd with tha t rn
portatlon and equipment.
Local official In Kl I'aao made
representation today to th military
iiuthnrlllea, and two Infantry ha
laglion were nc nt from P'ort Illla
fnnlght to act a reiiervi-i to Ihn pa
trol who are on guard very night
In Ilia principal atreel here, The
pollre official eiftlr! th")' ffftr troub
le with Mex'ran In Juare,
ai aiipiillea Hnnghl.
There t eppieln nalon fell Ihet n nuni
liei (,f Vllllelna end a number of rpte.
aenliitlte of the nnli-American faction
III Mi'eo are aprendlii Hi wildcat 1.
port among the peon end aoldier In
Juare In Hie hope i( la'iemg an oui
hieiiM. .1 nti 1 en la airtjilng with the wlenl
ei aioite of hoMle nature, and rnnini
of gieat tleioiha 01 r th" fulled Ktatee
ndl'r, won by Villa. The Carratiii
QtflelH' me doing their heal lo uppiee
lhee alorlea. glntle of fllrillfl HI
not recalling cinlmce among the Anter
lcn refutseea here la etldeliied by Ihe
fact Dial the latter he ahead lurried
to Metlro, and other ere dealrlnn lo
do o, Two mining men w ho had left Ihe
eounlry efler the Hnnt lhe( mnn'm re,
left ,ra for Chihuahua I'll) today,
They ld lhat while (he altuallon Waa
not without danger they did not believe
It wa nfflelenily menacing to keep
them from their iulliee.
Wild Itepurl let Jneree.
HAN ANTONIO, Te April t.-Co-op.
eralloti to a limited eitent hy the Men
Iran military authorities In the work of
the American punitive force In Mealce
wa Indicated by their offer lo General
parading to the ue nf-imt lel4rilt and
teleplion line, The offer wa md lo
Ih vllyr who landed In Chihuahua
laal week, end reported today hy
Hernial Parading to General Funalnn,
'I'll- drlvei of Hie aeroplane tht via
lied Chihuahua ld they had been
treated eourteouly by Genmal Oullerre,
cominnndliig officer at. Chihuahua, after
It w demonetreted that they had Come
on a friendly rulaalnn, although before
tdf fart wa determined by Ih alarmed
puhllo. e few atone had been thrown t
litem nd hot or two fired. No one
waa injured.
Offer I e of Wire.
fifiieiiii T'crahlng mild ome aupplle
had been purchnaed In Chihuahua and
tint there appeared no dlpoltlon on Hie
prt of thoae with tore to withhold
their good, bul thf, the limited amount
of (upplfca al Chihuahua at preaent made
It llni"lble to aet provlaloii
Tlie preaent poalllou of tJie advanced
column wa not made puhll hut it wa
known that cavalry column under Colo
nil Hrown and fiodd are driving outh
from Hatevo with all apeed, Offp-eta here
had no Information that either force had
gone an far a Prrl, hut they aald tha
receipt of audi Information would be no
(ieiieral rrhlnf lilmelf (a moving
aouth along Ihe trail to Ratavo, perion
lly directing, ao far a poaeihle. the put -
nil of villa and the aearcd of th itimin
lain and plain adjacent to th trail
b'-intt followed,
Have frlendlr lllecnealoa.
ttefore leaving hla headquarter on Hie
Han Heroiilmn ranch, north of Guerrero,
(Jenenil JVraltlng end General I.ul Ifer-
Ihe I arraima gem-ral whnae de.
fee 1 inn wa
reported, called upon him
and lhat na
two had dleeuaaed hi a,
fiiendlt manner
Hie effoita being made
by both gmeriimi'iii lo run down Ihe
1 onimon enemy.
The em client w,uk Dial bail been dune
by Hie aeroplane lm been ao marked
that headquarter offlclula era aimmmlv
awaiting irinfiireemenla of that arm of
the .ifvr. AUh.uiih It la now reeog
iile. Hint the ma hinr lielng uae.1 ai
not of a ltp In tn. th,' hut
leneial feint. Inn a . p'Ut lll'll. at.. Hint
Hie fUe tel in , ,tu,,r oln,
gond wmk, l oth In . ii'tniig and cairjiii.
dupai' h. It ,i,a ( ( rtt , , n,m Inai
lli 1 i leithiti, lm Oreo a on ,n ve .
in ii.iiuiiiin,! .11.11 at Ni ,, ,M(
Mi") in,1 1 at an 1 i, 1,, I. no nta
0-L-D Auto Road
In Fine Condition
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