Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 7

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    7- A
of puMlclly I iidH. 'il anm ? " In
IU'l"t,a in liwilm and peiun o'fiai-
l Intttfd In Ihia fii
Andrew Fields to
in iir(i th renmliulrr of M Ufa In
Ul i'rinn to atona fur tha u I.
TV f lirurti.. Sr. A liri'lifti
ti'1 J. Krimh litim-.". citinMeiaa fur I'
Nlatiire, ik i leaded In Hi nfflr df
It. tl Howell. eneil iimnf of tha
mmitilpnl whit plant. In th rlly hall.
Ttie rtn-.f- tit Mr Unwell prlvala f.ffl-
r,,f.1. wlllrh lfidllta, m r
that ' litipdrtaiit lnilti " l s'lidat "ii
That ha l.ecn i (Uml'leriilile po'l'l'!
activity in Mr. Ifnaell a nffl d:irtn ttie
Mil It I hlntl tint t'r ll...l i-lntwata-l
til the irf.lllliii) altnali.m arid la an lmirei..u tlm rnanv t lli
rallae hn r reeled t.elilnd e"l
dfw.ra arc tK.lln ..I tlit,t
rnn tii vii! f !" "ire '""
rinfea mentioned anMoei i,mdldnt tnd
' )uet iitlrl( of the waiei (if fl e, I fa la
a candidate fur the elaiiir and la
iiiiiVrat'iiid (o hate aaiota'lura- In get on
tli rVrttenella aiitlc Ma la anil tn ta a
pit' at dele, tlte, . whether ra a
"f)( t t If ai " irr (iavln ('"llili-a on tma
( niilfiri. ) a timnod (rJ'il(n
Prizes for Swine
Show Are 813,000
Thnuiih he admitted ri flt-"l fur b'll-
Spend Life in Pen i';:
Into 1.1 wlf"'a body, tin ili-ii1ft flit
illty to flint d'Kric munlcr, and thn
Hrrathln llri'iimri l.mtlrr,
4. ''
Inter anlrred A plea of K'llltv to 'i "til
d"Krfe murder.
I f,u,. i..uillrS v I ... ha! "' '
ftffid for tha wliitiria In tti ai(iua Taf linn-, l.fiafiiinalloii la afi'd. ynn
i !..- ! lit hnll.iliul lt. In jcn iall Ifaa aii'l l.rcan.a aa'f fnl ,
i,r ,ld In Omaha In (Mni-ar Tha litirfa'i All (In, !'. --Ad- rtlwin-tit
...(.. !.Ma It, m-L-rii it tin a rrviPifh
a1 n'tcf and Minrt lil n nnn inn
l.-lfcl th undertaking fatahllahfnant (0
Vntad Some Want Art in eviiamre
f!-e Want Ad 'i
make aura, ahe w d'-ad,
ntenred i for lot of anawen Horn Th It'-
Till: ((M.MIA M NIiAV I'.KK: Al'IMh 1, liUii.
Sunday, April 9, 191&-
Mali fr f ur '(
ffri4' ami It roniniUmM:'
rirlaalta 4iairtltairr far Omaha
of tha fiaiwii I hldiartnf I'lanM
Phone Doujflai 137,
These Are "Clean-up" Days in the City-Be Spic and Span and With No Thought
to Capitalizing Cleanliness Remember Any Item Needed Is at Burgess-Nash
Wonderful Showing of Beau
tiful New Silks for Easter
We're Going to Sweep the City
VEKYHODY im f'tithimintic ovr th iroaicif
WEEK, whifh bcpfinit Motidny. With tl,-co-optTHtioii
fhnt now- Hri-mn jumirp'l
throiijfhoiif. the city, worulcra will In'
HiuoiiipliHlipd. Thin HDii growing
city will lif the jrrffitfr for tirtvinjr
hppn rnnJn (Iraiirr.
Thin fity -thf Katfwfly of fijipnr
luiiity--i now thf trirmt, ilcniralilc v
idcncfi city in th country, ntnl th
niovfrncnt now on foot nhoiilil rrnult
in Omaha bfinpr mnde th- cIcHMfaf
citv in the world- and kfpt no.
flft ready for th worK, Oct, plunty of broom, dimtcri,
polihlipn, mopii, op, clfunwn, (ffmiiritli-d, pint( tuli,
pHtlH, ntpp luddfrii, fiffdN, hulbu, plnntH, (jnnlcn fooln, Hf,
April 10-18
BLOUSES in New Fashions
for the Great Easter Parade
NOT a commonplace mode i found among thene many Kprinp;
bloua, but they're all delightfully wearable. New fb
ric are, of coume, an aaauranoe here, Monday we direct your
preference to
Georgette and Silk Blouses at $5.95, $6.50, $10
Sheer Lingerie Blouses at $3.50, $5.00, $6.95
Harfaaa-Naab fl.- aroiirt FUar.
Arfe the Authoritative Spring Styles
. ML3
WARNER'S Coraet ' ivi
thoritative htyle, and if ii
finit aid to rrta in your
youthful appearance.
You can rent every bit well
with your cornet on an off if it
a Warner'a. Yen, and you
can work, too, and feel rented.
If you wear a Warner 'a ou
will never be conaciotia of your
coraet you will not only fed
comfortable, but you will know
that your figure i properly
ah aped.
Every Warner ntyle in ncjen
tifically modeled over n human
figfiire, which accounts for its
easy fitting and perfect nhapinp,
$1.00 UpEvery Pair Gninnteed
Aak to B the New Models.
Bar(aaa-Natl Co. aonrt Floor.
Appeal to the Average Housewife
FOIWTjH'Tj demonet ration of what thin big aection on the
Third Floor han in store for you,
This $75.00 DAVENPORT, Exactly
Like the Illustration, for $55.00
Th .imlu Ihm.o ruhiiih i'ylx, i(ihilw't-f -! In firaf gfaita 1tlry,
i .!ilil i'iii,.inn, k ffl a inches l"ii. iril,tr (at . flft, Simula, IM 00.
IV ;aijaw . - .
1 i-.i4 J I
TO? JBl:;i
Tli Il3 6tl Dim nit
TaUa, $H tin
Thu 112 50 nek, I
MoiidaT. $ lft i
I !.,(. i.-.l i -f !. I n-iai '
nl k ii '.it I trl n ' ln-k I1' f .1! . fhfra
'i ,i..t., j, i . r I "' l t .!(. I --'! ' uii Mi .i i
.! , ,. . I,: , 1 . . I I
Odd riiiri Offf'd M.imIv at 5tt4iUo tf
.t 1 A M l'l llt'
, iii I I l. ..i I t
1' EKY weave, nd practically every color and pattern that
faahion ban decreed an correct, will be found here in th"
rcinarkable display,
The Silks at 98c, Are Really Extreme Valuei
M't Inch Hilk I'oplina In varioua nl.aden i
'M Inch Htripe Taffetai and Mennnliuwa, I
3 Inch Mack biffon Taffetaa. ( QQP
:U'. tf.i.l, Kufin Uaaaalitiu ; f-rV
afi-Ineh 1'ure Silk Vtx it CTitna. YARD
M and .12 Inch Wanh rillka for wainta and ahirta
3fi Inch Hatln Ktripe, I'onlin In atreef, U,le,
New E tripe TaffeUa at, $125
The newcat colorinjfn for aprinjf anjta and drranen, embrac
iiii? all the favored width ntripea, yard wide.
811k and Cotton Oeorgetta Orapa, 69o
For waiata, drennen gnd Imiferiej will wh perfectly; 40
inchea wide; very much in demand.
Black Satin Ducheia at $1.19
fJcautiful, high lunter and anellent quality; incbea wide;
an exceptional value.
Pur Silk Orepe d China, $1.30
Hla-k, all pure nilk crepe de chine; heavy (jualiiy and a
nplendid wcaririff quality; 40 irichea wide.
Beautiful N.w Bilk Fallla, $2.60
The bent nilk fabrie made for ailk auita, in a uality that
will wcr and tailor perfectly; 42 inehea wide,
Hear Pongee Bilks Monday, $1.96
The tiHfuml color for auiU and eoata; (tuaraoteed to wear
and launder; 42 ine.liea wide; a very npecj value,
ltr(aaa Naali Mala CUr.
Three Groups of Wash Goods in
Dress Patterns at $1,45, $1.95, $2.45
pllF materiala include the very newent atylen nd eoloringa
1 for thia aeanon'a wer - afripea, checka, amall and larc
floral dcniKnn, in auch wenvea as voilen, tinnuen, French jfing
harnn, hue cloth, etc.; 27 to 40 inched wide and length, i to rt
yard a in a piece, $1,4.6, $1.06 and $2.46 each.
40 Inch Waah Voilei at 26o
Great vnrlety of ilylen In nil wldtha, etrlpet mil nl.en of rherka,
plain flKiiren, and larga aod aill fltri effeeU, nil the very la'eei. color
New "8porta" Stripe MaUrkl, 26o
Kapeclelly d'-almbl. for nklrln and mlu, air I pea Vm Inchct wide In
pink, ht blue, reaedn, gfeen nd ry, Very new, it Inchon wide.
Wajh Crepe de Chine at 40o
For walnii and undMrwenr, made of alia and fine com on, kill wnah
nd wear perfecily, aa a bleb aoft allay liiatar, white, fleah, lijflu Mo,
lavender and old rone,
Itarraaa-Naaa C Mali. FlaOT.
These Real Morocco HAND BAGS
Are About "Half Price at $2.95
AN FNl'SI'Ah offering --real moroeeo handbaga, ailk lined,
fitted with coin puma aud mirror, Mlack only; very
Real Pin Seal Bags, $1.96
Another very iinuaual offering real pin aeal bagn, bright,
or dull finiah, have covered frames, get in gunaett bottonin, ban
dlen match bagn; no me have innide frame purae and mirror,
others mirror and coin purae.
Itariaaa-rVaah (a. Mala Hmt.
AHVKCIW. demonnl ration cf
pink a lone, which In a perfect
preparation made In Omaha fur re
ntorlnn fubrlcn to the original pink
colnr and very dcnlrable and val
uable for WANhlng pink bloiinnn, un
derwear and fabrten, A prepara
ilon which la certain to relieve ihe
dye all nation very materially an far
an the pink nhadea are concerned.
Ilwffx. Maoti a. Mln flwr,
ERY Gojdt at 49c
INCH Mil NO made up baby dreaa
ea, on lawn, plqim, repp and lin
en, aUen from liifanln' long drcanea
lo 1'.' yearn, IIukhiI n ti 1 rt walnln,
couiliinatlnn nulla, nUht sowna,
(Iri-anlna nucquen, white linen cen
tern, linen drcnarr ncarfn, carriage
roben, pillow tfipa, 111 fit: t clotha, etc.
Crochet Cotton, 6o Spool
Odd nUen, while, eoru and colnrn,
llafaa NaaN f a Ihlnt rtaar.
Embrtidery Flouncing
at 25c Yard
I? INI1; Hwlaa, alnn ftnn coraet eov
rr eiiihrnhlerj', nllovera, U to
T tiirhea wide, and fancy biwuln
Iiri-aa mbrtddrv In wblin ntn
ffilnra. JT i linli"a wld, 6e In
i it I he yard
Iriah Lata.. ?n
Hand eiadn IiIkIi lama, edsnn, In
nartloiin and beadnia. 21n thn yattt
Wanh L.i.ta at lo
Floe quality, banili tnd rdl, i
li a lichf. i
II1M mn i i'i
Wayne Moth Bagi
I) Itutlii V imr turn ami win
tar rinding with a tna
ardf.'b I'll-ai V. Su, fU, V WJ,
no. i? po
M.iib I'aiia, ' lb 't tt, I lb
I i . ?K
The New Season's Mode at Its Best in
WOMEN'S SUITS for Easter
V "3fy
K have planned to make it ponmble for every woman to nelect the wnu moai rieeoming w
her personality. There are ninarl everyday Hmtn, plain, but made of good material, tor
an low an $19,60,
There are better Huita up to :.' 00, ami a long line of noveltiea between $4A and $1V wanr
of the lant are adaptationn of original I'arin modeln, Among theni are drenny Hilk HujfJ of Taf
feta, Faille, (Iron de Uindre and Soiree, in coned nhadea for npring
'JVne Huita are junt enough "different" to delight the woman who wants eomethlng new,
atuoe to the mode, end who dchjthtn in ho infinite variety from which to make aelection.
Sport Apparel-A Splendid Showing
for each and every oecunion, finihing ideancut in every particular.
Trim Modern Diitinctive
Whether itn for the "Hunt," the golf field. Mima, polo, hiking or the informal gallop
through the park.
Our Sport Shop Second Floor Is Ready
Leather trimmed .lerney Hmtn. Suede Norfolk t'oatn, Khaki hiking nkirtn, natty pit
nkirtn, Knglinh Ouernney Suitn, Vachling and Tennia Frock, Nonegay ntriped coatn, tailored
nkirta and mannish riding habitn.
Itargraa Smk . -rrn4 Kmt
I til tllBflll1
iintioiiln , t In
bar ll
(,iiltl Cannla
H ,
r it I 1 1 l'ie
I Tlll
I an.r
hi, I I ImI(,
,. I'a
! h t, ..: .,(!
I !l . -:
' . n
l ' t C ).r
at rhii . tv
l.boilil niiarr,
fftn alia ta
li Ca.Wr i I. inn
nit . . . ,r
lln4 H 1 1 ii b
Knil hi.,'i 1 '
an I tH- .!
f..f l.
IU I H , , Ii
n i ti t. :
, ) n .i I n
Pearl Beads, 59c
F AHIIION'S whim demanda that
"Milady" wear pearl bend
Kor Monday w offer French Wai
filled Pearl llnada, with a 10 kt
olid gold barrel claap fur 69c
Sterling Dopoxit, 60o
Berry bowl, nandwleb plntfa,
vaaia, cornpotea, water pltchera, d
camera, elc.
Ilarvaaa-Naah Co. Mala Klimr,
The FROCKS of the Season
HOI A) a apringtime interent for every woman concerned with color, atyle character and
beauty in her gowning.
From picturesque evening gownn, eprrn'ed by filmy n-U and picoted rihhonn, to Span
inh rnotifed afternoon cregtionn in Chartreiiae and dragon blue, one notea the diacerning touch
of the nianter art int.
PROMINENT ARE Taffetan, Oeorgcitca and combinationa of
Oeorgctten; in the new eolora, miHi white a telling feature.
Street and Afternoon Gowns at $25.00, $35.00, $45.00, $55.00 and More.
Evening and Dinner Gowns at $35 to $200
With nirnplf frocks of brguilihg .'harm cxpcrially nhown at pviecn oven cha
1 1 thoe quotfd.
Ilwtfraa Nh (i -a.nd riawr.
Coats for Street Wear-Coats for DressuTimes--Motoring Coats Summer
and Travel CoatsCoats for Utility and Coats for Fashion,
Assembled for You in This
With particular emphasis Monday upon three remarkable groups at $19.50,
$25.00 and $35.00.
These Are "Clean-up Days" and EyeryTmgYou Need for
the Home, Garden or Lawn Is Here at Burgess-Nash
Adjiintalile, cur
tain nl rat eher,
with ntckle plat
ed plna, full i a 1 2
nine, npw lal . . 79a
Adjuaialile pin
curtain airetrhar,
heavy liannwoiid
frame with eaael
movalile bra an Cu
pU.n nlr.kla plated, fe
rial ft, 98
ii r
1411a 1 1
o r 11,
' vlie,
1 1 1 ion.
111 puwrifMl
, Inn nam. I i
W Ii a t'i n 1 In m 1 ' It
wuimI linmlle I-;
Wlf aalv p(n-i lna
el la 1 !' ,
t Una l hainlla npa.jiiia
fni k. lii(iait anil Fci
riili',1 rim ai-ll in .iii.
iM-rll , Mi
I ? prong inallralile lrn
ar.i"ii lake, l"HK l'n
l,i,ht tliiilk l1rmiri
ran .
10 tjl lflV'l.tU tl MU
I fi lal
II llrniima
r?-V "f kiiin
l jiiioii'Ii
(aiMid y-ar' fnnldnl (lanlen
lloae, heal for limn fi-illrn
coupling fn wild J i) ffit
I or huh , ' t it c It al?. per
i fin. I, 10r, S Iiii ll nIh Uo
limn: 1 ,( I', ,'1 K'tl'li-n hoae.
, In. hic new aim1!,. ,',11 ft
I llil Ii rmiiplt r , l 1 nii
ir- 1 1 1") i elite ' 11 H
111 c.I.m 1 ill M.ij. ii niii, V
aiidpr. uIImI ri-iidi fur i,
"i'!,r for
j (1 1 rilm ilumli'ii it i r In'li
'i 'Hi , , , 1,tv5
1 1 I 1 ila 1 I'hI all la ' n III m.-
a.r. ,1'c t atue ltd
Oohlcn rod, wnahlng pow.
il it, II pkga 10e
No 2 (iiilvHiiln'il iron wanh
tulm, firal t 1 I If . xpe 79r.
(inlvnnlM'd Iron Knrlmni
caiia liime nijc, ape . 1.1.19
I'curl Hcii'i-ii wlr i;loili, a
miliar fool ,3c
Towel tiara, nickel plated,
aaanrted aire gc
liini k ncrenii wir rloili, a
miliar foot ?e
Htep lad
ttii I iiaih.iiid I I aniiili H, ,.
I ': a .i 11
tf ' ,1 I'n 1 a tiuial ! iiMa.4t
ptil, I of l. Iiu iu I marl, Hi..
Ilv ' rl . 111!
Itafaa aN
miliar foot ?e
I ij Htep lad i
1 yft!.- toaile
fkSH Weill I
V in i 1
ef jt 1 eilif'H 1 i'il w 0 it ii.a'iiil 1
Hun l.i 1 t. f: vi 11 It I 11
l.i'lf t 4g ; l',l. l.
V ix'rt y j I , 111 lot I
fiiii jj-l 3GL.l) J si 1 1 11 11 1
I : ii k t I " "n1 iiiiti t
WBilHlOril I j liaid aiil
1 t I t , rtf llillnlili. Jin
apri ll. Bv it lh ii'i.i
t... t'U B v r, .... m
I Im.i t '. . ( ii 1 i' it
j i.l ii.n l ''lam ii"1 f tti
! .f t Uri 1 Hifi.iri.i a i ll t t lomli
1 wlr. 1 i.iir i lio e of a. 1 1 1 .tl I 1 Hi 1 , 1
aliea inl n in' t f.o
iinlvniiizert poiiiiry wire, .
inlla of 1,V running feel
I fool high. M.1 !
foni itigii,
foot hi(:li, tl ill
4 font ll'gli, M f'
fi foul llU'll, t
H fi,nil ll'K1!. t
Paints PttliiU
I11. I1. I'il 1 mi a 1 1 1 1 1 "ii'
p, ii.' 1111.11I 1 a 'lie of 1 oi ii '
ti 11 . .,
m i h inn :i ia it i n f , 'l f t
tali It. k4 III
;i,i 1, j 1 ' 1 1 1 ii f -1. imp
1 e- . .mm,-.
.I 1
hf)inr. h
1 1
l('l .ti M IM.I f 1 all
n ' 1 .'Je
I ' .1 S .i.. lilt
,' ...1 . i.Mii,,i ? I ;
H In... ' Li. 1 i-. In I I.'.
S ti ,1 ; .1 and
1 . 1 a I 1 f ' it I park
U it, 11 nt iii. ten Hi4i nf
lii- . ' an if. I itoa
lint , n, 11 11
I I. !' g4
, n 1 . I, ft Oil
:tc i", n hi,, i
"I ' It- ': a ir l j
-Nash Gome